What is the cvv code on a visa card. What is cvv2 and cvc2 on a bank card


What is CVV/CVC (CVV2)/(CVC2) code

CVV (CVV2)/CVC (CVC2) code is special bank card security code, which is included in account and appears on the back of the actual card.

What is a CVV or CVC code on a bank card - in simple words.

In simple words, CVV or CVC codes are special numbers, consisting of three (sometimes 4) digits, which provide additional security when purchasing online. The purpose of the CVV/CVC number is to provide an additional layer of security to the cardholder, making it more difficult for unauthorized persons to use the card. Of course, this is not an absolute guarantee of security, but without a physical card or a photo of its back, it is much more difficult for a fraudster to transfer money via the Internet. Moreover, now almost all transactions are accompanied by the introduction of a special confirmation code, which is sent to the phone via SMS from the bank.

Where is the CVV or CVC on a bank card?

As a rule, the CVV (CVV2)/CVC (CVC2) code is located on the back of the card immediately after the last four digits of the bank card number itself. This number consists of three digits. More details about where the CVV(CVV2) or CVC(CVC2) code is located can be seen in the figure below.

It is worth noting that not all cards have codes located on the back side. There are bank cards where this code is imprinted on the front side, but in most cases this practice is common in the USA.

What is the difference between CVV (CVV2) and CVC (CVC2) codes?

In fact, in practice there is no difference between these codes; the differences lie only in the definitions themselves and the payment cards that use them. For example, cards VISA use the definition CVV (C ard V erification V alue) which translates as “ meaning card verification" And the cards MasterCard use the definition C.V.C. (C ard V erification C ode) which translates: “ code card verification" So, as you can see, all the differences are only in the names, but their function is the same.

Why do we need CVV or CVC codes in practice?

As mentioned earlier, these codes are only necessary for transactions that are made via the Internet. The fact is that when making a payment at an offline store terminal, the client enters a PIN code known only to him, which, in principle, confirms the fact that he is the owner of the card. When paying online, there is no option to enter your PIN code for security reasons. Thus, for the verification procedure that the client who placed an order on the site actually has credit or debit card, you must enter the CVV or CVC code from the physical card. It goes without saying that if a bank card was physically stolen and not blocked in a timely manner, then the likelihood of funds being withdrawn from it is very high. Especially if she was kidnapped along with the phone she was tied to.

Cashless payment is one of the most convenient options of our time. Paying for all purchases with a plastic card is much more convenient than carrying a thick wad of cash in your wallet. Money stored on the card makes it possible to make spontaneous purchases.

In addition, the card is more secure - even if it is actually lost, all the money will remain intact. Using the card also protects the owner from robbery - it is simply not profitable for an attacker to take away plastic that he will not be able to use anyway.

The essence of cvc and the location of the code

Of course, with all their advantages, plastic cards do not provide an absolute guarantee of security. To increase its level, banks are developing security systems - and the simplest of them are security codes, individual for each card.

One such code is cvc code. Where can you see it on your own plastic, and what is it for?

A unique sixteen-digit number is printed on the front side of any bank card. Also, each owner of the plastic card has a personal PIN code - a secret digital code that must be dialed when using payment terminals. But besides them, there are also three or four more digits on the bank plastic card - the so-called verification code, or the same cvc code.

As a rule, you can see these numbers on the back of the card - next to the stripe for the owner’s signature. On some cards, the cvc is written on the front, next to the six-digit number. And in some cases, the cvc may not be displayed on the plastic itself at all - to find it out, you need to look at the documents issued by the bank when issuing the card. However, the very presence of a verification code is mandatory for any plastic. For MasterCard plastic, the cvc number is composed of three digits, for international Visa cards - of four.

Cvc (or cvv for Visa) confirms the authenticity of the plastic and is verified when making electronic purchases. By requesting this code from the owner, the seller makes sure that the card really belongs to the buyer, and he has the right to perform any actions with it.

Should you share your cvc with a third party? Banks generally do not recommend doing this - after all, knowledge of CVC and other security codes allows another person to freely manage funds from the account. Even close people, knowing cvc, gain access to someone else’s account not on a one-time basis, but on an ongoing basis - which is fraught with unpleasant surprises.

A bank card is a high-tech product. With its help, it has long been possible not only to withdraw cash or pay for purchases in supermarkets, but also to make payments online, including booking airline tickets, hotels, and paying for purchases in online stores.

To carry out expense transactions on the Internet, a minimum of information is required:

  • card number,
  • the name of its owner,
  • card expiry date,
  • as well as a security code CVV2 or CVC2, which acts as a card identifier.

It is the latter, or rather, the role of the CVV2/CVC2 code in implementation that will be discussed below.

What is the CVV2/CVC2 code on the card and where is it located?

The Card Verification Value 2 (CVV2) identifier is used to designate Visa card passwords.

Other payment systems call it differently: for MasterCard it is CVC2 (Card Validation Code 2), for American Express it is CID (Card Identification). However, this does not change the general meaning. So:

  • CVV2 (Card Verification Value 2) – code on the Visa card,
  • CVC2 (Card Validation Code 2) – code for the MasterCard card,
  • CID (Card Identification) – code for American Express.

Where is the CVC2/CVV2 code?

The secret code CVC2 (CVV2) consists of three numbers, which is located on the back of the bank card, or, more precisely, on the right side of the paper strip next to the holder’s signature.

The code itself is needed only so that the online seller of services or goods can identify the buyer’s bank card for payment. But to confirm an expense transaction, you will need a different set of numbers - the same one-time password that will be sent to the phone of the plastic bank card holder in the form of an SMS message.

What is the difference between a CVV2/CVC2 code and a card PIN code?

What is important:

The three-digit code CVV2/CVC2/CID should never be confused with the PIN code of a bank card.

A PIN code must be entered, for example, to carry out transactions at an ATM, when paying for purchases in a supermarket or in another regular store (NOT online).

There is no point in remembering the card PIN code on the Internet at all, because it is simply not needed to make purchases on the Internet. And if some website or supposedly bank employee still asks you to indicate it, you should know that these are scammers and it is strongly not recommended to contact them.

In general, you should only deal with trusted stores on the Internet. Preferably, those that use special security protocols for online payments, which require the destruction of all entered information immediately after payment is made. Yes, if you frequently access the resource’s services, you will have to enter card data (not excluding the CVV2/CVC2/CID code) again each time. But the bank card itself will be safe in this case. And isn't that the main thing?

Is it possible to make an online payment without a security code?

Without a PIN code, you cannot make a debit transaction through an ATM or terminal, and there are service providers on the Internet where you can make payments without mentioning the CVV2/CVC2/CID code.

If there is no CVV2/CVC2/CID code on the card, this may mean that the card is NOT intended for paying for online purchases. In this case, you need to contact the bank and either change the card there or order one specifically designed for paying for purchases on the Internet.

In any case, a security code is required almost everywhere to pay for services on the Internet. An exception is, for example, “native” for the card. Here, you do not need to enter additional information to carry out expense transactions. All you need to do is enter the password from the SMS and the bank will instantly confirm the transaction.

What's bad: any of the banking systems remote access does not cover even a quarter of the online market. This means that you will have to enter into transactions with companies and stores that are not partners of the issuing bank that issued the card, each time relying solely on your own peril and risk.

Although such risks can be reduced to a minimum. How? Well, for example, by issuing and attaching a virtual card with a limited limit to the main account. This product is ideal for making online payments. After all, even if fraudsters manage to compromise information about a virtual card, the main bank card will be safe.

What conclusion do we draw from all this? Yes, the simplest one.

About security when paying online

Even though a special bank card identifier is not a mandatory attribute for using the card, it is still necessary to make fast and secure payments for services on the Internet.

The main thing is not to forget to follow basic security measures that will help protect the money on the card from attacks by third parties:

  • Don’t throw the card anywhere.
  • Do not tell your PIN code to anyone or enter it anywhere.
  • In case of loss, block the card itself immediately.
  • And yes, it would also be a good idea to take advantage of advice on obtaining a virtual card for online payments.


The same code for payment cards of the system is called Card Validation Code 2 - CVC2. The essence is the same, only the terminological combinations themselves differ.

CVV2 code: what is it and what is it for?

This number (usually 3 digits, but 4 are possible) allows you to confirm the operation that the user carries out via the Internet. This is a way to confirm the authenticity of the card and the fact that the user is the owner of the card (after all, only he can see the number on real map). That is, a specific person certifies that he physically owns the card.

Those who know what the CVC2 (CVV2) code is on bank card, it is not always used. It is not requested by all sellers. Some banks prohibit these for certain cards. Now there are other authentication methods (for example, via SMS to the number specified by the bank client).

Where is the CVC2 code (CVV2) indicated?

The CVC2 (CVV2) code is listed on the back of the card, on the magnetic strip, after the owner’s signature (the outermost numbers on the right). It is applied to the card through embossing or ident printing (the symbols seem to be engraved and then painted; they do not protrude above the surface of the card).

There are cases when CVV2 is not on the map. It is not indicated on entry-level debit (payment) cards Visa Electron, Mastercard Cirrus Maestro, MasterCard Electronic. However, when a card is issued, a code is still created.

Briefly about terminology

Synonyms of CVC2 (CVV2):

  • CVVC (Card Verification Value Code),
  • V-Code, V-Code (Verification Code),
  • CSC (Card security code),
  • CVD (Card Verification Data).

The CVV (CVC) code is written on a magnetic stripe. It is checked by the system when a person uses an ATM or terminal.

Security Guarantee

Sellers of goods and services are prohibited from storing CVC2 (CVV2) codes even for a short time. They serve only for instant authentication of the card user.

If you need to send a photocopy or scan of a payment card (sometimes requested, for example, by bookmakers), the CVC2 (CVV2) code must be sealed (covered with a piece of dense material).

The CVC2 (CVV2) code cannot be disclosed to outsiders (as well as posting photos of your bank cards online), otherwise attackers will be able to pay for purchases by stealing card data.

The development of the banking services sector has reached the most remote corners of Russia and a plastic card today will not surprise anyone. However, in parallel with the development of technologies for making payments for goods and services, methods of theft are also developing. Money from cards or accounts of their owners.

Global payment systems use similar technologies to protect their clients from fraudsters. For these purposes they use the CSC system, which provides the following codes:

  • bank card security;
  • owner identification.

Plastic can be stolen, but you can withdraw money only once, and even then not always. In most cases, the owner immediately blocks it. The most effective way is to make a duplicate. A bank card, like any product modern world, may be faked. It is enough to find out the initial data that is printed on its front side. However, you can only use it if you know the additional code.

The security code on a MasterCard card is printed on a magnetic tape and is called CVC (card control number) and, similarly, the CVV code on a Visa card (card verification code).

The second level of protection against fraudsters is to confirm the authenticity of the card owner. When withdrawing money from an account through an ATM or paying for purchased goods and services in real retail establishments, a PIN code is used. To make payments without presenting a bank card (card not present or CNP), payment systems use:

  • MasterCard – CVC2;
  • Visa – CVV2;
  • American Express – CID;
  • MIR – CVP2 (Card Verification Parameter).

What is the CVC code on a MasterCard bank card with the number 2? This is an additionally generated secret code that confirms the card owner’s right to conduct payment transactions via the Internet. The number 2 means that there are two types of CVC codes. The first confirms the authenticity of the card itself when information is read from the magnetic stripe by a bank terminal, and the second, CVC2, is a three-digit combination generated by a computer during its issuance, which serves to identify the owner when paying for goods through electronic payment systems.

What is the CVV code on a Visa card? Similar to MasterCard, Visa cards have CVV and CVV2 codes, with the same functions and number of secret digits.

Note that they are applied to both credit and debit cards.

Location of additional codes

Where is the security code on a Visa card? The CVV2 verification code is printed on the back of the plastic card, at the end of the paper strip for signature by the owner. It is represented by three numbers. The situation is a little more complicated with MasterCard. It also has two digital combinations on the reverse side. The first, four-digit, duplicates the end of the plastic number, and the second, three-digit, is the CVC2 code.

Location of CVV2, CVC2, CID and MirAccept codes on maps.

Where on the Sberbank Visa Virtual or MasterCard Virtual card, as well as on similar virtual maps Do other banks have a code for electronic payments? At Alfa-Bank on the Virtual Card it can be seen in the photo of the front side of the card along with other details. In other cases, it is sent via SMS to the e-wallet linked to the e-wallet at the time of its registration mobile number. It, like the PIN, should be remembered or written down.

Where is the security code on the Maestro card? For payments for goods purchased on the Internet, the CVV/CVC code was not initially provided on the card. Plastic was issued for payment wages for the purpose of subsequent cashing through an ATM, as well as for paying for goods or services through a bank terminal.

Such a code is also missing for low-class Electron and Electronic debit cards. They have the same functions as Maestro. For online shopping, in this case, you should issue a plastic card with the appropriate approval (for example, Visa Classic).

For security reasons, it is recommended not to keep money on such plastic, but to transfer it there only to make specific purchases on the Internet. An example is the following procedure: after registering on the seller’s website, fill out a virtual shopping cart, see the total, and then transfer the amount required for payment to a card with the CW CVC code, which will protect you from phishing.

For reference: what is phishing? A type of Internet fraud in which cardholders are defrauded of their details and then money is stolen with their help. It makes no difference whether electronic or real plastic was used for calculations.

IN Lately When issuing Visa Electron, issuing banks generate a CVV2 code, but do not put it on the back of the bank card. It, along with the PIN code, is printed in a closed envelope.

Availability secret code does not mean at all that this is a necessary and sufficient condition for online shopping. Requesting CVV2/CVC2 is not the seller’s responsibility, but only his opportunity to verify the buyer’s right to pay with the specified bank card. Possibility of making payments in CNP mode by banks via various types cards may be blocked, and therefore the presence of a code may not be sufficient.

How can I find out if a particular plastic card can be used to pay for online purchases? You can clarify this when registering or by phone hotline bank, shown in small print on the back of the plastic.

Remote payment

By activating the “Pay” function on the seller’s website, the user is taken to a page for making a payment. Here you should carefully look and fill in the following information:

  • Full name of the buyer;
  • card validity period;
  • number;
  • security code.

After filling in all the fields, the payment system checks the specified details. Based on its results, the payment may be approved or rejected.

What does refusal of payment mean? The form filled out by the buyer contains incorrect details or one of the bank limits has been exceeded. It may also turn out that there are not enough funds to pay for the goods, or the card cannot be used for these purposes even if there is an additional code on the back.

For bona fide sellers, the CVV2/CVC2 security code is not recorded or stored. With each new purchase it must be re-entered.

The Maestro card can be used to pay remotely only at a limited number of merchants.

Why do you need a security code?

The security code identifies the cardholder when paying in card not present mode. With its help, attempts by fraudsters to steal money from the account holder are prevented. Therefore, if the code becomes known to third parties, the bank account should be immediately blocked and the card replaced.

Safety regulations

The protection mechanism will not work if the owner does not follow simple rules:

  • Do not buy from unfamiliar sites.
  • Do not show the back of the plastic to unauthorized persons. When paying at real retail outlets, make sure that the card is not scanned;
  • Do not keep money on the card intended for remote payment;
  • Use proven payment systems;
  • Open a virtual card specifically for making electronic payments.

The security code on the cards serves as additional protection for the funds of bank clients.

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