Formation of coniferous and deciduous plants. How to shape Scots pine

Prune conifers in late winter or in early spring. In general, conifers should be pruned in late winter or early spring to encourage lush, healthy new branches and foliage in the spring. There is also less risk of fungal infections this time of year because the bark is more easily damaged as the trees grow.

Choose spicy correct size tools. Tools used for pruning coniferous trees should always be sharp as this is safer and more effective. You can determine what type of tool to use based on the size of the branches being trimmed.

  • If the branches are less than 1/2 inch thick, use hand pruners or sliding blade pruners that come with scissors. If the branches are more than 1.25 cm thick but less than 3.8 cm in diameter, use a lopper or pruning shears.
  • When branches are more than 3.8 cm in diameter, use a saw. Hedge shears or shears can be used to shape conifers that are grown as a hedge or to maintain them in a certain condition.
  • Disinfect pruning tools before use. It is recommended that gardeners disinfect any tools they intend to use with alcohol or regular bleach before they begin pruning their trees. This helps prevent any contaminants from unintentionally spreading throughout the yard.

  • Determine which branches can and should be cut. The main trunk of coniferous trees is usually not pruned. However, if the tree grows a second trunk, you can cut off the weaker trunk. You can also trim branches to give your conifer a neat appearance if necessary.

    • Remove entire branches to thin out overly dense growth, if necessary, and open up inner part coniferous trees for better sun exposure and air circulation. Branches that grow at an angle should also be removed.
    • Although, choose branches carefully. Once an entire branch is removed from either a conifer or shrub, it will not grow back.
  • Cut the branches at an angle of 45°-60° in the correct location. Prune entire branches at a 45°-60° angle near the branch neck.

    • Be very careful not to damage the branch collar, the raised area of ​​bark at the base of the branch.
    • Large branches should be cut to 15.2-30.5 cm from the neck of the branch.
  • Make two cuts in each branch. Cut about half of the branch from the bottom, then cut half from the top, about 1 inch beyond where the cut is made on the lower branch.

    • The weight of the branch will break it. This will remove the bulk of the branch and protect the neck of the branch from damage. Trim the rest of the branch back to the neck of the branch.
    • When only part of a branch is cut, the cut should be made at 0.6. see for a new leaf bud.
  • Check the pruning requirements of specific species. Some coniferous tree species have specific requirements when it comes to pruning, so it is important that you take these into account.

    • For example, a pine tree has a main trunk that can be reduced to a 25.4 cm stump in order to produce a squat, more compact tree. Lateral branches at the top should be pruned until they are 12.7 cm shorter than the top branch. Branches pointing downwards can be cut, reducing them in ascending order, forming a completely pyramid-like shape.
    • Branches on Douglas fir that are taller than 12.7 cm should not be cut back because this puts the plants at greater risk for fungal infections.
  • Be sure to remove all diseased parts of the tree. In coniferous trees with disease problems, branches should be cut 12.7 cm away from infected areas, taking care to cut only living wood.

    • Gardeners should wait for dry weather to prune weak trees because this will reduce the spread of pathogens. It is also important to clean and sterilize your pruning shears with a household disinfectant before and after each use to help reduce the spread of disease. Use a rag to wipe the disinfectant off the pruners before using them again, as the disinfectant may damage the wood.
    • Diseased parts of the tree should either be burned or left for local waste disposal crews. These branches should not go into the compost bin.
  • Consider hiring a professional company to trim your trees for you. If evergreens, about which we're talking about are located near power lines, it is best to hire a reputable tree trimmer rather than solving the problem yourself.

    • Owners are advised to shop around and have several professionals do the work they need to do before choosing a company to do the task for them.
    • This way, everyone gets the best deals and avoids unnecessary expenses and unnecessary procedures.
  • Pine remains one of the most common plants used to decorate a site during landscape work. A properly organized crown will look carefully, and small pine trees will turn into one of the main decorative elements, and at the same time make the air in the area pleasant and healthy. To do this, the pine tree must be pruned on time: this is not a very difficult job, but it will have to be done systematically.

    • Rules for pruning pine
    • Decorative pruning of pine

    Why do you need to prune a pine tree?

    Pine in general is enough unpretentious plant, but you need to know a couple of transplant rules and basic care. If you decide to plant a young pine seedling on your property, it is important to ensure that the roots do not remain bare for a couple of minutes. during the transplant: as a result, they may die. A year after planting is completed, it is possible to begin forming the crown of a young tree.

    This is the name given to the removal of old and diseased branches to ensure that the tree remains healthy. But in this case, a danger is created for other plants due to the shadow formed by the dense crown. It is possible to organize from pine hedge or use it to decorate the site; timely pruning allows you to keep the plant both beautiful and healthy.

    If the roof grows, it will be difficult to trim it, and this will lead to additional problems on the site. It is prohibited to turn the territory into a forest; it has a large number of other functions, and excessive growth of green spaces should not be allowed.

    In addition, in advanced cases, pruning is scary: it is stressful for the plant, and if you remove a lot of green mass, the pine tree may die. You should not delay the implementation of sanitary procedures, even if at first glance they seem difficult.

    Rules for pruning pine

    In order for pruning to bring benefit rather than harm to the pine tree, it must be carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

    • The procedure is carried out when young shoots - the so-called shoots or candles - begin to appear on the pine tree. At the time when they begin to grow, they contain the embryos of future needles, it is fundamentally important to remove the growth at a time when it has already grown to its maximum, but the needles have not yet begun to fluff up. Coniferous trees They wake up quite late at the end of winter; active growth of new shoots will begin only in May. As a result, pruning is recommended only in June.
    • For pruning, use simple garden shears with a long blade. Processing begins from the top of the tree, the skeletal branches are cut off separately, leaving at the same time small stumps (no more than 5 cm in height). Then they will grow, but the non-specialized annual growth will not exceed three centimeters.
    • If upon completion spring pruning the candles still gave stronger growth, you can’t cut a pine branch by its needles. In this case, the green needles will soon turn yellow, which is why the tree will look sloppy. Any needle lives for several years, and a couple, therefore, initially incorrect pruning can cause great damage, and it will not be possible to fix it soon.
    • The pruning site is treated with bronze sulfate; if it was necessary to inflict important wounds on the plant, they are covered with varnish. This will prevent the entry of harmful elements and bacteria into putrefactive processes.

    The first pruning is carried out in the spring, and in August it is possible to make additional adjustments to the crown.

    It is fundamentally important that the cutting tool is clean and very sharp so that the cut is neat. Otherwise, it can become a source of infection for the entire plant. In just one pruning, it is possible to remove no more than one third of the green mass, otherwise the damage to the plant will be irreparable.

    Decorative pruning of pine

    Pine pruning is carried out not only for sanitary purposes to limit the height of the crown.

    Many are attracted by neat crowns, which can be achieved through proper decorative pruning. Pine trees with a decorative crown can be used for hedges, alley decoration, etc.

    How to choose a tree for these purposes:

    • For this procedure, it is better to choose cloudy days so that brown spots do not appear on the needles, which appear due to increased evaporation of liquid.
    • One of the advantages of pine is that the seedling does not necessarily have to be taken.
    • From time to time, it is possible to find a suitable sprout in the forest and plant it on the site.
    • In the shade of huge trees, such seedlings grow slowly, but if transplanted correctly to a new place, they will soon begin to develop, actively sprouting new shoots.
    • In this case, it will be much easier to develop the crown, since there will be no need to remove many branches.
    • In most cases, small pines, the age of which does not exceed 3-4 years, are chosen for transplantation.

    In nurseries they cost approximately from 300 to 1000 rubles, in the forest it is possible young plant, which will still have a hard time growing due to the shade of huge trees. It is better not to choose large seedlings for transplantation, since they do not tolerate changing places well and can be sick for a whole year. Decorative pruning in most cases is carried out so that the crown retains its smooth pyramidal outline, but thanks to it the pine tree will look fluffier and spreading, transforming into a real decoration of the site.

    Pine rejuvenation through pruning

    One of the purposes of pruning is to rejuvenate the old tree, since over time the growth area will still tend to the ends of the shoots. If you do not interfere with this process, it is possible to take almost naked long branches, devoid of needles. This is done as follows:

    • In autumn or winter period the ends of already bare old branches are cut off in order to awaken dormant buds.
    • Overly large dilapidated branches on which there are no more growth points left are removed.
    • In the spring, new shoots will appear on the remaining part of the branch, which will later turn into full-fledged shoots.

    It is fundamentally important to trim the branches so that at least some of the needles still remain on them, otherwise the branch will easily dry out completely.

    This way it is possible to transform a dilapidated pine tree into a virtually new tree with young, bright green needles. Anti-aging pruning is carried out approximately once every three years, thanks to which the tree will look great and will take a good place V landscape composition plot.

    Pine is an unpretentious plant familiar in the Russian climate, which is very easy to care for.

    It can become one of the decorations of the yard; in addition, it can be dressed up for New Year if you don't want to cut down living tree to install it at home. Taking care of the tree and its timely pruning will make the pine tree beautiful and well-groomed, which will allow you to harmoniously and carefully design your summer cottage.

    How to make nivaki from pine? Formation of conifers #urozhainye_gryadki

    Many people think that pine is not the most suitable tree For summer cottage, because as it grows, it creates a continuous shadow over a large area. Only a few survive under it ornamental plants. However, with proper pruning, pine can become a worthy decoration of the site, and both young and adult specimens can be trimmed.

    Types of pine pruning

    Coniferous trees, like any other, need care, one of the elements of which is the removal of part of the shoots or branches. Depending on the purpose, there are four main types of pruning of Scots pine:

    • rejuvenating
    • formative
    • health-improving
    • combined.

    Healthy pruning

    This procedure is carried out if there is already an adult tree on the territory, which it was decided to leave on the site. At the same time, old dry branches, shoots, affected various diseases. It often happens that skeletal branches are also pruned if the crown is too thick, and the owners want to make it more openwork and visually lighter, or to give symmetry.

    Sanitary pruning of pine is also carried out to balance a trunk growing at an angle. In the latter case, the procedure acts not so much as a therapeutic measure, but as a preventive measure.

    Pruning that determines the shape of the pine crown

    This type of plant care is conventionally divided into two types - molding and decorative pruning. We say “conditionally” because both options allow you to give the tree the intended shape. Only in the case of molding pruning of Scots pine does the crown grow as naturally as possible, and with decorative pruning it is given the shape that best suits the landscape design. For example, when they want to introduce elements into the landscape design Japanese style, in particular, garden bonsai - nivaki.

    Anti-aging pruning

    Healthy trees and shrubs with a developed root system begin to actively grow new branches if they lack sunlight. This property is used to rejuvenate old plants. Thanks to this crowning, all useful microelements are used to grow new greenery, and not to maintain the vital activity of old branches.

    Combined pruning is crowning, which solves not one, but two or more problems, for example, rejuvenation and healing.

    You don’t know how or don’t know how to carry out this procedure correctly? Do you not have enough time, energy and health to remove old branches yourself? No experience working at high altitudes, but the pine tree has already grown quite tall? Call our landscape studio M.Art. Our arborists will professionally and quickly complete all necessary work.

    When to prune Scots pine?

    Pine crowning can be done in spring and autumn. The choice of season depends on what goals you need to achieve.

    Formation of pine ordinary spring The pruning method is done if it is necessary to obtain a decorative crown or to treat the tree. It should be remembered that you can trim a Scots pine tree only when the frosts have ended and the active growing season has not yet begun. In other words, from March to June. In the fall, pruning is done only to slow down the growth of the plant, and it is not advisable to touch adult plants. It should be remembered that crowning cannot be done if the temperature drops below 3-5°C. Dead branches can be removed all year round.

    In the fall, the ends of old branches are cut off, and those branches on which there are no growth points left are also removed. At the end of spring, the so-called candles are removed by a third - shoots on which the needles are still soft and unfluffed. In the first years after transplantation, the plant should not be crowned, since the thickness of the trunk depends on the number of branches.

    Landscape studio M.Art will help you trim young and old trees. To do this, we have modern equipment and experienced arborists who are proficient in industrial mountaineering techniques.

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