Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ the Son of God, God who appeared in the flesh, took upon himself the sin of man, and made his salvation possible through his sacrificial death.

Lesson topic: “Jesus Christ”

Biblical text to remember:
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!” (Hebrews 13:8)

You won't find a more interesting lesson topic than Jesus Christ. After all, in Christ we are all: breath, happiness, and bread... In Him alone joy and freedom, prosperity and a clear conscience can be combined. Only His hands bring healing from illnesses and only His love is eternal.
Therefore, we, teachers, must tell children about Jesus Christ so that they have a desire to get to know the Lord closer, so that great respect for the Savior of mankind and reverence for love reign in their hearts.

During the classes:
1. Congratulations from the teacher.

2. Arrival of Toys.

4. Checking homework.
Thank the children for the work done, as this is how they show respect for your work.
Watch them. If you notice any pronounced talent in a child, please do not forget to tell their parents about it. Look for the “pearl” in every child, develop IT. God made no mistake when he sent these particular children to your group.
Don’t ignore the “Alone with You” section. This is a mini-letter to them personally; children love one-on-one conversations. Write to them Nice words wishes, encouragement. It is your Christian duty to love them.

5. Prayer. You should never rush in this matter. Enthusiastically, joyfully glorify the Creator of all! Prayer is an island of celebration in the middle of a weekday, remember this!

6. Familiarize children with the topic of the lesson.

7. Stage play. You can visually, by restraining the children, demonstrate the arrival of the shepherds in the barn born Jesus, or the meeting of Simeon in the temple with the Child, or the visit of the temple by twelve-year-old Jesus. (Gospel of Luke 2 section)
Bring colorful outfits for children to class. If you talk about the birth of Jesus, bring real hay, some kind of cradle, let it serve as a manger. Invite the children to smell the hay - the smell also makes a strong impression. And speak... Speak with love about the One who is the meaning of all our lives.

8. Presentation of the topic. Using a flannelgraph, you can show the baptism of Jesus, His forty-day stay in the desert and talk about temptations from the devil.
Under no circumstances, ever, anywhere, play the role of Satan or his demons in dramatizations. You do not have the spiritual right to allow a child to personify sin.
Tell your grateful listeners about miracles, healings, and Jesus' encounters with people.

9. Coloring the picture.

10. Bible verse study. Explain its meaning. For clarity, take four multi-colored cardboards. “Yesterday” symbolize grey colour, “today” is green, “forever” is yellow, and the immutability of Christ is blue.
IN right hand cardboards (3 pcs.) Change one after another, in the left (blue color) - no. Speak the poem and illustrate it.

11. Game “What can I praise Christ for?” For each correct answer there is a small prize (candy, cookies, sticker). Believe me, children will name things for which they can praise God; adults have no idea about them.

12. Assessment of work in the lesson. Please mark your ratings in red ink. You can even inform parents about their child’s progress in two or three sentences.

13. Explanation of homework. Remind children that they can start doing it on Monday. Teach to love both the Bible and Sunday School. Anyone who diligently completes all tasks then appreciates Sunday School.

14. Prayer.

15. Announcements.

Lesson topic: “Jesus Christ”

Bible text for memorization:
“Jesus Christ is the Same teacher, today and forever!” (Message to Hebrews 13:8)

You will not know more useful topics for a lesson than Jesus Christ. Even with Christ we have everything: food, happiness, and bread... With Him alone we can unite: joy and will, goodness and pure conscience. Only His hands carry healing through illness and only His love is eternal.
That is why we, readers, are so obliged to tell children about Jesus Christ, so that they will develop a desire to get to know the Lord closer, so that their hearts will become filled with great respect for the Savior of mankind and reverence for His love.

1. Vetannya of the reader.

2. The arrival of toys.

4. Checking your homework.
Tell the children for their work, because the stench is so strong that it affects your work.
Keep an eye on them. If you notice a child’s talent for expressive expressions, don’t forget, kindly, to tell her fathers about it. Look for the “pearl” in the skin child, develop it. God would not have mercy if he sent the very same children to your group.
Don’t ignore the “Alone With You” section. Because the mini-list is especially special, children love Rosemova’s “tete-a-tete.” I feel compelled and eager to write good words to them. Loving them is your Christian obligation.

5. Prayer. It’s not a good idea to hurry up with this information. Buried, with great joy glorify the Creator for everything! Prayer - this Ostrivets is holy in the middle of the weekday, remember this!

6. Children’s awareness of the topic of the lesson.

7. Gra-production. You can visually, having trained the children, demonstrate either the arrival of the shepherds at the barns to the people of Jesus, or the sustrich of Simeon at the temple of Nemovlyam, or the arrival of the twelve-fold Jesus to the temple. (Gospel according to Luke 2 sections),
Bring a book for children to the lesson. If you are going to preach about the people of Jesus, bring the fresh hay, just like a little sausage, let him serve for the manger. Encourage your children to smell hay - the smell also combats any kind of hostility. And talk... With love, talk about the One who is the sense of our entire life.

8. Wiklad topics. By painting with a flannelgraph, you can show the baptism of Jesus, His forty-day stay in the desert and the revelations about the peace on this side of the devil.
Never, ever, ever play the role of Satan or any demon in dramatizations. You have no spiritual right to allow a child to create an image of sin.
Tell your closest listeners about miracles, healing, about Jesus’ contacts with people.

9. Rozfarbovuvannya baby.

10. Bible Verse. Explain its meaning. To be precise, take several different colored cardboards. “Yesterday” symbolizes a gray color, “today” - green, “forever” - yellow, and the immutability of Christ - dark.
On the right hand, the cardboards (3 pcs.) change one by one, on the left (blue color) - not at all. Speak versh and illustrate yogo.

11. Gra “For what can I glorify Christ?” For every testimonial - a small prize (tsukerka, stove, sticker). Believe me, children will name such speeches for which they can glorify God, but they have not even thought of them when they grow up.

12. Assessing activities in class. Give your ratings in red ink. You can send two or three speeches to inform the fathers about the successes of their child.

13. Explanation of home management. Tell the children about the stinks that can start to disappear as early as Monday. They love both the Bible and the Weekly School. The one who diligently tidies up everything, the one who treasures the weekly school.


The lessons were developed and tested in senior group Sunday school of the Church "Transfiguration" in Kirov. These lessons were conducted as a continuation of studying the Bible using the inductive method for children in the series of lessons “Salvation is in the Lord!” (see manual on the website

A series of lessons on the Gospel of Mark is designed for one half-year in Sunday school. The purpose of the lessons: not only to convey to children certain biblical truths, but to make them a participant in the process of studying the Scriptures, to encourage them to personally read and apply the Bible.

There are applications: a printed text of the Gospel for each lesson for distribution to children (who do not have their own Bible), lessons with notes for the teacher, large printed Golden verses (the letters can be colored), tasks to do at home, and illustration diagrams.

Bible text: Mark. 5:22-24, 35-43

The main idea:

1) Show children that Jesus has power over human life and death;

2) Using this story as an example, emphasize once again that Jesus is the omnipotent God and we must submit our lives to Him.

Golden Verse: “Fear not, only believe.” Mark.5:36

1. Review of the text

Last time we talked about . Today we will learn something more about Jesus; at the end of the lesson, try to name for yourself what else you learned about Him.

Read carefully and circle all the words that help us understand what the leader of the synagogue was experiencing. (He fell to his knees before Jesus, he begged intensely, he was afraid - all this conveys the intense despair in which Jairus was)

Underline all the words that show what experiences the people of Jairus's house had. (they were confused - confused, they cried and screamed loudly, they were confused, that is, they lost hope - thus we see that those close to Jairus were also experiencing deep despair). Underline in some color the word that shows the reaction of Jairus's relatives to Jesus' statement that the girl was simply sleeping. (they laughed).

Write the letter Y (disciples) in the margin wherever Jesus' disciples are mentioned. Highlight the words in a different color that describe the students' reaction to the healing (amazement).

How exactly did Jesus heal the girl? (told her: “get up”)

What unfamiliar words are there?

2. Ask questions.

Let's make two columns on the board. In one we will write what Jairus’s relatives experienced, in the other - what Jairus himself experienced. We already see that both of them experienced extreme sadness and despair.

But how is Jairus in his despair different from his loved ones? (give the children the opportunity to find the answer themselves) What word in the text helps us answer this question correctly?

We highlighted “laughed” - Jairus’s relatives laughed at the fact that Jesus was able to resurrect the girl. But Jairus behaved completely differently - he is not just worried and upset, he runs to Jesus and asks Him for help. Then, after Jairus hears that his daughter has died, he still goes to his house with Jesus and enters the room where the dead girl lies. Jairus hopes to the end! He does not give up, but understands that in complete despair he has only one hope - Jesus.
Does the leader of the synagogue feel fear? Yes. But what does Jairus believe? He believes the words of Christ: “Do not be afraid, only believe.”

You marked the verses that talk about disciples. We don’t know anything whether the disciples were worried about Jairus; in principle, they do not take part in the resurrection of the girl at all.

Why do you think Jesus insists on taking them with him and even inviting them into the room where the resurrection took place? (invite the children to think, remember past lessons, why Jesus chose the disciples in the first place)

Look at the students' reaction - this is our key to understanding. The students were very, very surprised. They were amazed that Jesus could resurrect a person. Notice how Jesus resurrected? Just one word.

Jesus took his disciples with him so that they could see with their own eyes His power and authority over death. Before this, they had seen how the storm—the forces of nature—submitted to the word of Jesus. Now they see that even death is subject to the word of Jesus. Remember, Jesus calls his disciples to him so that they “be with Him,” that is, they see the whole character of Christ, everything that He does. This is necessary so that they themselves believe, and then testify to the whole world about what they saw.

3. Get the pearl

There is an important lesson for us in this story: no matter what happens in our lives, our despair and sorrow should never lead us away from the HOPE in Christ. Jairus continued to hope in Jesus, he believed that Jesus was next to him and that the situation was under control, despite the fact that from the point of view of his loved ones it was incredible, even funny. Remember: we should never lose hope in the Lord; in the most difficult circumstances, believe that God has power and strength over the whole world, which means He can act in our lives. In the story of Jairus, Jesus showed his power over death and healed the girl.

But you should know that the problem we face is not always solved exactly the way we would like it to be. Should God heal or raise the dead based on our prayers? Not at all - the Lord is free to give healing or not to give it. For example, did Jesus raise all the dead while He was on earth? No. Later, when 12 apostles were sent to preach the Gospel, 11 of them died a martyr’s death - the Lord did not deliver them from torment and pain. In the story of Jairus, Jesus heals in order to show people His power, so that they will believe in Him, and to fulfill prophecies Old Testament, which says that the Messiah will raise the dead. From such stories in the Gospel we must understand that Jesus has the power to resurrect, and also that no one who despairs should lose hope in Christ.

Guys, last time and today in the lesson we saw how the Gospel shows us that Christ has absolute power over the forces of nature and even over death. Do you think God, in whose hand life and death are, is worthy of us subordinating our lives to Him and obeying Him? Does our life belong to us, can we do and create what we want and at the same time think that we control our own lives? I think not. Remember the prophet Jonah, did his life belong to him? No, it was in God's hands to place him on the brink of death and then deliver him from death. Guys, I hope you have surrendered your life to the Lord.

One day two boys were talking:

Igor says: “I believe that a person is the master of his life. You have to rely only on yourself.” Andrei answers him: “Does your life belong to you?” Igor says: “Of course. Who else?” Several days passed. The guys were supposed to go fishing on Saturday morning, but Andrei waited in vain for Igor - he did not come. When the boys phoned, Igor said that he had a sore throat and would now be at home for a whole week. Then Andrei tells him: “So make your throat not hurt.” Igor is indignant: “Well, how can I force it, it won’t listen to me.” Here Andrei said in disappointment: “If your throat doesn’t listen to you, how can you command your whole life?”

Let us remember that everything in this world belongs and obeys Christ. Unfortunately, everything except the person. Let your soul be submissive to the Lord, obey His word.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God who appeared in the flesh, who took upon Himself the sin of man, and with His sacrificial death made his salvation possible. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is called Christ, or Messiah (Χριστός, Μεσσίας), Son (υός), Son of God (υς Θεο), Son of Man (υς νθρώπου), Lamb (μνός, ρν ίον), Lord (Κύριος), Servant of God ( πας Θεο), Son of David (υς Δαυίδ), Savior (Σωτήρ) and other Messiah

How they waited for the coming of Jesus Christ The greatest event in the life of mankind is the coming to earth of the Son of God. God has been preparing people for it, especially the Jewish people, for many millennia. From among the Jewish people, God raised prophets who predicted the coming of the Savior of the world, the Messiah, and thereby laid the foundation of faith in Him. In addition, God, for many generations, starting from Noah, then Abraham, David and other righteous people, pre-purified the bodily vessel from which the Messiah was to take flesh. Thus, finally, the Virgin Mary was born, who appeared worthy to become the Mother of Jesus Christ.

How they waited for the coming of Jesus Christ. So, by the time of the coming of the Messiah, many pagan nations became part of single state Roman Empire. This circumstance made it possible for the disciples of Christ to travel freely throughout all the countries of the vast Roman Empire. The widespread use of one universally understandable Greek language helped Christian communities scattered over long distances to maintain contact with each other. The Gospels and Apostolic Epistles were written in Greek. As a result of the rapprochement of cultures of different peoples, as well as the spread of science and philosophy, beliefs in pagan gods were greatly undermined. People began to crave satisfactory answers to their religious questions. Thinking people of the pagan world understood that society was reaching a hopeless dead end and began to express hope that the Transformer and Savior of humanity would come.

The earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ For the birth of the Messiah, God chose the pure virgin Mary, from the line of King David. Mary was an orphan and She was looked after by distant relative, the elderly Joseph, who lived in Nazareth, one of the small cities in the northern part of the Holy Land. Archangel Gabriel, having appeared, announced to the Virgin Mary that She had been chosen by God to become the Mother of His Son. When the Virgin Mary humbly agreed, the Holy Spirit descended on Her, and She conceived the Son of God. The subsequent birth of Jesus Christ took place in the small Jewish town of Bethlehem, where King David, the ancestor of Christ, had previously been born. (Historians attribute the time of the birth of Jesus Christ to the years from the founding of Rome. The accepted chronology “from the Nativity of Christ” begins in 754 from the founding of Rome).

Revealing the Spiritual Powers of Jesus By the age of twelve, when Jesus first realized His Essence and Who He really is, He already possessed not only certain spiritual practices, but also a fairly good knowledge base in philosophy, grammar, true history and some other exact sciences. He knew several languages ​​and had unique medical skills, which combined His extraordinary gift of healing and knowledge from the thousand-year medical practice of Ancient Egypt. At this age, He already knew who He was, why He was here and what He needed to do.

Unlocking the spiritual powers of Jesus THE INSTANT HEALING METHOD OF JESUS ​​CHRIST. Jesus Christ treated people like this: He changed the structure of people’s Souls, illuminating their Souls with the light stream of God. - And then in their Soul there was no longer that karma, that destruction - and new information instantly entered the level of consciousness through the Spirit this person and on his physical plane. - And the person was instantly cured.

Subject: Life of Jesus Christ

Key words : Gospel, Messiah, Golgotha, Ascension, grace, Pharisees.

The purpose of the lesson : Introduce the earthly life of Jesus Christ using icons, photographs of the holy places of Jerusalem, paintings by famous artists, poems of great poets and spiritual music.

Lesson Objectives : 1. Reveal the meaning of the Savior’s voluntary sacrifice.

2. Awaken compassion for Jesus Christ in the souls of children.

3. Understand the meaning of popular expressions:

“Carry your cross”, “Road to Golgotha”, “The cup has passed

Equipment for children : textbook, notebook, crossword, strips of paper.

Teacher equipment : textbook, “The Law of God” - a guide for family and school, icons: “Annunciation”, “Nativity of Christ”, “Last Supper”, “Crucifixion”, “Resurrection of Christ”, “Transfiguration of Christ”, “Ascension of Christ”.

Lesson technical equipment : computer, interactive whiteboard, projector, presentation “The Life of Jesus Christ”, recording of sacred music (“Cherubic”).

Preliminary work : Together with your parents, depict in a drawing one of the episodes of the life of Jesus Christ. Prepare an exhibition of drawings. Learn poetry with children.

Lesson Plan :

  1. Organizational moment (poem, title of the lesson topic).

  2. Repetition of the material covered (test “Yes - no”).

  3. Preparation for mastering new material (answering the question: why was Christ born on earth?).

  4. Explanation of new material (teacher's story and children's poems about Christmas, adolescence, maturity and death of the Savior on the cross using a presentation).

  5. Consolidation of the studied material (the meaning of the voluntary sacrifice of Jesus Christ).

  6. Reflection (solving a crossword puzzle).

  7. Summary of the lesson (homework, summing up the results of the drawing competition, reading the story - “The Tale of a Miracle”).
During the classes :


1. Our time on earth is fleeting,

And the appointed circle is small,

And God is unchanging and eternal -

The poet's unknown friend. A. Akhmatova

Today we will talk about the life of Jesus Christ. Who is God? Oksana Sorokina will read a poem about this to us. : “The most loving and kind is at least very strict, the strongest, the fair - who is it? Of course God. He sees everything, He hears everything, He knows everything about you, and you can’t hide anything - He is everywhere and everywhere.” This poem was written by E. Ekimova.

Repetition of covered material

Now we will repeat the material covered. Let's do some testing. I will hand out strips of paper, and you use the (+)(--) signs to confirm or refute the saying. - Orthodox churches appeared in Rus' with the adoption of Christianity; - material culture is higher than spiritual; - the baptism of Rus' took place in 988; - to save humanity from sins, God sent his son Jesus Christ to earth; - Rus' baptized Grand Duchess Olga; - Orthodoxy translated from Greek means “correct, true judgment”; - Christians believe that Jesus, by example of his life and death, showed that through love, obedience and faith in God people can be saved and find eternal life.(+ -- + + -- + +)

Preparing to learn new material

Today you will learn in detail about the life of Jesus Christ

Writing a topic in a notebook.

Guys, why do you think Christ was born on earth? (save all people from the captivity of sin and open the way to heaven for dead souls) This is how, amid vanity, pride, tears, in a world of lawlessness, evil and crime, Christ was revealed to humanity as the future sacrifice of atonement. N Volokhova

What does God send to people? ( grace)

Working with notebooks (Write down the key word - grace)

And Nastya Larionova will tell us what it is.

God's help is in grace,

So that we can cope with the enemy,

Laziness, anger, fear, lies

And any other sin. E.G.Sanin

Why do you guys think God cares so much about people? ( He is the creator of people) We are creatures of the Creator, God our Father. Everything you see around you is the work of His kind hands: this is the sky and earth, the sun, stars and seas, the forest you go to, herbs, berries, flowers. E. Ekimova

Explanation of new material

Teacher's story (presentation).

(1 slide “The Life of Jesus Christ”) The birth of the life of Jesus Christ (the Son of God) began with the good news of the Archangel Gabriel. (2 slide “The Annunciation” painting by J. Tissot 1894) Dima Sorokin will tell us who an angel is. Angel - messenger of heaven, invisible friend,

Preserves the Father's creation

From cradle to grave

And there is no end to his love. K. Romanov

An angel was sent to the Virgin Mary to inform that she would give birth to a son, but not an ordinary one, but a Savior to all people. Holy family from Nazareth arrived in Bethlehem to his homeland. The time has come for Mary to give birth. (3 slide “Arrival of the Holy Family in Bethlehem” painting by L.O. Merson) The houses in the city were crowded with people who had arrived from all over, and lodging for the night had not yet been found. Joseph (who was engaged to Mary) worries and cries out: Oh, my poor gray hairs! My poor Maria!

Evening falls on the plains, but the family is restless...

The shadows have thickened, the air is getting cold! But what am I, a weak person?..

No, God will not forget about the Son, and He will show us our lodging for the night!

But the shepherd’s cave, let the den give us shelter!

Faith did not deceive me, and here we will break our bread.

N. Volokhova

In this cave the Savior of the world was born (4 slide photo “Silver Star of Bethlehem in the grotto at the place where the Infant Christ was born”) This is the place where the Nativity of Christ took place. There are many candles and 15 silver lamps (“lamps”). The night is quiet. On the unsteady firmament

The southern stars are trembling.

Mother's eyes with a smile

Quiet people look into the manger. A. Fet

On what date do Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of Christ? (On January seventh) How do you celebrate Christmas? ( we go from house to house and glorify Christ with poems and songs, and they give us money and treat us to sweets) Tanya Rumyantseva will read a poem to us about the Nativity of Christ. What is the snow blizzard singing to you about?

About distant and warm lands,

About the birth of the Child - God,

About the Magi and the Shepherds.

About the beautiful Virgin Mary

About a bright, bright star,

About Angels praising God

Granted salvation to the Earth. O. Pershina

The evil King Herod, having learned that the long-awaited Baby was born, out of fear of losing his power, seeing Him as a rival, decided to destroy Him. But God took care of his son. HE sent an Angel who said to Joseph in a dream: “Get up, take the Child and His Mother and run to Egypt and be there until I tell you.” (5 slide engraving from the original by A. Elsheimer “Flight into Egypt”) Herod killed forty thousand babies in Bethlehem, hoping that the Savior would be among them. The road to Egypt for the family of the Saint,

Get up, it's time to save yourself!

Of those who will stay at home today,

Not everyone will survive until morning. N. Volokhova

The baby was growing. He and his parents worked hard. Joseph taught Him carpentry. Being constantly at work, He strengthened in spirit. Who can tell me what the age of a person following childhood is called? ( adolescence) Once the Holy Family went to Jerusalem for Easter (Old Testament), and Jesus, being an extraordinary youth, stayed behind to teach people the Word of God. His parents lost Him and returned half way back, looking for Him. (6 slide picture of W.H. Hunt “The Child Jesus in the Temple” 1860) When they found Him, they expressed dissatisfaction with His behavior. He answered his parents: “This is My Father’s house.” But he obediently obeyed and followed his parents. Mary took care of Him with all her words and kept Him in her heart.

In the Holy Land, a Divine pattern is often observed, where the events of the Old and New Testaments merge in one and the same place. It was in the very place where the Jewish people, approaching the city of Jericho, walked along the bottom of the river and the waters parted, in the New Testament the Baptism of Jesus Christ by his relative John the Baptist took place. (7 slide photo of the Jordan River)

After the Baptism, Jesus goes into the desert. There He ate nothing for forty days and was tempted by the devil, who tried in every possible way to persuade Christ to give up main goal Savior. (8 slide picture by I.N. Kramskoy “Christ in the Desert” 1872) The devil distracted Him: “Turn stones into bread, because so many people are starving.” Christ answered: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” The unclean one said: “Bow before me and I will give you the whole world.” The Savior objected: “Worship the Lord God and serve Him alone.” Satan did not calm down: “Throw yourself down, because it is said that they will take you in their arms and nothing will happen to you.” Jesus answered, “Do not tempt the Lord your God.” On the slide you see the stone on which Christ sat in the desert.

At the age of 30, Jesus’ ministry to people begins. (9 slide picture by A.A. Ivanov “The Appearance of Christ to the People” John the Baptist, seeing Christ, said to the people: “Here is the Savior who will take away the sin of the world.”

Please tell me what type of activity were the disciples of Jesus Christ engaged in? ( they were fishing) (10 slide fresco Italy by Giusto de Menabuoi “The Calling of Andrew and Peter” photo - exact copy fishing boat the time of Jesus Christ) the Savior chose His disciples near the city of Capernaum. At first they made mistakes. For example, children were not allowed to see Jesus. But He ordered them to bring the children with a movement of his hand.

And, indignantly, he told them that the Kingdom of God in the whole world

Only those who were like children will enter! Passions, without knowing about yourself,

Pure with a meek heart and soul. A. Lavrov

Christ begins his sermon. He walks through cities and villages, preaching the Gospel, setting out his teachings in parables. The main commandment of His teaching is to love God with all your heart and the Kingdom of God will open within you.

Teacher reading “The Law of God” pp. 292, 300

Reinforcing the material learned

Perception check.

What is the Gospel?( that's four holy books, whose authors were: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

Who is the Messiah?( Anointed, Jesus Christ or Savior)

Working with notebooks(we write down the supporting words: Gospel, Messiah)

The first miracle was performed by Christ in Canna of Galilee. He transformed water into something unusual delicious drink for a wedding at the request of his Mother. (11 slide icon of Duccio di Buoninsegna “Marriage in Canna” 1311)

Another miracle is the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter. The people present laughed, not believing in the miracle. Christ removed everyone, leaving parents and students nearby. (12 slide painting by I.E. Repin “The Resurrection of Jairus’ Daughter”)

Another miracle that stunned the entire people was the expulsion of an unclean spirit from a possessed person. The demons asked Christ to allow them to enter the pigs. Jesus agreed. And the whole herd rushed down the steep slope into the water and drowned. (13 slide painting by J. Tissot “Exorcism of Demons from a Possessed Man”)

Look at the next slide. This is Mount Tabor, where the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ took place. Now there are two temples there: in the name of the “Transfiguration of the Lord” and a church in the name of the holy prophets Moses and Elijah, who were present at this event. The temples are decorated with wonderful vegetation. (14 slide color lithograph by D. Roberts “Mount Tabor” 1839)

On this slide we see the “Resurrection of Lazarus” icon. Lazarus lay in the grave for four days and the Lord raised him up. This is the only person who learned the horror of the descent into hell (there was no other place of stay for dead souls at that time) and returned to the world. Here we see the entrance to the tomb of Lazarus. Nowadays the entrance is walled up. (15 slide of Giotto’s fresco “The Resurrection of Lazarus” 1308. Photo of the walled door to the tomb of Lazarus)

The sufferings of Christ on the cross begin with the entry into Jerusalem. The people welcomed the Savior, and the Pharisees were preparing murder (16 slide icon “The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem”). Who are the Pharisees? Bubnova Angelika will tell us about this. Who are the Pharisees?

Those who turn their noses up in front of everyone,

Their deeds seem to be true,

But before God they are filthy.

They want to be praised so much

And they were only talked about

And they were noticed everywhere,

And they called it with respect. E.A. Ekimova

Working with notebooks(we write down the reference word - Pharisee)

The last conversation with the disciples before the torment of the Cross is called the Last Supper. (17 slide painting by N.N. Ge “The Last Supper” 1883. Shroud depicting the Last Supper.) Here Christ bequeaths to always partake of his blood and body in order to inherit eternal life. The Savior, giving communion to the disciples, knew that only one would betray Him. Judas was a thief and an unclean spirit entered into him, which forced him to immediately betray Christ to the Pharisees.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus asked the Heavenly Father, “Let this cup pass from Me.” How do you guys understand that this expression has become popular? ( asked to save Him from the terrible execution on the cross) Although Christ was ready for this execution. He said: “However, not as I want, but as You, Your will be done.” (18 slide painting by N.N. Ge “In the Garden of Gethsemane” 1880)

Christ was arrested, beaten, spat in the face, and a crown of thorns was put on his head, which scratched his head until it bled, but He endured the blows of the executioners. He himself had to carry the heavy cross to the place of execution. As you understand popular expression“Carry your cross”? ( to endure all the hardships of earthly life with dignity, without violating God’s commandments) The place of Christ's Crucifixion is called Golgotha. Remember - this is one of the key words of our lesson. (19 slide picture of Tontoretto “The Path to Calvary”)

Magdalene fought and cried,

The beloved student turned to stone,

And to where Mother stood silently

So no one dared to look. A. Akhmatova 1940

How do you guys understand the catchphrase “The Road to Calvary”? ( To endure some difficulties and temptations in life, comparing them with Christ’s Golgotha) Only God could say such words: “Father! Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing!” (20 slide painting by Ducciodi Buoninsegna “Crucifixion” 1311. Painting by K. Savitsky “Calvary”) Here we observe another miracle: it was at the site of the Crucifixion that the grave of Adam, the first man, turned out to be. Adam's sins were literally washed away and sanctified by the blood of the Savior. The choir of angels praised the great hour,

And the skies melted in fire.

He said to his father: “Why did you leave me?”

And to the Mother: “Oh, don’t cry for Me...” A. Akhmatova 1940

Working with notebooks(we write down the key word - Golgotha ​​and popular expressions)

The body of Christ was placed in a new, nearby cave (tomb). The entrance to it was blocked by a heavy stone. And a guard was posted so that the body would not be stolen and they would not announce: “Christ is risen!” (21 slides of A. Chiseri’s painting “Entombment”)

On the next slide we see the place of growth wonderful tree, from which the cross of Christ was made. The tree had three different branches: pine, cedar and cypress. It looked clumsy, so the priest Caiaphas decided that Jesus would suffer more severely on it, and the execution would be more humiliating. (22 slide photo on the floor of the chapel indicates the place where the wonderful tree of the Cross grew)

On the third day after the crucifixion, Christ was resurrected. The guards fled in panic. After the resurrection, He appeared for forty days to His disciples and to those who believed in Him.

Look at the slide (23 slide painting by A.A. Ivanov “The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection”) Here we see Mary Magdalene. Later she became a saint, to whom thousands of Orthodox Christians offer prayers in our time.

One day Christ appeared to his disciples, but the Apostle Thomas was not among them. Thomas saw Christ later and said: “Until I touch His wound, I will not believe that He has risen.” To which Christ replied: “Blessed are those who have not seen, but have believed.” (24 slide of Caravaggio’s painting “The Unbelief of Thomas” 1600)

On the next slide we see the icon “Descent into Hell”, where the Savior takes the souls of the righteous from hell and lifts them to heavenly abodes. (25 slide icon “Resurrection. Descent into Hell” Yaroslavl 1680). Since then, every seventh day of the week reminds us of this great significant day. Now Daniil Kulybyshev will tell us about this. Sunday is a great day; on this day Christ rose again,

And the evangelist invites you to the morning service.

So you dedicate the entire Sunday day only to God,

Go to church, visit your friends, shine like the sun on everyone. E.A. Ekimova

Forty days after the Resurrection, Jesus blessed the disciples to bring people to different countries preaching a new faith.

Independent reading of the passage in the textbook pp. 42-43

Children read that when Christ blessed the disciples, He began to move away from them and ascend to Heaven. This ended the earthly mission of Christ. And the Ascension is celebrated by the Orthodox as one of the main holidays.

Working with notebooks(we write down the reference word - Ascension)

How do you understand the words of Christ “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends”? ( Christ gave his life for the salvation of all mankind. And each of us can sacrifice ourselves, but save a friend. This is the fulfillment of one of the commandments “Love your neighbor as yourself.”)

Having been born on earth, living a human life and giving it for the salvation of humanity, Christ remained with us forever! He is the Living God, and everyone can come to Him in their hearts.

God has given us a soul - this is our little temple.

Look there quickly: is it clean today?

Let's put everything in order in the temple of our soul,

Only with a pure soul will we enter the heavenly temple.

And about what the Kingdom of Heaven is, Tanya Rumyantseva will read a poem to us: In the Kingdom of Heaven, everyone lives in joy,

There is eternal bliss and the angels sing.

A wonderful monastery, where there is peace of love, peace,

And every inhabitant is holy to the Lord.

He who loves God very much comes to the aid of everyone

He will not destroy his soul, he will enter the Heavenly Paradise.


To check how you have mastered the material, I suggest you solve a crossword puzzle.

At the end of the lesson listen to the true story “The Tale of a Miracle.” From the Nativity of Christ in 1463, under the pious Prince of Kiev Simeon and under the blessed Archimandrite Nicholas, a miracle happened in the Lavra. In those days, one of the brethren, Hieromonk Dionysius, was in charge of the household in the caves. On the Great Day - Light Christ's Resurrection- he entered the cave of St. Anthony to pray before the holy relics. Having prayed, Dionysius turned to the resting saints of God: - Holy fathers and brethren! Today is a Great Day! Christ is Risen! And immediately, like thunder, a voice rang out in response, sounding from all the relics: “Truly He is Risen!” How can such a miracle be explained? ( God has all the living, God has no dead) Write down your homework: pp. 34 – 43, answer the questions at the end of lesson No. 6. Let's summarize the results of the drawing competition:

1st place – Tanya Rumyantseva, 2nd place – Oksana Sorokina, 3rd place – Nastya Larionova

I really liked your work in class. You were focused, active, answered questions in a friendly manner, and were extremely attentive. I thank you for participating in the drawing competition and for learning the poems.


  1. G. Yudin “Walking to the Holy Land”: Moscow “White City” -2007.

  2. S.F.Ivanova “Introduction to the Temple of the Word”: Moscow “Father’s House” -2006.

  3. N. Volokhova “Scenarios for children”: Moscow “Danilovsky Blagovestnik” -2003.

  4. Magazine "Orthodox World" - No. 7 2006

  5. E.A. Ekimova “Orthodox alphabet in verse”: Minsk, St. Elisabeth Monastery - 2010.

  6. L. Lavrov “Grains”: Ryazan “Grains” - 2012

  7. L.L. Shevchenko “Orthodox Culture”: Moscow “Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland” - 2004.

  8. O. Pershina “Silver bell of Christmas”: Moscow “The Parish of the Temple of the Holy Spirit of the Descent” - 2010.

  9. K. Ronanov “My Angel”: Moscow “Dovedove” - 2009

  10. T.A. Kostyukova and others. “Fundamentals Orthodox culture": Moscow "Firewood" - 2012

Learn and Serve time can be used as bonding time with children. Choose one of the following questions: Tell me when and how you became friends with Jesus. What does it mean to be “friends with Jesus” to you? Tell me what kind of friend Jesus is to you. Tell me one miracle that Jesus did for you. If you want, instead of bonding time, play any fun game with your children.

2.Bible story: “Simeon and Anna bless the Baby Jesus” (Luke 2:21-40)

INTRODUCTION (QUESTION): Tell me, did your parents tell you anything about how you were born? Do you know what city you were born in? (Ask a question to several children, listen to the answers.) What time of year was it? Maybe you even know what time of day you were born: morning, afternoon, evening or night? Perhaps your parents showed you the newborn’s passport, which contains all this information. CONNECTING SENTENCE: Jesus Christ was born on earth, as all children are born. Of course, His parents were not given any passport for their newborn Son, but the details of His birth are recorded in the Bible. COURSE OF EVENTS:

1.Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Tell me what you know about the birth of Jesus. (Listen to the children's answers and use them to tell the story later.) Jesus was born in Bethlehem. This city is also called the City of David because King David was also born in Bethlehem. Where was Jesus born in Bethlehem? Not in a maternity hospital, not in a hospital, but in a small barn. It was winter then. Night... It's usually colder at night, isn't it? The barn, of course, has a roof and a door, but it is still not a house. There was no warm stove or fireplace in the barn. There were no beautiful carpets on the floor. There was no bed or sofa; you could only lie down on the ground, on a bed of hay. Of course, they clean it sometimes, but usually there is a persistent and not very pleasant smell. Still, this place was not so bad for Jesus' parents. It was better in the barn than outside. There was a roof overhead that protected from bad weather. You could also get a good night's sleep on the hay. The breathing of animals warmed the air. And the cattle feeder could be adapted into a cradle for the newborn Jesus.

2. The baby is given the name “God saves” (verse 21).

Most likely, Joseph and Mary had some acquaintances in Bethlehem. Perhaps they came to live with them. Mary needed some rest after giving birth, and Jesus was still very young so His parents could go home straight away. When the newborn Baby was 8 days old, He was given the name Jesus. Do you know why He was called that way? This is what the Angel said to name the child, who appeared to Mary before the birth of Jesus. Translated into our language, this name means “God saves.” Joseph and Mary believed that Jesus would be the Savior of all people. I want you to know too: Jesus is the Savior both for those people who lived before and for those who live now. He is the Savior even for those who are yet to be born and live on earth. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the whole world (hang GI on the board). Application 1: Maybe you’re thinking: “What do we need to save all people from? Why is Jesus called the Savior? The fact is that you and every person on earth are born with the desire to sin. Because of this, each person manages to commit many different sins. What do you think sin is? (Children answer.) Sin is all the bad things you do, think or say. Have you ever sinned? Sins prevent a person from being friends with God. That is why Jesus Christ was born - the Savior for the whole world. He was born to save everyone from their sins, including you if you want.

3. Dedication of the child to the Lord (verses 22-24).

So, the Baby was named Jesus, just as the Angel of God said. Remind me, please, what does this name mean? (Children answer.) According to the accepted law in Israel, a newborn baby had to be brought to the temple for blessing. There they prayed for the child and dedicated him to serving God. And the baby’s parents also had to bring with them two gifts to God, i.e. two victims (it could be two turtle doves or two young pigeons). One gift was as a token of gratitude for a son or daughter, and the other was as a token of gratitude for the restoration of the mother’s health after childbirth. The nearest temple was in Jerusalem. It was about eight kilometers from Bethlehem. That is, it was possible to walk to Jerusalem in just a few hours. And so, when Jesus was 40 days old, Joseph and Mary said goodbye to their friends and went from Bethlehem to Jerusalem to go to the temple, and then return home to Nazareth. Let us “move” together from Bethlehem to Jerusalem. To do this, you will need to get up, walk around the room, and when I clap my hands, you need to quickly sit down, but definitely not in your place. (Play with the children.) Now imagine that you and I are in Jerusalem.

4. Simeon blesses the Child Savior (verses 25-32).

At that time, there lived in Jerusalem a man named Simeon. He loved God very much. He knew that God had promised to give people a Savior. And many were waiting for this promise to come true. Simeon was also waiting. He was already very old, and there was still no Savior. Sometimes Simeon thought that he would soon become completely old and die without waiting for the Savior. Then God revealed to him that he would not die until he saw the Savior with his own eyes. Old Simeon expected this every day. One day God turned to Simeon again and told him to go to the temple. Simeon immediately realized: the day he had been waiting for so long had finally arrived! Now his dream will come true! “Oh, did I really wait? Oh, will I really see the promised Savior today? – with such thoughts Simeon hurried to the temple. There he saw Joseph and Mary and their child entering the temple. He felt that this child was the Savior promised by God. Simeon took little Jesus in his arms and began to loudly praise God: “Thank you, Lord! Now my heart rejoices: I have waited! Now I can die in peace, because my eyes have seen the Savior, whom You gave to all nations. And to the Jewish people, and to everyone else. For He is the Savior of all.” Simeon rejoiced and praised God because he understood: Jesus is the Savior for the whole world. And you know it. You can praise God for this. Jesus is the Savior for both Ukraine and Russia. For people with white skin and for people with dark skin. For young and old. For all countries and tribes throughout the earth. Jesus Christ is the Savior for every person. Application 2: Jesus Christ was born so that God's plan of salvation for every person, including you, would be realized. The birth of Jesus on earth was part of this plan. What happened later when Jesus became an adult? (Children's answers.) He walked among people and talked about God, about how you can be saved from sins and make friends with the Living God. Then Jesus died on the cross for the sins of all people on earth, then rose again. Jesus is the only One who can take away a person's sins if a person wants to. What do you think a person needs to do to have Jesus take away their sins? (Children's answers.) Yes, admit yourself to be a sinner, believe in Jesus, ask Him for forgiveness for your sins. And what happens then? (Children's answers.) Yes, a person becomes a child of God. God forgives man's sins. In other words, the person receives salvation. You can pray for your loved ones who still do not know anything about this God's plan, so that Jesus Christ will become their personal Savior.

5.Simeon’s words to Mary (verses 33-35).

You know, even Jesus' parents had to make this choice - to believe in Jesus as their Savior. Simeon understood this. He saw how Joseph and Mary were surprised by his words. Therefore, after blessing them, he said to Mary: “You will have to suffer a lot for the Son when He becomes an adult, because not everyone will believe in Him. Many will not like what He will say and do. His words and actions, His whole life, will irritate many people, anger them, and confuse them. But He is the Savior for all nations and for every person. And everyone has to make a choice whether to believe it or not. And no one will escape this choice, not even you, Maria.” Call to Repentance: Therefore, every person on earth needs to make this choice: to believe in Jesus as their personal Savior or not. The Bible says that all people who do not believe in Jesus will not be able to get rid of their sins themselves. Because of their sins, they will be separated from God forever. If a person believes that only Jesus can save from sins, he becomes a child of God, and his friendship with Jesus will be forever. Maybe you're thinking, "Well, this looks like a fairy tale or a science fiction movie." Or maybe you think: “There are so many people on earth, millions of them. Can Jesus really be the Savior of every person?” Perhaps you think this way because you are not friends with Jesus. Think about it, what will you choose? If you want Jesus to become your personal Savior, then come over after class and we will talk to you about it. The people in the temple heard Simeon's prayer and came to look at the child of Mary and Joseph. Come on, now imagine yourself as one of those people in the temple. Let's act out this part of the story: you will need to use your movements to show what I'm talking about. Those people in the temple probably began to look at each other and say to each other: “Oh, what an unusual prayer! What kind of special baby is this? Let me look at him!”

6. Hannah blesses the Child (verses 36-38).

Old Anna also came up. (Invite one of the children to play Anna. Put a blanket on this child's head.) She was already 84 years old. After the death of her husband, she lived at the temple. She was a prophetess. Do you know who this is? (Children's answers.) Anna served God by praying for other people. Anna also felt that this child was the Savior, whom she had also been waiting for a long time. Do you know what she started doing when she realized this? (Ask the child playing Hannah to read Luke 2:38 from your Bible.) Hannah was excited to tell everyone she met in the temple about the child Jesus and who He was! All the people standing in the temple heard that the Baby Jesus is the Savior whom God sent for every person on earth. (Thank the children for their help in telling this part of the story.)

7.The parents return home with Jesus (verses 39, 40).

When Mary and Joseph had completed everything required by the law, they and little Jesus returned to Nazareth. Soon Jesus began to speak his first words and walk. He grew up like all children grow. He was a child just like you. Therefore, He understands children well. 3. Making a decision Go ahead and tell someone about the Savior Jesus this week. Now in prayer you can ask God to remind you of those people with whom you need to talk. Perhaps God will show you those who live nearby and you can visit them this week. Or maybe the Lord will remind you of one of those with whom you often see (for example, at school or in training). (Give time for quiet prayer, then give each child a small piece of paper.) Write here the names of three people God showed you. Let's pray that God will help you tell people about Jesus.

Memorizing Bible Verse: Luke. 19:10

Introduction: Game “Who is He?” In this game you will need to guess two words by letter (hang it on the board for visual reference). Do you know what these words are? This is who Jesus is. For example, He is the Teacher, He is the King of kings, He is the Son of God. When you guess these words, you can add one more definition to this list. I wrote down these two words with dashes. Do you see? One dash is one letter. You will name a letter. If it is in these words, I will write it above the line. If there are several such letters, I will write them all down. (Children play. The phrase “Son of Man” opens.) You see, Jesus is not only the Son of God. He is also the Son of Man. Both of these words are capitalized. Why do you think Jesus is called the Son of Man? (Children's answers.) Yes, God became a man, He was born as a man in order to do something for all people. Linking sentence: Why did God become a man? Let's find the answer to this question in the Bible. Jesus Himself explained this. Reading: This is written about in the Gospel of Luke. What is the book of Luke in the New Testament? (Children's answers.) Yes, third. In the Gospel of Luke you need to find chapter 19 and verse 10 in it. If you have already found it, help someone who is still looking. When everyone has opened their Bibles and found a verse, the teacher reads aloud himself, and the children follow him along in their Bibles. The children then read from the Bible with the teacher, with the teacher naming the Scripture before and after reading. The teacher then posts a visual with a written verse or opens a pre-written verse on the board and has it read from the board: Luke 19:10: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.” Explanation Look, it says “came” here. How Jesus came to earth, you already know: He was born on earth, as a common person. Why was this necessary? The answer is written later in the verse: to “seek and save that which was lost.” How do you understand the word “recover”? (Children's answers.) This means “seek and find.” How do you understand the word “dead”? Who is meant here? (Children's answers.) Yes, these are the people who die. And what kind of people die? (Children's answers.) Those who do not know about Jesus and God's plan of salvation perish. Jesus came to find such people and save them, that is, to tell them about God so that people could decide to become His children. After all, Jesus is the Savior for the whole world. Practice: A teacher might help children remember a Scripture like this: “What do the first three letters of Luke remind you of? Yes, there are such weapons with arrows. How can you show a bow? Come on, when we talk about where this verse is written in the Bible, we will show that we have a bow in our hands.” This verse is easy to learn by repeating it with movements. You can come up with movements yourself or together with your children. The main thing is that they are simple. As you come up with a movement for each phrase or word, say its meaning again. For example, you can show the phrase “Son of Man” with the same movement that you usually use to show the words “Jesus” or “God”, because it’s about Him we're talking about. Let's repeat this verse slowly, thinking about each word (2-3 times with movements). Application 1: Do you know through whom Jesus does this? Through you and other believers who share Jesus. Maybe sometimes you don't know how to tell someone that Jesus is Savior. It's actually simple! You don't have to memorize a long speech to talk about Jesus. You can tell in your own words about how you became friends with Jesus, about how God helps you in life, what He does for you and for other Christians. You can retell what you remember in our classes. After this lesson, you can talk about how Jesus Christ is the Savior of the whole world and explain in your own words how you understand this. Exercise: Look at the names of the people you wrote down on the piece of paper. Let's repeat this verse now, and each time instead of the word “lost” you will say the name of one of these people, because Jesus is the Savior for them too (repeat 3 times). Application 2: Maybe you sometimes feel awkward telling someone about Jesus. Or maybe it’s even scary: what if they don’t understand or even call you names! Don't be shy about asking God for help to do this. Pray for those whom God has shown you and talk to them. God will help you, because Jesus wants to become the Savior for every person. Training: At the teacher's choice, any training method in which the children could move. Remember to repeat the scripture and movements. Checking your understanding: What can you tell your friend or classmate about Jesus now?

Review game Hopscotch game

Equipment: sheets of A4 paper, chalk or cord, soft toy. How to play: You will need 7-10 A4 sheets. Write numbers on them on one side, and prizes or some task on the other (options are offered below). Place them on the floor, numbers up, in any order (checkerboard, several rows, hopscotch, or some other way). Mark the starting line (you can draw it with chalk or put a cord). Divide the children into two teams. Take turns asking the teams questions (see below). If the team answers correctly, they choose one player who can throw a soft toy on any number from the starting line. If the toy moves off the sheet, the throw does not count. If the toy remains on the sheet, then the player comes up, turns the sheet over and the team does what is written there. If a team gives the wrong answer to a question, the turn goes to the other team.


Who blessed little Jesus in the temple? Why did Anna start telling everyone in the temple about Jesus? How do you understand the sentence: “Jesus Christ is the Savior of the whole world”? Tell the verse that is recorded in Luke. 19:10. In what city was Jesus, the Savior of the whole world, born? Why is Jesus called Savior? What can you do for a person who knows nothing about Jesus? What will you do this week for someone you know who is not yet friends with Jesus?


Let everyone tell you “Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!" Prize “3 crusts”. Tell the multiplication table by 4. Prize “Corn Sticks”. With the whole team, show the camel without words. Prize "Nuts". Present the medal “The Best Thrower of Soft Toys.” Prize "Crackers". (You can use as prizes those gifts that are appropriate in your situation and that your conditions allow).

When writing this article, materials from the site were used.

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