How to replace insulation on an electrical wire. Insulating wires with various materials

Thermal insulation for electrical network mandatory, it performs a number of functions. The main task is to prevent direct human contact with live parts, to protect the network itself from thermal, mechanical and chemical influences.

Have the wires always been insulated?

Insulating tape for wires

Already in the early stages of using electricity, it was known that the wiring would have to be insulated. Today, plastic, rubber and other low-cost materials are used as insulation. insulating materials, whose service life will be long.

In the recent past, ineffective but expensive materials were used. There were also bare wires that were marked with a sign to warn people to be careful around them.

Electrical wiring insulation requirements

The material intended for insulation has not only dielectric properties, but also performs a protective function. Depending on the installation method and conditions of use, other requirements may be imposed on the insulation.

  • Long service life, high degree of resistance to aging.
  • High resistance to abrasion and tearing.
  • Resistance to temperature influences, especially high temperatures.
  • No possibility of bending.
  • Chemical resistance.

Requirements for insulating material vary depending on mechanical stress environment, mechanical loads, current conductivity in the environment of use.

Coupling and its insulation

Cable insulation sleeve

The coupling is used in cases where it is necessary to extend the wire, for example, when moving a switch or socket. The coupling along with the wiring will be embedded in the wall, so its insulation must be airtight. The most reliable option in this case is to use heat shrink tubing. When choosing, the degree of its shrinkage is taken into account. As a rule, this part is characterized by threefold shrinkage; it is important to take this into account when choosing the required diameter. Insulation is carried out in several stages - first of all, the cores, and then the rest of the section.

As soon as the wires are connected, the tube is pulled to the end of the wire.

Insulation of current-carrying conductors

The places where the conductors are connected are insulated using ordinary electrical tape, but the contact will be thicker, and put it on heat shrink tube it will be more difficult. As an analogue, it is preferable to use special heat-shrinkable material. Shrinkage is carried out using an ordinary lighter or a hair dryer.

Shell insulation layer

At this stage, the insulation of current-carrying parts should already be completed; for complete and reliable sealing, the coupling shell is additionally processed. This is especially important when coupling sheathed cables or wires. The tube must hide the connection point and extend at least 1 cm onto the outer insulating layer on both sides, otherwise there is a possibility of dust and moisture getting under the factory wiring sheath.

Switching boxes

Insulation of wires in the junction box

Contact devices in the intra-apartment network are switching boxes. This design is protected from the harmful effects of the environment by the housing and cover. The need to insulate electrical wires will depend on design features equipment. If it is equipped with clamping jaws, no additional protection is required. If this is not the case, it is necessary to separate the conductors.

Connection using twists is most often used in contact boxes that are not equipped with blocks. However, over time, the twist loses its density due to expansion caused by temperature changes and oxidation of the conductors. To do this, tightly twist the stripped ends of the cores clockwise, and then, putting on the cap, twist it in the same direction, applying a little effort. The internal cavity of the plastic cap is equipped with a steel cone spring. When carefully twisted, it fits tightly and compresses the contact. Caps can be produced in different colors and sizes, which will allow you to select the appropriate contact.

When making twists designed for heavy loads, before insulating the wires, they are treated with a special substance intended for electrical contacts. This will reduce resistance and also protect against active oxidation.

PPE insulation cannot provide reliable tightness, therefore it can only be used in a special compartment of the contact device. If in the future you need to connect a new line or replace a lamp, the cap can be easily removed, which cannot be said about electrical tape.

During work on the line, it is necessary to turn off the power to the panel.

Insulation of wires of electrical devices

There are several ways to insulate wires in electrical appliances.

Insulating wires with electrical tape

First of all, you need to thoroughly twist all the wires together. If the wire has a large number of cores, it is preferable to simply solder them.

Next, the insulating material is taken and the entire cable is carefully wrapped. It is important that you end up with two layers. You should not allow even the smallest part of the wire to remain uninsulated, this will inevitably lead to a short circuit.

Heat shrink insulation of wires

Heat shrink for wires

Insulating wires in this way is as easy as shelling pears. But it is important to put on the handset at the moment when all the wires are already securely connected to each other. It is preferable to use for insulating copper conductors.

After all the wires have been connected, a cap is put on the wire, which needs to be warmed up. It is best to use a hair dryer for shrinkage, but if you don’t have one, you can get by with an ordinary lighter. In this case, the heat shrink must be completely tightened on the wire, since the resistance of the insulating layer of the wire will lead to an accident.

Heat shrink is used to insulate wires that are intended to operate in a humid environment, water or ground.

How to insulate a wire in a wall

It is necessary to select plaster at a distance of up to 3-5 cm from the site of damage on both sides, the depth of the trench is 1 cm. These conditions are mandatory for the smooth and high-quality connection of damaged sections of the chain. The next step is to disconnect the wires and make a cut in the insulating layer along the center.

10-15 mm of insulating material is removed from the damaged ends of the conductor. If the wiring is old, the insulation will likely be hard and would be nearly impossible to remove with a knife in tight spaces. It is better to use the reflow method.

The ends of the copper wires are covered with a layer of soldering iron solder. It is important to tin the conductors very carefully from all sides. Finally, an insulating tube is placed over the connection. If a moisture-resistant connection is required, the pre-connected area can be treated with silicone.

How to use an extension cord safely in the garden

Heat shrink sleeve

To connect garden equipment, extension cords with IP54 waterproof rating are required. If the insulating layer has been damaged, it must be sealed to ensure complete operational safety. This can be done using heat-shrinkable tape. Simply wrap it around the wire and heat it with a hairdryer.

When exposed to heat, the insulating substance shrinks, thereby crimping the wire tightly. Also when shrinking from inner surface The insulating material releases an adhesive that enhances the effect. In terms of the quality of the work performed, heat-shrink tape is not inferior to tubes made from a similar material. Another advantage building material is that it is possible to use it in a winding way.


Before you begin insulating the electrical network wires and household appliances, you need to make sure that the network is de-energized. It is recommended to turn off the voltage using a special circuit breaker. Next, use a flat screwdriver with an indicator to check the presence of voltage at the output - the place where the work will be carried out.

When performing work, the quality of the materials used matters. If a material is flammable and susceptible to thermal effects, this will inevitably lead to accidents or emergency situations in the future.

Wire insulation is important process which must be done efficiently. Otherwise, you risk a short circuit in your home, and then all your property and the health of your loved ones will be in danger. It is actually very easy to make a mistake and it can lead to dire consequences. In this article, I decided to tell you a few basic methods that everyone can apply without extra effort.

Wire insulation: precautions

Before you decide to isolate electrical wires you must clearly understand that they must be disconnected from the network. It is best to turn off the voltage using a circuit breaker. Next, you must make sure that there is no voltage at all.

Pay attention to the materials you are going to use, this is very important. If it can catch fire, it will lead to an accident. Read on for my review of insulation materials. Let me note right away that it is impossible to insulate the wire underground.

Wire Insulation Tool

Today, the following materials can be distinguished for insulating wires and cables:

Wire insulation: basic methods

And how to insulate a wire. Now we come to the main stage in our article. So, as above, I have collected several materials for insulation for you, and I will tell you how to use them all.

Insulating wires with electrical tape

Initially, you must twist all the wires together well; read about how to do this in the article: connecting wires. If you have a wire with a large number lived, it’s better to solder them together.

Initially, we take the electrical tape and begin to unwind it, then we begin to slowly wrap the entire wire, as shown in the photo below.

Remember that you should have two layers; in no case should you allow part of the wire to remain uninsulated, because this can lead to a short circuit. Interesting features at the ABS cable.

Heat shrink insulation of wires

Insulating wires in this way is a pleasure. But remember, the tube must be put on until the moment when you connect all the wires to each other. Insulation copper wires in this case it will not take much time.

Let's begin the isolation process itself. When you have completed the steps above, put on the cap.

Next we need to heat it up. It’s best to use a hair dryer; if you don’t have one on hand, try gently heating the area with a lighter. However, make sure that the heat seal is completely tightened on the wire, because the insulation resistance of the wire is unforgiving.

This method is best used for cases when you are going to use the cable in water, in the ground, and in other places. wet areas.

So we have looked at all the ways to insulate wires. We hope you found this information helpful, please feel free to ask questions. If you don’t find the answer in this article, tell us, we will definitely do it for you.

Wire insulation: video


After you connect the bare wires by twisting or soldering, you need to properly insulate the junction. Today, there are several main ways to insulate conductors - using electrical tape, heat shrink, or even special PPE caps. Next, we will tell readers how to insulate wires in a wall, under water and even underground.


First, let's talk about what rules you need to follow when insulating cores with your own hands. Firstly, it is strictly forbidden to insulate live wires. You should definitely turn off the switchboard. Secondly, to protect the connection point, it is necessary to use only materials that comply with GOST standards for insulation and shells. In simple words– do not use plastic bags, tapes and other rubbish. For example, for everyone’s favorite PVC insulating tape there is GOST 16214-86, which it must comply with, and specifications based on it.

We strongly advise against using adhesive tape as insulation, because... this material does not have sufficient insulating properties. Now we will look at how to properly insulate wires at home, and will also provide you with the most reliable insulating materials.

Overview of insulating materials

Today, to insulate bare conductors, it is recommended to use materials such as:

So we have provided the most reliable and popular insulating materials among electricians. Next, we will tell you how to properly insulate exposed contacts with electrical tape, heat shrink and special caps.

Video review of existing insulation methods

By the way, the EKF company produces both non-flammable PVC electrical tape and one based on cotton fiber, so you can choose the appropriate option for your own conditions. It is important to note that PVC electrical tape is available in 7 colors, this allows it to be used for color marking of wires. There is a choice of professional electrical tape (class A: wide, with a thicker base) and for general household purposes (class B: narrower and thinner). You can find out more about the products here:

Instructions for using insulators

Well, here we come to the main issue of the article - do-it-yourself wire insulation technology. Since there are several materials, we will dwell on each and tell you how to insulate bare conductors yourself.

If you are using electrical tape, first you need. If the wires are multi-wire, it is recommended to additionally solder them for a more reliable connection. Next, the twist is bent to one side, as shown in the photo, after which the electrical tape is wound onto the bare area in at least 2 layers. This technique is often used in apartments, even by experienced electricians. Insulating tape can be used when connecting conductors in a junction box, chandelier, when moving an outlet, and even under plaster if the connection point is in a junction box. We talked about this in a separate article.

It is also not difficult to insulate bare wires with heat shrink. The main thing to remember important nuance– the tube must be placed on one of the conductors before they are spliced. After soldering or twisting, you will not be able to put on a cambric (it is also called that). When the contacts are connected, the tube must be pulled over the bare junction, and then heated with a hair dryer. We described in detail how to use heat shrink in a separate article:.

If a hairdryer is not at hand, heating with a regular lighter is allowed, the main thing is to make sure that the heat shrink is tightly sealed on the cable. It is recommended to use the tube HERE when the conductor is immersed in water (for example, if cable is damaged food on deep well pump). In addition, heat shrink is used when it is necessary to connect underground wiring. It is also recommended to insulate the wires with this material in the bathroom, wooden house, bathhouse or outdoors to reliably protect the connection point from water.

Which is better: heat shrink or electrical tape?

PPE caps are best used when installing electrical wiring in a house or apartment. PPE is compact and allows you to quickly insulate the twist. All you need to do is screw the cap onto the wires until it stops, as shown in the photo below.

If you need to protect the twisting of thin wires, for example in headphones, it is not advisable to use electrical tape, because it will not fit tightly. In this case, you can do without electrical tape by using regular superglue. All you need to do is carefully drop glue onto the exposed area of ​​the small conductors. In a 220 Volt power supply, this method is not recommended, because glue, exactly like silicone sealant, will quickly fall off. By the way, you should also not insulate the cores with a glue gun, for a similar reason.

For additional insulation of the cable from a rabbit, cat or puppy in the house (pets love to chew wires), it is recommended to use tin foil. Read about other methods in the corresponding article!

So we provided everything existing methods insulating the exposed veins with your own hands. As you can see, insulating a wire yourself under water, in a wall and in the ground is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the right insulation material. Finally, we recommend that you use it in damp rooms and on outdoors additionally protect the electrical wiring with corrugation, which will further protect the connection point so that water does not get on the exposed contacts.

IN modern world There are many ways to transmit something wirelessly, but wiring is still used, and quite often. So, after reading the article, you will learn everything you need about wire insulation.

Materials used to insulate wires

There are two types of wire insulation materials. The first is PVC, and the second is insulated with rubber. Both have their pros and cons.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) insulation

Another name is vinyl. This material is widely used in wiring insulation, because It is resistant to alkali and acid, does not allow current to pass through it, and is also insoluble in water. These properties guarantee good protection wiring from external influences.

PVC is used to create the sheath of both wiring and cables. On at the moment They even produce special PVC tape for insulating individual parts of the wire.

The price of PVC insulation can be considered a plus. Another advantage of this type of shell is that the polymer does not burn and does not react to sudden temperature changes.

Still during production of this material Plasticizers may be added to it. Because of them, the resistance to alkali and various acids decreases, however, thanks to them, the wire sheath becomes more elastic, and resistance to ultraviolet radiation also appears.

Rubber insulation

Rubber shell is used in industrial areas. It has many advantages, which include:

  • This type of shell is moisture resistant.
  • Rubber insulation has significant elasticity.
  • If you measure the insulation resistance, you can see that it is quite high.
  • This shell does not respond to high temperatures.

In the production of rubber shells, both natural and artificial are used. synthetic materials. The latter last a long time and are resistant to various chemicals and high sub-zero temperatures.

Another advantage of this material is its elasticity, thanks to which you can conduct wiring with a rubber sheath anywhere. Over time, the rubber will begin to age, causing the shell to crack. This means you can easily get electrocuted.

If the shell will be exposed to high temperatures, it is recommended to use vulcanized rubber for insulation. More often, wiring with this type of sheath is used due to its elasticity. That is, where it is necessary.

Wire insulation methods

There are several ways to insulate wires. Today we will talk about the most common ones, there are only four of them:

  • Insulation using special tape.
  • Sheath PVC type
  • Sheath for wiring using heat shrink tubing.
  • Insulation using terminals.

Special tape for insulation

Another name is electrical tape. Every home has it. If you don’t have electrical tape on your farm, it won’t be difficult to purchase it, because... it's inexpensive.

It is usually used to partially insulate a wire. Often in some place the shell bends or cracks on its own, for example due to old age. Today we will not talk about how to strip wires of insulation, but will consider cases of spontaneous damage to the wire sheath.

I would like to note that it is necessary to wind the electrical tape at an angle, first in one direction and then in the other direction. To understand how to do this correctly, you should look at a photo of insulating wires using electrical tape.

When heated too much, the tape will begin to melt, although this disadvantage has a plus in the form of moisture resistance. Also, the thickness of the wire insulation in this place will be greater.

There is cotton tape for creating a sheath for electrical wiring. On the contrary, it can withstand high temperatures, but is not moisture resistant.

Heat shrink tubing

The material from which these tubes are made is polymer. I note that it is best to use this type of shell on low-voltage equipment, when the voltage is not higher than 1 kV.

In order to use this method of creating a casing for electrical wiring, you need to follow some steps:

  • First you need to prepare a piece of heat-shrinkable tubing. To do this, measure the exposed section of the electrical wire, after turning off the electricity. We cut off a piece of tube, it is better if it is a little larger than needed. About 2-3 centimeters.
  • Next, take a piece of tube and put it on the end of one of the wires.
  • After completing the second step, you need to twist the wiring.
  • The last step is to transfer the heat-shrinkable tube to the junction of the wiring and use a hair dryer to secure the result.

After these steps, the heat shrink tube will be pressed tightly against the wiring. If you don't have a hair dryer, a lighter will do. It should be carefully kept at a small distance from the junction of the wires.

This type of insulation is more convenient than electrical tape. It also adheres better to electrical wiring. However, if you need to remove the heat shrink tubing, you will have to clean it off.

There are different tubes. It all depends on the desired temperature that the tube must withstand, as well as on the voltage. To find out the characteristics of the tube, you need to look at the markings that manufacturers put on at the factory for the manufacture of these products.

There are tubes of different diameters, colors, and also for certain cable sections. This plus allows you to select the most suitable heat shrink tube.

Wiring insulation using terminals

To create the shell, terminals are used - these are small clamps that are widely used, including for connecting wiring. Terminals can and should be used to insulate wiring in a junction box.

It is better not to use terminals together with aluminum wiring with screws, because... Due to strong pressure on the wire, this metal will begin to leak. Eventually a short may occur due to the loosening of the connection and increasing resistance. If you do insulate using terminal blocks, do not forget to inspect the electrical wiring connection at least once a year.

It is strictly prohibited to connect wiring made of materials such as copper and aluminum using twists. Due to the incompatibility of these metals, at least a short circuit will occur, or at most a fire. This will put your life at risk.

Important! After finishing, be sure to check the wire insulation.

So today you have learned everything you need to know about insulating electrical wiring. We examined the materials and methods for creating a wire sheath. I hope that after reading this article, you have decided which wire insulation is best for you.

Photo of the wire insulation process

In life, we often come across electrical wiring. This could be the electrical wiring in the room or the power cord from the TV. Nothing in this world lasts forever, and any wire can be damaged. Damage can be mechanical, thermal, or whatever. But the result is always the same - damage to the outer insulating layer. And the question arises - how to insulate the damaged part of the wire. And no less important - how to isolate correctly, and therefore also, what to insulate with? Quite often it happens that two wires are spliced, which means that the junction also needs insulation.

Wire connection location

Firstly, you need to connect the wires correctly - this is done by twisting. If the wires are multi-core, even just one of them, then it is better to unwind them into separate wires and twist them “in parts”, so the twisting will be more reliable. For reliability, the resulting connection should be soldered, if possible. After this, you need to twist it along the length, leaving the end about 0.5 cm. This tip needs to be bent close to the wire.

In- Secondly, you can use a heat-shrinkable tube as the first layer of insulation, or you can use regular PVC. In the first case, the tube is pulled onto an even hotter junction. It is worth considering that after cooling, it will be impossible to remove such insulation. In the second case, you need to wait until the solder has cooled down, and then place a piece of PVC pipe on the twist.

The length of the tube should be selected slightly longer than the length of the twist. During operation, the wire heats up, and the outer insulation in the twisted area decreases slightly in length, so the insulation must be made with a “margin”. For reliability, you can wrap a layer of electrical tape on top. If there is no tube, then the electrical tape can be applied in two layers.

We isolate the damaged part of the wire

  1. If we have already found damage in the wiring, we can bite the damaged wire and then make a reliable twist;
  2. If the place is at the end of the wire, then if there is a tube, the wire is disconnected and the tube is inserted;
  3. Insulation is made with electrical tape. Better - in two layers, with a “margin”.

Please note that if the wiring is located outdoors or in a room with low temperatures, then it is better to use tape with fabric base. PVC tape cracks at low temperatures.

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