Interesting facts from the life of Pythagoras presentation. The most interesting facts about Pythagoras

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« Life of Pythagoras »

Student 7a

School no. 73

Cherkashin Alexey

"Life of Pythagoras"

Student 8m

School no. 32

Nikishin Arthur

Biography of Pythagoras

Pythagorean school

Discoveries of Pythagoras

Pythagoras and music

Samos Island

Biography of Pythagoras

From the shores of the Mediterranean, the cradle of European civilization, since then

ancient times, called the “spring of humanity,” the name has come down to us

Pythagoras is not only the most popular scientist, but also the most mysterious person. It is difficult to restore the true picture of his life and achievements, since there are no written documents left about Pythagoras

Biography of Pythagoras

It is known that Pythagoras was born on the island of Samos, located in the Aegean Sea, in 576 BC. e.

On the advice of Thales, he gained wisdom for 22 years in Egypt.

He did not come to Babylon of his own free will.

During conquests In Egypt he was captured and sold into slavery. For more than 10 years he lived in Babylon, studied ancient culture and scientific achievements in different countries.

Pythagorean school

Returning to his homeland, Pythagoras

organized a circle of youth from

representatives of the aristocracy. IN

circle were received with great

ceremonies after long trials.

Everyone who entered renounced

his property and took an oath

keep the founder's teachings secret.

So in the south of Italy, which was

then a Greek colony arose

Pythagorean school.

Pythagorean school

The Pythagoreans were engaged

mathematics, philosophy,

natural sciences.

They made many important discoveries in arithmetic and geometry.

attributed to Pythagoras.

The star pentagon, or pentagram, is a Pythagorean symbol of health and a secret identification sign

  • Pythagorean moral teachings:
  • Never do what you don't know, but learn everything you want to know.
  • Do not do anything shameful, either in front of others or in secret.
  • Either remain silent or say what is more valuable than silence
  • Before you speak, let the thought ripen under your tongue.
  • Be with the one who lifts the burden, not with the one who dumps the burden
  • Pythagoras taught that you need to start your day with poetry :
  • “Before you get up from the sweet dreams evoked at night, expand your soul: What things has the day prepared for you?”
  • And the day had to end with poetry :
  • “Do not allow lazy sleep to fall on your tired eyes until you answer three questions about the day’s business: What did I do? What didn't you do? So what do I have left to do?

Discoveries of Pythagoras

The basis of the teachings of Pythagoras

lay the idea of ​​number,

as the basis of everything that exists.

"Numbers Rule the World" -

Pythagoras spoke.

Numerical mysticism...

  • “Everything is a number”
  • "Numbers rule the world"
  • “Everything is perfect thanks to the number”
  • All these are the statements of Pythagoras and he believed that all the laws of the world can be expressed through numbers
  • Even and odd numbers Pythagoras introduced it
  • The Pythagoreans deified numbers and geometric figures
  • The number 1 meant fire,

4 - air

The sum of these numbers is 10 the whole world

5 - love

7 - mind, light

Pythagoras and music

It is noteworthy that starting

point in the Pythagorean doctrine of

there was music too. According to legend, he himself

Pythagoras established that pleasant

to the ear, consonances are obtained only in

case when the length of the strings producing

these sounds are treated like integers

first four

The musical octave and scale appeared.

Pythagoras with his students. Illustration from the book “Theory of Music” by Franchino Gafurio. Milan. 1492. Engraving depicts acoustic experiments of Pythagoras on vessels and pipes in the ratios 4: 6: 8: 9: 12: 16

The Pythagorean theorem is one of the main theorems of geometry.

If we are given a triangle

And with a right angle at that,

That is the square of the hypotenuse

We can always easily find:

We square the legs,

We find the sum of powers -

And in such a simple way

We will come to the result.

The truth will remain eternal, as soon as

A weak person will know it!

And now the Pythagorean theorem is true,

Just like in his distant age...

Pythagoras and his school “All things are numbers.” Pythagoras

Mathematics teacher, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School in the village of Dinamovsky, Novoburassky District, Saratov Region"

Kuzmichev Sergey Mikhailovich

Pythagoras Pythagoras of Samos (c. 580 - c. 500 BC) - ancient Greek philosopher, religious and political figure, founder of Pythagoreanism, mathematician. Pythagoras is credited with studying the properties of integers and proportions, proving the Pythagorean theorem, etc. The Pythagorean school

  • The school was founded by Pythagoras and existed until the beginning of the 4th century. BC, although persecution began almost immediately after the death of Pythagoras in 500.
  • Admission to the school took place
  • in several stages
School of Athens. First stage
  • Pythagoras usually sent the candidate back, advising him to wait and come again in three years. This apparently very severe reception was carried out deep meaning- after all, any impulse, even the most beautiful and pure, must pass the test of time.
Second stage
  • During this period, a person was not yet considered a student of the School and was called an acousmatic (“listener”). He listened, absorbed, realized - and all this happened in silence.
  • Pythagoras “prescribed five years of silence for acousmatics, testing their ability to abstain, since silence is the most difficult type of abstinence.”
Third stage
  • Only after many years Such work made the acousmatician become a real Pythagorean student
  • Now he bore the title of mathematician - “cognitive”.
  • In classes taught by Pythagoras himself or his closest students, mathematicians were given a holistic picture of the world, the structure of Nature and man was revealed.
  • The training of mathematicians took place over a long period of time, but this too was only preparation.
Fourth stage
  • Devoting oneself to serving people, society, and everyone who needs help and protection is a natural step for a mature philosopher.
  • And when the mathematics students were ready for this, the choice of those directions and forms in which this service would be carried out took place, and then the final training in the chosen “specialty”.
  • Some studied economics, others studied medicine, etc.
Fifth stage
  • The highest level in the Pythagorean school was considered to be the training of politicians - people capable of managing society.
  • The task is to lead people based on the common good, without being led by either one’s own or others’ interests,
  • Plato later revised and expanded the Pythagorean theory of the state - "Plato's model of the ideal state."
  • Many of Pythagoras' students became famous as legislators and fair guardians of the laws.
  • The years when the Pythagoreans participated in state affairs were prosperous,
It is also known that in addition to the spiritual and moral development of Pythagoras’s students, they were concerned about physical development. Not only did he himself participate in Olympic Games and won fist fights twice, but also raised a galaxy of great Olympians. The scientist devoted about forty years to the school he created and, according to one version, at the age of eighty Pythagoras was killed in a street fight during a popular uprising. After his death, the students surrounded the name of their teacher with many legends. Aphorisms of Pythagoras
  • Do not do anything shameful, either in front of others or in secret. Your first law should be self-respect.
  • To learn the customs of any people, try to first learn their language.
  • If you can be an eagle, do not strive to be the first among the jackdaws.
  • During anger one should neither speak nor act.
  • Life is like games: some come to compete, others come to trade, and the happiest come to watch.
  • No matter how short the words “yes” and “no” are, they still require the most serious consideration.
Wash the insult received not in blood, but in Lethe, the river of oblivion.
  • Wash the insult received not in blood, but in Lethe, the river of oblivion.
  • Drunkenness is an exercise in madness.
  • Ask a drunkard how he could stop drinking. I will answer for him: let him remember more often the things he does while drunk.
  • Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality.
The great science of living happily is to live only in the present
  • The great science of living happily is to live only in the present
  • What is smarter than everyone else? Time is the wisest of all. Keeps the past, and the future - a seed.
  • What is most essential? - The light of hope. It exists where nothing else exists.
  • Don't judge your greatness by your shadow at sunset.
The Pythagoreans made many important discoveries in arithmetic and geometry:
  • sum theorem internal corners triangle;
  • constructing regular polygons and dividing the plane into some of them;
  • geometric methods for solving quadratic equations;
  • dividing numbers into even and odd, simple and composite; introduction of figured, perfect and friendly numbers;
  • the creation of a mathematical theory of music and the doctrine of arithmetic, geometric and harmonic proportions and much more.
Even or odd
  • The Pythagoreans divided all numbers into two categories - even and odd.
  • Later it turned out that the Pythagorean “even - odd”, “right - left” have deep and interesting consequences in quartz crystals, in the structure of viruses and DNA, in Pasteur’s famous experiments, in parity violation of elementary particles and other theories.
Even... Odd...
  • The Pythagoreans believed even numbers female, and odd male. Marriage is five equal to three plus two.
  • For the same reason, they called a right triangle with sides three, four, five “the figure of the bride.”
  • Ten can be expressed as the sum of the first four numbers (1+2+3+4=10), where one is the expression of a point, two is a line and a one-dimensional image, three is a plane and a two-dimensional image, four is a pyramid, that is, a three-dimensional image. Well, why not a four-dimensional Universe? Einstein?
  • The numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 made up the famous "tetrad".
  • Geometrically, the tetrad was depicted as a “perfect triangle”, arithmetically - as a “triangular number” 1+2+3+4 = 10.
  • The Pythagoreans swore "to those who put the tetrad into our soul - the source and root of eternal nature."
Ideal number
  • The sum of the numbers included in the tetrad is equal to ten, which is why ten was considered by the Pythagoreans to be an ideal number and symbolized the Universe.
  • Since ten is the ideal number, they reasoned, there should be exactly ten planets in the sky. It should be noted that at that time only the Sun, Earth and five planets were known.
Justice and equality
  • The Pythagoreans saw justice and equality in the square of a number.
  • Their symbol of constancy was the number nine, since all multiples of nine numbers have the sum of their digits again being nine.
  • 9*2=18 1+8=9; 7*9=63 6+3=9; 11*9=99 9+9=18 1+8=9; 25*9= 225 2+2+5=9.
The number eight symbolized death among the Pythagoreans, since multiples of eight have a decreasing sum of digits.

8*6=48 4+8=12 1+2=3

"Bad numbers"

  • In addition to numbers that evoked admiration and admiration, the Pythagoreans also had so-called bad numbers. These are numbers that did not have any merit, and even worse if such a number was surrounded by “good” numbers.
  • The famous number thirteen is the devil's dozen
  • The number seventeen, which caused particular disgust among the Pythagoreans.
Number of the beast
  • The very concept of “number of the beast” first appears in the Revelations of John the Theologian, which first appeared probably in the 1st century AD.
  • Interestingly, the problem has been known for a long time - already in the 2nd century, Bishop Irenaeus argued that 616 is false, and the true number of the beast is 666.
  • What is the meaning of the “number of the beast”? It is believed that this is the encrypted name of the persecutor of Christians - Emperor Nero. Hebrew spelling “ Nero Kaisar” in total gives just 666, but the Latin “ Nero Caesar” just gives 616.
  • This is a palindrome
  • This is the Smith number, that is, the sum of its digits is equal to the sum of the digits of its prime factors
  • 666 is the sum of the squares of the first seven prime numbers
  • In China, the number 6 is, on the contrary, lucky and on 06/06/06 a record number of marriages were concluded there.
  • The main Pythagorean identification mark was the symbol of health - pentagram or Pythagorean star.
  • The drawn pentagram was secret sign, by which the Pythagoreans recognized each other.
  • In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the pentagram “protects” from “ evil spirits
The famous Pythagorean theorem
  • The Pythagorean theorem is one of the main and, one might say, the most important theorem of geometry. Its significance lies in the fact that most of the theorems of geometry can be deduced from it or with its help. The Pythagorean theorem is also remarkable because in itself it is not at all obvious.

The truth will remain eternal, as soon as

A weak person knows everything!

And now the Pythagorean theorem

True, as in his distant age.

The sacrifice was abundant

To the gods from Pythagoras. A hundred bulls

He gave it up to be slaughtered and burned

For the light of the ray that came from the clouds.

Therefore, always since then:

The truth is just being born,

The bulls roar, sensing her, and follow her.

They are unable to stop the light,

Or they can only close their eyes and tremble...

From the fear that Pythagoras instilled in them.

From the history of the theorem

Pythagorean theorem in China
  • In Ancient China 1100 BC. a visual proof of this theorem was established, contained in the ancient Chinese treatise “Zhou-bi”.
Pythagorean theorem in Egypt
  • 2000 BC The ancient Egyptians knew that a triangle with sides 3, 4, 5 is rectangular and used this ratio to construct right angles when constructing buildings.

Among the Pythagoreans, a method of proving the theorem “without words” was widespread. Listeners were presented with a drawing depicting two equal squares with sides a+b, after which they wrote one word “Look.”

Pythagorean pants are equal in all directions.

  • The Pythagorean theorem has long been widely used in various fields of science, technology and practical life. The Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius, the Greek moralist writer Plutarch, the 5th century mathematician Proclus and others wrote about it in their works.
Application of the Pythagorean theorem today
  • Construction
  • Astronomy
  • Lightning rod
  • Mobile communications
  • Currently on the market mobile communications There is a lot of competition among operators. The more reliable the connection, the larger the coverage area, the more consumers the operator has. When building a tower (antenna), you often have to solve the following problem: what maximum height should the antenna have so that the transmission can be received within a certain radius (for example, radius R = 200 km?, if it is known that the radius of the Earth is 6380 km.) Solution: Let AB= x, BC=R=200 km, OC= r =6380 km. OB = OA + AB OB = r + x Using the Pythagorean theorem, we get the answer. Answer: 2.3 km. Etc.
Multiplication table
  • Do only what will not upset you later and will not force you to repent

"Golden Poems" of Pythagoras

  • Don't neglect the health of your body.
  • Bring him the food and drink and exercise he needs on time.

"Golden Poems" of Pythagoras

"Golden Poems" of Pythagoras

  • Don’t close your eyes when you want to sleep, without having sorted out all your actions of the past day.

"Golden Poems" of Pythagoras

  • Never do what you don’t know, but learn everything you need to know, and then you will lead a quiet life.

this is interesting

“...that Jesus and Pythagoras were natives of almost the same area in Sicily...”

“...their fathers were prophetically informed that sons would be born to them who would be benefactors of mankind...” “...that both were born while their parents were away from home...”

The truth will remain eternal, as soon as a weak person knows everything! And now the Pythagorean theorem is true, as in his distant age. A. Chamisso

About parents. Pythagoras's father, Mnesarchus, was a jeweler. He was rich enough to give his son a good upbringing. Pythagoras's mother's name was Pyphasis. She received this name from her own husband in honor of Pythia. Pythia predicted to Mnesarchus and his wife the birth of a son who would surpass everyone in intelligence and beauty.

Pythagoras was very handsome and from childhood he was distinguished by reason and justice. Pythagoras with early years strives to learn as much as possible. He studied in several temples in Greece. It is generally accepted that he was the first teacher of Pherekydes of Syros and Elder Hermodamant. The first instills in the boy a love of science, the second - to the poetry of Homer.

Pythagoras becomes the champion of one of the first Olympics in fist fighting. It is known that Pythagoras visited many countries and studied with many thinkers of that time. Pythagoras is initiated into the mysteries of Egypt, where he spends more than 20 years. And he lived in Babylon for 12 years, then in Phenicia and Syria. In Egypt, Pythagoras introduced himself to mathematics and created the center of his philosophical system. At first he studies at the school of scribes. He received further education from Egyptian priests. In Babylon he studies eastern religions. Pythagoras coined the word "philosopher". Before him, scientists called themselves sages. Pythagoras calls himself a philosopher.

At the age of approximately 60, Pythagoras marries Theano. They have 3 children (two sons and a daughter), and they all become followers of their father. Pythagoras takes a large part in the political life of Croton. On his initiative, an aristocratic ruling body is created - the “Council of Three Hundred”. Pythagoras himself heads it for about 25 years. Gradually, the “Council of Three Hundred” spreads its influence to neighboring cities. Little is known about the death of Pythagoras. According to surviving data, Pythagoras lived for about 100 years.

Around 530 BC - having returned from his wanderings, in Crotona (Southern Italy) Pythagoras founded a school - the Pythagorean Union. Pythagoras and his followers - the Pythagoreans - formed a secret alliance. They recognized each other by a star-shaped pentagon - a pentagram. The defining thesis of the Pythagorean teaching system is the belief in the INDIVIDUABLE CONNECTION OF NATURE, MAN and SPACE and in the EQUALITY OF ALL PEOPLE IN THE FACE OF ETERNITY AND NATURE. The Pythagoreans led a special way of life, they had their own special daily routine. The Pythagoreans were supposed to start their day with poetry. Pythagoreans study geometry, mathematics, harmony, and astronomy. Pythagoras was one of the first to declare that the Earth is the center of the Universe and has the shape of a ball, and the Sun, Moon and other planets have their own trajectory of movement.

The main achievements of Pythagoras in his school. proved the theorem that now bears his name; introduced a proof into geometry; laid the foundations of the theory of proportions (arithmetic, geometric and harmonic); developed the theory of music and acoustics; expressed a guess about the sphericity of the Earth; through numbers I tried to comprehend: justice, death, constancy, man, woman, etc.

The legend about the death of the great sage. When Milo's house, where the Pythagoreans were gathering, was set on fire, Pythagoras sat thoughtfully in the center of the hall. The great sage did not even think of making even one move towards his salvation. Then the disciples threw themselves into the fire and paved a way through it so that it would follow their bodies, like a bridge, out of the house engulfed in flames. Pythagoras was saved, but at a terrible cost - the cost of the lives of his like-minded people. Left alone, Pythagoras became so sad that he left the city and took his own life there.

Pythagoras' theorem in verse. About the theorem. The truth will remain eternal as soon as a weak person recognizes It! And now the Pythagorean theorem is true, as in his distant age. The sacrifice to the Gods from Pythagoras was abundant. He gave a hundred bulls to be slaughtered and burned for the ray of light that came from the clouds. Therefore, ever since then, As soon as the truth is born, the Bulls roar, sensing it, following it. They are unable to stop the light. And they can only close their eyes and tremble from the fear that Pythagoras instilled in them. About the theorem. If we are given a triangle And, moreover, with a right angle, Then we can always easily find the square of the hypotenuse: We square the legs, Find the sum of the degrees, And in such a simple way We will arrive at the result.

Already during his lifetime he was considered a demigod, a miracle worker and an absolute sage, a kind of Einstein of the 4th century BC. There is no more mysterious great man in history. And no one will distinguish truth from fiction, the story of his life from the legends around his name. And there were enough legends. They talked, for example, about his ability to control spirits, his knowledge of the language of animals, his ability to change the direction of flight of birds, and his ability to heal people.

So all information about the “greatest Hellenic sage,” as Herodotus called him, must be treated with a grain of salt.
According to some authors of ancient times, Pythagoras is credited with the authorship of several books. But no one has ever quoted them. There are no written works left of him either. Only oral traditions brought to us his achievements. Two hundred years had to pass after the death of the thinker for the first sources about his teaching and personality to appear from his followers. So there is no need to talk about impartiality.

About roots

His father, Mnesarchus, was a stonecutter, this is one version, and a wealthy merchant who received citizenship in Samos for his exploits. He distributed bread in times of famine - this is the second. The first version, according to sources, is more preferable.
And Parthenida, his mother, was a native of the noble family of Ancaeus.

It is said that his fate was predicted before he was born. Pythia, a local fortuneteller, told the future father that his son would be a Great Man, and that no one else after him would bring so much good to people. Mnesarchus was so happy that he began to call her by a new name, Pyphaida, and his son, born in 570 BC. BC, was named by Pythagoras, “the one who was announced by the Pythia.”

By the way, there is another version of the appearance of this name. Moreover, they say that this is a nickname, and he received it for his ability to speak the truth. On behalf of the priestess-soothsayer from the temple of Apollo Pythia. And its meaning is “persuasive by speech.”
The name of his first teacher is known. It was Hermodamas. This man, who instilled in the student a love of painting and music, introduced him to the Iliad and Odyssey.

When he was eighteen years old, he left his native island. After several years spent traveling and meeting with sages from different lands, he arrived in Egypt. His plans include studying with priests and comprehending ancient wisdom. Helps him with this letter of recommendation tyrant of Samos Polycrates to Pharaoh Amasis. Now he has access to something that many foreigners cannot even dream of: not only mathematics and medicine, but also the sacraments.

Pythagoras spent 22 years here. And he left the country as a prisoner of the king of Persia, Cambyses, who conquered Egypt in 525 BC. The next 12 years were spent in Babylon.

He was able to return to his native Samos only at 56, and was recognized by his compatriots as the wisest of people. He also had followers here. Many are attracted by mystical philosophy, healthy asceticism and strict morality.
However, anti-Pythagorean sentiments are also growing. During one of the rebellions, according to Porphyry, Pythagoras died. According to one version, the most likely, he was 80, according to another - 90.

Anyone who went to school knows the name of Pythagoras, thanks to the great theorem. This is his most famous achievement. It is believed that the world learned about it from the testimony of Apollodorus the Calculator, a person with an unknown identity, and poems by an unknown author.

There are many legends around the “Pythagorean pants”. According to one of them, the theorem became his victory in a dispute with one unknown. He received a scroll with it with the parting word that whoever owns this scroll will become famous for millennia. According to another, the thinker did not prove the theorem, he only transferred knowledge to the Greeks. According to the third, it is his discovery that the whole world uses. According to the fourth, he stole the famous formula from the Chaldean priests in Babylon

Pythagoras mug. Quite a clever invention. It is not possible to fill it to the brim, because the entire contents of the mug will immediately leak out. There should be liquid in it only up to a certain level. In appearance regular mug, what distinguishes it from others is the column in the center. It was called the “greed circle.” Even today in Greece it is in deserved demand. And for those who do not know how to limit their alcohol consumption, it is even recommended.

Oratorical talent. No one questions it in Pythagoras. He was a great speaker. It is known for certain that after his very first public lecture, he had two thousand students. Entire families, imbued with the ideas of their teacher, were ready to begin new life. Their Pythagorean community became a kind of state within a state. All the rules and laws developed by the Teacher were in force in their Magna Graecia. Property here was collective, even scientific discoveries, which, by the way, were attributed exclusively to Pythagoras, belonged to his personal merits even when the teacher was no longer alive.

They all became vegetarians, who were forbidden to eat meat or bring sacrificial animals to the gods. Eating food of animal origin is the same as engaging in cannibalism. History has even preserved funny practices in this almost religious order. For example, they did not allow swallows to build nests under the roofs of their houses, or could not touch the white rooster, or eat beans. There is another version according to which the restriction applied only to certain types of meat.

Family. Wife with son and daughter. There are no discrepancies regarding the name of the wife (Feano). But as for the children... The first version says that the son’s name was Telavg, and the daughter’s name was Mnya, the other version was Arimnest and Arignota, respectively.

  • Pythagoras is the author of the lever.
  • The name of the “father” of democracy has long been known. This is Plato. But he based his teaching on the ideas of Pythagoras, one might say, his grandfather.
  • He participated in the Olympic Games and even emerged victorious in a fist fight.
  • According to Pythagoras, everything in the world is reflected in numbers. His favorite number was 10.
  • None of the early evidence mentions the merits of Pythagoras as the greatest cosmologist and mathematician of antiquity. And he is considered as such today.
  • They say that it was he who came up with the conclusion that the Earth is actually round.
  • Two hundred years passed from the death of the great sage before the first documents appeared mentioning this great man. A variety of, even incredible, things are reported about him. True facts are almost impossible to separate from legends. No one will say whether he is really a demigod and a miracle worker and a perfect sage, or whether rumor made him that way.

Pythagoras of Samos The work was carried out by Olga Parshina, a 10th grade student from the Solonets Secondary School.

Pythagoras is an ancient Greek idealist philosopher, mathematician, founder of Pythagoreanism, political and religious figure. His homeland was the island of Samos (hence the nickname - Samos), where he was born around 580 BC. e. His father was a carver precious stones. According to ancient sources, Pythagoras was distinguished by amazing beauty from birth; when he became an adult, he wore a long beard and a diadem of gold. His talent also showed itself at an early age

Pythagoras's education was very good; the young man was taught by many mentors, among whom were Pherecydes of Syros and Hermodamant. The next place where Pythagoras improved his knowledge was Miletus, where he met Thales, a scientist who advised him to go to Egypt. Pythagoras had with him a letter of recommendation from the pharaoh himself, but the priests shared with him the secrets only after successfully passing difficult tests. Among the sciences that he mastered well in Egypt was mathematics. For the next 12 years he lived in Babylon, where the priests also shared their knowledge with him. According to legends, Pythagoras visited India

In Crotona, Pythagoras organized his own school, which was also political structure, and a religious monastic order with its own charter and very strict rules. In particular, all members of the Pythagorean Union were not supposed to eat meat, reveal the teachings of their mentor to others, and refused to have personal property. The wave of democratic uprisings that swept through Greece and the colonies at that time also reached Croton. After the victory of democracy, Pythagoras and his students moved to Tarentum, and later to Metapontum. When they arrived at Metapontum, it was raging popular uprising, and in one of the night battles Pythagoras died. Then he was a very old man, he was almost 90. Along with him, his school ceased to exist, the students were dispersed throughout the country

Since Pythagoras considered his teaching a secret and practiced only oral transmission to his students, no collected works remained after him. Some information did become clear, but it is incredibly difficult to distinguish between truth and fiction. A number of historians doubt that the famous Pythagorean theorem was proven by him, arguing that it was known to other ancient peoples

The name of Pythagoras has always been surrounded a large number legends even during his lifetime. It was believed that he could control spirits, knew how to prophesy, knew the language of animals, communicated with them, birds, under the influence of his speeches, could change their flight vector. Legends attributed to Pythagoras the ability to heal people, including with the help of excellent knowledge medicinal plants. His influence on those around him was difficult to overestimate. They tell the following episode from the biography of Pythagoras: when one day he became angry with a student, he committed suicide out of grief. Since then, the philosopher has made it a rule never to take out his irritation on people again. In addition to proving the Pythagorean theorem, this mathematician is credited with a detailed study of integers, proportions and their properties. The Pythagoreans owe significant credit for giving geometry the character of a science. Pythagoras was one of the first who was convinced that the Earth is a ball and the center of the Universe, that the planets, the Moon, the Sun move in a special way, not like stars. To a certain extent, the ideas of the Pythagoreans about the movement of the Earth became the forerunner of the heliocentric teaching of N. Copernicus

Major Achievements of Pythagoras As a religious innovator, Pythagoras created secret society, the purpose of which was to cleanse the soul and body. Pythagoras believed that after death a person’s soul moves into other living beings until it atones for sins and returns to heaven. The teachings of Pythagoras contributed to the development of physics, mathematics, geography, and astronomy. Modern researchers consider Pythagoras an outstanding ancient cosmologist and mathematician, although ancient authors do not confirm this. Perhaps the most famous achievement of Pythagoras is the theorem according to which the square of the hypotenuse right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the legs. According to some ancient authors, Pythagoras wrote a number of books. However, no citations were found from them.

He was the first to give a name to his line of work. The word “philosopher”, like the word “cosmos”, came to us from Pythagoras. There is a lot of space in his philosophy. He argued that to understand God, man and nature, one must study algebra with geometry, music and astronomy. By the way, it is the Pythagorean system of knowledge that is called “mathematics” in Greek. As for the notorious triangle with its hypotenuse and legs, this, according to the great Greek, is more than a geometric figure. This is the “key” to all encrypted phenomena of our life. Everything in nature, said Pythagoras, is divided into three parts. Therefore, before solving any problem, it must be represented in the form of a triangular diagram. "See the triangle - and the problem is two-thirds solved

Pythagoras did not leave behind a collection of works; he kept his teachings secret and passed them on to his students orally. As a result, the secret died with them. Some information still leaked through the centuries, but now it is difficult to say how much of it is true and how much is false. Even with the Pythagorean theorem, not everything is certain. Some historians doubt the authorship of Pythagoras, arguing that it was widely used in the household by a variety of ancient peoples

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