What is goji? Useful properties, contraindications and consumption of goji berries

Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are native to Asia and have been known for over 2,000 years as medicinal plant, but they began to gain popularity only in 2014. What kind of plant is this, where does it grow, what to do with it, beneficial properties and contraindications - we will consider all this in this article.

What is goji

Goji berries are the fruits of the Dereza plant, which is distributed mainly in China and Russia and often runs wild. They are classified as wolfberries, but are not poisonous. They are small, oval, orange-red fruits with a somewhat wrinkled texture. They are usually eaten dried.

What to do with them? For many centuries they have been used as medicinal plant, and in particular for tinctures. You will get answers to all your questions about the beneficial properties of this plant, contraindications, harms and their use as a superfood.

Useful properties of goji berries

The calorie content of berries is quite high for a fruit - 375 kcal per 100 grams, without saturated fat and contain about 32 grams of carbohydrates. They are often confused with barberry because of their shape and smell, but the taste of goji is not as pleasant and contains many small seeds. These berries are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, including:

  • vitamin C;
  • fiber;
  • iron;
  • vitamin A;
  • zinc;
  • antioxidants.

They contain 18 amino acids, of which 8 are essential and 21 microelements. Berries contain antioxidants, particularly beta-carotenes, which help strengthen our immune system and promote the production of red blood cells. This is one of the few plant foods with a high protein content - 100 grams of goji berries contain 10% of the daily value. Carbohydrates are complex, which means that the blood sugar level does not increase, and the energy from the breakdown enters the body evenly. The beneficial properties of goji berries provide many benefits to our body, but unfortunately they have contraindications and can cause harm.

Contraindications to taking goji berries

Despite the fact that the product is very useful, like any other it has a number of contraindications, and is strictly prohibited for use by pregnant, breastfeeding and small children (under 3 years):

  • can cause hypervitaminosis of vitamin A, since 100 grams contains 170% of the daily value;
  • sometimes they cause allergic reactions, and this can have an acute effect on the baby, during breastfeeding and on the fetus itself - even to the point of miscarriage;
  • cannot be used when high blood pressure, together with aspirin and other anticoagulants;
  • not in severe stages of diabetes or low blood sugar;
  • people with cancer;
  • with kidney disease, stones may form.

Since the berries themselves became popular in 2014, a sufficient number of clinical studies of the product have not been conducted, and our doctors do not know goji well and cannot provide high-quality advice regarding contraindications for use.

Benefits of goji

From the composition itself it becomes clear that this product brings many health benefits and it is quite difficult to replace goji with other products. They are grown and sold as a superfood; they can often be found in face and skin creams, masks, hair balms, etc. Often taken for weight loss and quite successfully. If you eat goji berries correctly, you will get maximum benefits and avoid harm to the body. Benefits include:

  • increasing general immunity and resistance to influenza;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce arthritis pain;
  • helps cleanse the liver;
  • replenishes the balance of hormones in the body and is beneficial during menopause;
  • For a long time, men have used goji berries as a means to improve erection and sperm motility - a healthy alternative to Viagra. They also increase testosterone;
  • alleviate insulin resistance;
  • improve vision, reduce stress;
  • They bring separate benefits to the skin and hair - goji contain beta-carotene, which stimulates skin renewal, and is a means of rejuvenation. Berries reduce the effects of the sun on the skin, and natural masks, balms and creams for skin and hair are often created on their basis;
  • fight free radicals that cause cancer. IN Western countries It is customary to take them as a prophylactic agent, since they are able to inhibit tumor growth and even increase the effectiveness of treatment;
  • useful for losing weight - the fact is that berries have a low glycemic index and load, keeping you feeling full for a long time. Adding them to cereal or yogurt will be much healthier than an apple or other dried fruits.

You should not overuse this product; it is not typical for our region and diagnosing an allergic reaction can be quite difficult. Goji berries are a good addition to food - daily norm 30 grams. An excess of this product in the diet can cause harm.

Harm of goji berries, side effects

If you are a reasonable person, take the berries correctly (no more than 30 grams per day) and goji is not contraindicated for you, they will not cause harm. If you take too much for weight loss (the most common reason excess), possible side effects in the form:

  • bloating and diarrhea, painful sensations in the stomach;
  • possible insomnia;
  • increased blood pressure and blood thinning. When these factors are combined, capillary bleeding and nosebleeds are possible.

The harm from consumption by a risk group is very significant. It is better to avoid using them without the advice of a nutritionist or doctor.

What is the correct way and when to eat Goji berries?

It's better to eat in the morning. They take quite a long time to digest and if you eat them at night, you may have problems sleeping. Goji berries are usually eaten dry as an addition to yogurts, smoothies, porridges and breakfast cereals. Less commonly used for sauces, desserts and baked goods, salads and tea brewing. I repeat – the normal amount for the health of the body is 15-30 g/day.

Sold both fresh and dried. Before buying, taste it, because due to its similarity to barberry, sellers often deceive. Ideal option– purchasing dried goji fruits via the Internet from the countries of origin. Many companies market them as a superfood.

Scammers from different countries and from different continents they tirelessly come up with more and more new ways to deceive gullible people. For centuries there have been many classical schemes deception, among them there are two especially famous ones: easy money and quick and easy way losing weight. Moreover, the sad experience of MMM and Herbalife does not teach anyone - people continue to step on the rake. So, new way scam - Goji berries.

What is the famous Goji berry, also known as “Paradise Berry”, “Berry of Longevity”, “Red Diamond”? Oh, this is an irreplaceable source of antioxidants, microelements, and vitamins. In addition, Goji berry slows down the aging process, helps in the treatment of cancer, and activates life processes in the body, promotes weight loss. And the famous Chinese herbalist Li Qingyun (Li Ching-Yun, aka 李清云 or 李清雲) lived for more than 256 years only because he ate Goji berries.

In general, the job is done - a legend has been created, and gullible Buratins from different countries rush to buy fresh, frozen or dried berries at incredible prices, and then begin to wonder: why is there no promised effect? Where is the slim figure?

What exactly is a Goji berry? Let's see what Wikipedia writes about Goji berries:

Common wolfberry, or Berber wolfberry (lat. Lýcium bárbarum) is a species of woody plants of the genus Lycium of the Solanaceae family. The popular name Wolfberry is quite common, and often refers to different types plants, see wolfberry. Contrary to popular belief, wolfberry is a collective name for a number of plants, not all of which have toxic properties. The common wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) is not poisonous; its fruits are often dried.

What? Wolfberry? Common wolfberry? Somehow it doesn’t fit the name of a miracle berry, does it? Moreover, the famous berry comes from the nightshade family, that is, it is a relative of ordinary potatoes and tomatoes. But, of course, marketers prefer to remain silent about this.

Are Goji berries really good for you? Is it true. Only the famous berry is as healthy as apples, or strawberries, or currants, or any other berry. There is no evidence of any particular benefits from Goji berries, and certainly these berries do not promote weight loss. No, of course, if you eat only Goji berries, you will really be able to lose weight - simply because there will be no more money left for food, and you will have to starve. And even more so, there is no evidence that this berry helps in the treatment of cancer. And if you really want to try the miracle berry, then try barberry - it looks the same and tastes similar. And barberry is just as healthy (or just as useless) as Goji berries, and costs much less.

Goji berry ( common wolfberry) or Lycium barbarum belongs to a group of plants with a common collective name " wolfberry" By the way, not all plants in this group have a toxic effect on humans - some of its species, like goji, have unique healing properties.

The goji berry is a perennial deciduous shrub (Solanaceae family) with lilac, purple or brown flowers and thin spines. When ripe, the berries acquire an oblong oval shape and a rich red color.

Asia is considered the birthplace of goji berries, namely the fertile lands of the mountain valleys of the Himalayas and Tibet. Today, the berry is distributed on the territory of almost all continents of the Earth: Eurasia, America, northern Africa and even Australia. But it should be noted that goji berries from the fertile lands of the Ningxia plateau (China) have the most beneficial properties. In this area, the land receives natural mineral-rich fertilizer - loess, which is brought from the mountains by the waters of the Yellow River.

Throughout the history of use by mankind, goji berries have been titled with various epithets, such as: “berry of love”, “source of longevity”, “berry of happiness”, “red diamond”, “paradise berry”, “fruit of desired longevity”, “ Tibetan barberry" And also, they assigned various popular names - “barbarian dereza”, darmoros, field jasmine, deribas, burr, etc.

A little history

There is a whole myth about why the common wolfberry in Asia is called the goji berry. The story happened during the Wars in the Ningxia province of Ancient China in the family of the peasant Gou Zi. When the head of the family was called to a long-term war against the invaders, Gou Zi's wife and mother were left without food, and hunger and death raged around them. They managed to survive only because Qi (the peasant's wife) collected berries from the thorny bushes that grew on the southern slope of Fragrant Mountain and used them in cooking.

Calorie content of goji berries

Amounts to 253 kcal per 100 grams.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Dangerous properties of goji berries

It is not recommended to use goji berries in the diet or use medicines based on them in case of individual intolerance to this plant. Also, it is contraindicated during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and children under three years of age.

When you visit any health food store, you will certainly come across goji berries. They are included in a huge range food products, dietary supplements, teas and much more. Indeed, goji fruits have a lot of beneficial properties and have positive influence on our body. Today we will take a closer look at this product and determine what the real benefits of goji berries are, and which of the properties of this plant are exaggerated.

The fruits of the common wolfberry, Berber wolfberry (lat. Lycium barbarum) or Chinese wolfberry (lat. Lycium chinense) are called goji berries. All these species of woody plants are combined into the genus Dereza ( Lycium) family Solanaceae ( Solanaceae). Represent perennial shrub with a well-developed root system. It can reach a height of up to 3.5 m. During flowering, it emits a pleasant aroma that attracts bees that collect pollen and nectar. The berries have a sour or sweet-sour taste.

Goji berry plantation

Sometimes goji is called " wolfberry" However, this is a collective name for various berries with toxic properties that goji does not have. Dereza is not poisonous, and its seeds are often dried and used in medicinal purposes.

The historical homeland of the plant is Asia: China (provinces of Shanxi, Sichuan, Hebei, Gansu, Xinjiang), Mongolia. Dereza is cultivated everywhere, including in Russia and the CIS countries. The most prized goji berries are those grown in Tibet and the Himalayas. This berry has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years and has recently gained popularity in the Western world.

Vitamins and minerals in goji berries

The beneficial properties of goji berries, which are often called a “superfood,” are due to their fairly high content of vitamins and minerals, including:

Goji berries are naturally rich nutrients
  • vitamin C;
  • fiber;
  • iron;
  • vitamin A;
  • zinc;
  • 18 amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • betaine.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for the production of collagen. This protein compound is found in our bones, teeth and connective tissue. Vitamin C is not accumulated or stored in the body, so we must consume it through food in large quantities. also essential for healthy bones, tissues and skin, and supports normal twilight vision. Vitamins C are powerful antioxidants and support strong immunity.

Fiber(dietary fiber) is necessary for our digestive system because it is a substrate for development. Among other things, fiber perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins.

Iron, zinc and selenium are powerful stimulants of the immune system, affecting energy production and metabolism. Iron is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, the main transport compound of red blood cells, which is capable of carrying oxygen. Zinc plays great importance for healthy skin, hair and nails. Selenium exhibits pronounced antioxidant properties and helps maintain normal activity nervous system.

Antioxidants Goji berries help remove free radicals from organs and tissues. Essentially, such radicals are waste products that are produced in our body as a byproduct. They are chemically aggressive compounds and have a destructive effect on all nearby cells. As a result, the risk of developing cancer increases.

There is a special scale ( ORAC ) to assess the antioxidant activity of products, according to which goji berries occupy a leading position among all food products. For example, according to the ORAC scale: apple – 2.568 points, raisins – 3.406 points, goji – 4.31 points, pomegranate – 4.479 points, blueberries – 4.633 points (the higher the score, the more healthy the product).

The US Department of Health has recommended that everyone take approximately 5,000 ORAC units of antioxidants daily. Scientific research confirmed: “Young people, as well as middle-aged people, can reduce their risk of susceptibility to age-related diseases, including progressive brain damage, simply by adding foods with high ORAC values ​​to their daily diet.”

Antioxidant content of various foods (ORAC points. Part of the scale is presented as of August 2017).

Zeaxanthin classified as carotenoids that can improve the condition of the retina. Thanks to this, goji maintains the health of the macula (the yellow spot in the retina) and prevents the appearance of age-related degenerative vision disorders.

Betaine is extremely important for the formation of a full-fledged cell membrane, since it is an activator of the synthesis of membrane phospholipids. It also reduces homocysteine ​​levels. It has been established that high level This amino acid increases the risk of blood clots and stroke.

Health benefits of goji berries

In traditional Chinese medicine, dried fruits are used to treat wet dreams, pain in the lumbar and pelvic region, headaches and dizziness, and amblyopia. They have a general strengthening and tonic effect due to natural vitamins and minerals that nature itself has collected for humans.

Beneficial properties of goji berries:

How to take goji berries

Thanks to a range of health-improving effects, the fruits of the plant are included in many recipes - from teas to cosmetics. Let's consider several options for using goji. It should be noted that not only berries are used. The roots of wolfberry are also used for medicinal purposes.

For weight loss. The fight against extra pounds is carried out with the help of infusion. To do this, pour 200 (1 cup) boiling water over one tablespoon of berries (15-20 mg) and cover with a lid. Leave for at least 30 minutes. Drink ½ glass every day for 30 days.

To strengthen the nervous system and eliminate swelling. The product is prepared at the rate of one dessert spoon dry wolfberry roots (10-15 mg) per 300 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes over very low heat, then leave for at least 40 minutes. Take 250 ml 4-5 times a day daily until the swelling is eliminated and the functioning of the nervous system is restored.

Goji soup to strengthen the immune system. 100 grams of dry berries are soaked in cold water 15-20 minutes. After this, grind the soaked berries, 2 fresh tomatoes, one small onion, 1-2 sweet bell peppers, ½ cup water, salt and olive oil to taste. After chopping, the soup should be refrigerated for 90 minutes. Then the dish can be warmed up a little, seasoned with grated feta cheese (or any other cheese you wish), herbs and spices.

Goji milkshake used to restore strength after heavy physical activity or sports training. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of berries into 1 liter. milk with low fat content, cover with a lid and leave in a cold place for 30-60 minutes. Then beat until smooth in a blender. If desired, you can add mint or cinnamon to the cocktail.

Among other things, dry goji berries are added to meat, casseroles, confectionery and cereals. They complement herbal teas, preparing jelly.

Goji berries in cosmetics

IN lately Skin care products containing goji berry extract are gaining popularity. Due to the high content of the antioxidant beta-carotene (provitamin A), such products increase skin protection from ultraviolet radiation and fight the aggression of free radicals. Vitamin C, which wolfberry fruits are also rich in, increases collagen production and has a rejuvenating and tightening effect.

Criticism of goji berries

Despite the rich and nutritious composition of the berries, there are a number of critical points that are worthy of attention. Firstly, exists " folk wisdom“that the best healing effect comes from those fruits and berries that grew in their native land - where a person was born and raised. And overseas fruits do not bring particular benefits to the body, since they grew on different soil, which chemical composition cast from the native one.

Our opinion: Scientists actually say that the human body and its enzyme systems adapt to the food that grows in the territory that is native and familiar from childhood. By the way, dereza grows well in middle lane Russia.

Therefore, if you have such a tree on your site or you see “local” goji berries on sale, then it is better to give preference to them rather than those brought from abroad. Otherwise, you can use imported berries - most likely they will be a little less healthy, but they will definitely not cause harm to your body (if they were grown on chemically pure soil).

Secondly, At the beginning of the 21st century in the USA, Canada, some European and CIS countries, goji berries began to be aggressively advertised as a “cure for all diseases.” They were credited with miraculous properties, allegedly due to the unique concentration of trace elements and antioxidants. For example, it was claimed that goji juice can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 75%.

Our opinion: After close medical study by doctors in the USA and Canada, as well as widespread public use, the berries were never given an official title " universal medicine" Yes, they are rich in useful substances, but relying only on berries in the fight against serious diseases is an extreme misconception.

Goji berries harm and contraindications

Plant-based foods, if they are grown in environmentally friendly areas, extremely rarely have negative impact on human health. Harm to berries (like any other vegetables and fruits) can only appear when toxic substances accumulate in the plant, for example, heavy metals or pesticides.

A conditional contraindication for starting systematic consumption of berries may be taking blood thinners, antihypertensive drugs, and antidiabetic drugs. In rare cases, it has been noted that goji berries reduce the effectiveness of drug therapy. In other cases, it has been observed that lower doses of drugs together with goji have an excellent therapeutic effect on the patient. As they say, if you don’t try, you won’t know.

Sometimes goji fruits can cause allergic reactions (usually urticaria). In this case, you should stop using berries.

Overall, goji berries are an excellent natural product for maintaining health and maintaining vitality. Berries are rich in vitamins and other nutrients. However, one should not rely on their healing omnipotence. Add them to your daily diet, use cosmetics with goji extract - this will allow you to maintain health, beauty longer and maybe even prevent the occurrence of certain diseases.

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