Children's story about travel. Blackberry glade

One day Sofia was playing with her friends in the yard and saw an unfamiliar girl standing on the sidelines. Approaching her, Sofia smiled and asked tenderly:

What is your name?

Varvara! I came to Dobroye to stay with my grandmother. I don’t know anyone here yet... Maybe you’ll want to be friends with me?

Sofia was glad that she now had a new friend and hurried to invite Varenka to visit.

Mom was making soup when the girls ran into the kitchen and asked permission to play with the porcelain set for dolls that dad had recently bought for Sofia. Mom, of course, allowed it. And also, she took out two large apples from a crystal vase and treated them to the children. True, she told me to wash my hands first. Sofia led her guest to the bathroom, but she grimaced:

I'm lazy! Let's tell your mom that we washed our hands, but we won't!

What are you doing? You can't do that! “I would never deceive my parents,” Sofia was indignant.

Varvara reluctantly put her palms under the stream of water, but at the same time remarked displeasedly:

And who told you that you can’t lie? By the way, lying is very interesting!

The girls took the treat and went to play in the yard. No matter how Sofia tried to explain to her friend that lying is a vile thing, Varvara only giggled, not wanting to agree. And suddenly, she suggested:

Do you want me to show you my country?

Sofia, of course, really wanted this, but how could they leave the village without their parents’ permission? And Sofia didn’t even doubt that her mom and dad wouldn’t let her go anywhere - she was still very little... But Varvara seemed to read her friend’s thoughts and quickly jabbered:

The main thing is that you yourself must want to go on a trip, and so that your parents don’t find out anything, you need to do one tiny thing... You need to deceive them!

Seeing Sofia’s frightened eyes, the girl continued:

Don't be so afraid! This is just one time. Nobody will know anything! You just need to lie, and then close your eyes... and that's it! You will immediately find yourself in my country Vrunland. It’s very beautiful there, and the people are so kind that they give candy to all the children they meet on the street! And why did you say “you can’t lie”? Here, explain to me why?

Sofia didn’t know what to answer... She, in fact, never thought about why lying is bad. It’s just how her parents taught her, and she believed them. The girl still couldn’t find an answer to Varvara, and on the way home she was still thinking about her friend’s words. For some reason, it began to seem to her that lying really wasn’t so scary. And how she wanted to go on a trip! Lent was coming to an end, and she was so sad without her favorite cartoons and entertainment... Of course, her parents didn’t force her to give it up! Mom just suggested: “If you want, we’ll all fast together.” Sofia, of course, really wanted to. It would seem, is it really difficult - to give up chocolate, and instead of the zoo, sit in silence, pray for grandma, who has a very strong problem? lately did your legs hurt? It turned out to be very difficult! And I wanted chocolate like never before, and I didn’t have the strength to pray: you just start, and your eyes are already closing... But Sofia tried as best she could. She's part of the family! And now, when Varenka offered to stay in her country, Sofia wanted it so badly that she could no longer help herself.

Before going to bed, when her mother leaned over her bed to kiss her beloved daughter, she decided:

Yesterday my teacher at school told me that I was the smartest in the class!

Mom raised her eyebrows in surprise, but didn’t answer. She just straightened the blanket and wished her sweet dreams.

Sofia lay in the dark and tried to cope with shame. It turns out that lying is very simple, but somehow unpleasant. After all, the teacher, in fact, did not tell her anything like that...

She closed her eyes and in the blink of an eye found herself in an unfamiliar place. The gray city surrounded her on all sides. The unkempt houses seemed completely lonely and uninhabited. There were mountains of garbage on the sidewalks. Sofia raised her head and saw that the sky was overcast. The sun was not visible at all. And then she saw Varenka walking towards her.

Eh, Sofyushka, and you ended up here... I was so hoping that you wouldn’t deceive anyone after all!

But weren’t you the one who told me that lying isn’t scary and even interesting?! And also, you said that Vrunland is a beautiful country, but I only see darkness and mountains of garbage...

You see, I lied to you. I also deceived my sister once, and I even thought it was funny. Then I lied constantly and couldn’t stop. You quickly get used to lies... Some time passed and I ended up in Vrunland. I live with my family during the day, but I lie all the time, so I end up here every night. The people here are very sad, and probably also want to never return to this country, but they can no longer stop and stop lying. The sun never shines in Vrunland, and therefore there is constant darkness here.

Varvara lowered her eyes, sniffed and muttered quietly:

Forgive me, I deceived you too and invited you to Vrunland because I was jealous of your honesty.

Sofia sighed:

I forgive you, but we need to quickly think about how to get out of here! I don't like it here at all!

You can't escape from here. We will get to Dobroye only in the morning, and we will have to wander in the darkness all night. You know, there’s not even anything living here: no flowers, no birds, no animals! Disgusting country!

Sofia thought for a minute, and then asked:

Who told you that it is impossible to get out of Vrunland?

This is written in the law of the country. Look at all the houses!

The girl took a closer look at the end of the nearest building and saw the inscription: “The law of Vrunland prohibits everyone on the territory of the country from leaving it on their own. Also, all people are prohibited from telling the truth. Lawbreakers will remain in the country forever!”

Sofia turned to her friend:

Varenka! So, if everyone in Vrunland lies, then the law is also a complete lie! And to return home we just need to tell the truth!

Varvara was scared:

I'm afraid! What if, if we don’t lie, we’ll actually stay here forever?!

Don't worry, everything will be fine! But in order not to lie, you need to be brave! The truth is not always easy to tell...

Then an old woman appeared around the bend. Stopping near her friends, she squinted slyly and said:

I've never seen you here before! And I’ve been living here, by the way, for ten years! Probably, little ones, you are obedient and kind children, and, of course, you don’t deceive anyone. Really, right?

Varvara opened her mouth to lie, but looked at Sofia and timidly answered:

Grandma, we are actually liars.

But we will definitely improve!

And suddenly a warm breeze picked up the girls and began to carry them high - high into the sky! Out of fear, they closed their eyes, and after a few seconds they found themselves in their cribs.

Morning has come in Dobroye. Varvara opened her eyes and joyfully whispered: “I will never deceive people again!” At the same time, Sofia confessed to her mother, who came to wake her up:

Mommy, I lied to you yesterday. The teacher didn't tell me that I was the smartest in the class. Now I understand: you can’t lie also because when you deceive others, you should expect the same from them.

Mom looked sternly at her daughter and said:

That's right: you need to treat people the way you want them to treat you. And lies are a very terrible evil. It's good that you confessed everything!

The girl hugged her mother, and her soul suddenly became light and calm. And, outside the window, a ringing bell was heard, announcing the good news - Christ is Risen! Sofia decided that she would remember this Easter for the rest of her life. It cannot be otherwise!

Also on our website you can

Oh, and we also have educational stories for the whole family in the section

Moms and dads are welcome

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We have also prepared for you:

Once upon a time, a very, very long time ago, somewhere very, very far away, two babies were born - Theodora and Minodora. And everyone who came to them for the christening of the diva...

Once upon a time there lived a seamstress. Paraskeva's name was Nikitichnaya. She knew how to sew such dresses - you can’t take your eyes off them! And he will collect ruffles from unruly fabric, and airy lace...

What child doesn't want to go on a fantastic journey? To the ends of the world, towards incredible adventures or to another, fairy-tale world? Travel can be very different. In time (books about Alisa Seleznyova) or between worlds (Coraline by Neil Gaiman). An extraordinary and very educational journey is made by Karik and Valya, who have shrunk to the size of insects. A similar fate befell Nils from Selma Lagerlöf’s fairy tale, but it was not the scientific experiment that was to blame, but his own behavior. And travel with wild geese taught him to be brave and honest.

It is especially pleasant to read about the exciting adventures of peers. Magic transformations- that's one thing, but rafting down the Mississippi with Huckleberry Finn or going on a pirate ship in search of treasure; survive all the difficulties and hardships of being at sea, like Dick Sand, a fifteen-year-old captain... The heroes of these books are not fairy-tale characters, but ordinary children - like the young reader himself.

Yes, adventure books, which twenty-five years ago children usually devoured in volumes, now for some reason are not always suitable for modern children. Some fit, some don't. I'm looking too.

Adventure, fantasy, detective and science and at the same time interestingly written. There are also series about robotics, especially the series “Detective Elijah Bailey and the Robot Daniel Olivo.” Fiction for children. Books. Child from 7 to 10.


The coolest domestic science fiction writer

If it’s science fiction for children, then I highly recommend Asimov’s series about Lucky Starr (sometimes translated as Lucky Starr). It's very difficult to find in print, but it's what you need. Adventure, fantasy, detective and science and at the same time interestingly written.

There are also series about robotics, especially the series “Detective Elijah Bailey and the Robot Daniel Olivo.”

And I myself really love all the books in the “Foundation” series (sometimes translated “Academy”).

Sea adventures for children of all ages: what to read to a child. Books for schoolchildren: adventures and travel. Reading for a girl (12 years old). Maybe you can also do some adventure films (not necessarily with girls in the lead role)?


Help me remember the title of the book - just when I was 10-11 years old I found a thick, falling apart book about real sailors - the history of Cook, Magellan, Columbus - in artistic execution and historical accuracy
I just read this book avidly, then reread it several more times... but I never liked fairy tales, I liked something “real” more.
And now I can’t remember the name(((

The "Club" also mentions "The Sea Sorceress" by Sabbatini. And when I was 12 years old, I liked the book “The Boatswain Knows Everything” (the author, I think, is Viktor Konetsky) - a collection of funny stories about the adventures of sailors during the war and after.

Section: Books (Gulliver book for what age). at what age to read (if the child reads independently). 1. Gulliver 2. The Adventures of Captain Vrungel 3. Academy of Pan Blobs 4. Yellow Fog, Seven Underground Kings, etc.... 5. Russians folk tales(Not...

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Here is a book about the adventures of a boy in Australia. Read book reviews.
Alfred Shklyarsky: Tomek in the land of the kangaroo - next book on this book. there will be extra this week. 10% discount

There is a sequel - Tomek on the dark continent - for this book in the Labyrinth until the end of this week. 10% discount. I bought this book and now I read it with pleasure, even though it is for children.

Here is a series of books about the adventures of a Neanderthal boy

Here is a series of books about schoolchildren

Here is the series Merry Company

Jill Barklem. Blackberry glade.

Sea voyage

Translation by Svetlana Bordner

It was a beautiful early morning summer day. The sun was just beginning to warm Bramble Glade. The air, still damp from dew, is filled with freshness and the smell of greenery.

Primrose Woodmouth woke up early this morning. She decided that she couldn’t waste a single moment of such a wonderful day. Quickly jumping out of bed and getting dressed, she ran downstairs to the kitchen, where her mother, Mrs. Woodmouth, was already packing her raincoat and hat in her travel bag.

Well, everything is ready,” she told her daughter. - Take this one too apple pie on the road. Dad and I will come later to say goodbye to you before going on the road. Now run quickly.

Running outside, Primrose breathed in the fresh morning air with pleasure:

Simply wonderful! - she said. - Just right for our trip!

And she ran to the other side of the Blackberry glade along the path leading through the tall grass straight to the stream. And there Dusty, Poppy and Wilfred were already working, packing things for the upcoming voyage to sailboat Dusty.

“Here you are, finally,” said Dusty, seeing Primrose. “And I already thought that we would set sail without you.”

Wilfred helped Primrose carry her travel bag up the steep wooden stairs, leading down to the ship's cabins.

Just look at this,” he said enthusiastically to Primrose, pointing to an old map, yellowed with time, unfolded on the table.

Does it show where we will go? – asked Primrose.

Of course it’s shown,” Dusty assured her. - This old map Solarov. Here is our Bramble Glade, we have to go all the way down this river,” Dusty explained, showing a thick blue line on the map, “straight to the sea!”

A small group of mourners gathered on the shore.

Will they be okay? – Mrs. Apple was worried. “Dusty has never gone on such a long voyage before.”

“Listen, dear,” Mr. Apple reassured her, “if the salt mice somehow manage to deliver salt to us up the river, then I’m just sure that Dusty can do the same.”

“And yet I cannot understand how it happened that we have already run out of all our salt supplies,” Mrs. Apple continued. – This has never happened before. I probably shouldn't have salted all those nuts you collected this year.

Stop worrying,” Mr. Apple said. - Look, they are already setting sail.

All aboard! – Dusty shouted at this very time.

He raised the anchor andperiwinkleslowly went with the flow. The journey has begun!

The fresh air caught them and quickly carried them downstream. Primrose and Wilfred, holding the railing with one paw, waved after their friends who remained on the shore for a long time until they turned into small dots. Then they went down to their cabin to put their things in their places. Everyone chose their own bed. Primrose took the top one and Wilfred took the bottom one. Then they laid out their toys and clothes and quickly ran upstairs so that, God forbid, they wouldn’t miss anything interesting.

Soon Poppy had prepared lunch, which they ate on the deck, enjoying the views of nature.

The wind is starting to pick up,” Dusty said, clearing the half-eaten food from the table. “We need to make sure that everything is securely fortified.”

Just at that moment the ship turned sharply to the side and an apple, falling from the table, rolled along the stern.

Can I steer? – Wilfred asked.

Not now. “When the wind calms down, then it will be possible,” Dusty answered.

We're going pretty fast,” Poppy said.

Yes, you’ll see, before you even have time to look back, we’ll already be in place,” Dusty answered cheerfully, holding on to the rope.

All day the ship moved quickly, passing trees, bushes and fields.

“Start looking for a place where we can moor for the night,” Dusty said. – I don’t like this sky at all.

Maybe this will do? – Primrose asked, pointing to the bend in the river they were approaching.

Dusty decided it was good place to the pier and turned Periwinkle towards the shore, and Poppy threw the rope over the side, around the protruding roots of the tree and secured it well.

By this time, everyone was a little frozen from the strong wind and were glad to finally go downstairs to a warm cabin. Poppy lit the lamp and heated the soup on the stove.

After dinner, which they ate with great pleasure, they sat at the table for a long time, telling different stories and singing songs, until it was time to sleep. Primrose and Wilfred, tired from the day clean air and a lot of impressions, fell fast asleep in their beds. The boat gently swayed on the waves of the river and the water quietly hit its side, rocking and lulling the travelers even more.

The next morning, Primrose was awakened by a strong wind swaying the coastal willows. Poppy had long since gotten up and was preparing breakfast, toasting fragrant toast. Dusty and Wilfred were leaning over the table, enthusiastically studying the map.

Dress warmly today,” Poppy advised.

Soon their journey continued and they again set out along the river. Wilfred had great fun working with Dusty on deck, while Primrose helped Poppy find the landscapes they were passing on a map.

The day passed unnoticed. By evening, the children began to play a game they had invented. They had to peer into the distance, trying to guess in advance what they were seeing.

Look! Navy Seals! Wilfred shouted.

And he jumped up on the cockpit, but very unsuccessfully: his paw got stuck in a pile of rope lying on the deck, he lost his balance and grabbed the steering wheel, turning it sharply. In an instant, the stern was carried towards the shore and a loud blow was heard. They ran aground.

That’s it, now we’ll never reach the sea,” Primrose whined.

Wilfred also hung his head heavily and almost cried himself.

Sorry, Dusty,” he muttered.

Well,” said Dusty, after examining the situation, “we won’t sail anywhere today.” You better go downstairs for dinner.

They ate and went to bed, deciding that the morning was wiser than the evening. And sure enough, the next morning they were awakened by the sound of rain. Looking out the porthole, Dusty was pleased to see that the water level in the river had risen and they were no longer stranded, but were gently standing on the water, and therefore they could continue on their way.

Hurray! – he shouted joyfully and ran up to the deck. “Grab the map,” he shouted as he walked. - I think we are already very close.

Primrose pointed ahead.

Look, this must be Gull Rock, I see boats.

As they got closer, they actually saw a pier and a shrew fishing on the shore. Dusty, shouting loudly so that he could be heard, asked the mouse:

Excuse me, can you tell me if we are on our way to the Sandy Beach?

Yes, but you’d better moor here and walk along the path there,” the shrew answered them.

Dusty thanked him and carefully moored to the shore, standing in the free space between the other boats. And so, after a long swim, four mice went ashore and headed towards the Sandy Coast along the indicated path through the pine forest.

The journey was not long, and finally, when they came to the very end of the cliff, they gasped at the picture that appeared before them: everywhere they looked, and to the very horizon, solid water stretched all around... The sea...

How big it is! Primrose gasped.

Continuing to admire the sea, the mice, one after another, carefully descended from the cliff, holding tightly to the grass.

Where to now? – asked Primrose

Dusty looked at the map.

“To the right,” he pointed the way.

Soon Poppy was the first to notice a small group of mice ahead, located near a sandy cliff. Coming closer to them, she asked:

Excuse me, can you tell us where Piercy's salt mice live?

Here. “It’s us,” they answered.

Delighted, Dusty ran up to shake the paw of the owner of the house.

“We are from Bramble Glade,” he exclaimed. “We’ve run out of all the salt.”

Well then, the good wind must have helped you get to us,” Mr. Piercy replied. - Please meet me - this is my wife Tefi and our children: Pebbles, Shells and Little Shrimp.

“You must be very tired from the journey,” asked Mrs. Piercy. - Please come in, make yourself at home. I suppose you'd like to wash your paws.

She led the guests downstairs into the spacious bathroom.

This is water for washing,” she explained, pointing to the jug on the floor. - Oh, if you want to drink water, then follow me into the kitchen.

The room for Poppy and Dusty had a sea view. Primrose and Wilfred were assigned to sleep in the nursery.

Poppy left them to lay out their things while she went to look for the owner of the house. Tefi was busy in the kitchen, lowering some brown leaves into a cauldron of boiling water.

“Have you ever tried seaweed,” she asked Poppy.

No,” Poppy replied, “but I’d love to try.”

Soon they were all sitting at big table, testing their first seafood food.

What is this? – Wilfred asked, picking at his plate with a fork.

Seaweed jerky, of course,” replied Mr. Piercy.

And should I eat this? – Wilfred asked again, looking warily at his plate.

Poppy tried to hush up the awkward situation and, coughing quietly, diverted the conversation to the side:

And how long has the Piercy family lived in these parts?

Our family has lived in this place for many centuries in a row. A long time ago, our ancestor left Green Glades and settled here. Since then we have never been there and I often wonder what life is like in the field.

And, having touched on this topic, everyone began to tell the features of their lives.

“I also brought you some gifts from the residents of Bramble Glade,” Poppy said, taking out her basket. It was Mrs. Apple who asked you to give her honey gingerbread cookies and strawberry jam, there are also violet sweets. All these goodies seemed incredibly sweet to the sea mice; they were not at all accustomed to such food.

“Now it’s time to sleep,” said Tefi. “And first thing tomorrow we’ll go to the beach.”

Of course, Primrose and Wilfred couldn't wait for this moment and, as soon as they woke up the next morning, they immediately wanted to go to the sea.

“Don’t forget to wear Panama hats,” Mrs. Piercy warned. - It will be hot today. We will take everything for a picnic and spend the whole day on the beach.

While Pebbles and Wilfred were building a sandcastle, Shell and Primrose were playing catch-up along the embankment, disturbing everyone along the way.

The adults lounged on the sand with pleasure and happily watched the children, talking about life.

Suddenly Poppy noticed that the water began to rise closer to them and cautiously called all the children to her.

"It's the tide," Mr. Piercy explained. – It happens twice a day. Soon the entire beach here will be flooded with water. Let's get ready, it's time for us to go home.

On the third day, Wilfred woke up and saw black clouds in the sky through their bedroom window. Here by open door Mr. Piercy ran through the nursery, putting on his raincoat as he went.

“I must cover the salt bowl before the storm,” he shouted. - Come on, help me! – he called Wilfred.

They ran through the tunnels outside, where a strong wind rose. Mr. Piercy stopped at the entrance to raise a red flag, and then they rushed down through the thick grass to the salt bowl. There were two large containers buried in the sand

What is this? - Wilfred shouted.

This is where we collect sea water,” Mr. Piercy explained, pointing to the first bowl. “Under the scorching sun, the water dries up and remains alone.” sea ​​salt, which then needs to be collected. It needs to be covered and rain should not be allowed to get into it. And in the second bowl we collect rainwater for drinking.

They had just managed to put the lid on the salt bowl when he poured heavy rain. And by the time they got home, huge waves rose and hit the shore with furious force. It was a real storm!

It became very dark inside the house. Tefi lit the fireplace in the nursery and table lamp. The children lay down on the floor next to the fireplace, playing with the boat.

Sometimes the rain doesn’t stop for several days and all this time we have to stay inside,” said the Shell.

Then they played dominoes and five rocks and created seaweed paintings.

Pebbles helped Wilfred make small boat with real sails and stern. And Primrose was busy painting a coastal stone, which she later wanted to give to her mother.

The storm died down overnight and the first thing in the morning Mr. Piercy went to check the seaweed hanging near the door and the direction of the wind.

“Good weather for swimming,” he concluded.

Then I think it's time for us to get ready to go. The sooner we get out, the better,” Dusty said.

We need to get salt from the pantry. Will three barrels be enough for you? asked Mr. Piercy.

While the parents were busy with preparations, the children ran to the shore to play catch and hide and seek on the seashore as a farewell. Salt mice had a lot of tunnels dug underground in which they stored supplies and also sheltered from a strong storm. There was plenty of space here for playing hide and seek!

Children, where are you? It's time to go out!

And Wilfred and Primrose rushed quickly to the nursery to hastily collect their things, and with them the beautiful coastal stones and shells that they had collected on the shore. Primrose looked at the sea again through the open window and said sadly:

I really don't want to leave...

“We have a surprise for you,” Pebbles said quickly. - Here. This is a special shell. Every time you bring it to your ear, you will hear the sound of the surf and remember us. And maybe then you will come to visit us again.

Meanwhile, Dusty and Mr. Piercy loaded the barrels of salt into the cart and the whole company went to the one moored at the pier Periwinkle , and I must add not without difficulty, because the cart turned out to be heavy!

After loading the salt and things on board the ship, Mr. Piercy said:

Remember, you need to constantly ensure that the salt is always dry.

The friends hugged each other tightly, thanked for the warm hospitality and help, and also invited them to visit:

Be sure to come visit us! Our Blackberry Glade is so sunny and there are so many berries, mushrooms and nuts growing there! You will definitely like it!

We will try! - promised Mr. and Mrs. Piercy.

Having hugged everyone once again, Dusty commanded:

All aboard!

And no free riders,” Poppy added cheerfully, pulling out little Shrimp from the basket, which they almost took with them!

Then Poppy untied the rope, Dusty raised the anchor and periwinkle began to slowly move away from the shore.

The friends stood and waved to each other for a long time. Some from the shore, others from on board the ship, recalling with some sadness the pleasant time spent together. Although Dusty, Poppy, Wilfred and Primrose had a meeting with their families ahead, they were sad to leave their new friends.

Primrose cheered up a bit when Dusty offered to drive the boat. Then, unnoticed by herself, she began to sing:

I love to sail the seas

Arguing with a stormy wave,

But the sweetest thing in sea life,

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Imagine that one day your child, having read books about Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver and Phineas Fogg, comes to you with a question: why are the main characters of adventure books for children adults?

Do not rush to answer that the hardships and dangers of long journeys are beyond the capabilities of children. Instead, encourage your child to read about the amazing adventures of their peers.

In our list you will find best books about travel in which children play the main role. This is mainly literature for school age, but some stories can also be read to preschoolers.

1. Selma Lagerlöf “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese”

This fabulous book was actually intended as a textbook on the geography of Sweden. But even schoolchildren will agree: if all textbooks were like this, no one would yawn in class.

In the meantime, you can go on the road with Nils and experience exciting adventures. Nils' path is full of secrets and dangers, but he always has friends next to him who will help in difficult times.

2. Elena Rakitina “The Great Journey Home”

Mishka and Egorka are restless and curious people. Today they are going to the forest for a gnome party, tomorrow African natives are waiting for them, and the day after tomorrow they plan to take a tram ride around their hometown. I really want to join their company and see how diverse the world is.

3. Alfred Shklyarsky “Tomek in the land of the kangaroo”

How many times did Tomek Vilbovsky, an ordinary teenager, dream of traveling! His dreams came true: he went on a real expedition to Australia and learned from his own experience what a storm at sea is and how dangerous a meeting with a predator is. Shklyarsky wrote 9 books about Tomek’s travels, and his adventure books have been read by more than one generation of children.

4. Ernest Seton-Thompson "Little Savages"

Boys study so reluctantly... Not at all - they comprehend some sciences with pleasure. The young heroes of the book decided to spend the summer in the forest, like real Indians: to live in a wigwam they built with their own hands, learn to shoot without missing a mark and read animal tracks.

The adults supported their idea, and the old hunter shared useful secrets Indians

5. Alexander Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”

The girl Ellie considered herself a homebody, but one day a hurricane carried her to a distant country - she had to travel involuntarily to return home. But how many new things she learned along the way and how many friends she made!

Then Ellie went on fairy-tale journeys more than once, and when she grew up, she passed on her love of travel to her daughter Annie. This is described in other books by Volkov.

6. Jules Verne “The Children of Captain Grant”

The 37th parallel south latitude is thin line on the map and the vast expanses of the oceans in reality. Somewhere on this parallel Captain Grant found refuge after a shipwreck.

His children, Robert and Mary, go in search of their father. Like all travel books written by Jules Verne, this story grabs you from the first pages.

7. Ian Larry “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya”

Dragonfly as a vehicle - best choice for those who want to get to know the tiny inhabitants of our planet better.

Children of normal height cannot fly on dragonflies, but Karik and Valya were helped by a professor who invented a shrinking elixir. The journey through the thick grass begins!

8. Vitaly Korzhikov “Solnyshkin’s Merry Voyage”

Sailor Alyosha Solnyshkin has already outgrown his children's pants, but has not lost his childish curiosity. It will help him in difficult voyages, and everyday life on the ship will not seem boring and monotonous.

Read the continuation of the story in the books “Solnyshkin sails to Antarctica” and “Ice adventures We swam, we know.”

9. Masha Vaisman “Isn’t it fun?”

A trip to the sea with the whole family is very cool. There are mountains that look like dragons, silent jellyfish, puddles with healing mud, tourists in tents and goldfish, to which you can whisper your wishes. Look around through the eyes of the boy Fili - isn't it fun?

10. Kir Bulychev “The Adventures of Alice”

Parents often take their children to work. But if dad is a cosmobiologist, then he has to work on distant planets, which means that his daughter has the opportunity to travel around our galaxy and even beyond.

Alice takes advantage of this opportunity, making friends among aliens and taming strange animals from other planets. Bulychev wrote a series of books about Alisa Selezneva, in which the girl travels both in space and time.

11. Robert Louis Stevenson "Treasure Island"

Think there's no place for children in a pirate adventure novel? But Stevenson entrusted the role of narrator and main character to teenager Jim Hawkins.

Jim accidentally got involved in the search for Captain Flint's treasure, but showed himself to be an observant, resourceful and courageous member of the expedition. Complete your reading by watching a magnificent cartoon by David Cherkassky.

12. Fyodor Konyukhov “How I became a traveler”

Fyodor Konyukhov is a famous traveler who completed 5 circumnavigation of the world and crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat. And the first independent travel He undertook at the age of 15, conquering the Sea of ​​Azov alone. How the boy prepared for the sea voyage and what he encountered along the way, you will read in this book.

13. Aaron Becker "Journey"

There are so many discoveries, excitement, joys in this book - but not a single word. Travel with your children through the painted worlds of Aaron Becker, learning to recognize beauty and notice little things that the eye usually doesn't linger on.

It is quite possible that these books will awaken a passion for travel in a child, and he will create his own route for new family trips. And if you show that you are well versed in children's attractions (this will help you), the child will be grateful to you for your advice.

It began to get dark.

Over the taiga, over the gloomy rocks, over the river with the splashing name Vels, a narrow fox moon rose.

By dusk the ear was ripe.

Having found spoons in our backpacks, we settled around a bucket, caught pieces of grayling and put them in a separate pot so that the grayling would cool while we ate the fish soup.

Well, Kozma and Demyan, sit down with us!

I rummaged around in the depths of the bucket with a long juniper spoon - my arm went up to the elbow into steam. I caught potatoes and fish offal from the bottom - livers, caviar - then scooped up a transparent fish with green foam.

Well, Kozma and Demyan, sit down with us! - Lyosha repeated, throwing his spoon into the bucket.

Sit down with us, sit down with us, Kozma and Demyan! - we confirmed.

We built a fire on the low bank of the Vels. Our coastline is completely littered with dirty ice floes. They remained from the flood - they did not have time to thaw. Here is an ice floe that looks like a huge ear, and here is a milk mushroom.

Who are they - Kozma and Demyan? - asked Pyotr Ivanovich, who came to the Ural taiga for the first time.

Pyotr Ivanovich eats fish soup carefully and respectfully. His head is shrouded in steam, small fires are burning in his glasses.

The old fishermen taught me this,” Lyosha answered. - As if there are such Kozma and Demyan. They help catch grayling. You need to call Kozma and Demyan by ear so that they don’t get offended.

By the clock it is already midnight, but the sky has not darkened, it remains clear, twilight, and the month has added coldness and light to it.

“This is probably a white night,” said Pyotr Ivanovich thoughtfully.

The white nights will begin later,” Lyosha answered. - They should be lighter. There is no name for this night.

Maybe silver?

What a silver one! Gray night.

Having spread spruce branches on the ground, we laid out our sleeping bags and lay down. I buried my head at the foot of the tree. Its lower branches have dried up, lichen has grown on them and hangs towards the fire like tow, like bast, like a white beard.

Not far away, behind me, something rustled.

“Gray night,” Pyotr Ivanovich repeated thoughtfully.

Whether it’s gray, white or silver, it’s still time to sleep.

Something rustled behind me again.

My ear is so worn out that I’m too lazy to turn around and see what the noise is. I see the moon hanging over the taiga - young, thin, piercing.

Chipmunk! - Lyosha suddenly said.

I looked around and immediately saw that two attentive night eyes were looking at us from behind the tree.

The chipmunk only stuck out his head, and his eyes seemed very dark and large, like a gonobobel berry.

After looking at us for a bit, he hid. Apparently, he was overcome with horror: who are they sitting by the fire?!

But then the big-eyed head poked out again. Whistling lightly, the animal jumped out from behind the tree, ran along the ground and hid behind the backpack.

“This is not a chipmunk,” said Lyosha, “there are no stripes on its back.”

The animal jumped onto the backpack and put its paw into the canvas pocket. There was a rope there. Hooking it with a claw, he pulled it.

Let's go! - I couldn’t stand it.

Jumping up to the tree, he grabbed the trunk and, tearing off pieces of bark with his claws, ran up the trunk into the dense branches.

Who is this? - said Pyotr Ivanovich. - Not a squirrel or a chipmunk.

“I don’t know,” said Lyosha. - It doesn’t look like a sable, nor does it look like a marten. I've probably never seen anything like this.

The gray night became brighter. The fire died down, and Lyosha got up and threw some sushi into it.

You shouldn’t have scared him away,” Pyotr Ivanovich told me. - He's the-

the feather won't come back.

We looked at the top of the tree. Not a single branch moved.

Long sparks from the fire flew to the top and died out in the light gray sky.

Suddenly some dark lump fell from the top and opened in the air, becoming angular, quadrangular. Having crossed the sky, he flew from tree to tree, catching the moon with the edge of his tail.

Then we immediately realized who it was. It was a flying squirrel, an animal that you cannot see during the day: it hides in hollows and flies over the taiga at night.

Its wings are furry - membranes between the front and hind legs.

The flying squirrel was sitting on the very tree that grew above me. Some husks and pieces of bark fell from above - the flying squirrel descended. He was either peeking out from behind the tree or hiding, as if he wanted to sneak up unnoticed.

Suddenly he looked out very close to me, at arm's length. His eyes, dark and wide, stared at me.

“Will he catch it or not?” - I was thinking, apparently, a flying squirrel.

He sat huddled in a ball and looked at the fire.

The fire stirred and crackled.

The flying squirrel jumped to the ground and then noticed a large dark hollow. It was Pyotr Ivanovich's boot lying on the ground.

Whistling in surprise, the flying squirrel dove into the boot.

At the same instant I rushed to grab the boot, but the flying squirrel jumped out and ran, ran along the outstretched arm, along the shoulder and - jumped onto a stump.

But it was not a stump. It was Pyotr Ivanovich's knee with a large round cup.

Looking into the flaming glasses with horror, the flying squirrel coughed, jumped onto the tree and quickly climbed up.

Pyotr Ivanovich felt his knee in amazement.

“What a light one,” he said hoarsely.

Having flown to another tree, the flying squirrel descended again. Apparently, he was attracted by the dying fire of the fire, beckoning him like a lamp on a summer evening attracts a moth.

A dream came over me. Or rather, not a dream - a wolf's slumber. I either closed my eyes and fell somewhere under a spruce root, then opened them and then saw a beard of lichen hanging from the branches, and behind it a completely brightened sky and in it a flying squirrel flying from peak to peak.

With the first rays of the sun the flying squirrel disappeared.

In the morning, over tea, I kept pestering Pyotr Ivanovich, asking him to give me a boot that had been worn by a flying squirrel. And Lyosha said, finishing his second mug of tea:

Was it not Kozma and Demyan who sent him to us?

Children's travel stories

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