Why do you dream of a small kitten in the water? I just dreamed about one kitten

Cute fluffy and affectionate creatures - kittens - evoke tenderness in most of us.

Hands reach out to the fluffy fur, and most often a smile appears on the face. This happens in real life. What could such a dream mean: kittens? A lot of these animals, almost all dream books say, means trouble. However, books of dreams, written at all times by different peoples, interpret the plots differently similar dreams.

and women

Is it possible to read a dream? Certainly. But it is important to take into account the slightest nuances of night visions, the character of the dreamer, and his attitude towards furry pets. You should also take into account how folk culture treats this representative of domestic animals.

Let’s ask the following question: “Why do you dream about kittens?” Many little fluffies, says Tsvetkov’s dream book, are harbingers of squabbles and minor troubles. The compiler does not pay attention to the color of the kittens and does not take into account their number. Miller in his publication interprets this dream in more detail. Many small kittens or adult cats, he says, really dream of losses and troubles. However, if they have white fur in a dream, then the dreamer himself will be to blame for the troubles (for Miller this is most often a woman). It is her frivolity and inattention that can bring danger into her life. Black kittens, according to Miller, warn about the treachery of friends, and red ones - about the deception and falsehood of distant acquaintances.

It goes even further English dream book and a publication called “A-Dream Book”. Their compilers quite rightly pay attention not only to the subject of the dream, but also to its content. Many red fluffies biting the dreamer’s fingers, according to the compilers of these two publications, warn: the cunning of enemies has reached its limit and can cause material damage. Further interpretations differ.

Kittens are good

The A-Dream Book indicates that dream reading should be based on the real character of cats: freedom-loving, independent. Based on this, the A-Dream Book continues, if a sick person dreams of small fluffies, this means that the illness will end very soon. Why Many animals in a prisoner’s cell indicate imminent release.

If children dreamed about them, then they will soon have a brother or sister. If a black kitten (or kittens) came to the baby in a dream, this means that the spirits of his ancestors visited him. The dream is considered a good omen. However, adults dream of a black kitten as a reminder: it’s time to remember dead relatives.

What do other kittens say? White pussies can bring a lot of trouble to a married lady. They say that the lady will have to face gossip and intrigue, but, thanks to her intelligence, she will emerge victorious from the conflict. If the dreamed animals turn out to be dirty, disheveled and hungry, then the lady or her family will soon suffer financial ruin.

The reading of dreams in these dream books is based primarily on European culture and European beliefs. In the East and Asia, interpretations will be different, because these peoples have a different attitude towards cats.

Dream Interpretations of Asia and the East

Why do you dream about kittens? A lot of furry babies, Zhou-Gong insists, portend quick profits. Ibn Sirina says that these are the children of the dreamer. Kittens can mean a cooling wife or a book. Often - theft or failure to fulfill someone's promises. What do modern psychologists think about dreams? A lot of kittens, they say, can mean anything. For a person who loves cats, they can be a good omen. For those who hate them, animals portend frustration and trouble. That's why you shouldn't give great value night visions.

Why kittens? Cute, fluffy kitten, dreamed in a dream, is interpreted by many dream books as a negative image, carrying and warning about minor troubles, problems, and enemies.

But it’s worth sorting everything out in detail, piece by piece, because for some a kitten is a reason for tenderness, a pleasant smile and calmness, while for others (for example, a person is allergic to cats), a small, fluffy creature carries far from positive emotions.

Therefore, you need to focus on your personal feelings in a dream. Also, you don’t need to feel bad about yourself if you recently got a kitten, or a situation related to it recently occurred. In this case, the dream may be a reflection of your real life, without any hidden, special meaning.

Why do you dream about kittens?

IN different dream books available different interpretations of this dream. In addition, it is necessary to take into account many factors and details in order to more accurately understand what to expect from it. Depending on how healthy, well-groomed, and beautiful the kitten is in the dream, you can draw different conclusions. Also, the color of the fluffy cutie influences the interpretation.

A newborn, blind, helpless kitten calls you to confront the surging problems.

Also, pay attention to your loved ones and family, perhaps they need your support and help.

Hold him in your arms - learn to make independent, informed decisions. The dream speaks of self-doubt.

Healthy, beautiful, fluffy kitten

Such a dream means that many problems remain, unnoticed and unresolved by you. Most of whom you are used to shifting and dumping responsibility for them on other people, perceiving this as your dignity.

A kitten you meet along the way may be a harbinger of a gift. If the affectionate creature was not afraid of you and easily walked into your arms, then you can count on an acquaintance that will later develop into a stronger relationship.

Flea kittens

A dream about a flea-ridden kitten may portend advancement on the career ladder or an improvement in your financial situation.

Why photograph beaten, wounded, dying kittens?

Dreams with kittens have conflicting interpretations. So, the wounded kitten is enough good sign, meaning your good, stable position at work, regardless of the machinations of envious people and competitors.

A kitten that dies is a symbol of the weakness of your enemies. They are no longer able to resist you and will soon completely disappear from your field of visibility.

In a dream, you are trying to save a poor little thing who was cornered by dogs - this symbolizes your generosity and kindness. Very often, when people hurt you, they already know that they are not going to take revenge. A kitten that died in your arms pushes you to solve problems.

A kitten covered in dirt serves as a warning about gossip and unpleasant rumors. If you tried to wash it, then you give reason for your further discussion. In this case, the kitten in the mud is the machinations and machinations of your enemies.

Why photograph kittens of different colors?

  • A white, affectionate, handsome guy - he remains unnoticed by you, the bad attitude of others. Perhaps a pleasant romantic meeting and acquaintance, a new friend.
  • Black kitten - unforeseen circumstances. Since ancient times, black color symbolizes mysticism and the unknown, perhaps their influence and help.
  • The gray color of the kitten indicates the successful progress of household and household affairs. If they are not in a better position now, then soon everything will change for the better.
  • Striped is a natural course of events with varying degrees of success. Be careful, don't trust everyone
  • Smoky – buying household utensils.
  • Red - improvement in financial situation, possible reward, reward.
  • Blue - your dreams are unrealizable.
  • Pink color means that someone is manipulating your feelings and warning of impending deception. It is worth paying attention to the words of loved ones, especially family members. They, like no one else, see the veil of “pink fog” that covers your eyes. Pink acts as a symbol of a love relationship, so try to think with a sound mind and not be led by feelings.
  • Yellow color – acts as a warning about possible problems because of immediate desires.
  • Green kitten - you should be wary of lucrative offers, otherwise they will shift someone else’s work onto your shoulders.
  • Two-color fluffy (pink and white) means that you are already hooked by a scammer and manipulator, but look for excuses not to notice it. You need to open your eyes and see the big picture, otherwise it can cause damage.

Actions in a dream with kittens

Stroking a kitten is a visit from an unexpected old friend. Also, you should not abuse alcoholic beverages.

Catching kittens means you should be careful not to get involved in adventures.

Playing with a kitten means you need to be vigilant and take a close look at those around you. It is quite possible that someone is playing a game with you. Be careful with new people you don't know.

Buying a kitten is not a good sign for those who are planning some kind of financial transactions. This dream epitomizes the saying “buying a pig in a poke”, so if possible, it is better to postpone your purchases.

Feeding a kitten - a dream reflects reality and doubts about the reciprocity of those around you. You may be giving more than you receive without any gratitude.

Save a kitten - you need help, but the person you hoped for did not live up to expectations.

Breastfeeding a kitten is a confirmation of your doubts, and the person with whom they were associated should not be trusted.

Kittens scratch and bite - perhaps on your way you will meet an unpleasant, despotic person who will oppress you. Brides should pay attention to such a dream; soon your husband may turn out to be a tyrant and despot. A biting kitten also warns of meeting a young person with a bad character.

Why take pictures of little kittens according to different dream books?

In general, all dream books interpret kittens in dreams as personifying problems and minor troubles in reality. But none of them foreshadows serious problems and losses.

Why do you dream of a little kitten according to Miller’s dream book?

Save a dirty, flea-ridden kitten from a dog - receive a monetary reward for a job well done.

Puppies and kittens in one bag - a series of small tasks that will bring trouble.

A child wants to get a kitten - the appearance of another child.

Stray kittens meow under your door - solve your problems, but don’t try to get away from them.

If your child witnesses you protecting a kitten from evil animals, the promised entertainment for the child may be dangerous.

Sleeping kittens in the house– many children are predicted for the newlyweds. If you have never had pets, this is a new serious project.

An angry, biting, scratching kitten - petty intrigues at work. A bite on the finger - manipulation of colleagues with flattery, on the hand - will not allow you to take on a profitable project.

Kitten in clean water- easy problem solving dirty water– physical and moral fatigue, malaise. If you wash a kitten, there will be an attempt to lure a competitor to your side. Drowning a kitten - quick solution questions that have arisen.

Watching a kitten eat means your competitors are thriving. If he eats from your plate or table, you will regret your kindness.

He eats meat - portends medical help.

Collecting kitten feces - rumors in the team will not stop. If excrement is in your house, expect an unpleasant visit in your bed, a sign of betrayal.

Kittens in a dream according to Aesop's dream book

A cat with its offspring in a dream warns of problems with children. You should pay more attention to your child; perhaps he is hiding something from you.

A kitten running away from a dog calls you to be careful. Perhaps the danger that you managed to avoid earlier is again on your doorstep.

Interpretation of dreams with kittens according to the dream book of Nostradamus

According to this dream book, a basket of kittens that ends up in a palace with an honorary column promises, ten years later, the emergence of a leader in politics, famous for his strength and unpredictability. He will establish a democratic order and independence, for this he will be praised, feared, and revered.

Interpretation of sleep according to Loff's dream book

In Loff's dream book, the cat personifies magical and paranormal abilities. Dreaming about an animal may mean that you should trust your intuition. Also, kittens may indicate your desire to learn magical and occult sciences.

Why should a woman take pictures of small kittens?

A white, fluffy kitten for a woman calls her to be careful. Someone has set traps and is waiting for your ruin, but a sober mind will help you do it right choice. You should be especially careful with men.

White newborn kittens - envy from the outside best friend. Kitty different colors– rumors behind your back will not damage your reputation. Black - a bad omen, tears, sadness.

Small kittens are harbingers of misfortune for a girl. If you are planning a wedding, it is better to postpone it to avoid troubles.

For a wealthy woman, seeing a dirty, unkempt, sick kitten is a sign of bad behavior from the people around her.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a kitten?

Pregnant woman kittens in a dream talk about health problems. A kitten purring on your lap warns of premature birth.

Cheerful, playful kittens portend a good course of labor and excellent health of the newborn.

There is no need to worry if a dead kitten was present in the dream; complications during childbirth are possible, but this will not harm the child.

Red and white kittens indicate the birth of a girl, while striped and black kittens indicate the birth of a boy.

It is difficult to find such a strange person who would not be touched by the mere sight of adorable kittens.

Cute, fluffy babies evoke so many pleasant emotions! But in the world of dreams, the opposite is often true, and phenomena that we are accustomed to consider good and nice in reality may not mean something not entirely favorable.

Also, the question of why kittens dream may have unexpected answers. Cats are generally a symbol of mysticism, other world, magic.

It is believed that cats live both in the real world and in the astral world. So the symbol is complex, ambiguous, mysterious.

What do dreams say?

Kittens in a dream often symbolize something unfavorable, but not at all scary - minor illnesses, small, insignificant quarrels or passing difficulties.

What exactly a “cat” dream means depends on the nuances. For example:

  • You just saw one kitten in a dream or many of them.
  • Animals in a dream can be beautiful and fluffy, or, on the contrary, skinny and tattered.
  • Sometimes you may dream about a dead baby.
  • A cat with children visited your dream.
  • You could stroke them in your dreams.
  • Play with them, caress them.
  • You were scratched by a kitten in a dream.
  • You bought a furry animal.
  • It was given to you.

It’s also worth taking into account the cat’s color, as well as who is having the dream: a woman or a man, a girl in love or a mother. Taking into account all these nuances, you can correctly interpret what kittens mean in dreams and draw conclusions.

Just to see the kids

If in your dream you did not touch the kittens, but only looked at them from the side, remember your dream and what one or more kids looked like in your dream. It's them appearance plays a major role in deciphering the vision.

1. One little kitten, which you saw in your night dreams, promises a small, but still profit. Perhaps this will be associated with some small troubles or fuss, but nothing global. You will receive a reward or a small bonus.

2. Here’s a frequent question: why do you dream of little kittens if there are a lot of them in your dreams? If you see a bunch of furry creatures, expect trouble.

But don’t be alarmed, they will be small and will not ruin your life, but will only temporarily add trouble. Perhaps minor ailments will come instead of minor problems, so take care of your health.

3. For a woman of any age, a dream in which she sees many kittens is interpreted by the dream book as a warning. A trap awaits you on the way, someone is laying treacherous nets - and if you are gullible, you will regret the consequences.

Be especially careful when communicating with the opposite sex. Don't believe everything you are told and remain vigilant.

4. For lovers, as the dream book says, sleeping with furry babies means difficulties in relationships, conflicts, mistrust or suspicion.

A difficult period is coming - and the dream book warns you to try to prevent problems in advance and avoid them. Otherwise, the relationship may simply collapse.

5. If in your dreams you saw a dirty, skinny, street kitten, this is advice that higher powers are sending you. Don't buy into the external glitz and tinsel, look inside, don't trust the first impression when you meet someone, otherwise you will have a lot of disappointments. This especially applies to a woman who had such a dream.

6. Also, many people ask the interpreter, why do newborn kittens dream - just tiny ones that have not yet opened their eyes?

This may be a symbol that you are now going through a period of helplessness and feel like a blind kitten, cannot make a decision and do not know what to do. Try to gather your strength.

7. Fluffy, beautiful and well-groomed, especially purebred babies in a dream are a good sign. Such a dream promises you a gift, good luck, and pleasant emotions.

But be careful - perhaps these pleasant moments will be somehow associated with an insincere or selfish person. For example, you might be given a gift by someone who expects something in return. Be careful.

8. A very unpleasant dream in which you had to see a dead kitten that died without your participation, nevertheless, carries a good sign.

Dead kittens are a symbol that your troubles and minor everyday problems will soon be resolved. And they do it themselves, without your active intervention. Your life will become much easier.

9. The dream book will answer why you dream of a cat with kittens - it doesn’t matter whether you saw her on the street or in own home. Seeing a mother cat with a litter in a dream is a symbol of offspring, care, family. This is a favorable sign, indicating that you will have harmony and order at home.

Play, pet, or...

The meanings of dreams in which you had to not only look at furry animals, but also come into contact with them, are more intense. Remember what exactly you did in your dreams?

1. Do you pet a kitten in your sleep? Look around, somewhere nearby there are insincere, flattering people who pretend to be your friends.

2. Killed a kitten? This also happens in dreams, and this is a favorable sign - you will soon cope with your troubles and solve the problems yourself.

3. If you are good, fluffy and cute little cat cuddles up to you, purrs - this promises you a pleasant romantic acquaintance, flirting and dates.

4. Playing with a kitten in your dreams, especially if it clawed you during play, is bad sign, an indication that a person close to you has dark thoughts, a bad conscience, and is dishonest with you.

5. If you bought a kitten in a dream, then this is a warning - you are at risk of fraud, some kind of financial fraud, you may be deceived with money. Be careful.

6. And if it was given to you in a dream, then this speaks of your loneliness, which has either already come or will come soon.

Red, white, striped...

The color of the animals you dream about plays an important role in the interpretation of the dream, so do you remember what color the furry creatures were in the dream?

1. Red kittens in a dream promise profit, a reward, a pleasant monetary surprise.

2. Smoky, gray kittens, especially fluffy and well-groomed ones, are a symbol of family hearth, comfort, and well-being. If now everything is not in order in the house, soon the situation will change, and peace and order will come.

3. Charming white kittens in night dreams promise the sleeper a pleasant acquaintance with someone. They certainly promise romance and dates, perhaps you will meet and make a new friend.

4. Black kittens are messengers of the hidden ones magical powers, they promise you help from above, some kind of presence of mysticism in your life.

5. A tabby kitten carries a warning to those who see it in a dream. This is a sign of deception and betrayal that may occur. Be careful, don't trust everyone around you.

6. Multi-colored kittens tell you that you are not far-sighted enough, you are easy to deceive, because you too quickly take for granted everything that you see or hear around you. This can lead to deception and disappointment.

Dreams involving kittens very often warn of something. If you receive a signal from a dream book about danger, deception, or problems, do not wait for them, but try to take any action to prevent troubles.

After all, that's what dreams are for.


Small defenseless animals evoke feelings of tenderness and tenderness in almost every person. Few can associate any negative emotions. The same can be said about dreams in which little kittens took part. Now we will figure out what kind of information load such symbols have. To correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to take into account not only the main object, but also other details of the plot. Great value It also has an emotional load.

Why do you dream of little kittens?

Many dream books are inclined to believe that such a dream promises the emergence of numerous problems and troubles. It could also be a harbinger of betrayal. Interpretations depend on the color of the animal's skin. For example, if the kitten was black, then you should prepare for minor problems in reality. Animals white prophesy joy. If the kitten was red, this is a harbinger of problems that will concern your personal life. A dream in which a two-colored animal appeared indicates that life will be filled with both pleasant and sad events. If the babies had a smoky color, this is an omen of minor losses in the material sphere. Seeing small kittens of an unusual color in a dream means that an unexpected surprise awaits you. If you stroked them, this is a harbinger of deception.

Night vision in which you saw newly born babies indicates the onset of a favorable period for confronting unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances. The dream book says that if you do not make any attempts to change the situation, you can provoke the development of serious problems. A dream in which small kittens appeared in your house serves as an indication that you should better monitor your own behavior, since rash steps will significantly ruin your reputation for a long time. If you pick up a kitten on the street, this is a symbol that you are the culprit of your own problems. The dream book says that by recognizing your own mistakes, you can correct the situation.

A dream where you saw many little kittens and they were sleeping is a symbol that the existing problems are not so significant. If the animals were active, this can be taken as a recommendation that you should be more attentive to the people from your own environment, as someone is making plans to harm you. Aggressive animals are a warning about increased enemy activity. A dream where kittens wanted to scratch, but you drove them away is a favorable sign that indicates that you will be able to defeat your enemies and successfully resolve all existing problems. Seeing small kittens while still blind in a dream means that the ideal time has come to deal with your enemies. If you do nothing, it will lead to serious problems. A night vision in which a girl is holding a small kitten in her arms serves as an indication that it is worth carefully analyzing your own behavior, since thoughtless actions can cause shame.

For a woman, a dream in which a small fluffy kitten appeared is a warning about fraud, which can lead to various troubles. They can only be overcome through logic and common sense. A dream in which dirty or thin animals appeared indicates that you will become a victim of someone else's thoughtless act. Seeing a small dead kitten in a dream means you can breathe a sigh of relief, since enemies and troubles will soon recede. If a child is hit by a car, it means that the existing problems will be solved by themselves.


Dream Interpretation Little Kittens

Why do little Kittens dream in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of little kittens? This is a good moment to confront and express dissatisfaction with unfavorable conditions for you. With due persistence, you will be able to defend your own interests, while inaction will result in big problems.

A small kitten in your arms indicates the need to pay more attention to your own behavior. Your frivolity can negatively affect your reputation. A small fluffy kitten promises betrayal of a close friend, which will greatly upset you.

Who had a dream about little kittens?

A woman dreams of small kittens

The dream book describes small kittens for a woman as a warning. External gloss can be deceiving, because of this there is a high probability of becoming a victim of a fraudster or suffering from an unseemly act. Pay attention to the essence of things.

The girl dreamed of a little kitten

For a girl to see a small kitten in a dream means dishonor, disgrace, and a tarnished reputation. This could all be due to your frivolous behavior or committing a short-sighted act.

How many little kittens have you seen in your dreams?

I dreamed of a lot of little kittens

You dream about a lot of little kittens - your problems will have less importance than you give them, you shouldn’t exaggerate. You can find out about some of them after their successful resolution.


Why do you dream about a little kitten?

Kittens are cute, innocent creatures. They can't seem to do any harm. However, a small kitten appearing in a dream is not always a good sign. Having seen such a dream, you should figure out why a small kitten is dreaming in a particular case.

Kittens seen in a dream predict minor troubles and adversity. Admiring kittens, caressing and stroking them means that either there are two-faced people nearby who are hiding behind a mask, or the person who has such a dream is very naive.

The more kittens, the more troubles await in the near future. It can also mean one big misfortune.

Most often, a person who sees kittens in a dream does not realize and does not expect adversity to come. He himself, without realizing it, attracts unreliable people to himself and becomes a victim of deception and betrayal.

Small kittens symbolize insincere and hypocritical people. Their main weapon is flattery. They are ready to flatter and please in everything just to get what they want. And when they get it, no mercy should be expected. They skillfully set their traps, trying to harm those people to whom they sang their praises just recently.

If a person is the owner of kittens in a dream, then you should be wary of betrayal by someone close to you. Dirty kittens mean that one of your friends is plotting something against the person who saw this dream. Perhaps a major conspiracy is being prepared.

At the same time, a not very pleasant dream in which kittens die actually has positive value. Such a dream predicts the exposure of insincere people until they cause trouble. The traps they set will not work and the tide will turn against them.

Killing a little kitten in a dream, oddly enough, is also a positive dream. This means that a person realizes in time what is going wrong and which people in his life only interfere. Now the main thing in life, when meeting the enemy face to face, is not to give up, but to show determination and persistence in the decision made.

If a man dreams of a small kitten, this indicates the insincerity of his other half. A scratching kitten means the bad character of your beloved. At the same time, playing with a kitten in a dream means not noticing it. In such a situation, it is best to look at your beloved with new eyes and reevaluate her words and actions.

The meaning of the dream may also depend on the color of the kittens. So a black kitten promises minor troubles, to overcome which you need to use your intuition. A gray kitten means difficulties in the financial sector. Having seen such a dream, it is worth considering whether the expenses exceed the funds received.

Red kittens symbolize problems on the love front. At the same time, for a long, strong marriage, such a dream can mean minor troubles, but a new relationship can go downhill. A small kitten with stripes promises both troubles and positive moments.

Minor adversities will give way to success, but the black and white streak will not last long. The only kitten that brings good luck in a dream is a small snow-white kitten. Such a dream promises an unexpected pleasant surprise, joyful events in the near future.

To dream that a small kitten is in some kind of danger and be able to save it means that there will be financial income in life. At the same time, leaving a kitten in trouble will mean unexpected financial losses. In the near future, you should be wary of pickpockets.

Although little kittens in a dream promise trouble, you should not be too afraid of them. Such a dream does not foretell major troubles; adversity will be minor and temporary. However, you should still be vigilant in order to endure this period with minimal losses.


Cat with kittens according to the dream book

Soft, fluffy, purring creatures so dear to the heart, in a dream, are often a symbol of enemies. But for an accurate interpretation of a dream, one character is not always enough; you need to look at the totality of all the details. For example, what a cat and kittens dream about is not always a bad sign. In what cases should you beware, and in what cases should you prepare for joyful events? Our dream book will tell you about this.

A cat with kittens in a dream is the personification of tenderness and care for offspring, therefore, by definition, such a dream can only bring good moments in life, but only if you know for sure that the kittens belong to this particular animal.

For example, if in a dream you saw a lot of cats and kittens, just en masse, without showing care and tenderness, then this is a bad sign. In addition to the hidden ill-wishers symbolized by cats, you will have minor troubles that will in one way or another be associated with ill-wishers. According to the dream book, bad rumors will circulate around your person, spread by your enemies.

In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid deterioration of your reputation, but the dream book advises not to enter into relationships with strangers, shady personalities, and to lead the most correct lifestyle possible, so as not to create the ground for dirty gossip.

Also, the dream book can interpret what such a dream means in a positive way, if in the dream you petted and hugged pets. This picture is especially favorable if at the moment you have unresolved problems. Soon, everything will fall into place, and harmony and peace will reign in life.

Why do you dream about a story in which a cat gave birth to many kittens? The dream book interprets this picture from an emotional perspective. If, at the sight of an animal giving birth in a dream, you felt disgust and a desire to turn away, then you have to go through a difficult path to your goal, where enemies will definitely build obstacles for you, and not everyone will be able to overcome them.

But if you were not disgusted in the dream, then you can expect a long-awaited addition to the family and an extremely favorable situation in business. The dream book gives even more positive predictions if you pick up a newborn kitten - very soon you will literally catch luck by the tail.

The color of a cat with kittens matters

The coloring of the animals you saw in a dream has almost the most important meaning in the interpretation of the dream book. If you dreamed of a black cat with kittens, then this is a bad sign; in reality, you may encounter the infidelity of your significant other, or a charming rival who wants to take your spouse away from the family.

The dream book about a red cat with kittens in a dream is interpreted completely differently by the dream book. Why do we dream about the golden-red color of animals? This portends unprecedented success in all endeavors, receipt of significant material benefits, ease in the pursuit of a long-awaited goal.

A white cat feeding kittens is also a favorable sign. White color, as the embodiment of purity, and a feeding animal - as a symbol of tenderness, together make up a positive prediction in the dream book. Expect a pleasant gift from your loved one, as well as all manifestations of care, love and affection from him.

Why do you have a dream where a calico cat gives birth to kittens? Here, the combination of three different colors foreshadows the saturation of life with a wide variety of events - both good and bad, but in the end everything will be resolved successfully, you can even expect an increase in financial well-being.

Separately, it is worth considering the interpretation of Miller’s dream book about a cat with kittens in a dream. He gives only a negative interpretation to such a plot, especially if the cat, protecting her offspring, rushes at you, scratches, hisses. At the moment, the enemies especially want to ruin your life, so be careful, don’t fall into the traps set, and calculate all your moves to the smallest detail.


In a dream there are many small kittens in the room



Cats are interesting animals. Besides the fact that you can spend a huge amount of time playing with them or protecting their light sleep on your lap, you can also very well meet a cat in your sleep. Many believe that such a meeting was not accidental, and the ancient Egyptians would have interpreted it only as the will of the Gods.

Why do you dream about cats? The interpretation of such dreams is not always pleasing. Many dream books claim that seeing a cat or a cat, even a kitten, in a dream means trouble, loss of friends, and their unreliability. Try to drive away the cat in a dream and then, perhaps, you will avoid deception and betrayal.

If you are wondering – why do you dream about a cat? Or why do you dream about kittens? Open the dream book or our website about cats. However, dream books do not guarantee you the pure truth and it’s up to you whether to believe them or not.

If a cat attacks you in a dream, and you, without being confused, drive it away - wait for fateful events that will provide you with a lift in life

If it was not possible to drive away the cat, and you continue to fight with it and, moreover, receive combat wounds from this seemingly friendly animal - beware! You may soon become seriously ill

Do you dream of sparkling eyes, hair standing on end and a warning hiss? Yes, there is no doubt, the cat is angry! If you see a cat like this in a dream, be softer and more tolerant with your family - perhaps what awaits you is family quarrel.

Seeing a cat in a dream, and not just one, but two fighting, also means a major quarrel.

Getting a scratch from a cat, even a shallow one, means incurring losses in profit from the transaction, thanks to your enemy.

Have you hit a cat in a dream? Even if they defended themselves, this is not the kindest thing to do. Dream books predict that you will end up in prison.

Killing a cat is even worse. After this, be careful yourself - mortal danger or the death penalty awaits you.

Do you dream about a cat, cat or kittens while sitting or lying down? Be careful! Perhaps the success in your enterprise will be incomplete.

Seeing a dirty, exhausted, pitiful cat in a dream does not bode well. Call your loved ones - perhaps one of them is seriously ill! Or try to drive away such a cat in a dream - dream books promise that your friend will recover.

Have you clearly heard the squealing and meowing of a cat or kitten? Look around, perhaps there is a false friend next to you who does not wish you well

If a woman happened to hold a cat in her arms in a dream, then she needs to be prudent. Otherwise, there is a chance of being involved in unseemly matters.

A cat in a merchant's dream foreshadows sad events. It's time for him to come up with a new move, to provide his products with special advantages! Otherwise, competitors may destroy all initiatives.

You can admire a beautiful white cat in a dream as much as you like - after all, it promises nothing but wealth.

To see in a dream a cat or a she-cat paired with a snake, and even quite friendly with each other, tells you that it’s time to gather your strength - a fierce struggle lies ahead.

However, if you dream of kittens that were killed by a snake, you don’t have to worry! Your enemies may want to harm you, but as a result they will only harm themselves.

Seeing kittens in a dream - stock up good mood, minor misfortunes and irritation may await you

If a woman sees kittens in a dream, and even skinny, dirty or multi-colored ones, it means that it’s time to open her eyes! It is possible that soon, due to her gullibility, she will be involved in someone’s not very honest act.



At first the dream was cloudy and not entirely clear: I dreamed of sharing an apartment with some unfamiliar guy and we seemed to have a quarrel. I don’t know this guy in real life, but I had the feeling that he was my relative. In the first part of the dream there was debauchery. Further, after a quarrel with a guy, I went into my own bathhouse, it was littered, and the floor and threshold were mangled with an axe, chips from the floor were neatly stacked by the stove, there was also a bundle of good oak firewood next to them, and an ax lay on the floor , I subconsciously realized that this was done by the person with whom I shared the apartment. I didn’t go into the bathhouse, I just opened the door, and on the threshold there were two boxes with small, almost newborn kittens, there were very, very many of them, almost all of them were red, several white and three black. I carried them into the house, going into the hallway, I began to take them out of the box and move them to another place, thinking that I was saving them. There were five more cats in the hallway: two of their red, big cats, they also began to eat small kittens, which, like worms, crawled along the floor of the hallway, ate all the black ones and one red kitten, their own fluffy big tri-colored cat, she was indifferent to everything , a big black, beautiful cat that I was scared of and a black cat. I gathered all the kittens in my hands, took some away from the red cat, brought them to their senses, suddenly I heard a loud knock on the window: a drunken (now deceased) grandfather was standing on the street and demanded that I open the door for him, he smiled, and I, on the contrary, I locked all the doors, told him to go into the garage and spend the night there, said that dad would come now and deal with him, and then I woke up...

Zui Lyudmila:

I go into the house, and on the table one seems to be my kitten, and 2 strangers are sleeping. Then in the barn, I see under the turkey there are a lot of hatched chickens and ducklings. After some time I see myself buying 2 heads of cabbage and several bunches of radishes. I dreamed about all this today


I was walking on a nice, sunny day and close to the house I found a lot of small, white, clean kittens. They immediately ran towards me, and out of the whole bunch, one of the most beautiful ones climbed into my arms. He was also white, but with a beautiful dark mask on his face. This dream brought me a lot of joy and positive emotions; when I woke up, I really wanted all these kittens to be at my home.


in a dream I dreamed of a lot of little gray kittens, but in the dream I didn’t understand that they were kittens, but thought that they were mice or hamsters. when I woke up and realized that they were still kittens. color gray with stripes. and there were so many of them and they were so tiny. I even remember that I took them in my hands and kissed them.


Many many kittens, a whole bunch. All alive, crawling over each other. One gray one with white spots was barely alive, I pulled him out of the pile. He was dirty, I washed him. and he became so fluffy, fluffy and beautiful. I had him on hands and the dream ended.


I dreamed that I was walking around the city, suddenly I found myself in some kind of yard, everything was green, and there I saw a normal number of kittens, they were all running, climbing trees, in general, one half ran away, and I picked up the remaining three and put them in a box. One of them was red, very similar to my cat, only very small, the others were also fair. In the dream, I wanted to give them to someone, because homeless kittens are very cute. And strangely enough, all three quietly remained in the box and the dream ended.


at first I just saw a lot of kittens, they were homeless and I was looking for a shelter for them, then some kind of nightclub, but you had to go into it through a passage and there was dirt, in front of me a girl on her knees was collecting kittens, and among them there were many dead ones. they are so small, they look like mice, she is crying, I calmed her down, for some reason I didn’t feel particularly sorry for them


I’m holding a kitten and a puppy in my hands, I come home and there are a lot of kittens of different colors on the forest floor and I feed them, two of them ran into the apartment and I kick them out, the kittens are red, gray and white, small and fat.


What a strange dream! I walked out of the apartment onto the landing, and everywhere there were kittens of different colors, they were also on the ceiling. no matter where you look, and even when I wanted to get into the elevator. The following picture awaited me - the “floor” of the elevator was tilted, and there were these animals.


I dreamed that I was in my parents’ house and there, out of nowhere, there were about a hundred black kittens, they were everywhere: on the furniture, in the closet and in the drawers, even in the pan. I stroked them, counted them, and carried them in my arms. Everyone was kind, with intelligent eyes. The most interesting thing is that I don’t remember that even one of them meowed. I had a dream this morning.


I dreamed that a cat rolled around on a shelf under the ceiling... the kittens were tiny, 1 cm each, and there were a lot of them, they were yellow, blue, black. I grabbed them in my hands and carefully carried them, and they tried to run away... I asked someone to bring a cage for some reason, but no one carried them... they began to scatter throughout the apartment, and I was trying to find them... I found one under the roofing felt table bedside table dead.. the rest died too..


I dreamed that I was living in a hotel, a pipe in my toilet had burst and water was flowing from a plug in the pipe. A friend called me (in reality I don’t know her and have never seen her) and said look. Kittens were climbing onto the pipe, there were about seven of them, maybe a little more. The water did not wet them at all. I started taking them off. A plumber came and said that repairs would cost 40 thousand rubles. (I knew that he was lying) While I was talking to him, the kittens began to run out of open door into the corridor. I ran after them. She caught three immediately, the fourth ran up the stairs. I didn't catch him. While she was returning back, another one broke out and ran into the neighbors’ apartment. I saw an adult white cat with brown spots. While I was talking to them (about the fact that I have a two-room living room and theirs is simple), the kitten ran out the door, I followed him into the corridor. the kittens in my arms were already the size of a large cat, but they were still kittens. I ran out into the street, there was snow and slush, while I was walking, I saw another cat the size of a huge dog, there were children around, they called her, she began to approach me and suddenly turned into two boars that ran past. I was walking with the kittens and met the mother. I got into her car and she was driving (in reality she doesn’t have a car and has never driven). We began to drive up to the house and looked for a place to park. She started to back up, I looked and saw that the asphalt ended there and there was a huge hole. I started screaming for her to stop, but she was going there on purpose. We turned over, but everyone survived. Some men came running, they all had different pieces of iron in their hands, I reached for the kittens, but they were no longer there.


I heard meowing in my apartment. I looked out the window, and there was a black cat with black kittens (50 of them), and the kittens were both large and just born. I stood at the window and looked at them and thought where to put them now, because they would die, and I woke up.


There were a lot of kittens in my parents’ apartment, I tried to sort them into rooms, they ran out constantly, in the end I sorted them and woke up. In fact, I love cats very much, but there is no cat at home


I dreamed of small, almost tiny kittens, for some reason I dreamed of them on the stove, almost near a burning burner, one kitten was almost burnt out, but I saw his eyes, I pulled out the rest, but took them outside with the cat to their mother


Good afternoon! I dreamed that we were standing with a guy in the kitchen (but not in our real one) And in the dream it was as if it was in ours, and from as if out of a box, first one kind of gray (ash-colored) kitten crawled out, then a second one, then in the end there were 5 of them! And I immediately wanted to feed them, I started looking for a bowl (but didn’t touch them with my hands)


I found myself in a dark, damp, dark building and suddenly a bunch of black hungry kittens started attacking me.. I felt fear and it seemed to me that they were evil.. they wanted to attack me.. I climbed onto some hill and fought them off.. they were pestering me. to my feet, they jumped on them, and I threw them off with my feet and didn’t get the chance to jump, jerking them...


I see the door in the room opens slightly, no one is visible, I got up to look and there were a lot of people rolling on the floor, I began to catch them to throw them out of the room, I saw a girl from the next room at the door


I dreamed of little kittens, three of them sleeping in a ball on the bed, a barking little puppy who was constantly running and barking and a bite on the little finger of a large brown dog


as if we suddenly had a lot of small black cats with a cat in our house. And they need to be given to good hands


I dream I’m at work and I see a lot of kittens, they’ve run away, I’m going to look, I’m going into the house, it’s like my house the beds are made. old house a man lives there, I ask what bed do you sleep on, there is a dialogue with him, I say better sleep in this room and he is comfortable for me to sleep on this bed


first I found one kitten, then it appeared another one, me I picked them up and on the way home I found another one, brought them home and released them, but there were a lot more at home, more than 10 pieces, and different ones. My daughter started telling me like mom, why did you bring them and there are already a lot of them. I started handing them out and show them to people... but I don’t remember whether I gave them away or not. The kittens were all different white, black, colored, fluffy and ordinary, but all from 1 to 3 months with beautiful faces.


I collected five kittens in a dream, but they constantly scattered. She told others to help collect them, otherwise they would get lost, but no one helped. The kittens were light-colored, but I don’t remember the color.


I’m sitting at home, suddenly I see two black kittens in the corner, I take them, take them to the bathroom, go to another room, there is a ginger cat and a tabby. I take them into the bath too, then I find a few more kittens and one beautiful cream kitten with 3 gray stripes on its head. I wash all the kittens. While my kittens are growing in number, two small white and red ones die. I dry the kittens and cats and take them to the loggia on the prepared pillows. In the morning I wake up and ask how the kittens are doing, the parents say “okay, they’re going to the litter box.” While I’m walking around the house, the kittens start to disappear, they just leave. There remains one cream one with 3 gray stripes, I take it in my hands and stroke it. Then I let go, he sits at the door, looks at me, as if saying goodbye, and also leaves


I dreamed that a neighbor came to us and said that your wall stinks of a dead mouse..... we began to move the furniture and found a box thrown into the apartment from which small kittens began to crawl out.... I collect them all….. there were 5-7 pieces….. and I tell the cat that we already have that they are small and cannot be offended…..


I dreamed of one small kitten and an uncle I didn’t know, and I decided to find a home for the kitten and we went to my friend’s house, she had never had kittens, and when we came to her why the entrance was through the window and suddenly 3 kittens appeared at home and they were affectionate and friendly, the evening came and I wanted to return home, a lot of kittens appeared and they became aggressive and kept wanting to jump from the window. I was afraid that they would break and took them off the window, the dream ended with me jumping out of the window and running home with that little kitten. whom I found


There are many newly born kittens in the room. one kitten was gray and jumped into my arms in a friendly manner.


I dreamed of a lot of kittens running around summer kitchen, one or two were accidentally crushed by my dad when he entered the kitchen, there were just so many kittens that there was nowhere to stand, I started crying a lot and blaming him for it, and began to collect the kittens and take them away, they ran away into the scattered waste, I started catching and put them in a box, they were so small and fluffy, when I caught almost all of them, I saw that there were several rats in the box, large and small, I immediately began to crush them to protect the kittens.


many small kittens, one covered in ketchup, as if dead. I started washing him under the tap, he turned out to be alive, I was happy.


I have been dreaming about kittens many times already. Today I saw in a dream a lot of kittens in two boxes and white short worms were crawling among them


a lot of grown-up kittens appeared in the room and one cat who feeds the little kittens, 5 or 6 of them. And in total, as I remember, 12 pieces - I even counted them. One gray kitten grabbed my hand with its claws and I tried to throw it off, unhook it and take it to the landing. But I don’t remember whether I succeeded or not.


There were many grown kittens in the room different colors and one cat nursing 5 or 6 kittens. There were 12 of them in total. One gray kitten grabbed my hand when I took it, it hurt and I tried to unhook it and take it out of the apartment. I don’t remember whether I managed to get it out or not….


I dreamed of a lot of small gray incomprehensible animals (either kittens or mice... they definitely didn’t look like anyone in particular))) they were all in a bag, if you don’t touch them they stay there. if you stroke them, they begin to caress and follow you everywhere... I was with my sister, we had 4 little animals that followed us)


Today I had the following dream: It was as if we had a rat in the table, they started looking for it, and found our cat with two cats and 30 kittens, and I counted them in the dream))) one mother cat is white, and one is three-colored, and the kittens different ages, white, black - most, red and smoky. They were taken out into the yard and they were swarming there in a crowd, and our cat was sitting in the center


I opened the closet with things, and there were a lot of kittens sleeping there. She began to pick them up and put them in the place where they always sleep. the kittens were different: black, gray, tricolor, striped. the kittens were of different ages.


Was that dream the first or this one I don’t remember - I dreamed of a dead friend and his father, but at the moment they were really dead - but in the dream the friend was alive, we talked there, walked, did something, and the father supposedly died, but I didn’t see him dead


I dreamed of 3 charming kittens of different colors! I carried them in my arms all the time, and they bought one from me, but unfortunately he died after jumping into the abyss.


I dreamed of some kind of cellar and there were kittens there, they climbed up my skirt. They were kind of gray but beautiful and so small)))) There were a lot of them, I took the kittens off my skirt and threw them back into this cellar.


I dreamed of a large room, when I entered it I saw mountains of small kittens, and there was also a puppy there (also small). At first I was shocked, and then I wondered what to do with them. There was something else, but I don’t remember anymore.
The dream occurred from Tuesday to Wednesday.


hello! I dreamed of a lot of kittens of different kittens that come up to the door and there are more and more of them and when I open the door there are a lot of kittens in my fence and there are more and more of them around the house from everywhere they come to us and cars drive up and people come up what I would like to look at them. But the main thing I remember were 2 kittens, one was gray with stripes, very beautiful with a big muzzle, and there were several of them, one was sitting under the car, you could only see the tail, and the second was small black


I dreamed that in a dream I left my body, I saw it and little kittens were climbing on me, I tried to throw them off of me, but they again appeared on me as soon as I threw them all off, only then did I return to my body and wake up


I bought two kittens, a housewarming friend came and brought two more little kittens. Unexpectedly, my ex-husband came.


there are a lot of kittens in a large box, but they are not newborns, they are a little older, they are sleeping, the majority of kittens are black


Hello, I dreamed of a lot of kittens in a box, when I tried to count them, they began to crawl out of the box, and I collected them


I dreamed of a lot of little kittens..among them there were adult cats...but there were a lot of kittens...a couple seemed as if they had just been born...and the rest were already 2..3 months old..all clean, like domestic cats..different colors..beautiful.. For some reason I decided that they would be sunk and decided to take seven of the most beautiful ones... it took me a long time to choose... they are all handsome... I picked up different ones and as if I had chosen one for myself personally... gray with a velvet fur coat and a Kashira smile. Then I dream of many small yellow beautiful ducklings... as if they are now running among the kittens and playing with them


At the beginning there was a small chimera, she bit, and then there were many small blind kittens (feeding, two adult cats) And little kittens frolicking around...


I dreamed of my sister and there were 12 kittens lying next to her, all very beautiful.


I dreamed of kittens and puppies that ran away and I caught them and collected them in a pile


I am standing on the threshold of my apartment and I see how little black kittens are trying to enter the apartment and I do not let them enter


I dreamed that there were a lot of kittens in the house, small and larger and almost recently born. Of different colors, beautiful, smooth and fluffy. And I collect them in handfuls and take them out of the house, over the threshold, out the door...


From Friday to Saturday I saw a lot of kittens in a dream, the impression was that they were white.
I sold some of them and decided to hang around in a box on the market to sell the rest.
that's all.


I caught kittens on the street and then brought them home. I fed some. After meeting with my mother, I had to collect them all again and take them back outside.


I dreamed that I was carrying a lot of kittens, they were in my arms, on my head on my shoulders, such red and cute kittens and I went everywhere with them.


Hello! I dreamed of many gray and black kittens, some had white spots. It seems like they were given to me...at first I say there are 20 of them, but then there are obviously more of them. We invited a photographer to take pictures and put them in good hands. When I woke up, I realized that the dream continued, but the kittens were the last thing I remembered in the morning.


I dreamed of a very large number of kittens, there were about a thousand of them. they ran out of the bag and went straight home, where I fed them in groups with milk from a saucer. Some kittens died in the stampede and lay on my doorstep, while others came into my home through them.


My two domestic cats walk around me, and as I go, I collect little tiny red kittens in a pile behind them so that they don’t crawl away.


I dreamed of the classroom of the academy where I study, in which there were many cats and small multi-colored kittens, I picked them up and was about to take them somewhere, they meowed and scratched


Good afternoon I had a dream where there were a lot of stray cats inside a log house (wooden structure). The cats were lying in one place, curled up in the depths, and lying next to the log house. dead cats with a disgusting smell. In the same log house I saw a hen with chicks. What is this for?


hello, I just dreamed of fluffy kittens black and one brown, they went into their mother’s house. Why do I dream about all this?


My cat gave birth to many kittens and I saw them with their eyes open, gray and black


a lot of kittens all climbed on me and it was painful from the claws, I could barely tear myself off myself, this is not the first time I’ve had a dream


I was walking through a deserted city and came across a basket. There were many white kittens with a white cat and a Siamese cat. I really wanted to adopt one kitten with a gray spot on its head, but I didn’t.


I’m standing next to you on the floor, a lot of little kittens, a lot of different colors, gray black three colored, drinking milk from bowls


I dreamed that our cat brought (gave birth) 7 kittens...the kittens have a variety of colors, mostly gray with stripes.... already sighted... very cute... I saw them at home, in a box under the table... playing....

In real life, a cute and fluffy kitten always evokes affection. But, unfortunately, in dreams such hairballs are in most cases a negative symbol. Therefore, you need to know what a kitten dreams about in order to be able to minimize the negativity that they warn about.

Of course, there are a huge variety of dream plots in which you can see kittens. Therefore, it is very difficult to interpret night dreams with kittens. To correctly decipher it, you need to try to remember the smallest details of the dream, starting from what the kitten looked like and ending with what it did.

Of no small importance for the correct interpretation of sleep with a kitten is the color of its fur. As you know, color in a dream can indicate the direction of certain events, as well as the extent to which they can be controlled.

Kittens in a dream

Kittens in the dreams of men and women

First, let’s note why men and women want kittens:

    If a woman dreams of kittens, a lot of minor troubles will arise in real life; If a man dreams of kittens, he will have to go into debt.

I dreamed about a lot of kittens

When you dream about a lot of kittens, then in any case you need to prepare for an unpleasant bustle in real life, but you can interpret the dream more deeply only by analyzing the dream environment.


    Sleeping kittens mean that the problems will not be obvious, and perhaps you will be able to recognize them when it is too late to do something. Kittens running around and playing noisily indicate that someone from your inner circle has plotted against you. If you managed to drive the kittens away, it means that the truth will prevail and you will win.

Quite often the question arises as to why a gray kitten dreams. It should be understood that gray rarely causes anyone positive emotions. Therefore, such a color of a kitten is always interpreted with a negative slant. As a rule, a dream in which a gray kitten appears foreshadows a large number of small troubles in reality that can cause depression in a person.

When a gray kitten dreams, it can in reality foreshadow the following:

    If the kitten has blue eyes and behaves very restlessly, then you should postpone all important matters for a while, since they will not be successful due to the prevailing external conditions. When you carry a kitten in your arms in a dream, then in reality you should expect family troubles. When a kitten attacks you, beware of enemies. It is especially bad if, according to the plot of the dream, you fail to drive the kitten away from you. If you killed the kitten, it means that in real life you will be able to quickly and successfully solve all the problems. See a dirty and emaciated kitten - expect deception in life. Also, such a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of the development of a seasonal disease.

In addition, when a gray kitten appears in passing in a dream and the dreamer’s attention is not focused on it, this symbolizes gray everyday life. There comes a period in life when one should not expect any interesting events; a person will plunge into routine and wallow in boredom.

If you saw a white kitten in a dream, then be sure to ask what the dream is about. white kitten. This is a very good omen, especially if the plot of the dream involves holding a white fluffy lump in your hands. Such night dreams give hope for positive life changes. And no matter what happens in real life now, soon everything will turn for the better.

When a woman dreams of a white kitten, this is a warning that many minor troubles may fall on her. There is a high probability that she will be deceived by close people whom she trusts. Due to the fact that in reality a whole series of failures will follow, it will be very difficult to cope with them. This can only be done if the dreamer mobilizes all her will. It should be remembered that the intervention of other people in the current situation can only cause harm. Therefore, you will have to solve problems yourself.

If in a dream you dreamed of a kitten cuddling up to you, then most likely one of your loved ones needs your help. This interpretation takes on urgency if the kitten has been injured. Remember that if you do not immediately rush to help, you may lose someone close to you.

If the dreamer’s attention is not focused on the white kitten, but simply appears in the general plot of the dream, it is a harbinger of a new acquaintance. Maybe in real life you will meet a person who will become your reliable friend. There is also a possibility that a new acquaintance will be the beginning of a romantic relationship.

Black kitten - interpretation of sleep

A black kitten in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. Dream books give many interpretations of the appearance of black fluffy lumps in night dreams. Therefore, you need to not only know why you dream of a black kitten, but intuitively connect such a dream with events occurring in real life.

To correctly decipher a dream, you need to take into account who is dreaming of a black kitten:

    For a woman, such a dream can be a harbinger of a betrayal of a loved one in reality or a big conflict for other reasons. Most likely, the crisis in the relationship has been brewing for a very long time. If a woman truly values ​​her chosen one, then she needs to show wisdom and avoid any conflicts. It will take time to rethink the relationship in order to preserve it. For a man, such a dream is also a reason to suspect his beloved of cheating. But you should remember that this is just a suspicion, so you need to be decisive and clarify all the issues with your chosen one in an open and honest conversation.

I dreamed about kittens of other colors

When you dream of a red kitten, it foretells squabbles and intrigues in reality. A waking dreamer can plunge into deception. But in order to more accurately understand what can happen after a dream in which a kitten appears, you need to remember all the details of the plot of the night’s dreams.

    A thin and dirty kitten portends the receipt of sad news from afar concerning the dreamer's relatives. A cheerful playful kitten indicates that fate has prepared serious tests for the dreamer that will need to be passed with honor. If, according to the plot of the dream, you manage to drive away a red kitten, then this indicates that you will be able to gradually resolve all problems and establish connections with your partner.

Kittens of other colors indicate the following:

    A striped kitten focuses the dreamer's attention on the fact that life consists of white and black stripes. Therefore, you should not be upset by failures, because after them success will certainly come. The tricolor kitten symbolizes the dreamer’s catastrophic lack of free time. Events occurring during this period of life will be neither sad nor joyful for the dreamer. Most likely, he will be completely absorbed by the routine, which will simply be impossible to ignore.

Little kitten in a dream

If you dream of a small kitten, a newly born kitten, this means that the dreamer will face minor troubles and squabbles with colleagues at work. As a rule, such troubles are exhausting and have a negative impact on health. You need to try to control yourself and not worry about trifles. You should remember that everything will get better soon.

When you see in a dream that a kitten is running towards you, it means that in reality a very serious problem is approaching you. You urgently need to analyze the situation around you and try to make decisions that will minimize possible negativity.

Dream Interpretation - dead kittens

Dead kittens in a dream are auspicious sign. Moreover, if you just see kittens and are not involved in their death, then the problems will resolve on their own. One dead kitten means that the person who was your enemy will leave your life forever.

Why do you dream of a newborn kitten?

Quite often the question arises as to why a newborn kitten dreams. This is very good sleep, which is a harbinger of the onset of a favorable life period. The moment has come when you can safely defend your own interests if something does not suit you. If, according to the plot of the dream, you happened to observe the process of the birth of kittens, then this indicates that you can expect money to arrive soon. And if you dream of giving birth to a kitten instead of a child, then some surprise awaits you in life, but at the same time it can be both pleasant and not very pleasant. For a pregnant woman, such a dream indicates that she is very worried about her pregnancy.

Actions with a kitten in a dream

Having seen a dream with a kitten, it is important to remember what the small animal did in the dream and how you behaved with it:
    If you dreamed that you were petting a kitten, then this means that in reality you are surrounded by not sincere and flattering people. When you had to catch a kitten, then in real life you attract troubles to yourself. If you play with pleasure with a kitten, then this means that in reality you take all the problems that have befallen you lightly. When you kill a kitten, this indicates that you will soon cope with all your problems on your own. If you save a kitten, this means that in real life you act nobly, although it will greatly harm you. When you feed a kitten with milk, it may soon turn out that you will do a disservice to someone close to you. If you have to bathe a kitten, then in reality you will be able to turn the situation around benefit.

When you dream of a beautiful kitten and you understand that it was given to you, it means that people in your environment will be the culprits of your problems. An angry kitten represents a cruel person who, by the will of fate, is next to you and is far from easy to get rid of. It is very bad if a kitten bites you in your sleep. This means that in real life you will have to be with a person who will strive to completely control you. Such a dream is especially unfavorable for the bride, because it emphasizes that she is mistaken about her future husband.

Seeing a kitten in a dream on the eve of a wedding

It is believed that it is very bad to see a kitten in a dream the day before own wedding. This cute animal represents dark sides personality of a person, therefore, appearing in night dreams, focuses the dreamer’s attention on the fact that family life will be far from cloudless.

Kitten in a child's dream

It is believed that a child can often dream of a kitten. But in this case there is no need to worry. For a child, a cute animal is a reflection of his positive perception of the life around him. In addition, a baby can dream of a kitten of any color if he dreams of a pet.

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In ordinary life, everyone really likes little kittens. Little fluffy balls play and frolic, purr on their laps and evoke only the most positive emotions.

But in a dream many little kittens most often - a bad sign, indicating minor troubles and... To find out exact value, you need to carefully remember all the details of the dream and read the meaning according to the interpreter.

A woman saw newborn kittens

If you have such a dream, this is a bad sign; you are on the wrong path, which will give rise to a large number of problems. The business that has been started will not succeed.

If a young lady saw such a dream- it’s better to postpone until better times, some misfortune may happen.

If the kittens are black or striped, wait. Kittens purring on their knees - premature birth may begin.

Vanga's Dream Book

If a woman saw a lot of small kittens, changes will soon occur in her destiny, and they will not be joyful. A serious illness of one of your loved ones is possible.

If kittens scratch your hands– there is a lot of hard work ahead. Kittens meowing is a very bad sign, it brings trouble. Be extremely careful.

If kittens sleep peacefully on your lap, everything will be calm at home and at work. If they dig, it means the loss of family and friends. If they were white- problems will pass you by. If black - betrayal of your best friend.

Miller's Dream Book

For a woman, many kittens mean minor squabbles and troubles., it could be a quarrel at work or with neighbors.

If they meowed - expect bad news from afar; if they scratch before - troubles due to relatives, problems with the division of inheritance are possible.

If the kittens were red, this is a good sign, pleasant and cheerful news that you do not expect.

White kittens - an unexpected gift from. If you dreamed of a lot of black kittenslong journey on a sad occasion.

Family dream book

If a woman saw a lot of little kittens- everything will be fine in her life, problems will bypass her. If they played - a cheerful and carefree life, financial well-being. If they sit on your hands - .

If she hissed and protected them, your enemies are preparing a trap for you, be careful, do not trust strangers.

If the kittens are sitting in cat litter box- this is a very good sign, financial prosperity will soon come to your family, money problems will fade into the background. If they rumble- comfort and peace will reign in the house, there is no reason to worry.

Ancient French dream book

Many small kittens - a sign of love affairs. If the kittens were red, the woman will have a young and handsome lover.

Black kittens - k. White kittens are an unexpected pleasure. If you dreamed about kittens, the woman will have many admirers, but none of them will bring happiness.

Kittens wash themselves- there will be a big holiday in the house and many guests. Kittens scratch their hands - gossip and slander from relatives. Kittens run away - you may miss your happiness, do not reject a person who is very devoted to you.

Chinese dream book

Many little kittens mean noisy fun on a rich table. White kittens– a very good sign, it brings happiness in love and family life. Red kittens- to the birth of twins in the family. Black kittens– tears and troubles in the family and at work.

Kittens broke dishes - ready for arrival distant relatives people you haven't seen for a long time.

They sit on their knees- to bright changes, better times will come soon.

Lunar dream book

If you dreamed that a cat gave birth to many kittens– the same in your family. If the kittens were large, a healthy and strong baby will be born.

If they were small and weak, the child may be born unhealthy. If a young girl saw a dream, she will soon have a passionate admirer.

If an elderly lady saw a dream, it means minor problems related to finances.

For a business, many small kittens mean difficult times; put off concluding an important deal and signing a major contract. In general, kittens portend anxiety and worry.

Ancient Jewish dream book

For a woman, many kittens mean family troubles. If you dreamed about them in the kitchen, it means worries about the arrival of distant relatives.

If you dreamed about it in the bedroom, it means a family quarrel over money. Kittens playing in the garden– your friends will support you in difficult moment. You dreamed of kittens in a dark corner - you have a secret ill-wisher, he wishes you harm, be careful and circumspect.

Azar's Dream Book

A lot of playing kittens portends difficult trials. that you will have to overcome. If they sleep peacefully, the global crisis will bypass you, and you can even get some benefit from it.

The kittens were with the cat- big and small troubles at work.

Autumn dream book

Many affectionate kittens - to bright beginnings that will soon come in your life. What you have in mind will soon come true.

Kittens play happily - your life will be easy and joyful. If they sit on your lap, your main dream will come true, a stranger will come to your aid.

Black kittens are a rich and generous patron. - a sign of prosperity, your labors will not be in vain. Black - to a lot of work that will not soon bear fruit. Snow-white - to meet a wonderful stranger with whom a whirlwind romance will begin.

Dream book of the fortuneteller Mary

Kittens are guides to the subtle worlds; they can bring both bad and good. If an unmarried woman saw a dream, then she should be wary, they wish her harm.

If the dream was very beautiful woman- she will soon have a rich and generous patron.

An elderly woman had a dream- gossip and minor troubles, children will cause a lot of trouble and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If a woman saw a lot of kittens, this means conflicts. If they play happily, the conflict will be difficult and bloody.

If they are sleeping, the world crisis will soon end, it will come favorable period. If they scratch their hands, the world will be covered with diseases and epidemics, but scientists will find the right medicine. Kittens meow loudly– a major man-made disaster, release of radiation and contamination of the territory.

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