Erotic horoscope of Leo. Leo's erotic fantasies are truly royal - they dream of being in a bed with a large canopy and a mirror on the ceiling

Lionesses are very artistic, bright in nature, they love to show off and make a lasting impression on others. In relationships, Leos do not really like to take initiatives, preferring to be conquered, while they are very susceptible to compliments and, to some extent, even outright flattery, sincerely believing that they deserve all this. Often Leos are absolutely confident in their irresistibility. In bed, it is the process that attracts them most. Leo women are very hot and temperamental, they can directly declare their desires and preferences. Interesting fact is that some Leos are very fond of affection at that moment, while they are still fully dressed. The feeling of clothing in intimate areas can excite a Leo like few other things.

A Leo woman extremely rarely makes it difficult for herself to try to seduce someone, because she believes that she is already quite attractive and interesting to people of the opposite sex. A lioness usually chooses as partners those men who are ready to obey her and not really bother this “royal person” in bed. We can say that the feeling of strength and irresistibility is her main feature. She seeks admiration and worship wherever possible. She can be faithful and devoted if a man was able to awaken her feelings. The Leo woman loves to manipulate the men who are next to her. She experiences passionate desire quite rarely, but achieves satisfaction easily and quickly. However, the Leo woman is not always ready for extravagant poses and bold experiments during lovemaking, which can often be due to elementary laziness. The Leo woman does not like problems and difficulties, so she extremely rarely enters into casual relationships, although the presence of fans flatters her.

Sexuality of the Leo Woman

Don't expect the Leo woman to meet you halfway. She is so convinced that possessing her is happiness for any man that she sees no need to seduce him. Flirting, freely expressed ambiguities - a style of behavior that she considers innocent and which she likes. She will not lust after any man because she is too content and satisfied with herself to be sexually aggressive. Her goal is simply to make herself admirable. Her style is best described as sensual, seductive and lazy. She seems to instinctively understand how strongly men react to her. One movement of her commanding finger - and they are in a hurry to obey the royal order. This is precisely an order, not an invitation, since she cannot even imagine that a man would dare to refuse her.

When a Leo woman is disappointed by her lover, she does not rant or rebuke him. Her silent contempt is a much more dangerous and powerful weapon. The lady does not need words to express disapproval. Many men were destroyed by the contempt of the Lioness, and few had the courage to repeat the “feat” that caused this contempt. Collecting the torn and frayed pieces of their ego, they crawled away in agony. She is rarely in a bad mood. By nature, she is usually optimistic, cheerful, and introspection is not for her. The Leo woman does not torture herself about her desires. Why should she do this? What Leo wants, he gets. But if a man becomes significant in her life, then he will be treated like a king, as the husband of a royal person deserves. She creates an atmosphere of grandeur and beauty in her home, where she will host luxurious receptions.

Dressing in a provocative style, she is not at all trying to seduce her lover - she needs to manipulate him. What a big difference. When the time comes, she will do everything slowly, voluptuously, solemnly - not so much for his pleasure as for her own, received thanks to his amazed admiration. Woe to the lover who does not understand this and tries to take her too quickly or by force. Then the Lioness will show her claws!

She doesn't feel any particular need to be original or creative in the bedroom. Like men of this sign, she is characterized by a commitment to traditional love techniques, which seem to the Leo woman to be completely clear, simple and correct. Why gild it anyway? beautiful lily? Although, when her feelings are touched, she becomes a fiercely sexual partner, and many men are “decorated” with scars to prove it. Then he expects praise for his sexual prowess. The Leo woman knows that she is a healthy, strong animal - the queen of all jungle cats.

In bed she tries to dominate, but usually she is satisfied with equality of power. In love foreplay, a Leo woman enjoys having her lover gently caress her face, neck and ears with his tongue. She also likes it when he runs his tongue along her legs, from below to inside hips. A favorite way is to let the man penetrate halfway, then exchange thrusts with him in joint action. She likes to make love in the light so that her partner can admire her body and talk about it. An almost painful need to be seen in a favorable light makes her prefer the position in which the woman is on top, so that the man can see her and admire the sculptural beauty of her body.

Admiring your partner is an essential part of the love process. She always chooses her bras and panties very carefully to make sure that when she gets naked she will look very exciting. The Leo woman's relaxed and positive approach in bed calms men who doubt their strength. She is so confident that everything will be perfect that it usually happens. Why shouldn't this be the case? The lucky man makes love to her!

The Leo woman attracts a man with her bright appearance, confidence and positivity. There is something majestic and confident in her appearance. Often the Leo woman's hairstyle resembles the mane of a lioness, just as lush and beautiful. And she herself is very beautiful and charming. Self-esteem is noticeable in her behavior, actions, and words.

Even if she does not have a high social position, and works at a simple job, she still gives the impression of a confident and unflappable person. But she is rarely content with an inconspicuous role in society. She likes to stand out, be the center of attention, and attract the admiring glances of men. Despite her possible external inaccessibility and equanimity, her smile is disarming at first sight.

She knows well what she wants and knows how to achieve her goals. In love relationships, she is active, has an unbending will and sometimes displays a commanding character. In love, she does not tolerate understatement or halftones. She wants everything or nothing. But despite his a strong character, she looks quite feminine, and most often luxurious and chic.

She wants to receive all the best, expensive, chic things from life. Compliments, beautiful words please her self-esteem. She needs them like air.

Positive qualities of a Leo woman in love

  • Positive
  • Optimistic
  • Confidence
  • Determination
  • Charisma
  • Self-esteem
  • Pride
  • Equanimity
  • Organization
  • Leader Qualities
  • Activity
  • Energy
  • Passion
  • Generosity
  • Condescension
  • Nobility
  • Sincerity
  • Naturalness
  • Reliability
  • Loyalty
  • Hardness
  • Romance
  • Artistry

Negative qualities of a Leo woman in love

  • Stubbornness
  • Intolerance
  • Self-centeredness
  • Authority
  • Impulsiveness
  • Hot temper
  • Selfishness
  • Self-confidence

See also: Character of Leo Characteristics of people of the element of Fire

Leo woman in bed

It is typical for a Leo woman to show the same passion in bed as in a love relationship. But on the condition that the man will shower her with beautiful words, compliments, and attention. She knows her worth and needs attention.

It is not typical for her to restrain desires, to be timid and shy. On the contrary, she wants to command. Which sometimes carries over to intimate relationships. She longs for a man to completely submit to her, agree and obey. Fulfilled all her wishes and whims. Only then can she allow him into her bed.

In addition, many Leo women have well-developed acting abilities, which they can successfully demonstrate both in love relationships and in bed. The Leo woman is a born actress, and she wants to play the most important role not only in bed, but also in a man’s life and everywhere, there is an opportunity to express herself.

See also Leo in sex

Who is suitable for a Leo woman?

The Leo woman strives for natural, real relationships, full of passion and fire. She was not used to restraining her desires, being content with the least and denying herself something. She needs a man with a similar character, who can satisfy her needs and create a luxurious and chic life for her.

A Leo woman will have an easy time with a man:

  • Generous
  • Strong
  • Confident
  • Decisive
  • Energetic
  • Active
  • Passionate
  • Financially independent
  • Those who know how to earn good money

It will be difficult for a Leo woman to be with a man

  • Discreet
  • Passive
  • Pessimistic
  • Touchy
  • Vulnerable
  • Economical
  • Conservative
  • Ascetic
  • Slow
  • Inert

Leo woman in a relationship with a man


How to win a Leo Woman

To win a Leo woman you will have to focus on beautiful words, compliments and expensive gifts. Material values It’s not a priority for her. Therefore, she will pay attention to how wealthy the man is and is able to provide for her.

She is attracted to everything expensive, chic, luxurious, something that can stand out, show off, and attract the admiring glances of men and women. She likes to shine, to be admired, adored, worshiped.

And the more a man is generous with expensive gifts and beautiful words, the more chances he has to win a Leo woman. Only this must be serious. Because she has no penchant for fleeting relationships. She needs a strong relationship cozy home and a complete family.

See also How to conquer a Leo Woman How to conquer a Leo Woman

Leo woman in marriage

The Leo woman in marriage, as in relationships, loves to manage everything and organize family life. She loves children very much, sometimes she dotes on them. A Leo woman makes a wonderful housewife and a good mother. But she is not one of those who will limit herself only to household chores.

She leads an active life in her marriage, loves to attend events, invite guests to her place to demonstrate her culinary skills, and beautiful decorations in the house. Her home often looks great. If opportunities allow, it will definitely have everything luxurious and chic.

The desire for everything expensive also manifests itself in clothing. She likes jewelry, expensive fabrics, fur coats, and furs. Everything that can create an expensive, chic and luxurious image. However, everything she has should be of the highest class, not only clothes, but also food and recreation.

Prefers to communicate more with people like him successful people. He may spare no time and effort to make a career for himself and provide for himself financially. But this doesn’t make household chores any worse. She knows how to organize everything and manages to get a lot done.

See also Appearance of a Leo

How to get a Leo Woman back

It can be very difficult to return a Leo woman, especially if her pride, self-esteem has been infringed, or the man has completely disappointed her. She is not the kind of woman who will beg to come back or who can be moved to pity by heartbreaking memories of past moments.

She is not distinguished by sentimentality, and a man’s gentleness and sacrifice can be perceived as weakness. And she is not interested in weak men, especially those who humiliate themselves in front of her. She herself is strong enough and will not show how painful and unpleasant she is. And he will not stoop to a showdown. Can quickly pack up and leave. And for those who disappoint, they may feel nothing at all except contempt. Pride will not allow reconciliation again. She is above showdowns.

But on the other hand, she knows how to forgive and loves to show nobility. Only this requires a special approach. She must make sure that the man has changed, and she will always come first.

See also How to make peace with a Leo Woman How to get a Leo Woman back

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

Representatives of the fiery triad of the zodiac circle, they are naturally passionate people who know a lot about sexual pleasures. As the erotic and sexual horoscope says, Leo rarely demonstrates unexpected bursts of passion, does not have a penchant for exotic or extreme types of carnal love, and is not inclined to thoughtlessly rush into promiscuous relationships. Behavioral reactions correspond to their upbringing and habits.

Unlike his fellow elements, Leo does not so aggressively strive to obtain bodily pleasure.

Sexual and erotic horoscope for Taurus

Intimate character traits of Leo

  • If Leo really likes any object of feeling, he (or she) can be very sensual and seductive;
  • However, if he quickly realizes that the object he has chosen is not at all interested in sex, he will not be persistent.
  • Leos strive for a long and stable love relationship. He will change his chosen one (or chosen one) only if he does not like the latter’s attitude towards his person.

Sexual horoscope: Leo man

As true kings of nature, Leos, for the most part, believe that it is not they who should seek the favor of women, but women who should come to them. The desire to dominate in everything extends to the territory of the bedroom, but this does not mean that Leo is rude or cruel in bed. On the love bed, he strives to be irresistible and the sexiest in front of his woman.

He is very afraid of making a mistake during sexual intercourse; the fear of a misfire constantly fetters him and does not allow him to completely relax and enjoy what is happening. If such a condition becomes chronic, Leo may begin to look for third-party connections in order to convince himself that nothing like this will happen to him. However, if the partner has enough wisdom and tact not to sharpen this point in any way, then she need not be afraid of cheating on the part of her man.

Attitudes towards sex and intimacy

Representatives of this sign are obsessively preoccupied with their genitals: they keep careful records of their growth and state of health and, with a successful combination of circumstances, do not miss the opportunity to add a few centimeters to themselves. All in order to make an unforgettable impression on women. Such hypertrophied love for his own intimate organ can sometimes push Leo to exhibitionism - receiving pleasure from publicly demonstrating his manhood to strangers.

Ladies who have chosen Leo as their lover should understand that they must match him. He wants to see a “lioness” next to him, stately, beautiful, well-groomed, arousing constant admiration.

Also, do not forget to regularly tell him how lucky you are to have such a handsome, sexy, courageous (add ten to twenty flattering adjectives) chosen one next to you. If a girlfriend does not pay enough attention to her man, sex will become an obsession for him and he will do it not only with his woman.

Yes, Leo needs the fair sex, perhaps more than food and sleep. He regards every next date as an opportunity to show himself in all his glory. Immediately before the meeting, he is in exciting anticipation.

A woman planning to start a relationship with a Leo man should remember the main thing once and for all: never, under any circumstances, tease him. If you promised this man something, be kind enough to do everything exactly as you said.

He has an extremely negative attitude towards the unknown. Although sometimes you can tease him a little, making him feel that you have some kind of secret, a riddle. He will be interested. The woman who manages to convince (without words, of course) Leo that he should pursue her in order to solve her will most likely ultimately benefit from her little cunning.

The Leo man prefers to act in sex rather than

Free from obligations and not in love, Leo looks at other women with arrogance.

talk. He will not beat around the bush in circles, gradually leading his lady to the erotic part of the program. And, in fact, there will be no program. If he is determined, his partner will the shortest possible time will be sandwiched between the bed and his body.

Leo rarely pays attention to foreplay; only his own sexual needs are important to him. And after that, a woman must certainly admire the dignity and abilities of her lover. In fact, she won't have to pretend while doing this: Leo is very resilient and masculine in sex. Usually women really enjoy sex with him and don’t mind repeating everything after some time.

But is it fitting for a king to extend such a favor again? Today, Leo has already received confirmation of his superiority, and he is not interested in sex for the sake of sex.

If you are not married to Leo and your plans do not include infidelity on his part, then never deny him an intimate relationship. Otherwise, he will simply stop being interested in you and go in search of a new party. He believes that all women are empty bottles, who vitally need traffic jams.

A woman in sex is obliged to obey him unquestioningly. The more helpless her pose, the more it excites him. He prefers to make love in a traditional position, and to add variety to the act, he can simply move on the bed, placing his feet on the back - this will allow him to enter his partner more sharply and forcefully.

If the spouse does not pay enough attention to a married Leo and forgets to regularly praise him for his achievements in the bedroom, such a man can redirect his energy in the wrong direction, in particular, he can begin to decorate his manhood with various devices and begin to walk around the apartment in this form. If you suddenly notice similar tendencies in your beloved, start praising him more actively in the bedroom and admiring his dignity even outside it. This way he will forget about his toys.

Sexual horoscope: Leo woman

Few men can remain indifferent to such an attractive and luxurious woman for a long time. These are real lionesses, they are charming by nature. But it would be a big mistake to expect that, breathtakingly sexy on the outside, she will behave liberated and dissolute in bed. She considers each of her partners as a potential contender for the vacant position of her life partner. Even when she gives herself away, she does not forget to test her partner.

Attitudes towards sex and intimacy

The lioness believes that she owes nothing to the man she has chosen. She had already made him as happy as possible by turning her royal gaze on him. Don't expect her to flirt with you or try to seduce you in any way. She rightfully believes that she is sexy enough in her own right to somehow back it up with targeted actions.

A woman born under the sign of Leo will never weave a network around the man she likes, hint at him or help him. She simply dreams of being the object of desire of all men. And she does it well: lazy grace, animal attractiveness and sexuality in the air around her do their job. She knows she's good. She should slightly change the tilt of her head and the man she has chosen will take this as a sign of approval and a call to action.

The Leo woman makes quite high (literally royal!) demands on her lover in sex. If he fails to live up to them, she will not tell him about it. Her arrogant silence, flavored with a good portion of royal contempt, will have a much stronger effect on her unlucky partner. It is extremely rare for any man to be able to restore his self-esteem after failure. And only a few tried to take revenge.

The Leo woman, like the man of this sign, is not inclined to experiment in bed; she also prefers traditional sex. She sees everything as extremely clear and does not require innovation. It all suits her. Why complicate things?

Preferences and behavior in bed

At the moment of excitement, the Leo woman begins to fully live up to the symbol of this sign, leaving impressive marks on the backs of her men. Due to her nature, during lovemaking she first tries to take the dominant role, but rather quickly agrees to equal rights. She loves to make love in the woman-on-top position with the lights on so her partner can see her beautiful body. And after familiarizing himself with what is presented, he must certainly express his admiration out loud. Verbal expression of admiration for a lover is the goal for the Lioness, and sex is just a means to achieve it.

Sex with a Leo woman brightens up a little if she falls in love: she radiates happiness and optimism, she is in the mood for a pleasant pastime. If a woman of this sign has fallen in love with you, you can consider that from now on you are close to the royal court as Her Highness’s favorite. She will create a wonderful atmosphere around her chosen one and will make sure that he enjoys life with her. Of course, all this will bring her joy and will serve as confirmation of her irresistibility.

No matter how wonderful and exemplary a wife a woman born under the sign of Leo becomes, the intimate part family life will never be her pride. When she has only one partner at her disposal, who after some time stops constantly telling her how good she is, the Lioness begins to suffer. She is not prone to cheating, so she gradually cools down and withdraws into herself.

It is not for nothing that there are statistics that clearly demonstrate that many married Lionesses suffer from frigidity. Relationships begin to weigh on a woman who lacks only words. But she will never admit this to her man; her innate pride will not allow her to do this.

If your life partner turns out to be sensitive and attentive and can little by little get his chosen one to talk (or by some miracle he guesses it himself), perhaps everything can still be corrected. You just need to start telling your little Lion again how good she is in bed, and not only that. Remember, women love with their ears, and these certainly do.

Erogenous zones of Leo men and women

  • Since the back is under the jurisdiction of the constellation Leo, this part of the body is especially sensitive. The spine, or more precisely the nerve endings located under the skin along it, as well as the depressions above the buttocks, can be especially distinguished as a pronounced erogenous zone.
  • To relax a Leo (or Lioness) and create a playful mood in him, it is enough warm hand gently stroke his back, slowly, along each vertebra. Of course, they can't refuse a back massage. In addition to the pronounced therapeutic effect for these people, such manipulations also act as a soft foreplay.
  • After soft preparation, already in the process of love games, you can use more aggressive (but not painful) methods of influencing the main erogenous zone of Leo. For example, you can lightly insert your nails into the lumbar area.
  • And it’s a sin not to take advantage of the opportunities that open up if you find yourself behind during the process of intercourse: kissing, caressing with your tongue, pressing with your fingers and moving your palms - this is just a small list of your possible manipulations.
  • However, if you are a man and your bed partner decides to opt for the cowgirl position, you still have access to one of her erogenous zones– area of ​​the back below the lower back. Even though your woman is on top, you can still control her arousal.

Sexual horoscope for all zodiac signs

Table: men and women of all zodiac signs

1. Sexual horoscope of a woman with the sign Leo

What a beauty these Lionesses are! Become, character, manners, intelligence... And in love? She doesn’t hesitate when starting a novel. She is not shy when shedding her clothes. If you like a man, he won’t let you go! Especially if the last time turned out to be the sweetest...

Do you think they don’t know how to be affectionate and insinuating? Their touch is softer than poplar fluff - until their claws are released. Their purring first excites, and then puts them to sleep - unless it turns into a roar. And how deftly they jump onto their arms and rest their heads on the shoulder!

True, not everyone is given the opportunity to carry the zodiac Lioness in their arms. But those who are full of strength and charged to the brim with energy will be admitted! And then, with considerable probability, they are eaten...

Bigger, better, stronger!

Sexual horoscope Women of the Leo sign are clear and unambiguous: a partner, firstly, must be; secondly, he must be the best. Not the best available, but the best in principle. Otherwise, the Lioness will be disappointed, and the unlucky partner... for starters, he will cry.

The Leo woman is insatiable. Having fallen asleep in exhaustion and complete numbness of sensitive places, within an hour she will begin to wake up her beloved: why are you oversleepy? It's time to indulge in vicious passion! The more satisfying her sexual feasts are, the stronger her desires!

Is there a limit to the sexuality of an experienced, mature Lioness? Theoretically yes. No practical confirmation has been received yet...

Gluttony does not mean promiscuity

But no matter how “hungry” the Lioness is, she will not rush to waste prey. All her desires, all whims and orders are addressed not to a crowd of fans, but to her beloved and only one! Let it be new every day...

Giving herself over to sex with unparalleled enthusiasm, the Lioness - probably the only one among women - does not think about how she looks in one position or another. Her sensations are so strong and her experiences are so deep that she often loses control of herself.

Therefore, for dating a woman of the Leo sign, it is better to choose deserted places. Otherwise, the crowd of listeners under the window will bore you with applause and encores.

2. Erotic horoscope of a woman with the sign Leo

It is generally accepted that all men divide all women into two categories: “full speed ahead” and “the end of the world.” In fact, this approach is much more characteristic of Leo women. Finding herself in a male company (women are not accepted: they are not rivals), the Lioness identifies several suitable candidates and immediately charms her victims. And then he chooses the best - meticulously and carefully...

If the Leo woman decides to while away this evening in an intimate company, do not doubt her success. She will simply rank everyone, choose a couple of prettier boys, and leave the “non-rival” ones to swallow their tears and bite their elbows. Then the poor things will hiss: what is so special hidden in the Lionesses that all the men stand at attention in front of them?

Really, what?

Lionesses are beautiful. They are clumsy as children, angular as teenagers, and become charming in their youth. An adult Leo woman is charm, this is charm, this is the magic of plasticity and the power of strength.

The femininity of Lionesses has no expiration date. Having reached its peak at approximately 28 years of age, the attractiveness of these ladies remains at a high plateau until old age. Wrinkles and slightly roughened skin do not spoil their divine figures and do not hide the vibrant sparkle of their eyes.

See a Lioness and fall in love

Every Leo woman loves everyone's admiration and is ready to bask in the hot male gaze to infinity. Her innate taste helps her choose outfits that highlight her imperishable beauty and aristocratic stature. An irresistible love for shoes teaches her to choose shoes accurately. Animal instinct helps to find a perfume whose charms will merge with her own scent into a scent that is captivating for men and unforgettable for young men.

It is useless to even try to reveal all the secrets of the Lion's charm. Erotic horoscope women of this sign leave no doubt: first, main, best! In a word, queen!

3. Sexual horoscope of a Leo man

The sexual horoscope of the zodiac Leo is not very diverse. Natal chart instructs the sign to experience an enduring interest in women of the most different ages, classes, types of appearance. However, it is difficult to call Leo active!

By seeking agreement, Leo is ready to perform real feats. In bed, Leos are tireless only until they satisfy their own passion.

In most cases, a lion's temperament is enough for a woman. But if the lady is not completely satisfied or dreams of a continuation, she will have a hard time: Leos sleep soundly. The royal sign suppresses all attempts of the opposite sex gently, affectionately - and steadily.

When quantity does not turn into quality

Polygamy is so natural for the zodiac Leo that he often arranges kaleidoscopic adventures for himself. Having visited his beloved brunette in the morning, he rushes to his even more beloved blonde. After a short rest, he retires with his new chosen one - so that at night he can climb into bed with his lawful wife and then turn around like an adult.

The next day, and the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (and so on), history repeats itself. Of course, due to external influences Leo may stop. But this does not mean that all the sexual possibilities of Leo will fall on the only lucky one. She will receive exactly the same amount of attention and affection as she received when she was one of many.

Years do not correct Leo

With age, Leo's sexual aggressiveness not only does not decrease, but often even increases. At the same time, like any king, the zodiac Leo strives to choose more and more refined objects of adoration. Surprisingly, the number of young ladies who want to be in the lion’s embrace does not decrease over the years.

The experienced Leo's arsenal of sexual preferences is small. He gets used to loving women in one or two positions, and resolutely refuses to diversify his intimate menu. Leo gets the desired freshness of sensations from frequent changes of partners. But all the more valuable are the cases when one beloved occupies the entire lion’s being!

The secret is that Leo is essentially a monogamous person. And in endless sexual journeys he searches for that very soul mate who was assigned to him by providence. But Leo is rarely lucky.

4. Erotic horoscope of Leo

Zodiac Leo is powerful, bright, attractive. Surely he knows how to show off to his future partner! Imposing manners, an aristocratic appearance, a dosed manifestation of one’s own importance - yes, any woman who craves personal happiness, in nine cases out of ten, will consider Leo to be the best candidate!
And he will be wrong. A romance with a Leo is interesting, but not easy. Leo is jealous! It’s good if the lion’s jealousy is restrained by a powerful mind, but if Leo’s mind is weak, he will sharpen his claws on every pillar.

And Leo’s manners - especially over time - change for the worse. No, Leo is not getting ruder. But he exudes less affection, taking it for granted that his woman loves him anyway.

Leo is sensitive - but not to everyone

And this is a great blessing! He, of course, does not tolerate pretense: fake orgasms cause Leo to feel pitifully disgusted. But to a woman whose gaze is full sincere gratitude, Leo is ready to give a palace!

love relationship Leo's relationship with the mother of his children is always high and strong. No, Leo will not give up cheating just because his wife is raising adorable “lion cubs”. But the best share of the sexual “pie” rightfully belongs to her, the Tsar’s chosen one.

There is no point in fighting for Leo's attention. The king of the zodiac circle will not ignore any attractive person, but will not even lift an eyebrow if a woman seems insufficiently attractive to him. No “combat” makeup, revealing outfits and copious amounts of drinking will help here. Because ostentatious sexual indifference is an element of Leo’s erotic appeal.

5. Leo and the signs of the Zodiac

With Aries to Leo You can’t live peacefully – at least not at the beginning of a relationship. Restless Aries runs around Leo and tries to push the ruler in the right direction. Leo tolerates generously, but Aries pushes - with his horns! And sometimes mercilessly. Leo would have slammed the insolent man long ago - but it’s too good for him in bed with Aries...

Taurus, caught in the arms Leo, it would be good to moderate your ardor. No, in sexual terms there is no need to moderate anything: the more active and inventive Taurus is, the stronger his union with Leo. In terms of reforms to the surrounding world order, it is better for Taurus to trust Leo, and not drag his partner into a bright future without his consent.

Twins– the best trainer Leo in sex! Only Gemini knows how to surround Leo from all sides. Only Gemini manages to subject Leo to caresses, from which he either purrs or boils with passion. Leo women are especially comfortable in the arms of Gemini men.

Leo and Cancer or fall in love with each other at first sight and forever; or they build, build, build relationships for a long time, painfully and fruitlessly - and then this hut falls apart. Then Leo will put the burden of his sexual uncontrollability on Cancer. Then Cancer will get bogged down in soul-searching, not giving Leo due honors...

Lion and Lioness capable of living one life for two - if one does not pay attention to the shortcomings of the other. Zodiac Leos, in complete harmony, are like different facets of one diamond: each sparkles in its own way, but one is inseparable from the other. Scandals and fights provoked adultery? It brightens up everyday life so much!

Virgo knows how to charm Leo, but cannot put a short leash on the animal. And if he can’t, then he doesn’t strive. But when Virgo has nowhere to strive, she looks to the side. And he sees there countless flocks of Lions, each of which walks on its own. Virgo cannot resist trying to tame the new Leo. Although few Leos will turn into a pet cat to please Virgo...

Libra with Leo they get along, but not for long. Or long, but unstable. Leo (everyone) is irresistibly attractive to Libra, and Libra (all Libra) is an object of admiring adoration for Leo. Well, how will you get along if every meeting is a new acquaintance, and calling a partner in an intimate moment by someone else’s name is easy for both Libra and Leo.

Sexual relations Leo and Scorpio looks like a holiday. They sparkle with fireworks, bubble with champagne, blaze in the fireplace - and torment you with hangovers. The best way overcoming post-holiday pain - a new round of fun. The trouble is that Scorpio suffers with passion and taste, but Leo does not understand this attitude to life...

For Leo and Sagittarius love affair is the most interesting of adventures. Rival intrigues in such a connection are completely excluded, but mutual assistance in all endeavors is ensured. Both Sagittarius for Leo and Leo for Sagittarius are a role model, a leader who you want to help. It is believed that two leaders do not get along in the same relationship, but Leo and Sagittarius refute dogmas.

Oh, how it suffers a lion in company Capricorn! Beyond words... The question is, what connects this couple then? There is no clear answer. Because the connecting factors of this alliance easily turn into dividing factors. And yesterday’s subject of controversy can today become a unifier of interests. Leo and Capricorn are never bored together – including in bed!

As the lord of all things, a lion fails with Aquarius. Aquarius rejects any attempts to command with liquid coldness. The impulses of the lion's passion are drowned in the enveloping ingenuity of Aquarius. But if Leo’s love fury heats Aquarius to a boil, a real geyser of feelings arises!

Pisces were initially given to Leo to be devoured. But if Leo Pisces doesn’t notice, they will swim closer and properly slap the mustachioed arrogant guy in the face with their tail: how dare you miss such pretty Fishes? The sexual relationship between Leo and Pisces always delights both signs unexpectedly. However, those around her find her scandalous, even if Leo and Pisces are spouses.

6. Leo stones help you follow the will of the stars

Leo is self-willed, and if he does not have enough strength to subjugate the world, he will have a hard time...

For the Leo Woman, it is extremely important when she is valued, desired and admired by the opposite sex, what she herself will experience is not so important for her. The Leo woman will gain compatibility in love if she means a lot to her partner and is his only one. But such a condition cannot be attributed to her herself.

She wants to be free, to walk on her own in search of new victim. Sometimes in such searches she has to go extremely far because her victim does not always want to be found. The Lioness is the most popular hunter in the steppe, and if her partner understands this, then the Leo Woman will have perfect compatibility in love with him.

For a woman born under the sign of Leo, there is nothing more important than men who are passionate about her and express their delight. She herself is not necessarily in love. In a sense, she is putting sex up for sale, and her price is the satisfaction she feels from being so highly valued.

She should not only occupy an important place in her partner’s life, but also be the only one for him. However, such restrictions do not apply to her herself. She wants to remain completely free to choose a new victim. Usually this does not take much of her time; the victim herself willingly cooperates. Leo women are the most famous “hunters”. She is devoted to those who love her, but if affection for her disappears, she leaves. She can often find herself involved in a “love triangle,” pitting two men against each other. She is only happy when she is the center of attention.

Her emotions are usually superficial. She often falls in love, but is not always able to truly love. She is rarely in a bad mood if she is in love. She is optimistic, cheerful, and does not like to focus on herself. She does not feel any particular torment regarding her desires. What the Lioness wants, she gets.

If a love affair becomes too comfortable, she begins to become lazy and takes everything that happens in bed for granted. As a result, the fire that she lit in her lover fades away. And without the adoration she needs, her own sexual desires gradually die.

If her lover disappoints her, she does not indulge in ranting. Her silent contempt is a much more powerful weapon. No words are needed to express the queen's displeasure. More than one man has been destroyed by the disdainful attitude of the Lioness, and only a few have dared to resume relationships. Most gathered the remnants of their pride and stepped aside in pain.

She is careless about money. He likes to spend it, and mostly on himself. This woman, who loves luxury, therefore prefers a partner who can provide it. Always indulges his own weaknesses. He often goes to beauty salons, buys bright clothes, loves jewelry and fur.

Other women are jealous of her because all the attractive men will hang around her. She attracts men, perhaps because she thinks it's fair that they give her credit. If she smiles at a man, it can be deceiving, because it does not always mean that she likes him. She constantly needs admiration and will flirt with anyone to achieve it. The man accompanying her, however, should not for a second give her the opportunity to doubt that she is the Sun in his sky. And the partner who has feelings for her must learn to live by these rules.

Since bargaining is not appropriate here, the right to access the body will have to be proven by full program. The chosen one must have a courageous figure, a prestigious car and a bright reputation in society. You can't do without serenades under the balcony and a duel with your opponent. Always imposing and confident, the Lioness loves most of all for everything to be spectacular and dramatic, like in the movies. And her partner should be her main source of pride. At least at first. The advantage of Lionesses is that they rarely “nag” the stronger sex and in general usually do not bother with trifles, preferring to express themselves close-up. The disadvantage is their weakness for everything bright and shiny. This is often used by marriage swindlers and sex athletes.

A woman born under the sign of Leo is sexually attractive, voluptuous and lazy. It seems that she instinctively feels how men react emotionally to her. They rush to obey her as soon as she lifts a finger. Moreover, on her part, this is an order, not a request; she cannot even imagine that any man would dare to refuse her. She loves what she imagines to be innocent flirting, an expression of her libido. She carefully chooses her underwear, trying to buy the most seductive. She will not lure any man passionately because she is too complacent to be sexually aggressive. Her goal is simply to be desired.

If a man occupies an important place in her life, he can count on royal treatment. Despite the fact that she tends to dress quite provocatively, she does not try to seduce her lover with this, but only wants to control him, and this makes a big difference. When the moment comes to use her charms, she will not rush, and not in order to please him, but so that she herself has time to enjoy his admiration.

She doesn't need to be original in bed. She is instinctively inclined towards traditional and direct expression of feelings. Everything seems extremely simple and clear to her. Once aroused, she will prove to be a very responsive partner, and there will be many partners with scars to prove it. She tries to dominate, but usually settles for equality in relationships. The admiration and worship of her partner is the most important part of the process for her.

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