Actellik is an effective pest control product. Actellik for indoor plants Actellik instructions for use for grapes

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management

The active ingredient of the insectoacaricide Actellik is pirimiphos methyl; structural formula in Fig. below. Belongs to the class of organophosphorus compounds (OPS). Pirimiphos methyl is an enteric poison; both actions are expressed to approximately the same extent. Also, pirimiphos is a methyl fumigant, i.e. under normal conditions, it sublimates - it sublimes from the solid phase to the gaseous phase, bypassing melting. This is due to the high penetrating ability of the drug, but also fairly narrow temperature range of its effectiveness: below +15 degrees Celsius active substance It almost does not sublimate, and above +25 it sublimates too quickly and does not have time to affect pests.

Structural formula of pirimiphos methyl, the active substance of the drug Actellik.

From the user’s point of view, Actellik is a typical “first aid” drug for plants against pests. Treatment with Actellik allows you to get rid of such difficult-to-eradicate species as spider mites (item 1 in the figure), scale insects (item 2), scale insects and false scale insects (items 3, 4), whiteflies and leaf-mining pests (items 5-7 ) in the most difficult places for pesticides to reach (position 8), as well as from thrips, fleas, harmful beetles, flies and any other insects and arachnids (arachnids).

During a massive invasion spider mite for roses Actellik is often the only way to save a rose garden from complete destruction, see for example. video:

Video: example of using Actellik against spider mites on roses

Precautionary measures

Actellik is a substance for people of hazard class 2, i.e. dangerous, and for bees – class 1, very dangerous. This immediately leads to a not very pleasant conclusion: in case of Actellik poisoning, only urgent first aid (urgent to save a life) will be free; payment or not for a complete cure is at the discretion of the doctors. The fact is that medical insurance does not cover untrained persons working with substances of hazard classes 1 and 2.

Aktellik emits a strong persistent bad smell. As an active contact poison, it easily enters the body through unprotected skin. Therefore, the use of Actellik requires strict adherence to precautions; especially in enclosed spaces.

The “standard” set of PPE against pesticides, which is sometimes given as a bonus to the sprayer (item 1) in the figure, is not enough for Actellik. Indoors, it should be supplemented with safety glasses, clothing and a hat covering the body. The sprayer itself should produce a narrow stream of large spray (item 2); It is unacceptable to spray Actellik from devices that produce a fine spray stream (item 3) or drizzle (fog). Ordinary latex gloves or plastic ones taken from the vegetable section of the supermarket (item 4) do not protect against the penetration of Actellik into the body. It is necessary to wear coarser 2-layer protective gloves with gauntlets (item 5), covering the cuffs of the sleeves by at least 15-20 cm. As for the use of Actellik on open ground, where the stream of the drug can be carried away by the wind at any time, then for For reliable self-defense, it is highly, highly advisable to wear a professional set of PPE, pos. 6. It is made from materials that are easy to get rid of drug residues, but they will inevitably remain in ordinary clothes or on a plastic cape.

The permissible working time with Actellik is 2 hours. Changing into work clothes - in a separate non-residential, well-ventilated room. Upon completion, the PPE is rendered harmless with a strong solution. baking soda. Then those to be washed are washed, and those to be washed are washed; both - with laundry soap or soap powder. If you feel unwell, stop working immediately and immediately consult a doctor. The same applies if the drug gets inside and/or onto the skin. If it gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately under running water and also see a doctor immediately. First self-help and self-medication are contraindicated: pirimiphos methyl is absorbed into the body of warm-blooded animals almost instantly. Actellik has a period of latent action: the first symptoms pass quite quickly, but after some time the poisoning develops much stronger. Actellik poisoning is treated with strong antidotes (atropine, etc.). Treatment is most effective at the first symptoms; somewhat less during the period of latent action, and with full development of poisoning most often turns out to be severe and long-lasting.

How to work with Actellik at home...

Indoor plants for treatment with Actellik must be taken to a separate non-residential premises. If this glass balcony or loggia, you need to prepare in advance the means of sealing it for the period of action of the drug: rag strands, etc., to plug the cracks of the balcony door with them.

Note: Actellik vapors corrode rubber and silicone. Therefore, if you have brand new metal-plastic on your balcony, sealing harnesses must also be attached in advance along the contour of the door opening on the balcony side, and additionally seal the window gaps.

To reduce the effect of drug vapors on bystanders and building construction, but to strengthen it against pests, you also need to prepare in advance plastic bags that completely cover the plants to be treated with the pot, and tape or rubber band to fix the protective shell. Having processed the next plant, they immediately put a bag on it and secure its neck to the bottom of the pot. After finishing the work, close the balcony tightly behind you for 1-2 days; at outside temperatures above +22 a day is enough. Then the bags are removed from the plants and the room is ventilated for at least a day. Balcony door must be closed! the greenhouse and on the ground

For indoor crops, Actellik is used according to home safety rules. With one difference – greenhouse plants are not wrapped individually in plastic; The entire greenhouse is tightly closed.

Plantings in open ground are sprayed with Actellik according to the usual technological rules (see below). Precautionary measures - do not spray the drug closer than 15 m from water supplies, reservoirs and residential buildings, incl. outside your area. Outsiders must be removed from the area during treatment. There remains only one assistant in PPE (for insurance), who stays no closer than 5 m to the worker on the side opposite to the direction of the stream from the sprayer.

Features of use

Actellik, in addition to being a fumigant, is highly soluble in water, and its active substance disintegrates under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (UV). The sublimation rate of Actellik, as stated above, is highly dependent on temperature environment. The effect of the drug on pests with thin or dense integuments or with a protective shield (scale insects, false scale insects, scale insects, whitefly puparia) depends on it. All this causes a trace. Features of using Actellik:

  • The rates and dosages of the drug (see below) depend nonlinearly on environmental conditions.
  • Actellik must be used exactly according to the instructions for this particular case; You cannot recalculate norms and dosages yourself.
  • The duration of action of the drug depends on external conditions varies widely - from 2 to 15 days.
  • The decay time of Actellik in plants is quite stable, approx. 20 days.
  • Against pests with a general protective cover and thin body covers and/or a compressed reproduction cycle (spider mites, thrips, butterfly caterpillars) Actellik is more effective at outside temperatures closer to the upper thermal range of its effectiveness. In this case, as a rule, one treatment per season is sufficient.
  • For pests with dense integument (flea beetles, flies) and/or dormant stages of development (whitefly), Actellik is best used at a temperature closer to the lower limit of the thermal efficiency of the drug, so that it acts longer and kills the emerging vulnerable phases of the pest. In this case, re-processing will most likely be required.
  • The interval between treatments with Actellik should be at least 21 days.

Note: in the event of a massive attack of pests (see below), if the first wave is not completely destroyed, in the interval between treatments with Actellik, pesticides from the pyrethroid group (Iskra, etc.) can be used. Carbamates, neonicotinoids and biological products together with Actellik are ineffective; on the contrary, they mutually suppress each other's action.

Spraying with Actellik is carried out as usual - in the evening (better) or early in the morning in a quiet warm weather(preferably cloudy). The use of Actellik during the period from budding to the formation of ovaries is excluded. Rain or spray watering within less than 24 hours after treatment will almost completely cancel it. However, unlike standard schemes, the sufficiency of treatment is not determined visually: the required dose (see below) is evenly distributed over the treated area. The working solution must be used within 24 hours; better – 3-4 hours.

With or without surfactants?

The original Actellik is manufactured by Syngenta Crop Protection Co in Switzerland. In the Russian Federation it is produced under license by the company August. There is also a domestically developed analogue of Actellik - the drug Kamikaze.

It is highly advisable for professionally untrained users to use Actellik in the liquid form of a concentrated emulsion (CE, see figure) with an active ingredient content of 500 g/l. Aktellik in the form of fine powder (MP) is intended for the preparation of EC in specially organized production conditions, because Preparation of EC Actellica is a harmful and dangerous process.

Since Actellik pesticide is by no means for regular use and is not very cheap, packaging of the estimated volume (see below) is purchased once and the remainder is not stored. This pesticide is very demanding in terms of compliance with the regulations for use, so now Actellica, which is less strict in its use, with surfactant-adhesive additives, is becoming increasingly popular. Here you need to know that Actellik CE with a surfactant in one package is less effective and has a worse shelf life than pure CE. Therefore, Actellik with surfactants should be taken in separate packaging (on the right in the figure). To prepare the working solution (see below), first CE is introduced into the aqueous seed, then a surfactant, and only after that the mother solution is mixed with water to the working solution.

Norms and dosages

The concentration and consumption of Actellik working solution is determined individually each time. The basic value for calculation in all cases is the consumption of the product (CE) per unit of treated area. The calculation is based on the nature of the lesion - severe or massive; Actellik is not used for routine preventive treatments due to its short duration of action and high toxicity. A pest attack is considered severe if it causes the loss of 25% or more of the crop or its share, making the affected crop unprofitable in the current environment. Massive defeat is called one that can destroy plants irreversibly.

Instructions for using Actellik for plant protection are given in Fig. in tables:

According to general standards (in the first figure), the consumption of the product (CE) for a given affected area and the volume of its purchase are determined. Lower values ​​are taken for pests with permeable body covers; large ones - for those with tight skin. Then, based on the purchased volume of EC, the amount of seed water for preparing the mother solution is determined at the rate of 50 ml of water per 1 ml of EC. After this, based on the size of the area to be treated, the volume of the working solution is determined for severe damage (table on the next figure) or mass (figure below).

Note: Information about Actellik compatibility is in the footnote to the table. in the last fig. are incorrect. Actellik loses activity in both alkaline and acidic environments. Water for preparing its solutions must have an acidity pH = (6.6-7.2).

If more than 2-3 liters of working solution is required, then prepare it in portions, because the seed level in the working vessel should be at least 3-4 cm. A portion of seed water is poured into a vessel (glass, polyethylene or propylene), a dose of CE is introduced into it and stirred. After this, a surfactant is introduced (if used), it is also stirred, and also while stirring, the seed is mixed with water to the volume of the working solution. Immediately before starting work, the sprayer with a filled tank is shaken vigorously several times, because highly diluted CE Actellica quickly separates and sticks together into flakes.

Aktellik for indoor plants

Aktellik was originally developed to protect indoor plants and therefore most effective in room conditions: in still air, moderate temperature, humidity and low light with virtually no UV; There is no need to use a more expensive drug with a surfactant in the rooms. Actellik for indoors is effective against many types of pests, see for example. video:

Video: about pests of indoor plants

Actellik is used against pests of indoor plants in three ways:

  1. Spraying over the leaf area - in case of continuous or extensive damage;
  2. Spot spraying with a stream from a hand pump sprayer - against pests nesting in leaf axils, etc. hard to reach places(see figure below);
  3. By wiping smooth leaves on both sides with a rag moistened with a solution of the drug - against scale insects, false scale insects, leafminers and gall-forming pests, as well as against whiteflies (under the wiped leaf you need to place a tray of water into which resting puparia larvae erased from the underside will fall , protected from any chemicals by a dense shell).

Actellik stock solution for indoor use is prepared based on the calculation of 100 ml of seed water per 2 ml ampoule of the drug. The concentration of the working solution depends on the structure of the treated leaves and the endurance of the plants:

  • Plants with dense leathery leaves – 2 ml ampoule per 1 liter of water.
  • Plants with feathery and/or succulent, fleshy, fluffy leaves - an ampoule for 1.5 liters of water.
  • Orchids, gloxinias, etc. sissies - an ampoule for 2 liters of water, because The phytocidal effect of Actellik is quite clearly noticeable.

Spraying indoor Actellik carry out at a rate of 50-100 ml per plant occupying a 1 liter pot. Smaller ones are sprayed less; for larger ones more. Spot spraying is carried out until the entire nest is saturated with the solution; from the “axillaries” - until the leaf axil is filled with it. Consumption for wiping leaves - as for general spraying; The rag is dipped in the solution so that each sheet is wiped on both sides at least 2 times.

Note: You need to treat orchids with Actellik especially carefully, see video:

Video: Actellik treatment of orchids

Bottom line

Actellik is the strongest pesticide that works according to the principle: spray and forget. This is why plant growers value it. But, pardon the expression, he is also a rare nasty thing. It may be cleaner than DDT, but it hardly causes pests to become resistant to it.

However, sometimes you have to use Actellik. A living community is not a clockwork mechanism; anything can happen here. And if in the open ground it comes to Actellik, this is a clear alarm signal: the biocenosis on the site has not worked out or has gone wrong. In this case, when the immediate threat has been eliminated, the most serious attention must be paid to measures to restore or create it: soil reclamation, thoughtful arrangement of plantings of compatible plants, attracting beneficial predatory insects to the site, systematic use of biological products in gentle doses, for example. . Then the need for “impact action” means will arise as a rare exception or it will not exist at all.

Any landowner, faced with insect pests on his property, strives to get rid of them as soon as possible. Chemical insecticides are of great help in this. The properties of one of them, the popular drug Actellik, are discussed in this article.

Brief characteristics of the drug "Actellik"

Actellik is the most famous drug based on pirimiphos-methyl. Initially, it was produced only by the famous Swiss agricultural company Singenta.

Some time ago, on the shelves of gardening centers one could see “Aktellik”, produced by the Russian companies “August” and “Green Pharmacy Gardener”. These preparations were produced in the form of concentrated emulsions in ampoules of 2-5 ml and were intended to protect vegetative plants from a long range of pests. Today they are discontinued. On the manufacturers' websites, alternative drugs are offered to replace Actellik.

Thus, on this moment Only one Actellik, the Singenta company, retains official registration in Russia. It is produced in liquid preparative form, in canisters of 5 liters. Purpose – insectoacaricide for treating granaries and warehouses. In private farms it can be used exclusively for disinfestation of basements and cellars, for autumn processing greenhouses

The mechanism of action of the drug "Actellik"

Actellik affects pests in three ways:

  • contact – poisoning due to direct contact of the outer covers of an insect with drops of the working solution;
  • intestinal – poisoning when insects eat foods treated with the drug;
  • fumigant – poisoning through the entry of drug fumes into the spiracles of insects.

One of the main advantages of Actellik is its ability to remain active for a long time on inert surfaces (room walls, wooden and metal constructions etc.). According to the manufacturer, even a single treatment provides a protective effect for 8-12 months, depending on the conditions.

Pests sensitive to the drug "Actellik"

Pirimiphos-methyl, which is part of Actellik, exhibits high toxicity to both insects and arachnids (mites). It is allowed to be used to combat all major stock pests, as well as wintering pests of greenhouse plants:

Tip #1. With prolonged use of the drug, the development of pest populations resistant to it is possible. In this regard, it is recommended to alternate insecticides belonging to different chemical groups and having different mechanism actions.

Toxicity of Actellik to humans, plants and beneficial insects

The withdrawal of Actellik from production for private needs and the narrowing of its scope of use is associated with the high toxicity of pirimiphos methyl:

Actellik poses a particular danger to bees and fish. In this regard, the drug has the following restrictions on use:

  • its spraying by aircraft is prohibited;
  • its use is prohibited in areas adjacent to fishery protection zones;
  • Its use on private plots is prohibited.

Tip #2. You can only work with Actellik while wearing a protective mask, goggles and gloves. If the solution gets into your eyes or skin, rinse the affected area thoroughly. clean water. If inhaled or accidentally swallowed, rinse the stomach and take several tablets activated carbon and immediately seek medical help.

Method of use of the drug "Actellik"

The Aktellika working solution is prepared as follows: based on the area that needs to be treated, the required amount of solution is calculated. Emulsion is added to the required amount of water at the rate of 1 ml per 1 liter of water.

Further actions depend on the purpose of processing:

Purpose of processing Method of using the working solution Waiting period
Disinsection of cellars, basements, greenhouses Spraying at the rate of 50 ml of working solution per 1 m2 of area. Access to the premises without funds personal protection- no earlier than three days after preliminary ventilation.
Disinsection of greenhouse soil Spraying the surface of the dug up soil at the rate of 50 ml of working solution per 1 m2 of area. Planting - no earlier than after 6 months.

🎥 Video instruction from Lyudmila Filatkina “Effective against whiteflies, aphids, spider mites.”

Pests of greenhouse plants usually overwinter on plant debris or in the surface layers of the soil, so watering the soil with the drug is not required. (Read also the article about ⇒ “ “.) Mulch is removed from the greenhouse before processing, weeds

and all plants that have completed the growing season, after which the soil on top and the walls of the greenhouse are treated.

Mistakes when using the drug "Actellik"

  1. When using the drug "Actellik", you must strictly follow the recommended regulations and avoid the following mistakes:
    Treatment of uncleaned premises and greenhouses.
  2. Before spraying, be sure to remove garbage, remnants of last year’s harvest from the premises, wash glass and shelving, and plant debris. Possible shelters that can serve as reservations for insects must be cleaned.
    Underestimation of recommended dosages. Some summer residents, fearing the high toxicity of Actellik, dilute the drug in a dosage lower than the recommended one. This leads to the destruction of only weak individuals, and provokes fast development
  3. resistance. Underdosing is the same mistake as exceeding it.
    Continuous long-term use of Actellik.

This error also leads to the development of pest resistance to the drug. As a result, instead of an insecticidal effect, you can get uncontrolled reproduction of insects. It is very important to monitor the expiration date of the drug indicated on the packaging. Over time, the active substance is destroyed, and the product becomes, in best case scenario

, ineffective. At worst, it will cause unexpected reactions from the soil.

Reviews from consumers who have used Actellik as a means for disinfestation of premises indicate a high degree of effectiveness of this drug.

Tatyana, Nizhny Novgorod: “I already knew that Actellik fights against all insects. When there were ants in the underground that had to be gotten rid of urgently, I treated the room with Actellik. The insects disappeared after 2 days.”

Valentina, Rostov-on-Don: “This year the Colorado potato beetle appeared in my greenhouse and destroyed all the eggplants. I took Actellik, which I used to remove weevils from chicken feed. Knowing that the Colorado potato beetle hibernates deep in the soil, I dug up the greenhouse, sprayed it all over and the soil at the same time. On next year The eggplants were clean! The drug showed excellent results.”

Farmers also speak well of Actellik.

LPH “Orlova K.N.”, Republic of Mordovia: “I liked that Aktellik can be mixed with other pesticides. The harvested plum crop was treated simultaneously against fruit fly and fungi with a tank mixture of “Aktellika” and “Switch”. The harvest retained a decent presentation for a long time.”

Replacing Actellik with other means

After the ban on the use of Actellik in personal plots, many gardeners began to urgently look for an alternative that was comparable in effectiveness. The manufacturers themselves recommend the following replacement products, which are allowed to be used for spraying plants:

The agricultural company "Singenta", which produces "Aktellik", recommends that summer residents use their other product instead - the drug "Aktara".

Current questions about the drug "Actellic"

Question No. 2. If you spray a fruit crop with Actellik, after what time can you eat it?
In agrochemistry there is such a concept - persistence. It indicates the ability of a pesticide to resist degradation more or less. Actellik has high persistence on inert surfaces, but decomposes faster on plant tissues. However, it is better not to consume processed fruits earlier than 30 days. And if there is an opportunity to somehow preserve the crop, it is better not to spray it with Actellik.

Question No. 3. Does Actellik have analogues that are approved for use on private land?
There are no such drugs. Analogs of “Aktellik” are insectoacaricides “Kamikaze”, “Pirigren”, “Prokrop”, “Zernospas”. They are produced on the basis of pirimiphos-methyl, however, all of these drugs are also recommended only for the disinfestation of agricultural premises.

Question No. 4. Is it possible to replace Actellik with some folk remedy?
There is no folk remedy that has the same pronounced effect against many pests. However, in each specific case you can find a separate recipe. For example, if plants are affected by aphids, you can spray them with an ash-soap solution or infusion onion peel. An infusion of finely chopped garlic works well against spider mites. The biological product “Fitoverm” has a more universal effect. Showing high destructive activity, it is practically safe for the environment.

Every time a new gardening season begins, we have to look for ways to control pests.

Regarding indoor plants, this problem is relevant all year round.

In this article we will look at effective drug against many pests "Aktellik" and instructions for its use.

Non-systemic insectoacaricide "Aktellik"

First, let’s figure out what “Aktellik” is. This drug is a chemical means of controlling pests of agricultural, gardening and ornamental plants. “Actellik” is classified as an insectoacaricide because it is simultaneously aimed at destroying both harmful insects and mites. "Actellik" is a non-systemic drug; it interacts contactally, directly with the pest. This is one of the important advantages, since the product does not harm the plant itself, it only affects insects and mites. Systemic agents penetrate the plant tissue and act on “enemies” when they feed on it.

Did you know? In addition to the main purpose,« Aktellik» effective for protecting premises where grain and other cereals are planned to be stored from barn pests.

Actellik has many advantages compared to other drugs:
  • affects both ticks and insects;
  • effective against many types of pests;
  • wide scope of use (agriculture and forestry, gardening, vegetable gardening, disinfection of premises, indoor plants);
  • short duration of exposure;
  • prevents reappearance"enemies";
  • duration of exposure;
  • is not addictive;
  • does not harm plants.

Active ingredient and mechanism of action of the drug "Actellik"

According to chemical classification the remedy refers to organophosphorus compounds. "Actellik" is developed on the basis of the active substance pirimiphos-methyl. The drug "Actellik" also contains additional elements, which prevent the development of addiction in pests and ensure a long shelf life of the drug.

"Aktellik" is a pesticide with enteric contact action. When the product enters the body of pests, it disrupts the functioning of enzymes that carry out neuromuscular transmission of impulses. When the active substance accumulates in tissues nervous system The functionality of all organs of the victim is disrupted, and complex poisoning of the body occurs. "Aktellik" has a fumigant effect, which allows it to be used in the fight against insects that live on the underside of leaves.

Important! At correct use the drug is not addictive, but it is still recommended to alternate it with products from other chemical groups.

Actellik acts very quickly: the death of victims occurs from a few minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the type of pest and climatic conditions. The duration of the protective effect depends on the scope of treatment:
  • 2 weeks – vegetable and ornamental plants;
  • 2-3 weeks – field crops;
  • from 8 months to a year – when treating premises against barn pests.

Instructions for use of the drug "Actellik"

Since "Aktellik" - chemical agent, It should be used in strict accordance with the instructions. Features of preparing the solution, consumption rate and frequency of treatments depend on the scope of application and the type of crops being treated.

Did you know? The effect of Actellik is enhanced in warm conditions (from +15 to +25 degrees) and slightly high humidity air.

For all areas of use of the drug It is important to adhere to several basic rules:

  • do not treat on surfaces wet from dew or rain two hours before expected precipitation;
  • do not use the drug on very hot (from 25 degrees) and windy days;
  • do not spray against the wind;
  • Optimal time for treatment: in the morning, after the dew has disappeared and before 9 o’clock, in the evening - after 18:00.

How to use the drug for cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants

The Actellik solution for cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants is prepared in the following proportion: 2 ml of pesticide is diluted in 0.7 liters of water. By ten square meters the open area being processed will need two liters of working fluid; if protected soil is being processed (for example, in a greenhouse) - a liter per 10 square meters. m. Maximum amount treatments – 2 times, break between them – 7 days. After spraying, at least 20 days must pass before harvesting.

Consumption rates for the drug when spraying berry crops

For treating berry crops (strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants) with Actellik, the application rate is 2 ml of poison per 1.3 liters of water, the required amount of the mixture is 1.5 liters per 10 sq. m. m. The maximum number of treatments is 2 times, the break between them is 7 days. After spraying, at least 20 days must pass before harvesting. For spraying grapes, melons, watermelons, 2 ml of Actellik is diluted in 0.7 water.

Important! Only freshly prepared solution should be used.

How to use Actellik for ornamental plants

"Aktellik" for spraying indoor plants is diluted in the following proportion: 2 ml of poison per liter of water. Mixture consumption – liter per 10 square meters. m. Maximum amount of treatment – ​​2 times. When treating indoor plants, you should remember that Actellik belongs to the 2nd class of hazard for humans and is quite toxic. Therefore, it is recommended to spray on a balcony or loggia, then open the window (just avoid drafts), close it tightly entrance doors Do not enter the premises for a day.

If the pest has attacked ornamental plants growing in open ground, it will also be useful for you to know what Actellik is and how to use it. The solution is prepared in the following consistency: per liter of water 2 ml of poison. Consumption of poison - 2 liters per 10 square meters. m open ground and 1 liter per 10 sq. m of protected ground.

Due to the toxicity of Actellik, it should be used at home only in the most extreme cases. To treat indoor plants in the house, it is better to think about what can replace Actellik. Such drugs can be “Fitoverm”, “Fufanon”, they are less toxic.

Instructions for use of "Aktellika" for cabbage and carrots

The Actellik insecticide is effective against the entire range of cabbage and carrot pests, and here are the instructions for its use: Dilute 2 ml of product in 0.7 liters of water, for 10 sq. m of treated area requires 1 liter of solution. After processing, at least a month must pass before harvesting. The maximum number of sprays is 2 times.

Did you know? According to reviews from farmers, Actellik is the most effective in the fight against scale insects and aphids.

Compatibility of "Actellika" with other drugs

Often, mixtures of pesticides are used for complex treatment of crops simultaneously against pests and diseases. "Aktellik" is compatible with almost all fungicides and insecticides that are applied within the same time frame (“Akarin”, “Aktara”, “Albit”, “Fufanon”). However, the drug is not used together with products that contain copper (for example, Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride), calcium, and drugs with an alkaline reaction (“Epin”, “Zircon”). In each specific case, it is better to check the drugs for compatibility according to the descriptions in the instructions. Visible signs of incompatibility include the formation of lumps in the solution and separation of liquids.

If pests become accustomed to the drug, its use will not produce results. We need to find something to replace Actellik. Such products include “Iskra”, “Fufanon”, “Fitoverm”, “Aktara”.

Safety precautions when working with the drug

"Actellik" is non-toxic to plants if all instructions are followed. At the same time, the drug belongs to the 2nd danger group for humans and to the 1st danger group for bees and fish. Therefore, when working with poison, the following safety precautions must be observed:

  • do not use food containers to dilute the solution;
  • when working with the drug, all parts of the body must be protected with clothing; be sure to use gloves, a hat to protect hair, goggles and a mask or respirator;
  • while working with Actellik, it is forbidden to drink or eat food;
  • the presence of children and animals in the room where spraying is carried out is prohibited;
  • do not spray near aquariums, ponds, hives with bees;
  • It is recommended to leave the treatment area immediately after the work has been carried out, in closed room It’s better not to come in during the day;
  • After spraying, wash your hands thoroughly and wash your clothes.

Actellik is a strong insecticide used to protect cultivated plants from pests. The drug is suitable for use in the garden, vegetable garden, flower beds or indoor crops. It allows you to get rid of many types of insects, so it is used in agriculture Often. And for its effect to be as effective as possible, you need to know exactly the required dosage and application features.

Analogues of the insecticide Actellik and mechanism of action

Main active substance insecticide Actellik - pirimiphos-methyl. The action is intestinal contact. The drug is introduced into the insect's body along with food or air. After this, the pests die within 5-10 minutes, maximum after a couple of hours, depending on the weather, the type of insects and their age.

Actellik is used against a wide variety of pests, including the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, scale insects, mealybug, ants, thrips, mites different types, weevils and sawflies. In addition, the product is effective for protecting vegetable storage areas from insects.

Analogues of the drug Actellik are such products as “Calypso”, “Biotlin”, “Ratibor”, “Confidor”, “Aliot”, “Aktar”, “Nurel”.

It is produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion with a volume of 3-5 liters or in ampoules of 2-5 ml. It is also available in the form of a wettable powder.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

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The drug Actellik has been known for quite some time. The fact that it has not been squeezed out by more modern drugs from the agricultural market speaks of its high effectiveness. What are his positive qualities?

  • Used to kill many types of insects.
  • Suitable for use in agriculture, forestry and at home.
  • Used for disinfection of barns.
  • Has an active effect.
  • Can be used for prevention.
  • Has a long period of crop protection after treatment.
  • Does not cause addiction to insects.
  • Not dangerous for crops.

And now the disadvantages.

  • Not everyone is comfortable working with ampoules.
  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Toxicity.

Application in the garden and in the garden

When using Actellik in the garden or vegetable garden, a working liquid is made. To do this, dilute 2 ml of the substance with 2 liters of water. For 10 square meters open area take up to 2 liters of the diluted drug, and for greenhouses - up to 1 liter. But depending on what crop will be processed, the dosage and application features may change.

  • To spray cruciferous vegetables, celery, and beets, the solution is simply sprayed on top. For 10 square meters of land, 1 liter is enough.
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants are treated at the rate of 2 liters of solution per 10 square meters.
  • Colorado potatoes are treated with a not very concentrated product. 1 liter is enough for 10 squares of planting.
  • Raspberries, wild strawberries, strawberries, currant bushes and others berry crops processed at the rate of 1.5 liters of water mixture per 10 square meters of area.


After use, the effect of the drug remains in the fields for another half a month, in the garden - up to 2 weeks, and in barns and cellars (when protecting stocks) - 8 months.

  • Before planting, cuttings, if necessary, are treated with a 0.3% Actellik solution. The treatment is carried out by simple soaking, after which the cuttings should be thoroughly dried.
  • Chokeberry and grapes need careful spraying. The solution is made at the rate of 3 liters of substance per 10 m² of planting.
  • For one fruit tree Usually up to 1.5 liters of working solution is taken.

Instructions for use of Actellik for indoor plants

The proportions of the drug for indoor plants and ornamental plants that grow in flower beds are the same. Take a liter of water for 2 ml of the drug. After the product is well mixed, it is poured into a spray container and the crops are thoroughly treated.

If spraying was carried out in a room, then after it you need to open the windows, close the door and not visit the room for a day so that it is well ventilated.

How to use the drug

To obtain maximum efficiency from the drug Actellik, you should follow the instructions for use, which are written on the package, here are the main points:

  • After preparing the working fluid, it is used immediately. You cannot store the diluted product, it loses its quality.
  • The solution is prepared according to the instructions in compliance with the dosage.
  • Plant treatment is carried out when there is no wind.
  • The best time for spraying is morning or evening, when there is no scorching sun.
  • The time is chosen so that after treatment there is no precipitation for another 4-6 hours.

It is also worth noting that Actellik can be mixed with various fungicides and insecticides that do not contain alkali or copper.

Precautionary measures

Actellik is a toxic drug, so it is important to follow safety precautions when working with it.

  1. When breeding and spraying plants with this product, you must wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles, and a respirator.
  2. The first signs of poisoning are weakness, nausea, vomiting. In this case, it is important to reach Fresh air, drink 5-6 tablets of activated carbon, drink plenty of liquid. After this, vomiting is provoked and then a doctor is called.
  3. If Actellik gets on your skin, wash it off with soap and water. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them big amount water and contact a doctor for consultation.
  4. The product is dangerous for animals, so they should not come into contact with it.
  5. Do not drink, eat or smoke while working with the substance!
  6. After use, all containers in which the substance was diluted are washed, cleaned and dried. Used ampoules are thrown away wrapped in paper.
  7. After spraying, wash clothes, wash your face, hands, and hair thoroughly. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth.

It is necessary to store the Actellik insecticide at a temperature of +10...+30 degrees, in a dark room with good ventilation, where animals cannot get into. Food products, water nearby are completely excluded.

Any self-respecting summer resident, to protect cultivated plants from various kinds diseases, pests, tries to stock up in advance effective means, helping to combat the negative phenomena to which plants are susceptible.

Characteristics of Aktellika

Important! Actellik is not only a powerful insecticide, but also highly toxic. It is necessary to work with it carefully, observing all personal protective measures.

The insecticide belongs to the chemical group of organophosphorus compounds. The active component of the Actellik insecticide is pirimiphos-methyl.

The drug arrives on the shelves in the form of a concentrated emulsion in 3 and 5 liter canisters; in ampoules of 2-5 ml, and also in the form of a wettable powder.

Mechanism of action

In terms of its effects, Aktellik is classified as a non-systemic insecticide with contact and intestinal effects. The uniqueness of this product lies in the fact that it has high fumigant, that is, penetrating, activity. Thanks to this, Actellik destroys pests both that accumulate on the back side of crop leaves and those located in hard-to-reach places. The product enters the body of pests through the respiratory organs of insects, as well as through food.

Actellik period of protective action

After treatment, the insecticide protects crops in the field and on plantations for approximately 15-20 days, garden and ornamental crops for 7-15 days. Barn stocks are protected from pest invasion for up to six months or more.

Instructions for use

Actellik insecticide must be applied when pests first appear on plants or during the period when their numbers reach the economic threshold of harmfulness. When processing crops, the Actellik working solution should evenly cover the entire leaf surface. Work must be done carefully to prevent the substance from flowing into the soil. It is best to use a sprayer with a fine mist or mist spray. This treatment method will ensure uniform coverage and wetting of the leaf surface of the plants.

The consumption rate of the Actellik insecticide is calculated based on the number of pests, as well as the period of plant development. The recommended rate is 2 ml of insecticide (1 ampoule) per 2 liters of water. If there is a large concentration of harmful insects, the amount of water and insecticide is doubled. Work should be carried out in the morning or evening, in cool, clear and windless weather.

For reliable protection Crops are recommended to be sprayed twice with an interval of 5-7 days. Further processing(if necessary) must be carried out with insecticides from another chemical group. This will prevent the emergence of resistance in pests.

Consumption rates

Processed crops

Pest type

Working fluid flow

Last treatment before harvest

Vegetable crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers), flower and ornamental crops

mite, aphid, greenhouse whitefly, scale insect, fly, thrips, mosquitoes

1 liter per 10 sq. m for protective soil

2 l per 10 sq. m for open ground

Carrot cabbage

horseradish cabbage cutworm, white moth, carrot fly, leaf beetle, flea beetle

1 liter per 10 sq. m

Sugar beet

weevils, carrion eaters

1 liter per 10 sq. m


Colorado beetle

1.5 l per 1 ha

Raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries

sawflies, leaf rollers, moths, gall midges, aphids, beetles, moth, mites


Scale insects, false scale insects

From 2 to 5 liters per 1 tree


all types of mites, aphids, scale insects, sawflies, wireworms, leaf phylloxera

3 l per 1 ha


Actellik can be combined with non-alkaline substances, as well as with many types of insecticides and fungicides. The exception is preparations containing copper, for example, Bordeaux mixture.

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