Children's dairy kitchen - "Baby's health, tasty and healthy products." Dairy kitchens and foreign interests Dairy kitchen year of creation

For the first time, the law on the provision of free milk to nursing women was signed by the pre-revolutionary authorities in St. Petersburg. The initiator was the Russian Conservation Society public health to reduce the highest mortality rates of newborn babies (almost 40% of children died in infancy).

In the post-revolutionary period, dairy children's cuisine did not disappear, that is, the Ministry of Health Soviet Russia this necessary service was not cancelled. WITH to varying degrees success and efficiency, milk feeding stations operated at children's clinics and hospitals.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of free baby food during the Great Patriotic War. It is safe to say that milk distribution has saved more than one child’s life.

In the 60s, the Ministry of Health clearly regulated the organization, operation and list of products through legislative acts. Dairy kitchens began to appear in all regions and republics of the Soviet Union.

Dairy cuisine is also deservedly popular in 2018. New parents can get help in such institutions by submitting all Required documents and receiving a referral from a pediatrician.

However, some provisions in the organization of children's kitchens change from year to year in accordance with the peculiarities of the economic situation in the country. It is necessary to understand who is entitled to free baby food and how exactly mothers can apply for this service.

So, a dairy kitchen is understood as an organization that produces, ensures proper preservation and distribution of specialized food products in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Such a measure of socio-economic support is regulated by regional law. Local authorities also determine necessary list beneficiaries choose organizations that will provide free milk nutrition to those in need.

Thus, in different subjects Russian Federation The list of persons who, in accordance with the law, can receive milk, dairy products and formula free of charge, may differ.

But there are still main categories of citizens who can fully use the services of a dairy kitchen in accordance with the law. These include:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Nursing mothers until the baby reaches six months of age.
  3. Children:
  • up to 12 months of age who are on artificial or combined feeding;
  • from 12 months to three years of age;
  • under seven years of age if they are raised in large families;
  • with disabilities and chronic illnesses under 15 years of age.

If a child is left without the care of his mother and father, the paperwork for receiving free dairy products falls on the shoulders of guardians and other legal representatives.

To understand which categories of people are entitled to dairy cuisine for young children at the present time, it is necessary to study the regional regulatory documentation. Another option is to consult a pediatrician (if the products are for newborns) or a gynecologist (if the food is for pregnant women).

Documents for a dairy kitchen must be completed at the medical institution to which the recipient of this benefit is attached. Pregnant women must send an application to the antenatal clinic where they are registered.

Breastfeeding women must complete documentation to receive free baby food from a pediatrician monitoring the development of a newborn baby or older child.

If special nutrition is required for a child with special needs and requirements, then parents must draw up documents for a children's dairy kitchen from a specialist in the institution where the baby is registered.

What documents are needed to receive nutrition, as noted above, parents will learn from local regulations or from a child or pregnancy specialist observing them.

In general, the list of documents required for registration of a dairy kitchen looks like in the following way:

  • application addressed to the director of the medical institution;
  • baby (to obtain a child’s birth certificate, you must submit a certificate issued at the maternity hospital);
  • medical policy (to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, you can contact the insurance company that issued the parental policy);
  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence (to register a newborn, you must first obtain the child’s birth certificate);
  • ID card of the mother or any other trusted person;
  • other documentation confirming receipt of benefits (certificate of a large family, adoption of a child, confirmation of childhood disability, the presence of certain diseases, etc.).

Documents for receiving benefits in certain regions can be submitted not only to the chief physician of the relevant medical institution, but also to local administration social protection, as well as in the MFC (multifunctional center).

It is worth understanding that dairy products are issued according to medical prescriptions, which require constant renewal. That is, you need to regularly consult a doctor; he will prescribe a new prescription as soon as the previous one is expired.

How often will I need to get a prescription?

We have more or less figured out the question of what documents need to be completed to receive free dairy products. Now you need to understand how often you will have to visit the doctor to get a prescription.

Everything, of course, will depend on the specific orders of local authorities. As a standard, the conclusion for free feeding will be issued for one month.

Also, the doctor can give recipes for dairy cuisine. issue for the following period:

  • before three months – for this period, free food will be provided for small children under 3 years of age, as well as for lactating and pregnant women;
  • up to 6 months– children from large families, children with disabilities and chronic diseases under 15 years of age.

The indicated periods should not include the month of birth of the newborn child, if during this period the parents filled out a separate prescription.

The decision on the duration of the period for which the prescribed prescription will be valid is made by a specialist after a medical examination and observation of the child. The doctor has the right to independently reduce or increase the validity period of the conclusion.

The calendar period for which the prescription will be issued begins, depending on the child’s presentation for a medical examination:

  • baby just born? The specialist writes a prescription for a newborn for a given calendar month, and the volume of dairy products will be calculated taking into account the days remaining until the end of the month;
  • if the procedure takes place before the 15th calendar day, then the prescription is issued for the period that starts from this calendar month. In addition, the volume of products issued will be calculated for the whole month;
  • if you had to see a doctor after the 15th day, then a doctor’s prescription is issued for a period that starts from the next month. The volume of products issued will also be calculated for the whole month.

Thus, you can make a request to receive free milk meals on any day. The duration of the conclusion will be determined by the doctor, based on the results of the examination and observation.

As already mentioned, the free distribution of dairy and other products is regulated by local legislation. Regional authorities can determine both the categories of persons who are entitled to this benefit and the norms for the supply of products.

Today, the volume and variety of products depends on the age of the child. That is, the free diet of a baby up to one year old will be slightly different from the menu of a 7 or 15 year old patient. If we talk about women, then everything depends on whether she is pregnant or has already given birth.

Approximate standards for dairy products (per month)

Client category Products
Women in position

  • milk – 9000 grams;

  • fortified juice – 3960 grams.
Nursing mothers

  • milk – 12000 grams;

  • fortified juice – 4290 grams.
Child from 0 to 3 months

  • dry adapted milk formula – 700 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk formula – 4800 grams.
Child of the fourth month of life

  • the same set;

  • fruit juice – 1200 grams;

Child of the fifth month of life

  • the same set of milk formulas;

  • fruit juice – 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge – 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree – 1920 grams.
Child of the sixth month of life

  • dry adapted milk formula – 350 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk formula – 2400 grams;

  • fruit juice – 1200 grams;

  • fruit puree – 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge – 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree – 1920 grams.
Baby 7-8 months old

  • the same volume of dry and liquid milk formula;

  • fruit juice – 1400 grams;

  • fruit puree – 1000 grams;

  • vegetable puree – 1920 grams;

  • meat puree – 560 grams;

  • vegetable and meat puree – 1300 grams;

  • dry porridge – 400 grams;

  • cottage cheese – 600 grams.
Child 9-12 months old

  • the same range and volume of products;

  • kefir – 2400 grams.
Child from 12 months to 2 years

  • milk – 2400 grams;

  • kefir – 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese – 600 grams;

  • fruit puree – 2200 grams;

  • fruit juice – 2600 grams.
Child from 2 to 3 years old

  • milk – 2000 grams;

  • kefir – 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese – 600 grams;

  • fruit juice – 2600 grams;

  • fruit puree – 1200 grams.
A child from a large family, a disabled child, a child with chronic illnesses

  • milk – 18000 grams.

As a conclusion

The question of how to get dairy food for children for free worries many parents. Let us briefly summarize all of the above and highlight main and most important points:

  • free milk nutrition is a measure that allows you to support both the woman and the child;
  • the specifics of providing preferential conditions are regulated by regional authorities. Thus, in St. Petersburg, children’s cards are issued after the birth of a child to purchase food for him;
  • local authorities also determine a list of products for all categories of beneficiaries (the list of these categories is specified by local law), which will be provided by dairy kitchen employees;
  • the question of how to apply for this benefit is decided at the local level. You will definitely need the newborn's documents, the parent's passport, and an application (the form is directly issued by the doctor).

So, today dairy kitchens are functioning and delighting many domestic parents with their work. Of course, rumors regularly appear that this year these organizations will “die for a long time,” but, fortunately, such information continues to remain only rumors.

Government policies designed to increase the birth rate and increase the attractiveness of the family institution allow us to hope that the operation of dairy kitchens will continue in the future, despite statements by municipalities about the ineffectiveness of such institutions.

As a conclusion, we can advise all mothers who are entitled to receive this benefit to be sure to consult a doctor or social security specialist in order to use the services of a dairy kitchen. This will allow you to significantly save on food.

In the 30th anniversary issue of the Essence of Time - Perm newspaper, the release of which we will celebrate this Saturday, my investigation was published about how the interests of a transnational company are most likely behind the attempt to close dairy kitchens in Perm:

The work of the parent community to preserve dairy kitchens in Perm continues. The blitzkrieg of the Perm authorities failed, and as time passes, the officials' arguments begin to be increasingly criticized. The picture that officials initially painted, according to which supposedly all authoritative specialists and experts support the abandonment of outdated dairy kitchens, is blurring, and the features of a completely different project are emerging from under it.

The Perm Ministry of Health claimed that it was forced to close dairy kitchens because since January the Russian regulation on dairy products is being replaced by a similar regulation of the Customs Union, according to which it is allegedly prohibited to use manual labor in the production of baby milk food. However, a study of the technological regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 033/2013 showed that it does not contain any requirements to completely eliminate manual labor in the production of dairy products. Only paragraph 47 states that “ production of milk-based baby food products for children early age <..>carried out at specialized production facilities, or in specialized workshops, or on specialized production lines" However, dairy kitchens are specialized exclusively for the production of children's fermented milk products.

Thus, if we are right, then the main reason chosen by Perm officials for the destruction of kitchens is simply a fiction.

Secondly, it turned out that in addition to thousands of Perm parents, representatives of the deputy corps, production workers and doctors also began to advocate for the preservation of the dairy kitchen system.

Thus, State Duma deputy from the Perm Territory, deputy chairman of the health protection committee, Oleg Kulikov, believes that the decision to liquidate the kitchens was made in someone’s commercial interests. Regarding the alleged inadmissibility of manual labor in production, Oleg Kulikov cited the example of the work of a surgeon, which also represents manual labor, but is carried out with gloves that protect against infection: “So here, too, we can provide some mechanisms that minimize harm. If manual labor is used, then some kind of bacteriological analysis is done at the end.”.

Oleg Sirota, a cheesemaker from Istra (Moscow region), believes that in dairy production, the less mechanization, the better the product: the milk and milk fat suffer less. Exactly manually They make the highest quality yoghurts in Germany and Switzerland. “Dairy kitchens were a place where a farmer could bring his milk. Dairy kitchen is a very simple dairy production. Why complicate it if everything has been working great for decades? Why ruin this, I don’t understand.”. Oleg Sirota also criticized local factory-produced milk formulas that replace fermented milk products: “Milk trucks don’t come there with milk! They bring powdered milk there and Palm oil, and make baby food out of it".

President of the Rosagromash association Konstantin Babkin believes that it is necessary to make such regulations so that it is profitable for local farmers to produce and supply natural milk for dairy kitchens. “Saving money in kitchens means reducing the population. This is such a liberal approach: the main thing is money, not people.”- said Babkin.

Oleg Kondrashov, head of the administration of Nizhny Novgorod, where kitchen equipment was re-equipped and the range of their products was expanded, is confident that the quality of Nizhny Novgorod dairy kitchens outperforms “global baby food brands”: “We can be proud that we managed to preserve the institute of dairy kitchens for children under 3 years old”.

Doctor of City Clinical Hospital No. 4 Olga Chubarova: “First we feed children with formula from packets, then cereals and soups from packets - we set a trend towards fast food, and then we wonder why health problems appear: overweight, digestive problems".

Hygienist with 20 years of experience Tatyana Demeneva: “Cottage cheese and kefir are necessary for children, as their digestive system adapts to digestive system adult. No formula can replace a natural product, and this is confirmed by several thousand years of feeding children cow’s milk.”.

Olga Cheraneva, pediatrician: “Milk is a living product, so its quality is better than dry porridge, which has a shelf life of up to a year. The products that dairy kitchens offer us are much better and healthier for children than what they will bring in boxes! It’s useless to look for analogues of kefir and cottage cheese produced with milk!”

Vasily Zvezdin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, pediatrician, head of the laboratory of biochemical and nanosensory diagnostics of the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Technologies for Public Health Risk Management, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation: “Children over six months of age will be affected by this initiative. And for our region, failure to provide children with high-quality fermented milk products creates a threat of the development of rickets, which in the 90s. left a very serious imprint. Perm children may be deprived of high-quality fermented milk products as complementary foods. In this case, the chain for our region, described in detail and proven by many years of research by leading Perm pediatricians Irina Koryukina, Natalya Averyanova and Alevtina Akatova (all of them are professors and doctors of medical sciences), is as follows: dysbiosis + immunodeficiency with a tendency to allergy -> atopic dermatitis in 1 -2 years -> from 3 years - broncho-obstruction and stenosis against the background of each ARVI -> bronchial asthma at 5 years! Restoring the operation of “milks” in accordance with SanPiN and Rospotrebnadzor regulations is a key stage in ensuring preventive measures. This is several orders of magnitude lower than the cost of rehabilitation programs and the cost of treating children with bronchial asthma.”.

Elena Timofeeva, head of the department for family affairs, demographic policy, protection of motherhood and childhood in Kursk, where dairy kitchens are preserved: “Cottage cheese and kefir are a source of health and good immunity. This means the child will grow and develop harmoniously and get sick less.”.

But the precarious position of the Perm Ministry of Health from the point of view of science and common sense is not all. There is reason to believe that the decision to close dairy kitchens is being lobbied by baby food manufacturers pursuing exclusively commercial goals.

Deputy Minister of Health of the Perm Territory Lyudmila Chudinova said that “for 2016, as for 2015, it is planned to allocate 330 million rubles”. According to her, “uh This money will go to clinics throughout the region, which will hold a competition and select a supplier of formulas.”. And according to the Minister of Health of the Perm Territory Olga Kovtun, “European countries are the leaders in the production of such mixtures today”.

Further, the “Parental All-Russian Resistance” began to receive messages that the company “Istra-Nutrizia”, which produces dry mixtures “Malysh” and porridge “Malyutka”, is going to buy the premises of dairy kitchens to organize distribution points for its products there. Experts from the Perm Observer newspaper express a similar opinion: “Soon the baby food system will become the same as in Yekaterinburg: manufacturing companies will issue it, promoting their own products. It’s not for nothing that representatives of a company from Yekaterinburg recently came to the Perm “milk” and inspected the premises... Did you receive a “blessing” from the regional health department?”

The premises of children's dairy kitchens are truly a tasty morsel. The area of ​​the dairy kitchen in the Sverdlovsk region is 413.7 square meters. m., near the 5th city hospital - 315 sq. m., at the 4th - 505 sq. m., with an additional extension. More recently, the government has invested in kitchen renovations and refurbishments. A year ago, a major renovation of the dairy kitchen building in the Sverdlovsk region was carried out, equipment and inventory were updated, the cost of the work reached 6.5 million rubles. In the Ordzhonikidze district, ventilation was recently replaced at a cost of 1 million rubles. Just three months after the renovation, the dairy kitchen has been operating in the Industrial District.

If the assessments of our source and the Perm Observer experts are correct, then it turns out that officials, spending budget funds, carried out “pre-sale preparation” of dairy kitchen premises for producers of foreign formulas.

As for the likely interest in replacing a natural product with dry formulas, it is known that the mentioned company Nutricia began working in Russia in 1994, in 1995 it acquired a baby food production plant in the city of Istra (Moscow region), and since 2007 it has entered the international Danone group of companies. Those. Nutricia has long been controlled by foreigners.

In addition, on November 3, at a meeting with protesting parents, the head of the department for organizing medical care for children and obstetrics, Elena Cherkasova, said that the Ministry of Health “is following the path of studying the experience of our neighbors”: “In particular, on Thursday-Friday we are part of a large working group We’ll be in Yekaterinburg to see how our neighbors work.”.

Considering Olga Kovtun’s Yekaterinburg origin, it can be assumed that she acts in the interests of business from the Sverdlovsk region and therefore promotes the Yekaterinburg model, where dairy kitchens are closed, children receive dry formula, and factory-produced kefir, milk and cottage cheese are distributed through the Kirovsky store chain. according to a special electronic prescription. In order to obtain it, parents must contact their local pediatrician.

So, the company that produces these children's dairy products is Milk Whale LLC, which in the summer of 2013 in the city of Bogdanovich launched a plant for the production of natural baby milk food (for children aged 0 to 3 years), the construction of which has begun in 2010 year. The company website states: “Today this is the most expensive and modern project region in the dairy market, which has no analogues", - which means it requires expanding sales markets to accelerate the return on investment, incl. and to the territory of the nearby Perm region and Perm. Moreover, the shelf life of its fermented milk products allows it to be delivered over long distances. So, the shelf life of kefir produced at this plant is 12 days, and cottage cheese is 18, despite the fact that the shelf life of dairy products is only a day. This is probably due to the fact that, as Milk Whale LLC reports, for example, its cottage cheese “goes through an ultrafiltration stage before packaging in a sealed package”. Those. This is a “dead” product that does not contain microorganisms necessary for the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, products are produced not according to GOST, but according to certain “ technical specifications» plant.

Now comes the fun part. In 2007, Milk Whale was sold to Unimilk. Today it unites dozens of enterprises in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. In 2010, the dairy businesses of the Russian Unimilk and... the French company Danone, already mentioned by us, merged! In 2013, the Danone-Unimilk Group of Companies changed its official name to “Danone Group of Companies in Russia”, in which Danone owns a controlling stake (58%) of the company. In 2022, the French will be able to increase their share to 100%. CEO The company was headed by Yves Legros until 2014, and since 2014 it has been headed by Bernard Ducrot.

Thus, baby nutrition, an important area affecting national security, is placed in the hands of representatives of a NATO member country. And this is in conditions when the West is leading against Russia cold war. If tomorrow the French government announces to French business that it must close all its production in Russia due to new sanctions, then it will be forced to comply. And Russia, having closed its own dairy kitchens, will be left without baby food at all. Finally, we cannot exclude the possibility of biological sabotage with the aim of undermining the health of our children, and, consequently, our economy.

The products of modernized dairy kitchens, such as those in Nizhny Novgorod, on the contrary, in addition to meeting national security requirements, also comply with GOST, incl. and in terms of shelf life - 24 hours versus 12 days for kefir from Danone.

Therefore, the system of dairy kitchens must be preserved in Perm. Moreover, it is necessary to raise the question not only of modernizing kitchens, but also of restoring kitchens in the cities of the Perm region. It is precisely these proposals that the initiative group of the parent community is preparing for the Ministry of Health, in whose work the Perm branch of the All-Russian Parental Resistance takes an active part.

  • babies on artificial feeding or mixed feeding, under the age of 12 months;
  • children under 7 years of age from large families;
  • In 2018, the list of products provided at the so-called dairy kitchen includes:

  • puree from vegetables and meat;
  • Attention! This set may vary depending on the region and the decisions of pediatricians.

    After the child turns six months old, he is entitled to the following set of products:

  • children from one to three years old;
  • disabled people (under 15 years of age);
  • Grounds

    Do you need expert advice on this issue? Describe your problem and our lawyers will contact you as soon as possible.

    Issue norms

  • pasteurized cow milk;
  • The list is supplemented by nutritional and medicinal mixtures, liquid or dry, purees made from fruits, milk curds, juices made from fruits.

    It is impossible to obtain anything from this list of products without an official prescription from a doctor.

    A baby who is only 5 months old can receive the following assistance from the state completely free of charge once a month. Firstly, dry porridge - 400 g. Secondly, puree made from vegetables, about 2 kg. Be sure to have fruit juice and the same puree, 1 liter and 1 kg, respectively.

    Very babies, from birth to 2 months of life, receive food once every 7 days: about 5 liters of mixture, preferably in liquid form.

    Food in a dairy kitchen in Russia in 2018

    How to get a dairy kitchen for a child? Every family with a newborn baby has the right to state assistance. In particular, for free food and drink for the child.

    Who is eligible for the dairy kitchen?

    • pregnant women;
    • mothers who are breastfeeding, but only until the baby is 6 months old.
    • Naturally, it is not the children themselves who should come to the institution for the food they are entitled to. This is done by their legal representatives. For example, parents or guardians.

      The basis for obtaining the right to free meals is the conclusion of an agreement. The agreement is concluded between the institution producing the products and the clinic.

      What kind of food children and women will receive free of charge as part of government assistance is decided by pediatricians, gynecologists and other doctors. The diet they choose should help healthy eating, full development child's body.

    • adapted for children's body kefir.
    • The amount of food a baby will receive for free depends on his age. The composition of the food basket also depends on age.

      For example, a child who is six months old has the right to receive dry formula once every 30 days - 350 g and juice made from fruit - a little more than 1 liter. He also gets a whole kilogram of fruit puree. Porridge must be provided once a week, in dry or liquid form, but not more than 400 g at a time.

      Babies from 3 to 4 months can count on a liter of fruit juice per month, on dry nutritional mixture, about 1 kg.

      Dairy kitchen in 2018: categories of beneficiaries, required documents and composition of the food package

      State support for parents with newborn babies and children preschool age can be very different. Some are paid cash benefits, others are offered benefits for entering kindergarten. Another measure that not all families know about is a children's dairy kitchen. Products that are suitable for children according to age standards are issued at special points. The volume and contents of the food package are specified in documents drawn up by pediatricians. Such a list is submitted to local authorities for approval.

      So, such a service is quite good support for a newborn and his family. All that remains is to figure out who is entitled to a dairy meal, what documents are needed to receive free dairy meals, and who to contact to apply for this benefit.

      History of dairy cuisine

      For the first time, the law on the provision of free milk to nursing women was signed by the pre-revolutionary authorities in St. Petersburg. The initiator was the Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health in order to reduce the highest mortality rates of newborn babies (almost 40% of children died in infancy).

      In the post-revolutionary period, the dairy children's kitchen did not disappear, that is, the Ministry of Health of Soviet Russia did not cancel this necessary service. Dairy feeding stations operated at children's clinics and hospitals with varying degrees of success and efficiency.

      It is difficult to overestimate the role of free baby food during the Great Patriotic War. It is safe to say that milk distribution has saved more than one child’s life.

      In the 60s, the Ministry of Health clearly regulated the organization, operation and list of products through legislative acts. Dairy kitchens began to appear in all regions and republics of the Soviet Union.

      Dairy cuisine is also deservedly popular in 2018. New parents can receive help in such institutions by submitting all the necessary documents and receiving a referral from a pediatrician.

      However, some provisions in the organization of children's kitchens change from year to year in accordance with the peculiarities of the economic situation in the country. It is necessary to understand who is entitled to free baby food and how exactly mothers can apply for this service.

      Who is entitled to dairy cuisine?

      So, a dairy kitchen is understood as an organization that produces, ensures proper preservation and distribution of specialized food products in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

      Such a measure of socio-economic support is regulated by regional law. Local authorities also determine the required list of beneficiaries and select organizations that will provide free milk nutrition to those in need.

      Thus, in different regions of the Russian Federation the list of persons who, in accordance with the law, can receive milk, dairy products and formula free of charge, may differ.

      But there are still main categories of citizens who can fully use the services of a dairy kitchen in accordance with the law. These include:

    1. Pregnant women.
    2. Nursing mothers until the baby reaches six months of age.
    3. Children:
    • up to 12 months of age who are on artificial or combined feeding;
    • from 12 months to three years of age;
    • under seven years of age if they are raised in large families;
    • with disabilities and chronic illnesses under 15 years of age.
    • To understand which categories of persons are entitled to a dairy kitchen for young children at the present time, it is necessary to study regional regulatory documents. Another option is to consult a pediatrician (if the products are for newborns) or a gynecologist (if the food is for pregnant women).

      How to get into the dairy kitchen?

      Documents for a dairy kitchen must be completed at the medical institution to which the recipient of this benefit is attached. Pregnant women must send an application to the antenatal clinic where they are registered.

      Breastfeeding women must complete documentation to receive free baby food from a pediatrician monitoring the development of a newborn baby or older child.

      If special nutrition is required for a child with special needs and requirements, then parents must draw up documents for a children's dairy kitchen from a specialist in the institution where the baby is registered.

      What documents are needed to receive nutrition, as noted above, parents will learn from local regulations or from a child or pregnancy specialist observing them.

      In general, the list of documents required for registration of a dairy kitchen looks like in the following way:

    • application addressed to the director of the medical institution;
    • birth certificate of the baby (to obtain a birth certificate for a child, you must submit a certificate issued at the maternity hospital);
    • medical policy (to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, you can contact the insurance company that issued the parental policy);
    • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence (to register a newborn, you must first obtain the child’s birth certificate);
    • ID card of the mother or any other trusted person;
    • other documentation confirming receipt of benefits (certificate of a large family, adoption of a child, confirmation of childhood disability, the presence of certain diseases, etc.).
    • Documents for receiving benefits in certain regions can be submitted not only to the chief physician of the relevant medical institution, but also to the local Social Security Administration, as well as to the MFC (multifunctional center).

      How often will I need to get a prescription?

      We have more or less figured out the question of what documents need to be completed to receive free dairy products. Now you need to understand how often you will have to visit the doctor to get a prescription.

      Everything, of course, will depend on the specific orders of local authorities. As a standard, the conclusion for free feeding will be issued for one month.

      Also, the doctor can give recipes for dairy cuisine. issue for the following period:

    • up to three months– for this period, free food will be provided for small children under 3 years of age, as well as for lactating and pregnant women;
    • up to 6 months– children from large families, children with disabilities and chronic diseases under 15 years of age.

    The decision on the duration of the period for which the prescribed prescription will be valid is made by a specialist after a medical examination and observation of the child. The doctor has the right to independently reduce or increase the validity period of the conclusion.

    The calendar period for which the prescription will be issued begins, depending on the child’s presentation for a medical examination:

  • baby just born? The specialist writes a prescription for a newborn for a given calendar month, and the volume of dairy products will be calculated taking into account the days remaining until the end of the month;
  • if the procedure takes place before the 15th calendar day, then the prescription is issued for the period that starts from this calendar month. In addition, the volume of products issued will be calculated for the whole month;
  • if you had to see a doctor after the 15th day, then a doctor’s prescription is issued for a period that starts from the next month. The volume of products issued will also be calculated for the whole month.
  • What do they give in the dairy kitchen?

    As already mentioned, the free distribution of dairy and other products is regulated by local legislation. Regional authorities can determine both the categories of persons who are entitled to this benefit and the norms for the supply of products.

    Today, the volume and variety of products depends on the age of the child. That is, the free diet of a baby up to one year old will be slightly different from the menu of a 7 or 15 year old patient. If we talk about women, then everything depends on whether she is pregnant or has already given birth.

    Latest changes in dairy laws in Russia

    The first dairy kitchens originated from time immemorial, even in the pre-revolutionary Tsarist Russia. Their name was very symbolic: “Drop of Milk”.

    The first production points (milk was given out to nursing mothers in pharmacies according to a doctor's prescription) of infant formula were established in the then capital of Russia - St. Petersburg on the initiative of the Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health to combat very high infant mortality rates (newborn mortality was about 40% and higher).

    After the revolution and the overthrow of the tsarist regime, the baton of development of children's kitchens was taken over by the Min. Healthcare of the USSR, which began to organize milk feeding points at children's consultations and clinics. Dairy kitchens played an invaluable role during the Great Patriotic War during the severe shortage of baby food. In the 60s Min. the order of organization, work and diet of baby food was clearly regulated at the highest legislative level. Children's kitchens have appeared everywhere throughout the vast territory of the Union.

    In our time, dairy cuisine has not sunk into oblivion and has not lost its relevance. Young mothers still receive help feeding their babies in these wonderful institutions. But what innovations have brought about changes in the country, politics and economics in the organization of dairy kitchens? This article provides an attempt to comprehensively consider the prospects for the continued existence of baby food points starting from the first day of 2016.

    A little more about the organization of work in dairy kitchens

    In order to become a client of such an enterprise, a young mother must register with a local pediatrician even at the stage of pregnancy, which in the future gives her the opportunity receive prescriptions from the district doctor with the assurance of the head. pediatric department for the provision of milk nutrition during lactation. The list of products is also prescribed by the doctor.

    Become a happy owner of the right to receive discounted meals Not everyone may, and in different regions the list of such persons may differ significantly.


  • Pregnant;
  • Nursing mothers during the first six months;
  • Children:
    • up to one year, on artificial or mixed feeding;
    • aged 1 to 3 years;
    • children from large families up to the age of 7;
    • disabled children under 15 years of age.
  • If there are no dairy kitchens in any region, persons from the above list can receive monetary compensation.

    List of documents to receive preferential meals in the dairy kitchen for 2017:

  • First of all, this is a citizen’s application addressed to the heads. medical doctor institution, i.e. it is either a pregnant or nursing mother or a legal representative of the child;
  • child's birth certificate and copy;
  • medical policy (oms) of the child;
  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence;
  • passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation of the applicant and its copy;
  • original and a copy of the marriage (divorce) certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of disability of the child (if required);
  • certificate of income of the entire family for the last three months (this includes all cash receipts: salary, scholarship, alimony, etc.). If the family does not receive income for any reason, all documents confirming the lack of income for this period are attached;
  • a statement indicating the fact that the person has not previously received permission for a similar preferential meal.
  • As you can see, the list is very impressive and requires a considerable amount of time and effort to compile it, so those who want to go on an enhanced milk ration will need to stock up on a sufficient amount of patience and perseverance.

    So, after all the necessary documents have been collected, the person representing the child makes an appointment with his supervising pediatrician and, after examining the baby or pregnant woman, receives honey. conclusion and personal number, which is recommended to be written down somewhere or, even better, learned by heart, because you will have to call it quite often. Next you need get a prescription to receive milk rations. This should be done before the 25th of the previous month.

    Now, finally, you can go, in fact, for the food itself! Dairy distribution points are usually open from 6.00 to 12.00, without weekends or holidays.

    List of products provided by the kitchen in 2017 using the example of the capital:

  • dry adapted milk formula;
  • liquid adapted milk formula;
  • fruit puree;
  • fruit juice;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • meat puree;
  • curds;
  • vegetable puree;
  • pureed meat/vegetables.
  • Directly the standards for issuing products indicating the amount per child in grams. kg. etc. It is better to look at the website of the dairy kitchen or administration in relation to your region. It is worth noting that this list may change depending on the region, but, as a rule, not significantly.

    If a person fails to show up to receive the products at the point of issue within three days, the application is canceled without the right to its restoration and compensation. It will be possible to restore your receipt of food within two days after reapplying for the next prescription.

    Changes in work from January 1, 2016

    People who have the privilege of receiving products from the dairy kitchen have long been concerned about the sensational question about the cessation of kitchen activities in connection with widespread checks for compliance with all sanitary and technical standards, product certification checks, as well as carrying out inventories. In addition to these rumors, ordinary people are discussing the issue of limiting the rights to receive reduced-price meals and cutting rations, caused by the order of the Moscow Department of Health “On the free supply of food to certain categories of children and women...”, affecting primarily persons who do not have local registration. However, it is not possible to trace any references to official information in such discussions.

    In fact, today we only have changes in the breakdown of age groups in the standards for issuing products and the addition of dairy kitchens to the services EMIAS service(Unified Medical Information and Analytical System) makes life much easier for young mothers with the ability to fill out applications for doctor’s appointments and draw up some documents via the Internet without leaving home and without wasting their time. As for the alarming future inspections and inventories, this is a common practice of any catering establishment and such events are carried out quite regularly.

    Today, dairy kitchens continue to operate successfully and delight Russian families with their work, but rumors about the end of the life of the kitchens seem destined to remain rumors. Adding fuel to the fire are the ever-present official proposals from representatives of individual municipal administrations to close dairy kitchens due to their inefficiency, but against the backdrop of the federal program for family development and an increase in the birth rate, these individual statements by the above-mentioned persons do not give serious reasons for concern.

    The conclusion of this article can be the thesis that the glorious continuation of Soviet traditions in the field of helping parents and their children in the form of dairy kitchens continues to exist and even improve in accordance with the times and taking into account modern realities.

    An example of the work of the Otradnenskaya dairy kitchen is presented in the following video:

    A dairy kitchen is a food enterprise equipped with all types of modern mechanisms, installations and devices for preparing, storing and dispensing children's food in strictly hygienic conditions. As a rule, for the convenience of the population, dairy kitchens create several distribution points in separate places in the city or region.

    Currently, there are more than 1,000 dairy kitchens operating in the Russian Federation, 80% of them have low capacity (from 500 to 3,000 servings per day).

    The total volume of products produced by dairy kitchens is about 100,000 tons per year. The products of these enterprises are mainly represented by whole milk and fermented milk drinks.

    Since 1996, a public organization has been operating - the Dairy Kitchen Association, the purpose of which is to provide organizational, methodological and technological assistance to the health authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing dairy kitchens, the introduction of modern technologies for the production of baby food, and advanced training of specialists. Recommendations and instructions have been prepared for the preparation of children's and therapeutic and prophylactic products in dairy kitchens and small enterprises.

    In the current conditions regarding the provision of nutrition for young children, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation considers it advisable to maintain the existing network of dairy kitchens. Low-capacity dairy kitchens should be preserved, using them to provide food for children in areas without industrial production, in rural areas, as well as children from low-income families. Development (creation) on the basis of dairy kitchens of so-called “small enterprises” for the production of special baby and medical nutrition, while providing for equipping the institutions with modern technological equipment.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1005 of 08.13.97 “On streamlining the free provision of children of the first and second year of life with special dairy products of baby food” was adopted, which made it within the competence of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to establish the conditions and procedure for the free provision of children of the first and second year of life life with the specified products, taking into account the average per capita income of a family with children and its compliance with the subsistence minimum established in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    According to sanitary rules The dairy kitchen can be located in separate buildings or on the first floors of residential buildings, as well as in conjunction with a children's consultation. The dairy kitchen must have two entrances: one for raw products entering the dairy kitchen, the other for issuing finished products to parents.

    The dairy kitchen must have the following premises: for receiving and checking milk; for hot processing of milk and sterilization of mixtures, for the production of lactic acid products, for cooling finished products (with a window through which the finished product is dispensed), a washing room (with hot and cold water, baths and an autoclave for sterilizing dishes), a pantry (for storing food), a dressing room, a shower room, and toilets.

    A dairy kitchen usually has a donor station. The donor point must have a separate entrance and consist of at least two rooms. One of them is a reception area, where the female donor undresses, puts on a special robe and washes her hands. In the second room milk is expressed.

    All premises of the dairy kitchen and donor point must always be in good working order and kept clean. The walls and ceilings of all rooms are plastered and whitewashed. In production premises, walls and floors are painted oil paint or laid out with washable tiles. During the working day, every 2-3 hours the floor must be wiped with a damp cloth moistened with a chloramine solution.

    The room must be regularly ventilated. In the summer, windows, vents and doors are covered with fly nets.

    Sanitary requirements and operating hours dairy cuisine. The dairy kitchen is staffed by medical workers - doctors, medical and auxiliary nurses, who, before being hired, underwent a special medical examination to ensure the absence of chronic infectious diseases and bacterial carriage. Such studies are regularly conducted throughout the year among those who work in dairy kitchens.

    You can get food in the dairy kitchen only with a doctor's prescription; a pre-order for food is also required, i.e. food can be received on the second day after submitting the prescription and paying for it. The dairy kitchen also provides free meals with documents drawn up by the local doctor and local nurse. Large families, single mothers and a number of other categories receive free and reduced-price meals.

    Milk is delivered to the dairy kitchen by special transport in sealed cans or tanks. When taking milk, its acidity is determined according to Turner (milk with an acidity of no more than 20 °T is accepted). The fat content of milk should be 3-4%. Typically, milk is delivered to dairy kitchens from special dairy farms that have enhanced veterinary and sanitary supervision. Thus, milk is complete in its nutritional quality and minimally contaminated with bacterial flora. This milk is called guaranteed milk. Typically, milk is delivered early in the morning and processed the same day. Immediately after entering the dairy kitchen, milk must be filtered.

    Preparation of milk mixtures, milk porridges, vegetable and meat dishes carried out in the brewhouse using a certain technology. Fermented milk dishes are prepared in separate room(where the temperature is maintained within 21-22 °C) - kefir workshop. This is a bright, warm room, tiled and painted with oil paint. This room must be kept especially clean so as not to accidentally introduce other microorganisms into the milk along with the kefir starter. Boiled milk is delivered to the kefir workshop in large containers and measuring bottles.

    Here kefir starter is added to the milk and left until the morning next day. In the morning, kefir in bottles is sent to the distribution room and stored in the refrigerator. Cottage cheese is made from the rest of the kefir. Preparing cottage cheese: place the pan with kefir on special ovens, where it is heated to 70-80 °C. Kefir is curdled. Then, using a centrifuge, the curd is separated from the whey and, if necessary, the curd is rubbed through a sieve or the ungrated curd is immediately hung into portions. In the same way as kefir and cottage cheese, acidophilus-yeast milk and acidophilus-yeast paste are prepared from dry starter culture.

    All dairy kitchen workers attend courses and pass exams on the sanitary minimum. In order to protect the health of children, each kitchen worker should be conscious and report to the dairy kitchen administration about all cases of pustular skin diseases, as well as acute infectious diseases, both in themselves and in their family members.

    At the same time, it should be noted that since 1993 WHO has not recommended the use of unadapted dairy products, which form the basis of production in dairy kitchens, for feeding children.

    If it is impossible to maintain natural feeding, as it is the most physiological and valuable for the child, it is recommended to use modern adapted formulas.

    DAIRY KITCHEN in the USSR is a public catering establishment whose task is to prepare food mixtures (kefir, milk, cottage cheese) for healthy infants who are on mixed and artificial feeding, for children receiving complementary foods, as well as for sick children of the first 3 years of life FOR FREE. Some dairy kitchens also produce complementary foods (porridge, jelly).

    Dairy kitchens are located in separate buildings or on the first floors of residential buildings, as well as in a complex with a children's clinic. The pediatrician prescribes a diet for the child and recommends a certain diet. The dairy kitchen prepares food in strict compliance with the established recipes and rules technological process and sanitary regime. Large dairy kitchens have distribution points where they provide milk formula to children living in the area of ​​the distribution point and deliver it to various children's institutions (hospitals, nurseries, orphanages). The dispensary also provides breast milk for children in the first years of life (deprived of mother's milk and sick). This milk is collected at special drainage points breast milk.

    Dairy kitchens are part of the children's medical and preventive association. Food products, manufactured there, are sold only on the prescription of a clinic doctor (consultation), who monitors the child’s development.

    Depending on the location (village, regional center, city, etc.) and the number of children served by the medical and preventive association, dairy kitchens are organized in the form of small institutions with simple equipment for heating food, washing bottles, etc. or in the form of large institutions with improved equipment and mechanization of all processes. Sometimes they are located at orphanages, hospitals and serve children only from this institution. In dairy kitchens, when receiving milk, the degree of its acidity and percentage of fat are determined, then the milk is filtered and cooled in special coolers. Milk mixtures are made by adding the necessary products (decoctions of cereals, sugar, flour, butter) to milk according to the developed layout. The finished mixture is poured into bottles, which are sealed and then heated to 100° (sterilized). Sterilization occurs in a water or steam bath.

    Along with the increase in the number of medical institutions in the USSR, the network of medical centers is increasing. Creation of M.K., providing proper organization nutrition of young children played a major role in reducing childhood morbidity and mortality in the USSR.

    The history of children's dairy kitchens begins at the beginning of the last century, when in 1901, on the initiative of the Russian Society for the Preservation of Public Health, the “Drop of Milk” point was organized in the St. Petersburg city shelter for premature babies. In 1904, a Central Station was opened in St. Petersburg for the preparation and receipt of milk for children, from where the milk was distributed to pharmacies, where mothers received it with special medical certificates. But “Drops of Milk” did not receive wide distribution.

    After the revolution, dairy kitchens began to be organized at children's clinics. The main objectives of the dairy kitchen were to assist pediatricians in feeding both healthy and sick young children, and to serve young children as a catering establishment. Dairy kitchens played a major role in preserving the lives and health of children during the Great Patriotic War. At railway stations and water transport marinas, where there were dairy kitchens, milk formula and other baby food products were prepared for evacuated children.
    After the war, children's dairy kitchens in special workshops prepared baby milk (including fermented milk) formulas, cottage cheese and some other dietary products for feeding children under one year old, and packaged juices, fruit and vegetable purees.
    But with the collapse of the USSR, dairy kitchens were allowed to provide parents with products produced in factories. This radically changed their functions: most dairy kitchens stopped producing their products and actually began to serve as distribution points.
    But even today in a number of regions there are still real dairy kitchens that prepare children's kefir, cottage cheese and some other products.

    So are there children's dairy kitchens today?
    In most regions they are long gone, and the children's dairy kitchen has turned into a warehouse for finished products. But there is also a lot of work in the warehouse, because children's products must be stored correctly, but where is the guarantee that in regular stores they will comply with all the rules for storing them? Work is also carried out here to receive and complete orders for the distribution points organized at the dairy kitchen. Therefore, children's dairy kitchens, even after their transformation into baby food stations, are necessary.

    In big cities, children's dairy kitchens today often become a problem: in order to save money, authorities are trying to reduce their number, which is why parents have to go to another area several times a week for food and stand in long lines there.
    But this attitude towards dairy kitchens is not the same everywhere; in some cities the former dairy kitchen workshops continue to function, and children receive real fresh dairy products. Thus, the children's dairy kitchen in Irkutsk is a production complex with modern equipment and a planned capacity of 25 thousand servings per shift, consisting of a line for the production of fermented milk products (8 items) and a workshop for the production of sterile milk and cottage cheese.
    Dairy kitchens for children are a guarantee proper nutrition young children.

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