Why do you dream about Paper? Why do you dream of paper: white, red, a lot of paper. Interpretation of sleep

All the time people are surrounded by signs that want to say something. Some of them warn against dangers, while others push for achievements. One of the powerful signs is a dream. Thanks to him, you can find out what awaits a person in the future, distant or not so distant. The reality of the dream will be indicated by the day on which it was dreamed, and thanks to it we can also tell about the nature of the expected event. But the vision will not come to life as it was dreamed. Each of them symbolizes something.

Symbolizing a sheet of paper in a dream

Very significant sign paper appears in a dream. Its history goes back several thousand years, and thanks to it, people were able to express their thoughts. Nowadays, it is widely used in printed publications, reports and drawing. That is, in a dream she can predict something with her appearance. In this case, it all depends on common associations.

For example, clean white sheet can talk about a new stage of life or the sincerity of the feelings of the dreamer and his beloved. And the larger it is, the more significant opportunities will open up, or the relationship will be truly serious and long-lasting. In this case, it all depends on the dreamer. But torn paper symbolizes devastation and troubles, because it will never be whole, it cannot be glued together.

Well, many people associate documents with monotonous work. Therefore, a dream with their participation can cause an unpleasant connotation in the morning. They symbolize all kinds of disagreements with colleagues or partners, and proceedings with representatives of the law are also possible. If a person worked with them, and in reality is accustomed to monotonous work, then this may symbolize proceedings in which he will be right.

A more accurate situation in life will be indicated by the day of the week on which the dream was seen. Thanks to this, you can find out about the color of the vision, and whether it will come true.

Decoding sleep by day of the week

Any event, including a dream, is influenced by the day of the week on which it occurred. Each day is ruled by a specific planet, star or satellite. Five of them are ruled by planets, and the remaining two are ruled by the Sun and Moon.

The ruler of the day on which the vision occurred will tell you whether the dream will come true and what its nature is:

  • The activity planet Mars took control of Tuesday. He is responsible for action, enterprise and aggression. Undoubtedly, dreams for this day come true, but a person has to put a lot of effort into making it come true. For example, if the dreamer saw a white sheet on Tuesday, symbolizing the beginning of something new, then he should immediately begin to act where he previously doubted. A person has a huge chance to start over, and is more likely to succeed. But a leaf torn into small pieces, dreamed of on this day, does not bode well; the dreamer will face devastation, and active actions will be directed against him. It is better for him not to do anything in the near future, and not to quarrel with anyone. It would be wiser to take time off from your boss, or if you have your own enterprise, put a deputy in your place.
  • The ruler of the environment is the planet of thoughts, obtaining information and knowledge, communication, as well as short trips - Mercury. That is, the visions of this day carry a favorable meaning in the information sphere. This means that a person who dreamed of a white sheet of paper is given the opportunity to establish relationships with his environment and begin studying foreign languages and make deals. It wouldn’t hurt for him to go on a short trip to his relatives with whom he has strained relationships and mend them, because the time has come. A torn sheet on such a day speaks of confusion and bad memory that will haunt the dreamer. He seems to forget about what he studied earlier, perhaps high intellectual activity is to blame for this. A person should rest, it’s better for him to take on less work.
  • Thursday is ruled by the planet of luck, public authority, opportunities and deep knowledge - Jupiter. Therefore, the day is considered prosperous, because for many the end of the working week is soon coming, and you can not rush to carry out instructions from management. Dreams of this day can indicate a further promotion in the workplace or a good deed by a person that will raise his authority in society. A vision with a blank slate is just right for the successful unfolding of actions. The dreamer will have good luck in his endeavors; most likely, he will be promoted at work in the near future. Management will look at him in a new way after his activity. But a torn sheet indicates that a person can be desecrated in society, and his authority will suffer because of this. He shouldn’t take active steps to get a promotion; it will only get worse.
  • Friday is considered the end of the work week for many people. when you should have a good rest and spend money on entertainment. And the voluptuous and material Venus took over the management of the day, responsible for reasonable spending of funds, a sense of style and the manifestation of emotions towards the object of sympathy. Therefore, a dream with a white sheet of paper can mark the birth of a new relationship that will be mutual and full of love. In the second case, the dreamer can start a new business that will bring high and stable income. If a torn sheet is present in a dream, then a person should reconsider plans regarding financial transactions. Perhaps they are unprofitable, and he is building an illusion about them. In any case, Venus does not like negative consequences, so this meaning can only warn the dreamer against rash decisions regarding finances.
  • Saturday is a hard day for most people. Some people need to go to work, while others cannot leave have a good rest. The complex and karmic planet Saturn began to lead the day. Visions of this day come true over several years and carry important information. In the case of a dream where there was a blank sheet, we can say that a person can completely change his destiny. And given the nature of the ruling planet, which is responsible for rigor, patience and justice, the dreamer will have a hard time; without these qualities nothing can be changed. Therefore, he should tune in to a complete change in his life and not be lazy at the same time. But a torn sheet speaks of trials that will haunt the dreamer for the next few years. He must endure them with honor, otherwise major failures await him.
  • The sun, which gives warmth to everyone on earth, rules Sunday. For almost everyone, this day of the week is considered a day off, so you can carry out planned tasks and actively relax. Dreams of this day will undoubtedly come true in the next week, and more often on the same day. Sunday characterizes dreams positively, so a vision with a blank sheet of paper can indicate opportunities that should never be missed. A person will probably come up with a brilliant idea that he must immediately implement. But a torn sheet speaks more of missed opportunities that still weigh on the dreamer. He should not droop; a person should show more business activity.
  • Monday is a difficult day, because the weekend has gone without a trace, and the majority have not yet returned to the working mood. The day was governed by the earth's satellite, the Moon, which is responsible for sudden changes in mood and many feminine qualities. Most people experience emotional instability on this day, which can lead to quarrels and disagreements. Dreams of the day cannot in any way affect a person’s future, so they should be forgotten. And the dream of a blank sheet speaks of the dreamer’s inner unrest aimed at changing his life. He wants to change it, but does not understand how to do it. A torn sheet indicates that a person is depressed; perhaps he does not know how to correct mistakes, and every day this only makes things worse.

Interpretations of a sheet of paper according to dream books

Having understood the influence of the rulers of the days of the week, you should find out the opinions of the authors of popular dream books:

Different options and dream details

Correct addition of dream interpretation

To find out a more precise meaning, you should add up several factors - a specific case, the influence of the day of the week, the meaning of the dream book. That is, the reality of the vision will be indicated by the nature of the day on which the dream was seen. He will also tell you about its color and how it can come to life. For example, dreaming of five-color paper on Wednesday indicates that the dream will come true. Wealth will come to the dreamer through the ability to communicate with others, due to which, perhaps, profitable deals will be concluded. That is, thanks to a simple combination of factors, you can find out more accurate information about the future.

Attention, TODAY only!

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We suggest you read selected interpretations dreams about Paper in dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Paper?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does Paper mean?

Paper can dream in very different options. What the dream portends will depend on what kind of paper you saw in your dream. If the paper is white and clean, then this dream says that you are at the origins of some business and it is not yet known how it will develop, since much depends on yourself.

If the paper in a dream is black, like the kind from which lightproof bags for photographic paper are made, then this symbol speaks of the need to hide one’s true intentions. If you dream of crumpled paper, it is likely that what you have in mind will not work out. If the paper is dirty, then there is some gossip about you, someone wants to slander you, slander you.

If the paper is colored, then expect a small celebration; if the paper is newsprint and something is printed on it, some news awaits you; if the paper is torn, like a torn package, then this is a sign that you need to let something go from your life, since it will never become the same as before, and will no longer bring any benefit or joy.

If you yourself write something on paper, then this is a sign of painstaking and important work that you will have to do in the near future, this is how this dream in which Paper is interpreted is interpreted.

Tracing paper - Tracing paper as a type of paper for copying drawings may appear in your dream as a warning that someone wants to use your ideas without your consent.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Paper in a dream?

White paper - for friendship, colored - for resentment, shame, covered with writing - false news. Counting sheets is wasting days in vain. Receiving a business paper or document means a profitable business. Sending or holding a paper or document in your hands is a threat to suffer losses (a conflict with the courts is possible); for a young woman, it means a quarrel with a loved one.

Cardboard - friends will be misled, and this will affect business. Cutting cardboard means removing obstacles, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, details, if you dream about Paper, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Paper in a dream?

Important papers dream of litigation. Young woman similar dream warns: the beloved will cause her displeasure with his behavior

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Paper according to the dream book?

Paper dreams of losses. Litigation is possible. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows a quarrel with her lover.

Cardboard as a type of paper, unfaithful friends will mislead you regarding important matters. If you dreamed that you were cutting cardboard in a dream, then in reality you will be able to eliminate all difficulties and achieve a higher social position.

Grandma's old dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream of Paper?

White paper - friendship, colored paper - to resentment, shame; counting sheets - wasting days in vain; written paper - false news; to receive a business paper or document means a profitable business awaits.

Summer Dream Interpreter

If you saw in a dream a whole heap of scribbled paper, it means paperwork.

Wrapping - Wrapping something in paper in a dream means hiding something from justice.

Carbon paper - Carbon paper dreams of paperwork.

Waste paper as a type of paper Collecting waste paper in a dream means big income.

Papyrus - I dreamed that an ancient papyrus was an unexpected discovery.

Parchment - Wrapping something in parchment paper is a sign of wastefulness.

Blotter as a type of paper - You dream in a dream that you are applying a blotter to a written piece - in the hope of hiding something from your husband.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

At night you dreamed of cutting paper into strips - for money, that’s what the dream book says about this dream.

Wrapping - Wrapping something in paper in a dream means the secrecy of your character.

Carbon copy on paper. - I dreamed that in a dream you were typing on a typewriter using a carbon copy - you will be dealing with a publishing house.

Waste paper - Handing over large quantities of waste paper in a dream means getting rid of unnecessary trash.

Papyrus - I dreamed that papyrus was for writing.

Parchment as a type of paper Wrapping fatty foods means hiding some facts.

Blotter - Seeing a child blot what is written on paper with a blotter is a sign of an anonymous letter addressed to you.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Rustle paper to a bad rumor about you; tearing paper - to care; gluing paper - making excuses.

Wrapping something in paper means new things.

Carbon paper - you dream of carbon paper if your days are similar to one another, they are boring and gray, like a carbon copy.

Leaflet - to reprisal.

Waste paper - handing over waste paper means freedom from problems.

Papyrus as a type of paper If you saw ancient papyrus in a dream, it means that you will soon find out what was carefully hidden from us.

Parchment - to fragility in relationships with your loved one.

Blotting paper - to bureaucratic torment.

Do you work in a company and come into contact with paperwork every day? Then it’s clear why documents, as well as blank sheets of paper, visit you at night. But even those who don’t see it every day can dream about paper. Why do you dream about paper, read below.

Clean slate

What do you associate with white paper? With a new stage of life, new opportunities and new acquaintances? This is how night visions should be interpreted. paper? Drastic changes in your life await you soon. You will have the opportunity to start it from scratch. Do you want to do this? Then don't be afraid to burn bridges. To start something new, you first need to get rid of the burden that weighs you down. Try to free yourself from past problems and close old projects. Log in new life should be free of debts and obligations. Let your old affairs and problems remain in the past.

Written sheet

Why do you dream about paper that someone managed to dirty? Such signs do not bode well. One of your ill-wishers will write a denunciation against you or try to ruin your life in some other way. Don't like these prospects? Then take action. Find among your friends a person who is working against you. Once the individual has been identified, have a frank conversation with him. Display all the atrocities that the person has already committed. If the public finds out that someone was specifically targeting you, then the rumors that spread about your personality will not be taken seriously. Everyone will think that these are the tricks of the same ill-wishers.

Torn sheet

Are you in a good position? Any person who climbs to the top of success is afraid of falling off it. It is not surprising that fears will manifest themselves in the form of night dreams. Why do you dream of paper that someone deliberately tore? Such dreams foreshadow that the position you currently occupy is rather precarious. Think about how you can strengthen your position. The stupidest thing a person can do is bribe or try to intimidate someone. These options don't work. Do you want to stay on the wave of success? Try to make sure that everyone around you understands that you deserved your position and that your candidacy is ideal for the position you occupy.


Why do papers with stamps appear in the dreams of those people who will soon be promoted. Are you doing a good job and think you deserve to receive dividends? Wait, you will definitely be rewarded soon. In what form the incentive will be issued, you should guess for yourself. You can climb the career ladder or get a complex, highly paid project that will increase your level of competence. Remember that dreams are not the door to the future. The subconscious mind predicts possible developments based on what is currently happening in your life. If circumstances change, for example, you, hoping for a promotion, stop performing your duties efficiently, you may lose your job. Be thoughtful about your actions.

black leaf

Many people associate the color black with mourning. Why do you dream of dark-colored paper? A person who saw such an image in his night dreams should prepare for the worst. Soon one of the relatives will become seriously ill. If you do not take any action, the person may die. Can such dreams be considered prophetic? The subconscious gives the dreamer predictions based on what he saw and heard. Therefore, take your dreams seriously, but don’t obsess over them. If you see a black leaf in your night dreams, visit a relative who is not feeling well and ask if you can help him with something. If yes, then help. If not, take for granted the fact that all people will someday pass on to another world.

Colored paper

You positive person? Don’t be surprised that you will also see rosy dreams. Why do you dream about a sheet of paper? Multi-colored pages predict a happy and fulfilling future for you. Positive changes will happen in your life soon. Your dreams will come true, and all problems will be easily overcome. On the wave of success, you can start doing something new and unusual for yourself. Don't worry, success will await you.

Multi-colored paper is dreamed of by those people who live on the eve of some grandiose holiday. For example, a child who is waiting for the New Year may see in his night dreams how he makes crafts from colored paper.

write something

He says that if you were actively writing something in your night dreams, then expect that work will find you soon. You will have to do painstaking work that will require concentration. Will such an activity generate income? It will all depend on who you are doing the work for and how you present your personality. You can get a good fee, or you can do charity work. Decide for yourself what is for you at the moment more important: karmic dividends or material wealth.

A dream in which you see that someone else is writing, promises you to shift your responsibilities onto someone else's shoulders. You will have an assistant or colleague who will happily do your work.

Buy paper

Do you often go to the store? Isn't that your prerogative? However, in your dream you can buy paper. How should such a dream be interpreted? Minor troubles await you soon. Don't expect any serious problems. Troubles and unrest will be of a domestic nature. You will easily overcome all obstacles. So why then does the subconscious mind warn about problems that you can cope with playfully? So that you don't worry about troubles. After all, forewarned means forearmed.

Cut paper

Why do you dream about a lot of papers? If in a dream you cut sheets into strips, then expect profit soon. Where to expect cash receipts? You may be unexpectedly given a bonus, or one of your relatives will decide to benefit your person. For a girl, cutting papers in a dream means the appearance of a rich suitor. Will there be long-term success? If you manage your unexpected wealth correctly, you will receive interest on the money. If you waste a large amount on trifles, then you should not expect repeated luck.

Papyrus or old paper

Have you read ancient scriptures in your dreams? Soon in reality you will learn the secret. Someone is hiding something from you, but you can find a loophole and figure out the secret. Be sure to try to find out what people don't want to tell you. Better the bitter truth than sweet lie. Try to accept the information you receive calmly and think carefully about what you should do with it. If you hear criticism addressed to you, you will need to be able to accept it. If you receive information concerning others, try not to react too violently. Emotions have never helped anyone solve existing problems.

Why do you dream about paper?

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you happened to send or at least hold paper (or parchment) in your hands, this is a sign that you are facing losses. IN real life they will likely manifest themselves in the form of litigation.

For a young woman, this portends a quarrel with her lover. Beware, if you are married, of quarrels in the vicinity of your home. Such a dream may also mean the emergence of rumors around your name.

Why do you dream about paper?

Freud's Dream Book

Paper and all paper products are symbols of women or female genital organs.

Looking at printed publications indicates an interest in the opposite sex.

If a woman sees a lot of papers in a dream, this speaks of her desire for a woman’s body, her desire for lesbian love.

If a man sees a lot of newspapers, books or papers in a dream, he considers himself very popular with women.

Burning paper - symbolizes sexual intercourse with the person who is the most favorable and desirable partner for you.

Finding (crumpled) paper in your pocket, briefcase, wallet - remember a woman who does not impose herself on you, but is always ready to come to the rescue.

Offering paper or printed publications indicates a desire to establish sexual contacts.

If you reject or break the gift, failure awaits you.

Reading a book, newspaper or magazine indicates promiscuity.

Fear of touching a new book (or other paper product) indicates your fear of upcoming sexual contact or fear of starting sexual activity.

If you write a letter to a member of the opposite sex on good paper, you are satisfied with your sex life.

If you write the same letter to a representative of the same sex, this indicates a predisposition to homosexual (or lesbian) contacts.

If you write a letter on a piece of paper, carelessly or in a hurry, you are experiencing a feeling of dissatisfaction with your sex life.

Tearing paper means striving for a stormy and passionate sex life.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing black paper is bad news.

With printed text - people will fawn on you and show honor; sketched - disappointment; written on - persecution; pull - separation; tear - fall into anger; seeing clean paper is a hassle; write - expect unpleasant letters; torn - to lose some of your rights; flying in the air - wavering hopes; to see how paper is made - you will use the information to your advantage; white - your innocence will become obvious; colored - good news.

Why do you dream about paper?

Family dream book

Paper dreams of losses. Litigation is possible.

For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows a quarrel with her lover.

Why do you dream about paper?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing rolls of paper is a danger of contracting an infectious disease; you need to be very careful!

With an unclear text written on paper - to the state house; clean - there is a new task to complete; if you see it in large quantities, big and responsible things await you.

Gift papers - to serious material losses; quarrel with a loved one over money.

Why do you dream about paper?

Spring dream book

Rustle paper in a dream - to a bad rumor about you; tearing paper - to care; gluing paper - making excuses.

Why do you dream about paper?

Summer dream book

Seeing a whole heap of scribbled paper in a dream means paperwork.

Why do you dream about paper?

Autumn dream book

Seeing in a dream how you cut paper into strips means money.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed of a piece of paper, this portends a visit to a concert, theater or dance evening.

White paper means friendly relations and removal of guilt; pure, unwritten - chastity and purity of thoughts of the one you doubt; scribbled on - a sign of persecution and slander; with printed text - those who only yesterday looked down on you will begin to fawn and fawn on you; brown parchment paper - to a quarrel with your lover; black - to bad news; colored - annoyance due to shame and resentment; torn sheets of paper - you will lose some of your rights.

Tearing paper in a dream means falling into anger and irritability in reality.

Scattering sheets of paper - the situation will be shaken, your plans will not come true.

Writing something on paper means expecting unpleasant letters.

Sending a business paper somewhere means that in reality you are threatened with losses as a result of litigation.

To receive such a paper is a 100% winning deal.

Seeing wrapping paper is a sign of acquisitions.

Blotting paper seen in a dream - you will be deceived into revealing secrets that seriously affect the interests of your friend.

Torn blotting paper - long-term disagreements at home or among friends.

Paper torn from a notebook, with unknown phone numbers - you will have new responsibilities and worries, perhaps even pleasant ones for you.

Waste paper in a dream - foreshadows soon painstaking but unjustified work.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A paper kite - to the news.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of a stack or stack of blank paper - expect an exchange of living space, a move comparable to a fire.

If you dreamed of torn paper, your neighbors will flood you.

In a dream, you tore the paper yourself - which means that in the near future you will flood your neighbors.

Dreaming of dirty paper - predicts: you will suddenly have to do cosmetic repairs your home (apartment).

You sold or bought paper - soon you will have to spend a large sum money for improvement of your apartment.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If in a dream you had to deal with any papers, expect complications with the law and expenses associated with legal fees. For a young woman, such a dream means that her chosen one can bring her many joyless experiences in the future.

Why do you dream about paper?

Azar's Dream Book

white paper - illness, excuse

paper covered with writing - false denunciation

cotton paper - profit

colored paper - joy

clean paper - hassle

rustling paper - hearing

write on paper - false slander

tear paper - improvement in business

put an ink - improvement in business

paper lampshade - despondency

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Write - false slander;

tear or blot - improvement in business;

clean - troubles;

white is an excuse.

Why do you dream about paper?

Modern dream book

Blank paper is a symbol of the girl’s innocence, the purity of the thoughts of the person you doubt.

Written or dirty paper is a sign of slander.

Papers are useless work and a disappointment.

A person who sees a flying kite in a dream expects happiness and sorrow in half. Your success will either be incomplete, or it will be overshadowed by some tragic event.

If in a dream you see securities- beware of deception in financial transactions, if you buy these papers - you will have monetary losses or waste, if you have lost the papers - this good sign: You will avoid wrong trades or other monetary losses.

Why do you dream about paper?

Eastern dream book

Important papers dream of litigation. Such a dream warns a young woman: her lover will displease her with his behavior.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

white disease; colorful joy; a written false denunciation; cotton profit.

Why do you dream about paper?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing paper is news.

White sheet - friendship.

Seeing a lot of paper means a change of business / acquisition.

Seeing a lot of white sheets of paper means anger, loss.

Tearing paper - recklessness will lead to interference.

Colored paper is a joy.

Bright colored paper - annoyance from resentment.

Finely written - a false accusation.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A sheet of paper (blank) is the beginning of something, starting position, the birth of an idea, plan, creative endeavor; dirty, covered in writing - slander, denunciation, doubt, trouble.

Toilet paper - minor troubles; on a roll - something long-lasting, painful.

Paper crafts (boat, cube...) - unreliability of relationships, promises, contracts; illusions.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Paper mean in a dream - The business you have planned will most likely not be realized. Imagine that a sheet of paper turns into a piece of wood. Or turn it into a poster (see Poster).

Why do you dream about paper?

Combined dream book

Blank white paper seen in a dream means a person whom you doubt is pure in his actions and thoughts.

Dirty or scribbled paper - you will encounter slander and slander, gossip.

Why do you dream about paper?

Electronic dream book

Paper money is a hassle, useless work and disappointment.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Paper – Five-color paper. - Talks about a great increase in wealth. You swallow five-color paper. - You will make progress in writing poetry.

Why do you dream about paper?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Paper - Paper that appears to you in a dream portends wealth, especially if it is clean and white. Sometimes this dream foreshadows a man's imminent acquaintance with a seductive woman. Wet or burnt paper means damage. Possess in a dream a large number damask steel - to a scientific career. True, if in real life the person who had such a dream is poorly educated, then the dream promises the opposite.

Papers – Find – profit; to lose – shock; read - you will get confused; torn - you will lose the case; to break - improvement of affairs., this is how the dream you are dreaming is ambiguously deciphered.

Why do you dream about paper?

Modern dream book

Papers – Useless work and grief

Dream Interpretation Toilet paper – Minor troubles; on a roll - something long-lasting, painful.

Paper, parchment - If in a dream you happened to send or at least hold paper (or parchment) in your hands, this is a sign that you are facing losses. In real life, they will likely manifest themselves in the form of a lawsuit. For a young woman, this portends a quarrel with her lover. Beware, if you are married, of quarrels in the vicinity of your home. Such a dream may also mean the emergence of rumors around your name.

Dreaming of a Paper Cap - Carelessness, failure of the dreamer’s life position; ridicule.

Dreaming of Paper crafts (boat, cube...) – Unreliability of relationships, promises, contracts; illusions.

Paper kite – Izvestia

Why do you dream about paper?

Creative dream book

You dreamed about Paper, what is it for. 1. Depending on the circumstances of the dreamer’s life, the paper should be interpreted differently. So, in the life of a student, it most likely reflects the need to pay attention to studies. There are some difficulties in the life of a postman, while festive wrapping paper represents the desire to have fun at the holiday. 2. Blank writing paper indicates a lack of communication or a need to communicate with someone in particular, but can also suggest a new beginning. Wrapping paper can illuminate the practicality of the dreamer's nature. 3. There is potential for spiritual growth through study and personal creativity.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Paper - as if you were holding or sorting through some papers in your hands - the dream is unfavorable; they are expecting you material losses; if you are currently in a legal battle with someone, have no doubt that you will lose it; If you intend to sue someone, don't sue - you will lose the case and also pay legal fees. If young unmarried woman if she dreams that she is going through some papers, then in real life she will have a quarrel with her loved one; she will see that in a quarrel he is not as noble as he seemed to her before the quarrel. Married woman after such a dream, let her prepare for the next test: gossip will reach her, in which she occupies an important place; an unpleasant aftertaste will remain in your soul. White blank paper dreams of friendship; It’s up to you, friends, to decide what text to write on this paper; and how to write - neatly or carelessly. Colored paper dreams of resentment; someone will offend you and, due to their own myopia, will not even guess about it.

Why do you dream about paper?

Russian dream book

What does paper mean in a dream - white - illness; colored - joy; written down - a false denunciation.

Why do you dream about paper?

Jewish dream book

What does Paper mean in a dream - Writing on a blank sheet of coated paper means wasting time on fruitless dreams.

Why do you dream about paper?

Women's dream book

Paper - If in a dream you had to deal with any papers, expect complications with the law, expenses associated with legal fees. For a young woman, such a dream means that her chosen one can bring her many joyless experiences in the future.

Why do you dream about paper?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Paper - official news. A sheet of paper with printed text means people will fawn on you. Written by hand in an incomprehensible handwriting - false slander. Tearing paper means getting angry, falling into a rage. Many sheets of blank paper - starting several things at the same time. Multi-colored paper - good helpers in business. Write on paper - report, print yourself - make a request, print as a carbon copy or reproduce what is printed - multiple requests.

Why do you dream about paper?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Paper - Clean - unspoken feelings, thoughts; paper on which something is written is an opportunity; wrapping paper - thoughts about how you look in the eyes of other people; own potential capabilities.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you dreamed of sheets of white paper, then this dream foretells you a period of calm, carefree and peace of mind, affairs will not require your active intervention, and prosperity and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Seeing crumpled paper - bad sign, promising you trouble, possibly a quarrel with loved ones.

In a dream, writing something on paper - soon you will do something or say something that you will later regret very much.

Tearing the paper into shreds - you will be enraged by the lies and slander of one of your acquaintances, with whom you will rashly ruin your relationship, however, you will not regret it, because others will begin to respect you for your integrity and straightforwardness.

If you cut paper in a dream, then this indicates that you will have to openly oppose strong man who often uses exaggerated facts to influence others.

Why do you dream about paper?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Seeing white paper means friendship; colored - annoyance due to shame or resentment; counting sheets is a waste of several days; to see paper covered in writing - false news or promises; to receive a business or stamp paper - the right thing is ahead; Seeing cotton paper is a purchase.

Why do you dream about paper?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If a sheet of paper is wrinkled, this means money is coming, then it can be a return of a debt, a gift or a salary. In order for the money to come, quickly bury a bottle of wine near the entrance to the house; when it arrives, you can dig it up and drink it).

Bad meaning: If the piece of paper is clean, whole and smooth, get ready for a conflict or a very unpleasant conversation. To avoid this, place a pebble on your head in the morning and do not take off your hat all day.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Paper money means profit.

Why do you dream about paper?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing white paper means friendship; colored - annoyance due to shame or resentment; counting sheets is a waste of several days; to see paper covered in writing - false news or promises; to receive a business or stamp paper - the right thing lies ahead; Seeing cotton paper is a purchase.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Tear the paper - do not try to end the past abruptly.

Why do you dream about paper?

Online dream book

The dream book explains the paper as a harbinger of problems, false accusations and big expenses.

If you dreamed of a snow-white, unwritten sheet, those around you are very positive towards you.

If you dream of crumpled paper - your hopes will not come true; if it is wet or burnt - losses await you, torn

If you write on it in a dream, you are about to receive bad news.

You dream that you are cutting it - you are facing unequal rivalry or separation, you are tearing it up

Finding some paper in a dream means you will suddenly get rich.

If you dreamed that you lost her, you will be stunned by something.

The dream in which you purchase or sell it foreshadows repairs in the near future.

If you dreamed that you were busy reading some papers, you will not be able to find a way out of this situation.

Scattering them in a dream means your plans are not destined to come true, there is some instability in life.

If you dream that you are busy gluing sheets of paper, you will have to prove your innocence.

Roll toilet paper dreaming - to a series of tedious worries.

A sheet of paper - no change in business and personal life. Maybe this is the calm before the storm. Or a period of measured events begins, without sharp fluctuations and sudden surprises.

Toilet paper is a dream - household little things, vanity without a serious reason, taking away energy. It will be difficult to complete the most mundane tasks.

If you dreamed of cutting paper, a confrontation is coming between you and an influential person. Prepare yourself in advance so as not to get into trouble.

Why do you dream about paper?

Solomon's Dream Book

White paper - illness; colored - joy; written down - false denunciation; wallet - profit, wealth; empty - poverty, ruin.

Why do you dream about paper?

An old English dream book

Paper or parchment in a dream means that you will get into trouble: perhaps you will be accused of some crime and, seeking an acquittal, you will spend a lot of money and mental strength.

A blank sheet of paper in a dream speaks of the sincerity of the feelings of your friend or lover, which will soon warm your heart.

Seeing in a dream paper carelessly covered with scribbles or stained with stains is a harbinger of trouble or some unjust deeds.

If the paper is written neatly, this dream promises profitable deals.

If the paper is carelessly folded or crumpled, the dream foreshadows disappointment; if it is folded neatly, but the text is not visible, then you will be able to fulfill your intentions.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream book of lovers

If a young woman dreams that she is holding a paper, this is a sign that she will quarrel with her chosen one. For married people, the dream promises quarrels and slander.

Why do you dream about paper?

Lunar dream book

Paper - written works.

Why do you dream about paper?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Seeing clean paper and writing on it means litigation; cotton - profit.

An ordinary piece of paper, a document, or even a newspaper in a dream can tell a lot about what will happen in reality. The main thing is to choose a decoding that corresponds to current events and the dreamer’s goals. Popular dream books will explain in detail why paper is dreamed of.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream that you were holding in your hands or sending a certain package of papers? Miller's dream book assures that you are threatened with serious losses and even participation in litigation.

For a young girl to see paper in a dream, it means a quarrel with her lover. Married people should also beware of minor disagreements and conflicts with their significant other. The scribbled sheet signifies gossip spread by evil tongues.

Interpretation of sleep according to Freud

Freud's dream book, as usual, suggests interpreting the image with sexual overtones. What do you think paper products are for in dreams? This is surprising, but they are not a symbol of a woman. Did you happen to look through newspapers or read books? You are clearly interested in the fairer sex.

In a dream, crumpled paper represents a woman who is always ready to help, but does not impose her services. A burning piece of paper marks sexual contact with the person of your dreams. But the dream book reminds us that most often this is just a desire, and not a real event.

Did you dream that you were reading a book or newspaper? yours sex life can hardly be called monotonous and boring. Tearing a paper product literally means trying to diversify sex by any means.

In a dream, writing a letter on high-quality paper means that you are completely satisfied with your intimate life. The interpretation of the dream is the opposite if you happened to write on a crumpled and dirty piece of paper, or even a tiny scrap.

I dreamed about a paper based on a 21st century dream book

Why do you dream of a white blank sheet? In a dream, it signifies friendly assistance and new relationships. Brown parchment promises loss and disappointment. Have you ever cut paper with scissors? The dream book believes that you will part with your loved one. Tearing and even burning a paper product literally means finishing what you started.

Unusual documents and parchment scrolls in a dream warn that you will take part in court case. If the paper is white, you will win; any other color, you will most likely lose.

I dreamed about cardboard or cardboard boxes? Expect success and prosperity. But if you received something in a box by mail, then the dream book predicts disappointment in the person you trusted.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z - why do you dream about paper?

Did you happen to see a sheet of paper in a dream? In the near future, a trip to the theater, concert or other similar event is expected.

Did you dream that you tore a piece of paper into shreds? In reality you will be angry and even fall into a rage. Scattering paper in a dream is bad. This a clear sign that your stable situation will worsen. If you had to count a whole stack of sheets, then in real life you will be wasting your time.

Did you have to write something on a piece of paper? Receive unpleasant news. If they sent a letter that you personally wrote, you will lose the court case. Did you dream that you received a certain document? You will win the case 100%.

White blank paper in a dream

Why do you dream about paper that is completely white and clean? The interpretation of the dream is extremely positive. You are standing at the very beginning of a certain stage, business or relationship, and it’s up to you what happens next.

Fate is probably giving you the opportunity to do something, taking into account past mistakes. Try to use your chance wisely and don't do anything stupid.

If you happen to see a whole stack of blank paper, then you have to complete an important task. In addition, blank paper can be a symbol of the exceptionally good intentions and feelings of another person. In a dream, it guarantees the sincerity and goodwill of a person you know.

Why do you dream about paper? different colors? White reflects confusion, red marks an explosion of emotions, black promises sad news and events, multi-colored guarantees mutual understanding, bright prospects, and unusual events.

Used paper, dirty, with text

Why do you dream about a sheet of paper covered with writing? This is a clear sign of receiving or transmitting some information. It’s best if you were able to make out the notes in a dream. This will give a hint as to what area of ​​life the prediction concerns.

Seeing a whole pile of pieces of paper with text literally means confronting the bureaucracy. It is also a symbol of gossip, denunciations, unpleasant conversations and one’s own insecurities.

Did you dream of a piece of paper covered in strange handwriting or strange icons? You will have to visit a government building or government agency.

Scribble, greasy spots, blots and so on promise troubles, uncertainty, stupid actions. If in the dream the lines were even and completely understandable, then all upcoming commercial transactions will go perfectly.

What do documents and securities mean?

Why do you dream about documents? You are likely to face difficulties with the Law and unexpected expenses. Did you dream about securities? Be careful, you may be deceived in an upcoming financial transaction.

Seeing deeds of gift or inheritance papers means disagreements with loved ones or relatives over money. This is also a sign of serious material loss.

If you received a business or stamp paper, then some business will turn out very well. For a young girl, this is a warning that she will worry about her loved one.

Paper in a dream - specific interpretations

For true interpretation dreams will have to remember its most insignificant details. What paper is meant for in a dream will be revealed by its color, quality, condition, as well as personal actions.

  • white - atone for guilt
  • brown - quarrel
  • black - bad news
  • color – annoyance, entertainment
  • clean - no doubt about it
  • written down - slander, gossip, slander
  • With printed text- to flattery, envy
  • with a picture - disappointment
  • torn - loss, loss of honor
  • Whatman paper - quarrel
  • blotter - deception, domestic showdowns
  • wrapping – large purchases, acquisitions
  • from a notebook - new worries, responsibilities
  • toilet - minor chores, troubles
  • waste paper - difficult but unprofitable work
  • paper roll – infectious disease, something that will last a very long time
  • wet/burnt – loss, damage
  • old, yellowed - deception, disappointment
  • stack of clean ones - moving
  • a lot of papers - you will make a career
  • counting sheets is a waste of effort, resources, time
  • tearing paper - to anger
  • crush - to a scandal with neighbors
  • write on it - to a letter
  • line - fulfill this obligation, word
  • glue - you will make excuses
  • fold - to consistent development
  • collapse - trouble
  • pack - for reconciliation
  • rustle - to unpleasant rumors
  • cut - to money
  • buy - good luck
  • sell - for profit
  • flies in the air - illusory hope
  • see how they do it - information will be beneficial
  • paper crafts - illusions, unreliability
  • paper cap - mockery, carelessness, uncertainty
  • snake - ghostly dreams

If in a dream you happened to sort through, put papers in order and put them in piles and drawers, then in reality you will have to do hard work. Unfortunately, the effort spent is unlikely to pay off.

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