How stars differ from planets: details and interesting points. How do stars differ from planets?

A planet (from the Greek πλανήτες αστέρες - wandering star) is a celestial body of sufficiently large mass, moving in orbit around a star, in which thermonuclear reactions do not occur. There is disagreement among astronomers about which celestial bodies should be classified as planets.
The masses and sizes of the planets known to us are much smaller than those of stars. Only one of the planets solar system- Jupiter is approaching these characteristics to a dwarf star.
A star (cf. Lit. Žvaigždė) is a celestial body similar in nature to the Sun, due to its enormous distance visible from Earth as a luminous point in the night sky. Stars are massive self-luminous gas (plasma) balls formed from a gas-dust medium (mainly hydrogen and helium) as a result of gravitational compression. The temperature of matter in the interior of stars is measured in millions of Kelvin, and on their surface - in thousands of Kelvin. The energy of the vast majority of stars is released as a result of thermonuclear reactions converting hydrogen into helium or helium into carbon, occurring at high temperatures in the internal regions, in individual, rare stars, and during other processes. Stars are often called the main bodies of the Universe, since they contain the bulk of luminous matter in nature...
The difference between them is about the same as between the Sun and the Earth. Stars are celestial bodies generally similar to our Sun:
giant gaseous balls with a very high surface temperature - from 2000 to 40000 - and even higher in the center. In all likelihood reaching several tens of millions of degrees. The masses of stars are large, usually several hundred thousand times greater than the mass of the Earth, while planets are bodies of relatively low mass and small size. However fundamental difference between a planet and a star is that stars are luminous, while planets are dark bodies. Planets are visible only when they are illuminated by some other body, for example in our system - the Sun.
Stars glow as a result of certain processes that occur in their depths and which we call nuclear reactions (in planets these processes do not occur or occur on a small scale). During these processes, light elements, mainly hydrogen, are converted into heavy ones. This releases a huge amount of energy in the form of short-wave radiation, which we call light. Due to the continuous release of large amounts of energy, the star maintains a very high temperature, providing further process a reaction that releases new amounts of energy. Thus, stars shine for millions and even billions of years, almost unchanged.

Despite the absence astronomy at school, the starry sky was not a mystery to me. All thanks to the care of my parents, who once gave me a multi-volume encyclopedia for children. Thanks to these books, I learned a lot of new things, including difference between a planet and a star.

How do stars differ from planets?

In order to give the most meaningful answer, you must first understand: what is star, and what is planet. At first glance, these two space objects are quite similar, but upon closer attention, you will notice that stars, unlike planets, flicker. This is easily explained, because the star is hot ball, and the planets do not have their own light source. They are visible to us for one simple reason: light reflection falling on their surface. Another important fact- planets change position against the background of stars that are relatively still.

Planets and stars

Planet- a celestial object that:

  • has rotation axis;
  • moves around a star;
  • has a certain density;
  • has rounded shape, thanks to its own gravity;
  • has underweight to start thermonuclear reactions.

Unlike stars, planets, like our satellite, show phases. In addition, planets have satellites, but the main difference is movement around a star.

Star- a celestial object that has a mass that is quite sufficient for launch thermonuclear reactions. These are bright, hot objects whose temperature can be millions of degreesV, measured not in Celsius, but Kelvins(1°K = 273°C). These are huge gas balls, which are based on helium and hydrogen. As a consequence of thermonuclear reactions, a huge amount of energy(light, thermal, wave).

How they are born

The basic idea of ​​science regarding the formation of planets is this: clumping tiny particles and subsequent formation solid. However, this process has not been fully studied, is very confusing and can lead to completely different results. Regarding birth of stars, then in this case we have compression of interstellar gases under the influence of its own gravity. Subsequently, this force turns into thermal energy, which "lights up" a new star in the sky.


Summing up and understanding the features of each of these celestial bodies, we can summarize that they differ according to the following criteria:

  • brightness and luminosity;
  • weight;
  • movement in space;

That, in fact, is all the differences between planets and stars.

To the question How do stars differ from planets? given by the author Sristya *** the best answer is the same as the Sun from the Earth... feel the difference

Reply from Adapt[active]
A planet (from the Greek πλανήτες αστέρες - wandering star) is a celestial body of sufficiently large mass, moving in orbit around a star, in which thermonuclear reactions do not occur. There is disagreement among astronomers about which celestial bodies should be classified as planets.
The masses and sizes of the planets known to us are much smaller than those of stars. Only one of the planets in the Solar System - Jupiter - approaches these characteristics of a dwarf star.
A star (cf. Lit. Žvaigždė) is a celestial body similar in nature to the Sun, due to its enormous distance visible from Earth as a luminous point in the night sky. Stars are massive self-luminous gas (plasma) balls formed from a gas-dust medium (mainly hydrogen and helium) as a result of gravitational compression. The temperature of matter in the interior of stars is measured in millions of Kelvin, and on their surface - in thousands of Kelvin. The energy of the vast majority of stars is released as a result of thermonuclear reactions converting hydrogen into helium or helium into carbon, occurring at high temperatures in the internal regions, in individual, rare stars, and during other processes. Stars are often called the main bodies of the Universe, since they contain the bulk of luminous matter in nature.

Reply from ~Ekaterina~[guru]
What is the difference between a star and a planet?
The very first and most important thing is that a star emits light. On a skyscraper it looks like flickering. But the planet only reflects light. They themselves are dark bodies and if light does not fall on them, then it will be impossible to see them.
Secondly, stars have much higher temperatures than planets. On the surface of stars, the temperature ranges from 2,000 to 40,000 degrees, not to mention the center, where it can possibly reach millions of degrees. This is not yet known for sure, since modern science There is no known device that could withstand such temperatures.
Thirdly, the mass of the star is much higher than the mass of the planets. As a rule, all stars are very massive bodies. But the planets are much smaller.
Fourth, planets move relative to the stars. Absolutely the same as our Earth around the sun. And the stars remain motionless relative to the planets. In other words, planets move around their stars and always along an elliptical path. This is noticeable if starry sky watch for several nights in a row. This also explains the fact that, unlike stars, planets “show” different phases just like the moon.
Fifthly, in terms of its chemical composition, the planet contains both solid and light elements. But the star is mostly just light.
Sixth, planets often have from one to several satellites, but stars never have such. Although, of course, the absence of a satellite does not mean that it is not a planet.
And seventhly, thermonuclear or nuclear reactions necessarily occur on all stars. Such reactions are not observed on planets. In exceptional cases, only nuclear and very, very weak, and then only on nuclear planets.

Reply from Caucasian[guru]
Most often, a star is a celestial body in which one goes to at the moment thermonuclear reactions.
A planet is a celestial body in orbit around a star or its remnant that is massive enough to become rounded by its own gravity, but not massive enough to initiate a thermonuclear reaction.
The difference is the presence of a thermonuclear reaction.))

Reply from Got a cold[guru]
you just need to take an interest in astronomy (it’s a precise science) and you’ll find out everything that’s different! fly and find out then write to us)

Lifeless space is not deserted at all. It combines a huge mass of all kinds of bodies of different natures, sizes and with different names. Among them are meteors, meteorites, comets, fireballs, planets and stars. Moreover, each of the categories of cosmic bodies is also divided within itself into types, the difference between which can often only be understood by an experienced astronomer. For now, let's try to understand the fundamental principles, for example, how stars differ from planets.

Main difference

The very first, basic and undeniable difference is the ability to glow. Any star necessarily emits light, but a planet does not have this property. Of course, nearby planets also look like luminous spots - Venus is an eloquent example. But this is not her own glow, she is just a “mirror” in which the light of the true source is reflected - the Sun.

By the way, this is very good way how to distinguish a planet from a star purely visually, without additional optical instruments. If a luminous point in the night sky “winks,” that is, flickers, you can be sure that it is a star. If the light emanating from a celestial object is even and constant, it means it reflects the light of the nearest body. And this is the very first one a clear sign, showing us how stars differ from planets.

The second difference stems from the first

The ability to emit light is characteristic only of very hot surfaces. As an example, consider metal, which by itself does not glow. But if it is heated to the required temperature, the metal object becomes hot and emits light, albeit weak.

So the second way stars differ from planets is the very high temperature of these cosmic bodies. This is what allows stars to glow. Even on the surface of the coldest star, the temperature does not drop below 2000 degrees K. Typically, stellar temperatures are measured in Kelvin, as opposed to the familiar Celsius.

Our Sun is much hotter, at different periods its surface heats up to 5000, or even 6000 K. That is, “in our opinion” it will be 4726.85 - 5726.85 °C, which is also impressive.

Necessary clarification

The indicated temperatures are typical only for stellar surfaces. Another way stars differ from planets is that they are much hotter inside than outside. Even surface temperatures on some stars reach 6000 K, and in the center of the stars they supposedly go off scale for millions of degrees Celsius! So far, there are neither the capabilities, nor the necessary equipment, nor even a calculation formula with the help of which one could determine the internal “degree” of stars.

Dimensions and movement

The sizes of stars and planets differ just as enormously. Compared to the heavenly “lanterns,” the planets are just grains of sand. Moreover, this applies to both weight (mass) and volume. If instead of the Sun you place a medium-sized apple in the middle of free space, then to indicate the position of the Earth you will need a pea, spaced hundreds of meters away. A comparison of stars also shows that the volumes of the latter are thousands or even millions of times greater than the volume in space occupied by the former. The relationship with mass is slightly different. The fact is that all planets are solids. And stars are mostly gaseous, otherwise they provide sky-high high temperatures luminaries would be simply impossible.

What is the difference between a planet and a star? A planet, by definition, has a path of motion called an orbit. And it necessarily surrounds the star as something more significant. The star is motionless in the sky. If you are patient and watch a certain part of the sky for several nights, the movement of the planet can be seen even with a weakly armed eye (but at least you won’t be able to do it without an amateur telescope).

Additional signs

The sizes of stars and planets cannot be determined by eye. But some differences that accurately characterize require even more specific equipment. So, the chemical composition, which can be easily determined, will tell exactly whether there is a planet or a star in front of us. After all, the luminaries are gaseous giants, therefore, they consist of light elements. And the planets include mainly solid components.

An indirect sign may be the presence of a satellite (or even several). Only planets have them. However, if a satellite is not observed, this does not mean that there is definitely a star in front of us - some planets get along well without such “neighbors”.

Astronomers have another clue to determining whether a newly discovered cosmic body is a planet. The orbit in which it moves should not contain foreign objects, roughly speaking, debris. Satellites are not considered such; they are quite large, otherwise they would fall to the surface. This rule was adopted quite recently - in 2006. Thanks to him, Eris, Ceres and - attention! - Pluto is now considered not to be full, but

Astronomical calculations

Scientists are highly inquisitive. Knowing very well how stars differ from planets, they were nevertheless curious about what would happen when the planet’s massiveness exceeded, for example, the size of the Sun. It turned out that such an increase in the size of the planet would lead to a sharp increase in pressure in the core of the cosmic body; then the temperature will reach a million (or several) degrees; nuclear and thermonuclear reactions will begin - and instead of a planet we will get a newborn star.

It turns out that there are so many different bodies in the Galaxy and they are all divided into types and classes. For example, more than once you hear that on such and such a planet or star... and so on. What is the difference between a star and a planet?

The difference between them is quite large, although not noticeable at first glance. To make it more clear, imagine our Sun and Earth. The sun is a real star. But the Earth is a planet. And now we will consider all the differences in relation to them.

The very first and most important thing- the star emits light. On a skyscraper it looks like flickering. But the planet only reflects light. They themselves are dark bodies and if light does not fall on them, then it will be impossible to see them.

Secondly, stars have much higher temperatures than planets. On the surface of stars, the temperature ranges from 2,000 to 40,000 degrees, not to mention the center, where it can possibly reach millions of degrees. This is not yet known for sure, since modern science does not know of a single device that could withstand such temperatures.

Thirdly, the mass of the star is much higher than the mass of the planets. As a rule, all stars are very massive bodies. But the planets are much smaller.

Fourthly, the planets move relative to the stars. Absolutely the same as our Earth around the sun. And the stars remain motionless relative to the planets. In other words, planets move around their stars and always along an elliptical path. This is noticeable if you observe the starry sky for several nights in a row. This also explains the fact that, unlike stars, planets “show” different phases just like the moon.

Fifthly According to its chemical composition, the planet contains both solid and light elements. But the star is mostly just light.

Sixth, planets often have from one to several satellites at once, but stars never have them. Although, of course, the absence of a satellite does not mean that it is not a planet.

And seventhly, thermonuclear or nuclear reactions necessarily occur on all stars. Such reactions are not observed on planets. In exceptional cases, only nuclear and very, very weak, and then only on nuclear planets.

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