How to spray grapes against diseases using folk remedies. Folk remedies for grape disease

Grapes grow and bear fruit on almost every plot.
Growing this useful vine, we end up getting beautiful berries life and health. In addition to a number of vitamins (C, P, PP, B2, B6, B12), they contain fructose and glucose, organic acids - malic, oxalic, citric, tartaric, etc.
These substances, perfectly combined with each other, give a special taste and aroma not only to fresh berries, but also to their processed products - juices, wines, marinades.
How can we make sure that grapes give us as many tasty and healthy bunches as possible?
Let's try to figure this out as we continue the grape theme started in No. 10.
First of all, it is important to promptly begin protecting the bushes from all kinds of diseases and pests.
For this purpose, it is advisable to use systemic drugs.
However, it is worth considering that our ecology is already oversaturated with chemicals, so it is better to do without it.
It is most useful to practice your methods based on folk recipes, which
are passed on from generation to generation.
We present to your attention some of them.

From oidium (powdery mildew):
cut the grass and put it in a pile; and when it turns gray inside and becomes moldy, put it in a bucket, fill it with water and mix it.
Then strain and spray the entire vineyard with the prepared infusion.
This procedure can be carried out throughout the summer if necessary.
From spider mites:
Pour 1.5–2 kg of green potato tops into 10 liters of hot water, leave for 4-5 hours and treat the vineyard.
If the mite attacks small seedlings, chop 50 g of garlic, add 0.5 liters of water, leave for 10 minutes, add up to 1 liter and thoroughly spray the entire seedling.
And if you cover it or place it in plastic bag for a few hours, the tick will disappear for a long time.
Treating plants with wood ash extract helps against mildew, as well as for better ripening of berries and vines:
Pour 1 liter of sifted ash into 10 liters of water, leave for 5-7 days, strain.
Treat the bushes with a sprayer.
Add 50 g to the solution laundry soap.
This treatment is especially useful in the second half of summer.
It is advisable to carry it out every 10 days, until the leaves fall off in the fall. Thanks to this, the clusters ripen faster, accumulate more sugar, and the vine ripens better.
Seedlings can be treated in the same way - from this procedure they begin to ripen more intensively.
The most effective way to treat gray rot is to treat the bunches with iodine (usual 5%):
0.5–1 ml per 1 liter of water.
The first treatment is when the berry gains size (or if an outbreak of rot is noticed). The second is during the ripening of the berries.
Spray the bunches thoroughly or dip them in the solution.
If they are very dense, it is advisable to remove undeveloped berries from the bunch before processing.

What is wrong with grapes? Mildew: treatment of the disease, causes and prevention

Main diseases of grapes and their treatment

Grapes are an attractive crop that produces berries with different taste qualities and bears fruit for many years.

Unfortunately, up to 30% of the harvest per year is lost due to unfavorable weather and bad soil conditions, as well as damage to plants by pathogens.

All winegrowers interested in obtaining a rich harvest should know how to prevent grape diseases and protect bushes from pests.

Diseases that a vineyard owner may encounter are divided into infectious and non-infectious. The most dangerous infections for grapes are mildew, oidium, anthracnose and white and gray rot.

Mildew disease

How to recognize mildew and treat the bush in a timely manner? The main symptom of the disease is oily spotting on the leaves. Round-shaped lesions form on the tops of young and aging leaves in summer. The sizes of the spots are arbitrary.

With high humidity, the back side of the leaf becomes covered with a white powdery coating (dew effect). As it progresses, mildew disease invades the healthy part of the leaf. Dead leaves fall off.

How to treat mildew disease? The following preparations are used for processing grapes:

  • Antracol.
  • Thanos.
  • Strobe.
  • Cuproxat.
  • Copper oxychloride.
  • Bordeaux mixture.

For preventive purposes, spraying is carried out three times. The period of the first treatment is when the branches of the bush grow to 20 cm in length. The second time protection against mildew is created before the bush blooms, the third time - as the grapes enlarge to the size of peas.

Oidium - powdery mildew on grapes

Among the problems of growing grape bushes, oidium occupies 2nd place. It is caused by the fungus Uncinula necator Burril.

A characteristic sign of this grape disease is a grayish-white dust that is found on underdeveloped shoots with wavy leaves.

If in June the plaque is observed only on the leaves, then by the end of summer the disease affects the tops of the branches. The formed inflorescences die off and the berries dry out.

Measures for treating grapes from oidium disease are carried out as follows:

  1. Ventilation of bushes.
  2. Weeding.
  3. Stepsonning and garter.
  4. Pruning infected shoots.

For prevention, the vineyard is treated with fungicides (Tiovit, Strobi, Topaz, Horus).

Anthracnose grape disease

The causative agent of the disease is an infectious mycelium fungus, which produces up to 30 generations of spores in one season. Anthracnose affects the grape bush completely along with the berries.

The cause of the disease is increased spring humidity. At first, grapes react to unfavorable weather with brown spots in a dark border on the leaves, which tend to merge.

Then the problem areas die off.
Depressed brown spots are visible in the internodes. The vine cracks and dries out. The inflorescences, under the influence of the fungus, also turn brown and dry out.

Diseased fruits are covered with brownish spots with dark outlines.

On the eve of flowering and 10 days after it, spraying is carried out again with a less concentrated preparation - 1%, or used for treatment with Polychom, Arcerid, Polycarbacin, Teldor.

Gray and white rot

The infectious disease usually affects grapes in humid conditions, and ripened berries are involved in the development of rot. Characteristic signs of gray and white rot are:

  • Changing the color of grapes.
  • Cracking of fruits.
  • The appearance of a white/gray coating.

There is no specific treatment for gray mold. Several measures will help prevent the disease:

  1. Growing varieties with increased resistance to gray rot.
  2. Formation of bushes on high trunks.
  3. Timely work on thinning vegetation for good ventilation.
  4. Pruning affected bunches at the first sign of disease.
  5. Providing optimal load to the bushes.
  6. Irrigation with a solution of baking soda (100 g per 10 liters of water).
  7. Treatment of greens with a solution of copper sulfate (10 g per 10 liters of tap chlorine water).

Bacterial canker - an incurable disease of grapes

From illness bacterial cancer grapes cannot be saved due to the lack of effective treatment methods. Prevention of bacterial cancer comes down to a careful examination of the rhizome of the bush when planting.

There should be no suspicious bumpy formations on the roots - so-called tumors. If a diseased plant is detected in an area, it is removed immediately. The vacated area is allowed to wander for several years.

The danger of bacterial cancer lies in its long latent period.

The disease develops gradually from the moment cancer cells penetrate the plant during cultivation and spreads to all parts of the grape bush.

Curved surfaces on the vine become noticeable in conditions of elevated temperatures and soil moisture. First, bacterial canker degrades grape yields. Subsequently, the bush weakens and dies.

How to protect grapes from pests

It's not just diseases that cause damage to grapes. Insects, birds and weeds are significant contributors to vine damage.

If the vineyard is infested with pests such as white moths, moths, cutworm caterpillars and various lepidoptera, the plant is protected with Proclaim or Vertimek TM Syngenta.

A single application of Proclaim guarantees the safety of the bush from 3 generations of insects.

The insecticide has a detrimental effect on adults and larvae of any lepidoptera and enhances the effect of other drugs used to suppress lungworts and thrips.

The proclamation destroys the digestive system of pests, causing them to die.

For ripened bunches, bees, wasps and birds pose a danger. The garden especially needs protection from wasps.

In summer, these insects benefit the vineyard, protecting it from other pests - they simply eat them.

With the arrival of autumn, the proximity of wasps turns into an unfavorable factor causing damage to the grape industry.

Chemical preparations during the ripening period of the bunches are not suitable for controlling insects, since toxic substances are absorbed by the pulp of the berries.

Mechanical destruction of pests will be ineffective if a huge colony of winged grape lovers lives nearby.

The best option for dealing with wasps is to use a smoke bomb or spray insecticides on the nest with sleeping insects. In the morning, the empty nest must be destroyed.

Simple traps for luring wasps are made from plastic bottles. A little soap solution is poured into the bottom of the dish, and the walls are greased with honey or jam. Bottles can also be filled with unusable jam diluted with water. Insects will get stuck in the sticky masses, drown and die.

Special protective nets help protect ripening grapes from attacks by winged insects and birds. The devices are put on the bunches.

Safe ways to preserve grapes

Herbal decoctions have long been used to improve the health of grape bushes. Unlike chemicals, herbal remedies are used without reference to the ripening of berries.

One of the available protective agents is a decoction onion peel. It is prepared by boiling half a bucket of husks in water for 20 minutes.

The broth is infused for 24 hours, the resulting volume is brought to a whole bucket and stirred with 1 tbsp. l. honey. The solution is filtered and sprayed on the grapes.

To prepare protective infusions, use stale dry grass with the addition of lactic acid, decoctions of celandine, St. John's wort, and comfrey. The vineyard is often treated with herbal remedies, since they are easily washed off by dew and rain.

At first glance, caring for grapes may seem labor-intensive. However, it is regular care of plants that allows you to collect the highest yields.

Fungicides are inexpensive and do not cause any difficulties in application. By ignoring the processing of grapes, the owner risks ruining the bushes and being left without a delicious dessert.


Everyone loves grapes. Its dark purple, green or yellow berries, filled with juice, warmed by the summer sun and washed by warm rains, seem to be asking to be eaten in the mouth. But to get this beauty and deliciousness, the winegrower must sweat a lot.

Grape diseases and the fight against them take a lot of effort. Unfortunately, there are no varieties that do not suffer from any infection at all.

Diseases and pests of grapes, of which there are several dozen, spoil appearance plants, destroy the crop. Our task is to prevent their appearance and successfully fight when detected.


Among them are grape aphids (one of the most dangerous pests), cicadas, scale insects, wasps, borers, wood borers, weevils, mites, leaf rollers, thrips, grape flea beetles, moths and mosquitoes. Almost all of them feed on leaves and young shoots.

Woodworms and golden borers gnaw holes in the branches, wasps, scale insects gnaw out fruits, weevils spoil the roots, bunch budworms sweep away everything. Despite the fact that diseases and pests of grapes are so numerous, it is not very difficult to fight them.

The development cycle of insects is such that they necessarily lay eggs. Most do this on the underside of the sheet. Hatched caterpillars and larvae can be easily controlled with contact insecticides. Spraying is carried out according to indications.

If borers and woodworms are detected, you need to carefully examine the bush and remove all damaged shoots, and then treat it with the drug. You also need to weed the grape plantings and remove all dry fruits and leaves from the bushes.

Bacterial diseases

As the name suggests, this group of diseases is caused by bacteria. They penetrate into the plant body through wounds caused by mechanical damage (for example, pruning, grafting), as well as “thanks to” the efforts of sap-sucking insects.

The most dangerous disease of this nature is bacterial cancer. Its pathogen lives in almost all types of soil.

Once in the plant, it introduces its DNA into the “victim” cell, after which it begins to divide at a breakneck speed, which manifests itself in growths on the vines. There is no treatment for this infection.

The best thing to do is remove and burn the diseased plant. Take from him planting material, including seeds, is prohibited. Also, you cannot plant a new plant in its place for 3 years.


This is another bacterial disease that has no cure. It manifests itself as a sudden and very rapid withering of the entire grape bush. Caused by bacteria that produce toxins that are poisonous to grapes.

Since bacterial diseases cannot be cured, protecting grapes from diseases of this type is carried out through prevention.

It lies in proper care, taking precautions when purchasing new seedlings and mandatory fertilization of grapes so that the bushes grow strong and viable.

Fungal infections

As the name suggests, this group of diseases is caused by fungi. All of them are microscopic and become visible to the naked eye when their colonies reach catastrophic sizes for grape bushes (in the photo there is a leaf with mildew).

With the onset of cold weather, they die, but leave behind spores that overwinter in fallen leaves, soil, or in the buds and bark of grapes. No frost kills them. With the arrival of warmth, the spores awaken and begin to germinate.

By the wind or any water drops (rain, watering, dew), they spread throughout the vineyard, settle on the leaves or vines and are introduced into the plant. After this, the mushrooms intensively grow the mycelium to produce new spores and spread further.

During the season there can be up to three dozen such new generations (depending on the weather)! If the fungus has managed to penetrate the body of the plant, it becomes inaccessible to drugs.

Therefore, it is extremely important that the treatment of grapes against diseases is carried out at the correct time. There is also a fungal disease, verticillium, for which there is no cure yet. Its manifestations and outcome are similar to apoplexy.


This infection is also called downy mildew. Initially, only young shoots and leaves are affected, later the fungus captures inflorescences and berries. As a result, the entire bush suffers from mildew. There are various diseases of grapes and how to combat them, but mildew is considered the most dangerous.

On initial stage it appears as lighter spots than the entire leaf blade. The fungus continues to develop and soon the spots become gray-brown, and a gray coating appears on the underside of the leaf.

These are new spores, ready to spread further throughout the vineyard with the slightest breeze or drop of moisture. Shoots are affected in the same way as leaves. Diseased inflorescences and ovaries darken and dry out. If the fungus infects the petiole of the inflorescence, the entire bunch dries out and falls off.

Mildew overwinters in the soil and on leaves. To reduce the risk of this disease, grape care must include: preventive measures– cleaning up fallen leaves and spraying the soil around the bush with fungicides.

Spraying grapes against mildew is carried out with Bordeaux mixture, which is prepared independently from copper sulfate and quicklime. You can also use Ridomil, Acidan, Mancozeb, Rapid Gold and other drugs.

Spraying begins when the air temperature has reached +10, young shoots have grown by 10 cm, there has been good rain, or when light green spots appear on the leaves. Further processing carried out every 7-14 days.

Grape disease oidium

This infection is also called powdery mildew. It can begin at any stage of plant development and affect any part or all of it at once. The oidium fungus overwinters in the bark and buds of grapes. It appears as a dirty white fluffy coating on leaves, shoots, and berries.

In this case, the leaf blades turn yellow, the flowers and young ovaries dry out, and if the disease began during the ripening phase of the berries, cracks appear on them, from which the seeds protrude. Most favorable for oidium warm winters and rainy springs.

Then real epidemics of this infection are observed. To prevent oidium grape disease, the first treatment is carried out in early March, especially if the weather is favorable for the fungus. Further according to the indications.

Preparations against oidium: ground and colloidal sulfur, copper oxychloride, Topaz, Bayleton, Thiovit Jet.

Alternaria blight

Grape diseases and their treatment are not easy. Many diseases are similar in appearance, for example, oidium and alternaria. You can distinguish them with a little experience. Pick off the affected leaf, place it on a wet plate, cover with another plate and place in a warm place for a couple of hours.

It appears in multiple dark spots on the leaf blade. As temperatures rise, the leaves dry out completely and fall off. The fungus continues to live in them. The second disease also affects leaves and shoots, as well as berries.

It manifests itself in an olive coating on the affected parts of the plant on leaves and berries, in the lightening of infected shoots and in spots with dry edges on the leaves. Yuni Blanc disease greatly reduces the winter hardiness of grapes and its yield. The fight begins with the opening of the first two leaves.

Preparations - Bordeaux mixture, Ridomil, Cabrio Top, Skor and others.


Grape diseases and their treatment depend on various causes. Anthracnose, for example, actively manifests itself at high humidity, regardless of air temperature. Especially if the grapes are damaged by hail.

The infection first appears on young leaves and shoots and appears as dry spots, in place of which holes later appear. Their edges are black. The leaf either dries out or becomes distorted.

Cracks appear on the affected shoots (sometimes to the very center). The disease appears on the affected berries various shapes spots of gray or dark color with an even darker border.

Later, the berries crack and the brushes can dry out completely. The fungus overwinters in infected branches and in dried but not fallen fruits.

Therefore, caring for grapes to prevent anthracnose includes autumn pruning and removal of all mummified fruits from the bushes. Spraying is carried out with fungicides “Skor”, “Acrobat”, “Ridomil”, “Artserid”. They begin when young shoots grow to 10 cm.

Gray rot

It is important to correctly recognize grape diseases and begin their treatment on time, because many fungi, having begun to multiply in any one area of ​​the plant, soon take over it entirely.

This refers to gray rot, which affects absolutely all parts of the grapes. The fungus also overwinters in all parts of the plant. Comes to life at above-zero temperatures. Damp, cool weather is especially favorable for the fungus.

In hot weather, you can even make wine from affected berries. It manifests itself as browning of the infected parts of the plant and their death. The berries rot, but can remain in the bunch.

Treatment against the fungus is carried out with “Fundazol”, “Eupparen”, as well as iodine solution.

White rot

This infection refers to a disease of grape berries. The fungus can infect the entire cluster or only a few fruits. The disease begins during the ripening period of grapes and is manifested by browning and wrinkling of the berries.

Dirty pink dots (without rain) and black spots (with high humidity) become noticeable on them. Sometimes white rot affects shoots, forming light spots with a dark rim on them. Such shoots die off.

Fighting white rot mechanical destruction affected bunches of grapes and spraying. Preparations "Funzodol", "Colfugo Super". After hail, such treatment must be carried out immediately, otherwise the fungus will penetrate the body of the plant.

In addition to gray and white rot, there are also root, black, vinegar and blue rot. Root appears when improper watering and damage to the roots. Acetic fungus is carried by Drosophila and manifests itself in the rotting of ripe berries.

Blue rot or penicillium develops on berries already affected by mildew.

What leaf diseases affect grapes?

It must be said that there are very few diseases affecting only leaves. As a rule, starting on the green parts of the grapes, the infection soon spreads to the berries. Chlorosis (cessation of chlorophyll production) can be classified as purely leafy.

It manifests itself as fading of the leaf plate. The reasons are a lack of iron or zinc in the soil with a high copper content. The bush first sheds faded leaves, then clusters and, ultimately, may die.

There is also viral chlorosis or yellow mosaic, carbonate and edaphic (with severe soil salinity, liming, waterlogging).

In addition, the leaf diseases Septoria (appears on old leaves as dark spots, the protection is the same as against mildew) and fusarium (signs similar to chlorosis, diagnosed on a cross section of branches, on which pink fragments should be visible) affect grapes. Another sign is too small leaves and fruits, as well as multiple painful-looking stepsons. Control measures include spraying with Bordeaux mixture and regular feeding.

Spotting or bacteriosis

These grape diseases and their treatment are complex and not always effective. They are caused by bacteria (leaves, berries, shoots are affected) and manifest themselves in the appearance of various kinds of spots.

On berries, the disease begins with small spots-dots, which quickly enlarge and darken. Bacteriosis spots differ from oidium in that they fall inside the berry. The crop may die within 2 weeks.

There is no effective treatment yet, but gardeners save grapes with Bordeaux mixture and antibiotics, and treat them with Fitolavin for preventive purposes.

At the first signs of disease, it is necessary to destroy all diseased bunches and parts of the plant.

In addition to bacterial and fungal diseases, there are viral diseases of grapes. Viruses are transferred from a diseased plant to a healthy one. They manifest themselves in different ways.

The most characteristic are curly foliage and other deformations, mosaic spots on leaf blades of yellow, black, red and other colors, stunted growth of bushes, chopping of berries to the size of peas. Control measures have not yet been developed.


Even the most delicious and easy-to-care grape varieties are not immune to fungal diseases. Fungal diseases of grapes can destroy an entire bush if nothing is done. The most common are mildew, oidium and late blight.

Most of them are diseases of grape berries (which can destroy delicious berries), although leaves and vines also suffer.

Sometimes, as with late blight, the roots are affected (late blight is considered one of the most common and dangerous diseases).

There are varieties that are resistant to diseases caused by fungi. The most stable are Timur, KoKl white, Vostorg, Alden, Fredonia, etc.

Of course, fighting grape diseases is a labor-intensive task (most fungal diseases, like late blight, are treated with fungicides), but you need to know how to deal with each of them.


The disease is dangerous because it affects absolutely all parts of the grapes.

It is quite simple to identify a bush that has become infected with a fungus: oily spots appear on the leaves of the grapes, resembling islands, which subsequently spread out, occupying an ever-increasing area.

When the leaf is completely affected by the disease, it dries out and falls off. The same fate awaits the remaining parts of the grapes (fruits and vines) on which spots appeared.

How to treat spots? To combat them, Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride, and the preparations “Hom” and “Oxychom” are used.

Unfortunately, there are very few varieties with resistance to this disease.


The leaves of the plant become covered with an unpleasant white coating, on which black dots can be found. Over time, dark spots appear on the vine, and the buds that have managed to form fall off. The main symptoms of this disease are leaves covered with a white coating similar to dust.


First, dry dark spots appear on the leaves and shoots. brown spots, and then holes form in their place. Diseased leaves and shoots dry out and crack. The berries also crack and dry out very quickly, and entire bunches can dry out.

How to cure this grape disease? We fight this infection with the help of fungicides “Skor” and “Artserid”. To prevent other bushes from becoming infected, remove all dried fruit, leaves and branches, then burn them.

Alternaria blight

First, many light spots appear on the surface of the leaf, and then the entire leaf turns black and becomes covered with mold. Mold on grapes is one of the most common problems. The fruits are also infected with Alternaria - they are completely covered with plaque and wrinkled.

We save the plant with the help of “Quadris” and “Skor”. To prevent the infection from spreading from diseased bushes to healthy ones, do not forget to remove fallen leaves and dried shoots.


Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured. The plant simply begins to rapidly wither without any prerequisites. To protect the plant from diseases such as apoplexy, follow the rules for caring for grapes and increase its immunity.


On inside small spots begin to appear on the leaf Brown, which soon dry out completely. The fruits themselves also dry out and soon fall off the bush along with the affected foliage.

Treatment of this disease is carried out using Bordeaux mixture. If it does not bring results, you should get rid of the bush.


Another name for the disease is grape black spot. Dark spots begin to spread across almost the entire above-ground part of the grapes.

Black spot is an extremely dangerous disease, so if action is not taken in time, the plant will soon turn black and completely wither.

Treatment of grapes should be carried out as soon as you notice the first symptoms. The plant is treated with Bordeaux mixture, and all affected areas are removed and burned.

Gray and white rot

This disease progresses extremely quickly: in just a few hours it causes irreparable damage to your vineyard. With white rot, the fruits of the plant shrink and a whitish coating appears on them. With gray rot, the fruits burst, and then an extremely unpleasant gray coating forms on them.

Control methods are simple: use “Fundazol” (for white rot) or treat the bush soda solution(with gray rot).


This is root rot, which, unfortunately, cannot be treated. Due to the fact that the roots of the plant are affected, it quickly dries out. To protect your vineyard, dig up and burn the affected bush, and treat the soil with fungicides to prevent the infection from spreading.


Bacterial diseases of grapes are dangerous because they are almost impossible to cure, but you can do everything possible to prevent them from affecting your vineyard. Let's consider bacterial diseases of grapes and their description.

Bacterial cancer

Incurable disease. Under the bark, something like tumors form, which soon burst. As a result, the plant bark cracks.

To protect the plant from disease, it is necessary to cover it well in frosts and treat the cutting areas. If the disease has just begun, remove all affected areas and treat the wounds with garden varnish.


Brown or pinkish spots appear on the fruits, which soon cause the berries to dry out. This disease can occur due to sunburn of the plant.

You can only fight him with early stages, removing all damaged berries. It is also necessary to ensure that the plant does not get sunburn.

Bacterial necrosis

The fruits begin to become covered with dark spots, and the grape shoots quickly dry out. As soon as you notice these symptoms, remove the damaged areas and disinfect the wounds. If the disease has not progressed too far, you may be able to save the plant.

Sour rot

The berries turn brown and begin to rot. If you do not remove the affected fruits, the entire crop will die. The consequences of the disease are also combated with the help of insecticides.


Viral diseases are also practically untreatable. The only one effective result gives compliance with preventive measures or the acquisition of resistant grape varieties.

Leaf marbling

The leaves become pale in color and appear marbled. They become very fragile, so they easily fall off the bush. Remove any affected leaves immediately. If that doesn't help, get rid of the plant entirely.

Vein mosaic

Light green stripes, spots or veins begin to form along the veins of the leaves. The bush stops growing, berries and shoots may fall off en masse. As in the previous case, immediately get rid of the infected leaves. True, as a rule, it is almost impossible to save grapes.

Necrosis of leaf veins

The leaves of affected plants darken, curl and wither. The grape bush itself stops growing and begins to completely wither.

Unfortunately, nothing can be done here, so just get rid of the infected plant as soon as possible so that your vineyard is not in danger.


The leaves of the grapes quickly turn pale, and photosynthesis processes are disrupted. The growth of shoots slows down significantly, which, following the foliage, turn pale and fall off.

You can try to save the plant by treating it with iron sulfate, but there are no guarantees this method, unfortunately, it doesn’t. You can also use a drug called Brexil.

Short knot

In infected grapes, the leaves become similar to parsley leaves: they have an uneven shape and are covered with yellowish spots. Short knot may vaguely resemble chlorosis. The affected leaves dry out and soon die, and after them the grape berries begin to fall off.

Short-nosed disease cannot be treated, but you can protect your vineyard by planting healthy seedlings and treating the soil against nematodes, which spread this infection.

"Treatment of grape mildew"

From this video you will learn how to treat grape mildew.

In order for the grapes to please with their appearance (to be healthy) and, most importantly, to bear fruit abundantly, it is important not only to form them correctly (pruning in autumn and spring), tie them up and feed them, but also to promptly carry out preventive spring treatment of the vine against fungal diseases and insect pests.

Why do you need to process and spray grapes in spring?

the main objective spring treatment grapes - to prevent infection of the vine with diseases caused by various fungal spores, as well as to destroy and repel insect pests. Preventive spraying of grapes in spring and summer will help protect the vine, which means, all other things being equal, you will get a rich harvest.

As you know, any problem is easier to prevent than to solve later. Therefore, to prevent the plant from suffering from adversity, it is better to strictly follow the established schedule of treatments in spring and summer.

Naturally, in order to understand which preparation to spray grapes with, you need to know its enemies “in person”.


The grapevine is susceptible to the following fungal diseases:

  • oidium(powdery mildew, white spots);

Mildew (downy mildew) and oidium (true powdery mildew) are the most harmful and common diseases of grapes.

  • anthracnose(brown and brown spots);

  • Phomopsis(black spotting, excoriosis, dry sleeve);

  • gray (acidic) rot;

  • black rot;

  • white rot;

  • rubella.

Thus, all fungal diseases are characterized by the formation of abnormal spots and growths different color and size.

Video: dangerous diseases grapes and how to deal with them


Main pests , attacking grapes are considered:

  • phylloxera(root grape aphid);

  • ticks(web grape, red European, grape felt, etc.);

  • leafrollers(grape, biennial, bunch, etc.);

  • thrips;

  • leafhoppers;

  • wasps;

  • slugs and snails.

Insect pest attacks can be detected by the presence of the following: characteristic features:

  • Deformation of leaves and shoots (the leaf roller twists the leaves into tubes, gluing them together with its web).
  • The appearance of damaged areas on leaves and stems (plant tissue serves as food for many types of caterpillars).
  • Direct damage to berries. Wasps, slugs and some other insects love to feast on sweet berries.

As experience shows, with a minor attack by insect pests, they can be destroyed (removed) mechanically, namely: by collecting them manually and pruning damaged shoots.

Video: grape pests

However, in order to prevent severe infection, it is necessary to start carrying out preventive spraying of grapes with special preparations in early spring, and also be sure to return to treatments if the first signs of disease development and the presence of pests are detected.

Video: diseases and pests of grapes - combating them

When to spray grapes against pests and diseases in the spring: optimal timing for treating vines

Please note! Obviously, different pests and diseases appear at different times; accordingly, each phase of grape development must have its own specific treatment. Naturally, it is very difficult to name specific dates; it is much easier to navigate by the phases of development (vegetation) berry bush in the spring.

Thus, the scheme for processing grapes in spring and summer involves the following preventive and therapeutic sprayings:

The most important ones are 1, 2, 3, and 5 (they can be called preventive):

  1. After removing the cover and tying it to the trellises (along bare branches) = during the period of swelling of the buds.
  2. Buds opening and leaves forming.
  3. Formation of inflorescences (budding).
  4. During flowering (optional).
  5. Formation of berries (after flowering, when the berries are the size of a “pea”).
  6. During ripening (but before harvest).
  7. After harvest (autumn).

And in the following videos, amateur gardeners share their own schemes spraying grapevine throughout the season.

Video: treatment of grapes from early spring to harvest from oidium, mildew, anthracnose and mites

Video: scheme for treating grape bushes from diseases and pests from Vladimir Mayer

Video: scheme for treating grape bushes from diseases and pests from the Fazenda agricultural store

On the bare vine and during the period of swelling of the buds

The first preventive spraying of grapes is carried out on a still dormant vine and only at positive temperatures above +4..+5 degrees.

At this time, it is optimal to use contact agents, since the fungal spores have not yet penetrated deep into the plant, but are in hibernation.

Moreover, it is necessary to treat not only the vine, but also the soil under it.

For the first time during this period, grape bushes are usually treated with a 3% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Some gardeners It is erroneously advised to carry out the first treatment of grapes with iron sulfate, however, it was more important to spray the vine with this preparation back in the fall(during autumn eradicating spraying).

Video: first spring processing of grapes copper sulfate

Alternatively, a little later, when the buds begin to swell, it will be possible to carry out first treatment for oidium, for example, using the drug "Tiovit Jet" (or other sulfur-containing product, sulfur - from oidium), as well as against ticks (you can use the same “Tiovit Jet”, since sulfur has an acaricidal effect).

Bud bursting and leaf formation

At this phase of the grape growing season, systemic drugs begin to be used. Moreover, it is advisable to have time to carry out at least 2 treatments, and preferably 3-4 treatments.

According to some winegrowers, the first treatment can still be carried out with a contact preparation (during blossoming), but the second and subsequent ones must be carried out systemically (when 3-5 leaves appear).

  • At this stage they begin to process against mildew, anthracnose, black spot (alternaria), for example, with the drug “Ditan”, “Ridomil Gold”.
  • Preventive spraying against oidium is also continued . This time you can already use the drug “Topaz” and a similar one.


  • For ticks - with drugs “Karate Zeon”, “Vertimek” or similar.

Formation of inflorescences (budding)

In general, the treatment is similar to the previous one, except that it is supplemented by the beginning of the fight against nail cutter.

  • For mildew, anthracnose and black spot (Phomopsis) - can be treated with Ridomil Gold, Pergado, Quadris.
  • For oidium - “Skor” and “Tiovit Jet” and again “Quadris” (a complex remedy for mildew and oidium).


  • Treatments against ticks continue - “Karate Zeon”, “Vertimek”.
  • Processing begins from a nail gun- “Insegar” or similar.


This treatment is usually carried out only if the weather is unfavorable, for example, if it rains and there is very high humidity.

If the weather is dry, then you don’t have to spray.

As for suitable preparations, systemic agents are also used, but if possible without copper (some varieties react poorly to such spraying).

  • For mildew, anthracnose and black spot (Phomopsis) - Ridomil Gold, Quadris.
  • From oidium - Quadris, Skor, Tiovit Jet and Dinali.
  • They begin to process from black rot— Skor and Dinali.
  • AND from gray rot- Switch, Horus.


  • For ticks - Vertimek.
  • Continue processing from the nail gun - Insegar, and also begin from an ordinary leaf roller— Karate Zeon (universal remedy for ticks and leaf rollers).
  • They start to spray from leafhoppers and thrips- Aktara.

Formation of berries

If you notice signs of disease, then continue using systemic medications, or return to using contact agents, or even better, biological products (if the vine is clean).

  • From oidium - Skor, Tiovit Jet and Dinali;
  • From black rot - Skor and Dinali;
  • For gray rot - Switch.


  • For ticks - Vertimek, Karate Zeon, Tiovit Jet;
  • From the nail roller - Lufox and Voliam Flexi and the regular leaf roller - Karate Zeon;

Ripening (before harvest)

If the first 4-5 treatments did not help (and usually they are enough), then now it is advisable to use only contact fungicides and biological products or those systemic preparations that have short term expectations. In this case, treatments are carried out every 2 weeks or after each rain (contact agents, biological products).

  • From mildew, anthracnose and black spot (Phomopsis) - Ditan, Pergado, Quadris;
  • From oidium - Tiovit Jet and Dinali;
  • For black rot - Dinali;
  • From gray rot - Switch, Horus.


  • From a nail roller - Brand, from a regular leaf roller - Karate Zeon;
  • For leafhoppers and thrips - Voliam Flexi.

Video: how to process ripening grapes

How to properly spray grapes in spring

  • During the preparation of solutions and spraying of grapevines follow safety precautions. If the packaging of the drug says that you need to wear special clothing (robe, overalls, raincoat), goggles and a respirator, rubber gloves, then you need to wear it.
  • It is best to spray grapes in dry, cloudy and windless weather.

Perform processing in sunny weather it is extremely undesirable, since, quickly drying out, the drugs become ineffective or do not work at all.

Spraying is best done in cloudy, windless weather, but also not in the rain: after the rain, the branches are wet, as if there is a thin “film” of water on them. And spraying is droplets of solution, which also cover the plant with a thin “film” of droplets. If you carry out the treatment, the concentration of the solution will decrease and the effectiveness of the treatment will decrease.

  • It is advisable to spray in the morning (after the dew has dried) or late evening (after sunset).

Treatment too early will be ineffective due to dew that has not evaporated and high air humidity.

By the way! To further protect the cutting areas, it is ideal to spray the bushes with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture, in other words, the fungicide should contain copper.

  • Not advisable carry out spraying during the flowering period(may harm bees and other pollinators).
  • Attentively read the instructions for use of each drug, especially regarding treatment frequencies(after what time it is necessary to repeat the spraying, what is the period of action of the drug) and waiting period(after what time can you eat berries after processing).

By the way! At each stage, you can use the same drugs (in order to save money), or new ones (you need to change the active substance so that there is no addiction - this will be more effective), or alternate (use alternately).

  • All prepared solutions should pass through a filter mesh to avoid clogging the sprayer.
  • Suitable for dissolving almost all drugs water at room temperature(for vitriol it is advisable to use hot water, about +40-50 degrees).

And if are using a biological product, That water it's better to take settled or filtered, i.e. no chlorine.

How to treat grapes in spring against diseases and pests:the best drugs

Before starting the procedure, it is natural that you need to decide (and first find out) how you can treat the grape vines in the spring.

By the way! In the previous paragraph “When to spray grapes”, telling in what period and from what it is necessary to process grapes, were remedies against specific diseases and pests are also given. But you can use any other drugs of similar effect.

Nowadays there are many options for spring garden spraying: various means, which will help you effectively cope with any pests and diseases. But in order to know exactly when and how best to use them, you should understand their features and differences.

Note! At each stage, you can use either the same drugs (in order to save money), or new ones (and it is better to change the active substance so that there is no addiction - this will be more effective), or alternate (use alternately).

Important! The instructions for each drug always indicate when (in what time frame) they need to be processed.

So, for effective spring processing of grapes you will need:

  • fungicides (drugs to combat diseases);
  • insecticides (products for controlling insect pests);

There is also acaricides- means to combat ticks.

  • insectofungicides (complex preparations that act simultaneously against pests and diseases).

Moreover, these products (fungicides and insecticides) can be:

  • chemical origin (chemicals);
  • biological (biological products).

Of course, there are also folk remedies, for example, various solutions and infusions based on herbs and so on. But their the effectiveness is very, very limited.

Chemicals and Biologicals

Unlike biological products, chemical agents act much faster and more reliably. In addition, the use of “chemistry” is often vital, the only way to cure (more precisely, save) a crop from fungal diseases and get rid of annoying pests.

Grape processing chemicals in the spring does not have any negative consequences for the future harvest and human health, since after the waiting period all pesticides (including chemical ones) are completely removed.

TO Of course, it is imperative to follow the recommendations on the dosage and timing of spraying (pay attention to the waiting period for the drug).

It is worth understanding that biological drugs and folk remedies are more gentle, which is acceptable in the following cases:

  • with a small number of pests;
  • at the initial stage of development of a fungal disease or with a mild infection, as well as as a preventive measure.

How to decide on the type of fungicide that should be used (contact and systemic, protective - preventive and curative)

Naturally, it is fundamentally important to be able to determine from the condition of your grapes which particular preparation needs to be used.

Note! Fungicides are divided into systemic and contact, as well as therapeutic and preventive (protective).

  • If you have recently sprayed grapes, leaves are clean, without signs of disease, it is better to use preventive (protective) drugs.
  • If you notice signs of illness, even if only on some leaves, then you already need to apply drugs with medicinal effect.

Systemic drugs are “absorbed” by the plant and act from within, so that by and large It is not very important to treat the entire leaf surface. Also, some systemic preparations transfer their active substance to the tops of the vines, thus protecting the growing points from diseases.

Contact drugs They only work where you apply them. Therefore, where you do not apply them, the disease will remain and will not go away. That is why such processing must be done very carefully.

Chemical fungicides

As for the preparations suitable for spring spraying of grapes against diseases, the following can be used fungicides(means to combat fungal diseases):

Important! For one treatment you need to choose only one drug (fungicide), and then use a new one (preferably with a different one) active substance), or alternate.

  • Bordeaux mixture (3% solution of Bordeaux mixture - before buds open, 1% solution - before flowering, against mildew - downy mildew and anthracnose);
  • Copper sulfate (3% solution,
  • Abiga-pik (based on copper oxychloride, from mildew - downy mildew);

  • Hom ( contact fungicide protective action based copper oxychloride, from mildew - downy mildew);
  • Oksikhom ( contact-systemic fungicide protective action based copper oxychloride and oxadixyl, from mildew - downy mildew);

  • Kuprolux ( Copper oxychloride and Cymoxanil, against mildew);

Remember! Preparations based on copper - against mildew, based sulfur - against oidium.

  • Tiovit Jet ( contact fungicide protective action based sulfur, from oidium - powdery mildew and mites, spray throughout the entire growing season);

  • Colloidal sulfur ( protective contact fungicide, from oidium - powdery mildew and ticks, spray during the growing season);

  • Ditan ( contact fungicide protective action based mancozeba
  • Delan ( contact fungicide based ditianona
  • Convertible Top ( Metiram (Polycarbocin) + pyraclostrobin, a protective contact fungicide against mildew and oidium);
  • Score ( systemic contact fungicide protective and healing action based difenoconazole, against oidium - powdery mildew, Phomopsis - black spot, rubella and various rots);

  • Rayok ( systemic contact fungicide protective and healing action based difenoconazole, against oidium - powdery mildew, Phomopsis - black spot, rubella and various rots);

In fact, Skor = Rayok (its analogue).

  • Quadris ( systemic contact fungicide for protective actions based azoxystrobin, against mildew - downy mildew and oidium - powdery mildew, spray during the growing season before and after flowering);
  • Pergado (based on mandipropamide and copper oxychloride, against mildew - downy mildew, spray during the growing season);
  • Dinali ( systemic contact fungicide with protective and curative action based difenoconazole and cyflufenamide, against oidium - powdery mildew and black rot, spray during the growing season in the phases: budding-flowering, before the berries close in the bunch and at intervals of 10-15 days);
  • Switch (based on cyprodinil and fludioxonil, against gray and white rot, as well as a complex of berry rots: olive, moldy, black aspergillus, watery rhizopus, spray during the growing season in the following phases: end of flowering, before the berries close in clusters, the beginning of coloring of the berries);
  • Horus ( systemic fungicide with protective and curative action based cyprodinil, against gray and white rot, as well as a complex of berry rots: olive, moldy, black aspergillus, watery rhizopus);

Note! “Horus” shows the greatest effectiveness at low temperatures (from +4 to +10 degrees); it is not recommended to carry out treatment at air temperatures above +22 degrees.

  • Acrobat MC ( Mancozeb + Dimethomorph, systemic contact fungicide with protective and curative action, against mildew - downy mildew);
  • Acrobat Top ( Dimethomorph + Dithianone, systemic contact fungicide with protective and curative action, against mildew - downy mildew);
  • Thanos ( Famoxadone+Cymoxanil, systemic contact fungicide with protective and curative action, against mildew);
  • Falcon ( Spiroxamine+Tebuconazole + Triadimenol (Baytan), a systemic fungicide with protective and curative action, against oidium);

By the way! You can find detailed information and a list of drugs to protect and combat against, and from.

  • And other contact and systemic broad-spectrum fungicides.

Advice! Carefully study the instructions: scope of use of the drug (against what diseases), terms of use and waiting times, frequency of use and dosage (in what proportion to mix with water)!

Chemical insecticides

As for preparations suitable for spraying grapevines against pests in the spring, the following insecticides (pest control agents) can be used:

Important! For one treatment, you need to choose only one drug (insecticide), and then use a new one (preferably with a different active ingredient), or alternate.

The active ingredients are indicated in brackets.

  • Aktara ( Thiamethoxam (Aktara), systemic insecticide of enteric contact action, against leafhoppers, spray during the growing season);

  • Spark "Double Effect" ( Permethrin and Cypermethrin, enteric-contact insecticide against leaf roller);

  • Inta-vir ( Cypermethrin, enteric-contact insecticide against leaf rollers);
  • Shar Pei ( Cypermethrin, enteric-contact insecticide against leaf rollers);

Shar Pei and Inta-vir are analogues!

  • Fufanon ( Malathion (Karbofos),
  • Alioth ( Malathion (Karbofos), enteric-contact insectoacaricide against grape budworm and mites);

Fufanon and Aliot are complete analogues!

  • Karate Zeon ( Lambda-cyhalothrin, enteric-contact insecticide against ticks and leaf rollers);

  • Vertimek ( Abamectin, enteric insecticide from spider mites, spray during the growing season);
  • Actellik ( Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic), systemic insecticide of enteric contact action against ticks);
  • Insegar ( Fenoxycarb, enteric-contact insecticide against grape budworm, spray during the growing season);
  • Voliam Flexi ( Tietoxam (Aktara) and chlorantraniliprole, a systemic insecticide of enteric contact action against grape budworm, thrips and leafhoppers);
  • Lufox ( Lufenuron and fenoxycarb, an enteric-contact insecticide against grape budworm);
  • Let's brand ( Emamectin benzoate,enteric-contact insecticide against grape budworm);
  • Caesar ( Alpha-cypermethrin, enteric-contact insecticide, against ticks and grape budworm);
  • And other broad-spectrum insecticides;

Advice! Carefully study the instructions: scope of use of the drug (against what pests), timing, dosage.

Biological products: fungicides and insecticides

Biological products are created on the basis of living organisms:

  • antagonistic mushrooms;
  • bacteria;
  • bacterial viruses;
  • beneficial insects (entomophages and acarifages).

Among the biological means for protecting grapes from diseases and pests, one can also highlight fungicides, insecticides, and an insectofungicide.

Note! As a rule, almost all biological products begin to work only if there is sufficient high temperature air (+10...+15 degrees), so they begin to be used only before flowering and after flowering, while the first and second treatments must be carried out using chemicals.

Biological products fungicidal action(against diseases):

  • Fitosporin (contact fungicide, against mildew, oidium);

  • Mikosan (systemic fungicide, against powdery mildew);
  • Ampelomycin (for powdery mildew);
  • Alirib B (against mildew and oidium);
  • Farmayod (from gray rot and mildew).

Biological products insecticidal action(against pests):

  • Aktofit (from ticks, thrips);

Interesting! Aktofit is created on the basis of toxins of biological origin.

  • Fitoverm ( Aversectin S,

  • Kleschevit ( Aversectin S, against ticks, spray during the growing season);

  • Bitoxibacillin (from grape budworm, spray in the phase of loosening the inflorescences and the phase of setting berries);

  • Lepidocide (for grape moth, spray during the loosening phase of inflorescences and the berry setting phase);

Gaupsin (complex insectofungicide, against powdery mildew - mildew and oidium, leaf spots, against leaf rollers).

Note! Yes, biological products have their advantages (they are environmentally friendly), but it is worth recognizing that they are not as effective as chemical ones.

Tank mixtures (fungicides + insecticides)

Note! Not all drugs can be mixed. For example, practically nothing should be mixed with Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride (it has an alkaline reaction). Before preparing the mixture, you need to find out whether the drugs are compatible with each other. To do this, you should carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the back of the package.

For spring spraying of grapes (except for the first one, when the buds are still dormant), you can prepare the following tank mixtures (fungicide + insecticide):

Advice! Avoid mixing more than two components (maximum 3). Firstly, there may be undesirable reactions between the components, and secondly, there may be too much pesticide load, which is especially difficult for young plants.


  • Skor (oidium, Phomopsis-black spot, rubella, various rots) + Aktara (leafhoppers, thrips);
  • Ridomil Gold (mildew) + Topaz (from oidium);
  • Ridomil Gold (mildew) + Topaz (from oidium) + Aktara (leafhoppers, thrips);
  • Ridomil Gold (mildew) + Thiovit Jet (against oidium, ticks);
  • Ordan (mildew) + Thiovit jet (against oidium, ticks).
  • Cabrio Top (mildew and oidium) + Caesar (for mites and grape budworm);

Advice! When preparing the tank mixture, follow the order of adding pesticides:

  • water-soluble granules - VG,
  • wettable powders – SP,
  • water-dispersible granules – VDG,
  • suspension concentrates – KS,
  • emulsion concentrates – EC,
  • water-soluble concentrates - VK,
  • aqueous solutions,
  • alcohol solutions.


  • Actofit (insecticide for ticks) + Bitoxibacillin (for other insect pests) + Guapsin ( complex action insectofungicide);
  • Phytosporin (fungicide) + Bitoxibacillin;
  • Fitoverm (insecticide) + Bitoxibacillin + Guapsin;
  • Lepidocide (insecticide) + Bitoxibacillin (insecticide) + Guapsin.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies have long been used to treat not only grapes, but the entire garden against diseases and pests.

Important! It is worth understanding that spraying with such “folk remedies” has very limited effectiveness.

Baking soda, iodine and potassium permanganate

A truly folk remedy in the fight against powdery mildew (true and downy) and anthracnose on grapes is to prepare a spray solution with soda, iodine and potassium permanganate, which can be used without fear at the berry ripening stage.

So, the recipe for preparing a solution for oidium, mildew and anthracnose on grapes is as follows:

  1. Have to take 4-5 tbsp. spoons of baking soda or soda ash and dissolve in hot water(40-45 degrees).
  2. Then drip 15-20 drops of iodine.
  3. Pour the resulting solution into a bucket of water so that the result is 10 liters.
  4. Dissolve in a separate container manganese and pour it into a bucket so that you end up with light pink solution.
  5. Add 40 ml. liquid laundry soap so that the solution sticks well.
  6. Spray the resulting solution over the leaves and berries.

By the way! After this treatment, the berries can be eaten on the second day.

Video: baking soda, iodine and manganese from oidium, mildew and anthracnose on grapes

Wood ash

Another natural one folk remedy for treating grapes from powdery mildew (real and downy) - wood ash.

To prepare an ash solution for treating grape bushes you will need:

  1. Pour 2 liter jars of ash (1 kg) into a bucket of water and stir well.
  2. Let it brew for 1-3 days so that the ash extract is most effective.
  3. Dissolve 1 liter of the resulting extract in a bucket of water.
  4. Add 3 tbsp. spoons (40 grams) of liquid laundry soap (for better adhesion).
  5. Strain, pour into a sprayer and process.

By the way! Wood ash is also an excellent potassium fertilizer, that is, it is an excellent foliar feeding.

Video: processing grapes with ash extract from oidium, mildew and anthracnose

Milk serum

One more safe means To combat oidium on grapes, spray them with whey.

The working solution is prepared in the following proportion: 1.5 liters of whey are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

It is advisable to carry out this treatment at least once a week.

Garlic infusion

Also, in the fight against powdery mildew and some pests of grapes, some summer residents advise using garlic infusion (250 grams of crushed cloves per 10 liters of water, 24 hours).

Onion peel infusion

As a prevention of fungal diseases , before and after flowering in the spring, the grape vine is sprayed with an infusion of onion peels. The bucket is filled halfway with husks, filled with water and put on fire. After the mixture has boiled for 20 minutes, it is removed and left for 24 hours. At the end of time, add 1 tbsp to the tincture. l. honey, bring the volume of water to 10 liters, filter the solution and spray the grape bushes.

Rotten hay

A full bucket of rotted hay is filled, filled with water and infused for about 4-6 days in a warm place. During this time, hay bacillus appears in the mixture (you will get an analogue of “Fitosporin”), which, when sprayed, should “gobble up” the powdery mildew fungus. However, first the infusion must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.


According to some reports, if planted next to the grapes (along the perimeter), this will partly help protect the bushes from the fungal disease in question. But again, you shouldn’t count heavily on such folk tricks.

Important! It is worth understanding that folk remedies are relatively weak means for the treatment of grape diseases, which are not suitable for combating if the disease is in full force in the vineyard, at most for prevention (protection).

Thus, processing grapes in the spring is the most important component spring care behind the berry vine. Timely spraying will protect the grape bush from diseases and pests, which will have a positive effect on the quality and quantity of the future crop harvest.

Video: a comprehensive plan for protecting grapes from diseases and pests, or when and with what to treat the vine from spring to autumn

In contact with

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of grapes.

Medicinal plant grapes (berries, raisins, juice).

Grape- These are round or oval berries, with translucent skin and flesh. Grape Can be with or without seeds. Grape color varies from yellow color to green, red, pink and crimson, and further... from purple to dark blue.

GRAPE - beneficial features and harm: who should not eat these berries? Video

GRAPE. This fruit antioxidants is full of which have a beneficial effect on health and gives strength to those who are sick.
Grape can be used as fresh, liquid (grape juice) and dried (raisins). In all these forms, medicinal and beneficial properties are preserved properties of grapes.

Medicinal (healing) properties of grapes. Grape contains the following vitamins - 0.02 mg. - B2 (riboflavin), 0.05 mg. - “B1” (thiamine), 0.60 mg. - “B6” (pyridoxine), six mg. - “B12″, vit.”C” (ascorbic acid), 45 mg. - “P” (flavonoids), from 0.500 to 2.000 mg. - “K” (phylloquinone), 0.3 mg. - “PP” (niacin).
Minerals are present in grapes: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, magnesium. It also contains gallic acid, silicic acid, glucosides, and especially acetylsalicylic and phosphoric acid, oxalic acid, tannins and pectins, iron.


Grapes contain flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that help prevent cell damage. The antioxidants it contains also prevent the accumulation of oxidized cholesterol in our body.
Grape juice has health benefits if included for the prevention of migraines, digestive disorders, Alzheimer's disease and cancer.
For people suffering from diabetes, consumption of its berries is beneficial for increasing pH levels, helping the kidneys to function properly.
Grapes can also prevent vision loss.
Grapes are also known for their antibacterial and antiviral properties.
The grapes provide and nourish him.
Grapes are useful.
Grape .
Grapes have a very good effect on metabolism.
Grapes treat constipation.
Grapes have a bactericidal effect and strengthen the body as a whole.

USEFUL PROPERTIES OF GRAPES and why it is valued! Video

Grapeseed oil also promotes longevity. Grape seed oil- an excellent source of natural antioxidants, it is successfully used as a prophylactic agent oncological and infectious diseases (grape oil is effective for the prevention and treatment of complex hormone-dependent tumors, which include ovarian cancer, breast cancer, cancer).

Grapeseed oil women Health strengthens. Grape seed oil contains a large amount of vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on women’s body in pregnancy and childbirth period, and increased lactation promotes and to the extent great taste improves and quality of mother's milk. Introduction to diet grape oil, rich in vitamins A, B6, B9, C, E, polyunsaturated acids and other biologically active substances can, in addition, bring tangible benefits to women who experience pain during the period premenstrual or menopausal.

Grapeseed oil. Video

Effect of grape oil on the male body. It contains substances in a complex combination that promote and normalize erectile function and spermatogenesis process, as well as significant work prostate gland improve. That's why, grape oil It is necessary to introduce into the diet as a preventive measure and an additional remedy, , prostate cancer, prostate gland, adenoma.

INTERNAL USE OF GRAPE SEED OIL. Unique therapeutic and prophylactic properties oils allow it to be used in traditional and folk medicine(medicinal preparations, dietary supplements, extracts) and in cosmetology (creams, balms, lotions, etc.).

HOUSEHOLD USE OF GRAPE SEED OIL. Grapeseed oil used in cooking: in baked goods, in mayonnaise, and also for deep frying cooking(smoke t oils this is 218 gr. WITH). Thanks to no odor oil this is an ideal basis for obtaining extracts used from herbs and spices. And this flavored oil can be used for pasta dressings, meat dishes, salads. In particular, quite widespread application grape seed oils in southern countries. After all, winemaking there is an important agricultural sector. But you can also find large ones in our supermarkets. grape seed oil.


Composition and properties healthy oils from grape seeds. Oil it refers to linoleic oils. The content of linoleic acid in it, which belongs to the essential unsaturated fatty acids from the class "Omega Six", reaches 70%. Available in oil This also includes oleic acid (up to sixteen percent), stearic acid (up to four percent) and palmitic acid (up to seven percent). The remaining acids are contained in small amounts (up to one percent). IN grape seed oil There are a lot of tocopherols, such as vitamin E (thirty to one hundred and twenty mg for every hundred grams), sterols (campesterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol), mineral substances and flavonoids.
Properties antioxidant and hepatoprotective oils have a positive impact on kidneys, provided by its unique composition. (low density lipoproteins) and increasing “good” cholesterol levels thanks to oil sterols stock occurs. And thanks to flavonoids vitamin C is formed in cells inflammatory processes are reduced, , capillary fragility is eliminated.
Contained in natural grape oil seeds and resveratrol, To phytoalexins relating – protective substances, which plants produce when damaged. Capable resveratrol stop, as well as the same action antitumor render.
Gives a slightly greenish tint chlorophyll oil, and vitamin E has an effect on the skin tonic and rejuvenating. In combination, these bioactive substances moisturize able, regenerate And skin structure improve. And also, faster, and also - the same abrasions, pore enlargement, prevention and skin oiliness regulation.

How to make grape seed oil? Video


Grape seed oil is widely used in cosmetology. It improves noticeably skin structure, pore expansion warns and work sebaceous glands normalizes. Grapeseed oil Suitable for any skin type. It penetrates well subcutaneous layers, regenerating and moisturizing having an effect. Indications for use grape oil:


Oily and problematic skin. For acne, streptoderma, etc.
Skin dryness under the influence of unfavorable factors. Wrinkled, tired and sagging skin. For minor injuries, abrasions, cuts,...


Grapeseed oil and almond oil take in equal proportions, moisten a napkin in this mixture and apply it to the face for fifteen or twenty minutes. After this procedure, wipe the face with a tampon, warm water moistened.

Recipe with grape oil around the eyes. In the presence of wrinkles around the eyes. To one or two tablespoons grape oil mixtures and avocado oil(one to one) add one to two drops and sandalwood, or, option: neroli, sandalwood and limetta. Lubricate once or twice a day.

Recipe with grape oil for deep wrinkles. For deep wrinkles. To the tablespoon grape oil add one or two drops at a time essential oils of lime, or neroli. Lubricate once or twice a day.

Grapeseed oil. Benefit and application. Video


Recipe with grape oil mixed with other oils to improve skin condition. One tablespoon grape oil mix with a spoon tbsp. or avocado. Add two to three drops and roses or one to two drops lavender, rosemary, etc. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath to 37 °C. Soak a thin layer of cotton wool warm butter and apply it to your face, leaving it open nose, mouth and eyes. Above cotton wool parchment paper put or thin diaper. To keep warm, wrap your face with a folded towel several times. Oil Apply soaked wipes to the affected areas skin areas from one to two times a day for 0.5 hours. Composition given quickly promotes tissue regeneration, increasing skin elasticity, smoothing wrinkles. Gives a healthy look to the skin.

For facial cleansing recipe with grape oil. For facial skin cleansing apply four to six drops grape oils on soaked in hot water, wrung out the swab, wipe the skin.

Recipe with grape oil for sagging skin. Napkins, grape oil soaked, apply to the affected areas of the skin from one to two times a day for 0.5 hours. Promotes quite fast tissue regeneration, smoothing wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity.

Recipe with grape oil for face. On facial skin cleaned, apply a small amount of a mixture of equal parts grape oil and or , blue, sandalwood.

Recipe with grape oil for face and body for older people. For mature skin to one - two tablespoons tbsp. grape seed oils add one or two drops at a time , sandalwood, limetta.

Recipe with grape oil for men after shaving. For daily skin care different types Grapeseed oil is used after shaving, water procedures or sunbathing. To one spoon tbsp. oils add one drop at a time , rosewood and lubricate the skin with the resulting mixture.

Recipe for stretch marks with grape oil. For skin stretch marks: lubricate problem areas grape seed oil x with the addition of two teaspoons to a couple, or perhaps three drops rosemary and one to two drops , And .

Recipe for sagging skin with grape oil for hands. Grapeseed oil It will eliminate sagging hand skin, soften the cuticle and enrich the nail plates with vitamins. Mix one tablespoon tbsp. oils with one spoon tbsp. honey and a glass cream. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, hold your hands for ten to fifteen minutes.

Grape seed oil for face and hair. Video

Recipe with grape oil. And unpleasant odor foot baths will help (one spoon oils Art. per liter of water).

Recipe with grape oil for hair. For hair strengthening It is recommended to rub into scalp skin grape seed oil half an hour before washing your hair. Due to the high content of vitamins A and E, it helps to give shine to hair, makes it silky, moisturizes the scalp. Grapeseed oil pretty easy on hair is applied and spreads, so a small amount is enough to improve even the longest hair. It washes off easily and does not leave behind any greasy marks or a slight green tint.


Grapeseed oil for massage used in pure form or mixed in proportions equal to kernel oils (peach, ) or avocado or jojoba oil. The resulting mixture is rubbed in your hands, and then applied in a circular motion to the area where the procedure is to be performed. Movements light oil Rub into the skin until completely absorbed.



During anti-cellulite massage to the mixture vegetable oils must be added .

Recipe with grape oil. To one tablespoon grape oil add four or five essential oil jojoba drops and ten drops Recipe for body oils. To two teaspoons grape oil add four - five ethereal drops And . In compacted rub into skin areas.

Recipe with grape oil and rosemary. Mix fifty ml. grape oil, four drops rosemary essential oils. A few drops peppermint essential oil and three drops lavender essential oil. Apply the mixture in a strong circular motion onto dry body skin after a shower or bath. This mixture is especially effective when vacuum massage, For example, plastic jars.

Aromatic bath with grape oil. One tablespoon oils Dissolve tablespoons in three tablespoons honey The mixture obtained in warm bath add. Baths last from fifteen to twenty minutes. Such baths are not used soap and gels. Lie down after the bath for 0.5 hours to improve blood circulation in the body.

Wraps with grape oil: grape oil Apply evenly to the problem area, rub lightly and cover cling film skin. Then wrap the problem area with a warm cloth and lie down under a blanket to warm it up and improve the effect. Duration wraps procedure - 0.5 hours, after which it is necessary to wipe off the remaining oil with a gauze swab in warm water moistened.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Grape seed oil. Harm and contraindications. Should not be used oil in case of individual intolerance. It is also worth distinguishing between a preventive dose when using the extract (no more than one hundred grams), as well as a therapeutic dose (prescribed by a doctor individually).

Be healthy!

Grapes, grape treatment. Video

How it would make life easier for gardeners if there were no diseases affecting their favorite crops. Unfortunately, there is no escape from them - you just have to fight steadfastly and courageously. Today we'll look at grape diseases - photos and how to treat them. Advice from experienced gardeners in this matter is always especially appreciated by farmers.

Unfortunately, not all grape diseases can be cured. Some of them do not respond to any known and safe means for humans. Almost everyone responds well to treatment fungal diseases, but it is almost impossible to rid grapes of bacterial and viral infections.

Learning to distinguish fungal diseases of grapes


This disease is well known to gardeners, as it occurs most often. Its second name is downy mildew. When infecting a plant, the fungus causes yellow spots and a gray coating to appear on the leaves. Without proper intervention, culture quickly disappears.

The photo shows a fungal disease of grapes: mildew

Unfortunately, there are very few varieties with resistance to this disease.

Downy mildew is slightly less common. The second name of the disease is powdery mildew. Manifestation - gray coating on leaves and berries. The disease develops in hot weather and, if left unchecked, will lead to cracking of the berries. In a few years the vineyard will completely disappear.


The photo shows dark spots of anthracnose

Alternaria blight

The disease mainly develops in the spring. It affects all above-ground parts of the plant, only on berries it appears as white spots, and on other parts as brown or silver. Affected berries quickly deteriorate.



The fungus causes the formation of black spots on all above-ground parts of the bush. The affected stalk often dries out and breaks off.

In the photo there is escoriosis of grapes


This disease is caused by fungi, and the death of the plant occurs as a result of the release of large amounts of toxins. Second name - Esca. Most often appears in midsummer. In the acute form, the bush disappears in a matter of days. The chronic form lasts several years, and can be recognized by white spots on the lower leaves.

Gray rot

A fungal disease that can affect any above-ground parts of a grape bush. The affected areas become covered with a fluffy coating gray. Hands hanging to the ground are most often infected.

White rot

Raid white covers the berries of the plant. Over time, they completely change color and fall to the ground. The appearance of the disease is most often provoked by mechanical damage to the bush.

The photo shows white rot of grapes

Black rot

A fungal disease that appears as purple spots on berries and leaves. As the disease progresses, the area covered by the spots increases.


When affected by this fungal disease, the grape leaves turn yellow and the roots turn brown. With the onset of autumn, the affected plants become covered with yellow mushrooms.


In this case, the fungus leads to yellowing of the leaves and rapid death of the shoots. The fungus remains viable for up to 5 years.

Bacterial diseases of grapes

Bacterial cancer

This is the name of a dangerous and untreatable disease caused by bacteria. Manifestation - growths on the vine. In the first two years, the yield will sharply decrease, and later the affected plant will completely disappear. This is one of the incurable diseases of culture. It is better not to plant grapes in this place for the next two years.


Wrinkled, dark pink areas appear on the berries. The impetus for their formation is the scorching sun.

In the photo there is bacteriosis of grapes

Bacterial necrosis

Black spots with a clear brown outline form on the berries, and the shoots dry out.

Sour rot

Viral diseases

Experienced gardeners know how dangerous viral diseases are. Since they cannot be treated, it is recommended to completely remove the affected grape bushes. The only way to protect your vineyard from them is to purchase a resistant variety.

Common viral diseases include:

leaf marbling,
vein mosaic,
necrosis of leaf veins,
chlorosis- discoloration,
short knot- dwarfism.

The photo shows grape chlorosis

Viral diseases are extremely difficult to diagnose. They have in common character traits: cracking of wood, deformation of leaves and change in color, falling of inflorescences, slow development of the plant.

In addition, there are a number of non-communicable diseases that arise due to unsuitable conditions or lack of nutrients. They can manifest themselves in different ways: spots on the leaves, developmental delays, drying out of bushes and berries, shedding of berries, etc.

How to treat grape diseases?

After you have learned to recognize grape diseases, it’s time to find out effective ways deal with them. It is best to take preventive measures, which include proper care. Some experienced gardeners carry out preventive spraying of bushes, but most prefer to grow grapes without the use of chemicals.

In cases of damage to the bushes, the question is posed completely differently: either lose the vineyard completely, or try to save it with the help of products chemical industry. In such situations, experienced gardeners usually choose the second option.

Which fungicides (preparations against plant fungi and bacteria) have performed well?


Spraying with the following preparations will help against this fungal infection: Rodimol Gold, Strobi, Polychom, Arcerid, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture. Oidium.

The following fungicides will help in the fight: Topaz, Strobi, Acrobat MC, Horus, Thiovit, colloidal sulfur, Carbis Top. Alternaria blight.

Bordeaux mixture helps cope well. Cercospora blight.

It is best to use Bordeaux mixture in this case. Escoriosis.

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