Prodigal son. What does the expression "prodigal son" mean?

This phrase is clear to everyone; when they say “the return of the prodigal son,” then mean an adult child who left the family and then returned home. Very often they say this about children who have not visited their parents for a very long time. Or about children who lived very far away, led a dissolute life, and then appeared to the family.

This phrase is biblical. In the Gospel of Luke, in the fifteenth chapter, there is a famous parable about the prodigal son. Once upon a time there lived a man who had two sons. One day the youngest of them decided to demand his share of the property and leave home. The father agreed to give him his share, the son took it and left for distant lands. There he led a dissolute life and soon squandered all the fortune he received from his father.

Hard times came in the country where he lived, many people were starving. The prodigal son decided to become a hired worker in order to somehow feed himself. He began to herd pigs, thinking that he would be able to eat at least the food that is given to animals. But he was not allowed. Then he decided to return home and work for his father, since his workers live much better.

When he returned, he asked his father for forgiveness and asked to become his servant. The father was very happy about the return of his son, ordered him to be dressed in good clothes, slaughtered a calf in his honor and organized a holiday. When the eldest son returned from work and saw a holiday in honor of his dissolute brother, he was offended and decided not to even enter the house. His father, seeing him, told him not to be offended, because he was always next to him, and his father shared all his wealth with him equally. And the youngest son was already dead to his father, but he is alive and returned home, and this is a great joy - the return of the prodigal son.

For Christians, this is one of the most important biblical parables, which symbolizes a person’s life without God (the life of the prodigal son in foreign lands) and his return to God when he repented and decided to live in harmony with his Father (the return of the prodigal son to his father and his repentance).

This parable is part of the Jewish oral tradition. In the ancient Jewish legend there are also words that prodigal son in a foreign land he forgot his language, and when he returned home, he could not even call his father. Then in despair he screamed. This parable is reflected in the celebration of the Jewish New Year. The cry of the young man symbolizes the sounding of the shofar in the synagogues - musical instrument made from animal horn.

With the spread of Christianity, the parable of the Prodigal Son became popular not only among Jews, but throughout the Christian world.

This, of course, contributed to the fact that the phrase “return of the prodigal son” became popular in many languages ​​of the world.

The catchphrase “return of the prodigal son” has given its name to many great works of art, the most famous of which is Rembrandt’s work “The Return of the Prodigal Son,” written in the 60s of the 17th century. Without exaggeration, the parable of the prodigal son can be called one of the most famous gospel tales. According to its plot, paintings are painted and statues are created, it is remembered in films on biblical themes ... Even in the speech of a person far from religion, no, no, it will slip through: “Oh, you prodigal son!” Moreover, there is a day during which the words of the parable are repeated in all Orthodox churches

peace. What kind of story is this?

A story of fall, repentance and forgiving love

Let us briefly recall the essence of the Gospel story.

One father had two sons. Each of the children hoped to eventually receive his share of the inheritance; however, the younger one found it offensive to wait for the death of his parent in order to gain, as they would say now, financial independence. He went to his father and asked to allocate the part of the farm that was allotted to him immediately, and having received it, he soon sold it and went to foreign lands in search of a wild life.

Having squandered his fortune, the guy fell into deep poverty and was forced to take on the most menial labor, just so as not to die of hunger. After pushing around in a foreign land for some time, the young man decided to return to his native land, apologize for his mistakes and ask to return to his parents’ home. At least as a hired worker! But the father, exhausted by anxiety for his foolish son, did not even listen to his repentant speeches - he immediately ordered the servants to dress and put on shoes for the unlucky traveler and organize a festival in his honor.

What happened made everyone happy except the young man’s brother, who remained at home all this time, obediently fulfilling his filial duty. Convinced that he had become a victim of injustice, he began to blame his parent - they say, how can this be? I work tirelessly, and I don’t deserve a holiday like the one this worthless reveler received?!

The eldest son could not rejoice at the return of his brother...

“You are always with me,” he heard in response. - “And everything that’s mine is yours. But your brother was dead and lost, but now he is alive and found. How can I not be happy? It will be easier to answer this question if we take a closer look at each of the images depicted in it.


It seems that many will guess that under the guise of the father in this story the Lord himself appears, always ready to forgive and accept his children - if only they want to come. And they will be right.

Imagine! After all, the young man’s father was probably quite offended by his son’s unreasonable behavior. Upset by his long absence. Perhaps he was annoyed at the loss of half of his fortune, which he could have mentioned at least in passing and reproached the offspring who showed up on the doorstep: they say, he squandered on his drinking friends what I had earned through years of honest labor!.. But the parent had no thought of scolding.

The joy at the return of the prodigal son was so great that the house immediately threw a huge feast! And, of course, the first to be seated at the table was the washed, dressed and shod tramp, who showed up under his stepfather’s roof almost naked. The gesture, by the way, is symbolic: having ordered to find shoes for his son, the father accepted him into the house with his previous rights, although the young man agreed to the role of a simple worker, who was not entitled to shoes.

For a father there was no greater joy than to see his child alive and unharmed

If an earthly father did this for his reveler son, and easily, without anger in his soul, then will the Heavenly Father really not accept a repentant sinner? Even if he caused a lot of mischief, wasted the great gifts given to him - time, strength, spiritual purity - even if he upset and angered the Father more than once... You just have to realize your fall, be imbued with the desire to change your life, come to the threshold of God's temple with your head bowed - and they will hear you . For those who truly love us will not turn away from us.

It is not without reason that Jesus himself, in his conversations with his disciples, says that in heaven one repentant sinner is more welcome than 99 righteous people.

Prodigal son

Actually, why is the son called prodigal? Because he led a dissolute lifestyle away from his father’s house? Not really. If you turn to expert linguists, they will tell you: the word that was used to designate a foolish young man in church books can be translated not only as “dissolute” or “wasteful,” but also as “lost,” “lost,” “lost.”

The repentant sinner is the same prodigal son who returned home

A son is lost, perishing in a foreign land in pursuit of pleasure. Lost is the one who walked away from God and His love in search of a life not burdened by daily work on his soul... And the one who managed to wake up one day and, looking soberly at himself from the outside, find the strength to take the path of correction, is found. Saved. Returned to the parental roof, where you can forget the hardships you have experienced, heal your sin-weary soul and truly be resurrected...

Even the meaning of the phraseological unit “prodigal son” contains a note of positivity. When we use it in everyday speech, we usually mean someone who has lost his way, left family, friends or a close-knit team. But at the same time, we often seem to imply that the “free tramp” may come to his senses and return. How could it be otherwise, after all soul mate, not a stranger!

righteous son

When reading the biblical parable of the prodigal son, we traditionally focus on the key images: the tramp boy and his parent. Meanwhile, the second offspring is a curious figure!

How can one not recall the arrogant righteous Pharisee and the repentant publican!

How does the Gospel portray him? An honest guy who meekly worked in his father’s fields and vineyards, while his brother was happily wasting his share of the inheritance in distant lands... It seems that the eldest son had reasons to grumble at the sight of the rejoicing that arose in the house because of his careless offspring. After all, after what had been done, it would have been impossible for an honest man to call him brother!

But if you look at history from a different angle, the picture changes.

If the legend shows us a sinner under the guise of the prodigal son, then his righteous brother is a man who lives strictly according to the commandments of God. A regular churchgoer. Observing fasts. He knows by heart the prayers and where, when, and in what order they should be read. AND…

...And he who does not have the strength in his soul to rejoice for his resurrected - read, churched, reunited with God - brother. Alas, the righteousness of such people is based not on love, but on selfishness: look, Lord, how diligently I serve you, I try, I fulfill every letter of your commandments! You won’t put me, who is thoroughly pious, on the same level as a sinner, at whom I don’t even hesitate to snort contemptuously on occasion: let him know his place, unworthy...

Another common symbol of sinful man is the lost sheep.

In a word, the parable gives everyone something to think about. For sinners - to gain hope for salvation by remembering the mercy of God. For the righteous - to test the soul for pride. This year, February 24 is dedicated to the memories of the prodigal son, the second preparatory week before Lent. Let's try to spend this day usefully and, if not eradicate unkind impulses in our soul, then at least realize them, and having realized them, take the first step towards eradicating our shortcomings.

Video: Parable of the Prodigal Son

For the little ones – and for adults who prefer to perceive visual information – we suggest watching a cartoon from the channel “Orthodoxy in Details”...

...And a wonderful video from MYDROSTVEKOV

Video: Return of the Prodigal Son

The expression "Prodigal Son" has biblical roots. There is such an instructive parable. Once in one very religious, rich family there was a youngest son who led a riotous lifestyle. He left the family and nothing was heard about him for many years. In general, he actually died for his loved ones. And after many years, this man returned to the family.

He threw himself at his father's feet and asked for forgiveness for his disorienting behavior. He didn't know what his parent's reaction would be. He accepted him, forgave him and arranged a magnificent feast on this occasion. And the son really realized his unworthy behavior and became a completely different person worthy of his family.

Now it is difficult for us to understand this situation. But, in those days, the father was the head of the family until the end of his days. All finances were in his hands. Everyone obeyed and respected their father; his word was law for all household members.

Since the parable is from the Bible, it has the following meaning: Every sinner who sincerely repents of his sins, rethinks his life, and changes it for the better will be forgiven by God.

The expression “the return of the prodigal son” is still relevant today and means the following:

  • A person who, with his dissolute behavior, stands out significantly from his family.
  • You can talk about an employee who is always late and skips work.
  • A person who has realized his mistakes has changed his behavior or lifestyle in general for the better.

The Prodigal Son Has Returned and Repents

Prodigal son - today they say this with irony about a person who left someone or something for a long time, but eventually returned.
However, in the Christian religious tradition, the meaning of the parable of the prodigal son is much more serious. The author of the parable is Jesus himself. But the Evangelist Luke brought it to the people, who in life was a Greek or Syrian, a doctor, followed the Apostle Paul and became his closest assistant and follower. Whether Luke converted, that is, became a Jew, is unknown, but it is traditionally believed that Luke wrote his Gospel with Greek readers in mind primarily

11 He also said, “A certain man had two sons;
12 And the youngest of them said to his father: “Father! give me the next part of the estate." And the father divided the estate between them
13 And after a few days the younger son, having gathered everything, went to a far side and there squandered his substance, living dissolutely. 14 And when he had spent all his time, there came a great famine in that country, and he began to be in need.
15 And he went and accosted one of the inhabitants of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs.
16 And he was glad to fill his belly with the horns that the swine ate, but no one gave him
17 And when he came to his senses, he said, “How many of my father’s hired servants have bread to spare, but I am dying of hunger?”
18 I will get up and go to my father and say to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you
19 and is no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me as one of your hired servants"
20 He got up and went to his father. And while he was still far away, his father saw him and had compassion; and, running, fell on his neck and kissed him
21 The son said to him: “Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you and am no longer worthy to be called your son.”
22 And the father said to his servants, “Bring best clothes and clothe him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet
23 And bring the fatted calf, and kill it; Let's eat and have fun!
24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” And they started having fun.
25 And his eldest son was in the field; and returning, when he approached the house, he heard singing and rejoicing
26 And calling one of the servants, he asked, “What is this?”
27 He said to him, “Your brother has come, and your father killed the fatted calf, because he received it healthy.”
28 He became angry and did not want to go in. His father came out and called him
29 But he answered his father: “Behold, I have served you for so many years and have never violated your command, but you never gave me even a kid so that I could have fun with my friends.”
30 And when this son of yours, who had wasted his wealth with harlots, came, you killed the fatted calf for him.”
31 He said to him: “My son! you are always with me, and everything I have is yours
32 But in this we had to rejoice and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive, he was lost and is found.”
Gospel of Luke (15:11-32)

Conclusions from the story of the prodigal son

Every person is dear to God, like a son to a father.
You need to be able to forgive, be kinder, more merciful, respect not only other people's virtues, but opinions, even erroneous ones. And although the father’s act is far from the abstract concept of justice (But the elder brother said in response to his father: “Behold, I have served you for so many years and have never violated your orders, but you never gave me even a kid so that I could have fun with my friends, but when this son of yours, who squandered his wealth with harlots, came, you killed the fatted calf for him"), sometimes you should give up on it for the sake of showing compassion for the one who needs it and cries for it

The original source of Jesus' parable of the prodigal son is the Judaic idea of ​​repentance. The sages of the Talmud emphasized the importance of repentance for a person. Repentance was created by God, it reaches the throne of the Lord, prolongs a person’s life and brings deliverance from the torments of conscience. God encourages Israel to repent and not be ashamed of repentance, just as a son is not ashamed to return to his loving father.

“Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; remove your evil deeds from before My eyes; cease to do evil;
learn to do good, seek truth, save the oppressed, defend the orphan, stand up for the widow.
Then come and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; if they are red as crimson, they will be white as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the blessings of the earth."
(Books of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 1)

"Return of the Prodigal Son"

Rembrandt "Return of the Prodigal Son"

The phrase “prodigal son” is most often accompanied by the noun “return”
“The Return of the Prodigal Son” is one of the most famous and mysterious paintings by the great Dutch artist Rembrandt. Unknown exact date creating a picture. Art historians suggest the years 1666-1669. The figures depicted on the canvas are interpreted differently. There is no dispute only about the characters of the father and the prodigal son. Who the rest are - a woman, men, the elder brother of a returning sinner, a wanderer accompanying a younger one, Rembrandt himself, who portrayed himself, are they concrete or allegorical - is unknown

The use of the expression “prodigal son” in literature

« In general, I settled down... Prodigal son, I’m returning home. Forty years ago I was brought here, and now some forty years pass, and I’m here again!"(Andrey Bitov “Scattered Light”)
« It bursts into the “cultural” life of a rich family like a gust of a whirlwind through a bad closed window"he", the prodigal son, tall, gloomy and mysteriously dangerous, after an unknown seven-year absence"(L. D. Trotsky “About Leonid Andreev”)
« But there is a Hasidic version of the parable, and there - listen, listen, it’s terribly interesting: it tells that in foreign countries the prodigal son forgot native language, so that, returning to his father’s house, he could not even ask the servants to call his father.”(Dina Rubina “Russian Canary”)
« The quiet Uncle Sandro sat next to his father, like a prodigal son who had not fornicated, driven by circumstances into his home and forced to remain in table humility.”(Fazil Iskander “Sandro from Chegem”)
« Sudden death the old prince softened the hearts of the gods, and Sergei Myatlev, like a prodigal son, returned to the cavalry guard’s roof.”(Bulat Okudzhava “Journey of Amateurs”)

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