Mk earrings made of polymer clay. Stylish earrings made of polymer clay

In this master class for beginners, we will show you how to create beautiful thermoplastic earrings yourself.

Very beautiful, delicate, original, but at the same time simple earrings from polymer clay you can easily do it yourself, even if you have never worked with plastic. This type of jewelry looks very impressive, because in appearance the scattering of bright squares resembles a natural stone. If you like sculpting, you can go further and make a necklace and bracelet using the same principle.

Craft materials

To make beautiful earrings, prepare:

  • polymer baked clay - blue was used in the master class, but you can use any other color;
  • stationery knife;
  • roller for rolling out plastic;
  • toothpicks for forming holes;
  • ultra-fine glitters to match the color of the base material (those intended for nail design are suitable);
  • brush;
  • needle nose pliers;
  • rings and earrings for assembling jewelry.

Please note that to make earrings from polymer clay with your own hands, you need exactly baked plastic. Self-hardening mass is not suitable for creating jewelry. Read more about the choice of material, modeling and baking methods.

How to make earrings from polymer clay

Geometric earrings are ideal for beginners because you don't have to sculpt or shape anything. Main element – square, the simplest geometric figure with equal sides.

Carefully knead a piece of plastic and roll it into a layer about 2 mm thick. The thickness of the layer must be the same! If the edges are thinner, cut out the pieces a little further.

Divide the layer with a knife into squares of various sizes:

  • 8 squares with a side of 9 mm;
  • 8 pieces – 8 mm;
  • 8 squares – 6 mm;
  • 14 small parts with a side of 4 mm.

Cover each square with glitter - dip a brush into the glitter, apply to the surface of the clay and rub in. Simply brush off any excess glitter. This must be repeated on the other side of the earring jewelry.

In each piece, use a toothpick to make neat holes for the rings. In two squares small size make the same holes on the opposite side, they will be at the very top.

Before assembling the earrings, all polymer clay elements must be baked in the oven. The baking time is indicated in the instructions for the thermoplastic.

The cooled elements need to be connected, armed with thin-nosed pliers and prepared with rings and hooks. Each earring requires 6 of the smallest parts and 4 of all the others. Immediately separate all the blanks and start needlework.

Using needle-nose pliers, insert small rings into each piece. From larger rings, assemble two chains of 5 links.

Connect 4 large squares with small rings to the bottom link of the chain.

Attach 4 smaller squares to the next link, then 4 more to the next link, and the 3 smallest ones to the remaining ones. The end result will be something like this.

Connect a square with two holes using a ring on one side to the workpiece, and on the other to a hook.

Using step by step photos and master class steps, assemble the second geometric earring from polymer clay. Try it on and smile! After all, you made this beauty with your own hands in just one weekend!

All step by step lessons on making jewelry with your own hands. Come visit us more often, because handicrafts give you a lot of pleasure!

Decorations self made always attract the eye. You can make romantic earrings from polymer clay yourself. We will tell you and show you how to make unique jewelry from polymer clay in master classes prepared by Krestik.

Earrings “Pink forget-me-nots”

Materials and tools:

  • polymer clay (pink)
  • copper fittings (pins with a ball at the end - 16 pcs.,
    pins with a nail at the end - 2 pcs.
    ear wires)
  • beads with a diameter of 8 mm (white - 4 pcs)
  • beads (metal - 2 pcs)
  • beads (white - 16 pcs)
  • foil (lump)
  • round pliers
  • knife (stationery/plastic)
  • toothpicks

Black and white earrings

The combination of black and white is the most universal and win-win. For women who don’t like to stand out too much, but want to look their best, this combination of colors in clothes or accessories is perfect. In general, you can make a variety of polymer clay earrings for every outfit and change them every day to suit your mood.

To make black and white earrings we will need:

  • polymer clay "Plastic" white and black
  • glossy or matte varnish (for polymer clay)
  • “Flowers” ​​plungers in 2 sizes
  • thin sharp plastic knife
  • plexiglass or glass board
  • plexiglass rolling pin or you can use a hairspray bottle
  • rhinestones 4 mm and 2 mm
  • Super glue
  • accessories for earrings
  • toothpick
  • brush and pencil

Let's start making earrings.

We cut off a rather large piece of white polymer clay and knead it well in our hands. Then we put it on a plexiglass board and with a rolling pin or bottle we begin to roll out the plastic.

There is no need to make a very thin layer so as not to tear our layer. A layer thickness of 4–5 mm is suitable.

We take out the plungers, wipe them with a dust cloth, then moisten them with water. Take the largest flower plunger and squeeze out two white flowers. We cut off all excess plastic around the flowers with a knife.

Now we take a black piece of polymer clay and roll it out on the board. The layer of black plastic can be made thinner.

Using the smallest plunger, which is pre-moistened with water, squeeze out two flowers. We cut off everything that is unnecessary. We carefully place these black flowers on top of the white ones. Just make sure that they are exactly in the middle, otherwise it won’t be very beautiful.

Now use a pencil to press down the middle of each flower, making an indentation. And with a toothpick we make one hole on one of the petals of each flower - we will then attach the fittings to it.

Place the earrings on a small piece of foil and place them in the oven to bake. We wait 10–15 minutes and take out our flowers. When they have cooled, use a brush to paint them with polymer clay varnish. The varnish dries in about 5 minutes.

Now we take small rhinestones of 2 mm. These are the kind of stasis that are sold for nail decoration. Using a toothpick, put glue on the tip and poke each petal, and immediately glue the rhinestones. When all the petals have rhinestones glued on them, you need to decorate the middle. To do this, take two large rhinestones with a flat bottom and glue them in the middle.

We put two rings on each flower, and there are hooks on them.

So the beautiful earrings are ready.

Earrings “Fuchsia”

For another option for making jewelry from polymer clay, watch the video master class:

Polymer clay is a malleable plastic, an amazing material for creativity, from which you can make whatever your heart desires. By appearance and the tactile sensation is somewhat reminiscent of plasticine, but in order for it to harden, it must be burned in the oven. Polymer clay is used for modeling decorative items, flowers, beads and various elements of jewelry. How to make textured earrings from polymer clay without any special tools, you will find out if you read this DIY tutorial for beginners. Using one needle and any round shape(for example, a perfume or deodorant cap), you won’t even notice how designer earrings in the shape of a flower end up in your hands.

What you will need to sculpt a flower:

  • polymer clay (turquoise, yellow);
  • a round shape for cutting out the blank (you can use a perfume or deodorant cap, not very large);
  • needle or toothpick Roller or paste machine (can be replaced with any other object with a smooth, glass surface, for example, a glass);
  • acrylic paint;
  • varnish for polymer clay;
  • metal fittings (earms, pins, rings);
  • brush;
  • wet wipe;
  • blade.


Make a flower from polymer clay- this is the main work.
Knead the turquoise polymer clay and roll it out to a thickness of 2–3 mm.

Use a cap to cut out circles.

Five circles are enough for two colors.

Use a blade to mark the middle of the circle.

Using the same cap, we cut out two semicircles from the marked center and get two identical petals.

You should get ten petals.

Knead the turquoise polymer clay, form it into a ball and flatten it on the surface. From the pin, using pliers, I make a loop, which will hold the hook. We press the fastener into the plastic and press it a little.

We lay out the petals on the surface of the cake so that the top ones do not cover the loop. Lightly press the clay together with your fingers so that it sticks.

Using a needle, press each petal towards the center.

We begin to apply texture to each petal. You can draw anything: dots, stripes, circles.

Roll out the yellow one polymer clay into a thin sausage and cut into small pieces, 1 mm thick. Roll these pieces into balls.

We insert the balls into the middle of the flower and press them onto the plastic with a needle.

We send the blanks to be fired.

Baking temperature for polymer clay varies between 110-130 degrees.
We wait until the flowers cool down and cover them with white acrylic paint.
Cover with a hard, thin brush so that the paint fills the entire fine pattern. We wait one or two minutes until the paint dries on the surface.

Delete acrylic paint with a damp cloth. In those places where a relief pattern was applied with a needle, the paint remains in the recesses, and the top layer is removed.

It is not recommended to keep paint on clay for a long time, as it will be difficult to remove and a small part of it will remain on the surface, changing the color of the plastic.

We wait a couple more minutes and cover the flowers with a special varnish for polymer clay.

We collect flowers. We need rings and earrings. Using duckbills, we straighten the ring into different sides and hook it to the loop on the flower, hang the earring on the same ring and close the ring.

Texture earrings made of polymer clay.

Flower earrings with a textured surface are ready, you can try them on and show off your new jewelry.

“Forget-me-not” earrings made of polymer clay.

Modeling from polymer clay - exciting activity, a little imagination and you can create the most incredibly beautiful decorations and create amazing flower arrangements!

You don’t have to buy beautiful, bright, juicy jewelry.

You can make them yourself if you master the technique of working with polymer clay.

  • Polymer clay is a material whose consistency resembles plasticine. But due to heat treatment, it hardens and turns into plastic.
  • Polymer clay comes in many colors, shades and textures. Colors can be mixed, glitter and paint can be added to them
  • This material is non-toxic and even a child can work with it
  • You can make almost any type of jewelry from polymer clay: earrings, pendants, bracelets, watch bracelets and much more.
  • Fantasy is the main condition when working with this material. Flowers, fruits, animals, abstract elements - far from full list what can be realized with polymer clay
  • First, let's choose a polymer clay manufacturer. It can be expensive or cheap, with a wide color scheme, can be sold as a set or individual bars
  • Manufacturers such as Fimo, Kato, Pardo are quite expensive. There are also domestic, cheaper analogues
  • Don't buy the package right away various colors. Buy 1 block and try it at home: how is its texture, mixability with other plastics and paints, bake the resulting material. Good clay should not crack or change color excessively.
  • For sculpting, you will need standard colors, which can later be mixed. You also need tools and a small electric oven
  • Usually the packaging of polymer clay says how long it needs to be baked until ready and at what temperature.
  • Please note that you need to work with polymer clay carefully. To maintain color purity, work with medical gloves and on a clean surface.
  • If you decide to make jewelry from plastic, then in addition to clay you will need accessories: earring earrings, fastening elements, decorative details and much more.

Flowers made of polymer clay: master class

  • The most common and any flower is roses. At first glance it seems very difficult to do, but it’s not.
  • Pay attention to the structure of this flower - there are many petals held together, which are larger at the outer base and smaller at the inner one
  • Let's prepare the materials: we need plastic in the color of the future rose (red, pink, yellow or white), a modeling stack with a ball at the end
  • Let's make preparations for future petals: pinch off a piece of clay, knead it and roll it into a ball. Large balls are for outer petals, smaller ones are for inner petals.
  • Now we're missing a bud made from a thin layer of plastic
  • We make each petal from a ball, using a stack we give it a curved shape (this can be done with your hands)
  • We attach the petals to the bud one by one, adjusting the splendor of our flower
  • The finished rose can be used for decorations. To do this, you need to cut the base and make a hole for fastening.
  • Carefully place the flowers in the oven and bake until done. Then they can be opened with varnish if desired.

Now let's learn how to turn our roses into earrings. There are two ways. One of which is simpler, the second is more difficult, but the result is simply gorgeous

Simple earrings made of polymer clay (rose blanks)

  • Remove the rose blanks from the oven. They already have a hole for mounting
  • To turn them into earrings we will need: a pin with a double-sided eye, rings for fastening, earrings
  • We string the rose onto a pin and fasten it so that there is an eyelet at the top and bottom for attaching it to the part.
  • Attach a hook to the top using a ring
  • On the lower part - a bead in the color of a rose (or as your imagination dictates). The bead will make the earrings a little heavier and they will hang down without twisting.

Earrings in the form of a bouquet of roses

  • We need rose blanks again. But now they are raw and very small in size. They can come in a variety of contrasting colors, such as red and white
  • We make a ball base. We attach roses to it using a toothpick. Make sure that they are in good contact with the base ball and do not fall off after baking
  • Gaps can be filled with small green plastic leaves
  • Carefully make a hole in the ball where the pin will be attached
  • We bake our flower bouquet. The baking time will be slightly longer due to the greater density of the clay.
  • After cooling, we attach our ball to the wire. Spectacular earrings are ready!

Polymer clay bracelet

  • First, let's figure out what elements the bracelet consists of: the base (chain, rope, wire or fishing line), clasp and decorative elements
  • We purchase the base and clasp from a hardware store, but we make the decorative elements ourselves
  • Let's make a bright berry bracelet from raspberries and blackberries. It will complement any summer look and looks very original.
  • To make raspberries we need clay Pink colour and green, for leaves. Making berries is very simple. The base is a dense plastic ball. Small balls of a similar color are attached to it. The balls are smaller at the bottom and larger at the top. We attach leaves to the base of the berry and attach a wire. Bake the berries according to the instructions for working with clay
  • We make blackberries in the same way, but from black or dark purple plastic
  • To make our bracelet brighter, in addition to the berries, we will attach beads to the base
  • For the base of such a bracelet, it is better to use a chain with a decorative clasp

Polymer clay ring

  • A polymer clay ring can be made in two ways: solid plastic or based on
  • A solid ring is made using a mold. A mold is a heat-resistant silicone mold that is filled with plastic and baked with it. The hard plastic is then simply removed from the mold, sanded and varnished
  • For the second version of the ring you need a base. There are many such bases in hardware stores, where there is a niche for attaching plastic
  • You can imagine endless ways to decorate a ring. There are a lot of options, but the simplest and most versatile option is flowers.
  • A ring paired with earrings or a necklace looks especially original.

Polymer clay beads

  • To learn how to make beads from polymer clay, first learn how to make smooth, neat beads
  • Even ordinary beads are not so easy to make so that they are the same size and correct shape. Practice making even balls of the same size and making holes in them for fastenings
  • Once the basics are mastered, you can begin making decorative beads

Polymer clay beads with metal effect

  • Such beads are difficult to distinguish from metal ones. But thanks to your imagination they will be unique
  • We'll need plastic gray or metallic colors, embossing element (such as a button) and tools
  • First, roll out a smooth ball of plastic
  • Now we roll out the plastic into a dense layer and use a button to emboss it. To prevent the button from sticking to the polymer clay, moisten it with water.
  • Then carefully cut out the embossed elements with a blade and attach them to the ball
  • We decorate the joint with a decorative plastic cord
  • Make a hole in the bead for fastening
  • These beads can be used for beads, bracelets, earrings and much more.

  • Making a massive summer necklace from polymer clay is more difficult and requires some skill.
  • For it we need: plastic, decorative beads, chain and fastener
  • First, draw a sketch and decide where which elements will be placed
  • Then we will prepare individual flowers, leaves and beads
  • For the base, we need a piece of thinly rolled plastic of the desired shape. Choose only high-quality plastic for such work, otherwise a poor base simply will not withstand the abundance of elements and will break
  • After the workpiece, we attach all the elements to the base according to the sketch. Don't forget to make holes for attaching to the chain

Hair decorations made of polymer clay

  • Polymer clay can be used to decorate hair clips, headbands and garters.
  • You can attach the elements to the base using special glue or invisible fishing line
  • For any products consisting of several elements, you need to make a sketch, because imagination does not always correspond to the result

Delicate flowers for decorating hairpins and headbands

  • We will need: polymer clay and stacks (you can use a toothpick)
  • Knead a piece of clay of the desired color and roll it into an oval
  • We make cuts, the same number as the number of petals planned
  • Now we make each petal, bending it using a stack
  • We give the flower the desired shape, trim off the excess plastic
  • The middle can be decorated with yellow plastic stamens or simply filled with paint
  • These flowers can be used for all types of decorations. They are very reminiscent of apple or apricot flowers

Clay headbands

  • For clay rims, it is better to choose a thin base, plastic or metal.
  • When securing the elements, make sure that they do not cling to the hair.
  • Here are examples of headbands for inspiration:

Polymer clay is a unique material from which you can make various beautiful and original things, for example, earrings. Thanks to the fact that this article will present detailed master class, earrings can be made even by the most novice needlewomen, the main thing is not to be afraid to start.

How to make earrings from polymer clay

Jewelry, including earrings, are the most commonly made items made from polymer clay, since every fashionista can create unique jewelry that emphasizes individuality. It’s not difficult to figure out how to make earrings from polymer clay: the video below will introduce needlewomen to all the principles of work.

How to make flower earrings

Flower earrings made of polymer clay , The master class for making which will be offered below turns out bright and elegant. To work, you will need clay of several colors: pink, green and light green, accessories, as well as wires, a knife, a rolling pin and board, wire cutters, a brush, and foil. See photographs of the work below the text.

MK includes certain stages. The process of making an earring must begin by deciding the number of flowers that will make up the earring and preparing the appropriate number of stamens. Then the stamens should be attached to the wire and a loop should be made at the end of each wire using pliers. Then you need to start making leaves; for this, narrow triangles should be cut out of a rolled out layer of clay no more than one millimeter thick, light green in color. Then you need to attach these triangles to a wire around each stamen. In order to make petals, you need to form balls from pink clay, then flatten them and form petals. To make the petals look natural, they need to be placed on a sponge and pressed down in the center, you can use a dowel, and then apply red pastel to the base of the petals. Then the petals also need to be attached to a wire around each stamen and leaves.

Next, you need to prepare two pieces of wire about ten centimeters long, make loops at the ends of both pieces and cover these loops with pink clay. Then you need to attach three petals to the loops to form closed buds. Then you need to make leaves from green clay and attach them around the buds. After this, the flowers need to be baked; it is best to place them in a ceramic bowl, after wrapping them in foil. For each branch you should make about five leaves of green clay. The stems for the leaves can be wire, at the end of which you need to make a loop and fasten the leaf to it, then bake the required number of leaves. Once all the elements are ready, you can begin to assemble the product. To do this, you need to prepare a tape and attach it to it, alternating first the leaf, then the flower. When the earring of the required length is assembled, the excess wire can be cut off. On final stage you need to attach connecting rings, earrings and other decorative elements. How to make earrings - photos demonstrate each stage of work.

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