What is grinding of facade plaster? Grinding plaster - what is it? How to properly grind plaster on a wall? Grinding the plaster of a brick wall

Over time, interior spaces undergo wear and tear in the form of cracks and swelling of plastered coatings. Regrinding plaster is a renewal of a worn-out layer of surface coating, without replacing the entire finishing layer. The surfaces are restored in stages. Economically, this type of repair is beneficial. Consumption building materials costs for restoration work are reduced, and the time required to complete them is reduced compared to a full-scale renovation.

Reasons for interior renovations

The first sign of impending home renovation is a piece of loose or swollen plaster. There are many reasons:

  1. the building has shrunk;
  2. wall coverings were damaged mechanically;
  3. low quality of building materials used.

There is only one result - it’s time to get ready to grind the old finishing layer of the walls or ceiling.

Fragment of wall in need of grinding

Preparation begins with acquiring the necessary tools. Various tools are involved in repair operations: a trowel, a plaster float. Using a trowel and a board with a handle, called a trowel, the resulting defects on the surface of the wall are removed. The grater makes the surface perfectly smooth and beautiful. Graters come in different configurations depending on what work they are intended for.

Modern Building tools have advantages:

  • light in weight;
  • convenient to use;
  • durable;
  • variety of grater working area;
  • affordable price.

The putty must be rubbed down with special additional devices, including meshes coated with an abrasive coating. In each case, the grater and the corresponding device in the form of meshes are selected according to the size of the cells.

Grinding of plaster is the grinding of an old layer of plaster.

Plastered coatings are rubbed down if the main area of ​​the coating has been preserved and is suitable for use. To prevent the new thin layer of mortar from collapsing, it is qualitatively compared with the base.

A preliminary assessment of the condition of the surfaces is carried out, the causes of damage and the scope of upcoming work are determined. Technological reasons are the result of violations associated with the preparation of the solution or finishing techniques:

  1. An incorrectly prepared solution or a violation of technology lead to the destruction of the finishing top layer and the plaster falling off in pieces.
  2. Unslaked pieces of lime introduced into the mixture create the preconditions for the appearance of blisters.
  3. Poor mixing of solutions and rapid drying of the plaster lead to the formation of cracks.

To avoid technology violations, it is necessary to comply with all technical standards, the ratio of constituent substances at the time of preparing a homogeneous mass.

Rules for identifying defects:

  1. Old wallpaper, paint or whitewash are removed.
  2. Visible damage is divided into categories: a) with cleaning to a slight depth of up to 0.15 cm and grouting with mortar; b) areas with large defects (delaminations, rust, microorganisms, salt deposits).
  3. By tapping on the wall, the damaged area will be revealed.

Pay attention to the strength of the composition of the first layer. A thorough inspection of the entire surface, identifying areas that require replacement.

Preparation for grinding

Grinding plaster interior spaces carried out after preparatory work:

  • Treatment of small cracks using deep impregnation to strengthen the surface; after drying, it is covered with paint of a thick dispersion composition.
  • Larger cracks are sealed special mixture, which contains cement and PCI emulsion or PVA glue. Apply the mixture with a brush.

Cracking occurs cement plaster in new buildings or buildings erected on sites with unstable soils. Here shrinkage occurs unevenly, structures are tested internal tension, which causes large and deep cracks.

These flaws are repaired using a different technology:

  • Repairing cracks and removing weak plastered areas occurs mechanically using a hammer and chisel.
  • Dust and dirt are removed.
  • The prepared area is treated with a solution with the addition of fine gravel or pieces of crushed brick.
  • Grouting of the treated area on the working surface is carried out.

The joints of the new and old coating are treated with paint and rubbed down. To avoid the appearance of bumps and indentations, the joints are carefully smoothed. The treated area is moistened with a damp brush. The plaster repairs in the corners of the room are also carefully done.

Corner processing:

  • prepare a gypsum mixture;
  • in the corners the old coating is removed;
  • seams are cleaned;
  • the surface is wetted;
  • fresh solution is applied to the corner surface;
  • left to harden;
  • Place a wet board on the surface close to the old coating.

Grinding solution

To the question of what grinding interior plaster is and what needs to be done to ensure that the work is done efficiently, the answer is this: first prepare the solution correctly.

It is important to maintain proportions:

  • For 1 part of lime dough, take 1 part of prepared (sifted) sand;
  • add water in an amount corresponding to the thick consistency.

The thick consistency of the solution tightly fills the voids of the cracks, giving a thin layer of overlay on the old coating. Thoroughly cleaned areas are repaired with a solution similar to the initially applied layer. Narrow cracks are sealed with a more liquid solution with acrylic or chalk additives. The dried layer with the addition of gypsum requires subsequent primer.

Work technology:

  • Dry the areas where defects have been repaired.
  • Take a wooden grater designed for finishing.
  • Moisten the finishing surface with water.
  • Place the prepared rubbing mixture on a grater.
  • Apply the solution evenly over the surface using circular movements.
  • Wait until it dries under natural conditions (without temperature fluctuations, technical hair dryers).
  • Start sanding the walls.

Pay attention to points of contact with communication systems installed indoors. To prevent the outer finishing layer from cracking, a gap is left between foreign structures and the wall, which is filled with acrylic composite materials.

It is important to periodically moisten the solution during grinding.

Refinishing interior plaster is a small, comprehensive restoration of the exterior.


Individual construction and industrial structures are equipped with plaster finishing of the surfaces of walls, ceilings, and stoves. Often, for safety reasons, heat-resistant materials are used during finishing. Fireproof mixtures are used by owners of country houses and country houses.

Services fire safety five types of solutions that are thermally stable are considered. Modern construction widely uses the properties of such materials in design. Finishing of facades, interior design of premises for various purposes.

The plastering process differs in that special substances are introduced into the solution. But a reliable and durable layer of plaster undergoes wear and tear. In such a situation, grinding the plaster, what is it? It turns out that this common work is done using a felt or polyurethane trowel, generously wetting the surface. Technological methods are known: cleaning the surface, eliminating damage, applying a new restoration layer, drying and careful operation.


Modern residential and industrial construction has developed new technological methods for restoring worn-out parts and structures. Popular finishing using cement-sand, gypsum mixtures with various fillers allows for partial restoration of surfaces. The method of grinding plaster is successful here.

Grinding the plaster is a mandatory step in any plastering works, the further consumption of putty and the speed of painting finishing processes depend on its quality. If the wall is polished with high quality, then it is much easier to achieve high level repairing walls, so today we will tell you how to properly grind plaster, and what tool should be used for this.

Preparing for work.

Grinding is the application and smoothing of the top plaster layer, which helps create a smooth texture on the walls. You can grind the old coating (for the purpose of cosmetic renewal) and fresh mortar (lime-gypsum, lime-cement, lime-polymer). Depending on the material, grinding is performed using metal spatulas and polishers, as well as felt, foam and polyurethane graters.

It is important to cover the windows with film before plastering work and flooring(relevant when renovating an old room in which the coating was not dismantled).

Many owners have appreciated the advantages in this case; they can offer such windows with a different number of profile chambers and double-glazed windows, while the price for them is affordable. When carrying out plastering work, in particular when grinding, it is necessary to cover not only the window frame, but also the glass, because the plaster can scratch it, and replacing a double-glazed window will cost a tidy sum.


Grinding of old plaster should be done only after checking the base for peeling and swelling; if there are any, then the old layer in places of defects is removed, a fresh solution is applied, and only after that you can begin to apply the top layer.

If a classic lime-cement composition is used for repairs, then for grinding it is sifted and diluted to the consistency of sour cream, after which the surface is moistened and the plaster is applied to the wall with a trowel or trowel, excess mortar is removed, and it is processed with a polyurethane or felt float. The thickness of the layer is 3-5 mm, and it is ground with circular or longitudinal movements of the hand until a smooth and uniform texture is formed.

You can work on “fresh” plaster without wetting, using a polyurethane float.

If ready-made mixtures with fine grains are used, then apply the solution in a layer of up to 4 mm using a metal spatula or trowel, and then grind it with the same tool with a wide range of hand movements. Wetting the surface in this case is necessary only if the base is strongly absorbed.

Dmitry Shekhovtsev

Grinding plaster - what is it? Surely every master finisher knows the answer to this question. But those who are faced with the need to restore the finish for the first time will need to study this issue more carefully. Therefore, our article, first of all, will be aimed at beginners, although experienced craftsmen They will definitely find something useful for themselves in it.

What is grinding?

Grinding plaster is the process of restoring the leveling layer without dismantling it. In other words, during the grinding process, the cracks and crevices that have formed over time are simply covered with a new layer of mortar, trying to do this as thinly as possible.

Important! Subject to compliance with the work rules, this technology makes it possible to extend the service life of the coating for several more years.

Preparatory work

The success of the restoration will depend on how efficiently and accurately all operations are performed. That is why almost every instruction begins with a description of preparation.

Preliminary surface cleaning

First, it’s worth telling how to properly prepare the surface for subsequent restoration. The main problem for the plaster layer is cracks. In order for the solution used for restoration to penetrate into them as deeply as possible, the cracks will have to be expanded:

  • Use a strong straight-bladed knife or a special paint spatula. Using a knife, cut the edges of the crack at an angle of 45 degrees, and try to do this in such a way that small depressions form under the surface.

Important! The depth of the cut will depend on general condition surface: small defects can be expanded by about 10-15 mm, but large old cracks should be deepened to the full thickness of the plaster layer.

  • After jointing, clean all cavities from dust and moisten generously with water.

Important! Instead of water, you can use a penetrating primer, but the cost of work in this case will naturally increase.

  • In parallel with filling the existing cracks, prepare the gaps between the plinth (baguette) and the wall. Clean the gap with a putty knife or knife, picking out debris and pieces of plaster. Be sure to moisten the cavity or treat it with a primer.
  • Remove rust stains by cutting the plaster mixture down to the base. If the stain is of low intensity, the plaster can be left, however, this area will have to be sanded for further leveling.

Repair of defects

After all the cracks have been sewn out and the seams have been thoroughly cleaned, you can proceed to the repair work:

  • Fill large recesses with a thick repair compound. In this case, try to press the solution into the crack with force so that there is no cavity left inside.
  • Fill thinner cracks with liquid mortar. For these purposes, you can use acrylic, which, after drying, can remain elastic. Also, instead of acrylic, to eliminate minor defects, you can use a mixture of two parts chalk with one part plaster.

Important! If used for repair gypsum composition, then it is necessary to perform priming on top of the leveled layer.

  • Also fill the gap between the molding and the wall with mortar, driving it inside with a spatula. To avoid damaging the baseboard material, cover it with polyethylene or seal it with masking tape.
  • Also take care of the contact points between the plaster layer and communications, for example, metal pipes and ventilation ducts. To prevent cracks from recurring, seal all gaps with acrylic sealant.

When the composition used to eliminate defects polymerizes, you can proceed to grinding.

Performing grinding

After you have understood the question of what grinding of interior plaster is, how it is done preparatory work, you can go to direct process its implementation.

Preparation of the solution

Often, restoration of the plaster layer is done using the same compounds that were used to level the wall. As for the grinding mixture itself, it must contain sand. It is best that it be sifted, with a grain size of no more than 1 mm.

Prepare the solution in the following proportions:

  • Sifted sand - 1 part.
  • Lime dough - 1 part.
  • Water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

Important! If you need to grout a large area, then it is advisable to prepare the solution in small portions. The point is that the resulting composition may set, and then the quality of the restored surface will be worse than using a fresh mixture.

Recovery procedure

After the solution is ready, you can proceed to grinding the plaster with your own hands:

  • Use a wooden plaster float for the job. You can also use a felt or thick felt pad to improve the quality of the surface.
  • Before starting work, dampen the wall over an area of ​​about 2 square meters. m.
  • Grate the prepared solution and apply it to the leveling surface.

Important! For the best quality of processing, apply in a checkerboard pattern with an interval between strokes of approximately 15-20 cm.

  • Re-wet the surface using a cloth dampened with water or a spray bottle.
  • Place the float flat on the wall and rub the surface using circular motions. At the same time, try to evenly distribute the solution over the entire area, achieving the most even layer possible.

Important! If during the work process old plaster is exposed in some areas, then add a little grinding mixture there.

  • Grout until all areas are completely level. At the same time, make sure that during the work you do not damage the ceiling plinths.
  • Since the applied layer has a minimum thickness, dry it as carefully as possible, and only under natural conditions. During the drying process, protect the surface from temperature changes, drafts and mechanical influences.

Important! After the surface has dried, remove surface defects by sanding. Accumulations of sand grains and small deposits can be removed with a brick or wooden block, then rub this area with fine-grain sandpaper.

Plastering work is a mandatory part overhaul home, since in the vast majority of cases it is necessary either to completely change the wall covering, or to grind the plaster.

If the old layer of material has completely become unusable, it is removed manually or using a puncher, then a new coating is applied and ground at the finishing stage. However, it is often enough to update the walls, after which painting and finishing operations can be carried out - this reduces the financial and time costs of the owners.

Grinding of the gypsum composition is carried out using metal spatulas. 40-60 cm wide or with a special trowel, and the lime plaster of the walls is treated at the final stage with a polyurethane or felt float. If it is necessary to perfectly align the internal corners, the vertical line is first cut with a plaster cutter, after which the corners are ground together with the walls.

Plaster grinding technology

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare not only the plaster, but also -

  1. - Plastic container for the mixture,
  2. — A felt-covered grater or a polyurethane grinding tool,
  3. - Swing hand
  4. — Protective gloves for plastering.


The final grinding of Rotband plaster is not carried out using a fresh composition. When working with Rotband, you first need to wait until the mixture has completely set on the wall, after which the surface is generously wetted and the plaster is applied and smoothed with a spatula (scraper) using hand movements with maximum amplitude. The composition for work should be more liquid than for the first layer, and it must be mixed in a limited volume by hand or with a mixer. The layer thickness is 2-3 mm; only a metal tool is used for work.

Lime plaster

Grinding of lime plaster is done with a polyurethane or felt trowel, the first being used when grouting with fresh mortar, and the second after it has set. When working with a polyurethane float on a fresh solution, you should not wet the wall too much, but when grinding an already set mixture, the surface is moistened with plenty of water. During operation, the tool moves in a circle with an average degree of pressure against the base of the wall.

If it is necessary to grind old plaster without leveling it, it is optimal to use a gypsum compound and a metal spatula or a stainless steel trowel. First, the old coating is cleared of the paint layer, then it is primed and after that it can be grouted with a gypsum mixture.

In the process of finishing grinding the plaster, a smooth and even texture of the wall is created, which reduces further putty consumption, which is economical, because the putty mixture is more expensive than the plaster composition.

Questions and answers

Is it true that when grinding, than more water, all the better?

Yes, but only when working with a dried covering layer, if you start to wet the fresh solution abundantly, it will simply “flow” and you will have to wait for it to dry. If work is in progress metal tool with gypsum plaster of the Rotband type, then only the base under the covering layer and the tool are wetted.

If you press the grater harder against the wall, does the water get squeezed out and the work goes faster?

If you press the grater too hard during the grinding process, you will “knock out” holes in the surface and will have to trim the wall again and apply another layer of covering. The float pressure should be floating depending on the degree of drying of the surface.

Almost every master finisher knows what grinding plaster is. But those who are faced with the issue of restoring the finish for the first time will have to study this issue more carefully. And our article will be aimed primarily at beginners, although experienced specialists will be able to find something useful in it.

Preparatory work

Preliminary surface cleaning

Grinding of plaster is the process of restoring the leveling layer without dismantling it. In other words, during grinding we simply cover up the cracks and cracks that have formed over time with a new layer of mortar, while trying to make it as thin as possible. Provided that all work rules are followed, this technology makes it possible to extend the service life of the coating for several more years.

The success of the restoration depends on how carefully all operations are carried out. That's why almost every instruction begins with a description of preparation.

We will not make an exception, and we will tell you how to properly prepare the surface for restoration:

  • The main problem for the plaster layer is cracks. In order for the solution used for restoration to penetrate into them as deeply as possible, the cracks must be expanded.
  • To do this, use a strong, sharp knife with a straight blade, or a special one. Using a knife, we cut off the edges of the crack at 45 0, and we do this so that a small depression is formed under the surface.

  • The depth of the cut depends on the condition of the surface: small defects can be filled out by 10-15 mm, but old and large cracks are deepened to the full thickness of the plaster layer.
  • After jointing, clean all cavities from dust and moisten them generously with water.

Advice! Instead of water, you can use a penetrating primer, but the cost of work in this case will naturally increase.

  • In parallel with filling the cracks, we prepare the gaps between the wall and the baguette (plinth). We clean the gap with a knife or spatula, picking out debris and fragments of plaster from there. The cavity must be moistened or treated with a primer.
  • We remove rust stains by cutting off the plaster mixture to the base. If the stain is of low intensity, the plaster can be left, but the area must be sanded for further leveling.

Repair of defects

After all the cracks have been repaired and the seams have been cleaned, you can begin the repair work:

  • We fill large depressions with a thick repair compound. In this case, we press the solution into the crack with force so that no cavities remain inside.

  • Thin cracks can be filled with a liquid solution. However, it is much more convenient to use acrylic for this purpose, which remains elastic after drying.
  • Instead of acrylic, to eliminate minor defects, you can use a mixture of 2 parts chalk with 1 part plaster.

Advice! If a gypsum repair compound is used, then a primer over the leveled layer is mandatory.

  • We also fill the gap between the wall and the baseboard with the solution, hammering it inside with a spatula. To avoid damaging the molding material, cover it with polyethylene or seal it with masking tape.
  • It is also necessary to take care of the contact points between the plaster layer and communications, for example, ventilation ducts and metal pipes. To avoid re-formation of cracks, seal all gaps with acrylic sealant.

When the composition used to eliminate defects has polymerized, you can begin grinding.

Performing grinding

Making the solution

As a rule, restoration of the plaster layer is carried out using the same compounds that were used to level the wall. As for the grinding mixture itself, it must include sand. The best choice is sifted, with a grain size of no more than 1 mm.

Prepare the solution in the following proportions:

  • Lime dough – 1 part.
  • Sifted sand – 1 part.
  • Water until the consistency of thick sour cream is reached.

Note! If you need to grout a large area, then it is better to prepare the solution in several portions. The thing is that the resulting composition can set, and then the quality of the restored surface will be significantly lower than when using a fresh mixture.

Recovery procedure

Grinding the plaster layer with your own hands is done according to the following algorithm:

  • We use it for work. To improve the quality of the surface, you can use a pad made of thick felt or felt.

  • Before starting work, we wet the wall over an area of ​​about two square meters.
  • The solution prepared according to the above scheme is scooped onto a grater and applied to the surface to be leveled. For best quality Application processing is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, with an interval between strokes of 15-20 cm.
  • Re-wet the surface using a spray bottle or a rag moistened with water.
  • Place the grater flat on the wall and rub the surface in a circular motion. In this case, it is necessary to evenly distribute the solution over the entire area, trying to achieve the most even layer possible.

Advice! If old plaster is exposed in some areas during the work, add a small amount of grinding mixture there.

  • We continue grouting until all areas are level. At the same time, we make sure that during the work we do not damage the ceiling moldings, polished baseboards, etc.
  • Since the applied layer has minimum thickness, it must be dried carefully, and only under natural conditions. During the drying process, the surface should be protected from mechanical influences, drafts and temperature changes.

After drying is complete, surface defects are eliminated by grinding. Small deposits and accumulations of sand grains can be cleaned off with a hard wooden block or brick, and then rub the area with fine sandpaper.


The technology presented in the article makes it possible to restore the plaster layer of facades and interiors with minimal costs finances and time. Naturally, this can only be realized if the plaster layer is sufficiently different, and only redecorating ().

If you plan to try this technique in practice, we recommend that you study the video in this article before starting work.

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