Violet at home: benefits, signs and superstitions. Violet: advice for beginners based on personal experience

The plant looks quite attractive - handfuls of beautiful small flowers look festive and elegant. The color of the flowers can be very different - from white and pale pink to dark purple.

What conditions are needed for successful violet growth?

For violets there is no need to maintain special temperature regime– she is quite happy with normal room temperature. Bright color The plant generally “likes” it, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. The most successful location is the north window. You can also hang thick curtains - they slightly muffle the effects of strong sunlight.

There must be sufficient humidity in the room. Watering for violets should be maintained moderate - twice a week is enough. A blooming violet should be watered as carefully as possible, trying not to flood the inflorescences with water. At this time, even spraying can damage the plant. You have to use a gentle method - watering from a tray.

Where violets do best

Keeping violets in your home is not only pleasant, but also useful - they absorb some amount of carbon dioxide present in the air and release oxygen. With their help, the atmosphere in the home is significantly improved. If used for cooking gas stove, it is most appropriate to place violets in the kitchen, that is, where its concentration is increased. But they should not be placed in close proximity to the stove, so that fumes from food do not create deposits on the leaves, preventing them from breathing. Many gardeners note that after moving plants to the kitchen, they grow and develop better than when they were in another room.

The kitchen in a home is a special functional room where humidity is usually high. Also, because of the food being cooked, it is usually warmer than other rooms. During the flowering period, the violet, which should be watered with great care, and only the roots, will receive as much moisture as it needs. If you do not place the plant near the stove and choose a place with sufficient lighting, better cuisine the premises simply cannot be found.

As for careful selection of lighting, this is not a whim. To bloom, violets need good portions of lighting, daily, for 12-14 hours. Please note that violets, which constantly occupy the same place on the windowsill, usually bloom in May. After the winter dim sun, two months pass - March and April, and just this time is enough for the peduncle to develop. When using special lighting that illuminates Saintpaulia for 12-14 hours, it will bloom more often and grow faster.

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Folk signs always arouse great interest. There is an opinion that they emerged from everyday psychology through centuries-old observations. Backed up by real events, they are firmly rooted in people's minds, influencing the course of their lives.

The secret of the influence of omens lies in the fact that what they expect happens to people. To a certain extent, the phenomenon of persistent popularity of folk superstitions lies in the eternal human desire to shift all responsibility for one’s actions to a random coincidence of circumstances. This is what makes some people believe in them even now, in the age of computer technology. The corresponding ones can be selected for any sphere of human activity, they did not bypass breeding indoor flowers. The same fate befell the violet.

Signs associated with violets

Usambara violets are one of the most beloved flowering plants thanks to the variety of its shapes and colors. They come from the mountain range of the same name located in Africa. The arid climate contributed to the formation of beautiful fleshy leaves that can accumulate moisture and economically evaporate it not with the entire surface, but with numerous thin fibers.

It is believed that with the appearance of violets in the house, peace and tranquility reign in the family. This plant is able to smooth out any conflicts, helping family members achieve mutual understanding. In addition, Uzambara violet helps achieve material wealth and well-being. Such a flower, placed in a children's room, helps improve the baby's health.

Violets white drive away heavy thoughts and relieve suffering. Blue flowers They give inspiration and contribute to the development of creativity in their owner. Red violet helps a person get rid of the harmful addiction to gluttony and excessive preoccupation with his material wealth.

Negative effects of violets on humans

However, this plant is often associated with rather negative circumstances. For example, it is believed that a girl or woman who breeds violets has very little chance of getting married. But this is successfully refuted by a large number of collectors and lovers of these indoor plants.

You can also often hear that the violet is an energy vampire. In fact, this is due to the fact that, like other plants, violet releases oxygen during the day, and at night, on the contrary, absorbs it, releasing carbon dioxide. Lack of oxygen causes weakness and drowsiness, so to prevent this, you just don’t need to place too many plants, including violets, on the windowsills in the bedroom.

There are many signs about the influence of violets on a person’s destiny. One of them says that violets on the windowsill destroy personal life, and the other that violets create positive energy in the house and neutralize negative emotions. The question of choosing home flowers for a superstitious person is always relevant, so let’s look at what signs exist about home violets.

Negative signs about violets

To begin with, it is worth understanding that folk signs represent long-held beliefs that have been confirmed over many years. But some signs do not have a long history and are only someone’s individual opinion. Violet, or Saintpaulia, is a very beautiful flower with velvet leaves and colored inflorescences, but many housewives do not want to grow them in their home. Such a negative attitude is associated with negative signs that exist among the people.

Anyone who keeps violets at home should know the signs. And they promise the following.

Since ancient times, an unmarried young girl was not allowed to grow violets on the windowsill of her window, since this threatened to leave her without a groom. One of the most common beliefs is that violets in the house can destroy your personal life. There is a sign that Saintpaulia is a plant that can drive a man out of the house. Esotericists explain this belief by the fact that violets contain feminine energy, which they release into the world around us, and, as you know, for harmony and harmony in the house, female and male energies must be equal.

Saintpaulia can upset this balance with an excess of feminine energy, and a man in such conditions will most likely begin to feel depressed and depressed. This raises the possibility of discord and scandals in the family. In this regard, many women have a bad attitude towards violets and do not accept this plant. In the same way, from the esoteric side, the flower affects the personal life of single men. Due to the large amount of feminine energy, women may feel out of place in a bachelor's home and do not stay with a man. Based on this, we can assume that it is for these reasons that Saintpaulia is a flower of loneliness.

Of course, such a point of view has a right to exist, but official psychology claims that the plant cannot be blamed for the problem of loneliness. Psychologists are sure that in most cases the essence of the problem is hidden in the person himself, in his mood and attitude towards the opposite sex. To confirm their words, experts cite a lot of examples of happy families in whose houses there are violets.

Another common sign is that Saintpaulia is a vampire flower that takes away vital energy in people; Why this happens can be explained by biology. After all biological feature This plant is that it produces oxygen during the day, and at night it absorbs it and releases carbon dioxide. It is likely that a large amount of Saintpaulia in the bedroom can lead to a decrease in oxygen, and as a result, a person will wake up with symptoms of fatigue. To avoid this, it is enough to keep a small number of violets in the room and regularly ventilate the room.

It is also quite common to believe that the violet is a grave flower, so it cannot be brought into the house, otherwise a series of misfortunes and losses will occur in your personal life. In this case, it is incorrect to say that a violet in the house will attract misfortune and destroy your personal life. In ancient times, Saintpaulias were indeed planted on the graves of deceased people, but this was done mostly on the graves of young people. Violet was believed to help calm the heart of a grieving mother.

In addition to the negative influence, people also note positive signs associated with this flower.

Positive signs

Saintpaulias have long been attributed magical abilities. For example, with their help you can predict the near future: for example, if a white violet blooms in the house, then its owner will have a love date. And with the help of this plant they carried out love spells.

It’s good when these flowers stand on a window overlooking industrial areas or other gloomy objects, as violets absorb negative energy emanating from these objects and prevent it from entering the house.

Also, if there is a lack of financial resources in the house, then it is better to have a red violet, since there is an opinion that this particular species is capable of attracting money to the house.

With the help of these colors you can change your worldview. To do this, it is better to place purple Saintpaulia on the windowsill - it will help calm your nerves and promote resistance to problems. She also extinguishes scandals in the family with her energy and prevents conflict from flaring up between spouses. Based on this, for a harmonious personal life it is better to have this flower and not delve into negative superstitions.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that violets in the house can bring comfort, positivity and harmony, but only on condition that a person believes in it, because everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in negative influences to personal destiny from outside or build happy life, overcoming all adversity.

Hello, lovers and connoisseurs of violets. I will continue to talk about how my violets live. A little more about watering. These are things that I use constantly or often

A large medical syringe with a needle for washing wounds (it was shortened a little, made from some kind of synthetic material). I water violets with it. This is convenient when you are just starting to work with violets in order to control the amount of water. When I had an ordinary needle, it often injured the lower leaves, especially if there were a lot of them and it was difficult to get to the pot. Now everything is fine, the leaves are not injured. A measuring cup for water and a 2-gram syringe are needed when you need to dilute a small amount of fertilizer or some kind of drug.

I top water all my violets. Maybe not modern, but classic and reliable. Can be adjusted for different sockets amount of water, quantity and type required fertilizer. Yes, it takes more time, but it allows you to see and communicate with each outlet individually, see how it grows, blooms, and, if necessary, provide help.

I used to water with settled tap water, but our water is very hard. Sometimes I even added a few drops to the water when watering. lemon juice per 1 liter to remove a little hardness. Now in winter I water with melt water, at other times with rain. I simply have such an opportunity, since I live in the Moscow region. You can water it with water from the air conditioner in hot summer months. And when there was no rain for a long time, she took water from a spring, since it was not far from home. Sometimes I water boiled water. I add boiling water from a kettle to the container with irrigation water so that the water is warm enough, but not hot.

After I began to be able to root cuttings, I began to buy cuttings rarely, bought cuttings of new varieties, and my first rack quickly filled up. Yes, and the children grew up, they had to be given more space on the shelves so that they would grow evenly and beautifully and not touch each other’s leaves.

Please note that some babies are almost white or yellow. I planted them when they had no green at all. And this greenery will appear in small quantities much later, nothing, they grow normally. I don’t feed them anything to make the leaves green. I can’t say anything about the standards, I didn’t have very variegated children, but with the minis everything is as I wrote, I don’t wait until they turn green, I plant them when the children have 3-4 leaves, just like with regular varieties.

The children grew up, I wanted more and more new varieties, fortunately there are a huge number of them, so I bought the 2nd and then the 3rd rack. And the standards also increased; soon there was no room left on non-sunny windowsills. And this summer, some of the pots with standards were just standing on the floor. In the winter, I didn’t allow my husband to open the window in the bedroom, and he got angry and grumbled about it. So in October I decided to make a rack for standards

The design is quite simple. B " Leroy Merlin"we bought 4 tubes 2 m long, 6 panels 50/120 and fasteners. We got 5 shelves with lighting. The distance between the shelves in height is 30 cm. Holes were made in the panels for the tubes. The shelves are attached to the pipe using these details

and on top there is a decorative overlay that is attached to the panel

At the top and bottom of the tubes there are finishing elements. There was an idea to make a rack on wheels, but for now I decided to wait. The rack was placed sideways against the wall

It gets a little light from the window. It turned out to be very convenient to hang several adult trailers on it. There are only 2 so far, more are on the way. For now, everything is in the stage of moving and placement... For a long time I couldn’t decide on the light, I wanted to install LEDs that are now fashionable, but after reading a lot of conflicting reviews about them, I decided to hold off... For this size of shelves, according to science, you need 2 lamps of 36w each. I installed 1 lamp according to a temporary scheme (attached them to a wire). These lamps had already been purchased previously and were located on the windows, attached to the blinds, to illuminate the violets. Now I hung them on a new rack and decided to observe how the violets behave. After 3 months, the violets have even rosettes, the leaves do not rise, everything suits them.

And when, when moving, I placed pots of violets from the windowsills on trays with moisturizing material - watering mats, they immediately came to life. They really like the moist air around the outlets. I’m trying to gradually accustom them to watering through mats. But I constantly check the moisture content of the soil in the pots. If it is very wet, then there are trays nearby and I place the pots on them. If the soil in one pot dries out faster than in others, then I water it from the top. I still can’t adapt to these mats, I’m still afraid that my violets will get wet. Already one trailer and a young standard socket are in the process of being re-rooted... Most likely, I’ll leave them just to humidify the air. But I’m trying to accustom children and standard starters to watering mats and I’m learning myself.

When the new rack was just assembled, it seemed to me that a very large number of violets could be placed there. But when I installed all the pots with standards, almost all the trailers and some of the semi-minis with large rosettes, there was no space left, and the children of the standards were still growing, the cuttings were rooting... The eternal problem with lack of space!

In the next last part I will tell you in more detail about watering mats, how I place violets on racks, where and how the cuttings take root and the children grow.

And some photos of blooming violets

Mac's Southern Springtime - loved and easily recognized by many

This variety bloomed for me with simple, not double flowers. In the description from I. Milekhin, I bought the cuttings and double flowers from him. At the exhibition in the Far East I saw this variety with the same flowers as mine called Jolly Gold. Now I don’t know whether it’s my variety or a sport... But the flowers are very beautiful, large, with golden rays.

All the best to you. If you have questions, ask, I will try to answer.

Uzambara violet.

Family Gesneriaceae - Gesneriaceae.

Genus Saintpaulia hybrida - Hybrid Saintpaulia.

African violet saintpaulia hybrid.

Placing violets in the apartment

Placing violets in the house.

According to the observations of most gardeners, successful growth plants depend not on the composition of fertilizers or any growing secrets, but on the main development factors: optimal temperature, uniform good lighting and normalized moderate watering. When planting violets in a room and further care behind them, you need to pay attention to several conditions:

The main condition: the flower loves bright light, the brighter the room, the more abundant flowering and brighter flower colors. But no sun, you especially need to beware of the scorching midday rays; violets must be shaded from direct sunlight, regardless of the direction of the world. Violet does not tolerate direct rays of the sun; this can cause its leaves to get burned. From direct sunlight, burns in the form of yellowish wet spots appear not only on the leaves, but also on the flowers. White-flowered violets are especially susceptible to burns. Violet grows well on any windowsill, but northern, north-eastern and north-western windows are better for growth.

The glass of the window is sealed to such a height that the sun does not fall on the violets standing on the windowsill, a little more than a third of the glass. For shading, covering non-woven material is used, as well as tulle, densely gathered or hung in two folds. A low-shading solar film is secured with tape to the frame along the edges or glued to water. Blinds are good for shading in extreme heat.

Every digital camera has a built-in light meter. It can perfectly measure illumination. This allows you to use a camera to measure the illumination of violets. You can buy a used light meter from old photographers. The exposure meter must have a frosted glass: By placing the glass on the exposure meter, you can place it between the violets with the glass facing up. Pointer exposure meters are especially good. They can be set once on a scale of 800/2500/5000 lux and then with one glance at the scale you can determine whether your violets are suffering from too little or too much light.

In the evening, of course, the sun may appear on the windowsill, but these are already the rays of the setting sun, and they do no harm. If violets are planted on southern and western windows, because There is no other place, then the violets need to be shaded - stick tracing paper on the lower part of the window glass or hang gauze curtains between the glass and the plant. It is better to use curtains made of thick tulle, then the direct rays of the sun do not threaten the violets, and, on the other hand, such curtains allow enough light into the room.

To indoor violet bloomed all year round, you can use artificial lighting for at least 12 hours a day. Violets should also be protected from sudden temperature fluctuations and drafts and kept at an air temperature of at least 18 degrees. At temperatures below 15C, lighting does not bring tangible results - all processes in plants slow down. In winter, on cold window sills, it is necessary to protect pots with plants from the effects of cold by covering them with any heat-insulating material. In winter, watering should be slightly limited.

If you have wide window sill, then to get maximum results, arrange a 36 W fluorescent lamp above the violets. Now on sale LED strips, which do not blind the eyes, but comfortably illuminate the violets and the room. Determine whether you have space to accommodate mature violet bushes with a diameter of at least 30 cm and how many such rosettes will fit. And don't try to put it there more. If space does not allow, stop growing semi-miniatures and small standards; they are incredibly beautiful and compact.

If you want violets to grow not only in natural light, but also receive artificial lighting, then equip shelves on the window. The number of shelves and height can be varied as needed. Another very good thing is blinds on the windows. In the heat of summer, this is simply a salvation for violets. I make horizontal plates obliquely so that they reflect sun rays, but the flowers would be light. There is light, no sun - ideal for violets. In the evening, you don’t have to curtain the windows, just close the blinds tightly.

Evaluate the conditions for your favorite violets to live in your apartment. Where is it warmer and where is it cooler, where is there better natural lighting, where are drafts created during ventilation. At what time does the direct sun hit your windows, and on which wall does it shine? Strive to install additional artificial lighting.

All violets have individual adaptability to external factors influence, and you can place them where each violet will be more favorable. You can choose varieties of violets both for a very bright window and for a window where the sun is a rare guest. Using artificial lighting can be partially solved by placing racks and shelves in the back of the apartment, away from windows.

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