Why do you have an incomprehensible dream about friends? Why do you dream about an old friend whom you haven’t seen for a long time - interpretation of the dream

1. Friend- (Modern dream book)
Seeing happy friends in good health in a dream predicts receiving good news from them. You may see them or any of their relatives soon. If you see friends in trouble or exhausted and sick, then illness and misfortune await them. Seeing your friends with a darkened face portends a serious illness or misfortune. Seeing a friend in the guise of an animal warns that your enemies are trying to sow discord between you and your friends. Seeing a friend dressed in bright red clothes predicts that some unpleasant events will cause you anxiety, even loss. Friends may be involved. If you see that your friend is standing motionless, like a statue, on a hill, then such a dream means that you will achieve more than you wanted, but you will retain your previous worldview, impressions and knowledge. If the figure of a friend is located below you, then, having achieved success, you will forget about your old friends. If your friend's figure is on the same level as you, then you will fail when trying to reach higher realms. If you dream that you are moving away from the figure of a friend, then in reality you will strive for changes in your life, despite the loss of friendships. Seeing that a friend is hiding his face under white clothes means that you will be harmed by a certain person who strives to be your friend. If in a dream you shake hands with an unpleasant person who looks at you sadly when parting, then such a dream warns you of the loss of a close friend.
2. Friend- (Miller's Dream Book)
Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream portends good news. It is possible that soon you will meet someone dear to you. To see that your friend is upset, or that his face has darkened, promises illness and suffering. If you see your friend in the form of an animal, it means that your enemies will soon separate you from your loved ones. If a friend, unexpectedly for you, is dressed in bright red clothes, this promises you anxiety and concern for your loved ones. If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal, you will have to accomplish a lot of what you have planned, and a sense of justice will always be inherent in you. If you see it far below, then this portends that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old attachments. If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that you are breaking off the ties of friendship. You will begin to look for new experiences. Shaking the hand of a sad and dejected person means separation from a friend or his loss.
3. Friend- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
Absent for a long time - someone will remember past merits; died - got married; to see sick - bad news; joyful - good news.
4. Friend- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
A friend in a dream most often symbolizes a sexual rival. However, having a few friends can symbolize your manic jealousy. Relaxing with friends symbolizes your desire to experience the joys of group sex.
5. Friend- (Dream book of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
If you dreamed about your friend, it means that in reality you will soon see him. If this event took place just the other day, your dream may mean that a friend will ask for your help in a matter in which he is competent.

Why do you dream about a friend according to the dream book -
"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on the help of friends in difficult situation. A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon receive news about him. Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of big troubles. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend. Seeing a friend in a dream means gossip, discord and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person. Seeing a friend you haven't seen for a long time in a dream means that he remembers you. Finding out in a dream that your friend has died means receiving news of his marriage. Seeing your friend joyful in a dream means receiving good news and have a nice day. Seeing him sad means a bad day and unpleasant news. To be in the company of friends and enemies together in a dream is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa. Seeing your friend in a different guise in a dream means expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a breakup. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in your dreams. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then see what clothes mean in a dream. Looking up at a friend means the fulfillment of bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has achieved; looking down is a harbinger that you may lose friends due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives. Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from a friend.

Friend in a dream - Your friend dies in his sleep- will get married soon.
Seeing a friend in trouble- trouble, illness awaits you.
Seeing a friend satisfied and happy- this is a sign of meeting loved ones, joy and pleasure from the meeting. Perhaps you are about to meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time and wanted to meet.
Seeing the motionless silhouette of a friend- to great success.
Meeting your best friend promises you protection from all misfortunes. The angels themselves will take away all bad things from you.
Friend- this is a reflection of various aspects of your life, so a friend in a dream is you. What matters is how and where you see your friend.
Friend on a pedestal, on a mountain top, on a hill- you will receive a promotion, recognition of your successes, leadership. A friend is below you - there is a fear of losing what you have, making a mistake that will matter in the future (in your career, relationships).
If in a dream your friend is satisfied and happy, then good news awaits you; in the near future you may meet someone whom you have not seen for a long time, but he is very dear to you.
If your friend, on the contrary, is sad, then such a dream may symbolize illness and loss of strength.
If you dream of your friend being rich, then in life he will go bankrupt or lose all his money.
If you see a friend in the guise of an animal, then this is a quick separation.
If you see him dead, then he will get married soon.
If you rejoice with your friend in a dream, it means that you will receive good news.
If in a dream a friend moves away from you, then this means a loss of his individuality. You will be forced to do something that you don’t like or like, but you have to do it.
If in a dream you shake hands with a person who is extremely unpleasant to you, in reality there is a risk of a major quarrel with a close friend.
If in a dream you see a joyful and happy friend- there will be good news soon. perhaps meeting with someone dear to you.
If you see a friend sick, then you will receive a promotion at work or material profit awaits you.
If you move away from a friend, then you really move away from a friend.
If you argue with a friend, a conspiracy awaits you or you will be deceived.
If you are standing next to a friend, and everything around you is falling apart. Someone is spreading rumors about you that spoil your reputation; it is quite possible that you will soon stop communicating with this person.
If you saw in a dream that your friend is sick, then he may soon suffer from a serious illness. Secondly, much of what you dream about (mostly the characterization of a friend) will happen the other way around.
If you leave a friend, your friendship will soon end.
If you leave your friends it means loss friendly relations.
If a friend defends you, then bad news awaits you.
If a friend is dressed in bright clothes- this promises you trouble.
If a friend is lower than you, then you should be more careful and not take risky measures.
If you dreamed about friends, then in the near future you will see those friends who you dreamed about.
If the silhouette is located at a distance from you and at a slightly lower level, then the price for success may be your friendship.
If you quarrel with a friend, there may soon be trouble.
If a friend is standing far on a hill, big money and career advancement await you.
When you dream that you are with a friend in a collapsing building, it means that your friendship will soon come to an end.
When your friend offers his hand in a dream, boldly take on difficult tasks, luck will accompany you in your endeavors.
When you see friends in a dream, you will certainly wake up in the morning good mood. And it’s not in vain that if a friend looked good and was joyful, then good news and pleasant meetings will soon await you.
Gloomy man with a sick look- this is a harbinger that your friend may have troubles that may affect your common interests.
Shaking a sad friend's hand means separation.
Holiday with a friend- this is to success, recognition and satisfaction from upcoming events.
Dreamed of a friend whom we haven’t seen for a long time- someone will soon remember your past achievements.
You dreamed of a friend whom you have not seen for a long time; they will remember your outstanding actions in the past.
Sleep friend- this is you, so any experiences symbolize your attitude towards life and expectations from it.
A dream that ends with you breaking up can be a true harbinger of the end of a friendship.
Save a friend- you will have to make every effort to get out of an unpleasant situation with dignity.
The interpretation of the dream in which you see your friend is one of the most unusual. Firstly, when you dream best friend, then everything that happens in a dream is most likely to happen in reality.
See a friend in the form of an animal- danger sign. Be careful, someone else intends to interfere with your friendship by using gossip and slander. Don't be provoked.
If you see your friends moving away from you, know that you will lose friends if you make drastic changes in your life.

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1. I dreamed about a friend family dream book:
Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on your friends to help you in a difficult situation. A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon receive news about him. Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of big troubles. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend.
Seeing a friend in a dream means gossip, discord and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person. Seeing a friend you haven't seen for a long time in a dream means that he remembers you. Finding out in a dream that your friend has died means receiving news of his marriage.
Seeing your friend joyful in a dream means receiving good news and a good day. Seeing him sad means a bad day and unpleasant news. To be in the company of friends and enemies together in a dream is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa.
Seeing your friend in a different guise in a dream means expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a breakup. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in your dreams. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then see the interpretation of the clothes.

Looking up at a friend means the fulfillment of bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has achieved; looking down is a harbinger that you may lose friends due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives.
Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from him.

2. Friend according to Tsvetkov:
Absent for a long time - someone will remember past merits;
Died - married;
Seeing sick is bad news;
Joyful - good news.

3. Friend in a dream according to Freud:
A friend in a dream most often symbolizes a sexual rival.
However, having a few friends can symbolize your manic jealousy.
Relaxing with friends symbolizes your desire to experience the joys of group sex.

The book "Interpretation of Dreams" by Sigmund Freud (method of interpretation without specific meanings of dreams).

4. Friend in women's dream book:
A dream in which you see your friends in a good mood, joyful and healthy, suggests that in reality you can expect good news or a meeting with an old friend, which will charge you with energy. positive emotions. If you see a dream in which your friend is sad, in reality you are threatened with illness and deprivation. Seeing your friend in an unusual guise means that you have enemies or a rival who will separate you from your lover.
If in a dream your friend appeared before you in an unusually bright robe, in the near future you will worry, experience anxiety, which will affect the people around you. If you dream of your friend, who unexpectedly took a high position, then in reality you will have to realize all your plans and dreams, your efforts will be adequately rewarded. If, on the contrary, you dream of your friend being defeated, then during your rise you will forget about those who helped you in difficult times.
A dream in which you quarrel with your friend promises you new experiences and adventures designed to replace your old attachments.

5. If you dreamed of a friend from Miller’s dream book:
Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream portends good news. It is possible that you will soon meet someone dear to you.
To see that your friend is upset, or that his face has darkened, promises illness and suffering.
If you see your friend in the form of an animal, it means that your enemies will soon separate you from your loved ones.
If a friend, unexpectedly for you, is dressed in bright red clothes, this promises you anxiety and concern for your loved ones.
If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal, you will have to accomplish a lot of what you have planned, and a sense of justice will always be inherent in you. If you see it far below, then this portends that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old attachments. If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that you are breaking off the ties of friendship. You will begin to look for new experiences. Shaking the hand of a sad and dejected person means separation from a friend or his loss.

Different dream books provide various options interpretations of the same dream images. Therefore, even such a bright image as a friend seen in a dream can have a dual interpretation: positive or negative. But how not to make a mistake and correctly unravel the night dreams in which friends dream? Let's talk about this in the article.

Interpretation of dreams with friends according to different dream books

The meaning of dreams about close friends and pleasant people has been studied since ancient times. Initially, all interpretations of this image were created by magicians, alchemists, astrologers and other researchers from the point of view of esotericism . The first dream books were also esoteric, according to the interpretation of which, a friend in a dream either warns of impending troubles, or indicates that a person’s future life will be easy and pleasant.

Later, in the 19th century, sciences studying the human psyche and subconscious began to actively develop. In parallel with this, there are dream researchers from the point of view of psychoanalysis. According to the interpretation of dream books by similar authors, a friend whom a person sees in his night dreams can symbolize the dreamer’s real affection. Also similar dream may be due to the fact that the person was thinking about his friends before going to bed.

In any case, for a full interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to at least study the interpretation of the image according to several psychoanalytic and esoteric dream books. Let's look at the most famous of them.

Psychiatric dream book

The Psychiatric Dream Book is one of the newest publications that examines dream images from the point of view of psychoanalysis. According to his interpretation:

  • If a person dreams joyful, healthy and cheerful childhood friend, in reality he will have a quick meeting with him. The dreamer is looking forward to this event;
  • Seeing a friend in a dream with a darkened face means the onset of a serious illness;
  • Shaking hands with a loved one dreams of breaking off relations with him;
  • See how a friend turns into an animal in a dream means that enemies are trying to quarrel the dreamer with people dear to him;
  • If a friend dreams on a hill, the dream foreshadows well-deserved success and profit earned by honest labor;
  • The dreamer, conquering the peaks, sees loved one far below- such a dream reminds you that when achieving success, you need to remember friendship and loyalty;
  • Many friends in a dream symbolize the dreamer's pathological jealousy.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

Gustav Miller, the famous somnologist and psychoanalyst, is of the opinion that the subconscious, actively working in a dream, can warn about events in the near future. This interpretation especially affects people with pronounced intuition. According to Miller's dream book:

  • See in a dream happy friend or joyful company of friends portends receiving good news;
  • Sad friend dreams of the dreamer’s suffering and illness;
  • See a friend in the distance means that a person will leave an old friend for his own benefit;
  • Shake a friend's hand marks an imminent break in friendship or a move to another city or country.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita “Book of Dreams”

“The Book of Dreams” by Simon Canaanite is a publication in which esotericism is closely intertwined with psychoanalysis. According to the interpretation of this dream book:

  • A friend preparing for a hike dreams of meeting him soon. Perhaps a loved one will ask the dreamer for help in matters in which he is competent;
  • Hearing a declaration of love from a friend's lips in a dream foreshadows a calm and harmonious period in life;
  • Friend's hug in a dream foretell good news. If the dreamer dreams of being hugged by a friend who has long passed away, the news will be great;
  • Drinking with a friend in a dream means in real life immerse yourself in routine chores.

Dream book of esotericism by E. Tsvetkova

Peru esotericism E. Tsvetkova owns many research work, one of which is a dictionary of dream interpretation. According to the interpretation of this edition:

  • If you are close in a dream a friend takes a person by the hand, the dreamer will be able to realize all his plans and desires in reality. Fate will favor him;
  • If in a dream a friend appeared who had long been dead or was absent, the image means that the dreamer will be rewarded for his old services. In some cases, a deceased friend predicts an imminent wedding;
  • Joyful friend dreams of good news;
  • An ill or dying loved one in a dream means bad news.

Dream book of the 21st century

The Dream Book of the 21st century is the latest esoteric publication that interprets various dream images. According to most experts, it provides the most accurate and multifaceted interpretations of somnological symbols. According to the interpretation of this dream book:

  • Kiss a friend in a dream symbolizes future events. The image can be interpreted both positively and negatively. If interpreted positively, the dream prophesies a pleasant pastime; if interpreted negatively, it predicts the betrayal of a loved one (the so-called “Kiss of Judas”);
  • If the dreamer helps a friend in his dreams, in real life, he himself will receive the necessary help from this person. This dream belongs to the so-called “shifters” - dreams that reflect an inverted version of reality;
  • If you dream laughing friend, the dream means that the friend will soon disappear from the dreamer’s life;
  • Arguing with a friend in a dream means in reality to become a victim of his betrayal;
  • Seeing a friend die in a dream - to unexpected news;
  • Fight of comrades may be dreamed of by a person who decided to help someone, and the details of the dream are intended to draw the dreamer’s attention to this. Sometimes a fight predicts major troubles that are not related to friendship;
  • Quarrel with a friend in a dream foreshadows drastic changes in the dreamer’s life, for which he needs to prepare.

How to correctly interpret a dream about a friend?

So, dreams about friends and friendship various dream books are interpreted differently. Some interpretations coincide, others contradict each other, which can be confusing when deciphering a dream with vital symbolism. To avoid annoying mistakes when interpreting own sleep about friends, follow this plan.

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