Dieffenbachia lovely indoor plants. Caring for Dieffenbachia at home

Dieffenbachia is a native of tropical South America. It belongs to the araceae family, and the number of Dieffenbachia species around the world amounts to half a hundred. This spectacular indoor plant is held in high esteem by flower growers and interior designers, first of all due to its original leaves, and secondly because rapid growth and love for large spaces, but the flowering is also quite exquisite.

Features of the growth of Dieffenbachia

Most species of Dieffenbachia have erect, strong stems. Usually this decorative flower increases its size due to one growth point, which is located at the top of the shoot. Although there are some plant species that are characterized by branching. But all of them are characterized by rapid growth. Over time, the lower part of the stem becomes bare and woody, which reduces its attractiveness. But this can be easily corrected due to the fact that Dieffenbachia is very unpretentious and easily tolerates the replanting process. The most popular types of Dieffenbachia, most often used for indoor cultivation, are Dieffenbachia Prelestnaya, Bause, Leopolda, Spotted, Oersted and others, among which there are dwarf varieties, perfect not only for large office spaces, but also for small apartments. Most species are characterized by the presence of oval leaves and stems with a leathery structure and lightly colored spots. Some varieties are dark green with no light spaces at all, but they will all bloom about the same.

Characteristic flowering

The inflorescences of Dieffenbachia, like all its aroid relatives, bear a vague resemblance to an ear of corn. The flowering period begins in mid-spring. Not every gardener can see how Dieffenbachia blooms. The inflorescence appears from the leaf axil and has a veil, usually cream-colored, but sometimes greenish in color. But in room conditions see flowering bush Dieffenbachia is quite difficult, because it happens rarely and lasts only a few days. Afterwards, the cob withers, but remains on the bush and does not fall off. In this state, it takes energy away from the plant and can inhibit its further growth, so it is recommended to cut it off yourself. If pollination occurs, and in our latitudes there are insects capable of this, then the cob gives way to bright red or orange berries, which look very impressive, but have poisonous properties.

What to pay attention to when growing

Despite the fact that Dieffenbachia has excellent decorative characteristics, easy to care for and grows quickly, you need to be careful when choosing a place to install it. The fact is that all parts of this plant are poisonous, so Dieffenbachia is not suitable for children's rooms, institutions, and kitchens. The most toxic part of the flower is its juice. He has white, and in direct contact with the skin, it can cause a burning sensation and irritation, which can be eliminated by rinsing the skin area with running water. If it happens to get on the tongue, it swells and the ability to speak clearly is lost. Locals The South American continent uses it to make poison for rats.

Caring for the plant during flowering

Flowering takes a lot of energy from the bush. All energy is devoted to this, so leaves may suffer (wither and fall) or stop growing. To avoid this, it is recommended to remove the inflorescences. If there is an interest in preserving flowering, then such a houseplant needs additional feeding. It should be carried out weekly throughout the flowering period and at least another month after that. Later, it is enough to fertilize the plant as usual. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to use predominantly nitrogen-containing minerals, which contribute to the active development of the green part of plants. And taking into account the presence of a flower, add one fertilizing with potassium-phosphorus complexes, which are responsible for full flowering.

General principles of caring for Dieffenbachia

Selecting a location. Dieffenbachia is a light-loving plant. It should be bright, but diffuse. The southwestern and southeastern parts of the premises are ideally suited for this flower, and it is recommended to place the plant on a shelf or special floor stand. In too hot weather, windows must be shaded, protecting Dieffenbachia from direct sun. Its rays can cause leaf burn, which manifests itself in burn marks or total yellowing. If you place a pot with this flower in partial shade for a long time, this may affect the degree of its decorativeness. The leaf pattern may become less distinct and fade.

Ambient temperature. During the warm period of time, the most optimal temperature for Dieffenbachia is the interval between eighteen and twenty-five degrees Celsius. The plant will tolerate heat of thirty degrees without loss if it is provided with frequent watering and high air humidity. During autumn-winter conditions, the flower needs to be provided with a comfortable existence at a temperature of seventeen to nineteen degrees Celsius. If the room is three to five degrees colder, the plant will begin to lose its leaves. lower leaves. The biggest problem for Dieffenbachia is drafts and dry air. In such conditions, the leaves of the flower turn yellow, and then curl and fall off.

Air and soil humidity. For comfortable development and growth, the plant needs air humidity of about sixty percent. In the summer, it should be frequently sprayed with warm purified water, and the leaves should be wiped with a damp sponge once a week. To provide the necessary air humidity, the pot can be placed on a tray containing moistened gravel, or containers with water can be placed next to it.

It is also recommended to use for watering warm water, subjected to settling for at least two days. IN winter period Watering is done moderately, but so that the soil always remains moist. During the period of active growth, watering should be plentiful: done daily, but without overflowing.

Soil, pot, fertilizing. Tall and fairly wide pots are suitable for growing Dieffenbachia. The bottom of the container should be covered with a good layer of drainage, and the soil should have a slightly acidic reaction. It must be made from leaf soil, fine-grained sphagnum, coarse sand and peat, taken in the appropriate parts 2: 1: 0.5: 1

Throughout the growing season, the plant must be fed with liquid mineral complexes used to care for decorative foliage flowers, maintaining a frequency of once every seven to ten days. Afterwards, the interval between feeding increases and is two weeks, and in winter the procedure stops.

Dieffenbachia needs to be replanted every year by transferring the plant, while maintaining the integrity of the earthen coma. In the future, you need to ensure that the top layer of soil is always loose.

The evergreen, unpretentious plant Dieffenbachia requires minimal care at home. When placing a flower, it is necessary to provide safety measures. The milky secretions of the beauty are poisonous to children and animals. Even in an adult, Dieffenbachia juice can cause blindness or swelling of the larynx. There are many species in nature, but only a few varieties are used in culture. And only the pleasant one is shade-tolerant and tolerates dry air in apartments with central heating.

How to care for Dieffenbachia at home

Like others indoor plants, the slave requires maintenance close to the tropical. The plant will attract beauty if you create conditions that include:

  • location, ;
  • soil composition and capacity requirements;
  • watering and fertilizing;
  • temperature regime;
  • summer and winter maintenance;

The first step in caring for Dieffenbachia is to allocate the right space. An east or west window without straight lines is suitable for it. sun rays. The beauty of the flower is in the variegated large leaves. With a lack of light, the plant will lose contrast in color and the leaves will become smaller.

Watering and water procedures

when caring for Dieffenbachia at home, you only need to manage soft water. Settled tap water and even boiled chilled water are suitable. The presence of magnesium and calcium salts in water poisons the plant. Therefore, where from drinking water scale appears on the kettle, you need to look for another water. It is necessary to water the plant frequently as soon as the top layer of soil dries out.

One of the methods of washing the earth from salts is to leave a lump of earth in water for 15 minutes. Then the water needs to be removed through drainage hole. This procedure is summer time needed once a month. In winter, simply abundant watering is sufficient. If the plant is flooded, then the leaves of Dieffenbachia begin to turn brown, turn yellow, and fall off.

Daily spraying of the Dieffenbachia flower in home care is useful. A tray with moss, an evaporator, an aquarium - all this creates the necessary humidity around the plant.

During the period of active growth, Dieffenbachia needs frequent feeding with organic and. Once every 7-10 days, adding nutrition to the irrigation water will create favorable conditions for flower development.

How to care for Dieffenbachia flower in winter and summer

In summer, when there is sufficient lighting, the flower can be placed in the back of the room. The determining factor will be not to set fire to the plants on a warm window. Elevated temperatures will inevitably lead to yellowing of the leaf blade. Dieffenbachia requires care at home with a gentle change in temperature within 22 degrees in summer and 18 in winter. Drafts are not allowed. When ventilating, the plant must be protected from fresh air. It is better to take the pot to another room.

For uniform formation of the bush, it requires lighting from all sides. Therefore, the container with the plant must be periodically turned along its axis. With its wide leaves, Dieffenbachia absorbs harmful emissions from the air, purifying it.

Dieffenbachia is replanted when caring at home when the previous pot becomes cramped.

Purchased soil is used for transplanting leafy plants or a mixture of equal shares:

  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • sand.

The addition of activated birch charcoal helps in cleaning the substrate from harmful salts. The container can be used with a small reserve, as the roots grow quickly. When planting, the stem is buried and gives rise to fresh roots. For rapid establishment, root formation stimulants should be added to the first waterings.

It is after transplantation, when the plant’s stem is exposed from fallen leaves, that it is necessary to trim the stem, leaving 10 cm on the surface. On the exposed part, fresh young leaves will appear from dormant buds. The crown can be rooted to form a new plant.

When caring for Dieffenbachia, it is necessary to use protective equipment. When pruning a plant, remember that the cuts are poisonous, and the remains must be packaged before being thrown into household waste.

Failure to comply with the conditions of keeping the flower leads to changes in the leaves, their yellowing or falling off. It is necessary to find the cause of the disease. If the disease is physiological, eliminate the cause, and the new leaves will be healthy. Remove old plates over time.

Diseases and pests of Dieffenbachia

It should be noted that diseases and pests can colonize the flower if Dieffenbachia care does not meet the requirements. Strong plant itself resists diseases. Of course, you can populate insects from a neighboring flower or use soil with living fungal mycelium for replanting, but this only means that caring for the plants on the windowsill is poor.

Signs of fungal diseases are the appearance of uncharacteristic spots, stripes, and weeping and drying leaf edges on the leaves.

When the root system rots, it cannot provide the plant with nutrition, and yellowness appears on the leaves.

This makes itself felt by diseases such as:

  • anthracosis;
  • fusarium;
  • viral infection.

Anthracosis attacks the upper part of the plant. The appearance of dry spots that enlarge and destroy the leaf is the most characteristic manifestation of the disease. Spores can get in with irrigation water. The disease is caused by dry indoor conditions and excessive watering. You can treat with fungicides and remove the infected parts of the plant. Normalize the regime of detention.

Fusarium spreads to the roots and the entire plant. The mushroom lives in the soil. Therefore, it is important to sterilize the substrate when replanting a plant. You can save the plant by yourself early stage disease, treating it with a fungicide, cutting out the affected areas and taking new dishes and soil.

Viral disease manifests itself with curled leaves, a bronze tint on the upper part of the plant. Carried by insects from diseased plants. The diseased plant must be destroyed. You cannot take material from him for reproduction.

Insect pests that have colonized the flower feed on the juices and spoil appearance flower. If the colony becomes large, it can kill the plant. Several types of pests reproduce on the poisonous Dieffenbachia:

Measures to combat them are known - first, soapy water, later - insecticides.

Proper care of Dieffenbachia - video

The Dieffenbachia flower has successfully taken root not only in apartments. It can be seen in offices, corridors of clinics, and also in stores. This beauty attracts the eye with its spreading wide leaves of bright green color with colorful white spots.

The Dieffenbachia genus includes about 30 species and 50 interspecific hybrids.

Flower controversy

Dieffenbachia has always attracted a lot of controversy about whether it can be kept at home or not. The pros and cons of the content are obvious.

It is best to keep Dieffenbachia in the living room or kitchen. There is definitely no place for such a flower in a nursery.

Home care for Dieffenbachia flowers

From time immemorial, this beauty has attracted people not only with its luxurious appearance, but also with its unpretentiousness.

She likes to be located in warm rooms facing east or west, as well as in small kitchens.

  • Dieffenbachia is shade-tolerant. It is best to protect it from direct sunlight.
  • in winter optimal temperature content - +18 degrees. It can also tolerate short-term cold snaps of up to +13 degrees. The main thing is that this difference is not sharp and does not resemble sudden frosts.
  • Dieffenbachia grows best in soil made from turf and leaf soil with peat and manure in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. It is advisable to add bone meal or horn shavings. You can prepare the soil yourself or buy a specialized mixture “For Dieffenbachia”.
  • Requires even watering throughout the year. About 2 times a week.
  • In the summer, she loves frequent spraying, and will be grateful if you pamper her by wiping the leaves from the accumulated dust.
  • If signs of deficiency are evident nutrients, then the plant should be fed. You should not get carried away with this (the plant grows quickly and needs more frequent replanting).
  • Dieffenbachia is preferably replanted annually.

Video: Dieffenbachia flower, transplantation and care

Please note the following points:

  1. Curvature of the trunk and uneven distribution of foliage means that the flower is drawn towards the light source. Therefore, it is important to periodically turn the pot with the plant in different directions.
  2. Dry leaf tips indicate a lack of moisture.
  3. Direct sunlight on the leaves of a flower threatens sunburn, which appears as brown dry spots on the leaves.


Flower propagates apical cuttings or pieces of stem.

The sequence of the process is as follows:

  1. Cut the trunk into 15-20 cm cuttings with a dormant bud.
  2. Remember where the top of the handle is and where the bottom is.
  3. Dry the sections overnight.
  4. We immerse the lower part of the cutting in water.
  5. When the first roots appear and young stems emerge from the buds, you can transplant them into a plastic container.

Video: Dieffenbachia flower propagation

Dieffenbachia - wonderful decoration your home. Whether or not one becomes its owner is a purely personal matter.

Latin name: Dieffenbachia

Family: Aroids (Araceae)

Homeland: South and Central America

Interesting information about the spectacular, flexible and successful Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia - a genus consisting of thirty species of picturesque evergreen shrubs and herbaceous rhizomatous plants, belongs to the huge Araceae family.

No one will argue that the Dieffenbachia flower is the most common indoor plant. The presence of this green beauty establishes its bright accent in industrial premises, supermarkets, clinics, kindergartens, and also perfectly landscaping living rooms, verandas, balconies. And, for sure, every flower lover has had the honor of growing this miracle of indoor flora at home.

Why did this flower attract the attention of amateur gardeners?

The splendor and expressiveness of Dieffenbachia comes from the variegated large leaves of an oblong and symmetrical shape, mounted on thick, succulent stems that resemble tree trunks. The leaves are the highlight of the plant. The unique attractiveness of the foliage, which has no equal in the world of plants, is provided by amazing patterns painted with spots, specks and stripes of different shades from dark green to light, absolutely white. It is almost impossible to see Dieffenbachia flowering at home. Small pale flowers collected in dense bracts - the cobs can only be admired in the wild.

The homeland of the Dieffenbachia plant is the tropical forests of Central and South America, where it is accustomed to shady conditions, but this does not prevent it from being a very light-loving plant.

This beautiful plant was discovered and described in the nineteenth century and named by the famous Austrian naturalist Heinrich Wilhelm Schott in honor of Joseph Dieffenbach, the chief caretaker of the imperial botanical garden at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. And so the Victorian period saw the flourishing of Dieffenbachia, a greenhouse plant. This beauty appeared here and became popular a century later.

The closest relative of Dieffenbachia can be called syngonium And zamioculcas.

Dieffenbachia species and its varieties

Dieffenbachia maculata also called painted dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia picta).

The most common decoration of residential premises, spacious halls, and corridors is Dieffenbachia spotted. It forms one or several large stems, which are decorated with oval, large glossy leaves up to half a meter in length, and the width of these giants is 12 cm. Depending on the variety of diffebachia spotted, the various colors and patterns on the leaves vary. The Dieffenbachia plant grows up to one meter in height.

Dieffenbachia Leopoldii

Costa Rica is considered its native place. Refined and delicate Dieffenbachia Leopolda has a short and succulent five-centimeter stem. Dark green, elliptical in shape, with a light central vein, very beautiful large leaves have a symmetrical arrangement. The leaf sizes reach up to 35 cm in length and up to 15 cm in width. And they are presented on pale green petioles with bright green spots. At good care the plant will thank you with flowers collected in a spadix up to nine centimeters in size, surrounded by a green-cream spathe up to 17 cm long.

This type of Dieffenbachia can decorate not only a living space, but also improve the landscape of courtyards and cottages.

Dieffenbachia Seguina

She came to us from the tropical rainforests of Brazil. The appearance looks a bit like Dieffenbachia spotted. The only difference is in the shape of the leaf - it is wider and less colored with spots. Blooming Dieffenbachia Seguin is represented by a large twenty-five centimeter cob.

Dieffenbachia amoena

It has become the most common species in home floriculture. Its external parameters resemble Dieffenbachia Seguin, but it has significantly fewer leaves.

The stem of the plant reaches one and a half meters in height. It is decorated with round leaves with a light pattern along the sides, similar to a herringbone. Thanks to this, the lovely Dieffenbachia looks very attractive and will decorate any interior, provided there are no sharp temperature fluctuations and drafts.

Spider mites also like this look. Take care of your lovely beauty.

Dieffenbachia reflector

The most colorful type of Dieffenbachia. The plant is very beautiful, round in shape, with pointed ends, dark green with purple tint large leaves. They are covered with bright green or yellowish spots and have a pronounced central vein.

Tropical forests are the most suitable natural conditions for this variety of Dieffenbachia. At home he wants high humidity and moderate watering. Does not like hypothermia, is not afraid of direct sunlight within reasonable limits.

There is a similar flower in appearance arrowroot .

Dieffenbachia bush. Taking Dieffenbachia spotted as a basis, breeders developed various bush varieties and hybrids of the plant. All of them are very beautiful and differ in size, shape and unique patterns of leaf plates.

Representatives of bushy varieties of Dieffenbachia:

Dieffenbachia Camilla

The hardiest bushy variety, very popular in the world of flower lovers. Extraordinarily beautiful lanceolate-shaped leaves of white-cream, greenish or light shade outlined around the edges with a dark green edging.

Dieffenbachia Compakta

Miniature and neat, bushy variety. Its height does not exceed forty centimeters. The leaves along the central vein are covered with light specks.

Dieffenbachia care at home

Selecting a location and temperature

Light-loving Dieffenbachia needs a place with bright, diffused light, especially variegated varieties. Windows on the northeast or west side may be suitable. Larger specimens are best placed around two meters from a sunny window. In darker areas where the plant lives, it is necessary to use artificial lighting. If there is a shortage sunlight the leaves become pale, the stems become elongated. Dieffenbachia turns its leaves towards the sunlight. Such actions are performed by anthurium. Plants must be periodically rotated around their axis to avoid one-sidedness.

Heat-loving Dieffenbachia will feel great in the summer months at a room temperature of 20-28˚C, and in winter the temperature should not fall below 18˚C. Protect the plant from drafts to avoid dropping leaves.

Watering and air humidity

The plant should be watered with plenty of settled soft water. After all, a large amount of moisture intensively evaporates from the large leaves of Dieffenbachia. To replenish it and create a natural microclimate for your tropical queen in the warm months, we water the flower at least three times a week, plus daily spraying. And in cool weather, we reduce watering to once or twice a week. Moreover, we monitor the condition of the soil, one third of which should be dry.

The maximum humidity level for Dieffenbachia can be considered 55%. At low temperature readings, do not spray the plant. Too low humidity can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the flower.


Transplantation and feeding

Dieffenbachia is replanted as the root system of the pot fills. For young specimens, the place of residence needs to be changed annually, and for older plants once every two or three years. The best time for this procedure it will be March or April before active growth begins. We increase the diameter of the pots for replanting by only one or two centimeters in order to protect the plant from excessive growth of roots instead of intensive growth of the upper part of the plant; the soil in a smaller container will be less acidic. Drainage is required and must correspond to one quarter of the volume of the pot.

Intensive feeding in the spring-summer period with an interval of once every fourteen days of Dieffenbachia will only be beneficial. You can use a universal soluble fertilizer. There is no need to fertilize the plant in winter.

Dieffenbachia reproduction

Propagating the plant is not difficult.

After cutting off the top, place it in water, wait until the roots grow to two centimeters, plant it in a pot and get a new beautiful Dieffenbachia.

We cut the remaining trunk into cuttings 15-20 cm long, always with a dormant bud, dry them and place them in water for rooting. Cuttings can also be rooted in a sand-peat mixture. After the roots appear and small leaves emerge from the dormant bud, sprouts can be planted in separate pots.

Dieffenbachia diseases and pests

The plump trunk and huge leaves of Dieffenbachia can be a place of concentration for various pests - insects. The plant can be affected by spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs. Immediately after detecting uninvited guests, we apply traditional methods fight - soap solution, onion, garlic or lemon infusion. The next stage of the fight will be the use of chemicals Decis, Actellik, Fitoverm, Intaavir according to the instructions.

Dieffenbachia is not difficult to care for, and based on the state of health of the southern beauty, you can immediately determine errors in its maintenance.

Difficulties encountered during cultivation:

  1. Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and also curl from drafts at excessively low temperatures; the plant may also become infected with root rot.
  2. The stem stretches, the leaves turn pale and smaller, the clarity of the pattern changes - the plant does not have enough sunlight.
  3. Rotting of the stem at the base can be caused by overwatering at low temperatures.
  4. The leaves dry out, the tips and edges of the leaf blades acquire a brown tint when the earthen coma is overdried and the air in the room is dry. Spray your dieffnbachia and water it more often.
Dieffenbachia signs

Very often the question arises: can Dieffenbachia be kept at home? There may be two options in this regard. On the one hand, there is an opinion that the plant is a protector from evil and envious people. When they appear in the house, Dieffenbachia can neutralize the influence of negative energy. They also say that Dieffenbachia is considered a strong “husband-killer”. Dieffenbachia absorbs oxygen and should not be left in the bedroom. This is certainly not true. After all, there is scientific evidence that this beautiful plant purifies the air from xylene, formaldehyde and benzene.

From the above, only one thing is clear: every flower lover must decide for himself whether to keep this wonderful plant at home or not.

Dieffenbachia is poisonous or not? Yes. All parts of the plant are toxic.

Take care precautions and everything will be fine. After all, Dieffenbachia is very beautiful and worthy of decorating any room. Jatropha The plant is also poisonous.

Dieffenbachia is a houseplant that has become widespread. Homeland of the green beauty - South America, belongs to the aroid family, and is named after the German botanist Dieffenbach.

Dieffenbachia - what kind of plant is this?

The plant has an attractive appearance: variegated, large leaves located on thick stems that look like tree trunks. However, unlike the trunks, the stems of Dieffenbachia are very juicy and fragile. In a short period of time, the plant reaches a height of up to two meters. Dieffenbachia does not require any special care at home, which is why it is often grown to decorate the home.

What types of Dieffenbachia are there?

Now there are a large number of varieties of this home plant, which differ from each other in leaf color. The most famous and popular among gardeners are the following types of Dieffenbachia:

  • , having bright green large oval leaves on which there are yellow or white spots and streaks;

  • - its powerful trunk is decorated with yellowish-green wide leaves of an oval, slightly elongated shape, covered with a marble pattern of white spots;

  • - it has a short but quite strong stem, as well as a large number of wide and large green-blue leaves with white spots;

  • - its leaves are oblong-ovate in shape;

What you need to know about watering

In spring and summer, the plant prefers abundant watering, but care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not become waterlogged and there is no stagnation of water in the pot. Otherwise, the flowers will begin to die. In the autumn-winter period, moderate watering is necessary, but the soil should not become too dry.

Optimal air humidity

The plant grows and develops well in rooms with humid air.

Advice! If the air is dry, then Dieffenbachia needs to be systematically sprayed, but remember that the water must be boiled. Also, the leaves of the plant need to be wiped two to three times a month.

Selecting the right soil and replanting Dieffenbachia

The time from February to May is the most suitable time for replanting the plant. In the summer, it is better not to start a transplant, because Dieffenbachia does not tolerate it well. When replanting, you should be especially careful with the roots of the plant, because they are very fragile and easily break. The soil must have such properties as looseness, water and air permeability. The following soil composition is desirable: turf soil (1 part), leaf soil (1), peat (0.5), dry mullein (0.5) or you can also use the following: leaf soil (1), coniferous soil (1), peat (1), sand (0, 5).

Important! The soil should be free of lime and drainage should be good. It should also be remembered that Dieffenbachia grows poorly on heavy soil.

For Dieffenbachia, you can carry out not only replanting, but also transshipment, in which a lump of earth around the roots is preserved. Transfer the flower to a new pot after removing the old drainage. You need to choose a pot that is not very large, but only 2-3 cm wider than the old one.

Pruning is done only for those plants that are bare.

Advice! Replanting Dieffenbachia should be done with rubber gloves, because the sap of the plant is poisonous.

Does the plant need to be fed?

Dieffenbachia, like any other house plant, needs feeding, which must be done in spring and summer three times a month, adding half the dose. The fertilizer should not contain lime. the plant responds well to both liquid mineral and organic fertilizers.

We are breeding plants

There are several ways to propagate Dieffenbachia.

  • Apical cuttings. When propagated in this way, large plants are obtained. The cuttings must be cut so that there are several pairs of leaves on it. The cut part of the plant should be placed in water or in a sand-peat mixture and covered with polyethylene to reduce moisture evaporation. The roots appear in about 3 to 4 weeks, and after the formation of young leaves, the Dieffenbachia is transplanted into a pot.
  • Stem cuttings. Pieces of the stem need to be cut so that they have one bud. After this, they should be placed in a bowl with a substrate, which consists of sand and peat, so that the bud “looks” up. After the plant has taken root, it must be grown, feeding it with fertilizers, and only then planted in a pot.
  • Seed method of propagation of Dieffenbachia. It is used by breeders, but at home - extremely rarely. Reproduction by dividing the bush is also possible.

Dieffenbachia reproduces very easily and grows quickly, so even novice gardeners can cope with this task.

When does Dieffenbachia bloom?

This plant blooms extremely rarely, so gardeners with little experience are often intrigued by how Dieffenbachia blooms. The flower of the plant is a rather inconspicuous ear that appears in the axil of the leaf in the spring.

Flowering of Dieffenbachia is possible only with proper care. The flower lasts only a few days and then fades, after which it should be cut off, because it takes a lot of energy from the plant.

Dieffenbachia: benefits and harms

Many amateur flower growers, having learned that the plant’s sap is poisonous, doubt whether it is possible to keep Dieffenbachia at home. Let's look at the positive and negative impact plants per person. What benefits does this flower bring, besides decorating the interior?

  • the plant absorbs a variety of toxic compounds in the air, which improves its chemical composition;
  • the flower has phytoncidal properties, allowing to reduce the number of microbes in the air, for example, staphylococci;
  • in rooms where Dieffenbachia grows, air humidity increases, and as a result, the amount of dust decreases. This is a positive thing for those people who are susceptible to allergies.

Still, Dieffenbachia can cause serious harm to humans. The leaves and stems of the flower contain very poisonous juice. If it gets on a person's skin, eyes or mouth, severe swelling occurs, which can cause difficulty breathing and even temporary muteness.

Important! You should be especially careful if there are small children in the house who are trying to taste everything. For children, poisonous juice is more dangerous than for adults.

In order not to experience from your own experience whether Dieffenbachia is poisonous or not, it is better to choose the optimal place for it. If you have pets in the house, you should know that Dieffenbachia can be deadly for them, especially for cats. An animal that has bitten a Dieffenbachia leaf experiences severe swelling of the larynx, due to which it cannot breathe and dies from suffocation. But cats, as a rule, avoid this plant.

Diseases affecting the plant

Dieffenbachia can suffer from fungal diseases caused by overwatering. However, it happens that a plant is watered in moderation, but it begins to wither, lose leaves, and the ground is constantly wet. In this case, it is necessary to examine root system for the presence of rot. To do this, the roots should be cleared of soil; if there are rotten ones, then cut them off with a sharp knife, and rub the wound with a finely chopped activated carbon. Manganese or ground cinnamon are also suitable for this. After this procedure, the plant must be transplanted into a new soil mixture, which is treated with a manganese solution.

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow?

The leaves of a plant may turn yellow for several reasons.

  • cramped pot;
  • irregular watering;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • excess nitrogen in the soil;
  • lack of microelements, as well as potassium and phosphorus;

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