What is facet syndrome and how to treat one of the forms of osteoarthritis that develops in the intervertebral joints. What is lumbar facet syndrome? Facet syndrome of the cervical spine

Spinal facet syndrome is a very common pathology and most cases of back pain occur specifically in it. As it progresses, it can have an increasing impact Negative influence on the body and significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life. In this article we will look at how the facet joints of the spine manifest themselves, what clinical picture they form and how effective their treatment is.



Facet syndrome is a disease of the joint tissue of the spine. It is localized in one department or another and affects several vertebrae at once. The pathogenesis is that the tissue of the intervertebral discs is dehydrated, as a result of which they become thinner and the distance between the vertebrae is significantly reduced. Over time, the cartilage tissue is completely destroyed, and the capsules of the facet joints become greatly elongated. This leads to the development of subluxation of each affected joint.

Damaged joints and involvement of nerve roots in the process (their pinching) lead to pain and other problems with musculoskeletal system. As more and more nervous tissue is involved in the process, more serious symptoms may develop, such as paralysis, paresis, numbness, etc.

Sometimes arthrosis, snodyloarthritis, osteoarthritis, lumbar syndrome and subluxations of intervertebral joints of various nature are also classified as facet syndrome.

We are talking about a syndrome, and not about an independent disease. That is, such changes in the intervertebral discs, causing the corresponding symptoms, develop against the background of one or another underlying pathological process. By itself, such a syndrome cannot manifest itself as a primary disease.


This syndrome can be caused big amount reasons, both serious and relatively not too dangerous. In most cases, these are chronic diseases of the spine associated with changes in joint and/or bone tissue that have occurred for one reason or another. Most often, facet arthrosis of the spine is caused by the following conditions:

  1. Gout and pseudogout;
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis;
  3. Tuberculous spondylitis;
  4. Spondyloarthritis.

But changes can also occur as a result of malnutrition of the joint tissue due to any vascular diseases. Microtraumas of one or another part of the spine can lead to the formation of facet syndrome.

Localization and % of cases from all

The syndrome usually affects several vertebrae at once, but within the same part of the spine. It has been statistically revealed that the incidence of pathology in one or another part of the spine varies among patients.

  • The cervical region is most susceptible to this pathology - it accounts for 50% of all cases of this syndrome;
  • In second place is the lower back – it accounts for 30% of all cases;
  • Shoulder, chest and sacral sections are affected most rarely - they share the remaining 20% ​​of cases.

Men and women are equally susceptible to pathology. But in children, the syndrome is much less common, since the corresponding spinal diseases are less common among them. In elderly patients, this condition develops most often, since they are more susceptible to diseases that cause the syndrome, and also because disruptions and changes occur in their body that can cause it on their own (malnutrition of the spinal joints, etc.).

Symptoms and signs

Depending on which part of the spine the lesion is localized, its symptoms may vary significantly. When localized in the lower back, the following are observed:

  1. Pain in the lower back, aggravated by bending over, walking for a long time or standing for a long time, sitting;
  2. Gradual decrease in lower back mobility;
  3. Rapid numbness of the legs, tingling in them;
  4. Aching pain eroding into the thigh;
  5. Paresis and paralysis of the lower extremities in advanced cases.

When localized in the neck, the symptoms are different:

  1. Pain when writing for a long time or working at a computer, sharp turns heads;
  2. Diffuse aching pain that can erode into the arms;
  3. Feeling of numbness in the neck;
  4. Tension and spasm of the neck muscles;
  5. Headaches associated with vascular spasm.

With sacral localization, the symptoms are similar to those of lesions in the lumbar area. But problems with the intestines and bladder. When intervertebral discs are damaged in the thoracic and shoulder regions, aching pain also occurs, aggravated by sudden movements, eroding into the arms. Weakness of the hands, numbness, tingling in them, paresis and paralysis in advanced cases may occur.


The condition is diagnosed using the following methods:

  1. Taking anamnesis and analyzing symptoms;
  2. Examination of the patient, testing sensitivity at certain points;
  3. X-ray with contrast;
  4. Electroneurography;
  5. CT and MRI (if necessary).

The methods help to accurately establish the location, degree of development, and the cause of the pathology.


Treatment of arthrosis of the facet joints of the spine is carried out comprehensively, using different approaches and methods. The main method is conservative, using medications, but surgical methods can also be used in some cases.

Anesthetics and corticosteroids

With the help of such drugs, severe pain attacks are stopped. Sometimes patients undergo a novocaine blockade. It brings fairly long-term relief, but sooner or later the pain still returns. Corticosteroids are also used for significant pain. Drugs such as Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone also effectively relieve inflammation and pain. Advantan steroid cream is prescribed for application 2-3 times a day.

Analgesic drugs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve mild pain and inflammation.

  • Ibuprofen or Nurofen are taken 1 tablet three times a day for 10 days;
  • Diclofenac injection is administered 1 injection once a day, in a dosage depending on the patient’s weight;
  • Voltaren - cream is applied 3-4 times a day, 2-3 grams.

Analgesics (Analgin, etc.) can also be used for pain relief.


It is important because it strengthens the muscle frame and normalizes blood circulation. The complexes must be prescribed by a doctor. The most common of them includes the following exercises:

  • Lying on your back, knees bent, arms in front of you. Knees stretch to the right, palms to the left. Then - vice versa. Repeat 6 times in each direction;
  • Lying on your back, knees bent. Spread your knees to the sides, towards the floor. Repeat 5 times;
  • Lying on your back, knees bent, legs apart. As you exhale, lower your knees inward one by one. Repeat 5-6 times with each leg;
  • Lying on your back, knees bent. Pull your knees to your chest alternately, 5 times with each leg;
  • The same as in the previous exercise, but after pulling up, straighten the leg;
  • Standing on your knees and palms. Rock your torso back and forth five times in each direction.

During exacerbations, exercise therapy is contraindicated.


Physiotherapy relieves inflammation and normalizes blood circulation. The following procedures are used: microwave, UHF, electrophoresis with various drugs. Can be used only during periods of remission and only as prescribed by a doctor, as a complement to other treatment methods. It is not a treatment method in itself.

Manual therapy

This group includes various methods manual influence, from massages to acupuncture. Such methods help strengthen the muscle frame, increase muscle tone, and relieve muscle spasm. They normalize blood supply to the joints. Thanks to massages, flexibility and mobility of damaged areas are restored and pain is reduced.


During an exacerbation, it is very important to reduce the load on the affected area. For this purpose, orthopedic corsets can be used when the process is localized in the shoulder or thoracic regions, belts when localized in the sacrum or lower back, collars if facet syndrome is diagnosed cervical spine. It is also recommended to sleep on orthopedic mattresses and pillows. This helps speed up treatment and not provoke new exacerbations.


This is a blockade of the nerve endings of the facet joints. This procedure is performed for very severe pain and provides a fairly long-lasting analgesic effect. It is carried out under X-ray control.


Botox injections help paralyze some local muscles of the musculoskeletal system. Thanks to this, it is possible to normalize muscle tone and avoid spastic manifestations, which, in most cases, lead to severe pain.

Surgical intervention

It is carried out in cases where conservative treatment does not give a sustainable result. The following types of manipulations are carried out:

  1. Forced replenishment of joint fluids;
  2. Cauterization of nerve endings to eliminate pain symptoms;
  3. Radiofrequency removal of nerve endings in the pinched area for the same purpose.

Measures are taken in combination or separately. Surgery is used extremely rarely.


With a mild degree of severity, conservative treatment gives a fairly good, stable result. With timely treatment of the cause of the syndrome, it is possible to achieve complete relief from pain. Surgery also provides an almost complete guarantee of pain relief.

Complications and consequences

If left untreated, dehydration causes the intervertebral discs to completely erode. This leads to loss of flexibility and mobility of the spine, slipping of the vertebrae. As nervous tissue is involved in the process, a chronic pain syndrome occurs, numbness of the limbs and disruption of the functioning of some organs (various, depending on the location of the process) may develop. Paresis and paralysis are possible.


Specific prevention consists of maintaining endocrine system in a healthy state. It is also important to lead a moderately active lifestyle and avoid physical inactivity. But it is equally important to avoid overloading the spine and its injuries. If any negative symptoms from the musculoskeletal system appear, consult a doctor in a timely manner to prescribe treatment.


Facet syndrome is a sign of the development of a more serious disease. But in itself it can cause significant discomfort. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor for help in a timely manner.

Facet syndrome (synonyms - facet pain syndrome, arthrosis of intervertebral joints, spondyloarthrosis, spondyloarpathic syndrome) is a situation that is especially common with instability or dysfunction of spondylosis. Due to disorders in the intervertebral (facet, facet) joints, pain can originate in the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral regions (55% in the cervical and 31% in the lumbar regions), and penetrate into the legs and shoulder girdle. In addition to these areas, pain can radiate to the head.

Certain symptoms are observed:

In acute periods of lumbar and cervical facet joint syndrome, events are uneven, unforeseen, and there are few cases once a month or a year.

Patients, the majority of them, experience local pain in the area of ​​the inflamed joint and loss of elasticity in the back muscles.

The greatest discomfort is caused by bending backwards.

Due to lower back pain in facet joint syndrome, pain radiates to the posterior gluteal region.

Similar pain with facet syndrome is observed in the cervical area - local pain radiating to the upper dorsal region or shoulders.

Painful attacks occur with repeated and unpredictable frequency, both in duration and intensity.

With facet joint syndrome in the lumbar region, mobility in a standing position is somewhat limited, and pain and muscle spasms immediately increase in a sitting position.

Acuity pain and decreased mobility provokes muscle spasms, causing fatigue and making this pathology cyclical.

Facet syndrome - causes of origin

There are many sources affecting the joints of the spine. Pain in the intervertebral joints can be associated with:

With aggravated systemic infectious diseases(for example, tuberculous spondylitis),

With chronic inflammatory arthritis (for example, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis),

With metabolic disorders (eg gout and pseudogout),

Possible back pain may be caused by subluxations, ruptures of joint capsules and cartilage, microfractures in them,

With disturbances in the nutrition of tissues and organs in the facet joints (so-called dystrophic changes - spondyloarthrosis or facet syndrome).

In any case, it is believed that facet joint damage most often occurs as a result of long-term, regularly recurring injuries associated with an unoptimized range of joint motion and increasing load due to degeneration of the intervertebral discs.

Due to certain precedents associated, for example, with whiplash injury of the neck, with sports injuries, sooner or later there is joint trauma caused by hyperflexion, excessive rotation or traction mechanism of influence, the disorder of the facet joints develops suddenly.

Facet syndrome - diagnosis

If painful cases recur monthly or more often, it is recommended to perform radiography in various projection planes, allowing to establish pathological changes in the facet joints. Computed tomography (abbreviated CT) better visualizes both the joints and any other spinal systems.

Magnetic resonance imaging (abbreviated as MRI) is not effective enough to diagnose real spinal pathology, although it is indispensable for diagnosing a herniated disc or other ailments.

The greatest information is provided by injection of a certain volume of contrast substance into the facet joints or into the medial branch of the posterior primary branch of the spinal nerve with further radiographic observation. The absence of pain after a certain period of time following the implementation of a diagnostic blockade is regarded as the standard for the interdependence of back pain and pathology of the facet joints. Diagnostic blockades are recommended only under close X-ray observation, otherwise a distorted diagnosis can be made (in 25% to 41% of cases).

Facet syndrome - treatment

There are many known methods for relieving acute moments of pain in the facet joints. Some of them do not have a long-lasting effect, but provide only short-term or rather long-term pain relief.

Conservative methods of treating facet joint syndrome are:

The use of a therapeutic physical training complex ( Exercise therapy), allowing you to recreate disrupted biomechanical processes, correct posture, strengthen ligaments and build muscle mass.

Application physiotherapy, helping to reduce pain and relieve inflammation in the joints.

Changing the image Everyday life, namely, reducing the duration of regular daily travel, and organizing required number rest breaks.

Application drug treatment, using antiphlogistic drugs (such as ibuprofen, Celebrex).

Application manual therapy, manipulations of which are involved in restoring the maneuverability of the facet joints and relieve painful sensations.

The use of orthopedic pillows and wearing a cervical collar are exclusively necessary when facet joint syndrome is concentrated at the cervical level.

The use of injections into the nerve endings of the facet joints (the so-called rhizotomy - performed with a cooling or heated cap under X-ray observation), which brings a more lasting effect. Injecting Botax is considered no less effective. in the best possible way relieving muscle spasms.

Despite the fact that in many cases, conservative treatment helps to maintain a satisfactory quality of life, in extremely dangerous cases, not only in the transformation of the facet joints, but also the presence of obvious disorders in the discs, requires surgical treatment.

Treatment methods for facet pain syndrome:

Treatment of facet syndrome by replenishing the required volume of synovial fluid in the joint (facetoplasty).

Treatment of facet syndrome using coagulation of nerve endings under the influence of an electromagnetic field (radiofrequency deinervation).

In our Center you will be given a professional differential diagnosis and will be offered appropriate treatment.

The development of facet pain syndrome can be observed in any person. Its occurrence has nothing to do with age-related changes and is associated with the development of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine that appear against the background of occupational injuries or certain diseases.

What it is?

With the development of this disease, pathological processes cover the joints, as a result of which they become dehydrated - the volume of fluid in them decreases, they lose their properties and the space between the spinal discs decreases. Against this background, there is an unnatural stretching of the facet capsules and impaired functionality of the joints.

Due to the destruction of the facet capsule, serious problems arise with the spine, which make themselves felt by pain of varying intensity. Its appearance is caused by the proximity of nerve endings to the damaged areas and constant friction of cartilage tissue.

There is also such a thing as spondyloarthrosis, which is also characterized by unpleasant sensations in the back and damage to joint structures. And some doctors assign this term to facet syndrome. However, there is an opinion among some doctors that these pathologies are completely different. This is due to the fact that in the first case, damage occurs to almost all the articular elements of the spine, their capsules and cartilaginous structures, while in the second only the facet is affected.

Reasons for the development of the syndrome

Both mechanical and pathological factors can provoke the onset of the disease. The most common of them are:

  • Gout.
  • Spondylitis of the tuberculous type.
  • Microtraumas of the spine received during physical activity or during surgical interventions.
  • Receipt violation nutrients to joint tissues.
  • Spondyloarthritis.
  • Obesity.
  • Neurology.
  • Arthrosis and other degenerative-dystrophic pathologies accompanied by inflammation.

In the vast majority of cases, spinal diseases are diagnosed in older people. However, signs of facet destruction are often detected in young patients. The reason for this is often injuries sustained during sports, heavy lifting at work (for example, in such professions as a loader), road accidents, etc.

Symptomatic picture

Often the only manifestation of the pathological process is pain of any intensity and different localization. But most often it occurs in the lumbar region and is often accompanied by inflammation, which covers not only the damaged facets, but also spreads to other articular and cartilaginous structures.

In addition to pain in the lumbar region, with the development of facet syndrome, the symptomatic picture may be supplemented by:

  • Increased muscle tone in the area of ​​the pathological process.
  • A visible change in the curvature of the spine.
  • The appearance of a crunching sound when making movements.

A characteristic feature of this pathology is pinpoint pain that occurs in the area of ​​the inflamed area upon palpation. However, at times it may disappear, which indicates that the syndrome has entered the remission stage. But the lack of appropriate therapy often leads to an exacerbation of the disease and increased symptoms, since the long-term development of pathological processes causes a weakening of muscle tone and destruction of the joints themselves, resulting in disability. Every year it becomes more and more difficult for a person to sit and stand. The pain intensifies, the state of health worsens.

The main feature of the syndrome is painful sensations, which, as a rule, are concentrated in only one place. At the same time, they either disappear or periodically appear with intervals of 14-30 days or more.

Diagnosis of the syndrome

Clinically, this pathology is similar to other diseases of the spine, so identifying the disease only on the basis of complaints is very problematic. To make an accurate diagnosis and receive adequate treatment, the patient will have to undergo a comprehensive examination.

It begins with collecting anamnesis, examining the patient and performing palpation. If the doctor suspects the presence of the syndrome, then to confirm them, he prescribes the following types of examination:

  • X-ray.
  • MRI.

An X-ray examination is mandatory when diagnosing the syndrome. It allows you to assess the position of the vertebral discs and their shape. But to identify damage and inflamed areas, CT or MRI is used. These types of diagnostics provide more detailed picture conditions of the musculoskeletal system, and sometimes they make it possible to discover the reason due to which the destruction of the facets occurred.

Laboratory tests of blood and urine are also prescribed, thanks to which other pathological processes occurring in the body are identified, and treatment is adjusted so that it not only gives positive results in the treatment of the syndrome, but also does not harm the general state of health.

Treatment methods

Initially, all therapeutic actions are aimed at eliminating symptoms. For this, various anti-inflammatory and painkillers are used. Then the main treatment is prescribed, which helps eliminate the root cause of the pathology. And it can be either conservative or surgical.

Conservative therapy

To eliminate symptoms, the following is prescribed:

  • Taking NSAIDs (for example, Nise, Ketonal, etc.).
  • Physiotherapy to help relieve pain and relieve inflammation.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics, the effect of which is aimed at increasing muscle tone and correcting posture (carried out only under the supervision of a specialist).
  • Manual therapy that helps activate the regeneration of damaged tissues.

During treatment of the syndrome, the patient needs to reduce physical activity on the affected part of the spine. For this purpose, it is recommended to stay on your feet less. And to those whose professional activity associated with a sedentary lifestyle, you should take breaks and stretch more often.

When prescribing drug treatment, preference is mainly given to the following drugs:

  • "Diclofenac".
  • "Nurofen".
  • "Movalis".

These remedies effectively cope with inflammation in the body and eliminate pain in the back. However, you need to understand that you cannot take medications without the knowledge of a doctor, since they must be selected strictly on an individual basis.

Another treatment method that is often used in the treatment of facet syndrome is rhizotomy. It involves the introduction of special medicinal solutions into the nerve endings located near the damaged facets, under x-ray observation. This procedure promotes persistent pain relief and significant relief of the patient’s condition. Injecting Botox into the affected area is considered equally effective. This allows you to relieve muscle spasms and increase their tone.

If the signs of the syndrome are localized in the area neck , you need to replace regular sleeping pillows with orthopedic ones and regularly wear special collars. Diet is also important in the treatment of this pathology. The patient's diet must be balanced and contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

It is mandatory to refuse:

  • Pickles.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Fatty and fried foods.

The diet should predominate fresh vegetables and fruits. Smoking and drinking alcohol significantly impairs the effectiveness of the therapy, so these habits also need to be abandoned.


IN severe cases When conservative therapy does not produce positive dynamics, surgery is prescribed. This can be done in several ways:

  • Radio frequency. With this intervention, surgeons remove the nerve endings located near the facets, which allows the patient to be relieved of excruciating pain.
  • Facetoplasty. It implies the forced induction of an inflammatory process in the joint, due to which the volume of synovial fluid increases.
  • Coagulation. During it, the nerve endings are glued together, resulting in a decrease in sensitivity.

Which of these methods of treating facet syndrome will be chosen depends on several factors - the neglect of the pathological process and other disorders identified during examination of the patient. And since the consequences of the disease can be serious, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor and refuse surgery.


Facet syndrome is a manifestation of arthrosis of the intervertebral (facet) joints. Arthrosis of the facet joints cannot develop on its own; it is always an advanced degenerative-dystrophic process that affects the intervertebral discs, vertebrae and everything around them. And if they say that it occurs in 15-40% of all patients with chronic lumbar pain, then they clearly significantly underestimate this figure, because this syndrome cannot occur without changes in the intervertebral discs. And all patients with intervertebral hernias have manifestations of arthrosis of the facet joints to varying degrees of severity. So what, everyone needs to be operated on? But who gets better after radiofrequency denervation of the facet joints? We haven't met anyone like that. Why it happens that they continue to treat the symptoms of facet syndrome, and not its cause, is not clear today. Let's try to understand these intricacies of the anatomy of the spinal column.

The vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, anterior longitudinal ligament are designed to resist gravity, and the transverse and spinous processes, plate, pedicles and intervertebral joints are designed to protect against rotational and displacement forces in the lateral and anteroposterior directions.

The force of gravity in a normal spinal motion segment is distributed unevenly: up to 80% on the anterior sections and up to 30% on the intervertebral (facet) joints.

When intervertebral discs are damaged, their height and shape change, the vertebrae become closer to each other. And naturally, the articular surfaces of the intervertebral joints also become closer, their articular space becomes narrower. Of course, the entire weight load goes to them, reaching 70%. This overload causes changes in them. First, to synovitis with fluid accumulation, and then to degeneration of the articular cartilage, stretching of the joint capsule and subluxation in it. These repeated microtraumas, weight-bearing and rotatory overloads lead to periarticular fibrosis and the formation of subperiosteal osteophytes. Due to this, the sizes of the upper and lower facets increase. Then the joints sharply degenerate and practically lose cartilage. Due to the asymmetry of the process, the load on the facet joints is uneven. Changes in the intervertebral discs and facet joints sharply limit movements in the spinal motion segments.

Pain begins during extension and rotation of the lumbar region due to torsion overloads. The pain is limited to the area above the affected joint in the lumbosacral region, rarely this pain is referred and cramping in nature, sometimes it radiates to the buttock and upper thigh. One of the symptoms of facet syndrome may be short-term morning stiffness, followed by an increase in pain in the evening. Prolonged bending, changing body position, standing for a long time, and straightening the pain intensify, but unloading the spine with certain poses reduces the pain.

Upon examination, the patient reveals smoothness of the lumbar lordosis (and what’s strange here - the curvatures of the spine are formed before the age of 7), curvature and rotation of the spine in the lumbosacral and thoracolumbar regions, pronounced tension in the paravertebral muscles and quadratus muscle on the affected side, muscle tension popliteal fossa and hip rotators. Palpation of the affected joint is painful. With facet syndrome, reflex, motor, and sensory disorders are very rare and the symptoms of “tension” are not characteristic, as with radicular syndrome, and there is no restriction of movements in the legs. Sometimes, in chronic cases, some weakness of the erector spinae and popliteal muscles is detected.

The facet joints are innervated from 2-3 adjacent levels, which seriously complicates the diagnosis.

Treatment methods for arthrosis of intervertebral joints

To date, the most effective method Treatment of not only the symptoms, but also the facet syndrome itself is considered to be radiofrequency denervation, when the pathological process is seemingly eliminated by exposure to an electromagnetic field of wave frequency near the affected joint and after an hour the patient can leave the clinic. But the next day, or maybe even that day, the same pains that tormented him before return to the patient. Yes, because the cause of the developed arthrosis was never eliminated. In our clinic, we constantly encounter such cases. And believe me, it is quite difficult to treat such patients with facet syndrome. Especially at the beginning, when faith in healing is at its lowest. It appears only when the entire clinic staff makes great efforts not only in treatment, but also mentally helps to cope with the problem. Such patients always become our friends and even friends. And patients try not to remember about the operation performed, since at that time it was their wrong choice.

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “hypertrophy of the facet joints, what is it.”

Deformation of the facet (facet) joints occurs due to arthrosis - unfortunately, a fairly common disease. This disease is very unpleasant and painful. Most often they suffer in mature age or elderly people, but there are cases of arthrosis being detected in very young people, as a result of some physical injuries or congenital diseases.

Spondyloarthrosis of the facet joints

Spondyloarthrosis of the facet joints is an inflammatory process that arises due to the destruction of cartilage tissue and all components of the joints, including bone tissue. Due to the uneven distribution of the load, the destruction of the cartilage layer that protects bone tissue from abrasion and deformation, which ultimately leads to hypertrophy (deformation) of the facet joints. Such changes cannot allow the joints to function fully, and stiffness of the spine occurs.

There are three types of arthrosis of the facet vertebrae:

  • cervicoarthrosis - deformation of the facet joints of the cervical spine;
  • dorsarthrosis. The joints of the thoracic region are affected;
  • lumboarthrosis, damage to the joints of the lumbar spine.

Causes and symptoms

Deformation of the facet joints most often develops for the following reasons:

  • previous spinal injuries;
  • excessive stress on the spine (professional sports);
  • disturbed metabolic processes in the body, as well as excess weight;
  • a consequence of old age;
  • other diseases (osteochondrosis, flat feet).

Symptoms of spondyloarthrosis of the facet joints for a long time may not appear. Arthrosis is often discovered during examinations related to completely different human complaints. At the very beginning of the disease, they can make themselves known with mild, nagging pain and discomfort during physical activity.
A more advanced stage of the disease can cause acute pain and stiffness of movement, the inability to bend and straighten in the spine.

Most often, the cervical spine is subject to deformation of the facet joints.

Typically, people who spend a lot of time at the computer or sit for a long time in an incorrect position experience pain in the neck. Periodically, movements are accompanied by an unpleasant crunching sound. Gradually, a person loses the ability to fully turn or tilt his head.

Arthrosis of the lumbar spine

Arthrosis of the facet joints of the lumbar spine is a disease characteristic of people with a sedentary lifestyle. It occurs as a result of regular static loads on the lumbar region of the spine, often expressed by pain in the sacral region. The pain is nagging in nature and can radiate to the buttocks. Lumboarthrosis has another striking sign - stiffness of the lower back upon awakening.

With arthrosis of the thoracic joints, back pain is usually a concern. And in case of prolonged illness, difficulty breathing may also appear. But this type of arthrosis is considered the rarest.

If the disease is not treated promptly, it can lead to incapacity.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

To make a final diagnosis of articular deformity, one examination by a doctor is not enough.

If arthrosis is suspected, it is necessary to undergo an examination, which must include an X-ray examination of the spine. The image can determine the stage of the disease and general state spine and cartilage tissue.

Treatment of facet joint deformity is a long and painstaking process. In order to get the effect of the prescribed procedures, you need a comprehensive approach to the problem, including:

  • drug treatment;
  • wearing orthopedic corsets and collars;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • alternative medicine methods;
  • traditional methods of treatment.

When starting treatment, you should remember that the result will depend not only on the effect of drugs and prescriptions. It is necessary to reconsider all aspects of your lifestyle - lose excess weight, add useful physical activity and, possibly, adjust your diet, start taking Artidex.

The essence of drug treatment for joint deformity lies largely in blocking pain, as well as in restoring cartilage tissue. Using this method injections are used, including intravenous and intervertebral, tablets and various ointments. These can be analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and also chondroprotectors that tend to support cartilage tissue.

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