The money tree is an indoor flower: folk signs, superstitions, conspiracy. Why does the money tree bloom, fell, died, was given as a gift: signs

Not every person has wealth in their home, so this topic has long been overgrown with legends and legends. For example, some believe that only in wealthy homes can indoor plants exist.

It is believed that only two indoor plants have the ability to attract wealth into the house - the crassula or “money tree” and geranium.

Getting to know the money tree

This plant is incredibly tenacious and has an incredible thirst for life, because it long period can do without water and sprout even from a damaged leaf. However, for the money tree to become a real magnet for attracting money, it must be well cared for.

It is believed that the leaves of the Crassula, which have fallen and dried out, are very similar to gems, covered with dust. But there is a sign that such leaves have incredible energy for attracting money. They need to be collected in a bag and put in your wallet.

Money tree: signs

In order for a tree to provide financial assistance, you cannot buy it; you must plant it yourself. Also, a money tree should not appear in the house as a gift.

If your friends have an adult fat plant, then you need to take advantage of the moment and cut off a small cutting, because the plant reproduces by shoots. In this case, you cannot ask permission from the owners; you need to cut it off, quietly apologizing to the plant. And the owner should be wished well-being and health.

The brought shoots should stand in a glass of water for some time, so there is no need to immediately plant them in the ground. Cuttings are planted when roots appear.

Crassula care

After planting the money tree, you need to ensure that it is well established. To do this, many build an oilcloth cap, opening it daily to ventilate the plant. If it is not possible to make such a cap, then you can use a regular glass instead.

It is considered a good omen if, before planting a money tree, you put a coin in the pot, which will improve the financial situation of its owners. Be sure to take the plant outside in the summer, as it loves to count. Thanks to the sun, it will get stronger and grow well, which will affect your material well-being.

It is also considered a good omen if you give a money tree to the newlyweds for their wedding. But you definitely need to tie banknotes to the branches of the money tree with a red ribbon and wish the young people prosperity, health and well-being.

You need to communicate with the tree every day. Give it at least a few minutes and tell the plant about your dreams and plans, not necessarily related to in cash. Give your fat girl compliments and kind words, and she will not remain in debt.

Strangers should not touch the tree.

The plant's neighbors also need to be selected correctly. It cannot be placed together with cacti and other plants with thorns, as the monetary properties of the tree will be impaired, and money, on the contrary, will leave your home.

Every day, the leaves of the money tree should be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust, as it will block financial flows.

Location of the money tree in the house

Many people do not know where to place a money tree for material well-being. money tree will feel best on a window, but not just any window, namely those facing the southeast side. The southeast is considered the wealth sector, so to attract money it must be located in this place.

Video on the topic of the article

Crassula, or Crassula, is a popular indoor plant that belongs to the Crassula family. More than 300 species are found in nature. The most common species are succulents, annual and perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs.

Crassula is easy to care for and is very popular among gardeners. The “money tree” is found in many homes. In offices, one might say, required attribute, like a hole punch or a teapot.

People believe that the “money tree” has a good sense of the financial situation of its owners and can attract prosperity. In Feng Shui, this tree receives a lot of attention. Where should it be, what ribbon should it be tied with, and so on. We will leave this question to the Feng Shui sites. Let's return to the plant and consider how to properly care for the flower. After all, if you don’t care for it correctly, it will wither, and what prosperity after that!

Crassula belongs to the genus Crassula. These are the most diverse plants there can be. Even aquarium plants belong to this genus. Let's look at caring for the most popular plant of this genus - tree crassula. Crassula belongs to the succulents. Even for a novice gardener who has no experience in growing indoor plants, caring for the plant will not be a hassle.

Location and lighting

Indoors, the fat plant should be placed on south-eastern windows, even Feng Shui recommends this. You need to beware of direct sunlight, as this will cause the leaves to turn red, wither and fall off. The leaves of the “money tree” can also fall due to lack of fresh air.

In summer, Crassula can be taken out to the balcony, where it will be quite comfortable, and besides fresh air will only do good. In winter, it is better to move the plant to the south side.

Watering a flower

On very hot days you need to water twice a week. At normal temperatures, once is enough. Carefully watch the earthen lump, do not let it dry out too much, but do not flood it either. It is very important not to flood the fat plant, and at the same time, so that the soil does not dry out. Perhaps this is the most important point when caring for crassula. In winter, the flower needs to be watered even less often - about once every two weeks.

Temperature for Crassula

Spring and summer optimal temperature The fat content will be 20-25 degrees. In summer, it is advisable to take Crassula outside; the plant needs fresh air. The most suitable temperature in autumn and winter is 15 degrees or less, but not lower than 4 degrees. Crassula can overwinter at room temperature, but in this case there is a high probability that its leaves will begin to wither and fall off.

Important! Crassula should not be placed near radiators or heating devices.

Plant nutrition

You can feed the flower in the summer; twice a month will be enough. Fertilizer for cacti and succulents is good. The rest of the time, the fat plant needs to be fed only once a month, and the concentration of the fertilizer should be diluted by half. Fertilizing should only be applied to moist soil, so feed Crassula after watering.

Crassula transplant

It is not recommended to replant Crassula frequently. It is necessary to replant a flower only if it has grown greatly or the bush needs to be divided, at least once every 2-3 years. It is best to transplant Crassula in the spring. Regular purchased soil for cacti and succulents is suitable for this.

Note! Don't forget to ensure good drainage.

Crassula propagates by dividing the bush or by cuttings and seeds.

Propagation by cuttings

When propagated by cuttings, they are placed in water to germinate roots. For more fast education roots, you can add charcoal to the water. If desired, the cuttings can be immediately rooted in the ground, but it is still better to germinate them first in water. After the Crassula cuttings have given roots, they are planted in small pots with soil made from leaf and turf soil, with the addition of sand in equal proportions. Next, pots with small crassulas must be kept at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. Watering is carried out once a day. This is the most common and easiest way to propagate Crassula.

Propagation by seeds

Propagation by seeds is less common among gardeners, although caring for sprouted seeds is absolutely the same as for cuttings.

It turns out that the Crassula can bloom, but this phenomenon is quite rare. Even experienced florists cannot always get the Money Tree to bloom. If you have never seen beautiful white flowers bloom on your plant, then most likely the problem lies in the lack of illumination of the fat plant. Crassula especially often begins to bloom during the period of its active growth.

So that the fat woman has a beautiful and decorative look, it is necessary to form its crown. To do this, you need to trim heavily overgrown tree branches. The cut must be made so that four leaves remain on the branch.

Diseases and pests

  • If Crassula is infected by a spider mite, a barely noticeable web will form on its leaves and stem. In such a situation, a soap solution or medications Fufanon, Fitoverm will help.
  • When attacked by scale insects, yellow and brown spots. Crassula should be treated in the same way as for spider mite infestation.
  • If the plant is affected mealybugs, then it is necessary to carry out treatment procedures with a solution laundry soap, and if it doesn’t help, then you need to use insecticides. You can also try to get rid of the scale insect using a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

  • The greatest danger for the fat woman is excess moisture. If the soil is too moist, the roots and even the base of the trunk may rot.
  • If the fat plant does not have enough moisture, then the leaves may become lethargic.
  • If you water the fat plant cold water, then the leaves may even fall off.
  • Crassula does not tolerate drafts, which can cause the leaves to dry out and fall off.
  • Can't be straight sun rays fell on the bottom (base) of the fat woman.

Medicinal properties of Crassula

According to Chinese Feng Shui, the fat woman brings good luck and success in financial matters. In addition, Crassula is a symbol of wealth, and it is not without reason that it is called the Money Tree. But in addition to Feng Shui, the fat plant has healing properties: it purifies the air, relieves stress and tension, improves microflora, thereby reducing pathogenic formations in the room. All this generally has a positive effect on human health.

Growing Crassula at home (video)


The whole truth about Crassula or what the Money Tree is hiding

Among the many feng shui symbols that attract financial success, one of the most famous is probably Money Tree, or Crassula. This is one of the most effective talismans that attract wealth and banknotes, it can provide stable income and prosperity. But to achieve success you need to know some of the features of this plant and even its vagaries.

Money Tree (Crassula) is an excellent means of activating the Southeast sector, which is responsible for finances. Since the “Wealth” sector itself belongs to the element of wood, a living tree would be the most successful solution here (if it does not coincide with your bedroom, we do not recommend keeping plants there).

Here are a few secrets associated with Crassula and using it to activate your money luck.

Firstly, it is believed that the Money Tree must be purchased immediately big, healthy and beautiful.

Secondly, it loves the sun, so it is necessary periodically turn it towards the light on different sides so that the tree grows beautifully and evenly, occasionally trim the lower branches so that the trunk becomes thick and solid.

Thirdly, We recommend burying coins in the soil you are using. for good luck. In this case, both Chinese coins and rubles, preferably large denominations, are suitable. You can also place a few coins on the tray under the pot.

Fourthly, hang three coins on your tree, tied with red thread. The coins must be Chinese, with a square hole in the middle. They will symbolize the “growth” not only of the tree, but also of your financial well-being in general.

Fifthly, you need to not just buy a fat woman and wait for the money to appear, but care for the plant regularly, take care of him, and even talk to him. Ventilate the room frequently. The money tree is very sensitive to your financial situation. Treat your tree like a living being, because it has very powerful energy, love your money tree - then it will begin to reciprocate your feelings, attracting more and more banknotes into your house!

If there are no windows nearby in the Southeast sector, and the fat woman will not have enough sunlight, so that it does not wither there, we recommend replace the money tree with an elegant souvenir analogue with leaves-coins. Having bought such a tree, first cleanse it of foreign energy by placing it in salt water for three days. You can also make such a tree yourself, abundantly decorating it with coins and showing the fullness of your imagination. You can place a Dragon on the trunk, attach auspicious hieroglyphs and inscriptions, and hang three red lanterns at the base, which will fill your tree with Yang energy. You can use coins from different countries- this way you can also attract foreign business trips and travel into your life. Create to your taste. Remember that there should be a hundred coins on the tree of abundance, and they should be strung on ten threads.

It is believed that when you shake such a tree, gold coins, like raindrops, fall on you. Rain of coins is one of the most favorite themes among Feng Shui followers who believe in the power of ancient symbolism and the amazing power of coins. In order to charge yourself with the energy of money, many Masters even recommend periodically give yourself a “money shower”. It is no coincidence that the phrase “swim in money” appeared among the people, rooted in ancient Chinese legends...

We remind you that in the current year 2012, the harmful “flying” star Yellow Five is located in the Southeast sector, so be extremely careful when independently activating this sector. Choose specific dates for this so as not to inadvertently “wake up” a dangerous star.


Health 02/09/2013

Dear readers, today I want to talk about the money tree. This flower is probably familiar to many of you. In another way, the money tree is also called crassula. This flower perfectly enlivens the interior of a home and offices, it is beautiful, unpretentious, and also has a lot of advantages: it attracts good luck and wealth to the house, monitors the health of the owners and you can even use it for treatment.

My money tree has grown so huge, everyone is surprised when they see it. We have already transplanted it several times. Now he too felt cramped. We will replant in the spring. And the other day it bloomed for the first time in its life. Such delicate white and pinkish small flowers appeared. Very unusual. They say this is very rare. So I decided to write such an article.

Tree of happiness, tree of love and wealth. And all this is about the fat woman. But, above all, it is considered a money talisman. If we think about it this way, then very soon there will be an indecent amount of money in our family. This is where I smile a little. But it’s not for nothing that she bloomed. So we will all think this way. Well, now about the fat woman more seriously.

A little about the money tree itself. It occurs naturally in Australia, South Africa in Madagascar. The tree loves hot, dry places. There, such a money tree can reach a height of up to 3 meters. At home, it rarely grows up to a meter. Its leaves themselves are juicy, the stem is thick. Everything is adapted so that the tree can survive for a long time without watering.

Crassula. Care at home.

  • The advice is probably the most important - leave her alone.
  • If you really want to do something nice for your tree, just change the soil for it. Just be very careful: ordinary soil is not suitable. You need to buy cactus soil at the store and be sure to add brick chips and sand to it. You need to put drainage at the bottom of the pot. That's all the wisdom.
  • As the crassula grows, remove all lateral shoots until the trunk reaches the desired height. This is approximately 20 cm. Pinch the top of the plant, then the crown will actively branch, and the side shoots will begin to grow.
  • Fat woman loves the most sunny place in the southeast of your home. If there is not enough of it, she begins to turn pale and stretch out. If the place is chosen incorrectly, the leaves may begin to fall off in large quantities.
  • In winter, it is hibernation time for the fat woman. If you have a cool loggia, where the temperature is about plus 5 degrees, this is the most optimal winter place for it. Water once every 3 weeks, do not move from place to place.
  • In the spring, you can pinch off too long, large branches, form the very crown of the tree and water well. And leave her alone again.
  • Water no more than twice a week, maybe once. Once a month it’s good to give her a short-term warm shower.
  • Crassula breeds very easily. Cuttings or leaves. The leaf does not need to be placed in water. Just let it dry for a few days. This also applies to cuttings. During this time, the cut site is covered with a fabric plug, and then the whole thing is planted in the ground. I wrote earlier about which soil to choose.

Anyone who has any questions about how to care for a fat woman, I suggest you take a look video material. It also talks about the reproduction of the Crassula.

Crassula for wealth and good luck. How to activate money tree?

Crassula leaves really resemble coins. There are 3 ways to do this. You can use them all at once, or you can choose just one.

1 way. Bury a coin in the ground with a flower. For us, let it be a coin of 10 rubles. Everyone choose their own money.

2 way. Place 3 large coins of different denominations under the pot.

3 way. You can hang 3 coins on a tree on a ribbon. It’s better not to use a young tree (it will just be hard for him).

Tip: always talk to your flowers. Give them compliments. This is especially true for the money tree. Cheer him up, and at the same time don’t forget yourself. Just ask him for financial help for you.

By the way, a money tree is a great gift to give to your friends. I have already grown and donated so many cuttings. Pleasant, sincere and just great. You can choose talisman stones for a gift according to your zodiac sign and give a money tree with them. All this will contribute to monetary prosperity, well-being, and will give good mood your loved ones and health.

Crassula. Medicinal properties. Crassula for health.

If someone believes in magic, someone does not trust, then medicinal properties Crassulas have been scientifically proven.

Crassula tissues contain substances that have antimicrobial and disinfectant effects. That is why the money tree is actively used in folk medicine.

Apply fresh crassula leaves to cuts and abrasions - everything will heal quickly.

Apply the juice of the leaves to prevent bee and wasp bites. It also helps to apply such a leaf to a beginning cold on the lips or herpes. (don't forget to wash it well!)

The fat woman knows how to determine how we feel. If someone in the family gets sick, it withers, sheds its leaves, as if taking all the negative energy for itself. When the healing process takes place, the plant comes to life again.

I also read a recipe that uses money tree to treat stomach ulcers. The leaves are washed. Eat 2 leaves daily on an empty stomach. No need to drink anything. You can have breakfast in an hour. The course of treatment for ulcers is 2-4 weeks. At the same time, you need to be wise and don’t forget about your diet.

What to do if the fat plant drops its leaves?

Stop watering it with cold water. Water only warm water. The temperature is about 25 degrees. And let the soil dry well between waterings. Most likely, you just water it very often.

Here is our money tree.

I would be grateful if you post the magazine on your website, in LiveJournal, and share it on networks. To do this, simply paste the magazine code onto your page. For networks, simply share by clicking the network buttons. I am grateful to everyone in advance. I have already started working on issue 2.

My sincere gift will be Rimsky-Korsakov Flight of the Bumblebee .

How to properly plant a money tree (crassula) from a shoot into a pot and care for it at home so that there is money in the house: Feng Shui and advice from flower growers.

Crassula as a means to attract money

Money tree, breadfruit tree, tree of happiness - what beautiful names flower growers have not come up with for the plant, which is correctly called Crassula (Crassula).

This tree with a thick trunk and oval dense leaves is so unique that it has decorative, magical and medicinal properties at the same time.

If you believe, the fat woman improves financial well-being, brings peace and good luck to the house. The money tree is a talisman that activates the zone of well-being and attracts wealth to the home. Crassula attracts money, works like a magnet for it. Its leaves look like shiny coins.

The plant is also believed to purify the air in the home and kill bacteria. Where Crassula grows there will always be a favorable atmosphere.

Types of money tree

There are many varieties of Crassula, which differ in appearance. Among them there are ampelous, groundcover, bush-like and tree-like forms.

The most popular varieties among flower growers are Crassula ovata and Crassula moss. Both species are succulents and are completely different from each other.

Crassula moss is grown only in greenhouses and winter gardens, and Crassula ovata grows quite successfully at home.

How to plant a money tree in your home

Crassula is not a capricious flower that requires painstaking care and careful attention.

How to plant a money tree cutting in a pot

First of all, let’s figure out how to propagate the Crassula correctly, so that by taking a shoot from friends or acquaintances, you can easily plant it in a pot in your home.

Propagation of the money tree is carried out using seeds or cuttings. Seeds are sown in shallow containers with drainage holes, then covered with polyethylene. Subsequent care of seedlings consists of regular ventilation and spraying. In 2-3 weeks the first shoots will sprout. This method of breeding Crassula is quite complex.

The method of propagating Crassula by cuttings is much simpler. The cuttings can be rooted in water or immediately planted in the ground. The money tree shoot is planted in a pot to a depth of about 5 cm. Some gardeners believe that when planting cuttings in March or April, the likelihood that the money tree will bloom in the future increases. And if Crassula is planted in the middle of summer, the chances of this will be less.

How to choose the right flowerpot for a money tree

Crassula has a rather massive ground part, which means this flower would be better suited wide and low pot with good stability. This choice of flowerpot is also due to the fact that Crassula has a superficial root system. For water to drain successfully into the pan, there must be small holes at the bottom of the pot.

Of course, it is not necessary to immediately plant a money tree shoot in a large flowerpot. To start with, a small pot is enough, but as the flower grows, it needs to be transplanted into a more suitable pot.

How to replant a money tree

To transplant a grown Crassula flower, you need to take a pot of suitable size, fill it one third with a drainage layer (for example, from pieces of coal or crushed brick), then fill it with earth. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. This will make it easier for the plant to tolerate this procedure. After this, the soil is added to the top.

During the transplantation process, you need to carefully examine the root system of the flower. Rotten roots, indicating an excess of moisture, must be removed. After this, the crassula is left to dry for a day.

How to choose land for planting Crassula

Planting a money tree should be done in the ground for succulents, which this plant belongs to. The flower feels best in turf soil. The soil used for growing cacti is suitable, but Crassula can also be successfully planted in universal soil.

If desired soil mixture you can cook it yourself. To do this, flower growers advise mixing one part each of sand, humus and leaf soil, adding four parts of turf soil.

How to plant a money tree correctly so that there is money in the house?

To ensure that there is always money in the house, when transplanting it into a pot of Crassula, you need to put a coin and tie its branches with red ribbons. It’s good if a crassula grows in your apartment, but it’s important to learn. You can do this even with a small salary.

How to properly care for a money tree

Growing a money tree at home is not labor-intensive and very interesting. This flower comes from hot countries, so it needs to be provided with conditions as close to tropical as possible. Crassula has a growing season in spring and summer, and winter is a dormant time. Basic care for a money tree at home is to follow the following rules.

How to water a money tree?

Many gardeners have a question: how to properly water a money tree? The first rule: do not allow the fatty fish to flood. Excess moisture is detrimental to it. Overwatering can cause the roots to rot and the leaves to begin to fall off. IN warm time During the year, the plant can be watered twice a week; with the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced to a minimum. To avoid flooding the money tree, before each watering you need to check the condition of the soil at a depth of 3-4 centimeters. If the soil there is dry, Crassula can be safely watered.

If the watering regime is not observed and the soil is excessively moist, the root system is susceptible to fungal attack. In this case, you can save the money tree if you take it out of the pot together with the earthen lump, dry it thoroughly and treat it with a special anti-fungal solution.

However, Crassula can also suffer due to lack of moisture! Ideally, the soil with the flower should be slightly moist.

We wipe the leaves of the fat plant - we attract money!

Flower growers advise from time to time to wipe the leaves of the crassula with a damp cloth to remove dust and spray water on them from a spray bottle. It would be optimal to give your Crassula a warm shower once a week. In winter, such a “wash” can be done once a month.

The water should be warm, but not hot. To prevent moisture from getting onto the soil, you can cover the soil in the pot with regular cling film. You cannot take a wet fat woman to her place. You need to let the water drain a little.

Where is the best place to put a money tree in an apartment?

Crassula is a light-loving plant, but placing it under the scorching sun is strictly prohibited. Moreover, in this case, the top layer of soil in the pot will dry out very quickly.

The plant will grow fully on a windowsill on the south-east side, where there will always be light, but there will be no sun. With the onset of spring, many gardeners place it on the floor of the balcony, and in winter - on the windowsill on the south side.

Insufficient lighting can cause the plant's stem to stretch, causing it to become misshapen. To prevent this, the fat plant should be placed on window sills, especially in poorly lit rooms.

IN summer time For Crassula, a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees is suitable. But in winter, the flower will need to lower the temperature to 10 - 15 degrees. A drop in temperature of up to 6 degrees is allowed. If it is not possible to place the plant in a room with such a temperature in winter, then at least you should remove the flower from the radiator.

A negative consequence of incorrect temperature during the dormant period can be the elongation of the Crassula trunk and the falling of leaves located below. Leaves may also fall off if there is a constant draft in the room where the money tree pot is located. Of course, the fat woman needs constant ventilation, but drafts should not be allowed to appear. They will only do harm.

The money tree needs to be fed!

Universal preparations or additives for succulents are most often used as fertilizers for fat plants. To nutrients better absorbed, plants are fertilized only after watering.

Fertilizers are applied during the growing season - in spring and summer, once a month. In the autumn-winter period, feeding is carried out once every 3 months.

Formation of the Crassula crown

To create a uniform and symmetrical shape, the fat plant is rotated in the light around its axis. But to form a beautiful crown, the flower still has to be trimmed a little.

To form a crown, you need to wait until four new leaves appear on the plant and a new bud begins to form. You need to pinch it off by carefully twisting it with your hands or miniature tweezers.

Each branch of a money tree should have no more than three to four pairs of leaves. When the tree grows, its top will also need to be plucked off.

If the moment when four leaves have already grown is missed and new leaves appear, pruning will help. You need to cut the branch above the 4th pair of leaves. The cut is covered with activated carbon powder.

Possible problems in caring for a money tree

Many gardeners complain that the leaves of the fat plant fall off or wither. What could be the matter?

Excessive watering causes leaves to darken, change color, or fall off.

A change in foliage color to dirty yellow can also be caused by a fungal disease caused by waterlogging of the soil.

Watering with cold water is another reason why tropical flower diseases appear.

The appearance of brown spots on the foliage indicates a lack of moisture.

Rot that appears at the base of the stem is a sure sign of rotting of the plant’s root system. In this case, the apical part of the plant is cut off and the flower is grown in a new way.

Money tree pests

Crassula is an unpretentious and pest-resistant plant. However, there are many pests that attack the fat plant:

Scale insects form brownish or yellow spots on the leaves. Methods of treatment: “Fufanon”, “Fitoverm”, soap solution.

Spider mite - forms cobwebs between leaves and stems. Methods of treatment: garlic infusion, tobacco infusion, soap solution.

Mealybug - forms a whitish coating on the axils of the leaves. Treatment methods: thick solution of laundry soap, insecticides.

Is the money tree blooming?

Flowering in Crassula is a rare phenomenon, so not every gardener gets to see it. Therefore, it is a very common belief that the money tree does not bloom. But that's not true.

During the flowering period, the plant is densely covered with small flowers of white, light pink or greenish color, depending on the variety. They emit a pleasant sweet aroma.

The flowering period begins during the plant growth stage in spring and lasts 2-3 months. You should not hope that the fat plant will bloom in the first years after planting. It can produce flowers after 8 or even 10 years. Or it may not bloom at all, despite the fact that it was provided with proper and timely care.

Flower growers believe that the flowering of the money tree is hampered by lack of lighting. This is a feature of our climate.

There is a sign: if a money tree grows well and gets stronger, wealth is just around the corner, but if it withers and its leaves fall off, this promises problems with money.

However, it is not at all necessary to believe in omens. If you properly care for a money tree, it can become an excellent decoration for any room, will delight you with its beauty for a long time and will bring warmth and comfort to your home.

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