How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks? Basic rules of care. How and how to wash glossy and matte stretch ceilings without streaks Prohibited products when washing glossy ceilings

Despite the antistatic and protective impregnations of suspended ceilings, they still need to be washed. In living rooms it is advisable to do this 1-2 times a year, and in the kitchen - every 2-3 months as greasy deposits and soot appear. Fortunately, cleaning ceilings is not that difficult; cleaning does not require additional costs and does not take much time. In this material we will tell you how and what to wash suspended ceilings(glossy, matte, satin and fabric).

How to wash a suspended ceiling at home - a universal method

At home, manufacturers recommend washing suspended ceilings only with special products or soapy water. In most cases, such cleaning is enough to clean the canvas from dust, construction dirt, greasy or nicotine deposits, and soot. In this step by step instructions we will tell you about the universal and only cleaning method that is approved by manufacturers of tensile structures.

You will need:

  • A regular mop with bristles, or better yet, a flat mop;
  • Clean and soft microfiber or flannel rags (2 pcs.);
  • A bowl of warm water (but not hot!);
  • Spray bottle (optional);
  • Liquid soap;
  • For greater convenience, it is advisable to prepare a stepladder.

Our advice: The easiest way to wash ceilings is with a mop with a moving platform and a microfiber attachment, which is also called a telescopic mop (pictured). The price of such a mop is quite high - from 2 thousand rubles, but it is light, nimble and already has a nozzle that can be washed several times.

Washing a stretch ceiling with a telescopic mop is more convenient and safer for the canvas than any other

Step 1. Dilute a weak soap solution of liquid soap and warm water in a basin. If you use a spray bottle, then the following proportions are suitable: for 1 glass of water, 4 drops of liquid soap.

Step 2. Place a cloth soaked in soapy water (but not hot!) on the mop and start cleaning. Start washing the stretch ceiling with a mop, moving from one corner to another, systematically moving through the entire canvas. If the ceiling area is very large, then you can divide it into several sections, each of which should be washed moving from the walls to the center of the canvas.

  • If you use a spray bottle, you can apply the product evenly to one section, then wash it by hand or by mopping with a clean, damp cloth. Next you should move to another area. The principle of movement of the mop is still the same - from the walls to the center of the canvas.

It’s good if you have a stepladder - it will allow you to manually remove local stains on the canvas, operate the mop more deftly and see the dirt better. A stepladder is also needed if the ceilings are high.

  • Avoid applying too much pressure to avoid rubbing dirt or dust into the blade and damaging it. Particular care must be taken when washing suspended ceilings installed close to the base (for example, at a level of 3-4 cm). In the latter case, it is better not to use a mop at all, but to wash the ceiling with your hands, climbing on a stepladder.

Washing suspended ceilings with your hands is safer than with a mop.

Step 3. If necessary, use one of the home or special products described in the next chapter to remove complex stains.

Step 4. If you wish, you can play it safe from the appearance of streaks and once again go over the canvas with a mop with a clean, damp cloth.

Step 5. After finishing cleaning, be sure to wipe the stretch ceiling with a clean, dry cloth to get rid of any remaining product, and most importantly, stains. Essentially, this stage is polishing the canvas.

Key rules:

  • To wash suspended ceilings, it is permissible to use only soft, lint-free rags (microfiber or flannel). Brushes and hard sponges should not be used.
  • Strictly prohibited Use cleaning products for cleaning ceilings that contain: acetone, alkalis, solvents, chlorine, abrasive particles, as well as any washing powders, laundry soap, mustard, soda.
  • Tensile structures cannot be washed with hot water.
  • If you plan to wash the ceiling by hand, then before you start cleaning, be sure to remove the rings (especially those with stones) so as not to damage the film.

How else can you wash suspended ceilings?

Despite the fact that manufacturers categorically do not recommend cleaning suspended ceilings with anything other than soapy water or special products (sold in household and construction stores, in companies producing suspended ceilings), practice shows that sometimes they can be replaced:

  • Window cleaner (based on ammonia) – this product is good because it allows you to wash suspended ceilings (except matte and fabric ones) without leaving streaks. It also copes well with greasy deposits, soot, and local dirt. It is safest to use colorless liquids (without dyes in the composition).
  • Dishwashing liquid– it is as neutral as soap, but copes better with greasy deposits, which is important for washing suspended ceilings in the kitchen.
  • A solution of warm water and 10% ammonia (in a ratio of 9:1)– suitable for washing only glossy and satin stretch ceilings (NOT suitable for matte ceilings!). They can effectively remove grease and nicotine deposits, soot, food stains and splashes, as well as remove stains after basic cleaning. After applying the solution, the canvas must be wiped dry.

Test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area before cleaning. Apply it first, then wipe clean and dry. If after 10 minutes the treated area has not faded, faded, deformed and remains streak-free, then the selected product can be used.

How to clean the ceiling and remove dirt from soot

Washing a stretch ceiling is periodically necessary, despite the fact that the materials for its manufacture do not attract dust and are not susceptible to mold. It can get dirty, for example, after carelessly opening a bottle of champagne, and it can take on a dull appearance after some time.

When installing a tension structure in the kitchen, you will need to clean it quite often, as grease and soot accumulate on the surface. The article will tell you what to use.

Cleaning Features

Stretch ceiling in modern design is a real masterpiece.

The design in appearance can be:

  • Matte (see).
  • Glossy or mirror (see).
  • On tissue based.
  • Plain.
  • With patterns.
  • Color.
  • With white surface.

In addition, suspended structures retain their original appearance for many years.


  • They don't turn yellow.
  • Not susceptible to cracking.
  • They don't collect dust.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Fits perfectly into the interior of any room.

How to clean a suspended ceiling after installation? Everyone wants their coating to please them with its beautiful appearance for many years.

Sources of pollution can be very different:

Tip: To avoid this, you need to build, in addition to a vertical curtain, a horizontal one.

  • Dust settles, especially in summer or during construction and repair work.
  • Constant cooking leads to the formation of soot, which settles on the entire surface of the canvas in the kitchen.

A special surface that requires sufficient attention when cleaning. The procedure for washing yourself is not difficult, the main thing is to purchase the necessary products.


  • Do it dry. In this case, a soft, dry cloth is used, preferably without lint, so that the lint does not stick to the surface, which can worsen appearance surfaces.
  • Do wet cleaning. To do this, you will need a soft washcloth and a non-aggressive detergent.

How to wash

Further operations depend on the type of structure.

What is needed for manipulation

First of all you will need to purchase:

  • Soft rags.
  • A reliable stepladder.
  • Vacuum cleaner using a special brush attachment.
  • Non-abrasive sponge.
  • Detergents without abrasive, chlorine-containing and caustic substances.

A detergent for caring for stretch fabrics should create a good soap solution. After this, use a sponge or soft cloth to clean the surface from dust and dirt.

Tip: Keep in mind that each type of material will need its own product. It is strictly forbidden to use a hard brush, products containing chlorine, or sharp objects when caring for such a surface.

Care instructions suggest:

  • Before starting work, remove any existing decorations to prevent unexpected damage to the canvas.
  • After washing the surface, wipe it dry.
  • It is necessary to stop using various creams containing solid particles and powders, including soda.
  • The use of products containing acetone is strictly prohibited. It will very quickly ruin the PVC film, which is the basis of the structure.
  • The surface should be washed without pressure. When using a mop when cleaning, do not press hard on the film.
  • The surface can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. But if the film is not fastened properly, there is a possibility that the vacuum cleaner will violate the overall geometry of the structure. Even if there are cobwebs in the corner, it is better to remove them with a cloth or soft broom.

Glossy version

How to clean the ceiling in the bedroom

With such a design, the owner may be faced with a question: how to wash it so that the surface does not lose its gloss and beauty?

To do this you can:

  • Wipe the coating with a solution of ammonia. This will get rid of annoying soap stains.

Tip: When using any solution, you must first test its effect in an area where the area will not be visible. This will eliminate random negative consequences.

  • To increase shine on a glossy surface, you need to walk over the coating with a soft cloth.
  • Products that contain ammonia make it possible to achieve a mirror effect.
  • After wet cleaning, the material is always wiped dry.
  • When renovations are carried out in the premises, construction dust appears. You can get rid of it using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. In this case, the power of the vacuum cleaner is taken to a minimum, and it is better not to touch the surface of the canvas itself.


When producing matte tension systems, the fabric base is impregnated polyurethane compounds. There are no scratches on such canvases and dust does not collect on them. However, this coating will also require maintenance.

A matte surface is much easier to clean than a glossy one. There are no traces left on the canvas when using products with abrasive elements.

The ideal option for cleaning a matte surface is to use water steam. In the kitchen you can use mild products that have a degreasing effect. After steaming the matte surface, it must be wiped dry.


Many people are interested in whether fabric-based canvases can be washed and with what means. It is not advisable to experiment in this area, otherwise the price may be quite high.

Washing the fabric must be done as carefully as possible to prevent damage.

Features of material cleaning:

  • For fabric fabric, you should not use products used to clean glass; substances contained in their composition can be absorbed into the fabric and change its color.
  • When cleaning such material, do not move the cloth in a circle. This can cause a large number of divorces.
  • Movements on the canvas should be performed from yourself to yourself.
  • If absolutely necessary, it is allowed to use an aqueous solution with powder.

Stretch ceilings, an example of which is shown in the photo, are becoming increasingly popular. In this case, you must follow all the rules for caring for them. For those who want to get acquainted in detail with all the methods of cleaning tension structures. you can watch the video.

Caring for stretch ceilings is easy and even pleasant, because the material for them is treated with antistatic compounds that prevent dust and dirt from settling. True, in practice they still get dirty. Over time, the gloss of varnished ceilings fades, stains from cigarette smoke, soot, grease and steam appear in the kitchen or bathroom, and children can leave marks when playing ball or shooting with a water pistol. If you know how to wash suspended ceilings, you can easily cope with the problems listed above.

Do not even doubt whether it is possible to wash suspended ceilings - it is possible and necessary if there is a need for it. Just do not forget that they are made of delicate polymer materials and therefore remember well that when caring for the stretch fabric you cannot use:

  • detergents containing abrasive fractions - mainly dry and paste-like cleaning compositions;
  • scrapers, knives and other piercing or cutting tools to remove drops of fat and accumulations of dirt - one careless movement can puncture the canvas;
  • aggressive chemicals, household solvents, acetone and white spirit;
  • any brushes, even soft ones: broken bristles of a soft brush turn into an abrasive that is dangerous for the polyvinyl chloride film.

How can you wash suspended ceilings?

Before cleaning, check with the manufacturer's instructions on how to wash the suspended ceilings installed in your apartment. Experimenting with detergents that are not suitable for a particular material can cause irreversible consequences from discoloration or discoloration to sagging. tension fabric.

In most cases, neutral, well-foaming liquid compositions for washing dishes or windows are suitable. This is an economical option.

A little more expensive, but more reliable and effective are special sprays for washing suspended ceilings, which can be bought at any supermarket. They contain ammonia and antistatic agents. Alcohol-containing products are especially effective when washing glossy ceilings, and the antistatic agent refreshes the dust-repellent properties of any canvas. For glossy ceilings, you can purchase special polishes that are applied after washing and drying. When choosing a product, make sure by studying the label that it is intended for washing film coatings.

Before using a detergent, be sure to test it for compatibility with your ceiling material. To do this, apply it to a small area in an inconspicuous place. If after complete drying there are no stains or streaks left, it can be used.

Finally, given that brushes are not recommended for washing film materials, use only soft microfiber, flannel, silky fiber cloths or soft, fine-pored sponges.

How to properly wash and clean suspended ceilings

The right decision How to clean suspended ceilings is chosen depending on the type and texture of the film material from which they are made: each requires its own cleaning method.

To remove light deposits of dust and minor dirt from a stretch ceiling, simply wipe it with a soft microfiber or suede cloth soaked in clean warm water and well wrung out. After wet cleaning, the coating is wiped dry. Minor stains, if any, can be removed with a cloth soaked in a 10% solution of ammonia or vodka.

To remove very strong contaminants, dilute a small amount of detergent in warm water and, moisten a soft cloth or sponge in the solution, wash off the dirt with careful circular movements without pressure. Then the coating is washed again clean water and wipe dry. The shine of varnished glossy ceilings is restored with a solution of ammonia, window cleaner or a special polish.

To remove grease and soot stains from suspended ceilings in the kitchen, you can use a solution of any liquid dishwashing detergent or detergent containing ammonia. glass products. After soaking a soft, lint-free cloth in the solution, remove dirt with light movements along the seam. Rinse off any remaining detergent with clean water and wipe the surface dry.

Glossy stretch ceilings in the bathroom have to be washed more often than in other rooms. Cloudy spots from drying condensation from the gloss are easily removed, without leaving any traces, with a lint-free silky but hygroscopic cloth. From this point of view matte ceilings in the bathroom they are more practical, as they require almost no time and effort to maintain.

The biggest trouble is cleaning dirt on ceilings made of polyester suede fabric or white rough matte film. Using a cleaner for suspended ceilings of this type, apply it to the stain, and then gently, without pressing, wipe with a silky smooth cloth that does not leave lint on the rough surface. You can also use an aerosol dry cleaning product, which can be purchased at an auto store.

Finally, the simplest and affordable way dry cleaning of matte and fleecy film ceilings - normal household vacuum cleaner, which is in every home. Just refrain from using brushes; it is better to use a wide, smooth attachment and turn on the vacuum cleaner at medium power. When working with a nozzle that is not smooth enough, turn on the vacuum cleaner at full power and vacuum the ceiling at a distance of about 10 cm from the surface. Small stains can be removed from rough surfaces by gently rubbing with a regular school eraser.

Remember that suspended ceilings should be washed only when it is really required. Daily wet cleaning apartment will protect the ceiling from contamination. In a well-kept, clean apartment, to maintain the ideal condition of suspended ceilings, a light wet cleaning of them once every two years is sufficient.

A glossy ceiling can only be made using PVC film. Fabric sheets come exclusively with a matte texture. Film coatings are resistant to dirt. They do not absorb odors, do not electrify and do not fade. They can be installed in a room with high humidity and washed with various detergents. To ensure that the coating does not lose its former shine after washing, you need to know exactly how to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks.

Causes of contamination of tension coverings

Most often, cleaning a stretch ceiling made of PVC film is carried out due to the appearance of the following contaminants:

  1. In the kitchen, grease and soot settle on the tension surface. It is not possible to wash the ceiling with water; you need ready-made products that dissolve such contaminants well.
  2. Even in a room with normal humidity, it is necessary to periodically clean the coating from dust. But this can be done without wet cleaning.
  3. If drops of juice, wine, champagne or other liquids get on the ceiling, it is better to wash them off immediately so that the question does not arise of how to clean the stretch ceiling from old contaminants.
  4. If the glossy film was installed without protective gloves on your hands, then fingerprints will remain on the surface, which also need to be washed off so as not to spoil the overall impression of the new coating.
  5. After flooding from above, the film sheet may become contaminated with rusty stains and limescale deposits. However, the question of how to clean the suspended ceiling in this case does not arise, because such contaminants are easily removed with ordinary water.
  6. If you regularly smoke indoors, a black and yellow coating may appear on the ceiling. It can also be cleaned. The same applies to children playing with markers, which they use in places not intended for this.

Ready-made compositions for stretch film

Now let's figure out how to wash suspended ceilings. The easiest way is to use ready-made products specifically designed for caring for glossy PVC film. The price of such solutions can be quite high compared to other options.

Attention! When choosing a composition for washing a stretch ceiling, pay attention not only to how much it costs, but also to its composition. It should not contain acids, aggressive solvents, abrasive particles and alkalis.

It is better to use liquid or gel detergents for these purposes. You can get rid of stains using a solution containing ammonia.

Special care products

Special solutions for washing tension coverings made of glossy films contain the following substances:

  • surfactants;
  • alcohol aqueous solution;
  • various auxiliary components;
  • aromatic additives.

Washing suspended ceilings will be much easier if you use these solutions in the form of a spray. The liquid is evenly distributed over the coating and conveniently dosed. The packaging contains instructions for use. It is worth reading before use. As a rule, such solutions are simply sprayed onto the coating from a distance of 10-15 cm, after which they are well polished with a dry cloth.

Note! The finished liquids contain ammonia, which effectively removes any contaminants and does not leave streaks.

Kitchen gels

Any gel-like dishwashing detergents are suitable for cleaning the stretch film surface, but they must be diluted in water before use. The gels contain surfactants that dissolve fatty deposits and various contaminants well. Dip a soft sponge into the prepared solution and wash the coating in a circular motion. Then the surface is washed with clean water and wiped dry with a dry cloth.

Compositions for mirror and glass surfaces

Solutions in spray bottles for cleaning glass, mirrors and tile surfaces are also suitable for washing. They contain ammonia, so no stains will remain, and any stains will quickly come off. The method of using these solutions is the same as compositions specifically designed for the care of suspended ceilings. Simply spray the product onto the surface and wipe it well with a rag.

Homemade solutions for cleaning PVC coatings

Before washing the glossy stretch ceiling, you can prepare homemade remedy for cleaning such coatings.

However, remember the components that should never be used in homemade solutions:

  • baking soda (will leave streaks and scratches);
  • acetone (will melt the coating);
  • mustard (discolor or stain);
  • various aggressive solvents (can dissolve the material);
  • abrasive agents (will scratch the film).

Advice! It is better to test any homemade product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the ceiling. Only after this can it be used to wash the entire surface.

If after testing the solution, stains appear, the film becomes warped, scratched or discolored, then do not use this option. Most likely, it contains components that are not suitable for this type of painting.

Based on washing powder

To prepare a product based on washing powder, you need to dissolve a small amount of it in water so that there are no lumps left. Then the ceiling covering is washed with this solution by dipping a sponge into it. After this, the surface is thoroughly washed with plain water. It is important to rinse off the remaining soap solution well so that there are no streaks left later. After this, the still wet coating is polished with a dry cloth until a glossy shine appears.

Based on laundry soap

A good solution for washing stretch film coverings can be prepared from laundry soap.

To do this, do the following:

  1. Grate a small piece of soap on a kitchen grater. You should get small shavings.
  2. Fill a large basin with water and dissolve the shavings in it, stirring with your hand. All particles must be completely dissolved.
  3. Soak a sponge in a foam solution and wash ceiling surface without strong pressure.
  4. Then the tension covering is washed generously with a new portion of water, but without adding soap.
  5. The PVC film is polished to a glossy shine with a dry flannel cloth.

With ammonia

Instead of ready-made compositions with ammonia, you can use homemade home remedy. It won't be any worse. However, you should not use undiluted alcohol, because it can ruin the coating. As a rule, a ten percent ammonia solution is used. To prepare it, take 1 part alcohol to 10 parts water.

If you have an empty spray bottle at home, you can pour the prepared liquid into it for ease of application to the ceiling. In the absence of a sprayer, the solution is simply applied with a sponge to the surface of the film coating. After this composition, the surface does not need to be washed with ordinary water. Simply wipe dry with a cloth.

Fabric ceiling cleaning technology

To make this type of fabric, polyester fabric with polyurethane impregnation is used. It is not as elastic as PVC film, but more durable. Woven fabrics are not recommended for use indoors with high humidity and wet them, because from direct contact with water they become covered with stains. That is why they cannot be washed.

To clean the fabric, use a vacuum cleaner or an ordinary dry cloth, which is used to remove dust from the surface. These ceilings are installed in a living space with normal humidity, so they do not get dirty as much as film in the kitchen or bathroom.

If absolutely necessary, you can try to gently wash the fabric surface with soap suds, but do not get the fabric too wet. Immediately after foam treatment, wipe the surface thoroughly with dry flannel.

Advice! If after flooding from above fabric ceiling If it becomes covered with stains and stains, it will not be possible to wash it. The only way out is to paint the coating with water-based paint.

Non-removable contaminants

Before washing the suspended ceiling, understand the type of contamination. It may be impossible to get rid of this stain, so no products or liquids will help.

The following stains cannot be removed from film ceilings:

  • caustic ink, markers and paints that have penetrated deep into the structure of the material;
  • small burnt areas that appear when handled carelessly with sparklers or matches;
  • tobacco smoke can penetrate into the structure of the canvas, so it will not be possible to wash it;
  • if the color coating has become discolored upon contact with aggressive chemicals, then it will not be possible to get rid of it;
  • To wash off chewing gum, traces of tape or plasticine, the coating will have to be vigorously rubbed, but in the case of glossy PVC film this cannot be done.

Tools for work

Before washing suspended ceilings at home, prepare everything you need for the job.

You will need:

  1. To wash the ceiling you need a stepladder, scaffolding or table. It is much more convenient to work on a table, because you can place a bowl of water and rags next to you. If you use a stepladder, this will not be possible, so you will have to often go down and go back up.
  2. It is good to clean stubborn dirt from woven fabric using a vacuum cleaner with a steamer. However for PVC coatings This option is prohibited.
  3. Dry vacuuming is carried out using a soft furniture attachment, but it is only used for woven coverings, because the film can be scratched.
  4. A mop with a long handle and a soft nozzle will make it easier to clean the ceiling without using a table or stepladder.
  5. To make it easier to apply various liquids to the surface, you will need a spray bottle.
  6. Kitchen sponges, clean rags, flannel napkins or pieces of microfiber will also come in handy.
  7. Be sure to stock up on a container for soap solution and clean water.

As you can see, it is not difficult to care for and wash a glossy stretch ceiling. It is important to follow the recommendations above. At proper care the coating will last for many decades while maintaining its original characteristics.

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Previously, they removed cobwebs from ceilings and walked over them with brushes, brooms and damp rags. Today, many have glossy stretch ceilings that require special care and compliance with the established washing algorithm. It is not necessary to invite a team of washers to your home; the online magazine site will tell you how and with what to wash stretch ceilings (glossy) without streaks.

Dust flies from the street through open windows and doors, smoke from cigarettes and soot from their kitchen can also get onto the ceiling

Although the manufacturers promise that maintaining the structure will not be burdensome due to the impregnation of the canvas with a water- and dirt-repellent agent, after a while the owners of the apartment notice that the gloss does not shine as before, and dust is noticeable.

Little children can get creative and even be able to leave a mark from a felt-tip pen on the ceiling or splash juice or sweet tea on the ceiling. In the kitchen, the ceilings get dirty mainly due to the cooking process, even despite the presence of a working hood.

How often do you need to wash glossy stretch ceilings?

There are housewives who do not wait for dirt to form, but clean regularly. And there is a type of housewife who begins to clean as soon as it gets dirty. In the first case, especially in the kitchen, this will save a lot of time, since removing frozen grease from the ceiling covering is not easy. In general, glossy stretch ceilings can be washed when dirty. You shouldn’t rely on the hood: quick dirt will still find a way to leave its mark.

How to wash a stretch glossy ceiling without streaks - tools and equipment

If you don’t know how to clean stretch ceilings, we’ll tell you some tricks. We cross off everything that is scratchy, hard, shedding and fluffy from the list. Remains soft fabric, fiber and sponges.

Will need warm water, bucket, detergent and a stepladder. Why not a mop? Because it is very easy to damage your favorite glossy finish with one awkward movement. But, nevertheless, many housewives risk damaging the coating and use a mop, controlling the pressure. Pressure control will prevent damage.

A vacuum cleaner is also a dubious companion, even for collecting dust. Therefore, you will have to look for a stepladder if the ceiling is high, or a suitable chair if the room is of low height. The water temperature should not be hot - the material may soften and deform. A normal temperature is considered to be 25-35°C.

Detergents for suspended ceilings

How and how to wash glossy stretch ceilings is a pressing question, first of all, let’s study safe means. With the right method and compliance with the process algorithm, the result will be excellent. First, let’s find out how to clean the gloss on the ceiling.

Using harmless household chemicals to clean a suspended ceiling

So that your work is not wasted, you need to know how to wash a suspended ceiling without streaks.

Mr. Proper, Fairy, Myth, Biolan - all of them will gently wash away dirt. An excellent means for washing stretch ceilings without streaks are alcohol-containing liquids and sprays.

dishwashing liquid Help

Important! We are talking only about the glossy ceiling. If the ceiling in another room is matte, advice to use alcohol-containing solutions is not applicable!

You can add a little ammonia to any solution. There are products designed specifically for washing stretch gloss.

Related article:

How to wash windows quickly and without streaks. Where stains on glass come from, folk remedies, household chemicals, procedure algorithm, necessary tools and devices - read in the publication.

What products should not be used to wash suspended ceilings?

There are people who even after practical advice and recommendations are eager to conduct their own experiment. It’s better not to experiment with a glossy stretch ceiling. They have already been carried out and as a result they came up with what to use when washing glossy finish it is forbidden:

  • We forget about abrasives: powders, soda, hard brushes. No, if you have a strong desire to see scratches on the ceiling or even damage the canvas, that’s up to you;
  • no acetone-containing products. They can be used if you really want to discolor the surface and turn it into something unsightly;
  • It’s funny to even talk about alkalis and acids - compositions that contain such aggressive substances are not solid!

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in different ways: water, different folk remedies, household chemicals, a napkin with an antistatic agent, how to remove limescale and traces of stickers and markers - read the publication.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks

We learned how to clean a glossy stretch ceiling, now we’ll tell you how to do it correctly.

How to properly clean a suspended ceiling - algorithm of actions

The algorithm of direct actions and rules is as follows:

If you follow the action algorithm, the coating will become clean and remain intact.

How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks with a slight degree of contamination

Let's figure out what is the best way to wash suspended ceilings if they are not very dirty. Most often, it is enough to walk with a dry or slightly damp cloth over the entire surface.

How to wash suspended ceilings at home if they are heavily soiled

How to clean suspended ceilings heavy pollution and how to do it? Observing all the conditions of the algorithm and using special remedy for washing ceilings or glass, you can easily and quickly get a clean and shiny coating.

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