The interior of the walls in the living room is Mediterranean. Features of the interior design of a room in a Mediterranean style

The furnishings of the house in Mediterranean design are imbued with the lightness and charm of the sea. The genre does not provide for luxury, elaborate accessories, decor and intricate furniture. Every detail in the decor is thought out, simple and functional. Due to these features, the genre is a bit similar to country and classical.

The furnished interiors display a marine theme, associated with warm summers, vacations, healthy eating and relaxation on a comfortable yacht. Tones, decor, shapes - reminiscent of the beauty of nature with notes of the sea.

History of the style

Many interiors often show the influence of nature and climatic features, and Mediterranean interiors are no exception. Moreover, along with Art Nouveau, this trend takes a leading position in borrowing features from the beauty of nature.

Since ancient times, the Mediterranean region was ruled by strong states - Rome and Greece. The Greeks were famous for their handicrafts and various crafts, and the Romans were famous for their conquests and colonizations. Spain, having trade and military influence, also made a significant contribution to the formation of the Mediterranean direction in the interior. The culture of North Africa and Turkey introduced some trends into the genre.

As a result, the culture was constantly supplemented with new trends and original characteristics of other peoples. The sea only contributed to this trend, since it covers several continents at once - Africa, Europe, and also Asia.

Another round of active development of the direction occurred after the Second World War. Residents of villages living near the sea began to actively look for work in cities; at the same time, they brought elements of country houses into city apartments.

Despite the emergence of new building materials and interior design trends, the Mediterranean interior in apartments and houses retains its main features, which can be considered original.

Main components

Let us list the main elements that make up the flow:

  • Spacious and bright rooms with large windows.
  • As finishing materials plaster, paint, wood, and natural stone are used.
  • Warm colors of moderate saturation predominate, as well as all shades of blue and blue.
  • There is no overload of details.
  • Marine theme - colors, images, decor in the form of shells, corals, elements of sea vessels.
  • Natural textiles are used - airy white tulle, a canopy over the bed reminiscent of a mast ship, decorative pillows in colors characteristic of the genre, low-pile carpets and home-rolling runners.
  • Patterns can be floral, reminiscent of the Arabic style, associated with sea ​​waves; The lines of the patterns are most often smoothed. Stripes are also used as an integral part of the marine theme.
  • Furniture is only functional and essential. The center of the room is left free of it.
  • Lots of light in the rooms. Used lighting fixtures with wrought iron, striped or cream lampshades, shades with frosted glass in white or cream tone.

Key varieties

Let's look at the main varieties into which the Mediterranean direction is divided.

Italian motives

The genre combines soft and warm tones - sunny yellow, orange, beige, shades of green, olive (can be rich), light golden, all shades of brown. The colors combine effectively with the stonework, which is made from smoothed stones that typically lie on the seabed.

This type of design involves surfaces complemented by handwork - painting, mosaic, plaster with patterns with specially made roughness.

Such decor is often combined in one room - mosaics are adjacent to paintings, and patterns on tiles are combined with plastered surfaces, complemented by patterns. With such a combination, it is important to avoid a clutter of accents, since the direction provides for naturalness and even airiness.

The furniture in the rooms is distinguished by functionality and comfort. Most often it is wooden or forged; Massive elements are allowed, but without elaborate decor.

An important nuance in rooms with Italian motifs is a lot of light and large windows. Even in the bathroom you should do large window, providing enough natural light.

Greek motifs

Unlike the Italian variety, the Greek variety includes not only warm, but also cold tones - all shades of blue and light blue. Other main colors are lemon, yellow, emerald, green, beige, white. Despite the presence of cold tones, the rooms are sunny and covered in the summer sea. When decorating rooms, designers also use a black tone, but it never dominates. Decorative elements or framing images on a light wall can be black.

This species is characterized by alternating several colors. White and blue shades are especially often alternated, since such a duet symbolizes the flag of Greece.

Acceptable inclusions of red and pink color most often in the form of textiles, ceramics and decoration. Since Greece is characterized by developed handicrafts and various crafts, be sure to complement the decor with ceramics and handmade items in the Greek tradition.

The style is characterized by orderliness and functionality, while being boldly combined different colors, and the decor is displayed - the result is a “golden mean”. The design is not associated with pedantry, but it cannot be called daring either.

An important nuance of the Greek type of Mediterranean interior design is the space and abundance of light, both natural and artificial.

Arabic elements in the setting

As already mentioned in the first section, some features of the interior in question originate from North Africa and Turkey.

Arabic motifs are expressed in the form of window and doorways-arches, white smooth walls, ceramic products in oriental style. Also used ceramic tiles with Arabic patterns; and not just in the kitchen or bathroom. Its inclusions can also be seen in the bedrooms.

European sofas with leather covering light color decorative pillows with an Arabic print are complemented, and carpets (or carpet runners) are designed in the same style.

Home improvement options

We suggest you consider interesting options home improvement, wrapped in the charm of the warm sea and summer.

Living room

To decorate your living room, choose a spacious and bright room with large windows. It should become the hallmark of the house and embody the intended environment as effectively as possible.
Blue and blue directions will help to reveal the Greek look blue colors against a basic white background.

  • Paint the ceiling and walls white, adding vertical stripes of ultramarine color to one or two of them. This solution will visually “raise” the ceiling.
  • Finish the floor with a wooden board in the style of a ship's deck, and lay a striped carpet with minimal pile on top.
  • Arrange the sofa area - beige sofas and soft chairs with fabric surface, padded decorative pillows yellow, blue and blue.
  • Near upholstered furniture put coffee table made of cream painted wood.
  • Place decor on the table, for example, corals in decorative vase with a wide neck, more like a plate.

The decoration of the living room design in the Mediterranean genre will be plants - for the living room one large (or several) palm tree in a pot with wicker wood will be enough.

You can hang oil paintings on the walls depicting the southern coasts of Italy, Greece or Spain. Most often it is a calm sea, a sandy beach, sailing yachts, bushes and low trees against the backdrop of small houses.


Since the Mediterranean bedroom decor includes many summer elements, do not be afraid to use shades of blue and blue - the room will not become “cold”.
If you arrange the bedroom correctly, its furnishings will be saturated with the sea breeze, sunlight and the soothing breath of warm summer.

  • Plaster the walls with beige plaster, intentionally make the surface rough or apply patterns with smoothed lines.
  • Make the ceiling several shades lighter.
  • It is advisable to make the floor from balsa wood, which perfectly dampens noise while walking and is pleasant to the touch.
  • Lay a small blue or white-blue carpet on the floor.
  • Make the doors to the bedroom wooden and paint them in a light blue tone.
  • Complete the double bed with a canopy made of light translucent white fabric.
  • Attach the canopy to the blue metal frame.
  • Lay down a blue and white throw and accessorize the bed with lemon, olive and yellow throw pillows.

A low wooden chest of drawers and bedside tables blue or cream shades. The bedroom walls can be decorated with photographs in marine frames or paintings with seascapes and sailing yachts.


The Mediterranean setting in the kitchen interior should be associated not only with the warm sea breeze, but also with Mediterranean cuisine - olives, fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood, olive oil. The environment should awaken the appetite and evoke positive emotions.

  • Decorate the walls with ceramic tiles printed with flowers or floral patterns in an Arabic style.
  • The main colors of the tiles are blue, white, blue and gold.
  • Paint the ceiling white and complement it with blue wood cross beams.
  • Finish the floor with brown or wood-look tiles.
  • Kitchen set you can put white, and dining table- with blue legs and a natural wood-colored surface.
  • Choose wooden chairs, preferably olive.
  • Complement large, light windows with light olive tulle.

As decoration, use ceramic dishes and vases with patterns characteristic of the direction.

Even if you glance at a photo depicting the Mediterranean style in the interior, you are instantly imbued with the lightness and airiness of the design. He is very attractive and romantic. Mediterranean style in the interior as if created by nature, sea and sun.

Origins of the Mediterranean style

The Mediterranean style originated in several coastal countries, but its main legislators were Italy, Spain and Greece. The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning this destination is small snow-white chalets and houses located on the coast. The ascetic decoration is surprisingly complemented by the rich surrounding nature.

Interior design in the Mediterranean style is a harmonious combination of rich colors, various textures and finishing and decorative elements. This direction is not against bold experiments on oneself, but it requires respect for the centuries-old traditions of the inhabitants of the coast.

The Mediterranean style gained recognition and approval in the 50s of the 20th century. Travelers and ordinary tourists visiting southern countries were delighted with the architecture and decoration of houses.

The Mediterranean style is very laconic and simple, without excessive gloss and luxury. It’s as if nature itself created this direction - soft, gentle, with rich natural colors.

The Mediterranean style is very versatile and is suitable for decorating the interior of not only an apartment, but also a cottage. Thanks to this direction, harmony and a peaceful atmosphere will reign in the house.

"Three pillars" of the Mediterranean style

The development of the Mediterranean style was particularly influenced by several countries, so three main directions can be distinguished: Italian, Greek and Spanish.

The beauty of the Italian destination

Italian features in the Mediterranean style are very characteristic and expressive. You can never go wrong with a rich palette of warm colors in the interior. These can be all kinds of variations on the theme of olive, red, yellow and brick colors. The room is dominated by matte, rough surfaces with a pronounced texture. The effect of handmade work and rough finishing is especially welcome.

The Italian direction is an abundance of details. It is characterized by such decorative elements as mosaics and hand painting. In Italian homes you can often find rude wooden beams on the ceiling and masonry of barely processed stone. The furniture is most often simple wooden. Preference is given to dark colors of facades. Furniture sets made of rattan and forged items are quite popular.

Grace of the Greek style

The Greek style in the Mediterranean style means, of course, an abundance of space. The larger the room, the better. The room is painted dazzling white for... visual expansion borders. The Mediterranean Greek style in the interior differs from others with arches, columns, open doorways. The rough plaster also looks very authentic, as if hastily applied by a master. In addition to white, the interior contains a whole range of blue and cyan shades.

Ceramic tiles are used as flooring. It may contain fragments painted by hand. To decorate a room in greek style select furniture only from natural materials. Large window openings are not overloaded with curtains, leaving them open or lightly draped in elegant tulle.

The flavor of the Spanish direction

Spain is a country made of stone. There was a period when this state suffered from a shortage of wood, so houses were built and decorated using clay and rocks. In the Spanish direction of the Mediterranean style, stone is present not only as the main building element, but also as an object of design and decor. With its help, ornate patterns and ornaments are laid out on the walls.

The color scheme of the Spanish style is very rich. There are terracotta, ocher, blue, gray. Less common are shades of green and red. For spanish style characterized by an abundance of forging and textiles.

Despite the obvious differences between the directions, they combine very well with each other, creating an authentic Mediterranean style.

Mediterranean style in the interior of different rooms

The Mediterranean style has similar features to country styles, so it is suitable for those who prefer a calm atmosphere and a simple setting.

Mediterranean hallway

To decorate the interior of a hallway in a Mediterranean style, it is best to take white as a basis. It will visually enlarge small room and will give it an elegant look. If you are afraid of the soiling and sterility of white, then for wall decoration you can choose shades of sand, beige, and olive.

A simple whitewashed or painted ceiling will fit perfectly into the interior of a Mediterranean-style hallway. It is very convenient to use ceramic tiles for the floor. It fits perfectly in style and does not require complex personal care.

Do not fill the entire hallway space with unnecessary furniture. Limit yourself to only the necessary items. The Mediterranean style rejects the use of plastic, so all furniture should be made of natural wood.

The laconicism of the hallway is emphasized by simple but high-quality things. They can be a small banquette, a mirror in a modest wooden frame, lamps with multi-colored glass, reminiscent of lanterns in shape.

Mediterranean cuisine

The Italian style is most often taken as the basis for the Mediterranean style in the kitchen interior. This design is perfect for country house or cottage. A Mediterranean-style kitchen is full of accents and rich colors.

The walls are decorated with plaster or natural stone, creating the effect of a man-made house. Work area can be distinguished by ceramic tiles, tiles or mosaics with patterns characteristic of the Mediterranean.

Suitable for floors wooden boards. To replace them, you can take a laminate of a suitable shade. The kitchen set should be laconic, without unnecessary details. You can leave the natural color of the facades, or you can paint them white.

If the size of the room allows, then a good one wooden table will decorate a Mediterranean-style kitchen. On open shelves you can display pottery as a stylistic accent. Wicker or forged lamps will fit perfectly into this design.

Mediterranean bathroom

Mediterranean style in a bathroom interior is not complete without all kinds of tiles and mosaics. Shades are selected depending on the direction you like. For a Greek-style bathroom, a finish with a predominance of blue, blue and white colors is suitable, and for a Spanish style, give preference to reddish-brown tiles.

A bathroom is, above all, convenience and functionality. As with other rooms, don't fill the entire space with things and furniture.

Bronze or bronze will look best in the interior. copper plumbing. The bathtub can be a simple round shape in white, or it can be stone, depending on the overall design of the room.

Towels with embroidery characteristic of this style, wicker baskets for linen and small items, a mirror in a forged frame, and stylized decorative elements would be appropriate here. You can manually decorate with mosaic a toiletry set in the form of a soap dish and cups for toothpaste and toothbrushes.

Mediterranean living room

If you are a connoisseur of warm reddish shades, wrought iron decor and beautiful textiles, then you will love the interior in the style of the Spanish Mediterranean. Such a living room will be very cozy, with a genuine homely atmosphere. In the Spanish interior, wooden beams that are located along the perimeter of the ceiling look organic. Their shade usually matches the color of door and window openings.

If you want to add freshness and spaciousness to the interior of the living room, then give preference to the Greek direction. White and blue design will visually increase the space, and large windows and doorways will add airiness.

Furniture can be of muted shades, as if it has faded under the scorching sun. The living room must have a comfortable sofa and a couple of armchairs. A fireplace will look great against the backdrop of rough-finished walls. Its portal can be decorated with natural stone and wooden beams.

Mediterranean bedroom

The bedroom is the ideal room to decorate in a Mediterranean style. Warm shades, comfortable and functional furniture, big bed with plenty of pillows and snow-white bed linen set you up for rest and relaxation.

The bedroom should have maximum light and space. If you can’t achieve the effect of airiness and abundance of lighting, try decorating the room with a large mirror and replacing opaque curtains with tulle.

The interior of a Mediterranean-style bedroom should be decorated with a spacious bed. The headboard can be wooden, textile or forged. Beds with translucent canopies look very impressive. Laconic lamps, stylized bedside rugs, live plants in clay vases, and wooden decorative items create a sunny and warm Mediterranean atmosphere.

In pursuit of asceticism and spaciousness, try to harmoniously combine different directions of such an attractive and unique Mediterranean style. It cannot boast of rich decoration, but it will give you unforgettable moments spent in the house of your dreams.

Natural colors, lightness and freshness combined with functionality - all this is a Mediterranean style in the interior, which justifiably deserves high popularity all over the world. Apartments, offices and country villas are decorated in this style.
Creating a Mediterranean interior does not require large financial expenditures, since its beauty lies in simplicity and conciseness.

Features of the Mediterranean style

Lightness in everything is the main concept of this style! There is no place for chic, extravagant decor and pretentious accessories here.
Accessibility, practicality and thoughtfulness of details combine the Mediterranean style with classic .
The romance of the Mediterranean is traditionally reflected in the colors of the interior. This style seems to be filled with warm sunlight and the freshness of green foliage.

It is customary to subdivide into several subspecies, each of which is characterized by certain features.

In the Italian direction of the Mediterranean style, warm and soft shades dominate. It often contains handmade elements, and the design of the room can include several finishing options. One more distinctive feature this direction are large windows.

Good natural light plays an important role in all areas of the Mediterranean style, so it is important to select curtains from light, flowing fabrics that do not burden the decor.

In the Greek direction of the Mediterranean style, cool colors predominate, however, the mood of the interior retains its brightness and sunshine. The reason for this is the correct alternation and moderate use of colors. This trend is characterized by a classic combination of white with the entire spectrum of blue and blue. Such a popular duo of colors resembles not only the beautiful seascapes, but also the Greek flag.

Black is used as a contrasting color, but this rule should be followed with caution. The presence of dark accessories and decorative details in the apartment should be minimal.

Materials and finishing


Mediterranean-style ceilings are usually painted in calm shades, most often white. The perimeter of the ceiling can be decorated even with real logs. Whether to paint them or leave them in their original form is a purely individual decision for each creator. Great idea Stretch fabric will also serve as a decoration for the ceiling.


Depending on the chosen direction of the Mediterranean style, the walls in the room can be decorated with mosaics, decorative plaster, paint or imitation brickwork. Usually the surface of the walls is made matte and rough. In exceptional cases, designers like to create special irregularities on them.


The most popular flooring option is natural wood However, tiles and laminate are no less in demand. It is preferable to make the floor darker than the walls and ceiling of the room. Flooring terracotta shade is the most successful solution when creating an interior in the Mediterranean style.

Furniture for the Greek Mediterranean style should not be strict and pedantic. The highlight of the interior can be pieces of furniture of similar design, but painted in completely different colors. This solution will create a bright and at the same time cozy atmosphere in the apartment.

Furniture for an Italian Mediterranean interior should be massive and comfortable. An excellent addition to a simple and practical headset will be forged elements.

An integral part of this direction in design art are wooden chests designed for storing clothes, bedding or household items. Wardrobes and chests of drawers are selected without unnecessary details and artistic decorations; they should be as comfortable as possible, discreet and multifunctional.

When choosing furniture, you should give preference to natural wood shades. Furniture made from rough, untreated wood (pine, spruce, stained oak) looks amazing in a Mediterranean interior.

Handmade wicker chairs, armchairs and chests of drawers are also appropriate in this style.

Upholstery for upholstered furniture is made from natural plain leather or textiles with a simple pattern.

A characteristic feature of this trend is also open shelves made from various materials.


If you want to create a traditional Mediterranean themed interior, don't forget to have enough light in the room. Chandeliers, wall lamps, floor lamps, sconces, table lamps– this is something you shouldn’t skimp on.

Mediterranean style interiors are increasingly using LED strips. They are installed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling, which allows you to create excellent additional lighting.

Details and decor

It is the accessories that allow you to personify the spirit of the Mediterranean in the interior of the apartment. For thematic design premises are used:

  • Panel made of shells and sea stones;
  • Bright pots with a variety of indoor plants;
  • Ceramic dishes with marine ornaments;
  • Paintings with images of the water element;
  • Motley photo frames;
  • An abundance of fresh flowers;
  • Lace napkins;
  • Multi-colored pillows;
  • Stucco elements;
  • Glass vases;
  • Chandeliers in the form of lanterns or propellers;
  • Blinds and thin curtains;
  • Wire products and wooden figurines;
  • Textiles in warm colors.

These accessories should fit well together, complement each other and not create clutter. The traditional interior of this style always feels light, free and airy.

Mediterranean style in the interior - photo

The Mediterranean region is the cradle of European civilization. Architectural and interior traditions were born there, many of which are still relevant today. We invite you to find out how best to use the Mediterranean style in the interior of an apartment or private house.

Mediterranean style in the interior: Origins

The origins of the Mediterranean interior style arose in the era of Antiquity, so its authentic examples should be sought in Greece and Italy. Later, this design spread throughout the southern coast of Europe and even took root in North Africa, where Moroccan design was created on its basis. The latter can be considered a mixture of Mediterranean interior style with the traditions of home decoration characteristic of the Arab East.

In France, the Provence style was created on the basis of the Mediterranean. True, in the province of the same name it was adapted to the conditions of rural life and given a French flavor.

The Mediterranean interiors, in which Spanish influence can be traced, also look charming. They are more colorful as they are a mixture of Southern European and Moorish designs.

Mediterranean style in the interior: 5 super ideas

Mediterranean style house

A private house in the Mediterranean style is beautiful and status-worthy. Obviously, such structures were originally intended for southern latitudes, so residents of northern regions should think twice before deciding to build a home in this style.

The Mediterranean style in architecture involves the construction of houses that will be cool, even in the hottest weather. It is not pompous, so its exterior contains limestone, marble, ceramics, metal, plaster, in combination with wood.

Mediterranean style home: features

A house or cottage in a Mediterranean style always stands out from the surrounding buildings, thanks to the following characteristic features:

  • the use of tile roofing, which is covered with red, brown or orange tiles;
  • open plan;
  • the presence of a patio, which is a courtyard with a place to relax, filled with tubs with greenhouse plants;
  • large windows, which are typical even for rooms such as a hallway or a Mediterranean-style bathroom;
  • the presence of niches, arched openings, balconies, galleries, open terraces and balconies;

Very often in the courtyard there is a pool or mini-pond with a fountain, which is surrounded by pots with decorative greenery.

Mediterranean style home: 60 ideas

A traditional Greek Mediterranean style home can have flat roof. It is suitable for use as a place to relax in the evening or at night. For exterior decoration, only white plaster and blue paint are used. It is also appropriate to use dark wood in the exterior. It is permissible to use forged decorative items, including original lamps.

Mediterranean-style doors occupy a special place in the exterior of the house. They should be made of wood with visible wrought iron fittings. Their characteristic details include the transom located in the upper part of the window. If you want to give your home a rustic flavor, then use the technique of artificial aging of wood and patination of metal parts.

Mediterranean style apartment: features

Mediterranean style apartment suitable cheerful people who prefer light colors. This design will look perfect if we're talking about about a spacious dwelling, with windows on sunny side. It is desirable that the apartment has minimum quantity partitions.

To create a cozy interior it is used wooden furniture, which should have a rough appearance. In particular, the use of objects with polished surfaces is unacceptable. As for upholstery, options made from light, natural fabrics are suitable. The most characteristic is the striped blue and white pattern.

Mediterranean style in the interior: Options

Most often, two versions of this design are used: Italian and Greek. They are united by the use of natural materials, a slight vintage feel and the absence of any pomp.

Greek variety

The recognition of a Mediterranean interior with a Greek accent is ensured by a color palette that includes white, all shades of blue, emerald, and lemon yellow.

Pink and red colors can be used as bright color accents.

A house or apartment in a Mediterranean style has a design built on contrasts. One of the unusual features is the alternation of light and dark shades. For example, when arranging furniture, it is advisable to maintain contrast. To do this, you can use an unusual technique - paint furniture items of one set in different shades.

A characteristic element is the simplest possible finishing of all surfaces. It is made using natural materials.

Italian variety

Despite the fact that Italian culture was formed on the basis Ancient culture, whose homeland is Ancient Greece, the Greek and Italian design traditions have many differences.

First of all, this concerns color range. The “Italian” palette is brighter. It includes bright yellow, green, brown, gold and olive colors.

The “Apennine” Mediterranean style in the interior has a somewhat vintage connotation, so all surfaces should be rough and rough.

Mosaics, paintings, ceramic tiles and brick inserts are used to decorate the walls. Looks especially authentic on walls decorative plaster stucco, which contains fine marble chips.

Looks perfect in an Italian interior ceramic plates, vases, large bottles and colorful pillows. They give homes a special flavor.

Mediterranean style living room

A Mediterranean-style living room is a chic choice for a spacious private home or cottage. Thanks to the variety of options, both lovers of bright colors and light palettes can choose their own design. Consider the design with an Italian “accent”.

Italian Mediterranean style in the living room interior

Do you want to bring the breath of the south and summer into your home? Then this design option will be a great choice for you.

The Italian interior should be devoid of pomp. When creating it, you should pay attention special attention ensuring the comfort of home owners and guests.

It is ideal if the living room is spacious, with high arched windows allowing a lot of sunlight into the room.

When finishing it, you need to use wood and plaster. It is also possible to simply paint the walls warm shade beige or cream color.

Pay attention! The Italian Mediterranean style in the interior is radically different from the antique or Tuscan style.

The latter is also a variety. However, this is the rustic style of the winegrowers of Tuscany, while the Mediterranean was created by the inhabitants of the Italian province, whose life is connected with the sea.

Mediterranean-style curtains for the living room should be light and airy. Combining them with through shutters, reminiscent of blinds, will help protect the room from the scorching sun.

You can also use Roman blinds in a Mediterranean style. They have a design that allows you to reliably protect the room from prying eyes. The best options are from thick fabric, lined.

Mediterranean style bedroom

The Mediterranean style bedroom is comfortable and inviting good sleep. This design is best suited to spacious rooms with huge windows. As already mentioned, two design options are possible. Let's talk about what a Greek bedroom in a Mediterranean style should look like.

This Mediterranean style in the bedroom interior is created in a light color palette. In order for the eye to have something to “catch onto”, dark wood is used. In particular, furniture is made from it, as well as decorative beams, located on the ceiling. They give the interior a rustic flavor. In addition, the room requires the use of greenery. For example, pots with indoor plants or tubs with dwarf palms and other trees.


A Greek Mediterranean-style bedroom should be furnished with wooden furniture. Forged furniture items are also suitable. For example, a high metal bed with a beautiful backrest would look appropriate.

If selected wooden version, then it should have an artificially aged appearance. Models with intricate carvings or polishing should not be used. All furniture should look as if it was made in a craft workshop.

Another country accent that will help emphasize the Mediterranean style in the interior is the textile design of the bed. It should be as simple as possible.

You should not use fluffy bedspreads or expensive shiny fabrics.

In addition to the bed, you can install a massive chest of drawers for linen in the bedroom. It is better to refuse the dressing table as such. It will be a wonderful addition to the interior large mirror in a massive wooden frame.

Returning to the topic of textiles, we want to tell you what Mediterranean-style curtains should be for a bedroom. Traditionally, in the countries of this region, natural fabrics of light colors are used to sew them. Curtains decorate not only window openings, but also doorways.

Mediterranean style kitchen

Both Greek and Italian housewives, especially in the provinces, cook a lot. In this regard, special traditions of decorating kitchen premises have been formed in these countries.

If we speak in general outline, then such a design requires space. You are unlikely to get a Mediterranean-style kitchen using steam square meters. Although, with a skillful approach, even in a Khrushchev-era building you can create a minimalist interior with a Southern European flavor.

Of course, you can do without modern systems storage will not be possible. It’s just that when choosing them, you should give preference to options with simple wooden facades, without polishing.

The interior should contain a lot of ceramics, including dishes, as well as forged items.

The main element of decor can be an apron, which for the Italian version kitchen design can be finished with mosaics.

Mediterranean style in the bathroom interior

A traditional Mediterranean-style bathroom will look best when decorated in the Greek design tradition. Its white and blue color scheme looks great in the bathroom interior, as it is associated with seaside holidays. The use of large tubs with plants allows you to add a “Mediterranean” feel. Mosaic would also be an excellent decorative option. It can be used to decorate a border or to create a panel on one of the walls.

If your choice is an Italian Mediterranean-style bathroom, then choose terracotta color and various shades of beige and brown. It will be interesting to look at the combination of light natural stone and wood. An unusual solution would be to decorate “stone” walls with wicker wallpaper in the lower part.

Children's room (Mediterranean style)

Do you want your baby to spend time in a room with a bright and comfortable design? Then a children's room for which the Mediterranean style has been chosen in the interior may be suitable for you.

Let’s say right away that if you are not ready to give up using images of Winnie the Pooh, Transformers and other heroes of modern cartoons in decoration. They just don’t fit into the interior of a Mediterranean-style living room.

To decorate it, choose blue finishes for the walls and ceiling. It will look great against her background white furniture. In particular, choose a wooden bed painted white and decorate it with a translucent canopy.

For finishing the floor, a light laminate is suitable, on which you can lay a white-blue striped carpet.

Roman blinds are suitable for window decoration. They reach up to the windowsill, which makes these models practical choice for families where the children are still quite small.

Mediterranean style in the interior of an apartment photo

For the most part, people believe that the Mediterranean style is a marine and romantic decor in architecture, this is true, but only partly. It stood out as an independent destination only in the middle of the last century, when people, fascinated by the beauty of port cities, tried to arrange their own Mediterranean style house. Today this style has undergone significant changes and acquired several branches, as evidenced by numerous photos. designer apartments, Mediterranean-style gardens, kitchens and bathrooms have become especially popular.

Mediterranean style in the interior has several basic elements, other nuances can vary.

What makes Mediterranean decor different?

  • romantic moments - handmade crafts, lace, flounces, capes;
  • light curtains and blinds made of natural materials;
  • color spectrum of different shades green And blue;
  • wicker or wooden furniture with forged elements;
  • embroidery on towels and bed linen;
  • used in large quantities mosaic tiles And stained glass.
  • ethnic images, photos, or plant (fruit) and geometric patterns;
  • large windows and doorways, arches;
  • abundance of green plants;
  • open spaces for storing items – racks, bedside tables without doors, etc.;
  • wooden or tiled floors in orange-reddish tones;
  • You won’t find pathos or clutter in any photo of Mediterranean-style premises; everything is spacious, wide and “breathing.”

The Mediterranean style in the interior developed in different countries coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and therefore it was influenced by their already established culture, adding their characteristic ethnic features to the decor.


  • Greek decor. It is distinguished by vast spaces of rooms, an abundance of arches or openings without doors, cold white blue color palette, low natural wooden furniture, light curtains, etc.
  • Italian motives. Italian style apartment abounds warm colors, the decor has clear detailing, emphasizing every little detail. Photos illustrating this style most often show wicker or wooden furniture in dark tones, decorative plaster, forged elements, natural untreated stone, often rough, barely hewn beams and tiles on the floor.
  • Spanish flavor. The Spanish Mediterranean apartment is distinguished by its decoration with an abundance of natural stone, clay and fabric. Perhaps the reason for this is still the echoes of those times when wood, which was scarce for this country, was quite difficult to get and people “let their souls go” in their design impulses, placing the main emphasis on comfort and simplicity. The only complex element in all the houses was the intricate patterns that were painted on the walls or mosaic tiles. The main palette of the Spanish style is white, blue,

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