Yoshta planting and care. Yoshta - what is it and photo of the berry crop

Yoshta is a berry obtained by crossing gooseberries and black currants. This hybrid, created by man, turned out to be quite powerful, frost-resistant and resistant to negative influence various pests, including kidney mites. The plant is not susceptible to powdery mildew and other serious diseases. Yoshta bushes grow very quickly. At the same time, the length of their shoots reaches a height of about one and a half meters, and, unlike gooseberries, there are no thorns on them.

Each brush of yoshta consists of fairly large flowers in the amount of 4-5 pieces.

The berries are several times larger than black currants, although they are very similar in appearance. One berry weighs approximately 3-5 g. The fruits have smooth and dense skin. Even after ripening, they do not fall to the ground, but continue to hang on the bush. The taste of yoshta berries is sweet and sour, reminiscent of both currants and gooseberries. Life expectancy of a shrub proper care is 20-30 years.

Features of cultivation

A hybrid of currants and gooseberries, Yoshta, can be planted both in spring and autumn. If planting is carried out in the spring, the seedlings take root well. At the same time, the first fruits can be obtained already at next year. When planting yoshta in early autumn, fruiting can also be expected next year, but only if the seedling has time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

The area chosen for planting should be well lit by the sun. It should first be dug up and added to the soil:

  • lime (approximately 400g/m2);
  • manure or rotted compost (1-2 buckets);
  • potassium sulfate and superphosphate (100 g each).

Yoshta lands in rows. The distance between seedlings should be at least 2 meters, and the gap between shrubs in a row should be 1-1.5 m. The depth of the hole should correspond to the root system of the seedling. Before planting, a so-called mash is made in the hole, consisting of fertile soil and water. Do not lower the seedling and use uniform movements to wrap the mash around its roots. After this, the hole is filled with earth, watered and compacted a little.

Advice: In order to ensure high yield of yoshta, you should not plant black currants or gooseberries near it. This ensures high-quality pollination.

How to care for a yoshta?

Growing yoshta requires mandatory mulching of the soil. This operation helps create optimal humidity, which is very important for this plant. In this case, you will not have to loosen the soil after each watering of the plants. The technology for pruning yoshta is almost the same as for black currants. But since yoshta has longer and more powerful shoots, there are some differences: overgrown branches need to be shortened, transferring them to a weaker branch that is located higher. If you do not prune the yoshta in the spring, the shoots may fall to the ground under heavy load, which will negatively affect the quality of the harvest.

In order to improve taste qualities yoshta berries, special feeding should be done annually. The first is done in early June. It includes the addition of organic matter (4-6 kg/m2) and superphosphate (30 g/m2). During the second fertilizing, which is carried out in the fall, calcium sulfate (20 g/m2) is added to the soil. An alternative to mineral fertilizers is: in summer - bird droppings or mullein diluted with water (1:10), in autumn - wood ash (0.5 l/m2).

Reproduction methods

Exists different ways propagation of yoshta: using cuttings, layering, dividing the bush, as well as sowing seeds. If you need to replant an old bush, the method of dividing the bush is used. The division of the bush into parts is carried out in such a way that each contains a developed root system and has at least two shoots. This method is quite effective, but very labor-intensive. Fruiting can be expected in the second year.

Propagating yoshta by cuttings can speed up the production of seedlings. Cuttings approximately 10-15 cm in length are cut from the upper branches of the bush three times during the summer. All leaves, except for the top few, are removed. So that the plant can take root faster, one small longitudinal cut is made at the top of each bud, and two or three at the bottom. The cuttings are washed clean water and planted in greenhouses, having previously covered the soil with a ten-centimeter layer of fine sand. Plants are planted tightly and at an angle (45°). Planted cuttings need to be watered regularly. They take root approximately two weeks after planting, and a fibrous layer is formed. root system.

For propagation using horizontal or arcuate layering, the presence of one-year-old shoots or two-year-old branches is required. The soil near the plant must first be dug up and leveled. Next, the shoots are tilted and sprinkled in pre-made grooves. After the length of the young shoots reaches 15 cm, they are sprinkled with fertile soil or humus. Agronomists recommend separating and replanting cuttings in the spring.

What variety should I plant on a plot in the Moscow region?

Yoshta looks very beautiful and with her appearance is capable of decorating any backyard or country cottage area. Since planting and caring for it is simple, many amateur agronomists prefer it to currants and gooseberries. To date, not many hybrids of this plant have been bred, and everyone chooses for themselves the variety of yoshta whose fruits they like best.

Among the varieties of yoshta for the Moscow region, the following can be particularly highlighted:

  • EMB. Its homeland is England. Wide bushes reach approximately two meters both in length and width. The taste and color of the berries are more similar to gooseberries than to currants. The shrub is resistant to the harmful effects of various diseases and insects;
  • Yohini. A fairly tall plant (height is about 2 m) with very sweet berries, which taste very different from both currants and gooseberries;
  • Crown. Developed by Swedish scientists. A straight shrub with shoots 1.5 m long. Each branch can have several brushes containing 5-6 fruits. Very often used as a hedge, as well as for landscaping areas;
  • Rext. Bred by Russian breeders. It has excellent taste and high density of berries. Often used for landscaping areas. If the shrub is grown for the purpose of obtaining a harvest of berries, then only thinning is done.

New varieties

IN Lately Yoshta columnar is becoming very popular. This plant is small and compact. Its height is up to 2 m. The berries ripen in July. They are quite large and very tasty. The plant requires constant support of soil moisture. With proper care and cultivation of yoshta, you can get a fairly high yield - up to 10 kg from one bush. In addition to being consumed raw, it is also used to make juices and jams.

Many people prefer to grow Yoshta Moro on their plots. The shrub can reach a height of 2.5 m. The berries are dark, almost black, quite large - the size of a cherry. They have a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant nutmeg aroma. Bushes of the Yoshta Kay Royal variety are spreading and powerful. The length of the shoots can be 1.5 m. Large berries have a dark brown color and a sweet, slightly sour taste. From one bush you can collect 8-10 kg of fruit.

Beneficial features

  1. Vitamin C, contained in huge quantities in yoshta, has a beneficial effect on human immunity. Therefore, doctors recommend eating berries for the prevention and treatment of various colds.
  2. It increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so it is recommended to use it in the treatment of anemia.
  3. Helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended for diarrhea, constipation and other types of stomach disorders.
  4. Doctors advise hypertensive patients to eat yoshta berries, first mixing them with honey.
  5. Phytoncides, which are part of the fruit, help not only in the fight against colds, but also relieve various inflammatory processes in the body, and also destroy microbial infections.
  6. The beneficial properties of yoshta also lie in its rich mineral composition. For example, the presence of vitamin P, as well as berry anthocyanins, help improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.
  7. Since the berry contains a small amount of sugar, it is useful for people suffering from diabetes.
  8. Very often, yoshta fruits are introduced into the diet of people who suffer from obesity or are simply trying to bring their figure back to normal. After all, the berry helps speed up metabolic processes, and also burns fat reserves.
  9. When consuming yoshta, the excretory system is stimulated, as a result of which toxins and radionuclides are removed from the body.

Tip: Yoshta fruits can be stored for a long time if frozen in freezer or dry in a special electric dryer. At the same time, all its beneficial substances are preserved.

However, there are some contraindications. People who are allergic to vitamin C, as well as those diagnosed with a tendency to form blood clots, should not consume this berry. Experts also recommend avoiding consuming yoshta for diseases such as ulcers and colitis, as well as if the body reacts negatively to eating black currants or gooseberries. Lovers of these delicious and useful fruits measures must also be taken to eliminate the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

You can find out interesting information about how to properly care for yoshta by watching the video:

Almost every personal plot there are bushes of various berries. Most often, gardeners grow black and red currants, gooseberries and raspberries. Modern breeders have managed to grow other types of berries by crossing familiar berry crops. This is how new hybrids with unique taste qualities appear. Many of them are resistant to diseases and pests.

Surely many of us have heard about such a berry as yoshta, but not everyone knows about its features and how to grow it. It will be interesting for many beginning gardeners to know about it.

What is yoshta? Photos of berries

All berries are good in their own way, they have their own taste and aroma. For its taste and healing properties Black currants are highly valued. Its only drawback is poor resistance to diseases and pests. For this purpose, breeders have developed a new hybrid, crossing black currant and gooseberry. The result was an unusual berry called yoshta. This berry comes from gooseberries and black currants. best qualities, but it cannot be called ideal in all respects.

For for long years There were attempts to create this hybrid, but the results were unsuccessful. The yoshta bush did not produce berries; the plant was sterile. Only with the advent of new technologies did scientists succeed in the 70s. They tried to grow the hybrid in different countries, so the berries on the fruiting bushes were different appearance and taste.

In addition to its pleasant taste, the plant also has no less nice view, for which many gardeners began to use it as an element landscape design. Leaves perennial shrub have a very attractive appearance. They large and delicate, and the branches do not have thorns, unlike gooseberries. An adult bush can reach 2 meters or more in height. It has 15-20 large branches of different ages. The root system goes into the soil to a depth of approximately 30-40 cm from the soil surface.

In spring, the bush is covered with golden flowers, which very quickly turn into green berries. The taste of the berry is reminiscent of gooseberries and black currants at the same time - pleasantly sweet and sour. As you can see in the photo, the berries are large, almost the size of cherries. They are black in color with a purple tint.

Growing yoshta

Proper planting and care ensure the future productivity of yoshta. This berry takes root very well on light loamy fertile soils. It is better to plant shrubs in sunny areas without strong wind. It is advisable to plant yoshta shrubs nearby, then the yields will be higher. The planting hole should be approximately 50x50x50 cm.

Yoshta care is easy, it can’t even be grown experienced gardeners. The plant needs regular and frequent watering. On hot sunny days it needs to be watered abundantly. It responds well to fertilizing, so 2-3 times a year it is necessary to apply yoshta under the bushes mineral fertilizers. It is very good in the spring to pour several glasses of wood ash under each bush.

Shrubs do not need traditional pruning. Dry and damaged branches should be removed as necessary. The plant practically does not get sick, yoshta is not afraid of pests and is resistant to diseases. Due to the fact that the unpretentious plant yoshtu is often planted instead of a hedge, the bushes grow quickly and without problems, and also give tasty and healthy fruits. Yoshta is considered a young crop, so other varieties have not yet been bred.

Planting and care

Yoshta is usually planted in late spring or early autumn. For getting good harvest shrubs should be planted at a certain distance approximately 2 meters apart. Over time they will grow, so there must be enough space for the bushes to develop normally. If you use yoshta as a hedge, then you can plant shrubs at intervals of half a meter.

Before planting, you need to prepare the area. It must be dug up and fertilized with components containing increased content potassium Yoshta responds well to potash fertilizers. The place should be well lit with loose soil. Caring for the crop is the same as for black currants. The differences between them are as follows:

  • Yoshta needs a large planting area:
  • it requires the application of more different fertilizers;
  • It is advisable to mulch the soil under the bushes.

Mulch promotes good nutrient and water conditions in the soil. It also gives positive results in weed control. With mulch, there is no need to frequently loosen the soil where shrubs grow. Most gardeners use compost:

  • humus,
  • prepared compost from your own site;
  • small herbaceous plants;
  • small shoots and stepsons from grapes.

Yoshta needs the most feeding in the first three years - at least 6 kg. Then it is advisable to increase the amount of mineral fertilizers by 2 times.

The hybrid can reproduce in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

The first method is quite complicated, since it is necessary to select seeds and stratify them for 200 days. The storage temperature should be +5 o C. After this, the pulp is removed and in the autumn season the seeds can be planted on the site.

Propagation by cuttings- the most common method of propagation for most gardeners. They have been successfully using it for a long time to propagate many berry crops.

The large composition of vitamins and other useful substances in yoshta helps strengthen the immune system. These berries contain even more vitamins than gooseberries or currants. They are great for use in fresh and for winter harvesting. They also make it from yoshta delicious jam, wine, because the berries have muscat notes and the wine turns out to be very aromatic.

This berry crop can be grown in any garden plot, because it is unpretentious in care. Useful and beautiful bush can be used for two purposes at once - for obtaining a berry harvest and for landscaping.

Growing yoshta (Jostaberen) began to gain popularity in the 80s of the last century - after the first harvests were obtained from these hybrid shrubs. Gardeners are attracted to the yoshta shrub, first of all, by the absence of thorns on the branches and the uneven ripening of the berries - thanks to this, the crop can remain on the clusters for a long time without rotting. How to plant yoshta and how to care for this crop - read below.

Yoshta - what is it?

Before moving on to tips for growing these shrubs, you need to tell us what it is - yoshta, and why this crop is valuable. Despite its rare name, this plant is beginning to firmly occupy its corresponding position in many garden plots.

Yoshta is an interspecific hybrid and. Experiments on crossing these crops lasted over 100 years. But they did not produce results; the plants bloomed, but did not bear fruit. And only in the 70s. of the last century, the German breeder R. Bauer obtained the first fruit-bearing hybrid. The name of this hybrid, joshta, included two letters from the German name for currant and three letters from the name of gooseberry, resulting in Iosta. Another German breeder, H. Murawski, developed three more currant-gooseberry hybrids: Moro, Johne and Yochemina. And then similar hybrids were obtained by breeders from other countries and Russia. All new hybrids obtained differ in the size of the bush, the shape of the leaves, the size and taste of the berries and, of course, the yield. Gardeners should look for foreign varieties Fertoli, Titania and Triton, Rudkis, Odzhebin, Chernaya Silvergitersa and the domestic hybrid T.S. Zvyagintseva.

According to the description, yoshta is similar to both gooseberries and black currants, but has a number of differences. This is a spreading, powerful bush with 1.5-meter thornless shoots, which is why it differs from gooseberries. Compared to black currants, yoshta branches and fruits are more durable. The yoshta shrub produces few root shoots, so it does not require heavy pruning. Root shoots also do not form. The plant is frost-resistant and practically does not freeze. And its most important advantage is its resistance to the main diseases of the parent pair - blackcurrant and gooseberry.

Look at the photo of Yoshta: The leaves of this plant are dark green in color, but lack a currant aroma. The flowers are large and bright with a slight scent, partially self-fertile. But they respond well to pollination by insects. To improve pollination and berry set, plant currants and gooseberries in a row. The fruiting clusters are short, containing only 3-5 berries, and ripening is not simultaneous. The attachment of the berries to the stalk is strong.

Yoshta berries are black with a purple tinge, have a strong skin, and also vary in size even within the same cluster; some can be the size of a cherry. At the beginning of ripening they are hard, crispy, and when fully ripe they are juicy, sweet and sour, with a pleasant nutmeg aroma. The berries are rich in vitamins C, P and anthocyanins, and they contain 4 times more vitamin C than black currant berries. Yoshta fruits have medicinal properties- they are used for gastrointestinal diseases, they improve blood circulation and promote the removal of radioactive substances and heavy metals from the body.

Yoshta begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting on permanent place. Yoshta bears fruit annually. Productivity is high already 3-4 years after planting.

Planting and caring for the yoshta bush

Planting yoshta in a garden in the southern region can be done in early autumn, from the end of August to the end of October. Spring planting succeeds much worse due to the fact that in the spring positive high temperatures and a dry period sets in. Choose an open place, well lit by the sun. The soil must be fertile and fairly loose. When planting, autumn-type fertilizers with a high potassium content are applied; Yoshta is a potassium-loving crop. The depth of the planting hole is 60 x 40 cm. When planting, the distance between rows is 1.5-2 m, in a row - 1.2-1.5 m.

Planting and caring for yoshta is not much different from growing black currants. The difference is in the larger feeding area; when planting, large planting holes are made, large quantity organic and mineral fertilizers. The soil under the bushes should be mulched. This creates a favorable nutritional and water regime in the soil, prevents the spread of weeds, and eliminates frequent loosening and weeding. As compost, you can use humus, home-made compost, finely chopped crop residues from healthy vegetable and flower crops, small herbaceous cuttings of shoots and grape shoots, etc.

In the first three years, when growing and caring for yoshta, up to 6 kg of humus or compost and 50 g of complete autumn fertilizer, for example Fertik, which also includes microelements, are added annually. In the fourth and subsequent years, not only do they continue to apply compost or organic fertilizers in the same quantities, but they double the dose of mineral fertilizers. During the growing season, fertilizing is carried out in the same way as currants, but fertilizers are used labeled “Spring”.

Yoshta can be grown both in bush and standard culture. In addition, some gardeners use yoshta as a standard rootstock for currants and gooseberries.

Watch the video of planting yoshta to better understand the agricultural technology of this process:

How to plant yoshta seeds

Yoshta is easily propagated by woody and green cuttings, layering and seeds. It has high survival rate and endurance. The author does not recommend purchasing yoshta seedlings from market traders; there is a high probability of purchasing a golden currant seedling, but not a yoshta. It’s easier to grow seedlings yourself using the methods suggested below.

When propagating by seed, the harvested seeds must be stratified for at least 180-200 days in a basement at a temperature of +5 °C, mixing them with washed river sand in a ratio of 1:3. The seeds, washed after separation from the pulp, are placed for stratification immediately after collection - in July. Sowing was carried out in the fall in October, when the soil temperature dropped to 10 °C. In winter, it is advisable to mulch the crops. In the spring, light loosening was carried out. Shoots appear in mid-April. Regular watering, fertilizing with small doses of water-soluble fertilizers, and weeding contribute to the normal growth and development of seedlings by September. You can grow it for another year and plant it with two-year-old seedlings.

But the gardener should take into account that it may happen that during seed propagation, not all seedlings inherit the maternal qualities, since splitting occurs. By selecting from their composition similar in characteristics to mother plant you can even get absolutely new variety. We must remember that seedlings obtained by seed propagation, begin to bear fruit late - in the 4th-5th year.

Reproduction of yoshta shrubs by cuttings

The technology for propagating yoshta by cuttings has been worked out by many gardeners and is successfully used. In June, a 10-15-centimeter green shoot is selected, broken off with the “heel” and lowered into boiled, cooled water to restore turgor for about 1 hour. Then two or three are removed bottom sheets, the next 3-4 sheets are removed in half. The lower part of the green cutting is treated with root powder and planted in a loose substrate under a film or in plastic bottle. The planted cuttings are placed in diffused but bright light; overheating is not allowed. Conditions of artificial fog are created until the cutting begins to unfurl new leaves. From this it follows that the process of root formation was successful. Then the cover is removed and gradual adaptation to the conditions occurs. environment and growing is carried out until the moment of digging for autumn planting.

Lignified cuttings are harvested in the fall. Planting is done in well-cultivated loose soil, free from weeds. Cuttings are taken from long shoots, cutting out two or three of them at least 20 cm long. Autumn-type fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium are applied before planting. The lower part of the cuttings being planted is dipped in clay mash with root-formers. The cuttings are planted obliquely at an angle of at least 45°, the top bud is left above the ground. Plantings are watered abundantly, with the onset of cold weather they are hilled up and mulched with compost. Spring care similar to caring for blackcurrant cuttings. The main task of the gardener is to provide optimal humidity and nutrition for successful rooting.

Pruning and harvesting yoshta

Considering the direct relationship of yoshta with black currant, the basic principles of pruning are determined, identical to the parent plant. But there are also some features, which consist in the more powerful growth of long shoots in yoshta. Therefore, more attention is paid to shortening overgrown branches and transferring them to a weaker branch located above. If you do not prune the yoshta, the shoots, when heavily loaded with the crop, will bend or lie completely on the ground, and the quality of the harvest will be lost.

Full ripening of yoshta berries occurs within 2-3 weeks. The non-simultaneous ripening of berries collected in small clusters gives the gardener an advantage when harvesting yoshta - it can stay on the bush for a long time without spoiling, shedding, or rotting during heavy rainfall. Full biological maturity of the berries occurs in the second half of July. Yoshta berries are stored well in a household refrigerator for two to three weeks, and when quick freezing- until the new harvest.

Yoshta is still an unknown crop for most gardeners. About how to plant correctly, how to care for open ground How to propagate shrubs, what diseases and pests you may encounter will be discussed in the article. Viewing the corresponding photographs will help you get to know the plant better.

Thanks to its unusual taste and unpretentiousness, yoshta is confidently gaining popularity among lovers. Its fruits are consumed raw and also stored for the winter. The high content of the well-known vitamin C makes it possible to classify the consumption of berries as therapeutic and preventive measures during colds.

How to plant yoshta on the site

This interesting berry plant has inherited the best qualities from its “parents”, so growing it on the plot is quite simple. The main thing is to adhere to some rules:

  • The planting site should be planned in an open and well-lit area. Since the bushes are quite powerful, they are not afraid of wind and drafts. Be sure to allocate a free zone around each bush - they grow greatly with age. Yoshta seedlings should be distributed at intervals of 1.5 m.

Advice. Grow quickly if necessary hedge You can easily use Yoshta. To do this, young plants are planted strictly in a row at a short distance from each other.

  • Loams are the most preferable soil for yoshta. Sandy and peat soils are less suitable.
  • You can plant seedlings in a permanent place either in early spring or early autumn. If this schedule is followed, a very large percentage of rooted plants are observed.

Blooming yoshta

The landing process itself looks like this:

  1. Prepare holes for planting. If planting is planned in the spring, then this is done in October-November previous year, and in the case autumn version- a month before landing. The size of the hole for each plant should be at least 50x50 cm. The depth is the same. There must be drainage at the bottom, and garden soil mixed with 1 tbsp. ash and superphosphate.
  2. When the time for planting comes, the soil in the hole is loosened with a shovel or garden fork.
  3. The seedling is placed in the center of the hole.
  4. Sprinkle the roots with fertile soil. Lightly compact.
  5. The planting is well watered.
  6. The trunk hole is mulched with suitable material.
  7. The top of the shoot is cut off, leaving 2-3 buds below.

Advice. According to experienced gardeners, in order to increase the yield of yoshta, it is advisable to plant one of the “parents” nearby - gooseberries or black currants.

How to care for yoshta and what diseases and pests you may encounter

Caring for yoshta is practically no different from caring for other berry plants and consists of the following elements:

  • feeding;
  • mulching;
  • glaze;
  • trimmings.

For getting high yield The bush needs to be fed annually. It is known that yoshta “loves” potassium very much, so mineral fertilizers must contain this element. For the first 3 years, 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate per bush are used for feeding. In subsequent years, the amount of potassium-containing fertilizer is increased to 25 g.

It is good to use organic matter, such as humus or compost, as mulch for yoshta. Such material will protect the soil from drying out and at the same time serve as a fertilizer. Up to 20 kg of substance is added to each bush.

Watering is an important element of caring for a berry garden, since yoshta is quite moisture-loving. It should not be frequent, but plentiful.

Advice. In order to thoroughly moisten the soil and not damage the roots located close to the surface, a circular groove is dug at a distance of half a meter from the base of the crown, into which water is then poured.

Yoshta pruning is carried out in early spring for sanitary purposes. At the same time, dried and broken branches are removed. The shrub does not need to be formed, however, at 7-8 years of age, the old shoots are shortened, leaving no more than 6 buds on each. In this way the berry plant is rejuvenated.

Among the diseases that damage yoshta, we can note various diseases caused by fungi: powdery mildew, rust, anthracosis. If they are detected, the plant should be immediately treated with a fungicidal preparation.

Pests also don’t mind feeding on some parts of the plant. These are the gray bud weevil, which eats young buds, the sawfly beetle, which completely gnaws off the green part of the leaf, and the bud mite, which settles in unopened buds and does not allow them to develop properly. These insects need to be controlled with the help of special preparations.

How to propagate a berry bush yourself

You can propagate yoshta on the site yourself using three methods:

  • by dropping layerings;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

The latter method is used only in case of very strong growth of the bush. The most simple method Reproduction is considered to be through horizontal layering. Best time early spring is the time to start working on this.

  • Choose strong shoots from last year.
  • According to their number, shallow grooves are dug in the direction from the bush.
  • The shoots are placed in them, pinned and sprinkled with earth.
  • When the shoots that have developed from each bud grow, they are hilled up.
  • Young plants should be planted next spring.

Using the cutting method, you can obtain the desired number of new plants. It's quite easy to master.

  • From young shoots, sections with 5-6 buds are cut.
  • The upper cut is made oblique and above the kidney, and the lower cut is straight and under the kidney.

Attention! Yoshta cuttings should be planted on the day they are harvested. Dried branches may not germinate.

  • The cuttings are planted in well-loose soil at a slope of 45°, with only 2 buds remaining above ground level.
  • The soil around the planting is well compressed.
  • The cuttings are watered and mulched abundantly.
  • You can replant rooted plants to a permanent place for the next season.

Due to the content of an incredible amount of useful substances, yoshta fruits can not only diversify the fruit diet, but also maintain health. With all this, to grow such a tasty and useful product on own plot not difficult at all. By adhering to simple rules for caring for the plant, you can annually harvest a wonderful harvest of “currant-gooseberry” berries.

Growing yoshta: video

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