Decorative ponds at the dacha. Methods for arranging and beautifully decorating a pond at the dacha Decorative pond

A decorative pond in a dacha is the dream of every gardener, because nothing is more soothing than murmuring water and swaying water lilies on the surface of the water. There are several types of reservoirs various forms and sizes - choosing the most suitable design for your site, you can start arranging it.

Below you will find out where it is best to place a reservoir on the site, what is the technology for constructing an artificial reservoir and get necessary recommendations for arranging it in your garden.

Where to place an artificial pond on the site

A pond will decorate any garden. Water gives the garden uniqueness and comfort.

Often the first thing that is planned when arranging a garden is a garden pond. But in order for it, your little pond, to be the most beautiful, its arrangement and location must be considered. By the way, there may be more than one pond. If you like the idea of ​​water in the garden, then there may be more than one body of water on the site, but several. Everything is in your hands.

The favorable location enhances its effectiveness. It is better to arrange a decorative pond where you can admire it for a long time, and this happens mainly in recreation areas or in the front area of ​​the site. If you have one pond, it is best to place it where it will be visible from anywhere in the garden, at least partially.

Pay attention to the photo: a decorative pond is especially good where it has a beautiful reflection. Try to position the waterway so that it reflects some decorative garden objects or beautiful plants.

A suitable place for a stream or cascade is natural or artificial terrain. For a stream, a very slight slope is enough, but for a cascade you will have to try.

Construction of a reservoir at the highest point of the site is unprofitable. Nobody sees him there, and your efforts will be wasted. And such an artery will dry out much faster. The construction of a reservoir on a site is most optimal where there is a decrease in relief. It should not be completely in the sun or in deep shade (here the water is less decorative, and it will bloom in the sun). Best place- partial shade.

The place for constructing a decorative pond should not be under deciduous trees or close to them, as well as large shrubs. Falling leaves will pollute the pond, and tree roots can damage the pond bed.

Pond design

There are many types of artificial ponds and you can choose ideal option for your garden.

The design of a reservoir-pond is the simplest and most acceptable for almost all areas - it is a reservoir of any size, imitating a natural one in appearance, and emphatically decorative. As a rule, it is drawn up natural materials And a large number plants, including many natural ones, natural species, characteristic of the coastal zone of ponds. Aquatic plants that grow at different depths are also used, depending on the depth of the particular pond. A garden pond is a body of water that is admired, a composition on a natural theme.

A reservoir of any design has three essential parameters: size, shape, depth. Naturally, the concept of “depth” does not apply to “dry” reservoirs.

Decorative ponds in the garden with moving water

Decorative ponds in the garden with moving water are streams and cascades; they look better on the terrain; channels are also great for flat areas.

Streams and cascades are more “natural” in appearance, canals are more “architectural”. A canal differs from a stream in its size: it is wider, usually located on fairly flat terrain, and the water in it flows slowly. A cascade is a stream with “steps”; it looks like a natural waterfall.

The water in the cascades moves the fastest, and they “sound” - the noise of falling water is heard. Distinctive property The advantage of all bodies of water with moving water is that the water, as it circulates, gradually evaporates. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the volume of water and, if necessary, add it, especially on the hottest days.

Decorative pond-swamp at the dacha (with photo)

A decorative pond-swamp at the dacha is a stylish type of water artery with standing water. They are usually small in size. In appearance, they look like small and gently sloping ponds, their depth is from 15 to 30 cm. If you have a damp, low-lying area with nearby groundwater, then you can get such ponds without the use of technology: just dig a hole of the desired configuration, and wait for it to fill with water.

As you can see in the photo, a decorative swamp pond at a dacha is decorated with wild swamp plants, and stone is usually not used in the decorative design of such ponds.

Artificial pond “swamp flowerbed”

An artificial reservoir “swamp flower bed” is a small swamp, the depth of which is no more than 10 cm. This is precisely a flower bed; it is not designed mainly along the coastline, but is filled with the most decorative, preferably flowering, shallow-water and coastal plants.

A container pond is built in containers; it can be either small or quite large, it all depends on the container. But in any case, these containers are not comparable in size to a flower pot. An excellent option is a container made of fireclay or wood - naturally, with special impregnation and waterproofing. You can also cast a container for a mini-pond from concrete yourself, giving the still wet concrete some texture.

Garden fountains on the site

Garden fountains on the site are used in many landscape styles. They meet all safety requirements and are a relevant alternative when there is a small child in the family.

A large selection of fountains are available for sale. They can be decorative, self-sufficient, or “technical”, that is, for something, for example, for installation in a pond.

They happen different types- both submersible and floating. If your pond has aquatic plants, especially those floating on the surface of the water, choose fountains that do not splash water too much: this is harmful for such plants.

But a fountain is a water device that you can make yourself. The base will be, say, a large container or vase, into which you will then place a small pump. Installation of a purchased fountain consists of digging a water tank into the ground or placing it at the bottom of a container, and then decorating it with plants and stones: variegated pebbles or decorative gravel.

There are charming fountain figurines on sale. They can be in the form of gnomes, frogs, turtles, or they can be stylized as antique buckets with a cast iron tap. Such fountains are immediately noticeable; they can decorate any corner of the garden, a recreation area, a Japanese corner, a moss garden, and even a rose garden.

"Dry" decorative ponds

“Dry” decorative ponds are a separate group of reservoirs, representing the expression of water by any “non-aqueous” means. To create them, plants, stones or other, sometimes “non-standard” combinations are used.

For example: a flower “lake”, a “stream” of pebbles, or a “pond” of polyethylene film with glass pebbles sprinkled on it. With the help of perennial and annual flowers you can perfectly imitate flowing water, for example, you can make a “blue” flower garden. You should try to plant the flowers in “waves”; to do this, first mark the outline of future waves using pegs and rope, or a strip of flexible plastic. The selection of plants will be something like this: ageratum, salvia, forget-me-not, bluebells, delphiniums, aconite, clematis, irises, catnip, speedwell, sugar lungwort and hosta. Complete the composition with large shells, pebbles, and white sand. You need to make several such flower beds, they should flow into one another, and it would be good to make some of them so-called “monoflower beds” - that is, flower beds consisting of one type of flower.

It would be nice to build a pier made of boards or several separate bridges over the “water”. In addition to plants, water jets can be imitated using decorative colored crushed stone, and individual splashes can be imitated using blue and green glass pebbles. Place containers with plants in blue and terracotta colors everywhere on the site. Mirror balls in flower beds will reflect the garden “sea”. By the way, if this is the sea, then you can add ropes and a striped hammock to the overall picture. Sea foam can be expressed by group plantings of cineraria, and above the “foam”, strengthen the figurine of a dolphin. If you want to express the image of a stream, then plant blue ones (or, on the contrary, a bright flower mixture) in the form of a stream bed, and the banks will be a lawn or light sea pebbles. A stylish solution is to decorate your “pond” with a small decorative bridge.

A new, fashionable version of “dry” ponds without water are “ponds” made of black polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is beautiful, multifunctional, lightweight and inexpensive material. But you are probably familiar with only one of its varieties - transparent polycarbonate for greenhouses. But a new product - black polycarbonate allows you to amazingly accurately imitate bodies of water. You just need to cut out a “mirror” of a pond of any size and shape from this polycarbonate - and just put it where you need it.

And then - decorate the “coastline”. Another good thing about black polycarbonate is that such “reservoirs” can be installed anywhere, for example, on a terrace, on wooden flooring, on the podium, or in places where the construction of a real reservoir is impossible in principle.

Artificial pond size

The larger the mirror, the more spectacular a body of water is. The maximum size of an artificial decorative pond is, in principle, unlimited. The size of the plot has little influence on the choice of the size of the reservoir. Proportionality is rather a criterion for architecture, and “natural” objects can be of any size.

For harmonious perception, a body of water should not occupy less than 1/5 of the area that you see simultaneously with this body of water. Since you can see the pond from different parts of the garden and you will have a lot of such “pictures”, be guided by the largest “picture”.

In order for there to be no technical problems with such a standing reservoir, the quality of the water in it is good, and it retains its decorative value throughout the season, its minimum area should be 3 sq.m., there is no point in arranging a smaller one, since with a smaller area there is no is happening natural cleansing reservoir

If a body of water has a fountain or waterfall (the water moves), then it may have dimensions slightly below the minimum.

The shape of a decorative pond on the site

The shape of the decorative pond on the site should repeat (approximately, of course) the shape of the most commonly used planning lines of the site.

Bizarre shapes on the site look bad: some of this whimsicality is not visible, and some of it looks “overdone.” Choose a simple, natural shape: a shape slightly curved at one or two points: oval, slightly elongated, slightly widened or narrowed. If there are more than two bends and other features, it already looks unnatural.

Choosing depth when constructing reservoirs in the country

The choice of depth when constructing reservoirs at the dacha does not matter for its effectiveness. You only need to take into account the practical component (so that the pond looks clean, does not dry out, and perhaps plants can be planted in it). A small pond should have a depth of 30 to 50 cm. If you want to put fish in it, even more, at least 80 cm. If you do not want to drain the water for the winter, your pond must be frost-free, otherwise damage to its base is inevitable. In this case, decorative ponds on the site must have a depth of at least 1.2 m.

Technology for constructing an artificial pond in the garden

Whatever variety you choose, constructing a pond in the garden can be done according to different technologies. The choice depends on the specific conditions of the site and your wishes for the pond.

It makes sense to use this technology if you have planned a large reservoir, but your site is on a slope, or you have unstable soils. Also, this technology for constructing an artificial pond is suitable if you need to make a clear, neat shape, regardless of whether it is geometric or arbitrary, if you want to arrange terraces for plants.

The sequence of constructing a reservoir on the site

When constructing a reservoir on a site, the following sequence should be observed:

1. Using a rope or flexible hose, “lay out” the outline of the pond on the ground. At this stage, examine the contours of your future pond from all “viewpoints” of the garden; correcting the unfortunate outline will be difficult later.

2. Having “approved” the outline of the pond, they dig a pit of the required depth.

3. Install waterproofing.

4. Lay a layer of concrete.

5. Lay the metal reinforcing mesh, pressing it into the concrete.

6. Cover again with a layer of concrete approximately 5 cm thick.

The pond is especially beautiful with lighting. Electrical wiring must be provided at the excavation stage.

small pond able to decorate and diversify any suburban area. And it will be even more pleasant if you build such a pond with your own hands. This may seem difficult, but with good instructions there shouldn't be any problems.

A floating school of decorative fish is the best decoration for a pond

Traditionally, work begins with preparatory activities.

Stage 1. Deciding on the location and size

First, we decide on the place where the decorative pond will be located. To do this, we take into account the following points:

  • there should be no trees nearby, as their roots can damage the bottom of the structure, and their leaves can clog the water;
  • the place should be open and illuminated by the sun for at least 6 hours a day (this will increase the intensity of algae reproduction without infringing on terrestrial plants);
  • if possible, it is advisable to leave space for future expansion of the pond;
  • The area of ​​the reservoir should not exceed 3% of the entire site.

In a word, than smaller area, the easier it is to carry out construction work. In terms of depth, we divide the reservoir into three levels:

  • for plants near the shore;
  • shallow water for winter-hardy water lily;
  • a recess in which fish will winter (if we breed them).

Pay attention! It is undesirable to make the reservoir too deep - it is enough to make a depth of 1.6-1.8 meters (that is, below the soil freezing level). The burial area should not exceed a fifth of the entire pond.

Stage 2. Deciding on the material

There are quite a lot of materials that can serve as the basis for a decorative pond, but the most popular of them are the options below.

Due to the fact that the construction of a decorative pond from a mold is unlikely to cause any difficulties, we will consider in more detail the second construction option.

Stage 3. Prepare consumables

The work will require:

  • PVC film;
  • roofing felt;
  • round stones;
  • rope;
  • stone slabs;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • bricks;
  • fine gravel.

Having prepared everything you need, we proceed to the next stage.

Stage 4. Digging a pit

Step 1. First, we create a scale sketch of the future reservoir, indicating the size and width of the curtains (shelves for plants, that is, the upper stage of the structure). This will help avoid possible difficulties not only during construction, but also when planting.

We also think about the accent of the composition - a large original stone, for example, a sculpture or just a tree.

Step 2. Using a rope or sand, we outline the expected contour of the reservoir. We make sure to check that all the banks are at the same level, and then use a shovel to cut the turf along the perimeter of the pond.

Step 3. Now let's start the excavation work. First, we dig a pit to the depth of the first level (about 30-40 cm) and mark a line from which we will dig down to the second level (90 cm). Next, we create the deepest level (up to 1.8 meters, if we plan to breed fish), and extract the last portion of soil.

Pay attention! It is recommended to regularly check the level of the banks while digging a pit. If there is no water level of the appropriate length, you can take a simple long board and attach a 50-centimeter device to it.

Step 4. To dig a reservoir, it is advisable to use the services of specialists in this kind of work, accompanied by a small excavator, because this work is quite difficult. But if you decided to do this stage of the work yourself, then you should be prepared for the fact that moisture will accumulate in the pit and you will have to dig in dirty slurry. To remove water, you can use a pump (but only one specifically designed for pumping liquid with solid particles). You can dig another hole nearby to dump water into.

Step 5. Carefully inspect the bottom of the finished pit for branches, sharp stones and anything that could damage the film. We check the horizontality of the banks and, if necessary, level them.

Step 6. We dig a ditch 20 cm deep along the perimeter of the pond to fix the film. Then, using a rope, we measure the dimensions to determine required size films, add 0.5 m on each side.

When carrying out excavation work, you may encounter the problem of where to put the earth from the hole. An excellent solution to this problem is to raise the level of the site by evenly distributing the soil over the entire area of ​​the garden. Another option is possible - to use the land to build an alpine slide.

Stage 5. Lay the film

Step 1. Cover the bottom of the pit with a 15-centimeter sand “cushion” and compact it thoroughly.

Step 2. To protect the PVC film from damage, lay a layer of roofing felt (laying is done with an overlap).

Step 3. Cover the bowl of the reservoir with film. We do this freely, with a small margin along the banks. We press the ends of the film with bricks.

Pay attention! To increase the elasticity of the film, it is advisable to lay it on a sunny day - under the influence of temperature, the film will stretch better and easily bend around all the protrusions of the pit.

Step 4. Fill the pond with water, but do not rush to cut off the excess film. It is necessary to wait approximately 24 hours for the PVC coating to take on its final volume. Then we cut the film, lay its edges in a pre-made trench, tuck it in and fill it with crushed stone.

Pay attention! Often the width of the film is not enough for the whole pond. In such cases, several pieces are connected to each other by soldering.

Stage 6. Setting up a decorative pond

Step 1. In order to prevent the earth from falling into the bowl of the reservoir, we strengthen the edge. This can be done using:

  • stone blocks;
  • plastic pipes nailed to pegs.

Lay out the edge natural stone(although you can use brick, tile, and other materials), we decorate it with a group of boulders or one large block.

Step 2. We lay out the bottom of the reservoir with crushed stones or stones. Then we place the pre-prepared plants in plastic containers and arrange them in clumps. It is advisable to use plants that saturate with oxygen (such as hornwort, water lily, swamp grass, etc.). After this, the pond can be completely filled with water.

Pay attention! For correct selection hydrochemical preparations and a pump, it is necessary to measure the volume of the reservoir. To do this, when replacing water, take water meter readings before/after the filling procedure.

Step 3. We can make a small stream for permanent circulation of water - this will prevent the latter from stagnation. To do this, we raise the source slightly above the level of the reservoir and install it to supply water from a bowl. We are planning to decorate the mouth of the stream, for which we can use:

  • stones;
  • containers made of glass or clay;
  • planting.

Step 4. We install at the bottom of the reservoir, stretch the pipes to the source and connect them to the cleaning filter. The latter must be pressure, that is, with reverse cleaning provided, since it is much more efficient than usual.

All, ready! All that remains is to regularly clean it from dirt and use special means, revitalizing the water and preventing the excessive spread of algae, as well as removing plants for the winter.

When building a pond, it is difficult to avoid some mistakes, especially in the compositional plan. For this reason, you need to be aware of common mistakes that gardeners make.

Plant growing zonesPlants
Coastal zoneConifers, elderberries, ferns, meadowsweet, lilies of the valley, bergenia, etc.
CoastlineLipstick, fluffy, marigold, speedwell, snake knotweed, forget-me-not, etc.
Plants for decorating shallow waters (up to a depth of 5-20 cm)Calamus, reed, parasol, cattail, arrowhead, etc.
Deep-sea plants 30-150 cmWater lily, water lily
Plants to decorate the surface of the water (floating on the surface of the water)Duckweed, water paint, telores

Finally, when planning to build a pond yourself, first practice - make, for example, a miniature pond, and only then move on to larger compositions. This will significantly increase the chances of success.

Good luck with your work!

Video - Creating a pond at the dacha

Nothing decorates a summer cottage more than an artificially created pond. It gives the area a natural look that fills it with wildlife.

A summer resident will be able to create his own pond without any problems, having understood its structure and main types.

Types of artificial reservoirs in a summer cottage

There are several main types of artificial reservoirs:

1. Swimming pool- it is usually created not only to add aesthetics, but also for practical purposes. For example, in the summer you can have a great time relaxing in the cool water and playing with the kids.

The main disadvantage of this type of artificial reservoir is its organization over large areas and the complexity of its design.

2. Waterfalldistinctive feature is the presence of noise effects (falling water). It is arranged mainly only in areas with hilly terrain, if there is the necessary slope.

3. Pond– can be of two types (fishing and decorative). Designing a pond at the dacha is the most interesting stage of its construction.

4. Swamp– naturalness and aesthetics of the site. It is best to arrange it together with an alpine slide or rock garden.

5. Mini pond- a decorative element that will perfectly complement even the smallest dacha plot.

6. Fountain- one of the most spectacular and impressive elements in the garden.

It has a complex design and is installed in large areas.

7. Stream- will perfectly emphasize the landscape style of the site, thanks to its varied shapes. Creates calm sound effects.

Construction of all types is carried out from the design and determination of the location of the reservoir, preparation of the territory, and, lastly, the strengthening and design of the banks, filling with water, decorating with plants and small architectural forms.

Arrangement of a pond on a summer cottage

The guarantee of the longevity of the pond and its decorative effect depends on the quality of the work performed. Therefore, it is mandatory to have knowledge in the field of reservoir design.

The following methods of arranging a pond are distinguished:

1. Base made of butyl rubber or PVC film. That's enough difficult option, however, in the end it gives great result. Here you can show all your imagination, thanks to the ease of varying shapes.

2. The most in a simple way is to use a bath bowl as a container for a pond. It will not only be beautiful, but also economically beneficial.

3.Usage concrete base for arranging a pond is the most expensive option. This will require special equipment and certain knowledge in the field of construction.

The resulting design is reliable and durable. It is better to resort to this method when a complex architectural solution is envisaged in conjunction with the installation of sculptures.

4. One of the easiest to install is the use of ready-made forms, which can be purchased at various specialty stores. There are many different options with which you can revive and decorate any garden plot.

How to beautifully design a pond in the garden?

After constructing the pond, you can begin to design it. This is where the style decision comes into play. There are their main types, which help decorate the pond and connect it with the surrounding environment.

To decorate a pond in Chinese style, you need to focus on a lot of vegetation. The reservoir itself should be large enough, with smooth and smooth outlines. To emphasize the Chinese style, it is better to install an island in the center, on which to plant a small tree, and place several stones of different shapes nearby.

You can connect the shore to the island using a small bridge and install several lanterns.

Numerous fountains, waterfalls connected by ponds, adherence to clear boundaries and the presence of geometric shapes, indicate oriental style. It is suitable for people who love luxury and wealth.

Japanese style can be present in the design of any pond. It is necessary to emphasize all the elements. The main thing here is the design of the banks. A prerequisite is the planting of dwarf and small plants. Between them, boulders and stones should be beautifully placed, which can go directly into the pond.

French pond design style is becoming increasingly popular thanks to modernism. The reservoir should be made as large as possible, based on the territorial capabilities of the site.

Coastlines must be clear and carefully landscaped.

Lots of bright colors expressed in vegetation- all this indicates english style pond design. It is very similar to Japanese, because it is a kind of offshoot of it.

To decide on the choice of style, you need to analyze the entire territory, and rely only on own desire. If you want rigor and balance, then you need to choose french style, and if the colors are bright, the variety of plants is Japanese or English.

Arranging a pond with your own hands is becoming an increasingly easier task for every person. This is because in almost all construction hypermarkets you can find necessary materials. If all stages are followed correctly, the pond will turn out beautiful and desirable.

Everything is based on design, which begins with viewing ready-made options on the Internet. If you want to have fish, then you should increase the depth at this stage for their comfortable living.

When the area near the house is large enough, with an impressive number of different plants, then it is necessary to make the pond appropriate in size. You should first ensure that water does not stagnate in the pond. This can be achieved with the help of streams that will carry water in a circle, from the bowl back to the reservoir.

As for the location, it is necessary to locate the pond in an open area, which will prevent its contamination. It is not advisable to choose sunny places, which will contribute to water heating and the development of harmful microorganisms.

The area should be windless, which will preserve the integrity of structures and plants.

Plants, small architectural forms and natural stones will help to improve the garden pond. You can plant special aquatic plants in containers (water lily, lotus, mulberry, egg capsule, etc.). Pitiya, water hyacinth and water paint work well without soil. They can simply float on the surface, the main thing is that they have all the necessary nutrients. To keep the pond clean all the time, you need to have several types of specialized plants (hornwort and pondweed).

You can decorate the pond with a wide variety of sculptures. The main thing is to fit them correctly into the environment. Everything should look harmonious and beautiful so that you can constantly enjoy the surface of the water.

A small decorative pond will not only be an excellent decoration for the site and a place to relax. Construction of a decorative pond at the dacha is a very real idea if you familiarize yourself with the technology in advance and select the most suitable one. original idea to create an artificial reservoir.

You will find ideas for building a decorative pond at your dacha with photos and videos in this article. By using practical advice and original ideas, you can independently create a unique corner of nature on your site.

How to build a decorative pond at your dacha

A small pond at the dacha will become wonderful decoration your site, and will also create a comfortable atmosphere for a pleasant family vacation(Figure 1). Owners of even the smallest plots can build one like this and within their means.

Figure 1. Design of a decorative pond on the site

Having conceived the creation of a decorative pond, you should decide on its purpose. For example, it can simply be part of the landscape, and on the contrary, a structure with streams or fountains can be part of a recreation area garden plot. The size and technical specifications designs, as well as filling and manufacturing technology.

Dimensions and location

Although such ponds have purely aesthetic and recreational functions, to create them it is necessary to build an entire ecological system in order to avoid problems with future operation.

When choosing a location, pay attention to some points(Figure 2):

  • Illumination: plants living in and around water need sufficient amounts sunlight and warmth. On the other hand, intense heat is very destructive for the ecosystem, because under the influence high temperatures uncontrolled proliferation of algae begins, which leads to the death of other living organisms. Therefore, the optimal location is considered to be one in which the reservoir is heated by the sun for no more than 6 hours (only in the first or only in the afternoon). To determine the illumination, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of the future pond on the ground and monitor what part of it will be illuminated by the sun during daylight hours.
  • Shading: It is desirable that there is some structure nearby that provides shade on a hot afternoon. However, it is not recommended to place it under trees, since fallen and rotting leaves can also disrupt the special microclimate.
  • Relief features: It is easiest to carry out construction in the lowest and wettest places on the site. Natural differences in height make it possible to revive it with a flowing stream. If the surface is flat, choose a place on the border of the garden or near a hedge. It is not recommended to place a pond in the middle of the lawn, but next to an alpine slide or rock garden it will look very impressive.

Figure 2. Options for placing reservoirs on summer cottage

As for the sizes, they depend both on the purposes of the future reservoir and on the materials from which they will be made, as well as the capabilities of the garden area. For example, a huge pond in a small garden will look inharmonious, just like a small decorative pond in a large area.


The start of construction of a garden pond must be preceded by drawing up its design. This way you can visualize your ideas and notice flaws.

Note: If it becomes part of the recreation area, you should also provide space for a gazebo, barbecue, playground, etc. You can try to create a project yourself, or seek the help of professional designers.

Figure 3. Main stages of construction

The design of a decorative pond, as a rule, contains the following list of drawings: a plan of the reservoir itself, its sectional image, a diagram engineering communications And pumping station, and also estimate documentation(Figure 3).

Material of manufacture (container)

As already mentioned, anyone can build a small pond. In this case, there will be no need for any large expenses; it is quite possible to make do with improvised materials (Figure 4).

Note: Very often owners summer cottages turn ordinary water into a pond cast iron bath. Special PVC bowls, which can be bought in specialized stores, are widely popular. The main advantage of such containers is their easy installation and durability, but the disadvantage is their strictly defined shape and small volume. So, when using such a container, the area of ​​the intended reservoir should not exceed 5 square meters. You will be introduced to the rules and features of their installation there.

Figure 4. Material options for construction

To create a “film” reservoir you will need durable polyethylene made from butyl rubber or polyvinyl chloride. This material makes it possible to create a pond according to own project, since the film is elastic and easily takes the desired shape. Most often used PVC film, which is very convenient to repair, because it can be repaired using ordinary glue. The thickness of the butyl rubber film is selected depending on the depth of the future reservoir. So, if the depth exceeds 80 cm, then the film thickness should be from 1.2 to 1.5 mm. The most in a convenient way organizing a reservoir is to lay a monolithic concrete pit, although in such a situation it is necessary to think through everything carefully, because it will be impossible to fix anything after pouring.

Necessary building materials and tools

The list of necessary building materials and tools depends on the container that is chosen as the reservoir.

If this is a regular bathtub, you will need a shovel and some materials to mask the protruding elements: tiles, pebbles, large and small stones. If you plan to create a larger pond, you will need a film (polyvinyl chloride or butyl rubber), or such building materials, such as concrete, clay, plastic, formwork, reinforcement and steel mesh, as well as sand, which is used to fill the internal surfaces of the pit. Don't forget about the various natural materials, and plants that will decorate your garden pond.

The video shows the main stages of constructing a decorative pond at the dacha.

Decorative garden pond: description

When thinking about creating a decorative pond on your summer cottage, remember that it should become an integral part of a single compositional whole. Therefore, think carefully about the purpose and style direction of the pond so that your artificial pond fits into the landscape of the garden (Figure 5).

Here are some techniques for matching the shape of the structure to the style of the garden. So, a pond is ideal for an English-style garden. round shape. Regular style characterized by precise geometric shapes and strict symmetry (even plants on the shore are usually planted in a certain order).

Figure 5. Design styles for garden ponds

Ponds look good in Chinese and Japanese gardens irregular shape. In natural style gardens, the banks of artificial ponds are decorated with lush plants located among stones, as well as various decorative accessories.

Illumination for a decorative pond

Having shown a little imagination and hard work, and also made low costs, you will be able to admire the beauty of the decorative pond not only during the day, but also at night, by organizing an illumination system (Figure 6).

There is limitless space for your imagination here. The only condition that must be strictly followed is compliance with safety rules when operating electrical appliances in a damp environment.

What is needed for this

Before purchasing lighting fixtures you should determine the place where they will be installed: above or below the water. The degree of protection from foreign objects and various liquids depends on the purpose of the lamps. At the same time, the higher the indicators, the better. Figure 7 shows how to install the backlight.

Figure 6. Illumination options for decorative ponds

In addition, there should be no visible damage to the lighting fixture, and its cables and power supplies should be well insulated.

Lighting selection

When choosing lighting, you should know that all such products are divided into two types: underwater and surface (Figure 8). Underwater lamps look impressive in ponds where algae grows at the bottom, or where bodies of water are decorated with decorative and natural elements. Such lamps are installed at the bottom of a reservoir, fixed to its walls, or simply float on the surface of the water. In this case, the color of the lamps can be any, but the indisputable requirement is that they are waterproof and completely sealed.

Figure 7. Installation diagram for pond illumination

Surface devices illuminate only the surface and are therefore safer because they do not come into contact with water, although they are equipped with a waterproof coating.

Regardless of which type of lighting you choose, consider the following tips:

  • Low-voltage models (from 12 to 24 V) are considered the best;
  • The operating range of lighting devices must correspond to the size of the reservoir;
  • The design of the lamps should be combined with the landscape of the garden;

Figure 8. Types of lamps: underwater and surface

In addition, the shape, color and material of the body should be selected in accordance with the size and depth of the future lake.

Drain on a decorative pond

As a rule, a decorative lake in a garden is small in size. Therefore, it is quite possible to fill it with water from a garden hose or scoop it out (pump it out) manually. But it is also possible to provide for the possibility of supplying and draining water through pipes (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Scheme of arranging a drain in a decorative pond

For example, if the reservoir for a reservoir is cast iron bath, then before installing it in the pit, it is necessary to pour a drainage layer consisting of gravel, crushed stone and sand onto its bottom. There should be a deeper drainage layer underneath the bathtub drain so that water can be released if necessary. Second drain hole the bathroom should be cemented. As for large bodies of water, installation is necessary here drain pump and laying a pipeline at a slope from the well to the water drainage point. Laying down drainage pipes, tear off the winding from them, and in the well, provide access to the drain valve and pump.

How to decorate a decorative pond at your dacha: photo

Decorative pond at the dacha can be decorated in natural and designer style(Figure 10). A pond in a natural style assumes an arbitrary shape, decorated natural stones(granite, river pebbles, decorative onyx) of different sizes and various ornamental plants.

The designer pond is characterized by clarity of form and rigor of design. As a rule, it coincides with the general style of the entire garden, so if your site does not have a specific style solution, then it is better to give preference natural style design of the reservoir.

Original design ideas are shown in the video.

Errors during construction

As you know, it is human nature to make mistakes, therefore, when building a decorative pond with your own hands, the most common mistakes are related to wrong choice location, size, purpose of the reservoir, as well as time of construction.

Figure 10. Design options for garden ponds

Thus, with a careless approach to choosing a location, gardeners are faced with the problem of water blooms and constant pollution in the reservoir. In this case, it is recommended to simply fill up the failed option and try to find a better place for it. As a rule, all such structures are built in the summer. However, you should be aware that at this time it is difficult to determine the real level of groundwater, which can lead to the reservoir overflowing its banks and damage to the waterproofing.

Note: It is recommended to measure the level groundwater in the spring, and start construction in the summer. If the pit is located in a lowland, it is necessary to provide for water flow so that after heavy rain your lake does not turn into a swamp.

There are situations that in a decorative pool planted aquatic plants, populate the fish, that is, they use it for other purposes. As a result, the latter feel uncomfortable due to lack of space. Some summer residents consider it prestigious to have a large pond on their site, forgetting that an artificial reservoir large sizes requires complex, thorough care and considerable financial costs to purchase the necessary equipment.

The list continues typical mistakes excessive savings on building materials: low-grade cement, regular film instead of a special one, the absence of geotextiles will not help preserve cash, but will lead to expensive repairs. Neglecting safety rules can lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, be responsible for ensuring that the descent to a large body of water is gentle, the banks are fenced, and the decorative elements are securely fastened. Remember that excessive bank decoration does not make your pond more beautiful.

As you know, contemplation of our surroundings can give us many pleasant moments, restore strength, calm us down and give us inspiration. That's why we hurry from noisy city streets to natural spaces or to the quiet comfort of our garden.
If you are the lucky owner own plot, then they probably decided long ago not to limit themselves only to beds. A beautiful cozy garden, decorated with paths and benches, flower beds and arches will be a real salvation for you. But a truly pleasant garden for contemplation and relaxation will be incomplete without a small pond.

Setting up a pond or lake in your garden is not at all difficult. Our tips will help you complete this job easily and quickly.

Where to start

If you accepted final decision about creating a park reservoir on your site, then the following questions will be your top priority:

  • how to position the reservoir so that it is completely in harmony with the landscape;
  • what to do to make the pond work for a long time and did not require special care.

We will help you choose the style of the reservoir, its location, and also tell you about the laying technology and equipment.
Traditionally, there are several classic styles design of decorative ponds in the garden.

  1. The eastern (Muslim courtyard) is characterized by many small pools and fountains of regular geometric shape.
  2. The Chinese style is defined by its closest proximity to the natural landscape, voluminous bodies of water with irregularly curved banks and the use of bridges, lanterns, stones and trees.
  3. The Japanese style implies minimalism, so the reservoir is very small, but is complemented by a stream flowing into it. The tradition of uniting all the elements into Japanese garden requires surrounding the pond with stones, small trees, and at the same time leaving the space open.
  4. European style is characterized by luxury and the use of large spaces. In this case, ponds can be voluminous; they are surrounded by spacious flower beds and thematic park ensembles. At the same time, the English direction is more reminiscent of the Chinese style, striving for natural lines, while the French is characterized by clear lines and multi-level design.

To choose best option style of a pond in your garden, take the architectural design of the house and other buildings on the site as a starting point. You also need to pay attention to the layout of the garden. The reservoir bowl can be supplemented decorative waterfall or a stream, and the shoreline is decorated with plants and stones.

A small pond with natural contours will always look great in any landscape. However, a pond with clear geometric shapes will not only emphasize the lines of nearby buildings, but will also be very easy to install. Therefore, if you are planning to make a pond with your own hands and have never encountered such work before, adopt the second option. In its implementation, many available tools will come to your aid, which have not been used in home improvement.

A variety of styles in which you can design a decorative pond

How to position a pond correctly and what materials to use

It is very important to position the reservoir correctly so that it not only serves you for a long time, but also does not silt up, and also does not annoy you with seasonal blooms of water due to the activity of algae. Therefore, the pond should be located in a place that is shaded during a certain period of daylight, but not deprived good lighting, which is important for plants.

Pay attention! The optimal solution for the location of the reservoir is a place illuminated 5 hours a day and open on the southwest side. Shady trees and bushes around the pond will be unnecessary, since falling leaves will pollute the water.

For a small area it is better to make a small pond. This will not take up a lot of your time and money, and it will not take up the work space reserved for garden crops.

Tip: to lay the film, choose a sunny, warm day. Under the influence of temperature and sun rays the film will become more elastic and it will be easier to bend around the ledges of the pit.

Congratulations, your pond is ready!

An old bathtub as a base for a pond in the garden

Ready plastic mold Perfect as a base for a pond. But you don’t have to buy it in the store if you have an old enamel bathtub.
So, in addition to yourself, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • 2 buckets of gravel for drainage;
  • 50-70 kg of sand;
  • shovel;
  • bucket;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • a large pan without a bottom (it can be replaced with a sheet of tin measuring 70 X 60 cm;
  • level meter and tape measure;
  • board, equal to length baths.
  1. Mark the boundaries of the pit for the pond by installing pegs the size of the bathtub and stretching a thread between them. Add about 20 cm to make a sand cushion.
  2. Remove the layer of turf and dig a hole. Calculate the depth so that the edges of the bath are 5 cm above the soil level, taking into account the sand cushion. In the place where you plan to drain, you need to dig another hole about 60 cm deep and the same width.
  3. Place an old pan or a rolled sheet of tin into the drain hole so that the edges are 25 cm above ground level. Fill the funnel with gravel 20 cm above the bottom. Now evenly pour a 20-centimeter layer of sand onto the bottom of the hole to level it. Remove the pan or sheet of tin.
  4. Place in the hole so that the drainage hole is above the gravel bed. In this case, you need to add sand between the ground and the walls of the bath, moistening it with water. Gradually pour water into the bath until its level matches the level of the sand. Use a level meter to check for correct installation.

So, your pond is ready. You can decorate it with stones along the edges, or plant moisture-loving plants using previously removed turf. Plants can also be placed inside the pond, directly in pots, or on the bottom of the bathtub itself if you cover it with a layer of sand and gravel.

Plants for decorative pond design

What mistakes are most often made during registration?

If you are doing this kind of work with your own hands for the first time, you will not be able to avoid mistakes. They are especially often manifested in the creation of compositions for decorating a pond. So use some tips.

  1. Do not decorate the banks of the reservoir with stones of the same size - this gives a boring look. Better combine with each other different sizes And color solutions. Place the stones unevenly; do not cover the entire shore with them.
  2. Do not make the pond too deep, otherwise it will look like a stone bag. This form is inconvenient for decorating a reservoir with stones, plants, and also for breeding fish.
  3. Do not overuse plants in pots and containers. This option is convenient for quick and frequent design changes, but has a bad effect on the development and growth of plants. It is much better to fill the bottom of the pond with soil for planting. This will not pollute the bottom and water in the pond, since heavy soil containing clay is used, which is well strengthened by plant roots.

Please note. If you doubt that you will cope with the task of forming a pond in the garden the first time, practice at home. Form small pond in a wide bowl. And when you are sure that everything works out, feel free to start working in the garden!

Video about creating a pond with your own hands

Small decorative ponds are gaining increasing popularity among gardeners and owners country houses. We are happy to help you create this cozy corner, which will become a real decoration of your garden! If you have questions about this topic, ask them in the comments. Share with our readers your experience in creating artificial decorative ponds. Easy work for you and comfort for your home!

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