What can you use to cover a wooden square post? How to decorate a garden, personal plot, summer cottage (50 photos)

Do you want to add notes of sublimity, spirituality, and aristocracy to your interior? Add interior decoration columns. The result will surprise and delight you. Once you use columns at home, you will never want to part with them again.
What functions does this interior element perform? In what styles is it used? What is it made of? Is it possible to use columns in small apartments? How can you “hide” a load-bearing column? An ambiguous design element raises many questions.
The attitude towards columns in the interior as elements of only a palace style is becoming a thing of the past. Their use in home, office and public spaces is becoming increasingly widespread. And for good reason. Columns in the interior are worthy of decorating our lives every day.

Support or decorative element

Ancient architects were extremely skilled in the use of columns. They created magnificent grand colonnades of temples, public buildings, houses of the nobility, royal apartments.
Perhaps that is why for several thousand years the history of architecture has considered columns as interior and exterior elements of luxury and power.

Here lies not only the status rank, but also the meaning of self-perception, self-esteem of the owner of the house. Try standing next to some grandiose column, for example, Winter Palace, or walk along the colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

A classical column consists of three main parts - the base, the body and the capital. The base is the base of the column; when used as a support, the base carries a significant load. The body is a pillar connecting the top and bottom. The capital is the upper part, in the classic version richly decorated.

Richly decorated columns look best in rooms with high ceiling heights - from 290 cm and above.

With the advent of lightweight polyurethane foam products, the use of columns as decorative design details has become possible in high-rise buildings and small apartments. Any column, even one standing alone, “fragments” the surrounding space. Compositions of two or three columns are convenient for demarcating a room, highlighting individual parts, while maintaining a sense of integrity.

Colonnades with a large number elements are almost never used by modern architects unless the design of the entire building requires it. Comfort, high level quality of life requires the laying of a large number of communications running through all floors of buildings. Hiding cables and pipes inside the column is an original, sometimes the only acceptable design solution.

Considering columns as a decorative detail, it is worth including half-columns here. Semi-columns do not carry a supporting load. They are attached to the wall, performing decorating and zoning functions, while preserving all the aesthetic decorativeness inherent in entire columns.
Low columns from 80cm and higher complement the interior in an original way. They are used as tables, stands for vases, sculptures, bowls.

Era? Style? Direction?

Noble classics

The classic interior with antique columns is based on Greek samples - Doric, Ionic, Corinthian styles. The decoration of the base, body, capitals not only has not changed, moreover, good taste requires strict adherence to Greek ideals.

Mysterious east

Impressive colonnades connected by arches are an integral element of oriental architecture. In contrast to classical restraint, the body of the eastern column is richly decorated with mosaics, ornaments, and bright colors.

Modern interior trends

Minimalist style, hi-tech, loft – the columns have not been spared. These styles require large free space and significant height. The columns here act as floor supports. Most often, these are simple pillars, finished in accordance with the style of the room - metal (silver, nickel, chrome, copper), clinker “looking like aged brick,” concrete with traces of formwork.
The latest trend is the use of lighting in glass columns with bubbles.

Country styles

In the good old Provence, Russian rustic style, others ethnic styles for finishing columns, wood and rough are preferred natural stone.
The columns can be entirely wooden, and the “stone” finish can be various reasons(concrete, polyurethane foam, plasterboard, false column) is made with materials that imitate stone.

Using half-columns, columns, decorate them based on the style of the entire room, and any, even the simplest stand, will become a “highlight”.

Suitable...materials for making columns

Traditionally, column elements were cut out of stone - marble, granite, travertine. Local stone was used from nearby deposits, because heavy stone blocks are difficult to transport over long distances. The body of the column was assembled from several parts, the seams between them were tightly rubbed, the column looked monolithic.

How to hide a column that is not needed

The design features of some buildings require a large floor area with a small number of partitions and load-bearing walls. It is difficult to do without a support such as a massive column in the middle of the room under such conditions. If the column does not match the overall style of the room, it makes sense to decorate it.

Compositions made from half-columns combined with photo wallpaper are incredibly advantageous. By choosing a drawing of a suitable style, you can transform any, even the tiniest room, for example, a hallway. A small street, a piece of garden or the canals of Venice will harmoniously enlarge and refresh the space, thanks to the frame with semi-columns.

Having comprehended the ideas of ancient architects and selected the appropriate modern technological materials, it is possible to turn a gray concrete and glass building into a luxurious palace, an oriental harem, a brutal loft or... a beautiful garden.

So what is the secret of using columns in the interior? They add volume, transform a flat image into 3D, create a stereo effect, set the rhythm of the space, and therefore make the interior alive and real.

Fence around own plot- This is a kind of business card. The beauty and decoration of the fence is used to judge the wealth of the owner of the territory, which is why the finishing of the fence is so important. The use of various decorative coatings helps improve appearance buildings and create a certain appearance of the entire architectural ensemble.

An example of an original fence finishing with natural stone

Decorating a fence is a difficult task, but it can be solved in various ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a fairly common way to decorate the surface of a fence or building facade. The method is attractive due to its ease of implementation and relative low cost.

An example of decorative plaster on a brick fence

Structural plaster

Using structural plaster, you can create a grainy surface. During production, some granules are added to the mixture (small pebbles, inclusions of quartz, wood fibers, etc.). The basis of such mixtures are mineral compounds, usually synthetic or silicate. For outdoor work, mixtures containing organic solvents are suitable.

Structural plaster is distinguished by its characteristic plasticity. It is easy to apply, and the surface does not have to be perfectly smooth. Before applying the material, the surface of the fence should be treated with a primer and allowed to dry. Drying of the plaster itself takes only two to three hours, but maximum surface strength is achieved a week after finishing. finishing works. The ready-to-use mixture is available in buckets of 10 kg.
You can try to make plaster yourself, using suitable material.

Textured plaster

Textured decorative plaster creates an original texture with relief on the wall surface. The complexity and uniqueness of the pattern depends not only on the composition of the material, but also on the method of applying the mixture, as well as on the tools used. The skill of the workers is also important.
Finishing the fence in this way can give the surface the appearance natural wood, crumpled paper or chipped rock.

The main ingredient of the mixture is lime flour, and granite or marble chips, natural fibers.

Before applying the mixture, the surface should be made perfectly flat, then treated with a primer and a special base paint containing sand in its composition. The wall is decorated using a spatula, brushes, trowel, and other tools.

Finishing the fence with textured plaster

Upon completion of the work, the plaster is treated with a glazing compound to protect it from exposure external factors.

Venetian plaster

Usage Venetian plaster allows you to create an imitation of a marble surface. It contains marble flour, slaked lime and water emulsion. It is applied to a flat, smooth surface; it can also be pre-painted.
The main advantages of Venetian plaster are water resistance and fire safety. The applied mixture dries quickly, and the surface is resistant to environmental influences. The only disadvantage of this method is its high labor intensity. To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to apply from 5 to 12 very thin layers of plaster.

Finishing the fence with natural or artificial stone

Cladding the fence with stone is an excellent method. For this, both natural and artificial stone are used.

In addition to a purely aesthetic function, it has a strengthening purpose. Thus, the strength of the structure increases and its service life is extended. Using stone, you can also hide some defects, for example, smooth out existing surface irregularities. Unedged stone looks as natural as possible, because it has not been subjected to special treatment before use.

Option for finishing a fence with natural stone

Sawn stone resembles bricks in shape. Hewn stone may be different sizes both in shape and on the surface of the fence it looks brutal and massive.

At the initial stage of finishing, a reinforcing mesh is attached to the surface of the fence using dowels or self-tapping screws. Then the wall is covered with a layer of plaster and dries within 24 hours. When finishing with natural stone up to 30 mm thick and with a fence height of up to one and a half meters, strengthening the wall is not necessary. Otherwise, additional fixation of the stone is necessary using hooks driven into the fence. Holes are drilled in the stone for fastening. The glue is applied directly to the stone, and not to the surface of the fence. The distance between individual fragments is maintained no more than 1.5 cm. Then the seams are rubbed down, and all dirt and excess glue are wiped off the surface of the stones.

Tiling the fence

Covering a fence with tiles will decorate the fence of any home. The material itself is made from a mixture of cement, sand and clay, and the slab is given a certain shape (square, rectangle, shapes with oblique corners).
For tiling, you can choose various types of this material:

  • With glossy tiles, the finish will look festive, and the matte surface will emphasize minimalism in the decor;
  • The surface can be single-color or multi-color, with a marble effect or with a mosaic design;
  • The front side can be flat, concave, convex, and also heterogeneous.

The tile is easy to use, and its surface is more resistant to environmental influences than, for example, plaster. A fence with tiles is not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity, and the fence will remain beautiful for a long time.

An example of finishing a fence with cobblestone tiles

Finishing the fence with siding

Covering a fence with siding is a modern alternative to corrugated sheeting. Compared to corrugated sheets, finishing with siding has many advantages:

  • With almost the same cost of materials, the aesthetics of siding are much higher;
  • The surface decorated with siding will last longer (the service life of the material will be up to 50 years);
  • Siding is produced with different surface, wood, stone;
  • The color palette is much wider and more diverse, which allows you to choose the best option.

The panels weigh little, so the load on the base will not be great.
After marking the territory, and according to the marking. Then transverse logs are welded to the supports, playing the role of sheathing the fence. After this, the fence frame is primed and painted.

Finishing a brick fence with wood siding

The siding finishing stage begins with aligning the panels in width. A starting strip is attached at the bottom, and a second panel is inserted into it and secured with self-tapping screws. This is how the entire structure is built up to the top, right up to the finishing strip.
Caring for siding involves periodic washing with water and brushing with a soft brush. The use of solvents, acetone and harsh detergents is prohibited.

A stone fence exudes reliability and respectability. However, a solid stone fence looks somewhat rough and massive, so great solution may become . Pillars and plinth made of stone in combination with corrugated board, picket fence or forged metal give the fence solidity and high cost without heavy gloom.

Example of natural stone pillars for a fence

The material for stone pillars can be of natural or artificial origin.

Natural stones

Natural stone is expensive, although you can look for some varieties, for example, cobblestones yourself, and lay the pillars yourself.

The process of installing stone pillars for a combined fence

The following types of stones are used for fences and posts:

In general, fence posts made from natural minerals can be installed even cheaper than brick foundations. But if you decide to take on laying stone with your own hands, you should know that this process is long and labor-intensive.

Types of masonry

A natural stone cannot have a regular or standard shape, so working with it will require patience and a creative approach. varies depending on the source material.

Construction of pillars from natural stone

It is best to start building a fence in the summer in dry weather so that the cement compositions harden faster. For pillars, fairly smooth, medium-sized stones are best. Required for fence posts made of stone.

Foundation arrangement

Laying natural stone pillars with formwork

The most common and convenient way erect fence posts - use sliding formwork.

The process of laying stone in special formwork

To work, you need to assemble two low boxes from boards with the required dimensions.

Stone laying without formwork

Another way to build a pillar with your own hands is masonry without formwork. The stones are located directly around and are held together by thick cement mortar.

The largest stones are used for the lower part. Inner part The pillar is filled with cement and fine crushed stone.

You can lay out no more than two rows at once. After the mortar has set, the laying continues. Wipe off cement from the front wet rag preferably immediately, without waiting for the solution to dry.
When laying, you need to carefully monitor the size of the pillar and its verticality. Fastenings for transverse joists, located approximately in the third row of masonry and in the middle of the column, should protrude well beyond the stone base.

Scheme of a fence with stone pillars

After the masonry is completed, the seams are unstitched and a protective and decorative cap is secured, which will protect fence post from precipitation.
Both masonry methods require time and care. But if you show great desire and patience, you can build beautiful and durable fence posts with your own hands, which will become a reliable support for the fence and an excellent decorative element.

The fence around a private house is a kind of business card. By the decoration and beauty of the fence one can judge how wealthy its owner is, therefore the structure and decoration of the fence are very important.

Thanks to the use of a variety of decorative coatings, you can transform the appearance of the entire structure. Anyone who plans to surround a site with a fence must understand that the reliability of the structure directly depends on how strong its support is. With properly installed posts, the fence will last a long time.

Types of posts for arranging fences

If previously it was not possible to choose fence posts, now everything has changed. Everyone chooses for themselves which supports they need.

Wooden pillars

Today they are rarely used. The main reason is the short service life. However, you can extend their service life for some time. If the supports are treated, they will become more resistant to rot and pests. The first treatment procedure must be carried out before the pillars are dug into the ground. Then every year they will have to be further processed.

It is better to use logs as supports coniferous species wood But the use of timber, even one with a large cross-section, is impractical, since it does not have a rot-protective layer. In terms of resistance to rotting, best performance has larch. You can also use oak logs.

To slow down the process of rotting of a wooden support in the ground, you can install a steel pipe on the bottom of the log. Thanks to this, the wood will not come into contact with the soil. You can also secure the pole with clamps to a steel stepson buried in the ground.

Metal poles

Their average service life is 50 years. Under the pillars you need to take professional pipes; pipes with round section, the wall thickness of which is from 2 mm, and the diameter from 75 mm. Profile pipes must have a cross-section of 60x60 mm.

Before installation metal pipes, they must be cleaned of corrosion and must be treated with an anti-rust compound.

The lower part of the support needs to be plugged with steel thrust bearings. It will not be superfluous to apply bitumen mastic to the lower part of the pipe.

Concrete pillars

Their service life is no less than that of metal supports. The main disadvantage of such products is their heavy weight. In order not to spend money on buying concrete supports, you can make them yourself:

  • put together formwork, the dimensions of which are identical to the dimensions of the future support;
  • line the bottom and walls of the box with polyethylene;
  • lay the reinforcement grid;
  • pour concrete. It is better to give preference to a high-quality brand of concrete, for example, M300. To improve the moisture resistance of the solution, it is better to add a plasticizer;
  • After a week, the support must be removed from the box.

The pillars can be dug into the ground after a month.

Brick pillars

The installation process of such supports is quite long and labor-intensive. For such support it is necessary to use facing bricks. Before installing such structures, it is necessary to first install angles or pipes into the formwork.

In the process of laying bricks, a solution of cement and sand is used in a ratio of 1:3. The pillars need to be erected one at a time: each support can be laid out no more than 50 cm per day.

The gap between the bricks and the corner should be filled with cement mortar. It is also necessary to strengthen each row brickwork using reinforcing tape.

Drawings for installing a fence

Is it necessary to draw up drawings when installing fences with posts? If the construction is not temporary, then a drawing is required. You can’t do without it if you plan to have a metal fence with prefabricated sections.

The drawings will also be useful when installing a picket fence if the upper edge of the section is planned to be wavy. The drawing will help you calculate how much material is needed to complete the work.

It is not at all necessary to design each section of the fence; the drawing can include the entire structure. You can depict the design of one pillar, one section. When designing wickets and gates, it is also necessary to draw up drawings.

If you make all the calculations in a timely manner and outline them on paper in the form of a diagram, then installing a fence will not become a problem.

Installation of pillars

Nowadays you can increasingly see fences, sections of which are made of corrugated board. This material is modern and quite durable.

First of all, you need to mark the area. At its corners you need to install pegs, between which you need to pull the cord.

If the sections of the fence will be supported on metal, concrete or wooden posts, then to install them it will be enough to dig holes. Their depth should be below the freezing point of the ground.

At a minimum, one-third of the supports should be covered with soil. Metal poles can simply be driven into the ground, having previously made holes in the ground that have a smaller diameter than the cross-section of the support.

The holes intended for pillars must have a diameter of 15 centimeters larger than the diameter of the pillars. You need to pour sand at the bottom of the holes, after which, using a level, you can install supports with welded spacers. They are recorded in vertical position, after which the pit is filled with stones, on top of which concrete is poured.

Two options for arranging brick supports

As for brick pillars, their support can only be a reinforced concrete foundation. Brick fence posts connected to each other strip foundation. The width of the foundation strip should be similar to the thickness of the pillar.

But another option is also possible: the foundation for the pillars can be made of the required width, and a foundation is already placed under the sections on a compacted pad made of sand or a sand-gravel mixture.

If the area has uneven surfaces, then it is better to make the concrete strip in relief, that is, so that the base is stepped.

After the formwork is installed, the reinforcing frame must be lowered into the trench. It is needed to give greater rigidity to the foundation. After installing the formwork, it is necessary to install corners or pipes under the brick pillars. Optimal distance between brick columns - 2.5 meters.

Fastening sections of corrugated sheets

So, the pillars are ready, next you need to install the logs. The frame must be made by a professional welder, since the quality of work determines how reliable and durable the structure will be. The joists must be welded in two rows and they must be parallel. The finished frame is coated with a primer, then it can be painted with a special paint.

After installing the logs, you can fasten the corrugated sheeting. Self-tapping screws are used for this.

When all sections are ready, you can install the gate. To make them you will need profile pipe the same size as the frame pipe. A section of the required shape is welded from it, on which the corrugated sheeting needs to be fixed. If you have the drawings at hand, there will be no problems with installation.

Using tiles for cladding a fence

You can decorate any fence using tiles. It can be made by mixing cement, clay and sand. During the production process, you can make tiles of the desired shape, which is very convenient.

Using tiles for cladding has its advantages:

  • not afraid of temperature fluctuations;
  • has increased moisture resistance;
  • has long term operation.

It is also possible to use for cladding tiles. It can be porcelain stoneware or marbled. The use of such tiles guarantees the presentable appearance of the entire structure.

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