Pansies are perennials. Viola flower: description of annual and perennial varieties

It is not known for certain when and how they appeared pansies. There are many legends about the origin of this flower., but which of them are true and which are not is unknown. Already during the reign of the Gods on Earth they already existed.

One day, the goddess Venus decided to swim away from human eyes. She found a hidden corner in a remote grotto. She splashed in the water for a long time, and suddenly heard a rustling sound. Turning around, she saw several eyes of curious mortals.

Venus was angry and punished them for their curiosity. Unable to punish them on her own, she turned to Zeus for help, but at the last moment he changed his mind and turned the curious into pansies.

In Germany they call pansies stepmother. This name was not invented by chance.

The lower petal is the largest and most beautiful. It symbolizes a dressed-up stepmother. The other two, which are located a little higher, are beautifully dressed daughters, but the last two remaining are stepdaughters in poor clothes.

The legend has been preserved. At first, the stepmother was upstairs and the stepdaughters were downstairs. That was until God intervened. He took pity on his stepdaughters and turned the flower over. The stepmother got a spur, and the daughters got mustaches.

General description of tricolor violet

Violet tricolor – a plant with an erect, thin and branched stem with a height of 10-20 cm. The arrangement of the leaves is regular. Their shape is round and heart-shaped. They are adjacent to large lyre-shaped stipules.

The stem leaves are sessile, and the lower leaves are petiolate. On long stalks, single, large flowers open with irregular shape. They reach a diameter of 3.5 cm. One corolla is formed by five petals, which do not repeat each other in shape.

The lowest petal is white or yellow. It is larger than the top two blue-violet or dark purple and than two light purple side petals.

After the pansies fade, a box forms. Once it dries a little, it will crack and expose the seeds.

Is this plant annual or perennial?

Pansies - perennials. Most amateur gardeners buy in two- or annual plants. Why not perennials? The point is that over the years there is no time beautiful flower loses its beauty and uniqueness. He gets old after 3 years. Because of this, the buds become smaller, and over time they do not form at all.



What does an annual or biennial terrestrial herbaceous plant look like?


At the pansies thin, tap root, lightly branched, brown in color. It penetrates the ground almost vertically.


It is also branchy. It is triangular. The stem is either pubescent or bare. The hairs are bent downwards. It's hollow inside. Its height is 10-30, occasionally 45 cm. Sometimes several creeping and erect stems extend from one root.


The arrangement of the leaves is regular. They are petiolate. They can be either glabrous or sparsely hairy along the veins. Form lower leaves– broadly ovate. The petioles are long.

The upper leaves look different. They already have an oblong-lanceolate shape. The petioles on them are already short. Each leaf has two stipules. Their shape is pinnately lyre-shaped. They are longer than leaf petioles.

Frontal simple raceme – type of inflorescence. In due time, zygomorphic flowers appear on the peduncles of pansies. Peduncles emerge singly from the leaf axils. At the top of the peduncles, very close to the flower, there are two small bracts.

The calyx of the flower is formed by five leaves. It does not fall off after flowering. The shape of the leaflets is elongated-lanceolate, pointed. They are delicately hairy. The lower sepals are larger in size than the upper ones. The corollas are assembled from five free petals.

Predominant in color blue and its various shades. All the petals that make up a flower different shapes and size. There are many legends about the flowers and their color, but pansies are what they are – beautiful, unique and memorable.

The number of stamens is five. They are pressed to the pestle. They come into contact with the anthers and filaments, which are short and barely noticeable. The flower has one pistil.

Seeds and fruits

After the pansies have finished blooming, the fruit will form.. It is a greenish box with a length of up to ten millimeters. The seeds in it are located close to the walls. The box is surrounded by a calyx. When it is fully ripe, three doors will open and the seeds will fall out.

The seeds are small. Their length is 1.25-1.75 mm, and their width and thickness are 0.75-1 mm. Their shape is obovate. There is a small appendage. They are either light yellow or light brown. If pansies are planted early, they will bloom early and produce their first seeds in June.

One box can contain up to 3 thousand seeds with a total weight of 1.5 g. If you collect the seeds and organize proper storage, they will retain their germination capacity for up to 2 years.

The most popular varieties

There are two categories of plant varieties. The first is large-flowered, and the second is small-flowered. Amateur flower growers buy large-flowered pansies. They make a mistake because small-flowered varieties are stronger and hardier. They are not afraid of rain or temperature changes.

Pansy is the name of a garden variety. Scientific name– Wittrock violet.

There are three types of plants: tricolor violet, yellow violet and Altai violet. Breeders have created many varieties and cultivar groups, using the species listed above as a basis.


  1. Blue boy. This variety has a small flower. Its diameter is 3-4 cm, and its color is blue-blue.
  2. Snow Maiden. The diameter of the flower is small - up to 4 centimeters, and the buds themselves are snow-white.
  3. Little Red Riding Hood. A variety with bright red flowers up to four centimeters.


  1. Golden yellow. The flowers reach a diameter of 7 cm. They are monochromatic and their color is golden yellow.
  2. White. The color of the buds is white with a visible yellowish-greenish tint. The edges of the petals are wavy.
  3. Blue. The buds are violet-blue. Their edges are smooth. A 7-centimeter flower rests well on an 11-centimeter peduncle.

Medicinal properties

Tricolor violet has healing properties medicinal properties due to its extraordinary composition. It contains ascorbic acid, coumarins, salicylic acid, tannins, saponins, tannins, essential oils, violoquercitrine, etc. The richness of the composition determines effective assistance in illness.

  • Expectorant.
  • Diuretic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antibacterial and antimicrobial.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Choleretic.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Blood cleanser.
  • Calming.
  • Relieving itching.
  • Healing wounds.

Teas, infusions and decoctions are prepared from the plant to help a person recover faster. Along with them, traditional medicines are taken. It is recommended to treat diseases with infusions and decoctions of pansies. respiratory system (for example, bronchial diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia).

Nasal drops made from the plant help with a runny nose and sinusitis. Newborns experience itching and inflammation after mosquito bites. Traditional medicine made from tricolor violet has been dealing with them for a long time.

To cure severe diathesis in a child, prepare an infusion:

  1. Take four parts of string and violet and one part of bittersweet nightshade.
  2. All components are mixed.
  3. 10 grams of herbal mixture are poured into 250 ml of boiling water.
  4. Two hours after infusion, take the infusion orally.

The dose is 15 ml, and the frequency of administration is 5 times a day. The infusion is added to the bath when washing the baby.

Taking decoctions from it internally, they fight nervous tension, insomnia, fatigue, irritability and anxiety. It helps people with arthritis and dermatitis, gout and eczema. Doctors recommend brewing tricolor violet herb to patients with severe cough, vitamin deficiency, polyarthritis, skin diseases.

It is taken orally by women who have given birth and whose uterine bleeding does not stop. Decoctions and infusions will help patients with the following diagnoses: asthma, hernia, scrofula, arthritis.

What do they symbolize?

Pansies are a symbol of devotion, fidelity and wisdom.. Since they are the first to bloom after the snow melts in the spring, they symbolize spring.

Many legends have been formed not only about the flower, but also about its origin. An old belief says that one day the girl Anyuta showed excessive curiosity, becoming interested in the details of someone else's life. As punishment they turned her into a flower. The Romans believed that the flower appeared because of Venus’s anger at men spying on her bathing.

Rus' has its own legends. Because of love, the girl Anyuta turned into a flower. She fell in love with the young man, and he reciprocated her feelings. Since he was from a wealthy family, his parents insisted on his marriage to another, wealthier girl. Anyuta could not stand his betrayal and weak will. She died.

There was another girl, Anyuta, who sent her betrothed to the war, from which he did not return. She looked through all her eyes, peering into the distance, and died without waiting. In the place where she was waiting for him, a flower of wondrous beauty and extraordinary blossomed.

And absolutely scary story lastly. In one village there lived a girl Anyuta. She was kind and trusting. One day a handsome young man came to her village. The girl could not resist him, she trusted him, but he deceived her. He promised to return for her, but did not return.

Anyuta soon died of melancholy, and marvelous flowers, similar to her unusual eyes, bloomed on the grave. There were also white people in them ( mutual feelings), and yellow (surprise at the act), and purple (collapsed hopes and sadness) spots.


Pansies are a beautiful flower about which legends and stories are made. It not only has unusual buds with multi-colored spots depending on the variety. He is a real helper in diseases when traditional medicine is less effective.

Solving the problem “Pansies: growing from seeds” should begin by studying information on this issue. Following the recommendations of experienced flower growers will help decorate garden flower bed, vase, path, border or balcony, get aesthetic pleasure and please your home with colorful plants.

The ancestor of “pansies” in the wild was the tricolor violet, a perennial plant common in Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, North America. In Russia it is known as Ivan da Marya and was used in folk medicine as a remedy for the treatment of furunculosis, diathesis, bronchitis. The first pansies, hybrids from crossing a tricolor violet with a horned one, were obtained in England. Swedish botany professor Veit Wittrock devoted many years to studying this plant and wrote a book about it. In his honor, pansies received a second name - Wittrock's violet.

The plant, beloved by gardeners, is a herbaceous, slightly spreading bush 15-35 cm high. The roots go 15-20 cm deep. Five flower petals are arranged in a fan; have a diameter from 5-6 to 11 cm, different colors and shades. A spot stands out in the center of the flower, this makes the flower look like an eye with a pupil. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds (width - about 1 mm).

Viola and the language of flowers

Flowers were brought to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Mini bouquets served as a complement to the outfits of ladies of high society. A garland of pansies decorated the hair and belt of Anna Karenina's black ballroom dress. In the language of flowers, this meant the beginning of falling in love and thinking about one person. Butterfly-like flowers quickly settled on ladies' hats and umbrellas.

Lilac-yellow pansies look at us from napkins, tablecloths and curtains, embroidered in the 50-60s of the last century.

Gardeners appreciated this fragile appearance, but unpretentious plant. Pansies have become popular in the design of city parks and garden plots. Their combination with early bulbous flowers is successful: viola replaces hyacinths and daffodils that have finished flowering.

Choosing a growing method

Pansies are perennial plants, but after the 2nd year the flowers on the bushes become smaller, and almost no buds are formed. When grown for two years, a bush is formed during the 1st year of life, and flowers appear in the next season. This period can be shifted by more early dates depending on the methods of growing the plant. The choice of method for breeding viola depends on climatic conditions and the preferred flowering period.

Table. Methods for planting pansies.

What is the methodProsCons
Plant purchased ready-made seedlings in April - MayWill bloom soon after plantingUnknown variety and species
Sowing seeds in the ground in mid-May - June - July, in August they are transplanted to permanent place The seedlings have time to take root well before the cold weather and bloom early next springBlooms only one season
Sow seeds in late February - early March in a containerWill bloom for two seasonsIf expected cold winter, need to cover

The best way is to grow plants from seeds and sow them in a container at the end of winter. In this case, you can admire the flowers for 2 seasons, even in the middle zone. For regions with cold winters, this method is also suitable, but the viola must be grown as an annual or very securely covered before the onset of cold weather. The most popular varieties of pansies: Dynamite, Freedom, Aurora, Strawberries and cream.

Growing pansies from seeds can be done according to two schemes:

  • sowing in containers - picking - transplanting to the site;
  • sowing into the soil - replanting to a permanent place.

Pay attention! Seeds give good germination, if stored for no more than 2 years.

How to grow pansies from seeds in a container

To obtain viable seedlings within a given period of time, you need:

  • quality seeds;
  • tweezers (manicure);
  • container for sowing seeds;
  • priming;
  • glass or film;
  • lamp for additional illumination – led lamp or phytolamp;
  • a room in which the temperature is not higher than 23ºС (best 18-20ºС);
  • containers for picking (pots with a diameter of 10 cm or boxes if there are a lot of seedlings);
  • container for settling water;
  • spray;
  • watering can with a capacity of about 1 liter.

Important! Better to use LED lamp: its spectrum contains blue and red colors necessary for plants; they are economical and safe to use.

Video - Pansies: abundant flowering in the year of planting

Sowing seeds in a container

To implement this stage you need to do the following:

Important! The solution should not contain undissolved potassium permanganate crystals.

Sowing seeds is carried out according to the principle:

  1. seeds are taken by hand or tweezers and laid out on the surface of the soil at a distance from each other;
  2. count out the required number of seeds, pour them into a container and distribute them in it with tweezers.

Seeds can be:

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

This method is becoming popular as it makes the process of picking plants easier.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • tablets (for example, BiTi) are freed from cellophane packaging and placed tightly in a container, warm water is poured into the bottom in portions;
  • when the tablets swell, collect the remaining moisture with an absorbent cloth or sponge;
  • Place 1 seed in the recess in the center of the tablet if you are not sure of the quality seed material, then two;
  • sprinkle the seeds with a little soil;
  • cover the container with a lid with cut ventilation holes;
  • place it in a window with sufficient lighting.

Important! This method is preferably used experienced flower growers. Growing seedlings in tablets has many advantages, but requires attention and skill.

Crop care

Crop care includes:

  • short-term ventilation since condensation begins to form on the walls of the container;
  • timely and moderate watering: do not overwater and do not allow it to dry out;
  • temperature regime: 18-22ºС, 25 is allowed;
  • if the window faces south side, shade crops;
  • caring for flower seedlings.

Creating favorable conditions for sprouts

When sprouts appear, you should:

Picking seedlings

Occurs around the beginning of April and includes the stages:

  • if space allows, prepare containers according to the number of sprouts, otherwise some of the sprouts can be transplanted into a box;
  • The containers are filled with soil. It is desirable that this be the same type of soil in which the viola will grow in the open air;
  • thoroughly water the soil in new containers and make a depression in it;
  • water the soil into the container with the sprouts from a watering can.
  • To better extract the sprouts, you can use convenient objects: the handle of a spoon or a spatula;
  • if the seedlings are grown in peat tablets, the diving stage is not needed - the viola continues to grow until planted in open ground.

Pay attention! Minor damage to the roots is not dangerous for the plant. This will be a plus: it will launch a root system growth program.

The next month is devoted to caring for seedlings in such a way that they will take root faster and continue to grow:

Planting pansies in open ground

In early May, buds appear on the bushes. This is a sign that the viola can be sent to the flowerbed. A possible drop in temperature, even slight frosts, will not harm the plants.

You should first:

Caring for the plant during the summer

  • periodic watering as needed;
  • mandatory loosening after watering;
  • mulching the soil around the bush with sawdust;
  • control of weeds that weaken the plant;
  • timely removal of faded flowers will stimulate the formation of new buds;
  • removing reddened leaves, they will appear if there has been frost;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Pay attention! If the plant is planted in a flowerbed, it should be fed 1-2 times per season. When grown in decorative pots - every two weeks.

Video - Pansies: care and reproduction

Growing pansies with seeds in open ground

Growing seedlings can be organized by sowing seeds directly into open ground. The crucial point is to determine the sowing time. If you sow too early, the violet will begin to bloom without receiving enough root mass. By winter, the plant will weaken and may not tolerate frost. If planted late, the viola will not be able to take root well enough after picking and become stronger for wintering. Optimal time depends on the region - in the Leningrad region it is the second half of July, in middle lane– second half – end of May.

To do this, perform the following work:

  • choose a well-drained place, in the lowlands the violet will freeze out;
  • the best option is loamy or sandy loam soil with an acidity no higher than 8pH;
  • carefully prepare the place for future crops - dig up beds, mark rows;
  • sow seeds to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other;
  • lightly sprinkle earth on top and mulch;
  • Form each variety into a separate row.

Shoots will appear on day 10-14.

Crop care:

After 2 weeks, the plants are planted in a permanent place, the distance between the sprouts and rows is 20 cm. In order for the viola to get stronger and take root well by winter, it should be ensured.

By variety and richness color range this culture has no equal. Pansies, followed by them, growing seedlings are the main stages of work, not always easy for novice gardeners. Despite their fragile appearance and touching name, pansies (violas) cannot be classified as sissies and prudes. They are suitable for cultivation throughout Russia. Violas are planted in gardens and front gardens, and they decorate parks and city streets. All this makes them a real hit in spring flower beds.

Their appearance distinguished by exquisite panache, especially early spring when they decorate the garden with rich brushstrokes. Another name for these flowers is viola.

The richness of colors, winter hardiness, compactness - this is what makes this crop so attractive. It is not without reason that gardeners have been growing this domesticated subspecies of tricolor violet for several centuries.

Photo of a spring flower bed

Pansies get along well with tulips and daffodils and look great on their own in containers, hanging flowerpots, baskets. Winter-hardy ones have been bred hybrid varieties that tolerate hot and cold weather. So viola can be planted in spring, summer, and autumn. But what is especially pleasant is that this culture is extremely unpretentious.

White perfection - Weiss variety, photo

Thanks to the tireless work of breeders, flowers become more diverse every year. Don't believe me? Visit your local seed store or order from a catalog online. Along with the classic purple, white, yellow, you will find new varieties of violas in different tones - pink, orange, pastel shades. Most of them are still decorated with characteristic spots that give the “pansies” a unique charm, but there are ones of one color, so to speak, with “clean faces.”

In addition, varieties have been bred with upward-facing flowers on a short stem. Such violas are much more noticeable in a flowerbed than those looking down. It is also important that they can withstand bad weather better.

Which type of pansy to choose

Seed breeders and sellers divide them into two categories:

  • varieties with large flowers are large-flowered;
  • varieties with small flowers are multi-flowered.

The largest flowers reach a diameter of 10 cm, the small ones - about 6 cm, and the rest - somewhere in between.

They sprout on their own, minimal care - self-seeding, photo

When choosing a variety of pansies, you should not think that what more flower, the better. Experience shows that the hardiest, strongest plants have small flowers. In addition, small multi-flowered varieties are better adapted to rainy weather and temperature changes. Although their flowers are small, there are many of them. So the overall effect is brighter than from the same number of bushes with large flowers.

Experience shows that where the climate is colder, small-flowered varieties win. But small-flowered violas also became leaders in the south. In fairness, it should be admitted that in the south the large-flowered plants have one interesting feature: The hotter the weather, the smaller the pansies become. Thus, by planting small-flowered varieties in the spring, by the end of the season you will receive very small flowers. That's why large-flowered violas traditionally predominate in urban flower beds; for example, they look great in hanging baskets or containers.

When to Plant Pansies

So, the hardest part is over: the variety has been chosen. You can follow the line of least resistance, and at the same time save a lot of time - buy seedlings, bring them home, plant them in your dacha or plot.

However, if you prefer to germinate the seeds yourself, then know: in order to have pansies in your garden this spring, you will have to get down to business in the winter. It will take two and a half, or even three months for the germinated seed to turn into seedlings that can be transplanted into the ground.

Since violas tolerate cold well, they are transplanted two to three weeks before the last spring frost. Remember the last season, when the last frost happened, count three months back from this date - and get down to business.

Dynamite Orange, photo

The most common mistake amateur gardeners make is that they start germinating seeds too late. Remember that these flowers like cool weather, because they were never tropical plants.

The ideal temperature for seed germination is relatively low: 18°C. You should not germinate them where you dried or stored gladioli bulbs. Gladioli are often infested with thrips, and these pests love to feast on pansy seedlings!

Sowing is done in January in a greenhouse or in April (in Kuban) in open ground, the seeds are lightly sprinkled with soil. They germinate in 7-14 days. Seedlings are shaded from direct sunlight. The best temperature for plant growth is +16-18°C during the day and +10-15°C at night. It is necessary to monitor constant soil moisture. Winter seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the spring, and summer seedlings in the fall.

How to plant pansies for seedlings

Sow the seeds in moist seedling soil and sprinkle them with a thin layer of vermiculite or sand. Pansy seeds do not germinate in the light.

Until the shoots appear (usually this happens after about a week), moisten the soil, but not too much. If possible, water through a drip tray. To retain moisture, you can cover the box with film, just do not forget to provide ventilation, otherwise cold-loving plants will simply cook under such cover.

As soon as the seeds germinate, place the box where it is light and cool - so that the seedlings do not grow too long and skinny. A cold greenhouse or a protected bed is perfect for this purpose: there is a lot of light and a suitable temperature of 13-16°C.

If you are germinating seeds at home under a fluorescent lamp, choose a cooler place. Place the box next to the light source, but no closer than 5 cm. After a month, transplant the seedlings into pots. As soon as the air temperature reaches +5°C, take the pots outside during the day.

When the plants are 10-11 weeks old, start hardening off, which will help them adapt more easily after planting in the ground. A protected bed is also suitable for this purpose. If severe frosts are expected, cover the seedlings with a thin layer of straw or covering material.

Pansies - plant care

Thanks to winter hardiness and endurance, growing modern varieties of violas is not difficult. open place and soil with good drainage is probably all they need. If you live in the south, plant them in lacy shade - this will help the plants survive the heat more easily. Regardless of the climate, the soil must have good drainage. If the soil is dense and damp, pansies will develop root rot. To avoid this misfortune, first put them on high bed.

What to feed? Of course, compost. They do not need any other fertilizer. If you don't have compost, use any other organic fertilizer that is relatively high in phosphorus and potassium and low in nitrogen.

Mixture of varieties on the lawn, photo

If you want to maximize the flowering period, regularly remove wilted ones. Since their roots are quite shallow, when the weather gets hot, mulch them with straw or grass clippings - this will also prolong the flowering period. If they are still blooming in August, do not forget to cut off the seed pods, and the flowering will continue throughout the fall.

  • Do you want to extend spring? Then leave the violas to winter. We assure you, this is not a joke! Plant seedlings towards the end of summer - they will bloom all autumn, during winter thaws, even next spring!
  • This culture boasts an extremely healthy heredity: its ancestors are the tricolor field violet and the yellow forest violet. In fact, modern garden pansies are perennial plants and, if covered for the winter, they live for several years, although most often we treat them as annuals and, when the weather gets hot, mercilessly pull them out of the ground by the roots.
  • If you plant them from August 15 to September 10, then Wittrock violets will take root well and decorate your garden not only in the fall, but also next spring. After overwintering, they will bloom in early spring, blooming throughout March, April, and especially magnificently in May.
  • Small-flowered varieties tolerate wintering especially well. Violki classic colors(golden, purple, white and yellow with spots) winter better than the newfangled orange, red, pink and pastel ones.
  • If you decide to plant violas in the fall and leave them to winter in the garden, find a place protected from the wind, provide them with well-drained soil, for example, a high bed along a wall or some other shelter. Wind and soil with poor drainage will destroy overwintering plants. Plant them in the ground at least a month before the onset of frost so that the roots have time to adapt by the beginning of winter.
  • We recommend planting pansies mixed with tulip or daffodil bulbs - in the spring your garden will have an exquisite carpet.
  • The best shelter for pansies is snow cover. If the winter turns out to be cold but with little snow, cover the plants with mulch, for example, pine spruce branches. You should not use fallen leaves for this purpose - they absorb too much moisture, they will crush and damage the plants.
  • If you live in the northern regions and want to plant these flowers in the fall, even leave them for the winter, find out in advance whether the nursery has the viola seedlings you need. If there is none, germinate seeds of suitable varieties yourself. They need to be germinated in mid-summer. Prepare a cool place (cellar) and get to work.
  • You can wait until autumn, sow the seeds in a cold greenhouse or protected bed, and transplant the seedlings into open ground in early spring. In the fall you won’t see any flowering, but from early spring violas will decorate your garden.
  • As a rule, pansies do not have problems with pests. True, sometimes, when it is dry and hot, red mites appear. It is necessary to treat the plants with any insecticidal soap solution.

Video about caring for, planting and propagating pansies.

Pansies are herbaceous perennial plants, although cultivated species are always grown as annuals or biennials. People often call it tricolor violet or viola. About the features of this culture, the most interesting varieties and cultivation will be discussed below in the article.

Description of the plant

The pansy flower is native to Europe. As new species appeared and the plant was domesticated, it spread throughout the world. Its popularity is largely due to the fact that caring for it at home is not difficult, but the culture is mainly valued for its beauty. This plant grows as a bush 15-30 cm high.

Flowering is usually early and long lasting. The bud is located on the peduncle. The flowers have an unusual shape and color, which is why they attract attention. A flower may have different type petals: straight, terry, with smooth or wavy edges. The petals are always bright and combine different colors and shades. The palette inherent to viola includes white, yellow, black, purple, blue, red and pink, as well as many other colors. But the middle, as a rule, is yellow and although it is very small, it is difficult not to notice it.

Types of pansies

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Types of Pansy Flower

Two types of violets are called pansies: tricolor field violet and Wittrock violet. The pansy flower includes more than 500 species. They are usually classified according to the size of the bud.

  • Small flowers have flowers up to 4 cm. Varieties such as “White”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Blue Blue” grow here.
  • Large species produce inflorescences up to 6 cm: “Jupiter”, “Evening Heat”, “Ice King”, “Adonis” and others.
  • Gigantic pansies have flowers with a diameter of more than 6 cm. As a rule, they are early. These include, for example, the “Swiss Giants” variety series.

In addition, pansy flowers are often distinguished by their appearance.

  • Spotted ones have spots on the surface of the bud: “ Tiger's eye F1", "Rembrandt", "Racing Glacier".
  • Single-color violas have only one color. Only small spots or stripes on the lower petals are acceptable: “Amber Falls F1”, “Padparadscha F1”, “Russian Beauty”, “Snow White”, “Storm”.
  • Bicolor pansies are varieties whose upper and lower petals have different colors. Among these species it is worth mentioning: “Caribbean F1”, “Lord Beaconsfield”, “Blue Lighthouse F1”.

Varieties of pansies

Varieties of pansies

There are a huge number of varieties of pansies, but I would like to highlight the most spectacular of them.

  • « Black crystal "- two-year-old viola. This is a highly branching and winter-hardy plant. Grows up to 30 cm, no more. Blooms early and profusely, as in open ground, and in boxes on balconies. It has a unique petal color. They are a rich, black, velvety color, with a possible blue or purple tint.
  • « Cassis F1 " produces large purple flowers with a white border around the edge. When releasing flowers, this plant cannot but attract attention. It is characterized by long flowering, unpretentiousness and is grown both on balconies and in flower beds.
  • « Flamenco red » – large-flowered pansies. The bushes are small with double and semi-double flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. The petals are cherry-red with brown veins.
  • « Moulin Rouge F1 "is distinguished by lush buds and a variety of shades. The stems are strong and long, which allows you to create flower arrangements. This is a moisture-loving and cold-resistant variety. Flowers in light and dark shades of purple.
  • « White with eye » Viola grows within 20-25 cm. It blooms from May to September. Flowers are up to 6 cm in diameter, white with a purple-black “eye” closer to the core. Grown in balcony boxes, flower beds, garden flowerpots.

Pansy propagation

Pansy flowers are propagated by seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings.

  • The easiest way to propagate pansies is by seeds, but seeds are not always available, and germination may be low if they are not of high quality. Although this is the most popular method and caring for pansies at home is very simple. It is worth noting that the seeds from this flower must be collected as soon as the boxes turn yellow, as they then fall off.
  • If you already have a ready-made large pansy flower, but want to propagate it, you should use the method of dividing the bush. In this case, the bush is divided into several inflorescences and planted in separate containers.
  • When available mother plant or the viola is taken from acquaintances or friends; propagation by cuttings can be used. Shoots are cut from May to July and planted at a short distance from each other. The depth should be insignificant. Watering is not carried out often. After about 3-4 weeks, the shoots take root.

Sowing seeds

Pansies are heat-loving plants. They grow well only in sunny areas. The soil is preferably loose, moist and nutritious. It is better that it is drained with an average level of acidity.


In sunny areas, pansy flowers always grow large and bright colors, but the flowering itself does not last long. But in dark places the opposite is true.

Planting is carried out at different times of the year - it depends on the climate and the desired flowering period. In view of this, there are two methods of growing crops: seeds and seedlings. First, it’s worth describing the most popular method - seeds.

In this case, violas are sown in prepared soil around the end of July. The soil should combine equal amounts of peat, humus, garden soil and sand. Shoots appear in about 2 weeks. And at the end of summer, the resulting shoots are transplanted to a permanent place with a distance between individual shoots of 10-30 cm.

Pansy seedlings

Pansy seedlings

The seedling planting method is used if abundant and long flowering. To get good seedlings, you need to sow pansy flowers in containers or greenhouses in February or early March. Sowing depth is no more than 4-5 mm. The soil for viola is chosen to be fertile and treated against pests and diseases. After sowing, the soil is moistened and covered with film or transparent glass. The first shoots can be expected after 10 days.

To get good sprouts short terms, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at +20 degrees. But after the sprouts appear, the temperature is gradually reduced and the film is removed at the same time. Young seedlings are fed with nitrogen and phosphorus to speed up growth. Feeding is carried out every 3 weeks.

The first picking is carried out after the appearance of 2 leaves. But replanting to a permanent place is done after the first buds appear or during flowering. There is no need to worry about the survival of the flower. Viola is resistant to transplantation and even minor damage to the roots. The main thing for successful cultivation plant a flower in fertile soil. The sprouts are taken out of the cups along with a lump of earth and simply transferred to a prepared hole in a new pot or flowerbed, and then the roots are covered with soil and watered.

How to care for flowers?

The pansy flower stands out for its unpretentiousness in the flowerbed. Bad weather, unfavorable conditions, and poor care rarely affect the condition of the plant. Although, of course, in order for the crop to grow without deviations and bloom on time, it needs some care at home.

  1. Watering is not carried out very often - so that the top layer of soil does not dry out.
  2. Fertilizing allows you to prolong the flowering of pansies, and also provides large buds and rich color. They are treated with humus, compost or purchased flower fertilizers. Fertilizing is done during budding and flowering - only 2 times per season!

Viola cannot be fertilized with fresh manure, as such fertilizer can leave burns on the flowers or roots. And the composition of such a product itself is too concentrated for this flower.

  1. The soil is loosened from time to time and weeds are removed.
  2. During the flowering period, it is necessary to remove excess, dried buds, as they not only spoil the “picture”, but also take nutrients from the plant.
  3. Before the onset of cold weather, pansies are covered with mulch (leaves, straw, sawdust or something similar) so that they do not freeze out during severe frosts.

Diseases and pests

Spider mite

Diseases and pests affect the pansy flower if they are present on nearby plants or under unfavorable conditions.

  • Powdery mildew appears as a white coating on the stems and leaves. To combat it, use “Fundazol” or a homemade solution of soda and soap.

To prevent diseases, you just need to disinfect the soil before using it and control watering rates.

  • Black leg and gray mold are not fully treated, therefore, if one or more plants are affected, all healthy shoots must be transplanted into disinfected soil, and the affected ones must be burned.
  • Of the pests, this flower is most often affected spider mite and aphids. You can get rid of them by spraying with chlorophos or insecticides for garden flowers: “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm” and the like.

It's hard to take your eyes off these charming, vibrant flowers. The variety of colors of the petals evokes admiration for the creations of nature. Viola (tricolor violet) in Russia was called: scrofula, tricolor, moth, half-flower or pansy. The article is devoted to the nuances of growing this wonderful crop in open ground; within the framework of the article we will look at the varieties and consider in detail planting and proper care behind the plant.

Description of the plant: varieties and varieties

Pansies are perennial plants, but cultivation is usually carried out according to the agricultural technology of a two-year crop. Abundant flowering in open ground occurs in spring and the first half of summer. Touching flowers open their petals towards the first sun rays, the snow will barely melt.

This variety of violets will be a worthy decoration for any flower bed.

Single flowers with a diameter of 6 to 10 cm rise from the leaf axils. Sometimes viola flowers emit a delicate, subtle aroma. The leaves of the plant are delicate, light green, oval, with a crenate or jagged edge.

Cultivated varieties amaze with the magnificence of their varied colors. Breeders have bred a huge number of multi-colored violas, including: the whole spectrum of lilac shades, yellow, white, blue. Pansies in red-brown tones are not uncommon these days. Varietal violas have contrasting stripes, eyes, and borders on the petals.

Wittrock's classification of viola: varieties and series.

Pansies are usually divided according to the height of the bush:

  • short;
  • medium height;
  • tall.

The second sign of the division of viola varieties is based on the size of the flower:

  • species with large flowers;
  • small-flowered varieties;
  • with giant flowers.

Variety of shades of viola

In addition, pansies differ in the appearance of the edges of the petals:

  • smooth petals;
  • wavy edge of petals.

Based on the color of the petals, the following types of viola are distinguished:

  • varieties with monotonous (one-color) color;
  • two-color varieties;
  • a series of flower varieties with contrasting spots and stripes.

Pansies comprise more than 15 groups of ornamental garden varieties, which differ significantly in flowering time, flower color and size, shape, and winter hardiness. Breeders have developed many giant varieties with wavy edges, including semi-double and terry varieties. They can grow well in open ground.

The charming flowers of the “Russian Size” variety series exceed 10 cm in diameter. New selections are ampelous pansies of the “Waterfall” variety series. These plants are intended for hanging baskets, they are characterized by abundant, lush, long-lasting flowering.

Plain pansies

In landscape design, monochromatic pansies are popular, the planting of which allows you to delimit the garden area with contrasting colored spots.

Currently, single-color specimens of viola have been bred in bright, pure colors:

  • blue;
  • purple;
  • yellow;
  • white;
  • orange;
  • red.

Planting a plant

The high decorative value of pansies in open ground directly depends on the planting location. Although the plant is quite shade-tolerant, in dense shade it degenerates: the flowers become smaller, lose their saturation, the stems of the plant stretch out and fade. The flowering time of such plants is significantly reduced.

Planting viola in open ground

The second condition for the luxurious flowering of pansies is the soil. Viola does not tolerate dry, rocky, sandy soil. This flower develops well in fertile soil, with a high content nutrients and moisture. Viola care is minimal.

How to plant pansies correctly: planting and care

Pansies - planting and care are not difficult: you can plant the plants directly from the seeds into the soil. To do this, the soil is loosened and the seeds are planted shallowly. Watering the crops is done carefully using a watering can with a fine strainer so as not to wash the seeds out of the soil. Shoots in open ground appear on the 7-10th day.

To speed up flowering, care should be taken in advance to use the seedling method, when seeds are sown in a greenhouse or greenhouse in advance. This agrotechnical technique allows you to get abundantly flowering bushes much earlier than when sowing seeds. Growing seedlings begins in February. Boxes with seeded viola are kept for a week in a dark place. With the emergence of seedlings, the boxes are moved to the brightest place. Caring for seedlings involves timely watering and hardening. Pansy seedlings are planted in the ground in mid-May. Flowering can begin within a month.

Decoration example summer cottage pansies

Important! Watering the seedlings must be carried out regularly, preventing the earthen ball from drying out or becoming waterlogged.

Viola is an unpretentious plant. Caring for her is not difficult. The plant requires regular watering, but it does not respond well to stagnant water in the garden.

Important! To prolong the flowering of the viola bush and preserve the decorative appearance of the plant, faded flowers must be removed regularly. Pinching stimulates the development of side shoots, which increases the number of decorative flowers.

Fertilizer and feeding

When preparing a bed for planting viola, it is important to provide for the application of fertilizers to increase the flowering period. Granular double superphosphate is excellent for this purpose. The fertilizer is embedded in the soil, where it slowly dissolves over a period of time. summer season and nourishes plants with phosphorus, which is responsible for the beauty of flowers.

Pansies, like any other plants, need mineral nutrition

During the growing season and flowering period, pansies need to be complex fertilizer for garden flowers. The frequency of application of nutrients is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Excellent results are achieved when applying foliar fertilizing, when the fertilizer is sprayed on the foliage.

Important! Pansies do not tolerate manure.

Plant propagation

In addition to sowing seeds, pansies can be easily taken from cuttings. Propagating viola by cuttings in open ground is not difficult. Around the beginning of summer, green cuttings with 2-3 internodes are cut from the bushes of the plant. Fresh cuttings are planted in a prepared bed. When planting, the viola should be watered and sprinkled with water.

Viola cuttings

Important! The use of growth stimulants (epin, kornevin, heteroauxin) increases the survival rate.

Culture propagation green cuttings, allows you to get a hardened, full-fledged bush, ready for flowering, in less than a month.

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, tender pansies are not immune to diseases and pests. Pansies have many diseases:

Powdery mildew affects the entire plant. The affected parts of the flower die over time, and new buds do not form.
Treatment: a water-soap emulsion is sprayed over the plant.

Gray rot causes damage (rotting) to all parts of the plant. Treatment: spraying with a 0.5% solution of copper oxychloride up to 4 times every 1 week.

Regularly inspect plants for diseases and pests

spotting- premature death of leaves; slowing down flowering. Treatment: the same control measures as for gray rot.

Blackleg- development of rot on the root collar and roots of the flower. Develops with excessive watering, dense soil and stagnant water. Prevention: use clean planting material, properly organized watering. Growing a crop in a waterlogged bed leads to the death of plants.

Pests of pansies are aphids and spider mites. Affected plants wither, stop blooming, and eventually die. In case of severe infestation, it is necessary to treat the flower garden with appropriate pest control preparations.

Pansies: combination with other plants

Wittrock's violet goes well with low-growing perennials or biennials:

  • Daisy;
  • Horned violet;
  • Iberis;
  • Forget-me-not;
  • Lobelia.

Pansies in a flowerbed in combination with forget-me-nots

When planting flower crops together, you should select plants suitable size so that nearby growing specimens do not oppress each other.

An excellent combination in a flowerbed is achieved by planting only pansies, while varieties of the same color or a multi-colored mixture are selected. Such flower beds look elegant and decorative.

Pansies in landscape design

The use of pansies in landscape design has become widespread and very justified:

  • young crops bloom in the same year (when sown through seedlings);
  • a wide palette of colors makes it possible to choose suitable variety to any solution for designing flower beds;
  • flowering of the crop begins quite early, in cold weather spring period when there are few flowering crops.

Example landscape design using plain pansies

Viola clumps look great on an emerald green lawn. Carpet ornaments are laid out from flowers, paths are lined with them, and planted in hanging flowerpots. Planting does not cause any trouble or difficulty, and caring for viola is quite simple, so it is often used to decorate areas in landscape design.

Rules for planting viola in the ground: video

Pansies: photo

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