Fire alarm instructions. Operating instructions for automatic fire alarm systems, installations and means for duty (operational) personnel Instructions for using the fire alarm system

Instructions for action

when the fire alarm is activated alarm equipped at social facilities associated with channel-forming equipment

Object Monitoring Systems AIS Life Safety St. Petersburg

The facility monitoring system is one of the elements of the city program of the Automated Information System for Life Safety (AIS Life Safety) of St. Petersburg (approved by Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated October 4, 2005 No. 1505). Interfacing fire-security systems (alarms) installed in educational institutions, healthcare, culture and other social facilities of the city, using channel-forming equipment with the City Monitoring Center (SPbSU "GMC") allows for automated transmission of current and statistical information about fire notifications from institutions social infrastructure in the Local node of monitoring systems for objects of the Automated Life Safety Information System of St. Petersburg (LU SMO AIS OBZH) to ensure the possibility of subsequent transfer to automated workstations of response services, duty services of administrative authorities, to the console equipment of duty services of law enforcement agencies (if necessary – in the Central Control and Control Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of St. Petersburg, in the AS of the DC of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg, on the control panel equipment of the police department).

General provisions:

1. Types of alarm signals coming from objects;

- fire –signal generated by sensors fire alarm;

- anxiety -signal generated by KTS (RKTS)

2. Response services;

- to signals fire– Ministry of Emergency Situations in St. Petersburg

- to signals anxiety– Main Department of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region (OVO under the Department of Internal Affairs)

3. Response time to alarm signals;

- to signals fire– after checking (2-3 minutes)

- to signals alarm - immediately

Actions when a fire alarm is activated :

1. When a fire alarm is activated at the site ( works on sitevoice alarm about fire).

- Measures are being taken to identify the source of the fire (signal source) and evacuate citizens.

Signal "Alarm PS" automatically goes to the City Monitoring Center (CMC). --- Find out the reason for the operation burglar alarm and in case of a false alarm (which does not require a response from the Ministry of Emergency Situations), immediately notify the State Medical Center by phone 576-42-04 , indicate the reason for the fire alarm.

- N e borrow, and busy telephone lines release at the site for prompt communication between duty officers and responsible persons of the facility.

2. The operational duty officers of the HMC make calls to the contact telephone numbers of the responsible persons from the institution indicated in the facility card in order to find out the reasons for the alarm.

- If the responsible person declares that the alarm is triggered falsely, the operational duty officer of the HMC throws the card into the archive. The combat crew is not sent.

- If the responsible person confirms or it is not possible to get through by phone within 2-3 minutes, a combat fire crew.

- If, after sending a combat crew to the object, the responsible person notifies the fire control center about the reasons for the fire alarm and asks not to respond, then the call to the fire crew is canceled.

3. When carrying out maintenance work on fire and security alarms, repair work associated with the possibility of smoke and dust in the premises of the protected facility, painting work, in order to eliminate the possibility of false visits by response teams, the responsible person of the institution informs in advance about the fact of work by calling the City Monitoring Center:

576-42-04 (24-hour multi-channel) – operational duty officer of the GMC;

576-42-30 (24/7) – shift supervisor of the HMC,

indicating the logical number of the protected object and the full name of the responsible person.

4. In case of frequent false alarms, responsible persons must call a representative of the organization providing maintenance. If the service organization fails to fulfill its contractual obligations to service the alarm system, immediately report such facts to the chief specialist of the HMC by phone 576-42-30 .

5. After installation is completed fire alarm system make sure that the contractor has provided all the necessary documentation (including instructions for use, a table of alarm loops) and carried out education employees of the institution on the rules of equipment operation.

6. To ensure prompt communication about all changes at the facility (change of the manager responsible for the fire safety condition of the facility, their telephone numbers) should be reported to the chief specialist of the HMC by phone 576-42-30 and send by fax to GC ARKAN 600-60-33 indicating the object number.

7. Maintenance of fire and security systems at facilities is carried out by the organization with which a maintenance agreement has been concluded. Maintenance of channel-forming equipment is carried out by BaltAvtoPoisk CJSC.

Good afternoon

Paragraph 64 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation states: “The head of the organization ensures that in the premises of the control center (fire station) there are instructions on the procedure for the actions of the personnel on duty when receiving signals about a fire and malfunction of installations (systems) fire protection object." This means that at the watch (checkpoint) of any organization there must be instructions that explain to the personnel (watchman, watchman, security guard) what to do when the fire alarm goes off.

However, nowhere is a sample of such instructions or a sequence of actions given for such an event. At least I haven't found such official information.

The question is basically whether Do you need to notify the fire department immediately, or do you need to check for a fire first?? And this is where everyone’s opinions differ. Some people think that in case of any alarm it is necessary to call the fire brigade, and it doesn’t matter if it is a false alarm. Some people say that you first need to send a person to check for a fire in the sensor area.

And it would be okay if the building is small, but it can be huge, or even we can talk about several separate buildings.

Using common sense, I still thought that calling the fire department for any reason was a stupid idea. And the following instructions were born:


on the procedure for duty personnel upon receiving fire signals

and malfunctions of fire protection installations

IPB – 004 – 2014

When a signal arrives at the remote control fire automatics, duty officer (watchman, watchman, security guard) MUST:

1.1. Define location of the triggered detector according to the ray tracing scheme and reset the signal;

1.2. Proceed as quickly as possible (or direct an assistant nearby) to the room where the fire alarm sensor was activated and visually inspect make sure there is a fire or not(false or true positive).

1.3. When a fire is detected (true alarm):

1.3.1. Report a fire by phone "01" ("112" from a mobile phone), indicating the address of the object that is on fire, your last name and the phone number from which the message is being sent;

1.3.2. Report the fire to one of the managers at the following telephone numbers:

  • director - ___________________;
  • Chief Engineer - ___________________;
  • Deputy Director for General Affairs – ___________________;

1.3.3. Proceed according to instructions in the event of a fire.

1.4. If there is no fire (false alarm):

1.4.1. Reset the signal;

1.4.2. Report a false alarm to one of the managers by phone from clause 1.3.2 of this Instruction;

1.4.3. Notify the organization that provides alarm maintenance by calling _____________.

Make a record of received signals and measures taken in response to them in a special journal.

Here I have provided 2 possible options. It is understood that the employee must know HOW TO DETERMINE WHERE THE SENSOR HAS ACTIVATED. It is especially easier to do this if signals from all fire automatics flow onto one screen.
I repeat that there cannot be a clear and precise answer on this matter, but this scenario has a right to exist.

Download instructions in WORD format

P.S. Naturally, such an instruction loses its meaning if all signals from the fire automatics are automatically transmitted to the fire department control panel.


Head teacher

N.V. Ushkova(
“____”_____________ 2015


on the operation of automatic fire fighting systems, installations and means

alarms for duty (operational) personnel
1. General Provisions

1.1. This instruction establishes the basic requirements for monitoring systems, installations and means (hereinafter referred to as “installations”) of automatic fire alarms, when operating in accordance with the requirements of PPB 01-03 “Fire Safety Rules in Russian Federation”; NPB 110-03, NPB 104-03 and other current regulatory documents on fire safety.

1.2. Automatic fire alarm installations must be installed on the basis and in accordance with design and estimate documentation, regulatory and guidance documents.

1.3. Compliance with the requirements of these instructions should ensure the serviceability and functionality of automatic fire alarm systems, as well as the reliability and efficiency of their functioning during operation.

1.4. Responsibility for organizing the operation and fulfillment of the requirements of this instruction lies with the persons appointed responsible for the operation of the APS systems and in case of their violation entails disciplinary, administrative, criminal or other liability in accordance with current legislation In Russian federation.

1.5. At each facility, maintenance must be organized and scheduled - preventative repairs(maintenance and repair work) of automatic fire alarm systems.

1.6. All types of maintenance and repair work, as well as the maintenance of automatic fire alarm systems, are performed by specially trained personnel or a specialized organization licensed under a contract.

1.7. The presence of an agreement for maintenance and repair of automatic fire alarm systems by a specialized organization does not relieve the responsibility of the facility manager for fulfilling the requirements of this instruction.

1.8. The responsibilities of maintenance and operational personnel are specified in job descriptions.

1.9. Each case of failure of automatic fire alarm systems is taken into account in the “Failure Log” (Appendix No. 1), investigated by the administration of the facility together with the service organization and representatives of the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as the State Fire Service) with the execution of a commission report.

1.10. A copy of the act and materials of the commission’s work are sent to the territorial division of the State Border Service.

1.11. All maintenance work performed is recorded in the “Logbook of registration of work on maintenance and repair of automatic fire alarm systems” (Appendix No. 2), one copy of which is stored at the facility, the other with the service organization (if an agreement is concluded with a specialized organization).

1.12. Each magazine is assigned numbers, the pages of the magazines are numbered, laced and sealed with the seal of the artist.

1.13. Entries in both journals must be identical, drawn up simultaneously and certified by the signatures of the service organization and the responsible person of the facility. Records must contain a description of the work performed.

2. Responsibilities of maintenance and operational personnel.

2.1. For the operation and maintenance of automatic fire alarm systems in technically good condition, the manager appoints the following personnel by order:

  • The person responsible for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems;

  • Specialists who have been trained to perform maintenance and repair work on automatic fire alarm systems (in the absence of an agreement with a specialized organization);
Operational (duty) personnel to monitor the condition of automatic fire alarm systems, as well as call the State Fire Service units in the event of its activation and a fire;

2.2. Monitoring compliance with maintenance and repair regulations (Appendix No. 2), timeliness and quality of work performed by a specialized organization is assigned to the person responsible for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems.

2.3. The person responsible for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems must ensure:

  • Compliance with the requirements of these instructions;

  • Availability and serviceability of telephone communication with the fire station or with the control panel of the facility;

  • When monitoring the condition and checking functionality, you must:

  • conduct an external inspection of the equipment (fire detectors and their sensitive elements). Check the presence of seals on the elements and assemblies to be sealed.

  • Make sure that the detectors are triggered and the corresponding notifications are issued on the control panel ( control panels) and control signals from the control panel (control devices).

  • Make sure that the PS loop is operational along its entire length by simulating a break or short circuit at the end of the PS loop, and also check the serviceability electrical circuits launch.

  • Make sure that the control panel is operational, as well as the control panel together with peripheral devices (annunciators, actuators).

  • Check remote signaling devices (light and sound).

  • Check manual call points.

  • Check the availability of the main and backup power sources.

  • Acceptance of maintenance and repair work in accordance with the schedule (Appendix No. 3) and the work schedule under the contract (Appendix No. 4).

  • Maintaining installations of automatic fire alarm systems in good working order and operational condition by carrying out timely maintenance and repair work;

  • Training of maintenance and duty personnel, as well as instructions for those working in protected premises, actions to take when automatic fire alarm systems are triggered.

  • Development of the necessary operational documentation (see appendices) and its maintenance;

  • Inform the relevant State Fire Service authorities about all cases of failures and operation of installations;

  • Submit complaints in a timely manner;

  • to manufacturing plants - upon delivery of incomplete, low-quality or non-compliant instruments and equipment for automatic fire alarm systems;

  • installation organizations - if poor-quality installation or deviations during installation from the project documentation are detected that were not agreed upon with the project developers or the State Fire Service body;

  • service organizations - for untimely and poor-quality maintenance and repair of installations and means of automatic fire alarm systems;
2.4. Maintenance personnel and a representative of a specialized organization are required to know the devices and operating principles of the automatic fire alarm system installed at this facility, and comply with the requirements of these operating instructions for the APS (automatic fire alarm) system.

2.5. It is prohibited to disable automatic fire alarm systems during operation, as well as to introduce changes to the adopted protection scheme without adjusting the design and estimate documentation and coordination with the territorial division of the State Fire Service.

2.6. The facility manager is obliged, during the period of maintenance and repair work, the implementation of which is associated with the shutdown of automatic fire alarm systems, to ensure fire safety premises protected by automatic fire alarm systems, develop compensatory measures (measures), notifying the territorial units of the State Fire Service and, if necessary, private security.

2.7. Operational (duty) personnel must know:

  • These instructions for operational (duty) personnel;

  • Tactical and technical characteristics of instruments and equipment of automatic fire alarm systems installed at the facility, and the principle of their operation;

  • Name, purpose and location of premises protected (controlled) by automatic fire alarm systems;

  • The procedure for starting the automatic fire alarm system in manual mode;

  • The procedure for maintaining operational documentation;

  • The procedure for monitoring the operational state of automatic fire alarm systems at the facility;

  • Procedure for calling the fire department;

  • Ability to work with control panels (boards) of automatic fire alarm systems and knowledge of the procedure for checking functionality and actions when detectors and devices are triggered in the “Fire” and “Fault” modes.
2.8. A facility operating automatic fire alarm systems must have the following documentation:

2.8.1. Design - estimate documentation to the APS system;

2.8.2. As-built documentation and diagrams, acts of hidden work (if any), tests and measurements;

2.8.3. Certificate of acceptance of automatic fire alarm systems into operation;

2.8.4. Passports for technical means existing automatic fire alarm systems;

2.8.5. List of installed equipment;

2.8.6. Operating instructions for installing an automatic fire alarm system;

2.8.7. System maintenance work schedule;

2.8.8. Plan – maintenance and repair schedule;

2.8.9. Logbook for maintenance and repair work on automatic fire alarm systems;

2.8.10. Duty schedule of operational (duty) personnel responsible for the operation of the APS;

2.8.11. Log of delivery - acceptance of duty by operational personnel;

2.8.12. Failure log of automatic fire alarm systems;

2.8.13. Job Descriptions on-duty personnel, the person responsible for maintenance and repair work and service personnel, an agreement with a specialized organization for maintenance and repair work (if any);

2.9. Technical documentation according to clause (2.8.1. - 2.8.5.) is developed by the installation and commissioning organization (by agreement with the Customer), according to clause (2.8.6. - 2.8.13.) is developed by the customer with the involvement of a service organization (with existence of an agreement with her).

2.10. The list and content of operational documentation for the automatic fire alarm system may be changed by the administration of the facility depending on specific conditions with notification of the territorial division of the State Fire Service.

    1. Technical documentation developed by the facility administration is reviewed at least once every 3 years. Adjusted when operating conditions change and more efficient elements of the automatic fire alarm system are installed. At the same time, it is necessary to enter the relevant information about changes in the work logbook, indicating the date of revision, re-equipment and the signature of the responsible person.

Developed instructions.

Safety instructions

fire alarm

1. General provisions

1.1. This instruction defines the basic provisions for ensuring the operability of fire alarm and warning installations and is mandatory for all employees of the organization, as well as persons who are responsible for maintenance and scheduled maintenance.

1.2. The person appointed responsible for the maintenance of the fire alarm must have the following documentation:

1.2.1. Contract for maintenance of fire alarm installations;

1.2.2. Sample request for troubleshooting;

1.2.3. Annual schedule of preventive maintenance of fire alarm and warning systems;

1.2.4. List of loop numbers indicating the names of the premises protected by the loops;

1.2.5. As-built (design) documentation for signaling and warning;

2. Actions in the event of a fire alarm

2.1. Each employee, upon receiving information about the activation of a fire alarm, is obliged to immediately:

2.1.1. Report a fire to the fire department by calling "01" cell phone"112";

2.1.2. Organize the evacuation of people according to the approved evacuation plan;

2.1.3. Keep the doors to the fire area closed and the windows open;

2.1.4. Declare an alarm for members of the voluntary fire brigade;

2.1.5. Check whether the fire warning system worked, as well as the system smoke ventilation people and, if necessary, bring them into action;

2.1.6. Carry out actions to extinguish the fire at the source of fire using primary fire extinguishing agents. initial stage fire;

2.1.7. Upon arrival of firefighters, inform them about the results of the evacuation of people, the location of the primary source of the fire, as well as the results of actions to extinguish the primary source;

3. Actions in case of fire alarm malfunction

3.1. When an automatic fire alarm is triggered, it is necessary to perform the actions specified in section 2 of these instructions.

3.2. If, as a result of the above actions, a false positive is detected, you must:

3.2.1. Immediately about this fact inform the person appointed responsible for the maintenance of fire alarm installations;

3.2.2. During the period of alarm failure, carry out constant visual monitoring of the premises to ensure there is no fire;

3.2.3. During visual inspection, pay attention to the smell of smoke, malfunctions electrical network(flashing of lighting lamps, unauthorized shutdown of power to electrical appliances);

3.2.4. If suspicious signs are detected, organize evacuation actions, turning off the power supply in the premises using the devices indicated on the evacuation plan;

3.3. The person responsible for the maintenance of an automatic fire alarm is obliged to:

3.3.1. Send an application to a licensed organization, which, according to the contract, carries out work on checking, servicing and repairing the alarm system, and notify about the sending of the application by phone;

3.3.2. Monitor the deadline for eliminating fire alarm malfunctions established in the contract, but later than the end of the work shift;

3.3.3. Acceptance of work to eliminate a malfunction should be carried out in the following sequence together with the service organization: Force trigger all fire detectors using a paper clip (by pressing a special button on the detectors) until the special LEDs on the detectors blink; Monitor the activation of detectors on the fire apparatus with a marking of the room or loop number; Make an entry in the log of fire alarm malfunctions with the obligatory signature of the work contractors;

4. When there is a power outage

4.1. The person responsible for the maintenance of fire alarm systems is obliged to:

4.1.1. Check the condition of the fire alarm loops on the remote control; the lamps of all loops should light green;

4.1.2. If a faulty loop is detected, determine the names of unprotected premises, perform the actions specified in paragraphs 3.3.1.- Acceptance of work from the service organization should be carried out when the power supply in these premises is turned off.

5. Operation of fire alarm and warning systems

5.1. The person responsible for the maintenance of the fire alarm system is obliged to:

5.1.1. Store technical (design or as-built) documentation for fire alarm systems;

5.1.2. Monitor the maintenance organization’s inspections and repairs of fire alarms with entries in a special journal;

5.1.3. When carrying out repair work in the building and on the territory, monitor serviceability by daily checking on the fire apparatus (remote panel);

5.1.4. Include in contracts for the repair of premises clauses for restoring the operability of the fire alarm in the event of damage to fire plumes and equipment during the repair of premises by contractors at the expense of contractors;

5.1.5. When changing the layout of buildings and premises, provide for the organization of equipping the changed premises with fire alarm systems in accordance with fire safety standards;

5.2. Employees of the organization, when detecting a malfunction of the alarm system, are obliged to immediately report this to the person appointed responsible for the maintenance of the fire alarm system, as well as to their immediate supervisor;

6. When checking by a fire inspector:

6.1. The person appointed to maintain the fire alarm system is obliged to:

6.2. Prepare the available documentation specified in these instructions for presentation;

6.3. Invite the service organization in writing to participate in the inspection;

6.4. Enter the results of the alarm test in the appropriate journal;

1. General requirements.

The protected zones should be listed on the cover of the control panel (keyboard) - the zone number and the name of the premises protected by this zone, and next to the control panel there should be a list of protected zones, the name of the premises protected by this zone and the types of detectors that are installed in this zone in the form of a table. (smoke, heat, manual).

2. Actions of personnel in case of installation activation.

2.1. When false alarm APS without damaging the equipment and APS lines; to turn off the siren, you must enter a code - press the “1-2-3-4” keys on the keyboard ( the code may be different– it must be specified in the instructions for a specific APS installation). After this, the red “Armed” indicator turns off and the green “Ready” indicator lights up, but the red indicator of the triggered zone continues to light. Urgently call the fire control panel (the telephone number must be indicated in the instructions) and report that the alarm is false, otherwise fire departments will be sent to the facility, and the manager will pay a fine of 1200 UAH.

2.2. After this, to restore the functionality of the alarm system, you must do the following:

2.2.1. To restore zones with smoke fire detectors, you must press the “*-7-2” keys on the keyboard - after a few seconds the red indicator of the triggered zone should go out. But if smoke (or dust) actually gets into the detector, it will take several minutes to restore its functionality (while it is ventilated). 10 seconds after this, you can enter the code for arming the system - press the “1-2-3-4” keys on the keyboard (the green “Ready” indicator turns off and the red “Armed” indicator lights up. In this case, they should not be lit yellow indicator"Trouble" - "trouble").

2.2.2. To restore zones with thermal and manual fire call points, you must press the “1-2-3-4” keys on the keyboard.

2.3. If false alarm occurred due to damage to the alarm system equipment (breakage of alarm system line wires, damage or knocking down of automatic or manual fire detectors or the alarm control panel, intentional or careless actuation of manual fire call points, etc.), it is necessary to find out the reasons for the false alarm (if this is possible by simple inspection) , And immediately notify the service organization to correct the problem.

2.4. After eliminating the malfunction, the APS installation is put into operating mode by pressing the “1-2-3-4” keys (the green “Ready” indicator turns off and the red “Armed” indicator lights up. In this case, the yellow “Trouble” indicator and red zone indicators should not be lit ).

2.5. If the reason for the operation of the installation is unknown, it is necessary immediately take measures to check those premises protected by the triggered zone.

If the check does not reveal signs of fire, act in accordance with clause 2.1. of this instruction, and if signs of fire are detected - immediately call “0-1” to call for fire assistance and then act in accordance with the instructions on personnel actions in case of fire.


Any modern installation APS constantly monitors itself. If there is a system malfunction, the yellow “Trouble” indicator lights up and the keypad buzzer sounds two times. short beeps every 10 sec. To turn off the buzzer, you need to press any key on the keyboard, but after that call the maintenance company , to troubleshoot the problem.

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