Electronic articles by English-speaking authors on pedagogy. Journals on pedagogy included in Scopus

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Vědecko vydavatelské centrum "Sociosfera-CZ"

Impact factor at Scientific Indexing Services(2016 ) - 0 , 832 .

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ISSN 2464-675X

MK ČR E 22426

The journal publishes scientific articles onpedagogyAnd methodological developments classes and additional events for the educational sphere.Manuscripts are checked for plagiarism. Articles sent to the editor are subject to peer review by independent experts. The editors ensure that reviewers are independent of the authors and do not work with them in the same institutions.

Materials accepted for publication are: Czech,Russian and English languages. Full-text versions of all issues of the journal are posted on the website of the Research Center “Sociosphere” in free access (CC BY-SA). Authors receive a certificate of publication.

The journal is registered in scientometric databases:

  • Electronic Scientific Library (Russia),
  • Research Bible (China),
  • Scientific Indexing Services (USA),
  • CrossRef (USA).

The volume of the magazine is 150-200 pages.

The frequency of publication is 4 issues per year (February, May, August, November).

Editor-in-Chief - Lyudmila Vitalievna Kotenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

International Editorial Board

Beysenbaev Sadybek Kalmakhanovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Shymkent, Kazakhstan).

Volchegorskaya Evgenia Yurievna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Chelyabinsk, Russia);

Gnevek Olga Vladimirovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, (Magnitogorsk, Russia).

Gorbacheva Diana Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Krasnodar, Russia).

Zvonova Elena Vladimirovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Moscow, Russia).

Ruzieva Dilnoz Isomjonovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).

Khakunova Fatimet Pshimafovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Maykop, Russia).

Requirements for the design of materials

Materials are submitted electronically by e-mail: sociosphere@ yandx.ru. Each article must have UDC.

Page format A4 (210 x 297 mm). Margins: top, bottom and right - 2 cm, left - 3 cm; interval one and a half; indent - 1.27; size (point) - 14; type - Times New Roman, style - Regular. The title is printed in capital letters, bold font, centered. On the second line are printed the initials and surname of the author(s), academic degree, position, e-mail, ORCID. On the third line is the full name of the organization, city, country. After the missing line, the name is printed in English. On the next line are the authors' surname, academic degree, position, e-mail, ORCID in English. Next is the name of the organization, city and country in English. In articles in English, there is no need to duplicate the title, author and place of work of the author in another language. The missing line is followed by an abstract in English (600-800 characters) and keywords (5-10) in English. After the missing line, the text of the article is printed. Graphs, figures, tables are inserted as the embedded object should be included in the overall scope of the abstract. The numbers of bibliographic references in the text are given in square brackets, and their list is at the end of the text with continuous numbering. Sources and literature in the list are listed in alphabetical order, one number corresponds to 1 source. Links are placed manually. If necessary, footnotes are allowed. They must be in the same font as the main text. The length of the article can be 4-25 pages. Information about the author is located after the text of the article and is not taken into account when calculating the volume of the publication.

Materials must be prepared in a text editor Microsoft Word, carefully verified and edited. The name of the file sent by e-mail should be in the form AP-Full Name, for example: AP-Petrov IV or AP-German P. The file with the article must have a doc or docx extension.

Full Name

Academic degree, specialty

Academic title

Place of work

Job title

Home address with index

Cellular telephone

Required number of printed copies

Authors pay for publishing services: printing, postage, editing and reviewing. Authors from the Czech Republic publish free of charge. For Russian citizens, the cost of publication is 250 rubles for 1 full (incomplete) page, if necessary, translation of the abstract and keywords into English - 200 rubles.

A printed copy is paid additionally - 500 rubles when sent by regular letter or 600 rubles when sent by registered mail.

Each author is sent an electronic certificate. The cost of a printed certificate is 200 rubles (for foreign authors $5). For authors from other countries, publishing and postage costs vary by country.

The paid receipt is sent in scanned form and should be named accordingly AP-Petrov IV receipt or AP-German Preceipt and have a jpg or pdf extension.

A receipt for payment is sent to the author only after the article is accepted for publication! The deadline for submitting materials to No. 1 is January 20, No. 2 is April 20, No. 3 is July 20, and No. 4 is October 20.

Here we have collected interesting articles in English. You can find out the translation by pointing at the English words.

Autism Is Not On The Rise

Autism is being diagnosed more than ever, but that has nothing to do with the number of children who actually have autism. It's confusing

In the War Between Sharks and People, Humans Are Killing It

A spate of shark attacks off Hawaii raises old fears about the predators of the oceans. But humans are much more dangerous.

In 1941 Vavilov’s scientists refused to eat from the world’s largest seed bank in surrounded Leningrad

Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov (November 25 1887 – January 26, 1943) was a prominent Russian and Soviet botanist and geneticist best known for having identified the centers of origin of cultivated plants. He is devoted to his life to the study and improvement of wheat, corn, and other cereal crops that sustain the global population.

Your Ancestors Didn't Sleep Like You

Ok, maybe your grandparents probably slept like you. And your great, great-grandparents. But once you go back before the 1800s, sleep starts to look a lot different. Your ancestors slept in a way that modern sleepers would find bizarre – they slept twice. And so can you.

Conservationists dye rhino horns red to deter poachers

Officials in South Africa are taking the grave situation of the vanishing rhino population into their own hands - infusing their horns with red dye and toxins to ensure that poachers can’t sell the valuable body parts.

Mass brawl in Tunbridge Wells over the last bag of nuts

Nothing much usually happens in working menâs clubs. The odd raised voice over a game of dominoes, perhaps. Maybe a shout of glee at a bull check-out at darts.

"Magic Mushrooms" May Permanently Alter Personality

Just one strong dose of hallucinogenic mushrooms can alter a person's personality for more than a year and perhaps permanently, a new study finds.

Zeppelin voted "ideal supergroup"

The four members of Led Zeppelin have been voted the UK's ideal supergroup, with Robert Plant beating the late Freddie Mercury to best singer.
About 3,500 music fans were polled for Planet Rock Radio and were asked to create their fantasy band.

Often for writing theses, thesis and master's theses, as well as other types of work on psychology, Russian-language literary sources are not enough. This is especially true for narrow topics and topics that have been little studied in the domestic scientific literature. In such cases, it is advisable to expand the boundaries of the search for scientific articles and turn to world science, which “speaks”, first of all, in English. The use of English-language literary sources and their presence in the list of references can also be additional advantage defending a diploma, final qualifying thesis or master's thesis.

Search for scientific literature in foreign languages

You can search for English-language scientific articles and texts through regular Internet search engines by typing in the search bar the topic of interest, translated into English. However, in most cases, in addition to truly useful sources, there will be a lot of “garbage” in the search results, and the process of finding the necessary literature will be time-consuming and tedious.

Therefore, in addition to the usual Yandex and Google, it is advisable to use more advanced and effective ways to search for scientific articles in English, namely:

  1. Free search system scientific publications in PDF format - freefullpdf.com. The principle of its interface is the same as that of conventional search engines, but as search results it produces exclusively scientific articles in PDF format, and nothing else. This is an excellent resource; you can simply drown in the search results.
  2. Google specialized search - scholar.google.com. As in the previous case, here scientific articles are displayed in the search results, but here other types are also added to them scientific literature— scientific monographs, textbooks, etc.
  3. Scientific publication search system sciencedirect.com. Most publications are paid for: they can be identified by the “Purchase PDF” mark. Free publications come with a “Download PDF” download link. In the advanced search settings, you can exclude paid publications from search results by checking the “Open Access articles only” checkbox.
  4. Search bar in a huge electronic library of scientific articles - researchgate.net. In addition to articles in English, it contains articles from scientific journals in other languages, for example, German. Some articles are free, they are accompanied by a “Download full-text PDF” button, others are paid, accompanied by a “Request full-text PDF” button. As you view each article, the library automatically displays links to articles on similar topics in the same library. Also, there are often active links in the bibliography of articles.
  5. A resource similar to the previous one - academia.edu. Use the search bar at the top of the screen to search for articles on topics that interest you. Scientific articles in this electronic library can be read online or downloaded in PDF format.
  6. English Wikipedia - en.wikipedia.org— is developing more actively than the Russian-language one, and articles in it, as a rule, contain more complete, accurate and detailed information in comparison with articles from the Russian-language Wikipedia. However, because Wikipedia articles are the result of the collective creativity of anonymous users, many teachers may consider them not reliable sources for writing scientific works. Therefore, it is better to avoid references directly to Wikipedia in the work, using instead links from the list of references (“References”) located at the bottom of each article. Many of these links are active, you can click on them and read the full text of the source referenced by Wikipedia.

Full-text publications in foreign languages:
working papers, articles, book chapters

arXiv.org e-Print archive. Project of Cornell University (USA). Archive of articles on mathematics, physics, computer science, statistics, finance. Search by thematic sections. English language.

CogPrints. Archive of materials on philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics. Search by thematic sections. English language.

Department of Economics & Business. Repository of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Pompeu Fabra (Spain). About 800 working papers. Section: Research, working documents. Language Spanish, English.

DOAJ. (Directory of Open Access Journals). Scientific journals with the full text of articles on chemistry, physics, mathematics, economics and business, philosophy, law, engineering and technology. There are 337 journals on economics and business. Language English, French, German.

EBSLG. European University and Business School Libraries Project. Working papers on economics and business. Part is freely available.

Economists Online. Bibliographical references to documents, many of which open the full texts. Language English, German, French, Spanish.

EconPapers. Working papers, journal articles, book chapters. Some documents are freely available. English language.

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (Germany). Project of the University Libraries of Regensburg and Munich. Scientific full-text journals in all fields of knowledge, about 1,500 titles in total. Access to some magazines is free. Language English, German.

FINDARTICLES. CBS Interactive Business Center Library BNET.com. Articles from magazines in sections: business and finance, education, computer technology, society. English language.

Fisher College, Department of Finance. College of Economics, Ohio University (USA). Archive of financial preprints since 2006. English language.

Global Price and Income History Group. Project on the economic history of foreign countries (Middle Ages - mid-20th century). English language.

IDEAS. University of Connecticut (USA). Bibliographic database on economic sciences. Contains links to full-text materials: articles, working documents, book chapters. Some of them are freely available. English language.

Institute for Social & Economic Research. University of Essex (England). Institute of Social and economic research. About 200 working papers. English language.

Institutet f?r N?ringslivsforskning . Economic Research Institute (Sweden). Publications. English language.

International Data Base. Statistics on the population of countries of the world since 1951 (demographic and socio-economic indicators). Dictionary. English language.

Internet Public Library. Internet library of the University of Michigan (USA). Publications on various industries, including economics. English language.

IZA. Institute for Labor Studies (Germany). Working papers since 1998. Language, German, English.

LogEc. Erasmus Management Research Institute (Holland). Collection of working papers on management and economics. English language.

National Bureau of Economic Research Working Papers. National Bureau of Economic Research in Massachusetts (USA). Work documents. English language.

Online Books Page. More than 15 thousand full-text books and other publications from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) server. Search by author, title and keywords. Material on topics: economics and law, economic theory, economic history. English language.

Online Text and Notes in Statistics for Economists. University of Bristol (England). In the online section educational materials full text versions are provided for different levels training and specializations in economics. English language.

PERI. Research Institute of Political Economy of the University of Massachusetts (USA). Working materials, books, articles. English language.

RePEc. Reports, articles and preprints on economics. Open database of electronic publications. English language.

Scientific Commons. Search for scientific information various topics, which is freely available. Language German, English.

SSRN. Social Science Electronic Publishing. Full-text works are freely available on economic theory, accounting, finance, computer science, law, management, marketing, insurance.

Technical Reports and Working Papers in Business and Economics: Library of Congress (USA). Working papers and technological reports in business, economics and law. English language.

The Federal Reserve Board. Federal Reserve System (USA). Working papers on international finance since 1991. English language.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies. Institute for Fiscal Studies (UK). Work documents. English language.

The law school. University of Chicago (USA). Working papers on law and economics. English language.

The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College. Section: Publications. Articles and working materials (1987-2009) on economics, business and finance.

Tinbergen Institute (Holland). Working papers on economics since 2001. English language.

Universitat Zurich. The Institute for Empirical Research in Economics Working Papers (Switzerland). Section: Publications. Language German, English.

University of California eScholarship Repository. Database from the University of California (USA). Journals, books, conference materials, working papers on various sciences are freely available.

University of Oxford. About 800 working papers on economics. English language.

University of Pennsylvania (USA). Economics Working Papers. English language.

Vlerick Leuven Gent. Working papers from Vlerick Leuven Gent Business School (Belgium) since 2001. English language.

Search engines

Search system. Search for monographs on all branches of knowledge in Russian and foreign languages.

Google Patents. Special search system for patents. The database contains over 7 million full texts of documents.

SciNet - Science search. Scientific search engine and catalog of scientific resources.


SciGuide. Project of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A guide to foreign open access scientific resources.

The subscription campaign for 2016 is in full swing, so on the eve of Teacher's Day I would like to draw the attention of colleagues to general pedagogical and specialized newspapers and magazines that will help you not to miss the most important things that are happening now in the Russian education system (the names of publications are presented in alphabetical order ).

"Teacher" - a pedagogical magazine for teachers, teachers, educators educational institutions and out-of-school institutions of all forms, types and levels presents modern educational methods, technologies, best practices, innovations, legislative documents in the field of education.

"Teacher's Newspaper" is an independent pedagogical publication, open to cooperation, constructive dialogue, discussions on current topics. Supplements of the "Teachers' Newspaper": "TEACHERS' NEWSPAPER - Moscow", "MY TRADE UNION".

The following publications may be of interest to specialists in the field of teaching English:

ENGLISH LANGUAGE. EVERYTHING FOR A TEACHER, the magazine presents modern technologies, pedagogical discoveries, a creative approach to teaching - everything a teacher needs for productive work.

“ENGLISH LANGUAGE AT SCHOOL” is an educational and methodological magazine intended for practicing teachers of the English language and is aimed at providing professional practical and methodological assistance. There is an electronic archive of the magazine.

“Foreign languages ​​at school” is included in the list of publications in which the scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences are published. Its subscribers are all those who teach foreign languages(from kindergarten to pedagogical university).

"EDUCATION. FOREIGN LANGUAGES” - the online publication invites foreign language teachers and specialists in the theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures to publish free of charge the results of their activities.

“Community of English Language Teachers” is an interactive scientific and methodological journal published twice a year and is included in the RSCI. There are additional features for registered portal users.

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