Characteristics of a student undergoing internship - sample and template. Characteristics of a student trainee undergoing teaching practice as a history teacher

Characteristics of a student-teacher who was in practice in primary school classes are written in a standard form general characteristics. However, the descriptive part has its own peculiarities in drawing up such a document. Below we will present the rules for drawing up characteristics with examples.

How to write a reference for a student undergoing teaching practice

The characteristics are written on A4 sheet. It can be filled out by hand or on a computer and then printed out.

The document must contain the following conditional sections:


IN this section The details of the school institution that issued the form are indicated. The inscription is centered in the middle. If the school has letterhead, then you can write on it to fill out the document.

...Vasilievskaya high school № 35

With. Vasilyevka st. Novoselova, 25


Questionnaire section. This displays information about the student, the duration of the internship, and the subject of the internship.

...for a student of the 5th group of the Izmail Pedagogical Institute, Maria Ivanovna Petrova, who took practical classes in the specialty “Teaching in junior grades” from 01.02. 2017 to 26.03. 2017…

Main section reflects the overall assessment of the trainee, his abilities, level of methodological training and attitude towards his future profession.

Psychological section describes behavioral personality traits: level of cultural upbringing, relationships in the team, attitude towards students of the class in which the student sells.

Final section displays the date of issue of the document and the signature of the practice supervisor.

...School director /_____________/ Sidorov L.I.

Teacher /___________/ Demidova S.A...

What information is indicated in the characteristics

When writing a character reference for a junior school teacher trainee, it is necessary to follow a certain scheme for writing the document, which most fully reflects the most important points, which should be inherent in the future primary school teacher. This section will provide examples of filling out the main and psychological sections for writing characteristics.

Characteristics diagram

In the main and psychological sections of the document, it is necessary to describe the following:

  • The trainee's knowledge of the programs and the content of educational information in them.

During the lessons she was confident, mastered the content of the lesson, conveyed the material to the students, sought to involve all students in the class in the educational process, no one, without singling out the theoretical knowledge of the trainee at a high level...

  • Does the trainee know how to plan, plan daily lessons, and prepare the necessary visual materials for the lesson.

...The student plans lessons correctly, ensuring the connection between the presentation of material and examples from life, knows how to solve emerging educational problems, has a beneficial effect on the consciousness of students, and competently uses prepared visual materials. The trainee knows how to try out the methodology for presenting material in class. During the lessons, I spent most of my time demonstrating practical examples from life and demanding that students complete the lessons at the proper level. Provided conditions for the diversified development of students through problematic tasks, questions...

  • Is he able to use factual visual materials?

...I responsibly chose the description of the material for teaching and prepared lessons taking into account the visual materials of the classroom...

  • Is he able to achieve his goal and correctly emphasize the objectives of the lesson on the topic?

...Responsibly prepared lessons, selected practical tasks for students. Meticulous notes were drawn up displaying visual materials on the planned topic...

  • Ability to be creative in lesson planning.

I strived to teach innovative innovations to my students in the classroom. In the classroom with students she is friendly and at the same time demanding, demonstrated knowledge of the psychology of children, taking into account individual characters elementary school students.

Extracurricular activities ensured the unity of class students and the development of children’s creative inclinations. Fairly assessed students' knowledge...

Today, the concept of a letter of recommendation has come into common use in business. We offer you templates and samples that will save time when drawing up characteristics.

Sample for student intern

Kotov Viktor Vasilievich, student of the Ural Economic University, did an internship from September 25, 2017 to October 20, 2017 at Karat LLC. Viktor Vasilievich showed excellent knowledge in the field of economic activity.

Viktor Vasilyevich has independence, sociability, determination and the desire to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired at URGEU. Viktor Vasilyevich is able to show respect for work, mentors and work colleagues in relationships in a professional team.

In relationships with colleagues, Viktor Vasilyevich showed himself to be the best side. He demonstrated such human qualities as attentiveness, the ability to listen and come to the rescue, and not get into conflict situations, stress resistance and the ability to come to a compromise solution.

I would especially like to note that Viktor Vasilyevich knows how to competently plan his work time, in accordance with the enterprise development strategy, and perform work as efficiently as possible.

Viktor Vasilievich analyzed commercial activities Karat LLC. According to the results research work they were offered measures aimed at improving the activities of the enterprise. These proposals are of interest and practical value.

Characteristics from the student’s internship at a summer camp

Ready example

Olga Igorevna Ivanova underwent teaching practice at a summer camp from 06/14/2016 to 07/14/2016, where she proved herself only with positive side. Olga Igorevna has such human qualities as discipline, responsibility, and the ability to find mutual language with kids.

Olga Igorevna treated children with love and understanding. The student actively participated in the work summer camp and applied the theoretical knowledge acquired at the university in practice. Olga Igorevna showed herself to be a creative and sociable person and an excellent organizer. The student proved herself to be a competent teacher in solving educational problems.

Olga Igorevna demonstrated responsibility, commitment and hard work, as well as serious attitude for preparing and holding events. Children participated in events organized by Olga Igorevna with interest and enthusiasm.

When organizing events, Olga Igorevna took into account age and psychological characteristics children. Olga Igorevna worked closely with colleagues. She listened to the advice of teachers and psychologists. She managed to get close to the guys and win their trust. Internship grade: “Excellent.”

Characteristics of a student’s practice as a teacher in a preschool educational institution


Svetlova Elena Nikolaevna, student of the Samara State Social Pedagogical University, during her internship at kindergarten"Rowan" from 09/17/2017 to 10/18. 2017 has proven herself to be a competent, didactic-savvy teacher. She demonstrated a responsible attitude towards working with children.

In the process of teaching activity, I always had available visual material. Elena Nikolaevna conducted classes in all areas of children's development: cognitive, speech, communication, physical and aesthetic. The intern independently organized Doe’s students in playful, educational, labor, visual and other activities.

Elena Nikolaevna actively participated in autumn holiday“Merry Cabbage Man”, and also organized the event “Baba Yaga’s Road Adventures”, dedicated to learning the rules of the road.

Elena Nikolaevna spoke at parent meeting with a report on the topic: “The importance of joint leisure of parents and children preschool age" Student Svetlova showed good theoretical knowledge of the fundamentals of pedagogy and developmental psychology, as well as skills in planning the activities of preschoolers in the first and second half of the day. In communicating with students, Elena Nikolaevna always showed pedagogical tact.

Characteristics of a student for medical practice in a hospital institution

Ready example

Olga Viktorovna Samokhina, a 3rd year student at the Saratov Medical College, completed her internship as a physician at the Clinical Hospital named after. S. R. Mirotvortseva, majoring in Nursing. in the period from 02/10/2018 to 03/18/2018

The trainee was familiarized with the internal documentation of the surgical department. The rules of asepsis and antiseptics, pre-sterilization and sterilization of instruments were brought to her attention.

Olga Viktorovna performed nursing procedures in treatment room, operating room and dressing room. In particular, it performed intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous injections, filled intravenous drip systems, collected blood and transported it to the laboratory, and cared for patients in the postoperative period.

Samokhina Olga Viktorovna filled out the documentation related to the duties performed. She took part in the preparation of the operating room, processed and removed stitches, and made dressings.

The student showed good theoretical training and skillfully applied the knowledge acquired in college to her work. Conducted herself with staff and patients in accordance with the principles medical ethics and deontology.

Pedagogical educational practice of a student at school - characteristics

Example of a positive testimonial

Berkovich Andrey Yurievich completed his teaching internship at MBOU Secondary School No. 148 from March 3, 2016 to April 3, 2016. The student taught history lessons in grades 5a, 7a and 7b. In total, during this time he conducted 16 classes on various topics.

Andrey Yurievich demonstrated high level knowledge of the subject, as well as excellent methodological and didactic skills. The student approached his work creatively, used modern teaching aids, and used various teaching techniques and tools in the lessons. Therefore, the children attended his classes with interest. During the classes, Andrei Yuryevich behaved confidently, knew the material presented well, and skillfully involved all the children in the educational process.

From the first lessons, he managed to gain the trust of students and establish close contact with them. Even the most inactive children worked in the lessons, since the tasks corresponded to their volume of knowledge, level of mastery of the subject and age characteristics.

Andrey Yuryevich carefully planned each lesson, prepared thematic presentations and handouts. He taught many lessons in a playful way, showing videos in accordance with current sections educational program.

Andrei Yuryevich showed himself to be a sensitive and attentive teacher, capable of presenting the material clearly and accessible to all children.

Characteristics of a student who has completed an internship in accounting

Example characteristics

Alisov Vladimir Vladimirovich, a student at the Rostov University of Economics, completed an internship at Regina LLC from 11/12/2017 to 12/13/2017, specializing in accounting. He proved himself to be a competent specialist and showed high efficiency, responsibility, dedication and communication skills.

Vladimir Vladimirovich quickly became familiar with the structure of the organization, the constituent documents and the main directions of its activities. He actively participated in the preparation of financial statements for November 2017.

Alisov Vladimir Vladimirovich proved himself to be a committed and serious specialist, he showed up for work without delay and carefully completed all the tasks assigned to him. His practical participation in solving the tasks assigned to him contributed to consolidating the skills acquired at the Rostov Economic University in all areas of his chosen specialty.

Vladimir Vladimirovich participated in the discussion of economic issues, such as minimizing the organization’s costs. He made proposals that were valuable from a practical point of view to find ways to solve them.

He also participated in the inventory of the warehouse, which was carried out in the organization. The curators believe that Vladimir Vladimirovich Alisov deserves high praise.

The student practice was carried out in court as a lawyer

Sample characteristics

Gennady Lvovich Severov, a student at the Khabarovsk Law Institute, completed an internship at the Khabarovsk District Court from April 2, 2016 to April 14, 2016, specializing in “Jurisprudence.”

Gennady Lvovich proved himself to be an initiative and competent employee, capable of applying in his work the knowledge he acquired in educational institution. He quickly and accurately carried out the judge's instructions.

Gennady Lvovich got acquainted with the work of the court office and court secretaries. The student regularly attended court hearings on criminal and civil cases. He took Active participation in preparation for court cases.

The manager instructed Gennady Lvovich Severov to draw up, without outside help, draft procedural documentation for cases considered by the court. In addition, the student studied the regulations for conducting court records.

Gennady Lvovich Severov completed all the tasks assigned to him by his manager on time and proved himself in the team as a disciplined, tactful, friendly, hardworking and sociable person. Based on the results of practice, Gennady Lvovich Severov deserves a high positive assessment.

Characteristics from the practice of a student psychologist


Olga Aleksandrovna Kaverina, a student at the Moscow Psychological and Social University, completed a practical training as a psychologist at Secondary School No. 123 from November 5 to December 6, 2017. During this period, the student proved herself to be a responsible and organized worker.

She carried out psychodiagnostic and educational work in grades 1, 2, 3 – 7, 9. Olga Alexandrovna also conducted correctional and developmental classes in 4th grade and advised students and parents individually.

In diagnostic work, she used the method of personality accentuation, tracking the adaptation process in graduating classes and monitored the development of seventh-graders using sociometry, psycho-emotional state testing and questionnaires.

Olga Aleksandrovna carried out diagnostic work related to the cognitive and motivational spheres of students primary classes. During the work, the student demonstrated conscientiousness, organization and correctness.

She immediately found individual approach to children and managed to establish close contact with them. Based on the results of her practice, Olga Aleksandrovna deserves an excellent mark.

Characteristics of a student undergoing internship at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Ready example

Volchek Dmitry Evgenievich, student of the Omsk Law Academy, completed his internship from May 12, 2017. to 07/12/2017 in the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Omsk Region. During this time, the student proved himself to be a responsible, disciplined and conscientious worker.

Dmitry Evgenievich was involved in the preparation and maintenance of official documentation, identifying and preventing offenses among persons under the age of majority, identifying persons who committed a criminal act, as well as supervising dysfunctional families. Dmitry Evgenievich also participated in raid events.

The student has proven himself on the positive side. The manager described him as an efficient, independent, honest, friendly and sociable worker. Dmitry Evgenievich demonstrated dedication, the ability to work with minors and the willingness to assimilate and apply new information in his work.

In the process of completing the tasks assigned to him, Dmitry Evgenievich Volchek successfully applied the acquired skills. The trainee has excellent knowledge of the legislative framework. While participating in official operations, Dmitry Evgenievich maintained composure and restraint.

The student’s internship was carried out in a bank, characteristics


Olga Viktorovna Romanova, a fourth-year student at the Plekhanov Kemerovo Institute of Economics, completed an internship at PJSC UniCredit Bank with a degree in financier from April 14. 2017 until 15.05. 2017 inclusive.

During her internship, Olga Viktorovna became familiar with the general organizational banking structure, the procedure for opening accounts for individuals and legal entities, as well as processing deposits. The student has already been actively involved in daily maintenance open accounts under the guidance of a curator.

Olga Viktorovna Romanova mastered the procedure for issuing loans to individuals and legal entities, as well as registration and issuance of debit, credit and salary plastic cards. The trainee took part in the preparation of daily reports and became familiar with the procedure for leaving quarterly reports.

Olga Viktorovna proved herself to be a sociable, obliging and correct employee. She quickly found a common language with her colleagues and listened to their recommendations when performing the tasks assigned to her.

From the first day of practice, she approached her work responsibly, communicated kindly with clients and did not receive any complaints about herself. Based on the results of her internship, Olga Viktorovna earned a high positive assessment.

Similar characteristics. . .



general education


secondary general education

school number 6 village Serafimovsky

Arzgir district

Stavropol Territory

356588 Russia

With. Serafimovskoe,

st. Krasina, 96a

OGRN 1032601791353

Tel/fax: 8(865-60) 57-1-10

E- mail: hcola59@ mail. ru

Ref. No. 65 dated 30.01. 2014

Characteristics of pre-diploma internship
in MKOU secondary school No. 6

With. Serafimovsky

Arzgir district

Stavropol Territory

6th year students

Institute of Education and Social Sciences

North Caucasian

Federal University

majoring in “030100 Computer Science”

Andreeva Svetlana Nikolaevna

During her internship, Svetlana Nikolaevna Andreeva showed herself to be a diligent student-intern, carefully preparing for lessons, using visual aids and handouts.

A visit to Svetlana Nikolaevna Andreeva’s lessons showed that she solves problems thoughtfully and purposefully school education on your subject. Used in lessons various shapes and methods of work that activate students to perceive the material being studied.

Svetlana Nikolaevna knows the methods of teaching the subject of computer science. In lessons, he tries to use teaching techniques that help maintain students’ interest in the subject of computer science and increase the effectiveness of the lesson. Uses group work in lessons.

He treats his work conscientiously, tries to ensure that everyone new lesson deepened the content of the previous one both theoretically and practically.

Tactful, respected among children and colleagues. Working with children, my pedagogical activity directed the formation of the child’s personality culture, tried to unite and make friends with the children.

Svetlana Nikolaevna pays great attention to growth in her lessons cognitive activity students. She masters explanatory reproductive, instructive-practical, partially search-based teaching methods, which she applies adequately to the content. A variety of assignments ensures that all students are kept busy, taking into account their abilities.

Benevolence, politeness, correctness, kindness, sociability are the main character traits of Svetlana Nikolaevna.

AdministrationMunicipal government educational institution secondary school No. 6 village. Serafimovsky Arzgirsky district of the Stavropol Territorybelieves that for passing teaching practice Andreeva Svetlana Nikolaevna deserves a rating of “5” (five) points.

Student internship supervisor:

Director of MKOU secondary school№ 6

With. Serafimovsky

Arzgir district

Stavropolskyedges ____________ Z.I. Udovydchenko


Theoretically, the student’s characteristics are written by the head of practice from the enterprise. It is he who must characterize the student’s skills and abilities acquired during the internship.

However, in most cases, the characteristics are written by the students themselves, and the manager only signs it and puts the seal of the organization (even more often this is done by the secretary of the enterprise).

A sample description can be obtained from your department from the methodologist, or requested from senior students.

So that you don’t have to search for a long time, we have attached it at the end of the article. Simply insert your details and print the document.

Requirements for registration of student characteristics

Read the basic rules for writing a review of a trainee from a supervisor

The results of the practical training are recorded in a report, which is prepared by the student. The content of the report is regulated by the university, as are the documents that are attached to it. Therefore, the testimonial for a student intern must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, indicating the necessary information and appropriate formatting.

It is preferable to submit the review on the letterhead of the organization where the student was on internship.

Information that must be indicated in the specification:

  • name of the organization and its details;
  • mailing address;
  • e-mail;
  • contact number;
  • complete information about the student intern: full name, university, faculty and course of study;
  • the position in which the student completed his internship;
  • terms of industrial practice;
  • responsibilities that were assigned to the trainee;
  • signature of the practice manager;
  • seal of the organization.

How to write a reference for a student who has undergone an internship

To write a reference for a student intern, you can use our recommendations

When describing the duties that a student performed in practice, one should focus on job description. Example: the student’s responsibilities included maintaining accounting, conducting inventory, analyzing financial statements, etc.

The level of theoretical training of the student and his ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice should be assessed.

Example: when carrying out instructions from the manager during the internship of Ivanova I.A. was guided by the knowledge acquired at a higher educational institution. The student’s level of theoretical training allows her to perform job responsibilities at a good professional level.

Then the skills acquired by the student in practice should be reflected. This could be the preparation of reports, contracts, etc.

In addition, one of the required attributes of a review is a characteristic personal qualities student. Qualities such as diligence, punctuality, responsibility, ability to learn, communication skills, dedication, etc. should be assessed.

In conclusion, the characteristics from the internship site should indicate the grade that the student deserves for the internship.

Sample characteristics of a student intern


This description is given to a student of the Russian State Technological University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kovaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, who passed pre-graduation practice at Segment LLC from May 10, 2012 to May 29, 2012

During the internship Kovaleva S.V. performed the following duties: got acquainted with the mission and goals of the company, the structure of the enterprise, took part in filling out supply contracts, drawing up reports, studied the rules of a sales visit, the basics of merchandising (the concept of displaying goods on shelves).

During her internship at Segment LLC Kovaleva S.V. showed good level theoretical training. She approached all tasks conscientiously and responsibly. She showed her desire to gain new knowledge.

In general, the work of Kovaleva S.V. deserves an "excellent" rating.

Student profile template from the internship site

When compiling a profile for a student from the place of practice, the supervisor must focus on the level of the student’s professional preparation for work, as well as indicate the skills and abilities that the trainee acquired in production. A characteristic written in accordance with all the rules will help the head of the university evaluate the effectiveness of the student’s internship and evaluate it fairly.

Characteristics of a student undergoing internship - sample and template updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru


For 4th year student-intern of the Faculty of Philology of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute Berkimbaeva Madina Sakenovna

Berkimbaeva M.S. did an internship in English language from 10.03.2014 until May 3, 2014 V government agency“School No. of the education department of the akimat of the city of Kostanay” in the 7th “B” grade, where training is conducted in the educational complex “CodeBlue”. At the beginning of her internship, the student attended the English language lessons of her mentor teacher. After analyzing the lessons she watched, the student began planning and conducting her own lessons. Berkimbaeva M.S. conducted 12 lessons and 3 extracurricular activities.
Under the guidance of the teacher-mentor, the student methodically and competently planned the lessons, clearly formulated specific goals and objectives of the lesson, and organized the productive work of students in the lesson. It is worth noting the high level of motivation and activity of the student to achieve her goals. Berkimbaeva M.S. During her internship, she showed herself to be a diligent student trainee, carefully prepared for lessons, used visual aids and handouts. During the lessons, various forms and methods of work are used that activate students to perceive the material being studied. He treats his work conscientiously and tries to ensure that each new lesson deepens the content of the previous one, both lexically and grammatically.
During the internship, the student established herself as a responsible and purposeful specialist with basic theoretical knowledge and all the necessary skills for the organization educational process. The student took responsibility for all the tasks assigned to her, as provided for in the internship program. Compliance with the curriculum and internal school standards was ensured, and preparation for lessons was carried out professionally.
The most difficult moments in the internship were: choosing the optimal types of exercises for certain topics for different classes, selecting multi-level tasks; accounting individual characteristics students when conducting a lesson, the ability to organize a working atmosphere throughout the lesson and correctly allocate time for certain moments of the lesson, because the student was not able to manage to carry out all planned activities and achieve all her goals. Madina needs to develop her pedagogical abilities and gain more experience communicating with children, learning the peculiarities of developmental psychology.
Collaboration student and teacher-mentor allowed her to successfully graduate from difficult situation, both when planning a lesson and during the lesson.
The practice of a 4th year student of the Faculty of Philology of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute M. S. Berkimbayeva must be recognized as successfully completed and can be assessed as “excellent”.

Head teacher ______________________________

Foreign language teacher ______________________________

Date _____________

During the internship, the student learned to clearly define goals and leaders educational tasks; choose the most effective forms and types of work in the lesson, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students; learned to control an audience of 8th grade students, showing organizational skills and a creative approach in teaching.
During her internship, the student established herself as a responsible and purposeful specialist with basic theoretical knowledge and all the necessary skills for organizing the educational process. During the development of geography curricula for grade 6 "B", Maria Ivanovna showed a creative approach and initiative in introducing new methodological concepts related to...

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