How to make a reflector for an LED yourself. Diffuser and profile for LED strip

The flow of light created by the lamp can be changed: make it softer, simulate uniform illumination. This function is performed by the diffuser. To make a diffuser for LEDs, plexiglass and some other polymer materials are used.

Since the LED emits a fairly pure and narrowly focused light, it is not entirely comfortable to look at. To correct this situation, a diffuser is simply necessary. In addition, sanitary standards and rules require the use of a light diffuser, making an exception only for street lighting fixtures and for illuminating architectural structures.

In more detail, the diffuser should:

  • protect the LED from the external environment;
  • ensure correct light distribution that is most comfortable for the eyes;
  • be durable and resistant to chemical attack;
  • be durable;
  • have certain aesthetic properties.

As you already understand, you cannot simply replace a fluorescent lamp with an LED. Along with installing a new light source, you need to use a diffuser, then you will get a modernized, economical and eye-friendly lamp.

Features of materials

Modern materials, such as polycarbonate, PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate, in particular acrylic glass), polystyrene, are an alternative to conventional silicone glass and are successfully used for devices in which the light source is an LED. They are represented on the market by many European and Eastern brands, giving us the opportunity to choose.

Polycarbonate withstands very high temperatures and is less fire hazardous than acrylic glass. In addition, it is not afraid of strong impacts and other mechanical damage.

If we talk about PMMA, it has high transparency, in some cases better than glass. The material is resistant to aging, which is important for LED lamps, because the LED is also capable of working for a very long time (about 50 thousand hours).

Typically, so-called opal (matte) diffusers are made from PMMA, and prismatic models are made from polycarbonate. To ensure strength, use monolithic polycarbonate, which is several times stronger than glass, and for indoor lamps - acrylic glass, which allows you to create lamps of an original design.

Model characteristics

In addition to the material of manufacture, a ready-to-use diffuser has other features related to color, shape, and surface structure.

For chandeliers and lamps, the diffuser may differ from other models in its design and is intended for installation:

  • on suspended ceilings;
  • in an overhead case;
  • be universal.

There is also a light diffuser for LEDs installed in car headlights, spotlights, lanterns and other lighting devices.

The most expensive models have a matte surface. They can transmit a little more than half of the light (about 60%), which makes the lighting very soft. The light becomes warmer and more comfortable for the eyes.

A diffuser with a prismatic structure is capable of transmitting and evenly dispersing maximum light (up to 90%). This is achieved due to the transparency of the material and the corrugated surface. The light produced by the LED is refracted in hundreds of small prisms and thus dispersed throughout space.

There is a diffuser made of 3D polymer material. It is installed on an Armstrong type lamp and is produced in a variety of patterns and colors.

Attaching the diffusers

To mount an LED or LED strip, aluminum profiles are made. A diffuser is also attached to them, choosing it in accordance with the needs of the customer. The light diffuser can be made in the shape of a ring, in which each LED is located on a strip in a circle. Such profiles are used in car headlights, in some models of lanterns and lamps.

For large ceiling light sources, profiles are made in the shape of rectangles. In principle, nothing limits a manufacturer or a self-taught craftsman from making a lamp of any shape. And all this is due to the fact that the LED has a very small size with a high light output.

It is important that the diffuser, which is installed on street lamps, can withstand large temperature changes and is not afraid of frost, high humidity, had anti-vandal properties. Innovative materials meet all these requirements and make it possible to create reliable and durable lighting devices. Taking care of consumer convenience, today they produce sets of LED lamps, which include the necessary elements for installation, for controlling brightness and even color.

Today, many lighting fixtures are equipped with diffusers. With their help, the formation of a luminous flux of the required quality is ensured.

Many lamps sold in lighting stores today are already equipped with such elements. But if desired, anyone can try to make such an element with their own hands. This way you will not only spend time with interest and benefit, but you will also be able to equip any home lamps with this kind of addition. And you won't have to run to the store.

Useless detail

Any lighting devices create a certain level of luminous flux. But it can be changed. For these purposes, the diffuser was invented. With its help, you can simulate the luminous flux and make the lighting softer. Most often, a diffuser is used to modulate the lighting emanating from modern energy-efficient light bulbs (LED, fluorescent, halogen, etc.) screwed into lamps.

LED lamp with diffuser

Particular attention should be paid to LED lighting fixtures. LED produces highly focused and pure light. Therefore, it will not be very comfortable to look at him. Therefore, this situation must be corrected with the help of diffusers. This must also be done because such recommendations are prescribed in SNiP.

Note! The only exceptions in terms of modulating the light flux to the optimal level are Street lights, as well as illumination of architectural structures.

The diffuser in LED lamps must perform the following functions:

  • ensure protection of LEDs (or other light source) from environmental influences;
  • create a comfortable and correct distribution of the light flux emitted by the light bulb for the eyes;
  • increase the durability of the lighting product;
  • increase the resistance of the device to various types of chemical influences.

As we see, it is impossible to produce regular replacement fluorescent light bulb to LED light source. Here it is necessary to additionally install a diffuser. As a result, you will receive with your own hands an economical, modernized and harmless lamp, the light of which is suitable for a comfortable stay in the room during its operation.
For many lamps (for example, brands Armstrong, Opal, etc.) this element is made of plexiglass. It is quite possible to make a diffuser from the same material with your own hands at home.

Material for work


Today, there is a wide variety of materials from which you can make an element such as a diffuser with your own hands. As a rule, it must be done for LED lamps of the Armstrong, Opal, etc. brands.
The list of materials suitable for the manufacture of a diffuser includes:

Note! Resistance to aging is very important for LED lamps, since this light source also has one of the longest operating periods (over 50 thousand hours). Such diffusers are especially common on Opal and Armstrong lamps.


  • polystyrene This material also has all the necessary properties for diffusers to be made from it.

All of the materials listed above are alternatives to standard silicone glass. They are successfully used as a diffuser for all LED-type lamps (Opal, Armstrong and others). With the right approach, you can make a high-quality diffuser with your own hands from any of the materials listed above.

What you need to know

Diffuser installation

If you decide to build a diffuser with your own hands for an LED type of lighting fixture (Armstrong, Opal, etc.), you need to choose not only the material for manufacturing, but also decide on other parameters:

  • color;
  • surface structure;
  • form.

A do-it-yourself lamp diffuser will have various options designs, differing in color, shape and structure.

Matte element

These luminaire design elements may vary depending on the type of installation:

  • on the overhead lamp housing;
  • on suspended ceilings;
  • universal.

In addition, a separate group consists of light diffusers intended for installation on the headlights of various vehicles, as well as non-standard lighting devices.
The design of light diffusers can be as follows:

Prismatic structure

  • with a matte surface. This is the most expensive model. Their feature is that they transmit a little more than half of the light flux (approximately 60%). As a result, the light becomes softer and warmer, which increases its comfort for the eyes;
  • with a prismatic structure. Here almost the entire light flux is transmitted (up to 90%). This is possible thanks to the corrugated surface and transparency of the material. As a result, light is refracted on the corrugated surface, which allows light to be diffused throughout the entire space of the room.

Now that we've got it all figured out important points structure and operation of the light diffuser, we can begin to describe its manufacture.

Do it yourself

To make a light diffuser, you will need the starting material from the list above. In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • cutter;
  • glass cutter;
  • nichrome thread;
  • drill with a set of drills for working with various types glass;
  • construction hairdryer

Note! The choice of material and tools depends on the end result you want to achieve.

You will also need a constant light source to check the finished homemade product.
The manufacturing procedure consists of the following sequential operations:

Now all that remains is to attach the light diffuser to the lamp. For large lamps, such as Armstrong, this element is attached to aluminum profiles. The profile frame can have a round or rectangular shape. The first type is often used for home lamps and car headlights, but the second option is for office spaces and corridors.

For street lamps, it is important to make a diffuser so that it can withstand various climatic conditions place of its operation.
As you can see, making a light diffuser for LED lighting fixtures is not so difficult. The main thing here is to decide on the type of source material, as well as the final result, what kind of light you need to make - diffused or dim. After this, the matter remains small.

Lighting in the kitchen small apartment Choosing a lamp for a bathroom mirror, placement options

Although LED lighting appeared relatively recently - literally 10-12 years ago - it almost instantly replaced the Ilyich light bulb, so beloved by us. Thanks to its long service life, economical energy consumption, and shock resistance, this lighting fixture moved from the field of household and industrial lighting to the automotive industry.

The main structural element that provides high-quality and comfortable lighting for the eyes is the diffuser for LED strip. What kind of device is this, what functions it performs and how to install it correctly - you will learn about this in our article.

Diffuser functionality

Incandescent lamps, the design of which includes a tungsten filament, although they are the most energy-consuming today, they are the only ones that, without additional devices, provide light as close as possible to natural light. The LED alternative itself does not provide such light - in addition to the fact that it is narrowly focused, it is also bright and cold, extremely uncomfortable for the human eye and well-being. It is this dissonance that can be corrected by a diffuser made of plexiglass or polymer materials.

The profile for the tape is equipped with various diffusers

The use of such a structural element is determined by SanPin standards, with the exception of street lighting and illumination of architectural objects.

So, the functions of the diffuser for LEDs are as follows:

  • protection of crystals from external negative factors;
  • uniform distribution of light flux for optimal perception by the eye;
  • ensure long service life of the entire structure.

At the same time, the element must be resistant to alkalis and chemicals, be aesthetically attractive and support the overall stylistic direction.

What is it made from?

If previously only glass could serve as such an element, today the choice has increased significantly. Most often, polymer materials and their combinations are used for manufacturing.

Diffuser for LED strip made of acrylic and plexiglass

In terms of transparency they are not inferior to ordinary glass, but have a high class of anti-vandal protection, do not burst under mechanical stress, and can withstand significant temperature peaks of -60/+60°C.

Among the disadvantages is that it ignites when exposed to direct fire and does not withstand shock loads.

Diffuser for LED strip made of polystyrene

Thermoplastic polymers are very popular in all areas; they have not ignored the organization of lighting. Characteristic high strength, temperature resistance, low price. Withstands impact point loads, available in different colors from completely transparent to intensely bright.

Diffuser for LED strip made of polycarbonate

One of the best anti-vandal coatings, which, due to the presence of fire retardants and fire extinguishers, can withstand any negative factors, including fire, hail and wind. Due to the cellular structure it is very light and easy to install.

If you are planning to make a diffuser for an LED strip with your own hands, it is better to buy polycarbonate. If there is a factory element, preference should be given to polystyrene or polycarbonate.

Usually from acrylic glass opal diffusers are made, that is, matte with a low radiation angle, and transparent from polycarbonate with a prismatic angle. Outdoor appliances are covered with monolithic anti-vandal polycarbonate, and domestic sources are covered with acrylic.

The choice of one material or another depends solely on financial capabilities, since this does not affect the quality of light. The degree of protection matters, but for home use You can buy it without it.


In addition to the fact that the material of manufacture differs, there is different ways supply of lighting due to the difference in structure. For example, prismatic glass, which is often used to make a diffuser with your own hands, gives a maximum dispersion angle of 90° due to the intense refraction of light rays. If the glass is opaque matte (opal diffuser), the angle is noticeably reduced to 60°, but the room will be cozy due to this muting.

Separately, it is worth noting the design of the element, which in turn affects both the angle of radiation and the color of light. High-quality samples are made from 3D polymer material, which can be installed on large recessed ceiling lights, for example, Armstrong.

Indoor lighting should be calculated taking into account light losses. If, for example, an ice lamp produces 4000 Lumens and an opal diffuser with 60% light transmission is selected, the luminous flux will be 4000x0.60 = 2400 Lumens.

VIDEO: Types of diffusers for LED sources

Installation methods

The following types of profiles with a diffuser for LED strip are distinguished:

  • overhead is a universal installation method practiced for all surfaces;
  • mortise – recommended for working with wood, chipboard and other materials where the source will be installed;
  • corner - mainly needed for zoning and highlighting individual elements;
  • interior – used as a design element, mainly made of polymethyl methacrylate (acrylic glass).

There is even a transparent cable channel for the LED strip, which can be installed on glass shelves, furniture and interior items.

Any chosen installation method can be performed independently, the main thing is to choose the right customer. If it is acrylic, a fragile material, delivery must take place according to all the rules so that the product does not burst. In everyday life there is much more practical solution becomes polycarbonate, it does not burst, does not become cloudy, neither chemicals nor alkali “take” it.

Mounting methods

Since the diode strip is made in different forms and sizes, respectively, there are certain shapes and diffusers so that installation takes a minimum of time and does not require “adjustment” on site.

Since it is more convenient and durable to mount LED devices on a flat, non-textured surface, the base is made in the form of a profile. These can be strips, strips, rulers, rings, where flexible material is laid out in a circle, etc.


The purpose of the diffuser for the LED strip is to eliminate the narrow directionality of the light flux inherent in all ice sources and thereby create a soft distribution of light over the entire surface.

Since there are differences between the purpose of the room, the types of these elements differ in the angle of radiation - transparent, matte, prismatic, with a pattern, etc.

On sale, the diode strip is sold separately, respectively, the profile is also sold separately. Anyone can choose one that meets the given parameters. It takes a minimum of time to install it; there is all the necessary equipment for fastening. The failed profile is replaced in the same way.

When choosing one or another type of diffuser for LEDs, please note that opal (matte) varieties are much more popular, and therefore cost 20-30% more.

VIDEO: Profile for LED strip using improvised means

LED lighting appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, but thanks to its economy, flexibility and high production resource, it is gaining more and more popularity in various industrial sectors, as well as in everyday life. One of the main structural elements that make LED lighting comfortable and the diode itself protected from damage are diffusers for LED strips.

Functions performed by the diffuser

Although traditional incandescent light bulbs are rather wasteful to use and short-lived, the light spectrum emitted by them is most optimal for human eyes, since it is largely identical to the LED strip, providing bright, but cold and unpleasant to the eye lighting.

The solution to the problem was diffusers, which are a structural part of many lamps that make the light warmer and more natural. But there are also objects that do not need “refinement” of the light spectrum. An example would be architectural monuments or devices that do not require protection from damage.

The tasks performed by diffusers are not only to obtain inexpensive lighting. Such devices are used for decoration appearance any object: a room, a car or an interior item. We must also not forget about the protective and anti-vandal function, which is especially relevant in public places Oh.


Modern technologies have significantly expanded the range of materials used for the manufacture of diffusers. Today, in addition to the usual classic glass, combined compositions are used.

Diffusers for LED strips can be made from the following materials:

  • Polymethylacrylate materials are characterized by high transparency, strength, resistance to aging, and plasticity. It is also worth noting the flammability and fragility of the material.
  • Transparent polystyrene - a thermoplastic polymer that is durable, versatile, and low in cost.
  • Polycarbonate. The products are characterized by increased strength, durability due to resistance to UV radiation, high transparency and lightness. The addition of fire retardants and fire extinguishing elements makes the material ideal for the manufacture of diode lamps. It is more expensive in cost than acrylic.

The choice of material depends on the financial capabilities of the buyer and the requirements for lighting equipment, as well as environmental conditions.

Types of diffusers

In addition to differences in material composition, diffusers for LED strips have differences in the method of light supply and surface structure, thereby expanding the scope of their application. The surface may differ in color and structure.

Lamps made from prismatic glass, due to the effect of refraction of light rays, provide the greatest light dispersion effect (up to 90%). With use, we have a coefficient of no higher than 60%, while providing the room with cozy, dim light.

A separate type of diffusers, distinguished by a variety of patterns and colors, is manufactured using 3D polymer material. Such devices are mounted on large-sized Armstrong-type lamps.

Installation methods

A profile with a diffuser for an LED strip can be installed:

  • Overlay/universal.
  • Mortise. Installed in chipboard or cardboard: ceilings, furniture.
  • Angular. For lighting rooms and furniture.
  • Interior. Easily combined with any room design, used for installing LED strips.
  • For mounting on with silicone gaskets.

Convenience and ease of installation allow you to do the work yourself, the main thing is to choose the required type of glass. It is also worth keeping in mind that due to the fragility of acrylic, it is advisable to order delivery from a trusted company, since installing a damaged profile can be hazardous to health. Diffusers based on plastic and polycarbonate are more practical, as they have a structure more resistant to mechanical shock.

Types of fastening

The diode strip has several installation methods, therefore, the diffusers are produced in the form of blanks, allowing for the fastest and most convenient installation.

To install the tape, a flat and smooth surface structure is required; specially designed profiles for LED lighting meet these requirements. This ensures the installation of LEDs in the form of lines, strips, lamps, spotlights, rings, allowing you to decorate car headlights, etc.

A flexible diffuser for LED strip is most often installed on plastic profile to provide illumination of various interior objects in the form of a circle or in an arc on arches, car headlights and circular lamps.

Areas of application

Diffusers for luminaires manufactured using acrylic materials, there are several types: with high level transparency, as well as with a prismatic or matte structure. Disadvantage: fragility. Therefore, such devices are recommended for use in indoors. They are produced with a smooth or corrugated surface.

Due to its ease of processing, the use of plexiglass is very popular for finishing interior spaces apartments, nightclubs and other public buildings.

For transport, public places and premises subject to constant vibrations (subway, train stations, passages), the most the best option there will be diffusers made of monolithic carbonate. Indoor use is impractical due to their relatively high cost.

The plastic diffuser for the LED strip is made of polystyrene, which is distinguished by its low price and ease of installation. It is widely used for outdoor and indoor lighting applications as well as industrial applications. Types: mirror raster made of aluminum (Armstrong lamps), opal (matte), prismatic, transparent.


The purpose of the diffuser is to provide a soft and uniform glow, eliminating the pinpointing inherent in LED strips and lamps. Since the lighting level for different residential areas and objects is different, the lamps must have varying degrees dispersion. In this regard, separate sales of components for installation are practiced. The diffuser is selected separately depending on the customer's requirements. Ease of installation allows you to independently replace a profile that does not fit or is damaged.

When planning your expenses, you must keep in mind that frosted lamps, most often used to create warm twilight in bedrooms and children's rooms, have a higher cost than transparent ones.

Outdoor lamp diffusers must withstand temperature changes and shock. Such devices must not contain cracks through which moisture can penetrate.


The new century requires new types of lighting. An ordinary fluorescent lamp, due to its low cost, still holds a strong position in the domestic market, but the situation is changing. LEDs in combination with a diffuser, despite their high cost, are all chosen a large number buyers who want not only to illuminate and decorate the room, but also to save energy.

Those who are engaged self-production original headlights or taillights sooner or later faces the problem of which lens to use for LEDs? If earlier there was no need to worry about this, then since 2014, when the large automakers Mercedes, BMW, and Audi announced their next car models, many became interested in their optics. Now the light in them was evenly dispersed, while the optics looked stylish and beautiful. Many people wanted to have lanterns with a similar glow at their disposal.

How to make a diffuser for LEDs with your own hands

This method, in my opinion, is quite effective, since it allows you to make a diffuser for LEDs of any shape, size and light transmittance.

-To make it, we will need jewelry epoxy resin PEO-510KE-20/0, since it is crystal clear and does not turn yellow over time.

As a scattering element, we will need Diffusant DF-151 powder. It dissolves perfectly in epoxy resin, giving it that same milky tint and incredibly high-quality dispersing properties when hardened.

Also, for this resin there is a huge number of dyes, any colors, fluorescent and phosphorous.

Well, the mold itself for casting, I usually use silicone for molds or for casting.

Here are a few samples where I experimented with adding Diffusant DF-151; as you can see, the quality of dispersion can be easily adjusted and the desired result can be achieved. Stirring ratio epoxy resin and Diffusant, 100 to 1.
This is exactly the way I created it.

And here is how the “sample” with connected LEDs scatters light. The dispersion is perfect, the dots from the LEDs are not visible from any side or angle.

The experiments turned out to be extremely successful, so I went further and made a full-size diffuser to be installed in the headlight, so it shines at maximum brightness, very brightly and evenly.

Other ways to diffuse light from LEDs

The next method is to use milky acrylic with a thickness of 2 to 5 mm. Mostly 3 mm plexiglass is used. It perfectly scatters light from the LED, but its main disadvantage is that milky plexiglass absorbs light very strongly, which is why the brightness drops by 30-50%.

It's also worth remembering that if you don't have milling machine, then independently shaping plexiglass has certain limitations. You can bend it with an industrial hair dryer, but not at all the sides. You can buy it at any advertising agency.

The third way is to use Microprism scattering elements from ceiling lamps. Their main feature is their texture, reminiscent of small pyramids, which perfectly refract light and scatter it accordingly. Approximate technology is used in the headlamps of BMWs, Mercedes, Audis; light guides with notches or texture are used there. But if you have powerful LEDs, then a microprism will not help you; it will not be able to disperse the light properly.
new LED lamps

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