Read the Gospel of Matthew online. Gospel Summary

Gospel of Matthew. Mf. Chapter 1 Genealogy of Jesus Christ from Joseph to Abraham. Joseph, at first, did not want to live with Mary because of her unexpected pregnancy, but he obeyed the Angel. Jesus was born to them. A reproach to the cities. God is open to babies and workers. Light burden. evil winegrowers. The main stone of God.

Gospel of Matthew. Mf. Chapter 22 For the Kingdom of Heaven, as for a wedding, dress up, don’t be late, and behave with dignity. Caesar minted coins - return part, and God - God's. There is no registry office in Heaven. God is among the living. Love God and your neighbor.

Gospel of Matthew. Mf. Chapter 23 Do what your bosses tell you, but don’t take your example from them, hypocrites. You are brothers, do not be proud. The temple is more valuable than gold. Judgment, mercy, faith. It's beautiful on the outside, but bad on the inside. The people of Jerusalem bear the blood of the prophets.

Gospel of Matthew. Mf. Chapter 24 When the end of the world is not clear, but you will understand: the sun will be eclipsed, signs in the sky, there is the Gospel. Before that: wars, devastation, famine, disease, impostors. Prepare, hide and save yourself. Do everything right.

Church tradition names the author as Matthew, the tax collector who followed Christ. However, modern researchers believe that the Gospel was not written by a direct eyewitness of the event, and, therefore, the Apostle Matthew cannot be the author of the first Gospel. It is believed that this text was written somewhat later, and the unknown author relied on the Gospel of Mark and the extant source Q.

Theme of the Gospel of Matthew

The main theme of the Gospel of Matthew is the life and work of Jesus Christ. The book was intended for a Jewish audience. The Gospel of Matthew is replete with references to messianic Old Testament prophecies. The author's goal is to show that messianic prophecies are fulfilled at the coming of the Son of God.

The Gospel describes in detail the genealogy of the Savior, starting from Abraham and ending with Joseph the Betrothed, the husband of the Virgin Mary.

Features of the Gospel of Matthew.

The Gospel of Matthew is the only book of the New Testament that was not written in Greek. The Aramaic original of the Gospel was lost, and the Greek translation was included in the canon.

The activity of the Messiah is considered in the Gospel from three points of view:

  • like a Prophet
  • as a Legislator
  • as the High Priest.

This book focuses on the teachings of Christ.

The Gospel of Matthew repeats many of the other Synoptic Gospels, but there are several points here that are not revealed in any other book of the New Testament:

  • The story of the healing of two blind men,
  • The story of the healing of a mute demoniac,
  • The story of a coin in a fish's mouth.

There are also several original parables in this Gospel:

  • parable of the tares,
  • parable of the treasure in the field,
  • parable of the pearl of great price,
  • parable of the net,
  • the parable of the merciless lender,
  • parable of the workers in the vineyard,
  • parable of two sons,
  • parable of the wedding feast,
  • parable of the ten virgins,
  • parable of the talents.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew

In addition to describing the birth, life and death of Jesus, the Gospel also reveals themes about the Second Coming of Christ, the eschatological revelation of the Kingdom and in the daily spiritual life of the Church

The book was written to accomplish 2 tasks:

  1. Tell the Jews that Jesus is their Messiah.
  2. To encourage those who believed in Jesus as the Messiah and feared that God would turn away from His people after His Son was crucified. Matthew said that God had not given up on the people and that the previously promised Kingdom would come in the future.

The Gospel of Matthew testifies that Jesus is the Messiah. The author answers the question, “If Jesus is truly the Messiah, then why did He not establish the promised Kingdom?” The author says that this Kingdom has taken on a different form and that Jesus will return to earth again to establish His rule. The Savior came with good news to the people, but according to God's plan, His message was rejected, only to be heard later to all nations throughout the world.

Chapter 1. Genealogy of the Savior. Birth of the Messiah.

Chapter 2. Flight of the Holy Family to Egypt. Return of the Holy Family to Nazareth.

Chapter 3. Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.

Chapter 4. The beginning of the preaching work of Jesus Christ in Galilee. The first disciples of Christ.

Chapters 5 – 7. Sermon on the Mount.

Chapters 8 – 9. Sermons in Galilee. Miracles of Christ. The power of the savior over illness, the forces of evil, nature, over death. The Savior's ability to forgive. The ability to turn darkness into light and cast out demons.

Chapter 10. Calling of the 12 Apostles

Chapter 11. A challenge to the authority of the Son of God.

Chapter 12. Disputes about the power of the new Tsar.

Chapters 13 – 18. Miracles and parables of Christ. Preaching in Galilee and surrounding lands.

Chapters 19 – 20. Jesus goes from Galilee to Judea.

Chapters 21 – 22. Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and preaching there.

Chapter 23. Jesus' rebuke of the Pharisees.

Chapter 24. Jesus predicts his Second Coming after the destruction of Jerusalem.

Chapter 25. New parables. Explanation of future events.

Chapter 26. Anointing of Jesus with chrism. Last Supper. Arrest of the Messiah and trial.

Chapter 27. Jesus Christ before Pilate. Crucifixion and burial of the Savior.

Chapter 28. Resurrection of Jesus.

Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Summary and interpretation of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

We present to your attention summary chapters of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for initial familiarization and quick search for the desired fragment. Convenient synoptic comparison full texts four Gospels among themselves. Interpretation of the Gospel in questions and answers, explanation of the essence of the text for self-study.

Evangelist Luke reads the text of the Gospel, stained glass

Synoptic comparison of the Gospel texts

The advantage of synoptic comparison is that the evangelists themselves and their disciples clarify and complement each other first-hand with what they heard from Jesus. This gives you the opportunity to better understand the meaning of what you read, and use appropriate direct quotes from the Gospel to defend your own point of view in discussions on everyday and religious topics.

If, while reading a selected chapter of the Gospel, for example, Matthew, you are interested in whether it is possible to find similar explanatory information from other evangelists Mark, Luke or John on the topic of the verse of the Gospel of Matthew, then follow the link located above the text of the verse for a synoptic comparison of the texts of the Gospels .

Interpretation of the Gospel

The process of interpreting the Gospel begins with the very grouping of the texts of the evangelists for synoptic comparison on the basis of unity in their semantic content.

Synoptic grouping allows you to meaningfully title all similar fragments of the text, provide a brief explanation of its essence, which makes it possible to get ready to get acquainted with the Gospel, read the fragments and compare them with your own thoughts and conclusions from the text.

Interpretation of the Gospel in Questions and Answers makes it possible to get acquainted with the answers to popular questions of the modern reader, raised by participants in discussions on religious topics related to repetitions and divergences of texts among the evangelists, the events of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the commandments of the Sermon on the Mount, references to John the Baptist, interpretation of parables and others.

Matthew, Mark, Luke or John Holy Gospel

Holy Gospel- such words precede the main text of each of the Gospels from the four famous evangelists and are used as a synonym for the word Gospel ( Synodal edition).

In a phrase Holy Gospel On the site pages, the original text is separated from the explanatory information.

Which Gospel to read

The site provides convenient opportunities for reading and independent study biblical text four Gospels from Matthew (Matt.), Mark (Mk.), Luke (Luke), John (John). Especially for the initial acquaintance in general, and getting pleasure from delving into the details.

Gospel of Mark This is the most compact of the four Gospels. It best saves time on reading when you first become familiar with the Gospel. The Gospel of Matthew Contains the most detailed exposition of the Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7). Convenient for those who are especially interested in the theoretical part of the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ.. Convenient for those who are especially interested in famous gospel quotes and expressions.

The Gospel of John briefly repeats and expands on the previous three Gospels with an emphasis on seeing Jesus as Love, Truth, Word and Light in the world. The unworldly relationship between the Father and the Son is revealed with a message to join the ranks of Jesus' followers.

Happy Gospel Study!

Are you choosing where to start? — Start by studying the summary of the Gospel of Luke, which is replete with events in the life of Jesus Christ, descriptions of miracles and healings, and includes many individual parables and popular gospel quotes.

The evangelist sets out the speeches and deeds of the Savior in three sections corresponding to the three sides of the Messiah’s ministry: as a Prophet and Lawgiver ( - ), King over the visible and invisible world ( - ) and High Priest sacrificing himself for the sins of all people ( - ).

Only the Gospel of Matthew mentions the healing of two blind men (-), a mute demoniac (-), as well as an episode with a coin in the mouth of a fish (-). Only in this Gospel are there parables about the tares (), about the treasure in the field (), about the pearl of great price (), about the net (), about the unmerciful lender (), about the workers in the vineyard (), about the two sons (), about the marriage feast (), about ten virgins (), about talents ().

Modern researchers

The text of the Gospel itself does not contain any indication of the identity of the author, and, according to most scholars, the Gospel of Matthew was not written by eyewitnesses. Due to the fact that the text of the Gospel itself does not contain the name of the author or any obvious indication of his identity, many modern researchers believe that the first of the four Gospels was written not by the Apostle Matthew, but by another author unknown to us. There is, according to which the author of the Gospel of Matthew actively used the material of the Gospel of Mark and the so-called. The text of the Gospel has undergone a number of changes over time, to carry out reconstruction original text

in our time it is not possible.


The peculiarities of the language of the Gospel indicate the author as a Palestinian Jew; a large number of Jewish phrases are found in the Gospel; the author assumes that readers are familiar with the area and Jewish customs. It is characteristic that in the list of apostles in the Gospel of Matthew (), the name Matthew is marked with the word “publican” - probably this is a sign indicating the author’s humility, for publicans aroused deep contempt among the Jews.

The time of creation cannot be reliably determined. Many researchers believe that the Gospel of Matthew was created first, some consider it second after Mark. What is certain is that it was written before the Gospels of Luke and John. The traditional date for the creation of the book is -55.

The theological content of the Gospel, in addition to the Christological theme, also includes the teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven and the Church, which Christ sets out in parables about internal readiness to enter the Kingdom (-), about the dignity of the servants of the Kingdom in the world (-), about the signs of the Kingdom and its growth in human souls (), about the humility and simplicity of the heirs of the Kingdom (- , - , - , - , -), about the eschatological revelation of the Kingdom at the Second Coming of Christ and in the everyday spiritual life of the Church (-). The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church are closely linked in the spiritual experience of Christianity: the Church is the historical embodiment of the Kingdom of Heaven in the world, and the Kingdom of Heaven is the Church of Christ in its eschatological perfection (-, -).

The Gospel of Matthew in history and culture

There are several musical works different authors "St. Matthew Passion" based on the Gospel of Matthew and using fragments of its text, the most famous of which is the work by J. S. Bach for soloists, two choirs and two orchestras, created in 1727-1729.

In 1964, Italian director

Passage describing the Gospel of Matthew

- But this, this... has never happened to me! - she said. “Only I’m scared in front of him, I’m always scared in front of him, what does that mean?” That means it's real, right? Mom, are you sleeping?
“No, my soul, I’m scared myself,” answered the mother. - Go.
- I won’t sleep anyway. What nonsense is it to sleep? Mom, mom, this has never happened to me! - she said with surprise and fear at the feeling that she recognized in herself. – And could we think!...
It seemed to Natasha that even when she first saw Prince Andrey in Otradnoye, she fell in love with him. She seemed to be frightened by this strange, unexpected happiness, that the one whom she had chosen back then (she was firmly convinced of this), that the same one had now met her again, and, it seemed, was not indifferent to her. “And he had to come to St. Petersburg on purpose now that we are here. And we had to meet at this ball. It's all fate. It is clear that this is fate, that all this was leading to this. Even then, as soon as I saw him, I felt something special.”
- What else did he tell you? What verses are these? Read... - the mother said thoughtfully, asking about the poems that Prince Andrei wrote in Natasha’s album.
“Mom, isn’t it a shame that he’s a widower?”
- That's enough, Natasha. Pray to God. Les Marieiages se font dans les cieux. [Marriages are made in heaven.]
- Darling, mother, how I love you, how good it makes me feel! – Natasha shouted, crying tears of happiness and excitement and hugging her mother.
At the same time, Prince Andrei was sitting with Pierre and telling him about his love for Natasha and his firm intention to marry her.

On this day, Countess Elena Vasilyevna had a reception, there was a French envoy, there was a prince, who had recently become a frequent visitor to the countess’s house, and many brilliant ladies and men. Pierre was downstairs, walked through the halls, and amazed all the guests with his concentrated, absent-minded and gloomy appearance.
Since the time of the ball, Pierre had felt the approaching attacks of hypochondria and with desperate effort tried to fight against them. From the time the prince became close to his wife, Pierre was unexpectedly granted a chamberlain, and from that time on he began to feel heaviness and shame in large society, and more often the old gloomy thoughts about the futility of everything human began to come to him. At the same time, the feeling he noticed between Natasha, whom he protected, and Prince Andrei, the contrast between his position and the position of his friend, further intensified this gloomy mood. He equally tried to avoid thoughts about his wife and about Natasha and Prince Andrei. Again everything seemed insignificant to him in comparison with eternity, again the question presented itself: “why?” And he forced himself to work day and night on Masonic works, hoping to ward off the approach of the evil spirit. Pierre, at 12 o'clock, having left the countess's chambers, was sitting upstairs in a smoky, low room, in a worn dressing gown in front of the table, copying out authentic Scottish acts, when someone entered his room. It was Prince Andrei.
“Oh, it’s you,” said Pierre with an absent-minded and dissatisfied look. “And I’m working,” he said, pointing to a notebook with that look of salvation from the hardships of life with which unhappy people look at their work.
Prince Andrei, with a radiant, enthusiastic face and renewed life, stopped in front of Pierre and, not noticing his sad face, smiled at him with the egoism of happiness.
“Well, my soul,” he said, “yesterday I wanted to tell you and today I came to you for this.” I've never experienced anything like it. I'm in love, my friend.
Pierre suddenly sighed heavily and collapsed with his heavy body on the sofa, next to Prince Andrei.
- To Natasha Rostova, right? - he said.
- Yes, yes, who? I would never believe it, but this feeling is stronger than me. Yesterday I suffered, I suffered, but I wouldn’t give up this torment for anything in the world. I haven't lived before. Now only I live, but I cannot live without her. But can she love me?... I'm too old for her... What aren't you saying?...
- I? I? “What did I tell you,” Pierre suddenly said, getting up and starting to walk around the room. - I always thought this... This girl is such a treasure, such... This is a rare girl... Dear friend, I ask you, don’t get smart, don’t doubt, get married, get married and get married... And I’m sure that there will be no happier person than you.
- But she!
- She loves you.
“Don’t talk nonsense...” said Prince Andrei, smiling and looking into Pierre’s eyes.
“He loves me, I know,” Pierre shouted angrily.
“No, listen,” said Prince Andrei, stopping him by the hand. – Do you know what situation I’m in? I need to tell everything to someone.
“Well, well, say, I’m very glad,” said Pierre, and indeed his face changed, the wrinkles smoothed out, and he joyfully listened to Prince Andrei. Prince Andrei seemed and was a completely different, new person. Where was his melancholy, his contempt for life, his disappointment? Pierre was the only person to whom he dared to speak; but he expressed to him everything that was in his soul. Either he easily and boldly made plans for a long future, talked about how he could not sacrifice his happiness for the whim of his father, how he would force his father to agree to this marriage and love her or do without his consent, then he was surprised how something strange, alien, independent of him, influenced by the feeling that possessed him.
“I wouldn’t believe anyone who told me that I could love like that,” said Prince Andrei. “This is not at all the feeling that I had before.” The whole world is divided for me into two halves: one - she and there is all the happiness of hope, light; the other half is everything where she is not there, there is all despondency and darkness...
“Darkness and gloom,” Pierre repeated, “yes, yes, I understand that.”
– I can’t help but love the world, it’s not my fault. And I'm very happy. You understand me? I know that you are happy for me.
“Yes, yes,” Pierre confirmed, looking at his friend with tender and sad eyes. The brighter the fate of Prince Andrei seemed to him, the darker his own seemed.

To get married, the consent of the father was needed, and for this, the next day, Prince Andrei went to his father.
Father with outward calm, but internal malice received my son's message. He could not understand that anyone would want to change life, to introduce something new into it, when life was already ending for him. “If only they would let me live the way I want, and then we would do what we wanted,” the old man said to himself. With his son, however, he used the diplomacy that he used on important occasions. Taking a calm tone, he discussed the whole matter.
Firstly, the marriage was not brilliant in terms of kinship, wealth and nobility. Secondly, Prince Andrei was not in his first youth and was in poor health (the old man was especially careful about this), and she was very young. Thirdly, there was a son whom it was a pity to give to the girl. Fourthly, finally,” said the father, looking mockingly at his son, “I ask you, postpone the matter for a year, go abroad, get treatment, find, as you want, a German for Prince Nikolai, and then, if it’s love, passion, stubbornness, whatever you want, so great, then get married.
“And this is my last word, you know, my last...” the prince finished in a tone that showed that nothing would force him to change his decision.
Prince Andrei clearly saw that the old man hoped that the feeling of him or his future bride would not withstand the test of the year, or that he himself, the old prince, would die by this time, and decided to fulfill his father’s will: to propose and postpone the wedding for a year.
Three weeks after his last evening at the Rostovs, Prince Andrei returned to St. Petersburg.

The next day after her explanation with her mother, Natasha waited the whole day for Bolkonsky, but he did not come. The next, third day the same thing happened. Pierre also did not come, and Natasha, not knowing that Prince Andrei had gone to his father, could not explain his absence.
Three weeks passed like this. Natasha did not want to go anywhere and, like a shadow, idle and sad, she walked from room to room, cried secretly from everyone in the evening and did not appear to her mother in the evenings. She was constantly blushing and irritated. It seemed to her that everyone knew about her disappointment, laughed and felt sorry for her. With all the strength of her inner grief, this vain grief intensified her misfortune.
One day she came to the countess, wanted to tell her something, and suddenly began to cry. Her tears were the tears of an offended child who himself does not know why he is being punished.
The Countess began to calm Natasha down. Natasha, who had been listening at first to her mother’s words, suddenly interrupted her:
- Stop it, mom, I don’t think, and I don’t want to think! So, I traveled and stopped, and stopped...
Her voice trembled, she almost cried, but she recovered and calmly continued: “And I don’t want to get married at all.” And I'm afraid of him; I have now completely, completely calmed down...
The next day after this conversation, Natasha put on that old dress, which she was especially famous for the cheerfulness it brought in the morning, and in the morning she began her old way of life, from which she had fallen behind after the ball. After drinking tea, she went to the hall, which she especially loved for its strong resonance, and began to sing her solfeges (singing exercises). Having finished the first lesson, she stopped in the middle of the hall and repeated one musical phrase that she especially liked. She listened joyfully to the (as if unexpected for her) charm with which these shimmering sounds filled the entire emptiness of the hall and slowly froze, and she suddenly felt cheerful. “It’s good to think about it so much,” she said to herself and began to walk up and down the hall, not stepping in simple steps on the ringing parquet floor, but at every step, shifting from heel (she was wearing new, favorite shoes) to toe, and just as joyfully as she listened to the sounds of her voice, listening to this measured clatter of the heel and the creaking of the sock. Passing by the mirror, she looked into it. - "Here I am!" as if the expression on her face when she saw herself spoke. - “Well, that’s good. And I don’t need anyone.”
The footman wanted to enter to clean something in the hall, but she did not let him in, again closing the door behind him, and continued her walk. This morning she returned again to her favorite state of self-love and admiration for herself. - “What a charm this Natasha is!” she said again to herself in the words of some third, collective, male person. “She’s good, she has a voice, she’s young, and she doesn’t bother anyone, just leave her alone.” But no matter how much they left her alone, she could no longer be calm and she immediately felt it.
The entrance door opened in the hallway, and someone asked: “Are you at home?” and someone's steps were heard. Natasha looked in the mirror, but she did not see herself. She listened to sounds in the hall. When she saw herself, her face was pale. It was he. She knew this for sure, although she barely heard the sound of his voice from the closed doors.
Natasha, pale and frightened, ran into the living room.
- Mom, Bolkonsky has arrived! - she said. - Mom, this is terrible, this is unbearable! – I don’t want... to suffer! What should I do?…
Before the countess even had time to answer her, Prince Andrei entered the living room with an anxious and serious face. As soon as he saw Natasha, his face lit up. He kissed the hand of the Countess and Natasha and sat down near the sofa.
“We haven’t had the pleasure for a long time...” the countess began, but Prince Andrei interrupted her, answering her question and obviously in a hurry to say what he needed.
“I wasn’t with you all this time because I was with my father: I needed to talk to him about a very important matter.” “I just returned last night,” he said, looking at Natasha. “I need to talk to you, Countess,” he added after a moment of silence.

What is the Bible? History of creation, summary and interpretation Holy Scripture Mileant Alexander

Gospel of Matthew

Gospel of Matthew

Evangelist Matthew, who also bore the name Levi, was one of the 12 apostles of Christ. Before his call to apostolic service, he was a publican, that is, a tax collector, and, as such, of course, he was disliked by his compatriots - the Jews, who despised and hated publicans because they served the unfaithful enslavers of their people and oppressed their people by collecting taxes, and in their quest for profit they often took much more than they should. Matthew talks about his calling in chapter 9 of his Gospel, calling himself by the name of Matthew, while the evangelists Mark and Luke, speaking about the same thing, call him Levi. It was customary for Jews to have several names. Touched to the depths of his soul by the mercy of the Lord, who did not disdain him, despite the general contempt for him of the Jews and especially the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people, the scribes and Pharisees, Matthew with all his heart accepted the teaching of Christ and especially deeply understood its superiority over the Pharisees' traditions and views, which bore the stamp of external righteousness, conceit and contempt for sinners. That is why he cites in such detail the strong accusatory speech of the Lord against the scribes and Pharisees - hypocrites, which we find in the 23rd chapter of his Gospel. It must be assumed that for the same reason he took especially close to his heart the cause of saving his native Jewish people, who by that time were so saturated with false concepts and Pharisaic views, and therefore his Gospel was written primarily for Jews. There is reason to believe that it was originally written in Hebrew and only a little later, perhaps by Matthew himself, translated into Greek.

Having written his Gospel for the Jews, Matthew makes it his main goal to prove to them that Jesus Christ is exactly the Messiah about whom the Old Testament prophets predicted, that the Old Testament revelation, obscured by the scribes and Pharisees, is only clarified in Christianity and perceives its perfect meaning. Therefore, he begins his Gospel with the genealogy of Jesus Christ, wanting to show the Jews His descent from David and Abraham, and makes a huge number of references to Old Testament to prove the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies on Him. The purpose of the first Gospel for the Jews is clear from the fact that Matthew, mentioning Jewish customs, does not consider it necessary to explain their meaning and significance, as other evangelists do. Likewise, it leaves without explanation some Aramaic words used in Palestine. Matthew for a long time and preached in Palestine. Then he retired to preach in other countries and ended his life as a martyr in Ethiopia.

From the book Christ and the First Christian Generation author Bezobrazov Cassian

From the book of the Bible ( New Testament) author's Bible

GOSPEL OF MATTHEW id MAT Russian Synodal Matthew LIO 04/23/91 ed kk 07/31/91 MATTHEW THE HOLY GOSPEL - 11 Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham. 2 Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac gave birth to Jacob; Jacob begat Judah and his brothers; 3 Judah begat Perez and Zerah by Tamar; Fares gave birth

From the book The Bible in Illustrations author's Bible


From the book New Bible Commentary Part 3 (New Testament) by Carson Donald

Gospel of Matthew

From the book The Book of the Bible author Kryvelev Joseph Aronovich

The Gospel of Matthew The church considers Matthew one of the apostles of Jesus, therefore, an eyewitness and direct participant in the events described in the gospels. The exposition begins with the genealogy of Jesus Christ, which is traced from Abraham to Joseph, the husband of Mary.

From the book The Book of Antichrist author Derevensky Boris Georgievich

GOSPEL OF MATTHEW 24:1-42 XXIV (1) And Jesus went out and walked from the temple; and His disciples came up to show Him the buildings of the temple. (2) Jesus said to them: Do you see all this? Truly I say to you, not one stone will be left upon another here; everything will be destroyed.(3) And when He sat on the Mount of Olives,

From the book The Bible (Modern translation of the Russian Bible Society 2011) author's Bible

Gospel of Matthew 1 1–6a Genealogy of Jesus Christ, descendant of David and Abraham. Here are His ancestors: From Abraham to King David: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers, Paretz and Zerah (their mother was Tamara), Hezron, Ram, Amminada, Nachshon. , Salmo?n, Bo?az (his mother was Raa?v),

From the book New Testament (translation of “The Good News”) author author unknown

Gospel of MATTHEW 1 1-6a Genealogy of Jesus Christ, descendant of David and Abraham. Here are His ancestors: From Abraham to King David: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers, Paretz and Zerah (their mother was Tamara), Hezron, Ram, Amminada, Nachshon. , Salmo?n, Bo?az (his mother was Raa?v), Ove?d

From the book The Illustrated Bible by the author

Gospel of Matthew Adoration of the Magi. Matthew 2:1-12 When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem and said, “Where is he who has been born King of the Jews?” for we saw His star in the east and came to worship Him.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

Gospel of Matthew Almost nothing reliable is known about the identity of the writer of our first Gospel, except what is reported about him in the Gospels themselves. He was originally a publican or tax collector and was called Levi and Matthew (the latter - donum Dei, the same as

From the book A Guide to the Bible by Isaac Asimov

5. GOSPEL OF MATTHEW New Testament * Gospel of Matthew * Matthew * Jesus Christ * David * Rahab * Wife of Uriah * Zerubbabel * Holy Spirit * Mary * Herod * Magi from the East * King of the Jews * Star * Bethlehem * Babies in Bethlehem * Egypt * Archelaus * Nazareth * John the Baptist * Elijah *

From the book of the Bible (in plain text) by the author

The Gospel of Matthew The New Testament begins with four different biographies of Jesus, written, according to tradition, by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and arranged in that order. Each of these biographies is called a Gospel, and the second is specifically called a Gospel.

From the book of Truth of the New Testament author Mikhalitsyn Pavel Evgenievich

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 1 1 Book of the kinship of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.2 Abraham begat Isaac. Isaac begat Jacob. And Jacob begat Judah and his brethren. 3 And Judah begat Perez and Zarah from Tamar. Perez gave birth to Esrom. Hezrom begat Aram. 4 And Aram begat Abminadab. Aminadab

From the book Fabricated Jesus by Evans Craig

Gospel of Matthew The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew, otherwise called Levi, son of Alpheus, before his election as one of the closest disciples of Jesus Christ, was a tax collector, that is, a tax collector. In the eyes of the Jews he was like a pagan and a sinner, since those of the Jews who

From the author's book

Matthew 1:21 2293:1 1953:8–9 1953:9 32, 1443:15 323:20–35 3175:3 92, 1775–7 1505:10 845:14 84, 1375:15 605:16 1285 :17 1285:20–22 325:21–48 2685:23–24 145.2675:25–28 326:1–18 86.2676:2 1336:2–4 846:3 846:5 1336:6 1346: 7–15 2676:8 1346:9–13 52, 1506:14–15 132.2766:16 1336:18 1346:25–34 826:28–33 1316:33 2867:6 84, 2857:7–11 807 :14–20 1717:15 1097:16 1097:19 1097:20 1097:21 1087:24 1087:29 1848:1–4 1708:2a 1068:2 1078:4 106,

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