Good advice for all occasions. Life hacks, or useful tips for women for all occasions

Without tricks, our life would be much more difficult! Ingenuity - driving force progress. "So simple!" offers you a new portion of advice that will undoubtedly come in handy in different situations. Housewives, students and creative people of various professions are constantly replenishing their piggy bank life hacks that you want to use constantly. Remember and use it for your health! Whatever you do, these everyday tips will make it easier.

  1. When you need batteries and only have small ones on hand, use foil.
  2. The fruit and sweets stand is perfect for storing cosmetics. Order and beauty!
  3. You will never mix up your keys if you paint them in different colors nail polish.

  4. If you need to pour something from a container filled with liquid, apply a sushi stick or pen to the neck. Nothing will spill!

  5. Hot pepper will not leave burning marks on your hands if you rub a little into your skin after work olive oil and then wash your hands with soap. If pepper accidentally gets into your eyes, rinse them with milk.

  6. You can quickly get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands if you rub them with a stainless steel spoon under running cold water.

  7. When the butter is cold and hard, use a grater. Grated butter is easier to spread on bread.

  8. Coffee beans - chic decorative element. This stand for brushes and pencils will be the envy of everyone!
  9. A hair straightening iron will smooth the collar of your shirt.

  10. Perfectly shaped scrambled eggs can be easily made using an onion ring as a mold.

  11. Build a powerful lantern from mobile phone placed under the bottle.

  12. Spiral from ballpoint pen will protect the cable from breaking.

  13. Use a clothespin, and you definitely won't hit your fingers with a hammer while hammering in a nail.

  14. Place a wooden spoon on a pan of boiling soup or broth - nothing will spill out!

  15. Corn rings make a great candle holder to use for a birthday cake! There's no need to pick out candles, no traces of wax on the birthday cake, and the rings are edible.
  16. Increasing the work surface area in the kitchen is easy! Place another cutting board on the drawer.

  17. A bag clip will help you fix your beach shoes.

  18. Use your sunscreen container as storage for your phone, money, and keys at the beach.

  19. When there is very little of your favorite chocolate treat left in the jar, add ice cream to it! You can also pour hot milk into a jar of leftover Nutella to create a flavorful drink.
  20. To cool your laptop, place a cardboard egg tray underneath it. Air circulation is ensured!

  21. If the bread is too fresh, turn it over before cutting.

  22. An exquisite pattern on the cake can be made by sifting the powder through a napkin.

  23. If you chew gum while chopping onions, there will be no danger of tears!

  24. A pizza box will replace a dustpan, which can be thrown away right away with the trash.
  25. This barometer is an ingenious stand for a tablet. Watching movies is very convenient! Place it on the back - the iron base will turn into a stand, designed for a tablet.

  26. If you place wet wipes on the fan grille, the room will be filled with a pleasant aroma.
  27. You can also make a tablet stand from a plastic cup.

  28. Convenient storage method paper towels in the kitchen.

I use each of these from time to time

Apartment renovation
1. The nail is easily driven in if its tip is dipped in vegetable oil.
2. If you add sugar to the cement solution, it will become much stronger.
3. Alabaster diluted with milk hardens longer - it’s easier to seal with it.

cracks with a brush.
4. If the brush is for oil works very hard, need 1 minute
dip it in boiling vinegar.
5. A room that has just been wallpapered cannot be used for several days.
ventilate, otherwise the wallpaper will begin to bubble and peel off.
6. It is easier to cut tiles when they are wet. In this case less
the likelihood that it will break.
7. Imported tiles are more expensive than domestic ones, but
when laying it, you won’t have to align the edges of the tiles so that they lie close
one to the other.
8. Fallen tiles can be firmly fixed with zinc white,
densely rubbed natural drying oil. But it will take a long time to dry.
9. Washable wallpaper should not be used to cover a sunny room - under
action sun rays such wallpapers are harmful to health
10. Using wallpaper and light-colored paints, you can visually enlarge
room volume. Dark tones visually reduce its volume.

Cleaning of the apartment
1. Scratches on polished furniture can be eliminated with paint.
shoe polish of the appropriate color.
2. You can wipe mirrors with cotton wool soaked in cologne or alcohol.
(vodka). You can use cold water mixed with linen blue -
this will give the mirror a nice shine. Suitable for the same purpose
diluted tea infusion.
3. It is recommended to clean a yellowed enamel bathtub with salt and
4. Tiles in the bathroom it is recommended to wipe with vinegar and water (1:
5). You can use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia.
5. Anything painted with light oil or enamel paint is recommended
wash with water without soap and soda (they make the paint dull). You can go to the water
add ammonia (a teaspoon per liter) - it removes dirt and
adds shine. After washing, you need to wipe with a dry cloth so as not to
yellow spots and streaks appeared.
6. It is not recommended to clean enamel bathtubs with acids, as well as
abrasive powders - damage the enamel.
7. A new broom, mop, or broom will last longer if it is
soak them in hot soapy water.
8. White mark on a polished surface caused by hot
item can be removed by wiping it with alcohol and vegetable oil.
9. Rub with a woolen rag in a circular motion.
10. You should not wash windows with soap, as it forms a film on the glass,
which is difficult to wash.
11. A strong vinegar solution removes stains from glass and mirrors (1 tablespoon
spoon per glass of water).
12. A brush soaked in salt water will help restore the golden color.
color for straw products.
13. The color of the carpet will become brighter if you sprinkle it with fine white in the evening.
salt, and the next day remove the salt with a soft, clean, damp cloth.
14. Linoleum floors should not be washed. hot water or water with
By adding soda or ammonia, the linoleum becomes dull and deteriorates.
15. Washable warm water with addition laundry soap, then
rinse and wipe dry.
16. About once every 3 months you need to wipe the linoleum with natural drying oil,
and then wipe it thoroughly with a soft cloth. Can you rub linoleum?
a mixture of wax, paraffin and turpentine (1:1:5), which need to be mixed
17. It is good to wipe parquet floors with a damp cloth soaked in
cold water with the addition of glycerin (a tablespoon per glass of water).
Washing parquet with hot water is not recommended.
18. It is enough to wipe chrome surfaces with a cloth soaked in
soapy water.
19. Nickel-plated surfaces are cleaned with pastes and liquid compositions for
cleaning. For example: a paste of ammonia and tooth powder. When
this mixture will dry, the product must be wiped with a dry cloth and
polish with cloth.
20. To keep serving knives shiny, they need to be cleaned damp.
potatoes. A few drops of lemon juice will also work.
21. Porcelain dishes should be washed with water with the addition of ammonia.
22. Crystal dishes should not be washed with hot water - this will make them cloudy and
covered with a network of small cracks. If you wipe it after washing
a woolen rag with blue starch - the dishes will be
shine more.
23. Dark deposits from silver and silver-plated products are easy to remove
as follows: wash the product in warm soapy water, then
clean it soft cloth, soaked in a mixture of ammonia with
chalk or tooth powder. After this, rinse with warm water and
wipe thoroughly.
24. Silver, silver-plated and cupronickel products can be refreshed,
washing them in warm water with baking soda (50 g per 1 liter of water) or in
warm soapy water with ammonia(1 tablespoon per 1 liter).
After this, the product must be rinsed clean water and wipe dry
soft cloth.

Useful kitchen tips
1. Peeling potatoes darkens the skin on your hands. To avoid this,
before work, you need to wet your hands with vinegar and let them dry, and
After work, immediately wash with soap and apply cream.
2. All glassware - glasses, vases - can be washed without special
funds. To do this, add a little vinegar or
coarse salt. The dishes will become cleaner and more transparent.
3. Aluminum pans will shine again if you boil them with
potato peelings, apple peels, rhubarb peels or a solution
4. Darkened enamel pans must be boiled with any composition
to wash dishes and then rinse with hot water. But if twice
boil them with a vinegar solution for a month, they will not darken.
5. If something is burnt in a pan, you can pour cold water on the bottom and
add salt. After a few hours, food residues can be easily removed.
For enamel pans This method is suitable: pour the pan
hot water with a spoonful of soda added, leave to stand, and then
Boil - the remaining food will come off perfectly.
6. Pans can be easily cleaned by warming them slightly and wiping them
salt, and then parchment (or, in extreme cases, plain paper).
If escaped milk spills onto a hot stove, you need to fill up the spilled
place with salt and cover it with wet paper - then the smell will not
spread throughout the room.
7. To prevent bugs from getting into the flour, you need to put it in a bag where it
store a few cloves of garlic without peeling the top skin.
8. Flour should be sifted periodically and poured into a clean bag.
9. To make it easier to sharpen knives, scissors, etc., you can place them in
weak salt solution for half an hour and sharpen without wiping.
10. It’s much easier to clean the meat grinder if you run it raw at the end.
11. Do not dry the meat grinder near a heat source - this will cause dullness.
12. New glass glasses will not beat if they are placed in a vessel with
cold water, heat it slowly to a boil and leave them
cool in the same water.
13. Metal baking foil will last much longer in
refrigerator - it does not stick together.

Elimination of odors
1. Unpleasant odor on hands (from fish, garlic, etc.) can be removed by
rubbing your hands with salt, and then washing them with soap.
2. You can remove the smell of garlic from your mouth by chewing parsley.
3. The fishy smell of pans and pots will disappear if you wipe them
warmed salt and then rinse.
4. Onion odor can be removed by rubbing kitchen boards, cutlery
dry salt.
5. From unpleasant smell and in the kitchen you can get rid of it if you boil it in
open a container with water and vinegar and after a few minutes
ventilate the room. For the same purpose, you can put it on a heated
orange or lemon peel on the burner or sprinkle on the hot plate
a little salt.
6. The smell of runaway milk spilled on a hot stove can be
localize by filling the flooded area with salt and covering it with wet paper -
then the smell will not spread throughout the room.
7. To remove paint smell from a room, you need to rub the head
garlic and leave it in the room for a while.
8. Smell oil paint in an apartment it will disappear faster if in several
place plates with salt.
9. The smell of tobacco from the room is difficult to remove even by a draft. But this
you can do this: open the windows and put 2-3 in different places of the room
wet towels. They absorb tobacco smell well. For the same purpose in
In the room where you smoked, you can light a few candles.

1. After wearing jewelry, they need to be wiped dry
with a cloth to avoid sweat stains.
2. Store jewelry needs to be in a dry place.
3. Amethysts, topazes, pearls, turquoise lose their color intensity under
exposure to ultraviolet rays - they should be stored in the dark.
4. Gold-plated items can be cleaned by wiping their surface with a cotton swab,
soaked in cologne, turpentine or egg white.
5. The gold item will shine more if left for a while
keep it in sweetened water.
6. You can restore the shine of gold and silver jewelry by washing it
with the following composition: ½ cup soap solution and 1 teaspoon
ammonia. You can use a soft toothbrush for this.
After treatment, rinse the product with water and wipe dry.
7. To clean silver items, you need to immerse them in a hot solution
water and ammonia (1:1). When the solution has cooled, remove the products
from the water and wipe gently.

Shoe care
1. Unpleasant odor from shoes can be eliminated with peroxide.
hydrogen, wiping the inside of the shoes with a cotton swab moistened with it. For the same purpose
a solution of potassium permanganate is used.
2. Formalin is used to disinfect shoes: the inside of the shoes is wiped
with a cloth soaked in formaldehyde and placed in a plastic bag,
tie it and leave it for a day. Then the shoes are taken out and
3. Suede shoes can be cleaned well by holding them over steam and then
clean with a special brush. If suede shoes are heavily soiled, then
it is cleaned with soapy water and ammonia. After cleaning
It is advisable to treat suede with a water-repellent preparation.
4. If your shoes are too tight, you need to pour a little cologne or alcohol into them
or table vinegar. After this, the shoes will take the shape of the leg, and the skin will become
5. To prevent shoes from squeaking, you need to soak the soles with hot natural
drying oil or lubricate with linseed or castor oil.
6. If in hot weather new shoes“burns” your legs, you can wipe them from the inside
with three percent vinegar.
To prevent your shoes from getting wet, you can treat them with the following solution:
dissolve 40 g in a water bath fish oil, 10 parts wax, 3 parts
turpentine. Apply the cream in liquid form.
7. Dry sports shoes can be kept in warm water until the skin
will not become soft. Then you need to wipe it inside and out, dry it,
grease with glycerin and stuff tightly with newsprint.
8. B warm time for shoe care it is better to use emulsion
creams that dissolve well and allow air to pass through, and in winter - creams
on organic solvents (they provide air- and waterproof
9. Dried shoe polish can be restored by adding a few
drops of turpentine and gently heat.
10. It is useful to rinse shoe brushes with water with the addition of ammonia.
11. To soften the leather of shoes that have not been worn for a long time, you need to generously
wipe it with castor oil and let it absorb.

Fur and leather
1. Leather items can be refreshed by rubbing them with beaten egg white.
Contaminated skin can be washed with warm, unboiled milk.
Skin color will be restored if you lubricate it with glycerin.
2. Adds shine to leather products coffee grounds. The grounds need to be wrapped in
woolen or flannel cloth and wipe vigorously
3. Leather products can be cleaned with soap and water and ammonia, and
then wipe with a cloth moistened with castor oil (or Vaseline
or glycerin).
4. Worn areas of leather products need to be wiped from time to time.
with a cloth soaked in glycerin or fresh orange peel.
5. This will help restore them to their original appearance.
6. A dirty leather bag can be cleaned by wiping the leather with a cut
onion As the onion becomes dirty, you need to make a new cut.
7. After completing the procedure, wipe the bag until shiny with a clean, soft
with a rag.
8. A dark leather handbag will become shiny if you wipe it with cotton wool.
swab soaked in lemon juice.
9. Another way to renew a leather handbag is to wash it carefully in a warm
soapy water to which a little ammonia has been added. Then
dry and wipe with a cloth soaked in castor oil.
10. To clean sheepskin coats, use a soap solution with the addition of
ammonia. After this, the product should be processed again
solution: 20 g glycerin, 20 g ammonia, 5 borax per 0.5 l
water. Then the sheepskin coat needs to be dried and rinsed by hand.
11. Suede jackets and coats should be cleaned with the following solution: 1
a tablespoon of ammonia per 5 tablespoons of water. Then things
It is necessary to carefully wipe with a cloth moistened with a mixture of 1 teaspoon
spoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water.
12. If new leather gloves turned out to be a bit tight, we need to wrap them
in a wet towel, and after 2-3 hours put it on and dry it on your hands.
13. To restore the shine of dull fur, you need to grind it in
powder core walnuts, tie the resulting powder into a folded
triple the gauze and wipe the fur with this swab after
the nut oil will be absorbed and the fur will acquire a beautiful, long-lasting shine.

Removing stains
1. A greasy stain on wallpaper can be removed by applying it to it for 2-3 minutes.
a piece of soft thick cloth moistened with pure gasoline and slightly wrung out.
The fat dissolved by gasoline will be absorbed into the fabric. For the same purpose
Tooth powder soaked in gasoline is used. When the powder
If it dries, you need to brush it off the wall with a brush. An old stain will have to
process twice
2. A dark trace of hot heat on furniture can be removed as follows: rub
half a lemon until the stain fades. This operation is necessary
repeat until the stain disappears completely.
3. Stains from light liquids on furniture can be removed by moistening a sponge in
vegetable oil, and carefully move it along the wood fibers. Can
also use a paste of mayonnaise or vegetable oil mixed
with salt (apply, leave for two hours, then rinse). A mixture is also suitable
linseed oil with turpentine (1: 1) (similar).
4. Grease stains from a fur coat can be removed in two ways: 1) wipe the fur with
one direction with a cloth moistened with purified gasoline or
special stain remover; 2) wash the stains with a washing solution
powder or foam from soap shavings. In this case, rub the solution or foam into
fur so as not to moisten the leather base. After such processing
Wash the place where the stain was with water, dry the fur (but not on
sunshine!), and then beat out the fur coat with a beater.
5. Fat from canned food is removed with chalk or tooth powder left on
contaminated place overnight.
6. If you need to get rid of it urgently grease stain, you can sprinkle it
tooth powder and iron through paper.
7. Tea stains on tablecloth can be easily removed with lemon juice.

The newfangled word lifehack or in simple terms “ useful tips“- began to be heard more and more often in everyday life, from screens, and the pages of glossy magazines. With progress and new technologies, useful tips have changed not only the name, but also the filling. Nowadays, it’s less common to see advice on how to whiten linen, but more often you come across life hacks such as: beauty secrets to add youth, which you didn’t even know about, and so on.

  1. For example, anyone who dyes their hair knows how terrible it is when the roots grow and there is no time to go to the hairdresser. Or someone doesn’t want to torture their hair with coloring too often and prefers healthy ends, while struggling with regrown roots. There is one trick that will help delay your trip to the hairdresser.

If you are the owner of dark, dyed hair and the roots look noticeably lighter, ordinary mascara will help, which you need to carefully paint over the roots of the hair.

If you are blonde, you can powder your dark roots or use light shades from white to wheat. This way they will become a tone lighter and the sharp transition will not be so noticeable.

This life hack will come in handy if you have an important meeting or date and urgently need to look your best.

Many women like to change their look, however, not everyone knows what really suits her. In order not to become a victim of fashion, we suggest you read the article and based on this you can work on your image.

  1. Another hair-related tip will be useful for those who suffer from oily hair. If you have to wash your hair almost every day, try applying baby powder or...starch to your roots. This will help get rid of greasy shine and keep clean, voluminous hair longer.
  1. By the way, about volume. Would you like your hair to be fuller? Take a regular toothbrush and comb it strand by strand, moving towards the roots. The hairstyle will immediately become more voluminous.
  1. Have you heard that nicotinic acid is great for hair growth? It is sold at the pharmacy. TO tobacco products has no relation. Contains vitamin B3, essential for hair. A unique product to restore hair to its former fullness and prevent hair loss and is not expensive. Nicotinic acid in ampoules can be added to shampoo, hair masks or used as an independent product. It is similar in consistency to water and does not require rinsing off. The result will be noticeable after just a few uses. The course of hair treatment lasts 30 days. But there is one “but”. Before rubbing acid into your hair roots, check your skin to see if you are allergic to it.. If no redness appears on the bend of your elbow after a few hours, you can safely use this product on your hair.
  1. And yet, no matter how beautiful our hair looks, but if the skin on the face of a tired gray shade, and even in red spots, the image of a beauty immediately disappears. There is no need to rush to the spa salon immediately. In almost every home there are several aspirin tablets in the medicine cabinet, so we will use it as a beauty restorer. Soak three or four aspirin tablets in water and apply to the skin. Gently rub it in like a scrub, leave it on your face for 5 minutes and rinse with water. The skin will be smooth and redness will also disappear.

Chocolate, which many people love so much, also has a secret of beauty. Don’t rush to eat it all, leave a piece for a mask. Find out how to prepare it in the article.

  1. The fashion for plump lips is still here. Girls are even ready to inject fillers just to make their lips more sensual. If such radical measures are not for you, then it’s not worth it. There is a much less traumatic way to slightly enlarge your lips, albeit temporarily. So, apply rich cream or Vaseline to your lips and rub them with a dry toothbrush for a couple of minutes. Just no fanaticism, please.

  1. Filling the skin with moisture will help... no, not hyaluronic acid in the form of injections, but regular olive oil. It is necessary to steam your face and then rub a little oil into the skin, massaging it for 7 minutes. If you do this procedure every 5 days, your skin will be transformed and will look radiant and healthy.
  1. Acne. How inopportune he is! It’s not foundation, but eye drops that will help make it more invisible. Take a cotton pad, moisten it with drops and leave it in the refrigerator for 5 minutes, after which we apply the pad to the problem area for two minutes. The pimple will become less noticeable.
  2. Cool micellar water, which helps remove makeup even from eyelids, can be replaced by olive oil and water, which must be mixed in percentage 1:3. The resulting product can be used as a makeup remover, even the most persistent, without drying out the skin.
  3. And this life hack for women will help you get rid of body hair for a long time. Knowing this trick, you don’t have to spend money on a cosmetologist to get depilation done, and you don’t have to torment your legs with daily shaving. So, mix ground coffee, soda and a little olive oil. We apply the resulting mixture to those areas of the body where we want to get rid of unnecessary hair. It is advisable to do this on steamed skin after a shower. If you carry out these manipulations every day for a week, you can forget about shaving for almost a month. The combination of coffee and soda dissolves the hair follicle, and the oil softens the skin.
  1. Tips that will come in handy while you sleep will help prevent wrinkles from appearing. To get rid of wrinkles in the chest area, place pillows under your arms in bed. By the way, it will be useful to place pillows under your knees. In this way, you create a difference between the position of the body and legs, blood circulation improves and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  1. Some tips on how to correct the situation if you stain something with foundation or lipstick, which happens quite often. Especially if you need to take off your jacket through the top and have a layer of foundation on your face. We take shaving cream, apply it to the stained area of ​​clothing and throw it in the washing machine. This removes the stain faster and more thoroughly.

Now you don’t have to rub a lipstick stain, knowing this life hack. Take hairspray, spray it on the stain and leave it for a couple of minutes. Then the washing machine gets to work.

Stains can generally ruin your mood and irrevocably good thing. But we advise you to read the article so that you do not have such problems.

  1. You're rushing to work, a meeting, or somewhere else and find that a button on your clothes is hanging loose and is about to come off, but you don't have time to sew it on. In such cases, we will need clear nail polish. One drop of which will help the button to take its place again, without betraying the owner that an embarrassment could have happened to her.

  1. When you walk in closed shoes for a long time, even in the heat, unfortunately, the smell from them is not the best. I have some advice. Sprinkle a little baking soda into your sneakers or ballet shoes at home. It has the ability to absorb unpleasant odors in the shortest possible time. This is for those times when washing and quickly drying your shoes is not an option.
  1. Hydrogen peroxide can be used not only for cuts and scrapes to disinfect the wound, but also in everyday life. For example, you can easily whiten sneakers by mixing 2 tablespoons of soda, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. spoon of water. We treat sneakers that have turned yellow over time with this solution and wash off after 20 minutes.

You can also wash the glass using a 3% peroxide solution. To do this, you just need to apply it to the glass with a spray bottle and wipe with a soft cloth.

  1. If you suddenly run out of dishwashing liquid, you can use mustard powder, which cuts through grease even in cold water and is a natural detergent.

Mustard powder also helps to cope with unpleasant odors. To do this, just wipe the shelves in the refrigerator with it or put gauze with mustard powder in the wardrobe.

Smells generally play a special role in our lives. It is especially pleasant when the person himself exudes a light trail of pleasant aromas. you will find out by reading this article.

  1. Dry laundry soap will help add shine to mirrors. You need to rub it a little on the mirror and rub it with crumpled newspaper. In the bathroom, after this procedure, the mirror will not fog up so quickly.

Laundry soap is also an assistant in the fight against a runny nose. To do this, you need to prepare a weak soap solution, in which you should dip a cotton swab and wipe your sinuses before going outside.

And if you treat the blade of the scissors with dry laundry soap, they will be sharper and glide better over the material.

Of course, there is still a lot of advice for women, and that’s good. Because little tricks help us save time, money, nerves and effort, and the result is excellent. Therefore, no matter how time changes, no matter what new technologies are introduced, there will always be a non-standard use of standard things, which we now call life hacks, but, in essence, useful tips remain just useful tips, no matter what they are called.

Sincerely, Mila Alexandrova

Live hacks are simple and very useful tips that help make our lives easier, better, more interesting. We have collected 20 useful life hacks for you that are easy to implement.

Kiwi and chocolate dessert

In principle, in order to make a frozen dessert in chocolate, you can use not only kiwi - banana pieces, strawberries, pitted cherries - in general, almost any of your favorite fruits or berries will do.

Bed made from wooden pallets

A harsh and cheap option for young people and those who like to do everything with their own hands “out of nothing”

If the wheels of your computer chair squeak

In order to remove the squeak, simply glue circles of soft foam rubber to the wheels. And the chair doesn’t creak, and the laminate doesn’t scratch—everything is provided for!

Do you feel sorry for throwing away remnants? Make them liquid soap

1. You will need quite a lot of soap

2. Grind them into small pieces. For this purpose, it is best to use a grater.

3. Pour a little lemon juice into the container, a cap of glycerin

5. Leave the mixture to infuse for 2-3 days and pour into an empty, clean bottle with a dispenser.

If your headphones keep breaking

To prevent the headphone wires from breaking at the junction with the plug, wind a spring from a ballpoint pen, and you can forget about the problem!

Everything you need to know about lemons:

To prevent the lemon from drying out

Lifehacks using lemon juice:

1.To preserve the color of vegetables.
To prevent vegetables from darkening during cooking, you need to add one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water in which they are boiled.

2. U Removing the unpleasant smell of the cutting board.
You just need to wipe it with a slice of fresh lemon or a sponge with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

3.To keep greens fresh
Greens and fruit salads sprinkled with lemon juice will stay fresh longer.

4. Lemon juice bleach
Lemon juice baking soda- the best bleaches. Just soak your clothes in a mixture of juice and soda for 30 minutes, then put your clothes in the wash - and you will be pleased with the results.

5.Copes with sweat stains.
If there are sweat stains on your clothes, before washing, wet the stains with a mixture of lemon juice (vinegar) and water, taken in equal proportions. After 15-20 minutes, the laundry can be sent to the wash. Stains are guaranteed to disappear, as well as unpleasant odors.

6.Stains of mold, dampness, rust and limescale

All this can be easily removed with a mixture of fine salt and lemon juice, mixed in such proportions as to form a fairly thick paste.

7. For white clothes
Lemon juice is an excellent whitening agent. If you add it to the washing water, your clothes will not only become snow-white, but will also have a pleasant and fresh lemon aroma.

8. Coping With pigment spots.
Lemon juice is applied to the skin for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water. In addition to combating age spots, lemon juice is effective means against shiny skin.

9.How to make strands bright.
Mix 50 ml of lemon juice and 150 ml of water - rinse your washed hair with this mixture and dry it in the sun - the hair will lighten slightly and become truly shiny and bright.

This procedure can be repeated after each hair wash.

10. Strengthens nails.
Pour 200 ml of hot water into a bowl, enough to hold your hands. Add the juice of half a lemon and soak your hands in it for 5 minutes. Since the skin around your nails is tougher, wipe it with lemon juice.

11.Removes stains from vegetables or fruits.
When we pick berries or prepare salads, we often end up with stains on our hands that are difficult to wash off with soap. Apply undiluted lemon juice to your hands, wait a few minutes, and then wash your hands with warm water and soap. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times, this will not harm your skin and stubborn spots will disappear.

12. Softens dry elbow skin.
Dry skin on the elbows is itchy and very unsightly. After several treatments with lemon, you will solve this problem. Mix lemon juice and baking soda. Rub the resulting scrub into your elbows to remove the stratum corneum and leave the skin soft and smooth.

13. Makes facial skin clean and radiant.
Your facial skin will be bright and glowing if you wipe it with lemon juice. If you have problem skin, you can cleanse your face with lemon juice several times a day. After a few days, your face will look much better.

14. Regulates digestion.
Dissolve two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice in 2 glasses of hot water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Lemon juice will help regulate digestion. Some nutritionists recommend drinking this mixture for weight loss.

For those who knit!

An excellent device for balls that always try to roll away :)

Cleaning the house without chemicals!

Excellent chemical-free cleaning products:
1. Soda
2. Mustard powder
3. Vinegar

And some tips:
- Coca-Cola or Pepsi will help clean plumbing fixtures from rust, soap and lime stains

For descaling in washing machine, use citric acid

Use microfiber rags - they can be used to clean lightly soiled surfaces even without the use of detergents

When washing windows, use coffee filters - they leave no streaks or streaks behind.

How to wash the hood filter!

1. Take a large saucepan the size of the hood filters, fill it with water and bring it to a boil.
2. Gradually add 1/2 cup of regular soda to the water, adding the soda slowly one teaspoon at a time.
3. Place the filters in boiling water; grease and dirt will dissolve very quickly. After a few minutes, remove the pan from the heat. For very dirty and clogged filters, repeat the procedure with new water.
4. If the fat is not completely removed, then place the filters in hot water with ammonia (1/2 cup of ammonia per 3.5 liters of water). Be sure to open the kitchen windows and use a mask to protect yourself from the strong smell of ammonia.

Cool idea for a garden!

Idea from beach thieves!

Place all valuables in an empty, clean sunscreen bottle. However, thieves can even steal a bottle of cream, so it’s better not to leave valuables on the beach unattended at all! But still, with a bottle there is more chance of not losing your things than without it!

Idea for cutting watermelon for the holiday table!

Useful commands. Megafon, Beeline, MTS

Ribbon rose!

Convenient spatula from an old plastic canister in 5 minutes!

Let's make a fashionable snood!

We make a fashionable snood from our favorite, but a little tired, sweater!

How to wash a blender!

Natural dyes for eggs!

Let the headlights shine!

Old and dim headlights spoil appearance the entire car. But there is a fairly simple way to polish them. All you need is toothpaste and a brush.

Many little things that we don't know about or simply don't use can change our lives for the better. Today we will look at useful tips for all occasions in life for women. If you start using them, you will soon notice how much simpler, more interesting and more beautiful life will become.

Health Tips

To always feel cheerful and healthy, use these useful tips:

1. Go to the gym. If this is not possible, then study at home for 15 minutes in the morning. The day will be much more productive, you will be more collected, cheerful, cheerful, and you will also be able to make the right decisions faster.

2. Drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. You can add a few drops of lemon juice, honey, turmeric to it. This way you will improve your digestion, recharge your batteries and even lose excess weight.

3. Go to bed no later than 10 pm. Sleep 8 hours a day.

4. Eat some nuts and fruits every day.

5. Reduce your consumption of bread and sweets.

6. Accept vegetable oils– flaxseed, olive to cleanse the intestines and rejuvenate.

7. At the first symptoms of a cold, rinse your nose saline solution, this will help you not get sick.

8. Take time to relax - walks, going to the cinema, theater, to see a friend, this will help avoid stress.

Household tips for women

1. Dirty dishes Always fill it with water, this way you will save time, washing it will be much easier and faster.

2. Buy a sponge holder to keep your dishes clean.

3. Water from a fish tank can be used for irrigation. indoor plants, because fish droppings are a source of phosphorus and nitrogen.

4. It is better to store bananas separately from other fruits and vegetables.

5. Did you over-salt the broth? No problem, place a bag of rice cereal in it for a few minutes, the rice will remove excess salt from the soup.

6. You can check if the eggs are fresh using a simple test. Fill a bowl with water (about 10 centimeters). Drop the eggs in there. The freshest ones will remain at the bottom; those that float up completely cannot be eaten.

7. You can clean the frying pan from carbon deposits using half a piece of laundry soap. It is grated, placed in a dirty frying pan, filled with water and boiled for 30 minutes.

8. How to clean carbon deposits from your iron? Pour salt onto a cotton cloth, turn on the iron to maximum heat, turn off the steam. We stroke the salt onto the fabric with the sole of the iron. Soon it will shine with brilliance, and all the soot will remain on the salt crystals.

9. To avoid ironing curtains, hang them on the curtain rod immediately after washing them in the washing machine. When they dry they will look perfect.

10. Peeling boiled eggs is easier and faster if you fill them with water in a closed container and shake.

11. Garlic is peeled in a similar way. Place the garlic cloves in a small container with a lid and shake vigorously.

Tips for maintaining a good relationship

1. If a quarrel is brewing during a conversation with a loved one, you need to mentally switch to counting to 10. Just breathe in the air and count. After a few seconds, the irritation will go away and a quarrel will be avoided.

2. Always put yourself in the other person's shoes.

3. Apologize first.

4. Speak words of love.

5. Don’t be afraid to tell the guy you like about your sympathy, how much of that life there is!

Useful tips for women for self-development

1. Read books every day, develop yourself.

2. Sign up for a marathon or webinar on self-improvement, where you will learn a lot about yourself and can learn to achieve your goals and become more feminine.

3. Hang out with successful people.

4. Praise your husband, trust him with more important matters.

Tips for a good mood

1. Treat yourself to something delicious.

2. Allow yourself small gifts - jewelry, a manicure, a trip to the spa, new linen.

3. Experiment with your appearance – new hairstyle It perfectly lifts your mood and gives you self-confidence.

4. Accept compliments correctly, say words of gratitude in return, this will increase your self-esteem. Never make excuses in response to a compliment.

5. Take care of yourself, take a shower at least once a day, it adds energy and improves your mood.

Useful tips for fashionistas

1. To look good, you don’t have to have a large wardrobe, the main thing is to learn how to combine things correctly.

2. Develop good taste by looking through fashion magazines.

3. Add bright colors into wardrobe items to become more attractive.

4. Give preference to clothes that suit you and fit well on your figure, rather than those that are trendy but look strange on you.

5. Do not expose several parts of your body at the same time. If you have a low neckline, the skirt should cover the upper part of your legs.

6. Buy one or two good quality belts. They will highlight your image and highlight your hips.

7. Don’t skimp on accessories – you don’t have to change your wardrobe, but add something new to your look with a beautiful scarf or brooch.

Of course, it is impossible to discuss advice for all occasions, but we still hope that this collection will help you remain a healthy, beautiful, well-groomed, balanced woman, a skilled housewife and develop excellent personal qualities.

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