Roof aerator: durable, reliable and efficient ventilation device. Roof aerator for soft roofs Why are aerators needed on soft roofs?

Installation soft roof does not tolerate trifles. Sometimes, thinking of saving money on such a seemingly optional detail as roof ventilation, a developer encounters a lot of troubles. The roof begins to leak, the house smells of dampness, and icicles accumulate on the eaves. And, the apotheosis of everything, becomes the fleeting destruction of expensive roofing material. Such troubles occur because moisture penetrates into the soft roof pie, seeping into the insulation, truss structures and the bitumen coating itself. The problem can be solved by installing artificial ventilation ducts - aerators - on the roof. Air will circulate through them, drawing out excess moisture and drying the inner cake of the structure.

Thus, installing aerators on a soft roof is a process recommended by experts, and in some cases (over attic floor, for example) – mandatory, preventing its damage and ensuring a comfortable stay in the house.

It is clear that aerators provide ventilation and drying roofing pie from moisture. But where does it come from? After all, manufacturers initially position soft roofing as airtight. Moreover, the under-roof pie contains layers of hydro- and vapor barrier (vapor barrier - if there is insulation).

But this does not save you from the presence of moist vapors. They are an indispensable attribute of any living space, formed in the process of cooking, washing, bathing and even, ultimately, human breathing. According to research, every day in a house where a family of 4 lives, 2-4 liters of water vapor are generated, some of which accumulates in the under-roof space.

When warm steam comes into contact with a cold surface (during sudden changes in temperature outside and inside), it condenses. As a result, tiny droplets of water begin to saturate any structures and materials that they can “reach”. First of all, these are rafters, sheathing, and insulation.

Another way for moisture to penetrate is from the outside of the roof. Warm steam, accumulating in the attic, heats the roofing from the inside. In winter, the snow lying on the roof begins to melt. Ice crusts form, which, as the situation worsens, also melt. Water penetrates the joints of the covering, and the roof begins to leak.

In addition, the coating itself suffers, which in any case has microcracks. Moisture penetrates there and, when the temperature drops, tears the material. Cracks become visible, sometimes through. The coating becomes unusable.

On a soft roof, the effects of excess moisture manifest themselves quite quickly. You may notice:

  • The appearance of bubbles on the surface. The soft roof pie, as a rule, includes waterproofing layer(top) and vapor barrier layer (bottom). In essence, it is a closed, hermetically sealed circuit. In summer, the roofing pie heats up to 80-100°C, as a result of which the moisture accumulated in the circuit forms steam and tries to evaporate. This situation entails the appearance of swelling and destruction of the roof.
  • Reduced insulator efficiency. Wetting the thermal insulation layer even by 2% leads to an increase in its thermal conductivity (and a decrease in insulating properties) by 40%! Accordingly, such a roof ceases to fulfill its functions in terms of heat retention, and heating costs increase.

All this leads to destruction of the structure of the roofing material and the occurrence of leaks.

Purpose of aerators

How to prevent moisture from settling on roofing surfaces? Or should we dry structures already saturated with moisture?

The laws of physics will come to our aid. Moisture can be removed by evaporation, which occurs during the movement (circulation) of air currents. Since there is a significant difference between the internal (in the house) and external (outdoor) pressure indicators, for air circulation it is enough to ensure the process of communication between the two environments.

If the attic is cold, then effective ventilation can be ensured quite simply - through dormer windows, loose fit of eaves overhangs, gaps in the ridge. For warm attics And this solution is not suitable for attics, since in the cold season unregulated ventilation will reduce the temperature in the room.

In such houses, it is most acceptable to use roof aerators - ventilation ducts connecting the under-roof and above-roof spaces. After installing the aerator, due to the pressure difference, a forced draft is created in its pipe, which pulls out wet vapors from under the roof.

Very important point: in order for the process of drawing air through the aerator to become possible, it is necessary to common system provide a supply of fresh cool air. Otherwise, air masses will not circulate. To do this, ventilation ducts are installed in the eaves, where fresh air. Passing through the attic space, it heats up and rises up to the roof.

Thanks to the draft created in the aerator, it passes through its pipe and is thrown out into the street. With properly equipped ventilation, in just 1 hour the air flow passes through the roofing cake 2 times, drying and ventilating it.

Accordingly, by installing soft roof aerators in the required quantity, you don’t have to worry about the dryness of the coating and insulation. Therefore, it is more correct to begin their installation at the construction stage. But, if for some reason this did not happen, you can do it later. The main thing is not to wait for fatal roof defects to occur (swelling, destruction of the material). Fortunately for many developers, with the help of aerators it is possible not only to prevent the accumulation of moisture in the new roofing pie, but also to dry the old roof already saturated with moisture.

Types of aerators

For soft roofs, aerators are used that are made of impact-resistant plastics that can withstand temperature changes, corrosion, and exposure to UV rays. Depending on design features, purpose and mode of action, There are 2 types of aerators: continuous ridge and point.

The ridge aerator is classified as a continuous ventilation system, since it is installed along the entire length of the ridge to aerate the entire under-roof space. In appearance, the design is a corner piece with holes protected by special barriers - from insects, dust, and snow.

Point aerators are installed on separate sections (points) of the roof, usually on slopes, less often on ridges. Each such aerator is a ventilation pipe protected on top by a cap of various configurations. Usually general view The design resembles a “mushroom” or a “box”.

A point-pitched aerator has a flat base (skirt), through which it is connected to the roof. The base of the point ridge aerator is angular, designed to mate with the roof in the area of ​​its upper horizontal edge.

The differences in the designs of the available types of aerators also imply a significant difference in the technologies for their installation.

Installation of a ridge aerator

The ridge aerator is the easiest to install; it does not require special calculation of the quantity, since it is usually installed along the entire length of the ridge. Installation of a ridge aerator is recommended on roofs with a slope of 12-45°. At the same time, it is mounted only on the ridge, ensuring air circulation in attic space.

Usage standards:

  • It is necessary to have vents on the eaves to ensure air flow;
  • it is recommended to install the aerator along the entire length of the ridge, connecting its segments into one structure;
  • ridge tiles are mounted on top of the ridge aerator, thus appearance the roof does not suffer from “alien” elements.

Installation technology:

  1. A ventilation groove is cut in the solid base with a circular saw. There can be one (at the top of the ridge) or two (on both sides of the ridge). The total thickness of the ventilation gap should be 3-8 cm (depending on the recommendations of the manufacturer of the particular aerator). The slots are made so that they end 30 cm before the edge of the ridge, that is, the roof remains solid on both sides of the ridge.
  2. Along the edges of the ridge (where the ventilation gap was not cut) ridge tiles are laid.
  3. Mount the ridge aerator. Each of its segments is secured using elongated roofing nails or screws screwed through ready-made factory holes. In this case, the segments are connected to each other, like parts of a construction set.
  4. Cover the aerator profile with ridge tiles. Its petals are mounted overlapping, according to the usual method, no different from the technology of laying it along the ribs. The only difference is the fastening elements. In this case, the tiles are nailed to the aerator with elongated roofing nails
  5. The ends of the aerator, where they meet the roof, are sealed with silicone sealant.

Example of works in the photo:

The video will help you understand in more detail the intricacies of roof aeration on a soft roof:

Installation of point aerators

In addition to the ridge aerator, it is possible to use several point analogues. These aerators are used:

  • on roofs with a slope of less than 12°, as well as on flat roofs;
  • to increase ventilation efficiency, in addition to the roof aerator;
  • if installation of a ridge aerator is impossible, for example, if there is no ridge or if there are abutments of the roofing material to vertical surfaces and walls.

Usage standards:

  • installation of point aerators is carried out on slopes, at a distance of 0.5-0.8 m from the horizontal edge of the ridge;
  • it is necessary to ensure air flow on the overhangs;
  • one aerator provides effective ventilation of 5-100 m2 of roofing (depending on the diameter and shape of the structure); in accordance with these data, their number is calculated - from 2 pieces or more.

Installation technology:

  1. A hole is cut out in the continuous sheathing, matching in size to the internal gap of the aerator channel. To do this, the base (skirt) of the aerator is placed on plywood (OSB) and the contours of the hole are drawn on the roof through the passage channel. Marking is done with a pencil or nail. Using a jigsaw, cut a hole along the line.
  2. Place the aerator skirt over the hole and secure it with roofing nails or self-tapping screws (at least 6 pieces). Some manufacturers recommend using an adhesive fixation method in addition to fasteners. In this case, the back side of the skirt is coated with bitumen mastic, glued to the base, and only then secured with fasteners.
  3. Glue the top of the skirt with bitumen glue to waterproof the junction.
  4. The skirt is covered with shingles, cutting them at the junctions.
  5. An aerator mesh is put on top of the skirt, screwing it with self-tapping screws. Then the cover (cap) is mounted, snapped into place and also screwed in with self-tapping screws.
  6. The remaining point aerators are installed in the same way (in accordance with the calculations), which in the total mass will form a single ventilation system.

This is what it looks like:

More visual information about the stages of installing a point aerator can be obtained by watching the training video:

Thus, installing aerators is not a difficult job, even self-taught craftsmen can do it. However, the benefits from it are enormous!

Thanks to aerators, water vapor is drawn out from the roofing pie, condensation is prevented from settling, mold, mildew and mustiness appear. All this has a positive effect on the service life wooden structures(rafters, sheathing, sheathing), the work of thermal insulation, the microclimate of the living space.

The quality and durability of the roof depends on many factors, including its protection from moisture and condensation. Moisture penetrates into the under-roof space from the environment or from the interior of the room (in the form of water vapor). In addition, soft roofing or thermal insulation materials can accumulate moisture already at the installation stage.

As a result, waterproofing and roofing materials are destroyed, the microclimate in the room is disrupted (the air becomes too humid, a musty smell, mold appears). In this case, the insulation also loses its properties (when 2-3% of the material gets wet, its thermal conductivity increases to 40%, which causes increased heating costs). The way out of this situation, as well as a means of preventing it, is to install a roof aerator.

What is it?

A roof aerator is a special device designed to remove condensate from the under-roof space. Externally, it looks like a pipe coming out of the roof and having an umbrella at the top for protection from precipitation. The pipe diameter is 63-110 mm. In most cases, the material used for manufacturing is polyethylene. Its installation is carried out on the roof, while its slope and the type of coating used do not matter.

The functions of the roof aerator are:

  • removal of condensate;
  • elimination of high humidity air;
  • ventilation of the under-roof space;
  • prevention of rotting of thermal insulation and other roofing materials:
  • reducing the risk of roof leaks.

Only a few aerators installed on the roof demonstrate effective operation. Their type and required quantity are calculated based on the size and condition of the roof, and the amount of moisture in the room.

Installation of the device can be carried out both at the construction stage and during the operation of the building.

Thanks to the installation of an aerator, wet steam rising from the room does not turn into condensation on the surface of the roofing carpet, which allows minimizing overpressure in the last one. As is known, high blood pressure in the roofing carpet leads to the formation of bubbles on the roof surface, which reduces its service life and causes an unsightly appearance.

An aerator is also needed for metal roofing, which, as you know, is also susceptible to moisture. Thanks to this device, moisture is removed outside, and metal surfaces are protected from corrosion.

Finally, corrugated roofing also needs a similar “assistant”. In this case, the aerator removes moisture, and with it the musty smell, dust and gases from the ventilation cushion, filling the space under the roof with fresh air.


To dry the roof, it is necessary to achieve mixing of external and internal air flows. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the air temperature in the lower layers of the roof, close to the inside of the house, and move moisture to its upper layers. This, in turn, will lead to drying of the thermal insulation material, and then the roofing carpet and roof elements. Moreover, with natural drying, the insulation completely restores its properties.

An aerator is a similar natural fan installed on the roof. Its work is carried out by creating traction in the pipe of the device. Thrust is generated due to the difference in pressure of wind flows in environment and under-roof zone.

The aerator structure consists of the following parts:

  • pipe with a diameter from 63 to 110 mm;
  • a special umbrella that covers the pipe from above and protects it from precipitation;
  • fastening system, thanks to which the pipe with an umbrella is securely and hermetically fixed to the roof surface.

For the manufacture of the aerator, durable plastic or stainless steel is used, which are resistant to frost, moisture, UV radiation, and corrosion. The operating temperature range of the pipe is -50… +90С.

Pros and cons

The main advantage of a roofing aerator is the ability to remove moisture outside, which prevents damage to the roofing material, promotes its durability, and also saves the roof from leaking. By removing moisture, the fan prevents corrosion of metal tiles and also helps maintain the properties of the thermal insulation material. For the building owner, this makes it possible to save on heating costs.

Along with moisture and condensation, the musty smell is removed, which contributes to the formation of a beneficial microclimate in the room. This, in turn, avoids the formation of mold, mildew and other pathogens in the room.

It is important that the device is suitable for all types of roofs, is combined with the most common types of roofing materials. Installation can even be done on roofs complex shape with elevation changes. Finally, it can be installed at all stages of construction or during the operation of the building. At the same time, the installation process does not require any special skills or tools.

The disadvantages of the system are the inability of point aerators to provide ventilation to the entire roof surface, which results in areas with stagnant air. As for the use of continuous aerators, their installation involves dismantling the roof, so it is better to install them at the construction stage.


Depending on the type of roofing material used, the following types of aerators are distinguished:

  • For metal tiles. They are a pipe made of high-strength PVC or stainless steel. These materials are resistant to temperature changes, exposure to direct sun rays, corrosion. Their installation is carried out in the upper part of the roof as close as possible to the ridge.
  • For soft roofing. The pipe is based on weather-resistant and impact-resistant polypropylene. It is mounted on the highest points of the roof along its entire surface, as well as at the joints of the slabs. The aerator in this case reduces the pressure of the roof, which prevents the formation of bubbles on it.
  • For corrugated sheets. In terms of its design and functions, it is similar to a device for a soft roof, but is mounted near the ridge.

In addition, today on the market you can find fans for roofs made of natural tiles and seam roofs. Depending on the type of roof, not only the material of manufacture and the location of the aerator changes, but also the type of its fastening. All these types of roofs can be found in the TechnoNikol catalog of domestic products. According to their own technical specifications and the quality is no different from imported ones, but at the same time cheaper.

Depending on the number and type of installation, aerators are distinguished:

  • Spot. They are used for drying individual roof areas, usually for flat roofs.
  • Continuous. They are a chain of devices that provide ventilation to the entire roof.

Continuous structures, in turn, are divided into the following types:

  • Pitched. Scope of application pitched design– areas where it is necessary to increase the movement of air masses - long or complex slopes, roof valleys, as well as in those parts where the ventilated gap is interrupted.
  • Skates. A ridge aerator is most often mounted on attics that have a “ridge” type of insulation. Thanks to their use, it is possible to eliminate moisture vapor throughout the entire ridge area.

By the way, the use of a ridge aerator allows you not only to remove excess moisture, but also toxic fumes from bitumen, which is necessary for organizing a soft roof.

Pitched aerators can be of the following types.

  1. Flat roof vents (or KTV vents). Visually, such devices are similar to tiles and have a mesh filter that prevents precipitation and insects from entering the under-roof space. Their scope of application is roofs with a slope of at least 25 degrees.
  2. Fungal aerators. Apply to flat roofs, look like a pipe with an umbrella.

In addition, there are pitched turbine aerators, which can also be fungal or KTV type.

Along with the considered aerators, there is another type of them - turbine ones. Their main difference is the presence of an electric fan, due to which the ventilation process is more active. Turbine models are selected taking into account the roof slope. Best option such an aerator is made of aluminum.

It is a mistaken belief that overhangs provide roof ventilation. The overhang aero element, rather, ensures the influx of air masses, while the fan in question ensures its removal together with air vapor. In other words, these are 2 elements that ensure the roof is dry. So, roll roofing with a ventilated device will last much longer than one where the installation of an aerator is not provided. Problems with the latter may arise after 3-5 years of operation of the new home.

Subtleties of operation

There is no specific rule according to which every home needs roofing aerators. Moreover, you can easily do without them in old-type houses with an unheated attic and roof. In such structures, the air rising from the living quarters ends up in the attic, where it mixes with cold air and is then discharged through the unheated roof.

In new types of buildings, the roof is usually insulated to prevent heat loss from the building, and often the attic is equipped with attic rooms. In addition, in conditions of high construction rates, an insufficiently dried rafter system is often used. As a result, moisture vapor does not manage to “get out” and is absorbed into the rafter system (usually not sufficiently dried), and then into the elements of the roofing pie. Undoubtedly, such buildings require aeroelements on the roof.


Once you have decided to install aerators, you need to decide on their suitable look, installation location and required quantity.

Yes, on pitched roofs ah, covered with metal tiles, the devices are installed at the highest points of the roof, and they should be removed from the ridge by at least 50 cm. On flat roofs, aerators are usually installed at the joints of roofing slabs or in the highest areas.

For gable roof, equipped with a ridge and valley, will require installation of devices along the watershed line. There are cases when the fan is mounted under a ridge. As a rule, this installation is found on seam roofs.


After the master decides on the type of aerator, he is concerned about how many meters of roof space 1 fan is enough for. As a rule, the maximum installation step is 12 meters.

As already mentioned, the number of pipes “with fungus” is influenced by the characteristics of the roof. For flat roofs, 1 aerator per 100 square meters is sufficient. m of surface, while the distance between devices should be a maximum of 12 m. If there is a valley, aerators are installed along the watershed line.


Installing an aerator involves several working steps.

  1. Creation of perforations in the roof that reach the thermal insulation layer. The hole created must exactly match the diameter of the aerator.
  2. If wet areas of the insulation are detected, it should be replaced with dry ones.
  3. The device in its lower part is coated with mastic, after which it is fixed to the base of the roof.
  4. An additional pipe skirt is secured to the roof using self-tapping screws.
  5. Additional waterproofing must be provided at the bottom of the pipe.
  6. Seal all cracks special composition to prevent roof leaks.

Without a roof aerator, it is impossible to complete the installation of flat and pitched roofs. Such an aerator helps to ventilate the room and helps remove excess moisture.

Of course, you need to know what types of aerators there are and how they differ from each other. It is also worth talking about the features of installing a roof with an aerator.

There are clear advantages to using such technology that need to be mentioned.

Ventilation is necessary for any roof, because in this case the roof space will last much longer.

If a lot of moisture accumulates in the insulation or waterproofing material, this can harm the condition of the roof.

Once the water freezes due to temperature changes, the roof may lose its functionality and reliability. That is why the installation of the aerator must be carried out when installing the roof.

What advantages does an aerator have and why should it be used:

  • reliable ventilation of the space under the roof;
  • removing any excess moisture;
  • removal of water vapor;
  • in the case of flat roof the aerator prevents swelling of the roofing material;
  • removal of any condensation from the roof space.

Regardless of the characteristics of the roof, installing an aerator will help extend its life. In addition, the aerator is easy to install and will not cause much discomfort to the roof owner.

Operating principle and types of aerators

The principle of operation of the aerator is based on the difference in pressure in the roof space and outside. Thanks to the original aerator cap, natural draft increases, which gives the device the greatest efficiency.

Of course, you need to talk about the types of aerators and key features each device.

Plastic aerators

Such devices ideal for use on.

The aerator for such a roof should be installed on the surface, as close as possible to the ridge. In addition, it must be resistant to temperature changes, corrosion, and negative influence ultraviolet.

Plastic meets all requirements, and this aerator has an affordable price.

The most practical and durable options. Such aerators are acid-resistant and can be used over a wide temperature range.

In particular, the aerator works effectively with temperature changes from -50 to +90 degrees Celsius.

Aerator installation methods

It is used in cases where the roof has already been built and there is no time to dismantle it.

To do this, install ventilation pipes into which small-diameter pipes are inserted (no more than 7–12 centimeters). This aerator, shaped like a pipe, is securely closed with a lid similar to an umbrella to prevent moisture from getting inside.

At the marked place, a small hole is made in the roofing carpet with a depth down to the insulation, where the pipe will be located. The bottom of the pipe is specially coated with mastic and pressed as tightly as possible to the roofing. This completes the installation.

On roofs with a flat roof, the aerator is installed along the entire length at the highest points, as well as at the junction of the insulating boards themselves.

If it is necessary to install aerators for industrial premises, swimming pools and baths, the number of such devices must be calculated in advance when building the premises. Installation also needs to be carried out in advance - before the final construction of the roof.

Prices for roof aerators

The cost of aerators varies greatly. So, for example, you can find models that will cost 300 rubles, but there are special variations whose price is several thousand.

For example, a Monterey aerator for roofing can cost 2,000 – 2,200 rubles.

However, here it is important to pay attention not only to the cost, but also to the scope of use of the aerator. For example, models for cost within 1,000 rubles.

Models from the manufacturer Alipai are also popular, which are also inexpensive - around 1,500 rubles. Roof aerators from TechnoNikol will be a little more expensive - in the range of 1000 - 1700 per piece.

Let's sum it up

So, what conclusions can be drawn regarding the purchase and installation of an aerator?

Roof aerator It really is a reliable protector against moisture. With its help, you can easily ventilate the under-roof space.

As a result of installing an aerator, the home owner noticeably increases the durability of the roof and its reliability. The most important thing is to choose the right aerator and install it correctly!

Video about installing a roof aerator

Roof aerators, Ventilation of the under-roof space

The roof aerator is a very important element on the roof; it can be mounted on roofs with various materials, as well as slope angles. This element has quite a lot of functions. Firstly, the roof aerator removes water vapor that enters the under-roof pie from inside the house. This occurs before increased humidity occurs in the roof space. Secondly, roof aerators seriously increase the service life of the insulation and the entire rafter system, the tree does not dry out. And finally, the aerator prevents the accumulation of condensation at the bottom of the waterproofing, thereby the film is not overloaded with excess moisture.

Ventilation of the under-roof space is an integral part of any roof structure. When in the summer the sun heats up the roofing material, which you can’t touch with your hand, then under the roof it’s almost like being in a bathhouse. Therefore, we strongly recommend installing aerators for ventilation, let your roof breathe and serve you for many years.

Soft roofing, so popular in lately, has a lot of advantages. However, its performance properties and durability depend on how dry it is inside the roofing pie. Therefore, ventilation of the under-roof space should be given special attention when constructing continuous bitumen decks. Roof aerators, which ventilate the entire space under the roof, will help prevent moisture from stagnating in inaccessible places. The roof aerator consists of plastic that is resistant to temperature changes. This is a kind of turtle with a shell that covers it to protect it from snow and rain. In order to calculate the number of aerators on the roof, you just need to understand total area roof and divide it by fifty. Since one roof aerator is capable of ventilating no more than 50 m2 of the roof area.

Basic colors of roofing aerators

RAL 9005
RAL 8004
RAL 6020
RAL 8017
RAL 3009
RAL 7024

Roof aerators can be made from various materials, but the most common today are plastic and metal. Such elements of the roof structure are resistant to temperature changes recorded in middle lane Russia, easily tolerate exposure to ultraviolet rays, and are resistant to corrosion.

When building a roof or at the planning stage of building a house, experts calculate the number of aerators that must be installed to ensure adequate ventilation. Typically one aerator is installed at 100 square meters roofing, but during the construction of baths, swimming pools and other objects with high humidity, the installation density of such elements can be high.

Installation procedure

  • Calculate the number of roof deflectors required.
  • Cut special windows in the screed that should reach the insulation.
  • Installation of aerators in grooves and fastening with self-tapping screws.

It is recommended to carry out this work in summer time, using waterproofing materials to secure the aerator pipes.

Installing on the roof of your country house or cottage aerators, you are guaranteed to improve the thermal insulation properties of not only the roof, but also the entire building, protect it from waterlogging, which promotes the development of fungi and microorganisms that negatively affect human health.

When choosing a reflector that you plan to install on the roof, take into account the materials from which it is mounted, as well as the overall color scheme roofs.

It is very important to install this building element exactly at the angle to the surface recommended by the manufacturer. In this case, reliable removal of moisture outside the building will be ensured and comfortable conditions for life in it.

Video - how to eliminate condensation in the roof and attic?

The installation of aerators on the roof is necessary, since their presence prevents the destruction of the roofing carpet under the influence of moisture that forms in the under-roof space.

Desire to save money on furnishings roof ventilation leads to many problems: first of all, the roof begins to leak, icicles collect on the eaves, and a damp smell appears in the house. As a result, the expensive coating material is destroyed very quickly. The fact is that moisture gets into the thermal insulation layer and the elements of the rafter system.

Decide this problem installation of a roof aerator, which is an artificial ventilation duct. Air circulates through it, drawing out excess moisture and drying the cake structure from the inside.

Reasons for the appearance of moisture in the roofing pie

Manufacturers finishing coatings for roofs they position their materials as airtight, so where does moisture come from in the roofing pie, even though it contains layers of vapor and waterproofing?

Unfortunately, the presence of moist vapors is present in any apartment or house. They are formed as a result of cooking, water procedures, washing and breathing of people. According to scientific research, it was found that in houses where a family of 4 people lives, at least 2 liters of water vapor are formed per day. It partially settles in the under-roof space.

When warm steam comes into contact with cold surfaces, condensation forms. As a result, water droplets impregnate the materials and structural elements of the roof into which they can penetrate. First of all, the vapors reach the insulation, rafter system and sheathing.

Another way for moisture to penetrate is the outside of the roof. Warm steam accumulates in the attic and heats the roofing from the inside. Snow gathering in winter period on the roof, starting to melt. As the air temperature drops, ice forms on the roof, and under certain conditions it can also melt. Water penetrates into the smallest gaps between the joints of the coating and leaks form on the roof.

The roofing material begins to gradually become covered with microcracks into which moisture penetrates. At sub-zero temperatures it freezes and tears the roof trim. The cracks are increasingly increasing and turning into through gaps. As a result, the roofing covering becomes unusable.

What is a roof aerator

This device consists of a pipe with a diameter of 6–11 centimeters made of stainless steel or polypropylene. A cap is installed on top of it, which protects the fan from precipitation getting inside it. The aerator helps dry the thermal insulation layer and accelerates the process of evaporation of condensate.

These devices are used in regions with different weather conditions, since they have good performance parameters and can withstand temperature changes over a wide range, from +90 to -50 degrees.

The roof aerator for metal tiles and other types of roof coverings is intended for the following purposes:

  • ventilation of layers of roofing cake;
  • condensate evaporation;
  • removal of moist air;
  • preventing processes leading to roof destruction;
  • preventing leaks from occurring.

The principle of operation of aerators is the appearance of draft in the pipe, which arises due to low pressure created by external air currents.

Types of roof ventilation devices

According to the features of the design solution, there are several types of roof fans:

  1. Spot. Such devices are mushroom-shaped and equipped with fans. They are installed in a place where access is limited - this may be complex configuration roofing or skylights. Point products are divided into ridge and pitched. The first of them are mounted under the ridge - they are intended to remove condensate and vapors along the entire structure of the ridge. This type of aerator is installed in areas that require increased circulation of air flow.
  2. Continuous. They are placed evenly over the entire roofing surface and thus ensure ventilation of all layers of the “pie”, as well as areas of attics and attics. The most popular continuous aerators are moisture-resistant ventilation tape, which is installed in the waterproofing layer, and a ridge fan.
  3. Turbine. They are produced in the form of a pipe and are equipped with an electric fan or electric hood. Experts advise giving preference to aluminum products because they are resistant to corrosion and do not change shape when exposed to high temperatures.

When choosing an aerator model, take into account the roof slope. Usually this information can be seen on the product packaging.

Choosing an aerator

A certain type of device is used for different roofing coverings. For soft materials Aerators made from weather-resistant and impact-resistant polypropylene are suitable (read also: " "). Usually they are placed equidistant from each other at the highest points of the roofing or at the junction of thermal insulation slabs.

Such a device performs the following functions:

  • reduces pressure in the under-roof space;
  • removes steam from the layers of the “pie”;
  • prevents the appearance of condensation.

The aerator fan housing for metal tiles is made from materials that are resistant to corrosion and aggressive environments, exposure to different temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. Polypropylene and stainless steel meet these requirements.

For corrugated sheet coverings, the same materials are used for the deflector body as for metal tile roofs.

Installation of ridge aerators

Installation of devices of this type is simple, and there is no need to make complex calculations. The ridge aerator is placed along the entire length of the ridge. Experts recommend using this product for roofs with a slope of 12 to 45 degrees. It is mounted exclusively on the ridge and thereby provides air ventilation in the attic space.

Conditions for using the ridge aerator:

  1. In order to ensure air flow, it is necessary to have vents on the eaves.
  2. The device should be mounted along the entire length of the ridge - its segments are connected into a single structure.
  3. Ridge tiles are laid on top of the assembled product, and therefore the appearance of the roof will not be affected by the presence of a fan on it.

The installation of a ridge aerator for metal tiles or soft roofing is carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. To cut a ventilation groove, use circular saw. There can be either one hole (at the top point of the ridge) or two (on both sides). Depending on the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific aerator model total thickness The gap should be from 3 to 8 centimeters. The slots are cut so that they do not reach the edge of the ridge by about 30 centimeters. As a result, the roof on its sides is continuous.
  2. In the place on the ridge where the gap was not made, ridge tiles are laid.
  3. They begin to install the aerator: each of its segments is fixed with roofing nails or screws, which are screwed in through ready-made holes made at the manufacturing plant. The individual parts of the product are assembled into a single structure in the same way as is done with the parts of a construction set.
  4. The profile of the ventilation product is covered with ridge tiles - the petals of the roofing material are overlapped. Long special nails are used to attach the covering to the ventilation device.
  5. The places where the ends come into contact with the roof are treated with silicone sealant.

Features of installation of point devices on metal tiles

Aerators of this type are installed:

  • on flat roofs or on roofs with a slope of less than 12 degrees;
  • as a complement to another type of device in order to increase ventilation efficiency;
  • if it is not possible to install a ridge product, for example, because there is no ridge, or there is an abutment of the roofing to walls or vertical surfaces.

Conditions for using a point aerator:

  1. They are mounted on the slopes, maintaining a distance of 50-80 centimeters from the horizontal edge of the ridge.
  2. Air flow must be ensured on overhangs.
  3. One point device can provide high-quality ventilation over an area of ​​up to 5 - 100 “squares” of roofing, depending on its model. Based on this value, the required number of ventilation products is calculated.

Technology for installing point devices on the roof:

  1. A hole is made in the continuous sheathing, the size of which should match the parameters of the internal channel of the aerator. To do this, apply the base skirt of the device to the surface of a sheet of plywood or OSB board and, through the passage channel, mark the contours of the gap on the roof with a nail or pencil. Using a jigsaw, cut a hole along the drawn line.
  2. The skirt of the device is placed on top of it and secured with screws or roofing nails in an amount of at least 6 pieces. Some manufacturing companies recommend using, in addition to fasteners, fixation on adhesive composition. In this case, bitumen mastic is applied to the back surface of the skirt, glued, and then only the parts for fastening are used.
  3. To waterproof the junction areas, bitumen glue is used over the skirt.
  4. Shingles of tiles, trimmed at the points of contact, cover the skirt.
  5. An aerator mesh is placed on top of it and secured with self-tapping screws. Then they install the cap (lid), snap it on and again use self-tapping screws for fastening.

Other point aerators for the roof are installed in a similar way according to the calculations made, which will ultimately amount to unified system ventilation.

As can be seen from the above information, the installation of such devices is not difficult work- inexperienced self-taught craftsmen can easily handle it.

Thanks to the presence of aerators on the roofs, water vapor is removed from the roofing pie, the formation of condensation and the spread of fungus and mold are prevented, unpleasant odor. The absence of these unfavorable factors has a positive effect on the service life of wooden elements roofing structure and on the state of the microclimate in the residential and utility rooms of the house.

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