Why do you dream about a small white kitten? Why does a woman dream of small kittens? Dream interpretation of kittens

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream - an omen that through clever deception she will be lured into a trap set for her, but her common sense and prudence will ward off troubles from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatens her.

If the kittens are dirty or colorful and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone’s unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and irritations that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will end up harming themselves.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Find yourself in a dream small house or a small room - in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from

In the famous song, a common favorite white kitten finds himself in a terrible situation - soiled with soot, instead of the affectionate words “Kitty-kitty!” hears an irritated: “Scatter, scatter!”

Almost the same thing happens with a white kitten in our dreams.

From him more trouble than luck, so the next morning we are glad that in a dream we decisively drove the harmless kitten away.

Although not everything is so simple. Dream interpreters also offer other, positive “decodings” of what was seen in a dream.

Why does a girl dream about a white kitten?

A white kitten in a girl's dreams can have different interpretation . Here's the best part: the girl will meet a handsome prince, who is ready to take care of her like a cute little kitten and anticipate all her desires.

If a girl has recently or has just given her consent, the white people in the dream promise her a lot in her family life. The dream also has a warning meaning: the girl should not be too carefree, because in her environment there may be a person who is plotting against her.

Unfortunately, the older our heroine gets, the more alarming the interpretation the dream about white kittens acquires, for example: soon she may find out not the best news, fall for the bait of deceivers (in the financial sector), or someone close to her is leading an ugly woman behind her back. game.

Dream interpreters warn that there is no need to be particularly upset in all these cases: there are signs indicating that the woman will find You have the strength to safely resolve any problem.

Russian dream book

“A kitten makes a nice present, several kittens mean a young man will like you”

Why does a man dream about a white kitten?

If a man sees a cute white kitten in a dream, this may promise the appearance of real life a young girl or girl-child who is largely will change his fate. For better or for worse, it depends on the actions of the man himself.

A white kitten, as in the case of girls and women, can mean a trap prepared by some ill-wisher. It is interesting that if there are several kittens, and not just one, then the number of troubles will not increase proportionally, but, on the contrary, will decrease.

If the kittens scratched you, keep in mind: someone wants to “nip” your business and ruin the deal. If white kittens meow in a dream, it means that some friend of yours has turned into an enemy and can create problems for you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

"Kittens are deceitful, crafty friends"

Why do you dream of a white kitten in your arms?

This dream has both pros and cons. This dream promises you material stability. If you have a lot of problems and unresolved issues in your life, a kitten in your arms in a dream promises good changes in the real world. If you are sure that you are holding a boy kitten in your arms, this is a warning about the upcoming difficult choice for you between career growth and some moral values.

If a kitten is in a dream was in your arms, and you threw him away, this means that it’s time for you to remember those who are suffering without your attention and care, and if you continue to ignore them, they will be seriously offended.

But for a woman, no matter how much it disgusts her, it is better to really let the kitten go, because a dream when it is in her arms means that the woman came to the attention of the flighty Don Juan.

An extravagant interpretation of sleep can be found in Freud's dream book. A man who dreams of a white kitten turns out to be dreaming of a partner much younger than himself, or even of an intimate relationship with a man.

Miller's Dream Book

“If a woman holds a white kitten in her arms in a dream, there is a risk that she will be drawn into some dubious affairs”

Why do you dream about a white kitten with blue eyes?

White kitten with blue eyes! What could be more charming! However, do not rush to rejoice in such a dream (it would be better if they were green, this is good, or yellow - it turns out you have secret admirer). Well, what if in your dream the kitten’s eyes are blue?

The next morning, carefully look around you: someone stopped being sincere with you. However, things may not be so bad. There is a chance that they are simply preparing a nice surprise for you and keeping it secret for the time being.

Well, if someone still wishes you harm or simply hides the information you need, you will certainly be able to identify this person and dot all the i’s.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

“Kittens mean minor troubles”

Why do you dream of a white kitten covered in blood?

If in a dream a wounded kitten need your help, it would be nice if you really helped the baby and didn’t drive him away. This dream means that someone close to you will need your help in real life. You will have to be in the right place at the right time. Remember from Exupery: “We are responsible for those...”

Dream interpreters claim that, as a somewhat mystical creature, it can open a person’s eyes to the rare abilities that he possesses without knowing it.

Another meaning of sleep can be found in the ancient English dream book. According to him, a white kitten in the blood is a symbol of growing up. A person learns to better understand himself, his strength and his weakness.

Loff's Dream Book

“The omen that kittens (a symbol of witchcraft) are ready to tell you means the appearance of envious people in your life. Don’t open up to strangers, don’t take anything from their hands.”

Why do you dream of a white kitten in the house?

A white kitten in the house means that some events should happen in your house that will make you fuss, and maybe even worry.

This could be a visit or friends you haven’t seen for a long time.

Sometimes we can talk about inheritance issues, about changing or selling an apartment. Dream interpreters recommend experiencing all these events calmly, without violent emotions.

Dream book for a bitch

“Dreaming about a kitten means that they will try to outwit you, but, thanks to common sense, you will avoid trouble.”

Why do you dream about a white kitten with fleas?

Paradox: a white kitten with fleas is better than a white kitten without fleas. But this, of course, is only in a dream. A kitten with fleas could mean that ends well some problematic period for you, you will definitely find a way out, even if lately lived with a feeling of impasse.

You still have ill-wishers, but they will no longer be able to put a spoke in your wheels - everything is not going in their favor. In addition, you will find allies who are ready to lend their shoulders and provide financial assistance.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

“Kittens dream of profit”

Why do you dream of a white kitten with different eyes?

It’s interesting that in real life, it is the woman, and not any others, who have eyes of different colors.

If you saw such a kitten in a dream, it means that you dual nature, and two people completely different from each other live in you (for example, one is generous, ready for charity, and the other is similar to Gogol’s Plyushkin; or one is childish, and the other is enterprising, with a commercial streak).

This split personality is most likely troubling you yourself. You feel the strength to take some bold actions, but at the decisive moment you give up for fear of not being able to cope. A white kitten with different colored eyes should help you understand yourself and learn to better use your abilities given by nature.


“White kittens prepare you for possible challenges ahead.”

Why does a young pregnant woman dream of a white kitten?

A white kitten may be dreamed of by a woman who herself is still not sure about my pregnancy. And a white kitten in a dream confirms: yes, this is so.

A pregnant woman may dream strange dream as if she was giving birth to kittens. Dream interpreters reassure: everything is fine, nothing threatens either the health or happiness of the young woman. And sleep is just the result of her anxious state.

Dream Interpretation Sonan Dream

“All troubles will pass you by if the kittens ran in your direction, but you managed to avoid a collision”

Vanga's Dream Book

  • According to Vanga’s dream book, in your dream it means a streak of failures in real life. If means difficulties that you are now heroically overcoming, you created it for yourself.
  • If this could mean intrigue that are born behind your back.
  • Meowing may be preparing you for what... you will be deceived.
  • Playing with kittens means.
  • If a woman catches or buys kittens in a dream, she may be...

Why do you dream about a white kitten? Cats often symbolize self-will and independence. Russian folklore is replete with mystical stories in which the main role is given to the Cat Bayun: the fairy-tale cat is extremely difficult to cope with, as he makes his opponents drowsy. Everyone knows Pushkin’s “scientist cat,” walking around the Lukomorsky oak tree on a golden chain. In Christianity, the cat is the personification of supernatural power, black magic. And in Chinese tradition, a cat is able to drive away evil spirits. We can conclude that in the symbolic understanding of images, cats do not bode well. But does such an unflattering interpretation apply to white kittens? It is worth considering what the dream books say if you dreamed of a white kitten. It will be important to consider the analytical approach in psychology when you want to understand why a white kitten is dreaming.

Cats often symbolize self-will and independence.

Psychologists are not inclined to focus on the symbolism of dreams. They are more interested in the dreamer's feelings and emotions.

You should not immediately look into the dream book: a white kitten can mean a very unexpected event in your life of the past or future. It is important to familiarize yourself with the existing procedure for analyzing dreams with psychological point view:

  1. Be sure to write down your dream by hand (it is not prohibited to record your dream on a voice recorder). Indicate what the kitten looked like: fluffy or shabby, well-fed or hungry, sad or cheerful. Follow the train of your thoughts while recording your dream: what causes anxiety, what you want to forget about.
  2. You should talk about a dreamed kitten in the present tense, as if you see it right in front of you now. Pay attention to your desires: what you really want to do in at the moment.
  3. It is important for those close to you to watch how your voice changes when describing a small animal. Your facial expressions and gestures also play an important role when you are talking about a white kitten: in a dream you could see and feel one thing, but when describing a dream in the current time, you may be overcome by completely different feelings. Feedback from loved ones will help you understand what information the dream images carry (what lesson you should learn, what you should realize).

You should not immediately look into the dream book: a white kitten can mean a very unexpected event in your life of the past or future

If you are not satisfied with the results of an independent sleep study, then you should seek help from authoritative dream interpreters.

Why do you dream about a kitten (video)

What do dream books say?

Variants of interpretation can be considered various dream books, which will help you get the most accurate idea of ​​what you saw in your dream.

Dream Interpretation Maya

White kittens in a dream have the following meaning: in the near future, a person will need to make a choice between moving up the career ladder at the expense of violating his own moral principles and a rather poor existence, while maintaining honor and nobility.

A kitten signifies the beginning of personal and professional growth

But white is a symbol of purity and innocence. Therefore, a kitten can symbolize hope for the best if a person remains true to himself and his principles. A kitten signifies the beginning of personal and professional growth. And it’s better to start this path to success small, but with self-esteem. You may dream of a white kitten as a reminder that you should not despair and torment yourself with doubts, but that you should always choose only what is consistent with your spiritual values. And only in this case good luck will come to you.

Why do you dream about kittens (video)

New family dream book

There are several interpretations explaining why kittens dream:

You should not blindly trust the interpretations of even the most authoritative experts. It is important to be able to listen to yourself, focusing on your subjective experience. The interpretation of dreams should be considered as information that only pushes you to independently analyze your dreams and makes you think. A dream is a mirror reflection of your real life. Think about what you suppress in yourself, what you refuse to pay attention to. Sleep is the key to unlocking the mysteries of your unconscious.

Some people dream extremely rarely, while others dream every night. And it’s always interesting to find out what this or that vision means. So, in order to understand what awaits you in the future, it is worth understanding why a white cat dreams. It may well turn out that the interpretation will not be as pleasant as the vision itself.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

If you are wondering why a white cat dreams, take a look at Miller’s dream book. According to him, such a vision has a mainly negative meaning. The following interpretations are possible:

  • This animal is considered a harbinger of trouble. Try to delay acceptance for a while important decisions, be careful when communicating with others, watch your health.
  • If a cat was aggressive in a dream, it means that there is a cunning and dangerous enemy in your environment. Like a cat, he behaves cautiously, but can show his true colors in a difficult moment for you.
  • If a white cat attacks in a dream, and you managed to drive it away, this means that you will cope with all the difficulties and intrigues of ill-wishers.
  • If the animal in your dream was thin and weak, this means that one of your loved ones may become seriously ill.

What does Vanga’s dream book say?

People came to Vanga not only to find out their future, but also to interpret their dreams. The seer said the following about the white cat:

  • Despite the cute and harmless appearance of this animal, it symbolizes quarrels, strife and troubles.
  • Many white cats in a dream are a harbinger of shame. Try to behave as carefully and prudently as possible so that your enemies cannot use your mistakes against you.
  • If you are trying to catch an animal, but it constantly runs away from you, this means that the person dear to you has a strong temperament and is quite out-of-the-box thinking. Don't try to change him, respect his point of view.

Interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

Looking into Hasse's dream book, you will be convinced that a white cat is not auspicious sign. Your vision may have the following meanings:

  • Such a vision warns you that you may be deceived. Moreover, this will be done by the person from whom you least expect betrayal.
  • If a white cat bites you in a dream, it means that someone is jealous of you. Most likely, this person will soon reveal himself, trying to criticize your ideas and discredit you in the eyes of others.
  • If you dreamed that you were among a large number of white cats, it means that your surroundings are not as friendly as they seem. Be careful, do not share your plans and ideas.

Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about a white cat? If you believe esoteric dream book, then it means flattery. People you consider friends may praise you in every possible way and say nice words, but don't be fooled. In difficult times, you will not receive support from them.

Interpretation according to the modern dream book

Based on ancient wisdom, modern dream book also interprets vision mainly negatively. Why do you dream about a white cat? The value could be as follows:

  • You risk being involved in some unpleasant story. Under no circumstances agree to any adventures or dubious undertakings, even if the offer comes from a close and reliable person.
  • If you stroke a white cat, it means that in reality you are looking for an approach to some person, you agree with him in everything (even to the detriment of your interests). But it is better to refuse such behavior. Most likely, the person will take advantage of the situation to his advantage, but will not become more favorable towards you.
  • If in your dream the animal was at a considerable distance from you, or you managed to avoid contact with it, this is a favorable sign. Troubles and dangers will pass you by.

What will the women's dream book tell you?

Women have always paid attention to the interpretation of dreams. A white cat can mean the following:

If you saw a white cat in a dream, look into family dream book. For you and your family this may mean the following:

  • If you dreamed of white kittens running and frolicking, this symbolizes the presence of a large number of small problems. You may not pay attention to them now, but if you don't take control of the situation, it can lead to serious disagreements in the family.
  • If the animal in your dream is scratching the walls or door, be careful about the people you let into your home. At your family happiness there are envious people who will try to destroy it. Perhaps a homewrecker will appear.
  • A sleeping cat is a symbol that at the moment the problems you fear will not affect you.
  • If the animal meows loudly and plaintively, your family may face serious financial difficulties. In the near future, it is better to avoid large purchases or risky investments.

Chinese dream book

If you saw a white cat in a dream, a Chinese interpreter will help you figure out the meaning. For this item it contains the following information:

  • If the animal in your dream tried to play with you, it means that a new interesting acquaintance awaits you. Most likely, it will develop into a romantic relationship.
  • If you watch a white cat walking through a blooming green garden, the meaning of the dream is most favorable. This means that prosperous and serene times await you.
  • If the animal's fur is so white that it emits light and hurts the eyes, this means that some secrets will be revealed to you. It is quite possible that this will be some unpleasant information for you.
  • If you see a white cat basking in the rays of the sun, your work and efforts will soon be appreciated. You will receive a worthy reward for your hard work.
  • If a cat scratches your hands in a dream, it means that you have hard and painstaking work ahead of you, on which you will spend a lot of time. Unfortunately, it will not bring you any material benefit.
  • If you dreamed of a white cat with different colored eyes, this is a symbol of your personal growth and a clear mind. You will look at familiar things in a new way and become wiser.
  • If a cat attacked you and bit your skin until it bled, expect betrayal and intrigue from close relatives. To get material benefits, they may deceive you.
  • In a dream, giving a white cat means that you, without meaning to, will bring problems to your loved ones. When trying to help or do something nice for your family, be more careful.

Interpretation according to the Vedic dream book

The white cat has always been considered a mystical creature (a kind of guide from other world). According to the Vedic dream book, spirits and higher powers communicate with you through an animal. If a cat caresses you and licks your hands, this means that your requests and prayers will be heard. Patrons may appear in your life who will help solve accumulated problems.

If the cat behaved aggressively or ran away from you, this means that the spirits are unhappy with you. Reconsider your behavior and attitude towards everyone around you, pay more attention to the spiritual side of your life. This is the only way you can fulfill your cherished desires and implement your plans.

Tiny white kittens in a dream are a symbol of innocence, purity and goodness. Seeing many furry babies in one cat is a sign of the dreamer’s spiritual simplicity. Dream books warn that it is time to grow up, stop believing in fairy tales, otherwise you can fall into traps set by scammers and womanizers. Well-known interpreters describe in detail what cute black and white lumps mean in dreams.

Miller's Dream Book and his warnings

The psychologist points out the naivety of the person who dreamed of small white kittens. This is especially true for young girls and boys. Their expectations can be deceived by an insidious partner who is not interested in relationships, but in profit. Miller’s dream book explains why a cat with offspring dreams about it as follows:

  • one bored white kitten - to doubts;
  • several sleeping fluffy balls - to ridicule, mockery;
  • a lot of fur around them - to gossip, intrigue, rumors;
  • playful kids - to betrayal.

Get married with confidence

Seeing small animals in a dream, watching them means entering into a successful marriage. Vanga's dream book recommends not to doubt and boldly make a decision on choosing a partner for life. According to her, it’s very good if you dreamed that a cat brought white kittens right into your room. Such a dream means that the spouse will be generous and loving.

The healer’s interpretation of sleep comes down to an even and trusting relationship. Incorporating common sense, intuition, and making the right fateful decisions is exactly what fluffy black and white pets dream about.

Don't participate in scams

Be careful if you happen to see blind babies abandoned by their mother in a dream. The dream means that promiscuity can lead to dangerous consequences. Dream books warn against meeting with scammers and swindlers. It’s bad if you dreamed that pets scratched and bit you.

Remember the most striking details so that the interpretations are as accurate as possible. White kittens crawling around in a dream indicate rumors that spread around you, like circles from a stone thrown into water. Some of your ill-wishers are trying to ruin your reputation by spreading gossip.

Benefit is nearby

Nostradamus also explains why the snow-white creature dreams. He gives very favorable forecasts about the upcoming periods of life. Imposing white kittens in a dream will bring peace in reality too. Your life will become measured, the future will seem rosy and safe.

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