Gua number - how to find your favorable directions. Gua number compatibility

According to Feng Shui, the Gua number determines a person’s personal energy, so to determine favorable and unfavorable directions, you need to know how to calculate it. Different directions have their own energy characteristics. For some, one direction will bring good luck in business and turn out to be beneficial, promoting health and success. And it won’t help anyone else. Therefore, it is important to calculate your Gua number and use it in life.

How to calculate Gua number

For a man whose birthday falls before 2000, the Gua number is calculated as follows: first you need to add the last two digits of the year of birth. If the result is two-digit number, you should add them again to get one number. Then subtract the resulting result from 10.

Example: year of birth 1998;

The Gua number for men born in 1998 is 2.

For a woman, you need to add the last two digits of the year of her birth in the same way, bring the total to one digit and add 5.

Example: year of birth 1997;

The Gua number for women born in 1997 is 3.

For those born in 2000 and later, a different formula is assumed. So for women, you need to add not 5, but 6 to the final result. And for a man, the result should be subtracted from 9. For those born in 2009, the Gua number cannot be equal to 0, which means it is equal to 9.

What else you need to know

There is no Gua number of 5. Therefore, for those who, as a result of calculations, got 5, you need to accept that for a man the Gua number will be 2, and for a woman - 8.

It is also important to take into account the fact that according to the Chinese calendar the year does not begin on January 1, as in Western world, and in early February. Therefore, if your birthday falls between January 1 and February 5, you should calculate as if you were born in the previous year.

Depending on the Gua number, people are divided into Western and Eastern groups, each of which is assigned its own lucky directions. As you already know from Feng Shui, these directions point to the eight cardinal directions. So four of them will be favorable for you, but the other four will not.

Those who have the Gua number: 1, 3, 4, 9 should consider themselves to be in the eastern group. Your cardinal directions: east, southeast, south, north.

Those who have the Gua number: 2,6,7, 8 should consider themselves to be in the Western group and for you the best sides will become northeast, northwest, west and southwest.

Gua number compatibility

Ancient Chinese teaching has a special attitude towards numbers and their combinations. Thus, the Gua number is believed to influence the marriage of a man and a woman. For example, the combination of Gua numbers 1 and 6 indicates that the marriage of these people will bring wealth. A husband and wife with numbers 2 and 7 are likely to build a happy relationship and live in harmony until old age. Spouses with numbers 3 and 8 will never be bored together; such a passionate relationship will be the envy of many. It is also good when a man and woman in marriage combine the numbers 4 and 9 - they will go through life hand in hand, together achieving real recognition in society.

Other approaches are also used in choosing a partner. For people belonging to the Eastern group, it is better to create a family with people from their own group, the same applies to the “Western”. It is believed that following this rule it is much easier to create harmonious Feng Shui, because positive directions for the husband will be good for the wife.

However, as you yourself understand, the Gua number does not indicate a person’s character traits and therefore you should not base your choice solely on calculating the Gua number.

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According to the canons of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, Gua reveals the favorable and unfavorable directions of people, taking into account their personal energy. Each direction has its own impact on the quality of our lives, and it determines which course we choose. How to understand all these patterns and choose a direction with a positive energy characteristic?

Internal number value

According to Feng Shui, all people are born with a planned route called fate. He is sometimes called the prophet of destiny because he helps change karma. Everyone has their own inner strength, talents, inclinations that need to be developed all the time. There are also weaknesses - a tendency to illness. This technique will personally help you develop positive characteristics and protect you from negative ones, and will guide you on how to organize personal space in a room so that there is harmony in contacts with loved ones.

It is worth emphasizing once again that it focuses on the personal energy potential of the individual, which must be compatible with the directions. This means that a certain direction, ideal for one, is completely unsuitable for another. By choosing the direction corresponding to the number, everyone can achieve success in any field - be it personal contacts with someone, work activity, financial well-being. His financial affairs will creep up, his health indicators will be normal, and he will feel psychological comfort. Is this not what we strive for in our desires and how often do we fail due to the wrong direction?

Success in a person's life is determined by the Gua number, which can be calculated using the formula below:

Calculating the number for both sexes born before 2000 has its own characteristics that are different from calculating the number for those born in 2000 and later. Having spent very little time on arithmetic, we will find our happy directions and change our lives for the better.

Men and women whose birthdays fall before the year 2000 can find out their fateful number using the following formula:

The last two digits are taken from the year of birth that need to be folded. If the sum totals two numbers, you also need to add them up. The result should be one number from 1 to 9.

Distribution by gender

  • For men, the resulting total must be subtracted from 10.
  • Women need to add 5 to the resulting total.

For representatives of both sexes born in 2000 and later, the calculation formulas are not very different. You also need to add the last two digits of your birthday, repeating the action until one number comes out. Next:

  • Men need to subtract the result from 9.
  • Women add 6 to the result.

Nuances that are taken into account when making calculations

For those who are interested in independently calculating their Gua number, examples of such calculations may be useful:

For example, for a woman whose date is 1967, calculate the Gua value as follows:

  • The last digits of the date are 6 and 7. Add them up and get the sum: 6 + 7 = 13.
  • The digits of the number 13 need to be added: 1 + 3 = 4.
  • We add 5 to the sum and get the final result - 9. This is the value we need - the Gua number.

A boy whose birthday falls on January 23, 2010. New Year 2010 in China begins on the 4th of February. The child was born before it began, which means that all calculations based on the Gua number are made for 2009.

Knowing your number, a person can emphasize for himself its positive and negative sides

Having decided on the fateful number, a person can now find out which of the two groups he belongs to - Western or Eastern. Each of them has both positive and negative energy directions. For both, there are four favorable and as many unfavorable directions.

Gua number is 2 for women, favorable directions are named: Sheng Qi - Success; Tien-I - Health; Yan-Nian - Love; Fu Wei - Stability.

Unfavorable directions received names: Ho-Hai - Obstacle; Liu-Sha - Six Assassins; Wu-Gui - Five Ghosts; Jue-ming - Complete collapse.

The Western group includes people with Gua numbers: 2, 6, 7, 8. Their favorable cardinal directions are: west, northwest, southwest, northeast.

People with Gua numbers are eastern: 1, 3, 4, 9. Their positive parts of the world are: east, southeast, north, south.

Those who are ideal for one group will have an adverse effect on another.

How to determine your number

You can always determine compatibility by the Gua number, calculate it online, so compatible are people living together. Connection between people and this concept has a constant connection. Most good options combinations of numbers: 1 and 6 - wealth; 2 and 7 - long and happy family life; 3 and 8 - romantic and full of impressions feelings of two halves; 4 and 9 - family life based on mutual respect and desire to self-affirmation and recognition.

Successful compatibility of Gua numbers will allow spouses to live the way many married couples dream of living. If partners have the same Gua number 2, for example, then their views are similar and their feelings are stable. Gua number 2 for men and women means that partners can trust each other in difficult moments.

Choose a partner for family life It is also possible based on other criteria, which simplifies the selection task in comparison with the previous method.

Those who consider themselves to be part of the Western group should base their choice of soulmate on representatives of the same zones. The same is common with those who belong to the eastern group. Their chosen ones or chosen ones should ideally be representatives of their zones. Thus, the husband and wife have the same directions, and it will be easier for them to choose the positive sides of the world.

Trying to bring the two halves as close as possible to each other, it still omits such aspects as temperament and character. To find out how compatible people are by marriage in other directions, you can use the Bazi map.

Using a compass in your home good quality, people will be able to correctly determine the favorable zones in their premises using a compass. Knowing your Gua number, you can and should avoid bad places in the house where bad energy is concentrated and has an impact on a specific person.

The mental and physical well-being of a person depends on the correct placement of furniture in the room. For example, sleeping place you need to place it so that the headboard is in the desired direction. Choosing a place for desk, it should be noted that the face must also look in the right direction.

The more successful directions there are in the house, the more comfortable we will be. The directions of entrances to the house and rooms are important.

It is important - the more everyone lives in a house where the environment is organized according to their Gua number, the more concentrated the energy will be, attracting health, luck, and wealth like a magnet.

Ideally, all possible directions in the house should be suitable for the owner of the room. In this case, the cumulative effect of positive energy also works.

Do not be upset if for some reason it is not possible to completely change the atmosphere in the room, which is why not all directions and Gua compatibility will still correspond to the norm. According to the rules, a located entrance to the bedroom will slightly smooth out the negativity from an unsuccessfully located bed.

In situations where it is not possible to place all family members in the right directions, Feng Shui recommends using other methods. They are as reliable as the methods offered by Digit Gua.

Attention, TODAY only!

Each of us is born with a certain potential inherent in him at birth. The Chinese believe that the very moment of birth determines what character he will have, what he will be interested in, how he will express himself, and much more. In other words, at the very moment when a person comes into this world, certain energy characteristics are laid in him, which, in addition to the above data, also determine his interaction with the energy flows of space, identifying favorable and unfavorable directions for him.

In the article, we examined in detail the formula by which you can calculate your Gua number and what advantages this information opens up. This article is about the characteristics of a person whose Kua number is 3.

Gua: 3

Group: Eastern

Trigram:震 Zhen

Element: Tree

Color: Green, blue

Main qualities: sociability, purposefulness, optimism, emotionality, impressionability, insight, hot temper, aggressiveness, masculinity, reliability, ambition, straightforwardness, idealism.

The predominant energy in the Zhen trigram of Gua Number 3 is the passive Yin energy, represented by the two upper broken lines. However, its passive nature is changed by the lower solid line of Yang energy, making it active, exciting, exciting. This gives a person with Gua Number 3 the energy to solve difficult problems, makes him a rebel, striving to destroy foundations and disrupt the existing order of things, tear away the veils of secrecy, expose, take risks when necessary. And she can make him a leader and a pioneer if he is able to understand his nature and not be afraid of it.

These people can safely be called “idea generators,” since they are always full of new ideas and are able to find unexpected solutions; they are emotional and impulsive. They take a responsible approach to completing tasks, preferring to complete them themselves and not involve anyone else, not trusting anyone. At the same time, they are very sensitive to their family, showing great interest in the past and traditions, their roots and connections with loved ones. Although they are often accused of inattention and neglect of relatives, which can be avoided by devoting more time and attention to the family.

People of Gua Number 3 are prone to introspection and self-improvement, they always strive to gain new knowledge and master new skills, immersing themselves in what they do. At the same time, they are not alien to the desire to share knowledge, although sometimes it can be superficial. They have a huge energy potential, which makes them purposeful, although sometimes they show some stubbornness. However, they always boldly enter into the struggle with problems and difficulties, not always even being ready, acting impromptu.

They know how to win over people and win the sympathy of others. And they themselves attach considerable, sometimes even exaggerated, importance to external data, which can manifest itself in a craving for people with an attractive appearance, making women with Gua Number 3 quite jealous, although men are calmer in this regard. They are amorous and mature early, which can lead to early marriages, but if necessary, they can sacrifice a stamp in their passport for the sake of social or financial status.

Quite ambitious and independent, know how to earn money and start early labor activity, they make good teachers, writers and medical workers. If they have the ability, singing and sports activities are also suitable for them. However, if possible, they prefer to create their own business, their own source of income, rather than work for someone else. They are characterized by generosity and a love of having a good time, so sometimes this leads to unnecessary spending and difficulties in saving.

To calculate your Gua number according to Feng Shui, you can use two methods. The first method is the easiest - use online calculator. But the second method is not true either, you just need to take into account some subtleties. You just need to use not our usual calendar, but the Chinese lunar calendar. You can calculate the Gua number for a specific gender using Feng Shui in different ways. People born after 1999 calculate their Gua number using a separate method. So how do you calculate your Gua number? You need to sum the last two digits of your year of birth. When you receive a two-digit number, you need to reduce it to a single-digit number. Regarding the Gua number for women according to Feng Shui, they need to add the number five to the resulting number. Example: 1967: 6 + 7 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4; 4 + 5 = 9. Men calculate their number differently; from 10 they subtract the resulting amount. Example: 1987: 8 + 7 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6; 10 – 6 = 4. This is how the Gua number is calculated.

Personal Gua number

Having the necessary information will be of great benefit. If you know your personal Gua number according to Feng Shui, then you will have a huge opportunity to take advantage of the magnetic forces of the Earth to achieve what you want, as well as to achieve material and life success. Thanks to this magic key - the personal Gua number according to Feng Shui, you can open any door. Those that are visible and those that are not visible. It will also be possible to reach powerful spheres of energy, which are known to have different effects on everyone. There are many favorable directions, but dangerous ones also exist. To determine the effect of certain directions, you need to know your personal Feng Shui Gua number.

Feng Shui and Gua number compatibility

There are some favorable combinations of numbers in Feng Shui. To some extent, this has a huge impact on the marriage between a woman and a man. If the spouses have compatibility by Gua number - one and six, then this indicates that they will live in wealth and prosperity. If their numbers are two and seven, this speaks of a happy life together, relationships in harmony.

If a husband and wife have Gua number compatibility of three and eight, we can safely say that they are never bored together, and they are also guaranteed passion in a relationship that everyone would envy. Spouses with numbers four and nine are guaranteed happy life, which will take place together in achieving recognition and fame. To find out your Feng Shui Gua compatibility, you don’t need to go too far. You can also use an online calculator. You can also go a different route when choosing a partner. People of the eastern group can create the same group. And this applies to each group - their own with their own. Thanks to this principle there is a great possibility of achieving harmonious compatibility according to Feng Shui, since the directions of the spouses will correspond to each other.

The third Gua number belongs to the eastern group and is based on the element of Wood. Preferred colors - green foliage and blue sky.

Personality Features

TO distinctive features personality include extreme emotionality and temper. These people are straightforward and passionate, they are also distinguished by sensuality and tolerance towards other people. These individuals are very kind and take care of others, this applies in particular to relatives and friends, their family, as well as everything related to the traditions of their ancestors. Often, loved ones say things about them that they don’t like at all, and reproach them for inattention due to the fact that determination becomes everything for these people. They immerse themselves completely in those matters that are important to them in the future. at the moment, while forgetting about others and their feelings.

People with Gua number 3 are extremely trusting and at the same time responsible, because they always do everything themselves, without shifting it to others. A penchant for self-improvement and a desire to constantly receive new information and learn something new helps them acquire great material well-being. They are not misers, because unfortunately they do not know how to save money. However, they are good at starting their own business, and this business most often bears fruit, allowing them to stay afloat.

Favorable directions

Among the best destinations for people with the third Gua number are:

  • East - sector responsible for personal growth(fu-wei). This direction coincides with the family zone, so we can say that for people on the 3rd Gua, the family is the center of the Universe and the main source of success. The family supports them and gives them interesting ideas, and also encourages inspired actions and the creation of masterpieces, if these people are creative. In this sector, it is imperative to place symbols or talismans of wealth and prosperity, and especially those that personify the water element, for example, an aquarium with goldfish, or you can put a fountain, place a mini-lake in which a sailboat floats with a chest filled with gold coins and so on. You should try to place your sleeping place here, or make sure that the head of your bed is directed in this direction. Ideal option If you place the front door here, then luck and wealth will enter your home without hindrance.
  • South is the sector responsible for wealth (shen-qi). This direction for people with the 3rd Gua number coincides with the success sector, so the process of earning material resources will be associated with strengthening your authority. Be sure to place money talismans here, which will facilitate the penetration of material resources into your home. They must be neutral, or they can relate to the element of wood. Remember that Fire and Water are in conflict, so do not place fire symbolism here. It would be best money tree, live or artificial with natural coins. An excellent option would be to place a work office here or a place where you spend a lot of time improving your professional skills.
  • Southeast is the sector responsible for the love sphere (nyan-yan). This direction coincides with material well-being, so it also needs to be strengthened by the elements of wood or water, and luck in this area will depend specifically on the financial sphere, so most likely you will find your life partner among those who have material well-being. People with Gua number 3 always need to find a life partner and first of all create a family. Therefore, avoid placing only money talismans here; place, for example, a figurine of Hottei here, since it will symbolize not only the material well-being of your life, but also bring happiness and joy in the love area. Perfectly living plants that are half in the water are suitable here, for example, those flowers that need to be watered every day, or water lilies whose roots go completely into the water. It is best to place a bedroom in this sector, but if the bedroom is located there, then remove water symbols from there, otherwise all the harmony in the marriage will smoothly flow away along with the water. The only symbols that are appropriate here are those that will denote love, for example, paired objects. However, remember, all fire themes are prohibited, so do not place Phoenix figurines and candles.
  • The North is the sector responsible for health. (Tian-i). The best place to be placed here will be the dining room or that part of the kitchen in which there will be dining table. It is forbidden to place a toilet or bathtub in the northern sector, as well as kitchen stove, because people with Gua number 3 have certain problems with fire symbolism, since they are still water people. It is best to place here the place where the whole family will gather, namely the dining room. You can also place front door so that flows of energy come into the house and circulate freely, bringing health to all its inhabitants. Try to turn the head of your bed to the north.

Unfavorable directions

Among the not-so-best destinations for people with Gua number 3 are:

  • Southwest is the sector responsible for failures and life problems (ho-hai). This zone corresponds to the area of ​​family and marriage, so in order to remove failures from your personal life, you need to avoid stagnation of energy. Do not place your bedroom here to avoid misunderstandings and quarrels with your loved one. It is best to place a bath or toilet here so that wastewater all the troubles went away. Under no circumstances should you place a closet here, which will be filled with old things and entwine your relationships with cobwebs, as well as a huge dusty bookshelf, used extremely rarely. Because of this, a huge number of quarrels and misunderstandings will occur. Also beware of storing sharp objects, such as knives or garden tools, here.
  • North-west is a ghostly sector (oo-gui). In this case, it coincides with the sector of assistants, so it cannot be ignored. People with Gua number 3 cannot do without support powerful of the world Moreover, higher powers can also help you in achieving various goals. Moreover, if you completely exclude the ghostly sector from your life, then influential people will try to harm you rather than help you. Relationships with colleagues, friends and neighbors who live near you may also deteriorate. All this can be accompanied by terrible slander and intrigue. Do not place a kitchen in the northwest that contains a hot stove or microwave, as the symbolism of fire is also undesirable here. It is best to place a toilet or bath in this sector.
  • Northeast is the killer sector (liu-sha). This zone coincides with the area of ​​knowledge, so it is especially important to pay attention to this area if there are students and schoolchildren in the family, as well as if you are a person of intellectual work. Do not place a nursery or study here; this is also a bad place for the front door, and it is also undesirable to sleep in this direction. And if you place the front door here, this is fraught with frequent thefts, and possibly even manslaughter. If you sleep in this direction, you can acquire a serious illness, which will be diagnosed after the period in which it can be cured. It is not advisable to place a bedroom, living room and dining room here, so the best option there will be a toilet.
  • The West is the sector responsible for life collapse (jue-ming). This area creates problems for children and all those people who are engaged in creative work. Under no circumstances should you place a child's bed here, nor should you place your workshop or the place where you create or use it for inspiration. It is also not advisable to locate living quarters here, since energy flows will pass here, bringing you only troubles and problems in your life. professional field. Therefore, make sure that there is a bathroom with a working sewage system, since all the troubles and grief will go away with wastewater.

Combination of Gua numbers: checking compatibility

  1. An ideal union. Excellent harmonious unions will result from people with the third Gua number, as well as 7 and 8. This couple is very suitable friend people, they not only experience a commonality of interests and life goals, but also achieve a lot in life together, since they perfectly understand each other perfectly.
  2. 50 / 50. Unions where there are people with numbers 1, 4 and 9 in combination with the 3rd Gua number have average compatibility. These are quite viable couples that can form long-term unions. The most important thing is to find a compromise and not quarrel over trifles.
  3. Incompatible options. People with numbers 2, 5 and 6 are unlikely to create a strong couple with people with Gua number 3, because each partner will have to make a huge amount of effort to find the very points of contact that are needed in this union. Most likely, such a couple will be short-lived and will bring a lot of inconvenience to the partners.

Personality trigram

If your Gua number is 3, then the personality trigram can be considered Zhen, which is formed by two broken yin lines located above a solid yang line. The broken yin lines represent the earth's surface, and the lower continuous yang line represents the thunder that sweeps over the earth's crust.

Zhen is the spirit of thunder that bursts out of the earth to upset the balance and bring a new bright current into the usual course of things. He will reveal what is hidden in the shadows and reveal all secret thoughts, awakening the dormant energy of the ancestors and the universe.

The symbol is thunder, and the action is awakening or excitement to perform difficult tasks. This is the eldest son who is determined and constantly moving forward.

The element becomes big tree, the symbol of course is thunder - a bright and clear sound. The most preferred colors are orange and light green shades. Blue is also preferred.

The best season is spring, when spring thunder gains greater strength, and the favorable number of the month when you need to start new things is 3.

Legs are considered part of the body hip joint. And the dominant personality qualities can be called strength, courage and determination. There are practically no downsides, since the people of thunder are reliable and beautiful in their incarnation.

This energy is also subject to Yin energy, but since the traits come from above, this always pushes people of thunder upward and forces them to move and realize themselves contrary to that female pliability, which presupposes passivity. And if these people are characterized by extreme mobility, then they always violate existing stereotypes and break them.

Exploding and disturbing everyone, as well as upsetting the balance, they always make risky decisions that excite those around them.

Lyuli of thunder also remove the veils of secrecy and make hidden things obvious, bringing scammers and criminals to light. Most often, these individuals work a lot and can be found in the police. They are the peacemakers who expose the evil qualities in those around them.

Everyone expects them to come up with ideas that are productive and new. People with the Zhen trigram always move forward and gain new knowledge; they are eternal students in in a good way this word, because they are constantly ready to learn from their mistakes and receive a lot of new information that helps them in life.

They tend to analyze themselves and their surroundings, and also pay a lot of attention to the logic of things, so mining or archaeology would also be a good profession. They can make excellent teachers, since teaching how to properly organize their lives and striving to pass on their knowledge to others, as well as caring, is simply in the blood of such individuals.

Their life is full of various surprises, and at heart they are kind, soft and gentle people. Courage and action not according to plan are the strong point of people with the Zhen trigram. You need to pay attention to the fact that you should develop greater flexibility in yourself so as not to fall under the great pressure of life. It’s scary that the people of Thunder, for all their kindness, can fall into a wild rage, literally scaring away those around them.

The symbol is a thunderstorm that thunders so loudly that it seems that the sky, illuminated by flashes of lightning, cannot compete with the power of thunder.

These people are extremely responsible and cannot trust others to do for them what they simply cannot physically do. You need to learn to open your heart and soul to your family and friends more so that they do not experience a feeling of abandonment and loneliness.

The Zhen trigram belongs to the eastern part of your home, which is associated with the family and traditions of your ancestors, so you should pay close attention to not quarreling with your household and try not to “rattle” belligerently over every trifle. Otherwise, you can only destroy your family and bring chaos to the measured existence of your relatives.

It is worth properly activating the Zhen sector in order to send warmth and support there for each member of your family. Place aquamarine-colored crystals there, which will reflect adversity, bringing chaos into order and bringing harmony to all stormy showdowns.

If there is no Zhen zone in the house, then get ready for anxiety and a sense of danger that will cover everyone who enters this area.

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