Why dream of making love with an acquaintance or a stranger? Why dream of making love with a man - basic interpretations. Interpretation of dreams with an unfamiliar man for a woman

In real everyday life, we all always try to control our actions, weigh everything, and behave as we believe we should.

But we don’t control our dreams – and in this mysterious world absolutely everything is possible. There are no taboo topics here, and even something that might make you blush shyly in reality can be absolutely commonplace in the dream world.

One of these topics is sex and the intimate sphere. This is something that is not customary to talk about openly in reality with everyone, this is what happens secretly, everything that is connected with the most secret experiences and feelings.

Spicy scenes in dreams occur quite often - every adult has probably had erotic dreams at least once. However, it is worth giving them due importance - after all, dreams of such content can not only indicate hidden desires or subconscious dreams of the dreamer, but also foreshadow a lot of things in reality.

As a rule, sex and intimate scenes in a dream do not foretell anything bad; on the contrary, they often promise very desirable events. But what exactly awaits the dreamer, why he dreams of sex, what to expect in reality after such an “adult” dream - the dream book will tell you.

Sex in night dreams can be different, and the interpretation of dreams depends on the details. Eg:

  • You saw sex in a dream from the outside.
  • We made love with our beloved chosen one.
  • Sex with your own spouse.
  • In your dreams you were taken by force.
  • Love act in a dream with a very handsome man.
  • Sex with a stranger.
  • Sex with a friend or just someone you know.
  • In bright light.
  • I dreamed about sex in water.
  • In the air.
  • You dream about something unusual or unusual for you in sex.
  • Had sex with people or in public place.
  • With a celebrity or idol.

Some such “adult” dreams can make you blush and make you feel confused - you’ll dream about something like this! However, you should not rush to draw conclusions on your own and interpret the dream in your own way - the dream book can surprise you a lot. So, why do you dream about sex - no matter what it looks like in your dreams?

Spicy dreams

Not every interpreter will answer why you dream of having sex, and what such dreams portend. However, there are such answers - and if you ask the question correctly, you can not only find out why you dream about sex, but also draw the right conclusions.

1. As the dream book says, sex seen in dreams is a symbol of obvious immediate success. Such an unusual dream foreshadows the dreamer white stripe, which is about to come in reality - and there will be complete success in all matters!

2. If in a dream you happened to be in the sweet embrace of your loved one, that’s wonderful. Such dreams are a symbol of the fact that in reality everything will be “sweet” in your couple - complete harmony, love, understanding and happiness.

And the interpreter is talking not only about the intimate sphere of relationships, but about the union as a whole. There will be peace and harmony in everything, don’t doubt it!

3. An unusual and disturbing dream in which violence took place is actually not scary and does not bode well. On the contrary, despite the events in the dream, in reality you will achieve your desired goal, a rapid rise in your favorite business, and unexpected success.

Everything that was difficult or labor-intensive for you will become simple and seem to begin to happen on its own, without much effort. And all you have to do is reap the benefits of success with joy and make new plans!

4. Having sex with your own spouse in a dream is very good sign. Your family, marriage, home no adversity threatens. There will be peace, harmony, prosperity and love in the house - and all family members will be happy. This is what such a dream promises!

5. If you were surprised by a dream in which a certain handsome man appeared with you, as if he had stepped out of a picture, know that your cherished, secret dream awaits you. The interpreter is talking about those dreams that no one knows about besides you, about something hidden and very desirable. Know that after such a dream your wish will come true!

6. Do not be alarmed if in your dreams you indulged in lovemaking with a complete stranger to you in reality. In reality, if you trust the dream book, some pleasant surprise awaits you.

And perhaps you yourself will discover something new in yourself that will open up unknown paths and horizons for you. One way or another, a new stage of life awaits you, new opportunities, prospects - and this, you see, is wonderful!

7. No less strange may seem to be a dream in which intimacy occurred with a person you knew in reality - but with someone whom you could not imagine in such a role. A friend, buddy, colleague or even a neighbor - in a dream in your tender embrace?

Don't be embarrassed or scared, this is just a dream. Moreover, it is successful - and promises you in reality the successful development of a certain business that you are planning in secret from people.

Perhaps now you are just hatching an idea or a plan, but do not rush to let others know your intentions - so, this particular project is destined to become very successful. Keep this in mind, the sign is very bright - and it’s worth trying to realize your plans! After all, if you believe the interpreter, everything will turn out brilliantly!

8. If sex in dreams took place in too bright light - sunlight, or the light of lamps, and it bothered you - this may be a sign that some secrets will become apparent, the hidden will be revealed. Think about it - what are you trying to hide?

9. Sex in water in dreams - in the sea, pool, even in the shower or bath - is a clear and vivid symbol of the fact that very soon in reality you will simply be overwhelmed by emotions.

Water always symbolizes the emotional, sensual sphere of the dreamer’s life, and if the dream has such content, there is no doubt that you are destined to spin in a crazy whirlpool of feelings. Just don't lose your head!

10. But if all the most interesting things in your dreams happened in the air - it also doesn’t matter how exactly, in a dream it could be on an airplane, or even on a cloud - this is a clear indication of your excessive daydreaming. You probably Lately literally live in your own castles in the air - and you should pay a little more attention real life.

11. If in a dream about sex there was something unusual for you, it means that in reality you are internally ready for something completely new, and your soul simply craves change. Don't wait - change your daily reality!

After all, no one should do this except you, and only you know what exactly needs to be changed. So be bold - now is the time!

12. A piquant dream in which you had sex in public, or just in some public place - an indication that you are too worried about your inner world, its integrity, mystery and content.

You protect him from people, and really don’t want to open up to anyone. Extremes are always bad – and in this case too. Perhaps excessive secrecy is bothering you?

13. If in a dream you indulged in affection with a celebrity, or with your idol, the dream book says that you desire fame.

Perhaps you are seeking recognition at someone else's expense, or through someone else's efforts. Try to realize your own talents and strengths - and then you will achieve the desired success and recognition!

Dreams with sexual content can leave a wide variety of emotions. But they more often foreshadow something pleasant than the other way around - and this pleases.

Of course, dreams of this kind can, among other things, only reflect your hidden desires or experiences, but you should still listen to the interpreters. Take his advice wisely and draw the right conclusions! Author: Vasilina Serova

Perhaps almost all women have erotic dreams at least sometimes. Moreover, sex in these dreams often does not happen with the beloved husband. Intimacy in a dream can happen with a colleague, a friend, some celebrity, or even with someone completely by a stranger. Sometimes, when we wake up, we are even ashamed of what we dreamed. Well, how could it be possible, even in a dream, to allow this to happen, for example, to your boss or friend? After all, in reality and in my thoughts there was nothing like this!

In fact, erotic dreams do not mean at all that we are sexually attracted to a specific person. Although this, of course, also happens. In general, an erotic dream allows us to understand exactly what love relationship preferable for us and what problems we actually have. And understanding them allows you to understand your own body and your own aspirations.

Let's see what erotic dreams of one kind or another mean.

What does sex in a dream mean?

If in our dreams our sex partner is someone whom we wouldn’t even think of seeing in our bed in reality, then this is a reason to think about it. In all likelihood, reality does not suit us in some way, but for some reason we do not want to take note of it. It is human nature to hide from certain problems, which, if looked into, significantly complicate his life. Erotic dreams often act as a clear demonstration of these problems and the desire of the subconscious to free itself from the burden of solving them.

Sex in a dream can be anything. But most often it develops according to the five most common scenarios. This:

1. Sex with an ex-partner ( ex-friend, ex-husband).

Such a dream usually discourages us - haven’t we all forgotten our ex?! If it is random and does not repeat regularly, then you should not give the dream of great importance. Most likely, our memory of the past simply made itself felt. And the dream has nothing to do with present life. Then, when such a dream is often repeated, it is more significant. Especially if we often see our long-time lover in real life. However, this does not mean at all that we still have some feelings for him (unless we still love him, of course). Maybe we just can't forgive ex-man past grievances or there are still unresolved problems with him.

In general, sex in a dream with partners from the past is associated with those desires that were associated with these partners. Thus, intimacy in a dream with an ex-husband may mean a desire for a happy family life. With a man who was not our husband - dreams of freedom from family routine or freedom from boring work. And so on;

2. Erotic dreams with a celebrity partner.

We all usually have at least a little crush on some famous man. Therefore, such dreams, as a rule, are the embodiment of our secret desires. But they can also mean that we have not yet found the man of our dreams, and the subconscious in dreams replaces him with the image of a celebrity. In addition, such dreams sometimes indicate our desires to be individual and different from others. Or about the desire to have something that is not available to us;

3. Sex in a dream with someone who is unpleasant to us in life.

A love relationship in a dream with someone who is actually unpleasant to us does not at all mean that we are secretly attracted to this person. Most likely, there are some qualities in him that we do not possess, but would like to have. Probably, despite the hostility, we still in some way want to be like our dreamed sexual partner, even if he causes disgust. Therefore, it is worth thinking about what is in it that we would like to have in ourselves.

In addition, such dreams, if, for example, sex in them occurs with a nasty colleague, may indicate boring work, boredom, or that something is wrong in your personal life;

4. Sex with another woman.

Erotic dreams of this kind cause mild panic in many women. They are afraid that such dreams indicate a hidden lesbian inclination. In fact, this happens very rarely. Apparently, it’s just that the woman with whom we have sex in a dream arouses our envy either with her professional achievements, or with her appearance, sociability, ability to get out of difficult situations... And we want to be like her in some matters. Such dreams can, moreover, mean that we show little attention, tenderness, and care to our beloved man;

5. Sex with a stranger.

These are usually very pleasant dreams in which sex is quite enjoyable. They tend to mean that we have a strong imagination and are adventurous. Often dreams of this kind are seen by women who are tired of the routine of everyday life. Most likely, they want stunning novelty, but it is not yet possible to change anything. Psychologists tend to believe that these women have a good sense of humor.

If in a dream you have sex with a stranger in front of other people, it means internal anxiety and worry. They may be caused by a quarrel with a beloved man in real life or by some kind of fear, including fear of intimacy.

6. Erotic dreams in which a woman is in a man’s body.

Typically, such dreams are seen by those who want to feel what a man feels during sex. After all, representatives of the stronger sex get completely different impressions from sex. And many of us are very curious to know what it really is.

The area of ​​our dreams, in general, is still mysterious. One thing is clear - dreams often demonstrate or compensate for what we do not have in real life. Erotic dreams are no exception. Of course, if they are seen by lonely people who have not entered into a relationship for a long time intimate relationships Women's dreams most likely speak of sexual dissatisfaction. And in the case when such dreams regularly occur among representatives of the fairer sex who are married or have regular partners, it is worth thinking about - why? They are often caused by some problems in real life. At the same time, one way or another, sex in a dream is a kind of gift. So let's enjoy this safe intimacy and not feel complex because in our dreams we allowed ourselves too much!

Intimacy is one of the most important sensations of sleep. Sometimes we dream of an intimate atmosphere with the people we want, and sometimes in our dreams we feel how it is missing. Such dreams are a reflection of our preferences in relationships with others, and intimacy should not be clearly perceived as identical to sexual desire.

Rather, it is a feeling of emotional connection (or lack thereof). In this case, here are the central questions for interpretation: do those around you respond to your attempts to get closer, do you manage to establish relationships as closely as you would like; Do you have an impulse to reciprocate a move made by someone else?

If you dreamed of a love affair in which you cannot establish a close enough relationship, then this indicates low self-esteem, since sexual attraction directly depends on self-confidence.

Do you feel that others care about you? Or is your love platonic in nature or, even worse, unclaimed? The object of your desire itself plays an important role here: is it one of the parents, a CHILD or a loved one?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Closeness with animals

The meaning of this dream depends entirely on which animal you dreamed about. The most common case is pets, primarily cats and dogs. Being closest to us and being essentially family members, they most often become actors night visions, personifying unconscious thoughts and desires.

The cat is a symbol of impermanence and independence. There is probably someone you are very afraid of losing, so you are quite a strange dream is the embodiment of the desire to keep this person near you or win his favor. This is quite difficult, since he is independent and cold, and his actions are almost unpredictable. The fact that in a dream you encroached on an animal sacred to many cultures testifies to your determination to persistently pursue your goal, to achieve its implementation by any means.

A dog, being a sign of constancy and affection, in the role of an object of sexual desires can symbolize your hidden thoughts to deceive loved one. Although you most likely do not suspect this yourself, it is nevertheless true. You feel unpleasant because in a dream you subjected an animal to not entirely natural harassment, but in fact the hidden voice of reason reproaches you for treacherous thoughts that may be brewing in your head, but not recognized by you.

According to the authors of ancient Eastern treatises, perverted fantasies and dreams can trample the soul, giving rise to complex problems of a psychological nature. In order for an erotic dream to be truly pleasant, you need to first tune in properly. To do this, scientists recommend imagining your partner in an idealized form, thus spiritualizing your feelings for him.

Interpretation of dreams from

The most important and interesting topic: “Seeing intimacy in a dream” with a full description.

Why do you dream about intimacy? The dream book promises: friendship or romantic feelings for an acquaintance may arise, the love of the spouses will become more harmonious. But also a vision in a dream warns of the need to get rid of complexes, shortcomings and not idealize the chosen one.

Harmony of relationships

Did you dream of a feeling of spiritual closeness with a familiar person, colleague? In reality, you have many common interests; friendly and even friendly relationships can begin.

Why do you dream of intimacy with your man? The dream book indicates: if intimacy brings pleasure, family relationships will delight you with harmony and mutual understanding.

When planning something, consider the opinions of others

In a dream, sex with your man did not bring satisfaction? Be careful: if you implement your plans, you will incur moral and ethical problems.

Did you dream about vivid sex with an unfamiliar man? According to the dream book, the sleeping person is an active, somewhat adventurous person. It is important not to get too carried away with such enterprises and take into account the opinions of others.

Subtleties of relationships

Seeing yourself in bed with a dead person in a dream promises entrepreneurs a stable financial situation and business prosperity.

For a girl, closeness to a deceased person foreshadows emancipation, getting rid of complexes that interfered with her life.

Why do you dream of refusing intimacy? The dream book explains: there is no trust between partners. You need to establish mutual understanding, learn to trust your loved one.

Avoiding intimate relationships in general in a dream means: you are not confident in yourself, you are afraid to start them in reality, so as not to disappoint your lover. We need to overcome this shortcoming and realize our ideas about a joint future.

Dreams need to be adjusted

To a young man, bed pleasures with a woman older than him indicate: in many matters (and in sex too) he prefers to be led, looking for someone who will take responsibility. However, it's time to grow up.

Why does a lonely girl dream of sexual intimacy? The dream book suggests: she dreams of meeting her young man who will love and protect her. Just don’t idealize him too much, because positive princes live only on the pages of fairy tales.

“Let go” of your ex, pay attention to your current lover

A dream of sexual intercourse with an ex-boyfriend signals: the dreamer still internally sees him as her own.

Have you seen intimacy with your ex-boyfriend in a dream? The dream book says: current relationships may become more complicated.

Intimacy with a familiar guy who is attractive to the dreamer indicates: there is attraction between them. Under favorable conditions, sympathy can develop into something more.

A dream about sex with your boyfriend promises, according to the dream book, harmony in your relationship not only sexually, but also in all other respects.

Who was your partner?

To correctly interpret the dream, remember who you had sex with:

  • boyfriend - receive a gift from him;
  • husband is simply a reflection of this connection;
  • boss - possible promotion at work;
  • relative - your views on life largely coincide;
  • a deceased friend - increased prosperity.

Marital harmony, career aspirations

Have you made love with your husband? Mutual understanding, respect, joy from intimacy between you will become even more complete.

Seeing yourself in bed with your boss in a dream means: the sleeping woman is striving for career advancement, not disdaining anything. But you also need to remember to respect your colleagues and their opinion of you.

Miller's Dream Book: personal life is in order!

Why dream of enjoying intimacy? The dream promises: in reality, on the personal front, everything is normal for the sleeping person.

Change something in your sex life

Did you dream of intimacy between you and a stranger? This means: your sex life something is missing. We need to analyze the problem and try to change it.

Intimacy in a dream with a loved one foreshadows mutual understanding, strengthening relationships, and reaching a new level.

Your attitude towards this type of leisure activity will help you find out why you dream about sex.

If you are ashamed of talking about intimate relationships or consider it obscene, then such a dream may mean that in reality you condemn someone’s action, or feel awkward in some situation. Depending on the plot of the dream, such a sign can reveal your true feelings towards others or towards a specific event.

For dreamers belonging to sexual relations more freely and impartially, sex seen in a dream promises some pleasant moments in life. You will experience the joy of fulfilling your plans or have an interesting time with the person you saw in your dream.

You should not take such a dream literally. It does not at all mean that your dreamed sexual partner is attracted to you in reality. It is more likely that you experience passionate feelings towards the person you saw, and this is not at all necessary. Will help clarify the situation more accurately additional signs that were in a dream.

Who was your partner?

As the dream book interprets, sex can mean not only mental, but also physical attraction to the person from the dream. In some cases, sex in a dream, on the contrary, reflects your antipathy and rejection of the person you see. Therefore, do not be surprised if you dream that you had an intimate relationship with your sworn enemy.

Most often, the following are dreamed of as partners:

  • Beloved person;
  • Stranger;
  • Former lover;
  • Own husband;
  • A familiar man;
  • Woman.

The dream book offers an interpretation for each individual case, which can be found below.


If you dreamed that you were having sex with your loved one, a pleasant surprise awaits you from him. Such a dream shows the sincerity of your feelings and the desire to always be close to a person dear to your heart.

It is possible that in the near future your partner will receive a marriage proposal, and if your relationship is just beginning, a romantic declaration of love awaits you.

Sometimes sex with a beloved man can mean a couple’s reconciliation after a quarrel or a meeting after a long separation. Try to remember what words were said by your loved one during the dream. In this way he is trying to convey to you a mental message that he does not dare to express personally.

The words you say in a fit of passion are also of no small importance. These may be secret hopes and desires that you keep to yourself, and hope that your loved one will guess about them. The dream book advises you to convey the words you hear that come out of your mouth in a dream to your soulmate, otherwise they will remain unheard.


You dream of sex with a stranger on the eve of significant changes in life. We have to completely change our way of thinking, radically change our views on the world. Such shifts will be caused by a number of reasons or by meeting an extraordinary person who will have a great influence on your worldview.

A stranger in a dream represents the unknown that one has to face. And if you experienced pleasure during sexual games, it means that you are not afraid of the upcoming changes. On the contrary, you are looking forward to starting a new life.

A dream in which intimacy with a stranger was not a joy, but brought pain and suffering, means that you are subconsciously not ready to accept innovations and are afraid of what lies ahead. There is no confidence in the future and certainty in decisions.


If you dreamed that you were having sex with your ex-lover, it means that your relationship is not over yet. Some of you still cannot forget this affair or forgive the offense. To more accurately understand what you dream about having sex with your ex, remember what you talked about during the process or what emotions you experienced.

If everything was just like in the old days, when you were still together, and you experienced the same emotions, it means that you still have hope for his return and resumption of communication. This turn of events is unlikely, so you shouldn’t hold on to the past. Let go of the situation and start your journey towards the future.

A dream in which having sex with your ex-beloved man does not bring you pleasure, but causes irritation, indicates that the feelings are gone forever. Now you are free from unpleasant memories, and nothing prevents you from starting a new happy life.

The pity that you feel for your partner in a dream during love games means that in reality he does not find a place for himself and constantly thinks about you. He is trying to return to his old relationship and is very bored. Before you forgive him and get close again, remember why you broke up. And remember - what happened once will happen again.


If you happen to have sex in a dream with your own husband, it means that complete harmony and mutual understanding await you in your family life. If this was preceded by quarrels and scandals, you can be sure that all this is left behind. Nothing will be able to disturb the peace in your home anytime soon.

For a more accurate understanding of why you dream of having sex with your husband, remember the environment in which it happened.

Making love in your home means that some kind of family celebration is expected. Perhaps your spouse is going to surprise you about... important event or just give a gift for no reason. In any case, you will experience surprise and joy at the same time.

Sex with husband in unusual conditions, for example, on an airplane, in water or on the street, dreams, foreshadowing happy changes in family relationships. If you begin to feel that your former passion is fading and your feelings are no longer the same, your spouse will soon pleasantly surprise you. We are about to experience a second honeymoon with our own husband!

Familiar man

Sex in a dream with a man you know reflects your predisposition to him if it was by mutual consent.

When you become the initiator of a close relationship according to the plot of a dream, it means that in reality you are trying to establish contact with this man. This could be your work colleague or even your boss. Perhaps you want to enlist his support in some matter or make a request.

A dream in which the initiative for intimacy came from a friend means that this person will soon turn to you for advice or with some kind of request.

If it was your close friend whom you have known for a long time and never considered him as a sexual object, such a plot arises as a reflection of spiritual closeness. It is also possible that unexpectedly after for long years friendship, real passion will flare up between you.


If in a dream you had sex with a woman, although in reality you prefer to do it with a man, you should not panic and start doubting your orientation.

Such a vision often foreshadows a new interesting acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex. A new acquaintance will have an extraordinary appearance or character. In any case, you won’t be bored with him.

Seeing in a dream an acquaintance or friend with whom you had intimate intimacy means that you are experiencing a feeling of envy towards her. This feeling does not have a negative connotation. Just by seeing something from a friend, you passionately wanted the exact same thing for yourself, and now all your thoughts are occupied with the anticipation of a new purchase.

What type of intimacy did you dream about?

You can more accurately understand why you dream about having sex by interpreting the meaning of the way you see expressing passion.

Depending on whether it was classic sex or maybe you had some kind of dream unusual way, which you have never tried before, the dream can reveal your subconscious desires and tell you what to expect in the future.

You should not judge yourself and be ashamed of your dreams if such pictures do not come to your mind during your waking hours. This behavior of the subconscious indicates your desire to add variety to your life and experience vivid emotions. Perhaps life and routine are quite boring, and a release in the form of an emotional outburst is needed.


If in a dream having sex happened in classic style with a man who did not try to amaze you with his abilities, or in a familiar environment with your husband - this means that the upcoming period will proceed calmly and without incident.

On the one hand, the lack of pleasant events will be somewhat upsetting. But on the other hand, troubles and problems are also not foreseen on the horizon, which in itself is already good news.

Having sex in a classic style can also mean your stiffness and uncertainty in your relationship with your beloved man. You are afraid of losing him, and therefore you do everything to please him.

This behavior is not justified. There is a great risk of losing your individuality. If you really want to keep a man, be yourself, don’t suppress your desires.

Unusual way

Having sex in some unusual or unfamiliar way in a dream means that changes in life are expected soon. You may need to change your job or place of residence. You dream about using special devices for love games when you are planning to start engaging in a new activity.

A dream in which, while having sex with a man, you yourself suggested experimenting, speaks of your extraordinary thinking, which will lead to success.

Thanks to the ability to quickly navigate a situation and the ability to take advantage of it, you will be able to achieve great heights in professional activity and strengthen your financial position.

If you tried unusual sexual positions in a dream while having sex with your husband, try to change your attitude towards him. He probably misses your care and affection, but he does not dare to say so directly. Take the initiative and please your beloved spouse.


If you dreamed of sex with several men at once, you will be invited to some event. It's going to be a fun time in a big and noisy company. You will find yourself in the center of attention and enjoy great success with the opposite sex.

If your colleagues or boss were among the participants in the dreamed orgy, a rush at work is expected. There is a lot of work to be done, which can ultimately lead to nervous exhaustion. Try to gain strength and not worry about the upcoming difficulties. The results of your work will be generously rewarded.

As you know, in a dream we can see a wide variety of objects and phenomena. Often, dreamed images prompt us to think about the presence in them of hidden meaning and a hint of future events. Today we suggest you find out what you should prepare for if you have a dream about sex. To answer this question, we decided to turn to several of the most reliable and complete sources.

Dream book of Gustav Miller: if you dreamed about sex

This collection claims that if intimacy brings you pleasure and enjoyment, then in reality there will be no problems in your personal life. If sexual contact in a dream left you with extremely unfavorable feelings, then you should think about the moral and ethical aspect of your relationship. A vision in which you observe the intimacy of other people warns that, due to your inherent view of things, you will experience serious difficulties in the process of starting a family.

Freud's Dream Book: sexual intercourse in a dream

According to information from this source, dreamed intimacy does not need symbolic interpretation. As a rule, sex in a dream is typical during puberty, as well as during long-term abstinence. Such a vision may be a reflection of the regret you feel about missed opportunities and the unfulfilled desire to enter into a close relationship with this or that person.

Modern dream book: seeing intimacy in a dream

Having sex means having a strong attraction in your real life. If you see such dreams regularly, then you should think about your relationship with your partner: is everything going smoothly and are you really with a person who suits you in all respects, including in bed.

Medieval dream book: sexual intercourse

If you dreamed of intimate intimacy with your spouse, then a variety of favorable events. As a rule, they will be associated with family life.

Why do you dream about sex: Eastern dream book

A vision in which you enjoy intimacy prophesies sadness and anxiety. If sex in a dream was dull and did not give you the expected satisfaction, then, on the contrary, all sorts of joys await you.

Intimate dream book

The interpretation of dreams in which sex plays a fundamental role is the most complete in this collection. The authors of the source very carefully describe various possible situations and give their meaning. We propose to dwell in more detail on several points of such interpretations.

Having sex with your husband

A dream in which a woman enters into intimate intimacy with her husband can be interpreted depending on the feelings and emotions experienced at that time. So, if you have experienced deep pleasure, then you are quite satisfied with the current state of things, and you are afraid to change anything. If you have not experienced any satisfaction from sex with your husband, then, quite possibly, you subconsciously want to part with the hateful responsibilities of being a housewife and a respectable wife. Most likely, you have a feminist spirit, and therefore you want to achieve equality with members of the opposite sex in all areas of life.

Virtual sex

This phenomenon reflects the false appearance of the current situation. Therefore, virtual sex in a dream hints that you are mistaken about the real state of affairs and the attitude of the people around you. This can apply to appearance, abilities and professionalism. After all, virtual reality is extremely deceptive and unreliable.

Intimacy in space

This dream is a reflection of the process of improving your soul and body. So, if at the end of sexual intercourse you experienced truly unearthly bliss, then sooner or later you will be able to comprehend the secrets of the universe. What does sex mean in a dream that was unpleasant for you? In this case, something or someone is hindering your attempts to understand the laws of the Universe. If, while making love in space, you observe nearby planets or other celestial bodies, then you are not alone in your desire to understand the secrets of the universe. In addition, such a vision may reflect your inherent desire to move away from the people around you and to be alone with yourself and your thoughts.

Sexual contact in a public place

Such sex in a dream reflects your inherent desire to flaunt your feelings and thoughts. Perhaps the reason for this is a lack of wisdom that you subconsciously want to compensate for with advice or a recommendation from an outsider. In addition, such a vision may be the result of the fact that you feel lonely and thus are trying to attract attention to yourself. If a man dreams that he is having sex in a public place, then in real life he seeks to demonstrate his superiority to others. For a representative of the weak half of humanity, such a vision may mean the loss of a good name. If you dreamed that you and your partner were completely naked and making love in front of a whole crowd of onlookers, then in the near future you risk committing a rash act, which you will later seriously regret.

Intimacy with a famous person

Such a dream may reflect your desire to join someone else's fame. For a young man, such a dream symbolizes the opportunity to receive the patronage of an influential person, which will help him quickly move up the social ladder and make an excellent career. For a man, this means the emergence of new ideas and strength to bring them to life. Seeing sex with a celebrity in a dream for a woman means good luck and fulfillment of cherished desires.

Sexual intercourse with a deceased person

Such visions reflect longing for irrevocably departed people, a desire to come into contact with them on a disembodied level, and even a temporary stay in other world. If your blood relative was your sexual partner, then you are often visited by nostalgia about the long-gone times of your childhood and youth. If in a dream you made love simply with a familiar person who is now no longer alive, then you are very interested in the question of what happens to our soul after death. In addition, it is believed that through visions the dead are trying to convey to our consciousness some important things that we desperately strive to know.

Intimacy with a monster

Sex in a dream with a huge monstrous creature has three interpretations. According to the first of them, such a vision reflects your inherent constraint in terms of intimate life. You always try to adhere to moral standards, which does not allow you to completely surrender to instinct and get pleasure. The second interpretation comes down to the fact that the dreamer subconsciously considers someone close to him to be a real monster and monstrosity. For women, such a vision can mean the imminent onset of menstruation. For representatives of the stronger half of humanity similar dream may act as a reflection of reluctance to submit to the authority of another person (for example, a boss). This may be due to the fact that you doubt the professional qualities of your boss.

If you dream of Intimacy and you want to know why you dream of Intimacy, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Intimacy:

PROXIMITY, closeness, w. 1. Distraction noun to close. Proximity of distance. The proximity of death. Closeness of views. 2. Close relationships. Closeness developed between them.

Intimacy - interpretation of sleep

Dreaming of Intimacy means changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Proximity means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Intimacy is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If in a dream where you dream of Intimacy there are people present, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of Intimacy together with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

Your attitude towards this type of leisure activity will help you find out why you dream about sex.

If you are ashamed of talking about intimate relationships or consider it obscene, then such a dream may mean that in reality you condemn someone’s action, or feel awkward in some situation. Depending on the plot of the dream, such a sign can reveal your true feelings towards others or towards a specific event.

For dreamers who approach sexual relationships more freely and impartially, sex seen in a dream promises some pleasant moments in life. You will experience the joy of fulfilling your plans or have an interesting time with the person you saw in your dream.

You should not take such a dream literally. It does not at all mean that your dreamed sexual partner is attracted to you in reality. It is more likely that you experience passionate feelings towards the person you saw, and this is not at all necessary. Additional signs that were in the dream will help to clarify the situation more accurately.

Who was your partner?

As the dream book interprets, sex can mean not only mental, but also physical attraction to the person from the dream. In some cases, sex in a dream, on the contrary, reflects your antipathy and rejection of the person you see. Therefore, do not be surprised if you dream that you had an intimate relationship with your sworn enemy.

Most often, the following are dreamed of as partners:

  • Beloved person;
  • Stranger;
  • Former lover;
  • Own husband;
  • A familiar man;
  • Woman.

The dream book offers an interpretation for each individual case, which can be found below.


If you dreamed that you were having sex with your loved one, a pleasant surprise awaits you from him. Such a dream shows the sincerity of your feelings and the desire to always be close to a person dear to your heart.

It is possible that in the near future your partner will receive a marriage proposal, and if your relationship is just beginning, a romantic declaration of love awaits you.

Sometimes sex with a beloved man can mean a couple’s reconciliation after a quarrel or a meeting after a long separation. Try to remember what words were said by your loved one during the dream. In this way he is trying to convey to you a mental message that he does not dare to express personally.

The words you say in a fit of passion are also of no small importance. These may be secret hopes and desires that you keep to yourself, and hope that your loved one will guess about them. The dream book advises you to convey the words you hear that come out of your mouth in a dream to your soulmate, otherwise they will remain unheard.


You dream of sex with a stranger on the eve of significant changes in life. We have to completely change our way of thinking, radically change our views on the world. Such shifts will be caused by a number of reasons or by meeting an extraordinary person who will have a great influence on your worldview.

A stranger in a dream represents the unknown that one has to face. And if you experienced pleasure during sexual games, it means that you are not afraid of the upcoming changes. On the contrary, you are looking forward to starting a new life.

A dream in which intimacy with a stranger was not a joy, but brought pain and suffering, means that you are subconsciously not ready to accept innovations and are afraid of what lies ahead. There is no confidence in the future and certainty in decisions.


If you dreamed that you were having sex with your ex-lover, it means that your relationship is not over yet. Some of you still cannot forget this affair or forgive the offense. To more accurately understand what you dream about having sex with your ex, remember what you talked about during the process or what emotions you experienced.

If everything was just like in the old days, when you were still together, and you experienced the same emotions, it means that you still have hope for his return and resumption of communication. This turn of events is unlikely, so you shouldn’t hold on to the past. Let go of the situation and start your journey towards the future.

A dream in which having sex with your ex-beloved man does not bring you pleasure, but causes irritation, indicates that the feelings are gone forever. Now you are free from unpleasant memories, and nothing prevents you from starting a new happy life.

The pity that you feel for your partner in a dream during love games means that in reality he does not find a place for himself and constantly thinks about you. He is trying to return to his old relationship and is very bored. Before you forgive him and get close again, remember why you broke up. And remember - what happened once will happen again.


If you happen to have sex in a dream with your own husband, it means that complete harmony and mutual understanding await you in your family life. If this was preceded by quarrels and scandals, you can be sure that all this is left behind. Nothing will be able to disturb the peace in your home anytime soon.

For a more accurate understanding of why you dream of having sex with your husband, remember the environment in which it happened.

Making love in your home means that some kind of family celebration is expected. Perhaps your spouse is going to surprise you on an important event or just give you a gift for no reason. In any case, you will experience surprise and joy at the same time.

Dreaming of sex with your husband in unusual conditions, for example, on an airplane, in water or on the street, foreshadows happy changes in family relationships. If you begin to feel that your former passion is fading and your feelings are no longer the same, your spouse will soon pleasantly surprise you. We are about to experience a second honeymoon with our own husband!

Familiar man

Sex in a dream with a man you know reflects your predisposition to him if it was by mutual consent.

When you become the initiator of a close relationship according to the plot of a dream, it means that in reality you are trying to establish contact with this man. This could be your work colleague or even your boss. Perhaps you want to enlist his support in some matter or make a request.

A dream in which the initiative for intimacy came from a friend means that this person will soon turn to you for advice or with some kind of request.

If it was your close friend whom you have known for a long time and never considered him as a sexual object, such a plot arises as a reflection of spiritual closeness. It is also possible that unexpectedly, after many years of friendship, real passion will flare up between you.


If in a dream you had sex with a woman, although in reality you prefer to do it with a man, you should not panic and start doubting your orientation.

Such a vision often foreshadows a new interesting acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex. A new acquaintance will have an extraordinary appearance or character. In any case, you won’t be bored with him.

Seeing in a dream an acquaintance or friend with whom you had intimate intimacy means that you are experiencing a feeling of envy towards her. This feeling does not have a negative connotation. Just by seeing something from a friend, you passionately wanted the exact same thing for yourself, and now all your thoughts are occupied with the anticipation of a new purchase.

What type of intimacy did you dream about?

You can more accurately understand why you dream about having sex by interpreting the meaning of the way you see expressing passion.

Depending on whether it was classic sex or maybe you dreamed of some unusual method that you have never tried before, a dream can reveal your subconscious desires and tell you what to expect in the future.

You should not judge yourself and be ashamed of your dreams if such pictures do not come to your mind during your waking hours. This behavior of the subconscious indicates your desire to add variety to your life and experience vivid emotions. Perhaps life and routine are quite boring, and a release in the form of an emotional outburst is needed.


If in a dream you had sex in a classic style with a man who did not try to amaze you with his abilities, or in a familiar environment with your husband, it means that the upcoming period will proceed calmly and without incident.

On the one hand, the lack of pleasant events will be somewhat upsetting. But on the other hand, troubles and problems are also not foreseen on the horizon, which in itself is already good news.

Having sex in a classic style can also mean your stiffness and uncertainty in your relationship with your beloved man. You are afraid of losing him, and therefore you do everything to please him.

This behavior is not justified. There is a great risk of losing your individuality. If you really want to keep a man, be yourself, don’t suppress your desires.

Unusual way

Having sex in some unusual or unfamiliar way in a dream means that changes in life are expected soon. You may need to change your job or place of residence. You dream about using special devices for love games when you are planning to start engaging in a new activity.

A dream in which, while having sex with a man, you yourself suggested experimenting, speaks of your extraordinary thinking, which will lead to success.

Thanks to the ability to quickly navigate a situation and the ability to benefit from it, you will be able to achieve great heights in your professional activities and strengthen your financial position.

If you tried unusual sexual positions in a dream while having sex with your husband, try to change your attitude towards him. He probably misses your care and affection, but he does not dare to say so directly. Take the initiative and please your beloved spouse.


If you dreamed of sex with several men at once, you will be invited to some event. You will have fun in a large and noisy company. You will be the center of attention and will enjoy great success with the opposite sex.

If your colleagues or boss were among the participants in the dreamed orgy, a rush at work is expected. There is a lot of work to be done, which can ultimately lead to nervous exhaustion. Try to gain strength and not worry about the upcoming difficulties. The results of your work will be generously rewarded.

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