English for children from scratch download the program. Free programs for learning English download

A good helper in studying in English can become special computer programs. As a rule, each such program is aimed at improving a specific area of ​​the language. Using English learning programs does not require much time; you can take lessons on the computer even during breaks at work. Such training is especially suitable for those who find it difficult to find time for classes with tutors or work with. We have prepared for you a list of 10 programs for learning English - many of them you can work with even from scratch.

Programs for learning English

Through computer programs the most different ways and approaches to learning English: learning from scratch, help in memorizing words and rules, and much more. All programs are aimed at learning, practicing and improving the user's English language. And the most convenient thing is that each of them can be downloaded on the Internet at any time in a few clicks.

Business Letters

The main goal of the Business Letters program is to teach how to write business letters. The program contains many business letters on various topics. The program allows you to view paragraphs of letters of interest, learn their structure and writing rules. The program interface is in English, but due to its simplicity, it is not difficult to use.

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Irregular English verbs: table, rules and examples

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Cramming is a program for learning new words in English, making learning words much easier. The program works according to the “word - word translation and pronunciation” scheme. The vocabulary in the program is divided into separate lessons. In addition to existing dictionaries, you can create your own.

ETrainer 4800

ETrainer 4800 is an examination program. Using this program, you can practice solving sentence translation tasks. The application provides ratings. The user can independently choose the time for thinking about tasks and set their number in the exam.


As the name implies, Grammar is a program with which you can improve your knowledge English grammar. Grammar in the program is presented through colloquial, which also helps to replenish the user’s vocabulary. The program offers many examples and illustrations of the rules, which makes them easier to understand and remember.

BX Language Acquisition

BX Language Acquisition helps you learn English words. The program has a function for creating dictionaries of a special format. Within the dictionary, you can break down words into exercises that consist of several tasks.


WordsTeacher helps you learn new English words. It was invented specifically for those who cannot devote much time to learning a language. The idea of ​​the program is that the user can learn new things without interrupting his main work at the computer. The program starts when you turn on the computer and at random times displays a window in the corner of the screen with an English word and three translation options to choose from.

Language Study

The Language Study program helps you expand your vocabulary. The program is designed on the principle of cards with English words and their translation. The cards rotate at a user-specified time interval, which facilitates learning. The program has several ready-made dictionaries, but the user can create their own.

Irregular Verbs

The name of this program already reveals its purpose. The program displays a grid of irregular verbs that you need to remember, and then removes some of them. The user must fill in the missing parts of the grid. The grid is displayed for 20 seconds, but the user can set any time convenient for him. Learning irregular verbs has never been this easy.

IT - the invisible teacher

A program that helps improve your vocabulary and learn useful terms and expressions. All words that appear are accompanied by transcription and translation. In addition, the program has a sound base. As training progresses, individual dictionaries are created that can be sent to other users.


Hangman is a well-known word guessing game, but it can also teach. As in the paper version, the goal of the game is to guess the word in 6 attempts and prevent the program from drawing a gallows with a man. The game replenishes the user’s vocabulary and helps to remember correct writing words

Video about programs for learning English:

When learning English, you should use not only various teaching aids, dictionaries, video and audio materials, but also applications, computer programs that will help replenish, improve grammar, and consolidate acquired knowledge.

Computer programs for learning English

Computer programs are, first of all, designed to consolidate the material studied, as well as. Naturally, there are both paid and free programs, but it makes no difference which option to install. All programs are built on the same principle; the differences mainly lie in the user interface, graphics, vocabulary, and the number of exercises. One paid program can easily be replaced by two or three free ones.

Computer programs allow in the following areas:

  1. Working on vocabulary.
  2. Learning phonetics.
  3. Studying grammar.
  4. Perception and understanding English speech .

It is worth noting that computer programs have one significant drawback - a limited amount of material, that is, a certain amount of vocabulary, texts, and tasks are included in the database. Therefore, they should be used only as an aid, and not as the main source of language learning.

Program approaches

The following types of tasks are used for this:

  • Word - translation. It is offered either in Russian and variants of its translation. The task is to choose the right one. More complex tasks may be offered, such as completely translating a word, composing a translation using the suggested letters.
  • Caption of the picture. A picture is given on which an object is drawn, less often an action, and spelling options for this word in English are given. The goal is to choose the right one. You may also be offered a word in English and options for pictures where the object in question is drawn.
  • , such as solving crossword puzzles, games “Bulda”, “Hangman”, “Scrabble”. Suitable for students who speak English at a fairly high level.

Language grammar with practical exercises

There are significantly fewer programs designed to teach grammar. They contain a list of topics with rules and exercises for each rule.

To consolidate and test knowledge, the following types of exercises are used:

  1. Tests. An exercise is proposed in which a word is missing. You must select the correct option from those presented.
  2. Insert missing words. Mainly used when studying the topic “Articles”. In this case, you need not only to insert the missing word, but also to figure out whether this is necessary.
  3. Construction. Given a set of words from which follows. Designed for knowledge of word order in English sentence. More difficult option- when they are given in the form of an infinitive and the student should also put the word in the required form.
  4. Translation of sentences from Russian into English. At the same time, not only knowledge of grammar, but also vocabulary is tested.

Voiced texts

The use of voiced texts helps not only to consolidate vocabulary, grammar and phonetics of the English language, but also to achieve understanding of the text.

In most cases, a series of questions are given for voiced texts, which should be answered after reading or listening to the text.

The use of texts as a whole is not an independent approach, but one of the components of other, more popular ones.

Phonetic association method

The method of phonetic associations has been known since the 70s of the last century. Its essence is that a foreign word is remembered using a similar-sounding one from the native language.

It is best to compose a small consonant translation phrase containing this word.

For example, the English word fish, which is translated as fish, is consonant with the Russian word chip. So, you can make up the sentence “My trick is to fish only in winter.”

Also known as the keyword method or the Atkins method, which was proposed to the first students using this approach.

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Learning a language through music

One of the popular methods is to learn English through music. The songs include many common phrases and expressions that are used in Everyday life. In addition, their texts are not adapted, that is, they are designed for native speakers.

Learning English through music helps:

  • Enrich your vocabulary.
  • Develop perception and understanding of speech.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of English words.
  • Master intonation.
  • Get used to the pace of speech.

There are several options for learning a foreign language through music.

  1. One of the most effective is listening, during which you need to follow the text and insert the missing words. In this way, listening skills are trained.
  2. You can listen to a song while following the lyrics and adding words you don’t know to your dictionary.. The program then asks you to do various exercises with these words, which will allow you to remember their translation and meaning.
  3. Another option is karaoke. You turn on the song and follow the lyrics, in which the words are highlighted like karaoke.

The best free programs for learning English

  • Singlish English– a musical simulator for learning English. First, the song is listened to verse by verse, and then its lyrics are written down in a special field. The program checks the correctness of the entry and makes hints. program .
  • FineMemo– a program for replenishing vocabulary. Represents on which words for translation are written. Types of tasks - choosing the correct option, composing a translation from letters.
  • Exerciser– a program for learning English grammar. Consists of a set of rules and tests for them. Wherein test tasks imply not just choosing the right option, but typing it manually.
  • Find A Wordgame program for learning English vocabulary and alphabet. A set of letters is offered, from which as many words as possible should be made. Words are checked by the built-in dictionary.
  • Irregular Verbs– program for studying irregular verbs. It has not only a built-in reference book with rules, but also various tests, grammar, voiced texts and even games that will help you learn as successfully as possible.. This will interest the child and motivate him to open the program again and again.
  • Have bright graphics and a simple, intuitive interface. It would be good if the program included a certain character who would act as a mentor to the child - voice the tasks and give instructions on how to complete them, and evaluate the results.
  • Tasks should be given in a playful way, for a correctly completed task, the child should receive a bonus - additional points, stars, praise from the mentor.

The most famous programs aimed at:

  1. Playway to English.
  2. Macmillan Primary Grammar.
  3. Tilly's Word Fun.
  4. Blue's Clues Kindergarten.
  5. MUZZY Interactive.

Use of various computer programs when studying, it will help to consolidate previously learned rules, expand your vocabulary, and most importantly, increase your knowledge.

Known fact that the most popular language in the world is English. Knowing it, you can communicate with a resident of almost any country. All this is possible due to the fact that English is an international language and is spoken in 106 countries around the world. It's not hard to guess to be successful person need to expand their linguistic boundaries. Learning English from scratch is not that difficult if you know where to get information from and how to use it. This article will help you learn everything you need to learn English on your own absolutely free.

Once you recognize the need to learn English, it's time to take action. Modern technologies The 21st century allows you to learn on your own new language without teachers. Thanks to the Internet, you can learn a language quickly and efficiently. To do this, just find websites and video lessons in English, sign up for online courses or pass online lessons. In addition, you can find a lot of material that clearly explains English for beginners.

Before you start learning a language, you need to understand where to start learning.

If you have at least some long-forgotten English skills, then mastering the language on your own will be easier. After all, if you once learned grammar and words, then you already have some basics of the English language and everything you need will emerge in your subconscious, as soon as you start going through the program.

If you have never touched English or foreign languages, it's not a problem. Find an English tutorial that makes sense to you. In such books, as a rule, basic rules and words are written, which are enough for a foreigner to understand your speech and you can conduct a basic dialogue.

If you are interested in deeper and more effective language learning, then you will have to look for specialized literature or find a site on the Internet that tells you how to learn English from scratch, for free. Such sources exist in large quantities, so learning an entire foreign language on the Internet will not be difficult and you can rest assured that your knowledge will be up to par.

So, if you decide to learn English from scratch, this article will help you figure out step by step how to organize your training without the involvement of expensive specialists and still get up-to-date information about language.

if desired, available to everyone at home

How to organize independent learning of English?

How long do you plan to study English?

Learning English on your own is easier than it seems. First, determine how long you plan to study and over what period of time you plan to learn the language. Honestly decide for yourself, if superficial knowledge is enough for you, then learning basic words and basic grammar in 3 months is quite possible. If you want to master an intermediate level of English, prepare to devote 3 days a week to this for at least a year. And, of course, if your goal is to know English perfectly, then when you start learning English, get ready to practice the language every day, learn something new and improve your knowledge every year.

What do you need to learn a language?

Depending on your needs, you need to stock up on materials and tools. To learn the basics of English for tourism purposes, a tutorial and a dictionary with basic words and phrases will be enough. If your goal is more global, you need a good and high-quality dictionary, a grammar textbook and various audio and video lessons in English. It is a well-known fact that communicating with a native speaker is The best way acquire speech skills. If you have the opportunity to communicate with a native English speaker, take advantage of it. As an alternative, watching English films without translation (subtitles are acceptable) or reading English fiction in original. Be sure to keep a notebook in which you will write down new words and always have it with you so that you can repeat the words while in a traffic jam, on the way to visit or at any other time.

Set yourself a goal

As soon as you decide what level of English you need and how much time you are ready to learn new words and rules, set yourself goals. By achieving each new small goal, you overcome the path of learning English from scratch, step by step. Each new step is new level for you. It will be relevant if you set yourself approximate deadlines:

  1. Learn the entire alphabet in 2 weeks;
  2. Learn correct pronunciation in 3 weeks;
  3. Learn the basic tenses (present, past and future) in 1 month;
  4. Learn a minimum vocabulary of 300 words or more in 50 days;
  5. Learn to compose complete sentences in 1.5 - 2 months.

Create a class schedule

Once you have decided on all the main points, it's time to organize your work. Decide which day you study grammar by watching educational videos, solving tests, or reading. At a minimum, you need to spend an hour studying, learning about 5 new words every day. On Saturday evening, watch episode 1 of your favorite English series without translation, believe me, this will greatly help you in learning the language. Over time, you can move from TV series to films, and from there you can start reading books in English.

Surround yourself with English

In addition to the dedicated time for learning the language, it is necessary to fill the space around you with English speech and words. For example, hang up leaflets with new words in your apartment, listen to the news in English (again, everything is available on the Internet). Find a foreign friend with whom you can communicate every day on Skype or correspond. There are special sites where oral and written practice of a foreign language is possible. If you have the opportunity to go abroad, where English is spoken, for 1-2 months, this will be the most educational and interesting trip for you, since you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself entirely in the English atmosphere, without creating it artificially.

will proceed quickly and successfully if you learn to read English text, master vocabulary and grammar, listen to speech, learn to write and practice pronunciation

Free sites and online programs for learning English from scratch

So, the Internet can become your main assistant in learning English. The main thing is to find useful sites and video courses and look at them every day, looking for new words, interesting videos and rules of grammar. Program to study English home may be based on ready-made online courses or you can combine viewing useful videos, read books and even use chat rooms to communicate with native speakers. You can learn English easily and quickly if you choose the method and method that you like. Below you will find various resources for learning English from scratch, from which you can choose what you like best.

Learn to read correctly and quickly in English

  1. Reading English Consonants - Alphabet and Sounds
  2. Alphabet and basic reading in English- video, part 1, basic knowledge;
  3. "A" in a closed syllable, sh pronunciation and much more- video, part 2, pronunciation of the article and some sounds;
  4. Reading rules and pronunciation ar, are, air, y, e, ch- video, part 3, rules for reading complex sounds.

It is also good to read magazines (britishcouncil.org) in English aloud or silently. You can find any material that interests you.

Memorizing new vocabulary

To prevent new vocabulary from being hard labor for you, the best way is to download and install special applications for your phone so that you can learn vocabulary even outside the home, when you can just take out your phone and not waste time in a traffic jam/subway/queue, but learn the language.

The channel will be useful for business negotiations Business English Pod.

Another good way learn new words - solve crossword puzzles from English words:

Listening to English speech

To understand English, it is important to listen to foreign speech as often as possible. These can be songs (lyrics.com), audio recordings and audio books (librophile.com). To constantly expand your vocabulary, it is useful to watch news in English (newsinlevels.com), foreign TV programs, films and series in English. But first, you should take a short online course on understanding English speech. YouTube will help you with this.

  1. English with Jennifer. The page has a special section “understanding fast English speech”, where in 20 lessons you can acquire good skills.
  2. The channel link may also help you Real English, where you can find many videos in which real people They speak English, each video has subtitles.
  3. Another useful channel British Council, where you can find a selection of educational cartoons with different situations, in which people communicate in English.
  4. It will be no less useful comprehensive study of English with the BBC on YouTube channel.

Learning and improving grammar

The main thing you need to learn is grammar. Tenses, verb forms, pronouns and much more can be studied using the textbook “English Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy, which describes English tenses, verbs and sentence construction in a very accessible way. This textbook can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded for free. Any that you understand will also work. free books on grammar, which can be downloaded.

But you can learn grammar using any resource for adults and children. One of the most interesting ways for beginners - subscribe to one of the channels on YouTube:

You can also start learning English grammar on the following web resources:

And don’t forget to take English tests, some can be found here - englishteststore.net, begin-english.ru, english-lessons-online.ru.

Reading adapted texts in English

Adapted texts are very useful when learning English, especially at the beginner level. You can download them. So, we learn to read and immediately understand the meaning of the text, avoiding cumbersome sentences and unnecessary constructions. On this site envoc.ru you can find both easy texts and more complex ones to improve your reading technique. Here, in each work, simple phrases are used and translations are given. You can also find simple texts. In addition to the texts themselves, on the site you can repeat the reading rules and some words. Remember, to read even adapted literature, you need basic knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and knowledge of reading rules.

Improving speech skills

Perhaps the most a big problem for a person who wants to master English - find English interlocutors for speaking practice. Communication is a very important component of learning, as communication helps you learn the right timbre, pronunciation and learn new words. To find English speaking interlocutors, you can use one of the sites below. All you have to do is register and the doors to the world of English speech will open before you.

In learning English, it is necessary to use all methods, including the use of programs for learning English, which are mostly free and any programs you like can be downloaded. The programs can be downloaded to a computer (PC) for Windows, or used on a tablet or phone with the appropriate operating system.

There are many computer applications (programs) in the field of learning foreign languages, aimed at learning grammar, words, phrases, sentences, and determining your level of English proficiency.

In any case, the above applications will only make learning easier and allow you to confidently master the language, improving your level day by day, week by week.

Below are programs for learning English that will help you learn new words and phrases.

Each program contains a description of what useful things you will get by using it. If you liked the description, download the archive to your computer, install it and read the help, if available.

From the article you will learn:

Anki - a program for memorizing English words

Anki is a popular free program for memorizing foreign words (particularly English). The training proceeds as follows: various cards with words that need to be translated are shown. You can also assess the level of memorization of the word - I remember - I know - very easily. The frequency of appearance of the card depends on the rating you give to this or that word. You can download ready-made decks or add your own.

The program supports add-ons, keeps statistics of your successes and has other useful features.

In order to get cards in English, you need to run the command - File - Download - Collaborative decks, then in the search box enter, for example, English-Russian. So, you can use the “English-Russian frequency dictionary”.

Below is a screenshot of this program:

ETrainer 4800 - English language proficiency program

It is a simulator where various tasks are given - translation of phrases, sentences and an assessment is given. You can introduce various restrictions on the time for completing tasks, the number of exercises in the exam, keep detailed statistics of your successes and monitor your progress.

English trainer- study with dictionaries.

A program for English language learners of any level. To memorize various terms and expressions in various fields using various dictionaries.

The program works in background- you work as usual at the computer, and at the same time they show you words in English with translation into Russian in a small window.

So, along with the program in the archive there are various dictionaries that can be easily and simply connected (13 dictionaries in total), including for engineers, technical English, a dictionary of irregular verbs and many others.

Grammar - a program for knowledge of English grammar

The program provides examples from, - this will allow you to expand your vocabulary. Many examples and illustrations are provided, which allows you to quickly remember grammatical structures.

Irregular Verbs IV - Memorizing English Verbs

The program is a simulator where you take 5 (five) verbs and show 4 (four) of their forms, then after a while some forms of the verbs disappear and you are asked to fill in the gaps from memory.

BX Language Acquisition - a program for learning words

Uses both active and passive methods training:

  1. Option
  2. Mosaic
  3. Writing
  4. Cards

So, in an active learning mode, translation from Russian into English is possible.

In passive mode, a window appears on your screen with an English word, transcription, and its translation into Russian is also given.

Words Teacher - a program for learning words

Designed for learning individual words or phrases right at the computer in the background, without interrupting other tasks.

Clever English - listening program

Designed to help those who have problems with perception English text aurally. You can watch phrases or any topic of your choice in video and audio modes. You can slow down the playback mode. You can download various cartoons, dialogues and songs for free from the program website.

IN this section You can download programs for learning English. The section presents a variety of programs designed to study, practice and improve English.

Each program is accompanied by short description main goals and functions of the program. To view all the features of the program, you need to download it, install it if necessary, and view the help or help for the program.

All programs are arranged in alphabetical order.

Business Letters

The program contains several hundred business letters on a wide variety of topics. By looking at sample letters that interest you, you will better understand the structure business letter, and rules for writing such letters. The program implements search. Despite the fact that the program interface is English, the controls are quite simple and do not cause difficulties.
Download(508.5 KB)

BX Language Acquisition

The BX Language Acquisition program is designed for learning foreign words compiled into dictionaries of a special format. Words in the dictionary are divided into exercises consisting of a certain number of tasks (words).
Download(1378.8 KB)

English Grammar in Use

A program that alternates theoretical lessons and practical exercises in English. The exercises are accompanied by pictures, so it will be easy for you to learn the material.
Download(687.5 KB)

English Test

The program is a test that will show you your real level of English proficiency. The program deeply tests your knowledge of the English language, calculating the level based on the testing assessment rules of the international TOEFL test.
Download(5163.7 KB)


Program for monitoring knowledge of the English language. The program displays sentences in English, and the user needs to choose the grammatically correct one from the proposed options.
Download(398.4 KB)


Program for monitoring knowledge of the English language. The program allows you to create lessons and then use them for training.
Download(419.7 KB)

EZ Memo Booster

The program is designed to increase vocabulary user by finding a Russian equivalent for every English word, or vice versa.
Download(1017.4 KB)

Irregular Verbs

The purpose of the program is to help the user learn English irregular verbs. When starting the program, you must click on the "Start" button, after which all forms of five randomly selected irregular verbs will be displayed on the screen. After 20 seconds (the time can be changed), some verb forms disappear from the screen, and the user needs to fill in the blanks with the correct forms. The program is small in size and very effective for learning English irregular verbs.
Download(23.9 KB)

Language Memory Bomber

The program is designed for memorizing foreign words using visual images and distracting techniques with a built-in speech synthesizer that allows you to hear the sound of the word in the sections: Lesson, Exam and Card.
Download(2269.9 KB)

Language Study

The Language Study program is designed to learn new English words and repeat those already learned. When you start the program, there will always be a window with English words and translation on the screen. Window sizes, fonts, and much more can be changed in the settings.
Download(641.5 KB)


A program for training spoken and written English using repeated repetition of material. With or without time. It is possible to create your own lessons - for learning grammar, for learning words, for working on mistakes. Built-in ability to record responses from a microphone.
Download(1149.5 KB)

Sentence Exerciser

Sentence Exerciser is a set of English grammar tests. Various exercises dedicated different topics and rules. Basically, in the exercise you will need to choose the correct answer from several options, but not just click the mouse, but write the answer, and, as you know, when writing, words are remembered much better.
Download(176.4 KB)

Word translation trainer

The simulator is designed for learning the spelling of words in English. Testing knowledge of writing translations in both directions (from Russian to English, from English to Russian) using statistics on the success of translation of a particular word.

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