Addressable fire alarm loop. Measuring insulation resistance and resistance of the alarm loop during maintenance of fire and security alarm systems

Fire alarm (FS) is a complex technical means, the purpose of which is to detect fire, smoke or fire and promptly notify a person about it. Its main task is to save lives, minimize damage and preserve property.

It may consist of the following elements:

  • Fire alarm control device (FPKP)– the brain of the entire system, exercises control over loops and sensors, turns on and off automation (fire extinguishing, smoke removal), controls sirens and transmits signals to the remote control of a security company or a local dispatcher (for example, a security guard);
  • Various types of sensors, which can react to factors such as smoke, open flame and heat;
  • Fire alarm loop (SHS)– this is the communication line between sensors (detectors) and the control panel. It also supplies power to the sensors;
  • Annunciator- a device designed to attract attention, there are light - strobe lamps, and sound - sirens.

According to the method of control over loops, fire alarms are divided into the following types:

PS threshold system

It is also often called traditional. The operating principle of this type is based on changing the resistance in the fire alarm system loop. Sensors can only be in two physical states "norm" And "fire" If a fire factor is detected, the sensor changes its internal resistance and the control panel issues an alarm signal on the loop in which this sensor is installed. It is not always possible to visually determine the location of the trigger, because in threshold systems, an average of 10-20 fire detectors are installed on one loop.

To determine the fault of the loop (and not the state of the sensors), an end-of-line resistor is used. It is always installed at the end of the loop. When using fire tactics “PS triggered by two detectors”, to receive a signal "attention" or "possibility of fire" An additional resistance is installed in each sensor. This allows the use of automatic fire extinguishing systems at the facility and eliminates possible false alarms and property damage. The automatic fire extinguishing system is activated only in the event of simultaneous activation of two or more detectors.

PPKP “Granit-5”

The following PPCPs can be classified as threshold type:

  • "Nota" series, produced by Argus-Spectrum
  • VERS-PK, manufacturer VERS
  • devices of the “Granit” series, manufactured by NPO “Sibirsky Arsenal”
  • Signal-20P, Signal-20M, S2000-4, manufacturer of NPB Bolid and other fire-fighting devices.

The advantages of traditional systems include ease of installation and low cost of equipment. The most significant disadvantages are the inconvenience of servicing fire alarms and the high probability of false alarms (resistance can vary from many factors, sensors cannot transmit information about dust levels), the number of which can only be reduced by using a different type of substation and equipment.

Address-threshold PS system

A more advanced system is capable of automatically periodically checking the status of sensors. Unlike threshold signaling, the operating principle is based on a different algorithm for polling sensors. Each detector is assigned its own unique address, which allows reception control device distinguish them and understand the specific cause and location of the malfunction.

The Code of Rules SP5.13130 ​​allows the installation of only one addressable detector, provided that:

  • The PS does not control fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations or type 5 fire warning systems, or other equipment that, as a result of startup, can lead to material losses and reducing human safety;
  • the area of ​​the room where the fire detector is installed is not larger than the area for which this type of sensor is designed (you can check it using the technical documentation for it);
  • the performance of the sensor is monitored and in case of a malfunction a “fault” signal is generated;
  • It is possible to replace a faulty detector, as well as detect it by external indication.

Sensors in addressable threshold signaling may already be in several physical states – "norm", "fire", "malfunction", "attention", "dusty" and others. In this case, the sensor automatically switches to another state, which allows you to determine the location of a malfunction or fire with the accuracy of the detector.

PPKP “Dozor-1M”

The address-threshold type of fire alarm includes the following control panels:

  • Signal-10, manufacturer of airbag Bolid;
  • Signal-99, produced by PromServis-99;
  • Dozor-1M, manufactured by Nita, and other firefighting devices.

Addressable analog system PS

The most advanced type of fire alarm to date. It has the same functionality as addressable threshold systems, but differs in the way it processes signals from sensors. The decision to switch to "fire" or any other condition, it is the control panel that accepts it, and not the detector. This allows you to adjust the operation of the fire alarm to external factors. The control panel simultaneously monitors the status of the parameters of installed devices and analyzes the received values, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of false alarms.

In addition, such systems have an undeniable advantage - the ability to use any address line topology - tire, ring And star. For example, if the ring line is broken, it will split into two independent wire loops, which will fully retain their functionality. In star-type lines, you can use special short-circuit insulators, which will determine the location of the line break or short circuit.

Such systems are very convenient to maintain, because Detectors that require purging or replacement can be identified in real time.

The addressable analogue type of fire alarm includes the following control panels:

  • Two-wire communication line controller S2000-KDL, manufactured by NPB Bolid;
  • Series of addressable devices “Rubezh”, manufactured by Rubezh;
  • RROP 2 and RROP-I (depending on the sensors used), manufactured by Argus-Spectrum;
  • and many other devices and manufacturers.

Scheme of an addressable analogue fire alarm system based on PPKP S2000-KDL

When choosing a system, designers take into account all requirements terms of reference customer and pay attention to the reliability of operation, cost installation work and routine maintenance requirements. When the reliability criterion for a simpler system begins to decrease, designers move to using a higher level.

Radio channel options are used in cases where laying cables becomes economically unprofitable. But this option requires more money for maintenance and maintaining devices in working condition due to periodic replacement of batteries.

Classification of fire alarm systems according to GOST R 53325–2012

Types and types of fire alarm systems, as well as their classification are presented in GOST R 53325–2012 “Fire fighting equipment. Technical means fire automatics. General technical requirements and test methods".

We have already discussed addressable and non-addressable systems above. Here we can add that the former allow the installation of non-addressed fire detectors through special extenders. Up to eight sensors can be connected to one address.

Based on the type of information transmitted from the control panel to the sensors, they are divided into:

  • analog;
  • threshold;
  • combined.

According to the total information capacity, i.e. The total number of connected devices and loops are divided into devices:

  • low information capacity (up to 5 shs);
  • average information capacity (from 5 to 20 shs);
  • large information capacity (more than 20 shs).

According to information content, otherwise according to the possible number of notifications issued (fire, malfunction, dust, etc.) they are divided into devices:

  • low information content (up to 3 notices);
  • medium information content (from 3 to 5 notices);
  • high information content (from 3 to 5 notices);

In addition to these parameters, systems are classified according to:

  • Physical implementation of communication lines: radio channel, wire, combined and fiber optic;
  • In terms of composition and functionality: without the use of computer technology, with the use of computer technology and the possibility of its use;
  • Control object. Control various settings fire extinguishing means, smoke removal means, warning means and combined ones;
  • Expansion possibilities. Non-expandable or expandable, allowing installation in a housing or separate connection of additional components.

Types of fire warning systems

The main task of the warning and evacuation control system (WEC) is to timely notify people about a fire in order to ensure safety and prompt evacuation from smoke-filled rooms and buildings to a safe area. According to Federal Law-123 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” and SP 3.13130.2009, they are divided into five types.

The first and second types of SOUE

Most small and medium-sized facilities, according to fire safety standards, must install the first and second types of warning.

At the same time, the first type is characterized by the mandatory presence of an audible siren. For the second type, more is added light boards"exit". A fire alarm must be triggered simultaneously in all premises with permanent or temporary occupancy.

The third, fourth and fifth types of SOUE

These types refer to automated systems, the triggering of an alert is completely assigned to automation, and the human role in managing the system is minimized.

For the third, fourth and fifth types of SOUE, the main method of notification is speech. Pre-developed and recorded texts are transmitted that allow evacuation to be carried out as efficiently as possible.

In type 3 additionally, illuminated “exit” signs are used and the order of notification is regulated - first to service personnel, and then to everyone else according to a specially designed order.

In the 4th type there is a requirement for communication with the control room inside the warning zone, as well as additional light indicators for the direction of movement. Fifth type, includes everything that is listed in the first four, plus the requirement for separate inclusion of light signs for each evacuation zone is added, full automation of control of the warning system is provided and the organization of multiple evacuation routes from each warning zone is provided.

V.N. Korenev,
Ph.D., Head of Development
and implementation of Security Systems LLC,
Novosibirsk city

Threshold signaling loops, despite their low information content and susceptibility to interference, continue to be used in various systems alarm system. This is due to the fact that there are still many non-addressable detectors and sensors on the alarm product market that have two stable states at their output, corresponding to normal and alarm. They successfully compete with addressable products due to their low cost and compatibility with various control and control devices.

Despite the simplicity of the circuitry, threshold alarm loops can be made much more informative than is implemented in existing equipment. This becomes possible with the use of modern microprocessor technology, which increases the ADC bit capacity, data processing performance, and the amount of built-in memory, and at the same time reduces the price.

However, an increase in information content is associated with an increase in controlled events and the complexity of algorithms for transition from one state to another. It is becoming increasingly difficult to describe these processes. Therefore, when developing such products and describing them for users, it is convenient to use physical and software models of the alarm loop.

Each threshold alarm loop (AL) of the device can be described by models from two points of view:

From a physical point of view– this is an electrical circuit connecting the device with detectors (sensors) through wire connections (Fig. 1). Each AL has various circuit design options selected by the developer. The connection diagram shows the detector contacts, resistors and other components that ensure the operation of the alarm loop.

Any detector can be represented as an electrical contact, which, when triggered, abruptly changes its resistance: it becomes either closed (contact resistance is zero) or open (contact resistance is infinity).

The detector contacts are connected by wire connecting lines to the terminals of the control panel.

In the control panel, the terminals are connected to a “Resistance Meter”, which measures the electrical resistance of the entire AL circuit, and the “Deciding Device”, based on the value of its resistance, decides whether the detector has worked or not.

Fig.1. Threshold alarm loop model

The AL is connected to the resistance meter through the terminals located on the board of the control panel (RCD). The meter measures the electrical resistance of the entire AL circuit, and the deciding device, based on the value of its resistance, decides whether the detector has worked or not.

From an information point of view is a software object consisting of a fixed set of events. An event in the loop can occur as a result of a change in the loop resistance, or come from outside, in the form of control commands. The set of events is determined SHS tactics. Each SHS tactic includes:

  1. Type of alarm loop (fire, security, emergency and control) and name;
  2. Electrical connection diagram;
  3. Scale of AL resistance ranges, separated by thresholds;
  4. Linking states to AL resistance ranges;
  5. List of AL events;
  6. Matrix of events.

As an example of the use of terms, consider the “Single-threshold” fire alarm loop tactics. This tactic provides for the issuance of a “Fire” signal when any one or more detectors are triggered:

  1. Alarm loop type – fireman, single-threshold .
  2. Electrical circuit diagram - can be performed in several versions (Fig. 1.1.):
  1. with normally closed contacts of detectors (K1, K2). In this case, the contacts are connected in a loop line in series, and the control resistors are connected in parallel with the contacts of the detectors;
  2. with normally open contacts of the detector (K3, K4). In this case, the contacts of the detectors are connected parallel to the loop line, and the control resistors are connected in series with the contacts;

Fig.2. Electrical circuits switching on fire detector contacts.

3) Resistance range scale, divided by the developer by resistance thresholds into 8 ranges: D1 ... D8 (Fig. 3).

Fig.3. ShS resistance range scale

When the contacts of the detectors are closed and opened in various combinations, the resistance of the loop falls into one or another range.

  1. Linking states to AL resistance ranges

Loop states are understood as physical or logical properties that characterize a loop when its resistance changes.

In the “Single-threshold” ShPS, the developer assigned the following states:

  • Norm;
  • Fire;
  • Break.

These states are assigned to ranges:

  1. List of AL Events

An event is a transition from one state to another. In this case, both the states of the loop itself and other states of the device related to the loop are taken into account.

In the “Single-threshold” ShPS, the developer has assigned the following events:

  • Reset- an event in the device at the time of its reboot (power on);
  • Not ready- an event meaning that after a reboot the loop resistance is not in the “Normal” range;
  • On duty– the resistance of the loop has moved into the “Normal” range [D5];
  • Fire– loop resistance in any of the “Fire” ranges [D2] [D3] [D4] [D6] [D7];
  • Closure- loop resistance is in the “short circuit” range [D1];
  • Break- loop resistance is in the “Open” range [D8];
  1. Event Matrix

The event matrix determines the sequence of events when states change. Using a matrix it is convenient to represent the loop operation algorithms. The matrix is ​​a table that contains the following elements:

Fig.4. Appearance event matrices.

The principle of using the matrix to describe the loop operation algorithm is presented in Fig. 5. As an example, in the far left column, let’s select the current status as “On Duty”. Let's highlight the line with events in the field of events that are possible while in this status with a green background. Next, let’s consider what event will happen when a new “Fire” loop state appears:

Fig.5. An example of how the matrix works when the “Fire” condition occurs

As a result of the matrix’s operation, the plume switched to a new current status of “Fire”. Analysis of the influence of new loop states in the “Fire” status shows that no other physical change in the loop resistance will change this status. In order to remove a loop from the “Fire” status, it must be transferred to a new “Reset” state. This state can come to the loop from the outside: for example, when the reset button is pressed.

Thus, the matrix representation significantly facilitates the description of complex algorithms for the operation of threshold alarm loops and can be used both in their development and in describing the operation of the product in the user manual. Obviously, the matrix representation is also convenient when describing the algorithms of other components of alarm products.


  1. Pinaev A., Nikolsky M. Assessment of the quality and reliability of non-addressed fire alarm devices // Journal "Safety Algorithm", No. 6, 2007.
  2. Neplohov I.G. Analysis of the parameters of a two-threshold PPKP loop // Safety Algorithms No. 5, 2010.
  3. Control device dangerous situations and alerts "Guardian-IT"//

An alarm loop (security, fire) is usually called electrical circuit, connecting detectors (security, fire), additional elements connected to the control panel (RCD). The loop diagram is shown in Figures 1,2.

Please note that here are block diagrams. Wiring diagrams for security detectors and wiring diagrams for fire detectors are considered separately.

I would like to explain why I offer two almost identical connection options. The relay output contacts of alarm detectors are characterized by two states - normally closed (I2), normally open (I1).

This is in the absence of supply voltage. Some people equate the normal state of the contacts of fire alarm detectors with the “normal (security)” mode, forgetting that in this case the alarm loop is energized, and accordingly the detector relays are also energized. Therefore, Fig. 1 shows the circuit when there is no supply voltage, Fig. 2 shows the circuit when the control panel is turned on.

Security loop and fire loop fundamental differences they don’t, except that the security loop often uses detectors that have “dry” contacts (relay). The fire loop uses such contacts in the presence of heat detectors. The fire alarm loop with smoke detectors is schematically represented in Figure 4 (For a two-wire line).

The control panel uses current control of the alarm loop, usually of constant sign, i.e. The polarity of the voltage supplied to the alarm loop is unchanged. Current control of a loop involves finding the amount of current flowing through the loop within certain limits (determined by the type of device, the value of the resistor Rok).

When the current changes in any direction, an alarm is generated. Let me note right away that for fire alarm detectors that have “dry” contacts, the polarity of the cable connection does not matter.

Everything that has been said is still of a more theoretical nature, if only because there are very few security detectors with normally closed contacts (I2 for Fig. 1,2). Therefore, in practice, the loop connection diagram shown in Figure 3 is used for security alarms.

It is valid if a security sensor is used that has a relay output and a separate power cable. (Astra 5, Astra S, Shorokh 2), well, of course, for reed switches. However, the security detector can also use the power supply method from the alarm loop. Then its connection to the security loop is made according to Fig. 4.

An alarm signal from such a sensor is generated due to a sharp increase in the current it consumes - therefore, the current value of the entire security (fire) alarm loop also increases.

The maximum number of such detectors for connection to a security alarm loop is limited - it is determined by the nominal value of the loop current of a particular fire and security alarm device.

Concluding a brief overview of this topic, I note that both security and fire detectors can be address type. In this case, their connection to the security (fire) alarm loop is carried out according to the diagram in Fig. 4.

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Security and home management.

Wireless systems security and fire alarm system LifeSOS.

Wireless fire and security alarm system LifeSOS SCIENTECH ELECTRONICS (Taiwan) is a home security and control system. The system is designed to detect intrusion and fire. It can also control lighting and other electrical devices in your home and has a number of convenient service functions. The central unit of the fire and security alarm system is the LS-30 control panel. The LifeSOS wireless system is the most optimal solution for protecting dachas, cottages, apartments, offices and home management.

The main advantages of the wireless fire alarm and home control system LifeSOS:

1. Affordable price;

2. Stylish design;

3. Easy to install;

4. The most simplified programming and configuration process;

6. Convenient and simple control of arming/disarming;

7. Protection of window and doorways, glass surfaces;

8. Early fire detection;

9. Detection of an intruder in a protected area;

10. Transmission of messages via telephone lines, radio channels and the Internet;

11. Integration into " smart House" and communications management;

12. Remote control of lighting and other electrical household devices;

13. Temperature, humidity and gas control environment using temperature sensors, which are not available in similar fire and security alarm systems. The data received from the sensor is used to control the actuators of the systems home automation;

14. Monitoring the arrival of children home, monitoring young children, elderly and sick people. Emergency call;

15. Creating the effect of the owner’s presence in the house, turning on electrical appliances according to a schedule;

Alarm loop (AL) is one of components on-site security and fire alarm system. This is a wire line that electrically connects the remote element (elements), the output circuits of security, fire and security-fire detectors with the output of control panels. A fire alarm loop is an electrical circuit designed to transmit alarm and service messages from detectors to the control panel, as well as (if necessary) to supply power to the detector. The AL usually consists of two wires and includes remote (auxiliary) elements installed at the end of the electrical circuit. These elements are called load or terminating resistor.

Let's consider a two-wire alarm loop. As an example, Figure 2.4 shows a combined fire alarm with a load Rn at the end.

Rice. 2.4 Combined fire alarm loop with load Rn at the end

In addition to the load resistance, there are a number of factors that create additional load in the AL circuit - this is the equivalent resistance of the AL wires themselves, the “leakage” resistance between the AL wires and between each loop conductor and the “ground”. The permissible limit values ​​of these parameters during operation are indicated in the technical documentation for a specific device. The AL input is connected to the elements of the control panel.

AL is one of the most “vulnerable” elements of an on-site fire alarm system. It is exposed to various external factors. The main reason for the unstable operation of the system is the violation of the loop. During operation, a failure may occur in the form of a break or short circuit of the loop, as well as spontaneous deterioration of its parameters. It is possible to deliberately interfere with the electrical circuit of the loop in order to disrupt its proper functioning (sabotage). At the connection points of the AL, its fastening and laying, current “leakages” may form between the wires and conductors to the “ground”. The “leakage” resistance is greatly influenced by the presence of moisture. For example, in rooms with high humidity The resistance between the wires reaches several kOhms.

Let's consider the most common AL methods:

With a description of the direct current loop, used as a remote element by a resistor;

With AL power supply with alternating pulse voltage and used as a load by series connected resistors and a semiconductor diode;

With AL power supply with pulsating voltage and used as a remote element - a capacitor.

The control method with DC power supply involves continuous monitoring of the input resistance of the alarm loop. Figure 2.5 shows a diagram of a typical control unit of a control panel. In the AL control unit, the input resistance is determined by the value of the amplitude of the analog signal Uk, taken from the divider arm, which is formed by an AL with an input resistance Rin and a measuring element - resistor - R and:

U = U p R in / (R in + R and)

Rice. 2.5. Diagram of a typical control unit of a control panel.

The output of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is set to

Two voltage thresholds corresponding to the upper and lower limits of the zone of permitted values ​​of the AL input voltage. During operation and changes in the resistance of the loop and the “leakage” resistance, the input resistance of the loop should not go beyond the permissible values. Since the exact threshold value can be set only with a certain error determined by the technological spread R and the ADC error, in this case the permissible value means the upper and lower threshold zones. When R reaches the upper (which corresponds to a break in the alarm loop) or lower threshold (which corresponds to a short circuit of the alarm loop conductors), the device must switch to alarm mode. The optimally selected value is considered to be the value of the remote resistor (load resistance), which ensures monitoring of the alarm loop with the specified parameters and generation of an “Alarm” notification when the detector installed in this alarm loop is triggered.

2.5. Main technical parameters and design features of the PPK.

General functional diagram The fire and security control panel is shown in Figure 2.6.

Rice. 2.6 General functional diagram of the fire alarm control panel

The AL, together with security or fire detectors, is connected to a control unit, which provides power supply and control of a number of parameters, primarily the amplitude of the controlled electrical signals, as well as their time characteristics. This allows you to isolate a signal when the detector is triggered or the normal state of the loop is disrupted (its break or short circuit) and distinguish it from interference. If the monitored AL parameters exceed the established threshold values, then a normalized signal is generated at the output of the control unit. It enters the processing unit, where logical analysis and generation of output signals are carried out that control the unit for switching on the sirens and the parameters of the generated notifications. The siren activation unit directly controls the sirens, turning them on in continuous or flashing mode for an indefinitely long period or an interval set by the interface.

One of the main devices for the normal functioning of the control panel is the power supply source (PS). It can be built into the device, and sometimes the control panel is connected to a separate IEP. Some devices continuously monitor the power supply voltage and generate a signal when it decreases below a set value. When the main power supply voltage is turned off (power supply from an alternating voltage network) and switches to backup power supply the device should not generate an alarm, but should display a power failure.

The main parameters of Control Panel devices are defined in regulatory documents, including the current GOSTs and NPBs, such as:

Connection “device - AL”;

Connection “device – sirens”;

Connection “device – central monitoring console line”;

Connection "device - IEP".

The connection parameters “device – alarm loop” determine the possibility collaboration device with detectors included in the loop,

their power supply (if necessary), as well as reliable transmission of information during alarm activation from the detector to the device. The following series of loop resistance ratings have been established without taking into account the resistance of the load element, with a fixed leakage between the AL wires and between each wire and the “ground”: 0.1; 0.15; 0.27; 0.33; 0.47; 0.68 ; 1.0kOhm. With a leakage resistance of at least 20 kOhm, the maximum resistance value of the AL in a row is 1.0 kOhm, and with a leakage resistance between the AL wires of no less than 50 and no more than 0.47 kOhm. In the selected range of AL parameter values, the devices must remain operational and are in standby mode. The voltage at the alarm loop input in standby mode should be from 18 to 27V. When the detector is triggered, the current through its output circuits must be limited by the device and not exceed 20 mA. The device must switch to the “Alarm” mode if the duration of the notification (or the activation of the detector) is more than 70 ms, and must remain in standby mode if the loop is disrupted for less than 50 ms. The maximum connection of detectors of a certain type per AL is regulated. The number of detectors is calculated based on the sum of the current consumption of all detectors, and the current consumption must not be higher than the load capacity of each loop.

The connection parameters “device – sirens” regulate the maximum power of sirens connected to the device. For sirens powered by a 220V alternating voltage network with a frequency of 50Hz, this power should be no more than 60V and is usually limited by the fuse installed in the device. Devices must withstand emergency activation of such alerts for 1 day. For sounders with power supply direct current voltage 12 and 24V (bells, piezoelectric sirens, etc.), the electrical power consumption should not exceed 750 mW. The sound pressure developed during this notification (alarm) mode at a distance of 1 m must be at least 85 dB.

The connection parameters “device – power source” characterize the capabilities of the main and backup power supplies of the device. The main source is usually electrical network alternating current with effective voltage (220 ± 22) and frequency (50 ± 1) Hz. A DC source with a voltage of (12 ± 1.2) and (24 ± 3) V is usually used as a backup power source. The minimum duration of a power outage during which the device does not generate an alarm message, with the alarm loop corrected, must be at least 250 ms.

The parameters of the connection “device - line of the central monitoring console” determine the possibility of the device working together with the system transmission of notifications. The device must provide switching of circuits with a maximum voltage of 72V, a maximum current of up to 50mA. The duration of the alarm notification issued by the device for transmission to the NCP is at least 2 seconds.

2.6. Nomenclature of control and control devices used and main types.

In our country, the intensive development of reception and control devices began in the mid-sixties of the last century with the advent of the “Signal” device. Resistive detectors of the “Foil” type, thin copper wire, and electromechanical contacts were used as detectors. The detectors were connected to each other and formed a closed electrical circuit - AL, which is connected to the device. Then a number of modifications of the control panel appeared, such as “Signal-2”, “Signal-3”, “Signal-3M”, in which the effects of relay automation were used.

In the eighties, the main direction of improving devices was to increase their reliability and noise immunity. A significant step in this direction was the optimization of the alarm signal generation delay time. This required significant modifications to commercially produced equipment and the removal of some from production (they did not provide reliable monitoring of the object’s condition and transmission of an alarm message from the detector via AL).

Currently, devices made on the basis of integrated circuits, microcontrollers and analog-to-digital converters are widely used. Many devices are controlled via a standard RS 485 interface. One of such devices is “Signal 20”, which can operate either autonomously or as part of an integrated security system, controlled via a standard RS 485 interface. Modern devices widely use digital signal processing methods . An analog-to-digital converter that takes the signal from the AL output converts it into a coded pulse signal, expanding signal processing capabilities and increasing accuracy. Modern devices using digital components, unlike analog ones, are easily reproducible in large-scale production, more stable in operation and convenient for maintenance.

2.7. Devices, consoles, receiving stations, and fire alarm triggers.

Reception and control devices and consoles are designed to power fire detectors along fire alarm loops, receive alarm notifications from fire detectors, monitor fire loops for breaks and short circuits, generate “Fire” and “Fault” notifications, as well as for printing these notices on Monitoring station, generating signals to turn on fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems. The range of control and control devices is large. Reception and control panels are of the following types:

The reception and control security and fire alarm device UP-KOP01041-10/50-1, “Topaz-1” controls from 10 to 50 security and fire alarm systems equipped with passive (contact) security and fire detectors.

The device provides: issuance of separated signals “Fire”, “Alarm”, “Failure” to the control center after opening the normally closed relay contacts; formation in the process of closing contactless keys of address commands for telecontrol of ASP installations; autonomous security of the premises in which it is installed (“Self-security” operating mode); control of remote light and sound annunciators. When the main power supply is disconnected from the 220V AC network, the device is powered by a 24V DC backup power supply, providing a current of at least 1A.

The PPK-2 control panel and its modifications PPK-2A, PPK-2B, PPK-2K are designed to receive “Fire” and “Fault” signals from automatic and manual fire detectors with normally closed and normally open contacts, as well as from active current-consuming fire detectors of the “DIP 212” or “IP 212” type. The remote control carries out: display of all information received from protected objects (signals “Fire”, “Fault”) using light indicators and an audible alarm; broadcasting of received signals using relay contacts to the monitoring station; generation of addressable and generalized ASPT start signals; monitoring the integrity of ASPT launch lines; automatic counting of alarm signals.

Alarm and trigger devices are the same receiving and control devices, which are supplemented with the ability to: generate an “Attention” notification when one fire detector is triggered, a “Fire” notification when at least two fire detectors are triggered; issue a start signal for fire extinguishing systems with an adjustable delay; management of fire warning systems.

The range of signaling and triggering devices is varied. They are of the following types:

The fire alarm triggering device USPP01041-4-2 “Signal–42-01” is intended for: monitoring the status of four alarm zones with active (current-consuming) and passive (working to close or open the alarm alarm) fire detectors included in them; generation of address commands; management by automatic means fire extinguishing and smoke removal (AFS). Manages remote sirens and transmits duplicate “Fire”, “Attention” and “Fault” detectors to the monitoring station.

Power is supplied from two independent AC power sources with a voltage of 220V. In the absence of the main power supply, the device automatically switches to backup power from the battery.

The alarm and fire alarm and triggering device USOPOP 010412131249-8-1 "Rosa-2 SL" is designed to monitor the status of two directions with the launch of fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems (in each direction) upon receiving "Fire" signals from at least two fire detectors in one loop at a time. The device controls external sound and light alarms. It is used in fire and security fire alarm systems, automatic volumetric fire extinguishing and smoke removal of objects. The device is recoverable, controllable, reusable, serviceable and multifunctional, and receives and registers notifications by monitoring the current flowing in the AL. The following can be included in the loop as detectors:

Electronic fire detectors;

Fire detectors with relay contacts at the output;

Active fire detectors smoke type"DIP-212" or "IP-212".

Security and alarm loops may include:

Electric contact type detectors;

Detectors with relay contacts at the output;

Signal circuits of active security devices.

The device transmits “Fault”, “Attention”, “Fire” notifications to the monitoring station using signal relays. It supplies power from an AC mains voltage of 220V with a frequency of 50Hz. If the light power supply fails, the device automatically switches to operation from the built-in battery, which provides normal work within 24 hours in standby mode and within 3 hours in “Fire” mode. The current consumption of the device from the built-in battery in standby mode is no more than 100 mA. The built-in battery is monitored and recharged automatically.

2.8. Security and fire alarm notification transmission systems.

The purpose of the notification transmission system (TSS) is to protect a number of dispersed objects using, as notification transmission channels, lines of the city telephone network or a radio channel. Systems for transmitting notifications about unauthorized access and fire are a type of telemechanical systems, that is, technical means designed to monitor and control objects at a distance using special signal converters for the effective use of communication channels.

2.8.1. Classification and general requirements for addressable fire alarm systems.

Regulations(NPB 58 – 97 “Addressed fire alarm systems. Basic technical requirements. Test methods.”) establishes: classification, general technical requirements and test methods for addressable fire alarm systems (AFS), used in Russia, and intended for detecting fires in premises various buildings and structures, indicating the number of the fire detector from which the fire was notified.

ASPS are classified according to the following parameters:

Maximum number of connected addressable fire detectors (API) (three categories);

The method of transmitting information about the fire situation in protected premises is ASPS (divided into analog, discrete and combined).

Symbols ASPS should consist of an abbreviation of the name and three numbers separated by a hyphen. The first group of numbers means the ASPS registration number, which is assigned when registering the product. The first digit of the second group indicates the ASPS category according to maximum number connected APIs: 1 means up to 128 connected APIs; 2 – from 129 to 512 API; 3 – over 512 API. The second digit of the second group indicates the method of transmitting information about a fire hazardous situation in the protected premises. Number 1 corresponds to a discrete method with making a decision about a fire (yes; no) 2 – analogue method, in which the API transmits the quantitative characteristics of the controlled fire factor to the addressable device (APK); 3 – combined or other method of transmitting information and making a decision about the occurrence of a fire. The first digit of the third group indicates the presence or absence of smoke APIs in the ASPS: 0 – absence of smoke APIs; 1 – presence of smoke optical API; 2 – presence of radioisotope smoke;

3 – presence of optical and radioisotope smoke APIs; 4 – presence of smoke APIs or another operating principle; 5 – presence of other combinations of smoke APIs. The second digit of the third group indicates the presence or absence of thermal APIs in the ASPS: 0—absence of thermal APIs; 1 – presence of thermal APIs of maximum action; 2 – presence of thermal APIs of maximum differential action; 3 – presence of thermal API and API of maximum and maximum differential action; 4 – presence of thermal APIs combined with APIs of another type; 5 – presence of a different combination of thermal APIs. The third digit of the third group indicates the presence or absence of manual APIs in the ASPS: 0 – there are no manual APIs; 1 – presence of manual APIs. The fourth digit of the third group indicates the presence or absence of flame API in the ASPS: 0 – flame API is absent; 1 – the presence of flame APIs that react to the radiation of an open flame in the infrared range of the spectrum; 2 – the presence of flame APIs that react to the radiation of an open flame in the infrared range of the spectrum; 2 – the presence of APIs that react to the radiation of an open flame in the ultraviolet range of the spectrum; 3 – the presence of flame APIs that react to the radiation of an open flame in a different spectral range.

Technical requirements to ASPS must comply with the requirements of NPB 58 - 97 and technical specifications for a specific ASPS, introduced in the prescribed manner and agreed with the State Border Service. When using a specific ASPS, you must have a quality certificate for this product. This guarantees compliance of this product with NPB 58 - 97 technical requirements.

The ASPS delivery package must include the necessary components, non-standard tool and text operational technical documentation ensuring its installation, implementation commissioning works and exploitation.

2.8.2. Operating principle and scope of application of notification transmission systems.

Notification transmission systems consist of:

From the object end device (UE) - part of the ITS installed at the protected object to receive notifications from the control panel, convert the signal and transmit it via communication channels to the repeater, and also (if there is a channel feedback) for receiving telecontrol commands from the repeater. The terminal device is integral part OPS SPI systems;

Repeater - an integral part of the information security system, installed at an intermediate point between the protected objects and the centralized security point (CSP) or at the protected object itself. It is designed to receive notifications from the control center or from other repeaters, convert signals and transmit them to other repeaters, control terminal devices or central monitoring console, as well as (if there is a return channel) for receiving and transmitting from the control terminal device, monitoring station or other repeaters to the control unit or other control command relays;

Terminal control unit (TCD) – an integral part of the control center, installed in the control center for receiving notifications from repeaters, converting them and transmitting them to the monitoring station, and also (if there is a reverse communication channel) for receiving telecontrol commands from the monitoring station and transmitting them to repeaters and control center;

Central monitoring console (CMS) - independent technical means (a set of technical means) or a component of the SPI installed in the central monitoring station, for receiving from the control center or repeaters notifications about intrusion into protected objects and fires on them, service and control and diagnostic notifications, processing, displaying and recording the received information and presenting it in a given form for further processing. And also (if there is a reverse communication channel) for transmitting telecontrol commands through the central control center to translators or control units.

The central complex of security equipment usually uses station and line equipment of the city telephone network (GTS) or can be organized using SPI using telephone lines as communication channels, switched during the period of protection and busy

Any SPI must consist of two subsystems (perform two functions):

A telesignaling subsystem that transmits information in the form of telesignaling (TS) notifications about the state of controlled objects;

The tele-radio control subsystem, which transmits information in the form of telecontrol commands (TC), must have a feedback signal about the results of the execution of the telecontrol command.

2.8.3. Main technical parameters of SPI and their design features.

The main technical parameters of notification transmission systems are communication channels (CR - repeater, repeater - repeater, repeater - monitoring station); information capacity of the system (basic set and maximum structure of the system; alarm notification registration time, power supply voltage and power consumption of the central monitoring console and repeater.

The structure of the transmission system at the NCP can be:

Radial, in which the control center device is connected by a separate communication channel to each device of the controlled point;

Radial-chain, in which the device of the controlled point is connected by one communication channel with the device of the control center and a separate communication channel with each of the controlled objects;

Tree-like, in which one of the devices of the controlled point, called the master, is connected by separate channels with the rest of the devices of the controlled point, called slaves, by a separate communication channel with the control center device.

2.8.4. Peripheral devices of addressable fire alarm systems.

All security and fire alarm devices (except detectors) that have independent design and connected to the fire and security alarm control panel via external communication lines. The most commonly used types of fire alarm peripheral devices are:

Remote Control used to control fire and security alarm devices from a local point of the facility;

short circuit isolation module used in ring loops of security and fire alarm systems to ensure their operability in the event of a short circuit;

non-address line connection module for monitoring non-addressable fire and security alarm detectors;

relay module to expand the warning and control functions of the control panel;

input/output module to monitor and control external devices (for example, automatic installations fire extinguishing and smoke removal, technological, electrical and other engineering equipment);

sounder to notify about a fire or alarm at the required point of the facility using an audio alarm;

warning light to notify about a fire or alarm at the required point of the facility using a light alarm;

message printer for printing alarm and service system messages.

Peripheral devices are monitored and diagnosed by a central station (monitoring and control panel, panel, unit for the configuration of a specific object, divided into specific zones and interact with specific detectors in these zones. Each zone is assigned a specific designation and a peripheral device is specified that will be affected by the signal alarms from this zone. Actuators allow you to control the light and sound warning system; control of ventilation, smoke removal, fire extinguishing, elevators, etc. All control signals from this unit are transmitted to the central control panel and controlled from it. In addition to the above systems, a computer and printer can be connected to the PKU console; there is an output for connecting several systems to the local network of a powerful alarm system (integrated security system "Orion" S2000). Using a computer, you can control the system and program it. A graphical plan of the object with the location of all detectors and peripheral devices is displayed on the computer monitor, and using the keyboard or mouse, the system parameters are changed and the status of any device included in the system is polled.

2.9. Annunciators and switching devices.

The annunciators are designed to provide sound and light alarms and attract the attention of security personnel. They are divided into light and sound. The power supply voltage and power consumption of the sirens must correspond to the alarm system equipment with which they operate.

2.9.1. Light and sound alarms.

Incandescent lamps, LEDs and pulsed gas-discharge light sources are used as light alarms. Gas discharge lamps make it possible to obtain high intensity luminous flux at low current consumption.

Light alarms are installed in places convenient for visual control: in inter-vitrine and inter-window spaces, vestibules entrance doors and so on. As an example, consider the O12-1 “Mayak-1” light alarm, designed for installation inside a protected premises (showcase, window) and designed for round-the-clock operation. The annunciator provides light warning about the state of the protected object. The siren's power supply (voltage 220V AC or 12V DC) is supplied from the control panel. The siren is turned on and off by switching the relay contacts “220V” or “12V” of the control panel. The siren should be located in a place where there is no exposure to direct sunlight, otherwise the contrast of the siren's glow is sharply reduced.

Sound emitters of various operating principles are used as sound alarms: electromagnetic (sirens, bells); electrodynamic (loudspeakers); piezoelectric. The most economical and effective are piezoelectronic sirens, which allow you to obtain a sound pressure level from 90 to 110 dB with a power supply voltage of 12V and a current of approximately 60 to 200 mA. Sound alarms are installed on the external walls of the facade of buildings at a height of at least 2.5 m from ground level; indoors they are installed in places convenient for control by security personnel and not accessible to unauthorized persons.

It is undesirable to install powerful sound alarms in the corridors of bedrooms, in sanatoriums, and living quarters in dormitories, since during an alarm at night, the sound alert can create panic. In the described objects, the sound alarm must be located near the room of the security or duty personnel, so that at the time of a fire alarm they can organize evacuation without panic.

The sound siren "Svirel" is designed to deliver powerful low-frequency signals with high audibility against the background of acoustic noise. It is used in heated and unheated rooms, as well as in vehicle security systems (in the cabin). It is the most economical siren. Power is supplied from a 12V DC source with low power consumption. Optimal location within visibility range.

Sound siren "Deka" is designed to deliver powerful low-frequency sound signals with high visibility against the background of acoustic noise;

Used in heated and unheated large rooms, outdoors.

And also in vehicle security systems (under the hood). Power supply is supplied from a 12V DC source. Optimal location in line of sight.

Light and sound sirens can be in a combined design (in one device there is both a light and a sound siren.) Such a device is “SSU-1”, designed for sound and light signaling in security and fire alarms. Both internal and external installation of the siren is possible, provided that the operating temperature range is from –30 to + 50ºС. The device is installed on walls or other structures of a protected object. The device is powered from a 12V DC source for separate sound and light alarms. The siren inputs are respectively connected to the control panel outputs.

For a gentle mode of alarm notification, light signaling devices with a sound signaling device of the “BLIK-3S – 12” type are used, which is intended for use as information signs, signs, displays (“Exit”, “Fire”, etc.) installed indoors. Typically, a sign with the inscription “Exit” is installed in aisles and exits, at the beginning of the corridor and at emergency exits at the end of the corridor. A sign with the inscription “Fire” can be installed next to the “Exit” sign or separately in a visible place, notifying about the fire with light and sound. Power is supplied from a 12V power source and is simultaneously supplied to both the sound and light parts.

2.9.2. Switching devices.

Switching devices – serve for electrical connections of fire alarm systems in fire alarm systems and complexes.

The switching device UK-1 is designed for switching the output contact of the detector's executive relay in two independent directions with visual monitoring of its condition and is used to organize the transmission of alarm messages from the detector to the internal security post of the facility and to the monitoring center. The device is placed only in a room where there is a security detector. The connection diagram is given in Figure 2.7.

The range of switching devices is varied: UK - VK/2 (includes two switching relays), UK - VK / 4 (includes four switching relays).

Rice. 2.7. Connection diagram of the UK-1 switching device.

Switching devices also include junction boxes. Low-current switching breakout boxes KS-2, KS-3, KS-4, KS-F are designed for installation of OPS vehicles, as well as in other low-voltage AC and DC circuits with voltage up to 80V.

Low-current switching connecting devices US3-2, US4-2, US4-4 are designed for organizing flexible transitions when blocking movable building structures: windows, transoms, doors, hatches, etc. The parameters of flexible elements US2-4 and US4-4 are as follows: maximum length 200mm, outer diameter 7mm, minimal amount load cycles 2000.

3. Laboratory work“Security and fire alarm system.”

3.1. Purpose of the training laboratory simulator “Security and fire alarm”.

The training and laboratory simulator “Security and fire alarm” is intended for a visual representation of the hardware and technical means of the fire alarm system, for demonstrating the structural elements of the system, for demonstrating the state of the system when special cases and various types of malfunction.

Working with the stand is possible in three modes:

· training mode;

· Work mode;

· emergency mode.

Training mode consists of a visual demonstration at the stand of the hardware and technical means of the alarm system, methods of connecting detectors and sirens to the monitoring and control device, demonstrating their operation in various modes with simulating different types of faults.

Work mode allows you to demonstrate the operation of the system under various security tactics and under various system states. It is possible to demonstrate restricting access to system elements, demonstrate arming objects, disarming an object, demonstrate a number of standby modes (centralized security, fire protection, combined security and fire system).

Emergency mode allows you to demonstrate the state of the system during various faults.

It is possible to simulate the system state in the following cases:

· communication line break;

· short circuit on the communication line;

· impossibility of arming the object;

· false alarm;

· lack of operation;

· lack of light warning;

· no sound notification;

· lack of power in the network;

· sensor malfunction.

3.2. Construction of the “Security and Fire Alarm” simulator stand.

The stand consists of modules. Each module is a functionally complete element. The modules have terminals for power supply and signal transmission, means for simulating operation and simulating a fault. The modules are connected to each other using wires with plug connectors. Various module connection options allow you to demonstrate big number schemes for organizing security and fire systems.

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