Why do you dream about deceased relatives? Why do you dream of dead relatives - is this a bad or a good indicator? Interpretation of a dream with a living dead person according to the dream books of Gypsy and Zhou-gong

Many people view dreams with a degree of obvious skepticism, while others attach special, deep meaning to them. And so it has been since time immemorial. In particular, people become interested in why deceased relatives dream and what a sign this could be.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a deceased relative?

Interpretations of dream books about why relatives who have already died in dreams differ.

So, different dream books interpret this dream as follows:

  • Miller's dream book advises to be careful in the near future. Perhaps some new endeavor that you are currently passionate about is fraught with danger. If you are planning an event, weigh the pros and cons before you act.
  • If a deceased brother appeared in a dream, then very soon you will have to help someone close. Don't ignore requests from family and friends.
  • The ancient Slavs believed that the arrival of a deceased person in a dream was a good sign, which meant protection from impending evil.
  • IN The newest dream book the arrival of a dead relative means the beginning of a period of cardinal life changes. They will not pass without a trace, but they will be for the better.

I dreamed about a deceased relative being alive

When deceased relatives dream of being alive, this sign is regarded rather controversially.

Let's look at popular interpretations:

  • According to Longo, a living relative in a dream who has already died in reality means dramatic changes that will happen very soon. Moreover, the upcoming events will be far from joyful and positive. Do not ignore this sign and exercise extreme caution. However, this dream can also be a message that distant relatives are looking for the dreamer.
  • Did you dream about a grandmother who has been dead for a long time? This dream is a kind of warning and, perhaps, wise advice is hidden in it. Try to remember the details of the dream and learn a lesson from them.
  • A deceased grandfather in a dream will also be a clue regarding your surroundings. Take a closer look to see if among your close people there are vile gossips and traitors who are always happy to talk about you behind your back and do dirty tricks. Pay attention to your grandfather’s mood: whether he was happy or, conversely, angry and upset.
  • A deceased mother can warn of impending misfortune and illness of loved ones. Advice: reconsider your lifestyle. If your mother kissed you, it means that old grievances will be forgiven.

Everyone is afraid of death - in addition, the loss of a relative is always a huge loss and sadness.

But that's how life works. And sometimes loved ones leave, leaving only pleasant memories, remaining in the memory. And yet, they sometimes come into our dreams.

Such dreams are not forgotten - they leave many emotions of a different nature, sometimes sadness, sometimes joy. But the most important thing is that dreams with the presence of loved ones who have passed away are extremely significant, and always foreshadow some serious events.

Don't be scared! Very often, guests who come to a dream foreshadow joyful changes. But you should understand that if a person passed away not so long ago, and you are still bitterly worried and often think about him, such dreams only reflect your thoughts and do not mean anything in reality.

In other cases, living people dream of such things for a reason. How to understand why deceased relatives dream, what to do after such visions, and what to expect in reality?

The interpreter will help you figure it out, give you answers, but first remember all the details - what these people were like, what they did or said, and what you had to do. The options are as follows:

  • Dreaming deceased grandmother.
  • I dreamed about my grandfather.
  • Brother or cousin.
  • Sister.
  • Dead mother.
  • Dead dad.
  • Both parents in a dream.
  • Relatives say something.
  • They dream of being alive, young, beautiful and cheerful.
  • Take something from them.
  • To give or give something.
  • Talk to them.
  • Congratulate on something.
  • They scold you.

We dream about this quite often, and there is nothing supernatural in the presence of departed relatives in the dreams of living people. After all, they connect us with another world, and are guides, protectors and helpers - and how else can they give advice, if not through dreams?

See - and only

Often in dreams we only see a person, and we do not have to talk or do anything with him. If in your case you only saw your deceased grandfather or grandmother, mother or brother, remember him and what he did. And the dream book will tell you what this is for.

1. The grandmother, who is no longer alive, dreams of serious and positive changes, the time for which has already come. If you see a granny, be prepared that life will soon begin to change, do not resist this - this is for the better.

2. If you dream of a deceased grandfather, if you dream of him being alive and well, this is advice to be wiser, listen to other people’s experiences, and don’t wonder. Talk less, delve more - this is the advice the interpreter gives. Listen!

3. If you dream of a brother or cousin who has passed away - alive and vigorous, especially cheerful and smiling - great! Happiness awaits you, especially in amorous matters. Mutual love, harmony and delight await you soon!

4. Dreaming of a dead sister always brings unexpected joy, especially if a girl or lady sees the dream. This is very good sign, expect surprises from fate!

5. Often dreams dear mother who died - after all, she is always considered a guardian angel, both during life and after death. If you saw her, it portends a happy event, a good turn in life, good luck.

6. But the father who dreamed of being alive and healthy is very good sign, symbol reliable protection and support from higher powers. Perhaps this vision is a call to be bolder and act more decisively, courageously and actively.

7. If you dreamed of both dead parents, alive and smiling, this is a rare symbol, and it foreshadows the dreamer happiness in everything, and even wealth. And believe me, the interpreter is not exaggerating!

8. If in dreams relatives who have left our world speak to the dreamer, then it is very important what exactly they say. It is worth listening and taking into account everything that you can remember from what they said.

9. It is very good if a relative laughed in a dream, was cheerful, young and handsome. This is a happy vision, it portends white stripe to the dreamer, joy at every step, good luck and many pleasant surprises!

Contact and interaction

When in your dreams you not only saw your loved one from the outside, but you also had to do something, interact somehow - this already carries other meanings. To get in this case reliable interpretation, you will have to remember your actions very well.

1. Taking something from the hands of this person is a wonderful sign; it promises happiness, great profit, in general - gifts from a generous and favorable fate. The bad streak will end, luck will simply begin to relentlessly follow you, and you won’t have to learn anything!

2. But quite the opposite, if you gave or gave them something - money, things, whatever. This promises loss or illness - be careful. Take care of your relationships with people, take care of your health, and be prudent. Now is just an unfavorable and slightly dangerous period - and it will soon pass.

3. Talk to dead relative in dreams - this is an omen of important news that awaits you in reality. You will learn something very significant that can even change your current life.

4. If a deceased loved one scolded you in a dream, scolded you for something, be prudent in your everyday life.

The interpreter assures that your lifestyle, behavior or actions do not lead you to good, and such a dream warns and strongly advises you to reconsider your behavior.

5. If in your dreams you congratulated a deceased relative on something, that’s good. This means that soon in reality you will do a very good, noble or kind deed. Do something good for someone, and good deeds make our lives brighter and happier!

Mothers, grandmothers, brothers, fathers - those who left us - are rare guests of dreams, but still few people have not met them at least once in this mysterious world. They don't come for no reason! Carefully interpret and analyze what you see.

Of course, more often such dreams foreshadow happy changes and joy - believe the dream book in this case. Believing in happiness will definitely attract it into your reality!

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

Dreams in which a person meets the dead, in most cases, have the goal of warning those who see them from future troubles or about some important event. The same fully applies to relatives who have passed on to another world.

Many people are deeply convinced that dead relatives invade dreams in order to take them to heaven and therefore perceive similar dreams with real horror. However, in most cases their worries are in vain. A dream involving a deceased relative foreshadows death only if the relative calls the dreamer to him for a long time and persistently. The situation is even worse if at the end the relative takes the person by the hand and leads him away. This turn of events tells the dreamer that sudden death awaits him in the near future, and he has almost no time left. But even then you shouldn’t panic, because dreams of this kind purposefully warn people about danger, giving them the opportunity to avoid it. In other cases, dreams of dead people have nothing to do with death.

The first thing to focus on is the fact that deceased relatives almost always come into dreams with specific intentions. Having determined for what purpose this or that relative is visiting, you can determine the meaning of the dream itself.

Seeing your dead father in a dream means that the dreamer will soon face some kind of test. It can manifest itself in anything, you may have to take some difficult decision, take responsibility for an action from the past or provide urgent support to a loved one. Also, a deceased father often appears in the dreams of his children to give them useful tips. Such dreams occur especially often in the first year after his death. You should definitely listen to the advice you heard from your father and follow it carefully. A meeting with a deceased mother tells the dreamer that positive trends await him in the future. His well-being will improve, love will come into his life, great happiness will come to his family. However, if the mother cries bitterly, then good things should not be expected. A mother's tears warn her children of danger.

However, the question of why dead relatives dream is not yet closed. The meanings of dreams in which the dreamer’s deceased brother or sister appears are often explored. In the case of a brother, the dream foreshadows mutual love, a strong family and the establishment of a family hearth, and if you dreamed of a sister, then you should prepare for future changes and receiving some unexpected news. Naturally, from the category of dreams with dead relatives, people most often dream of their deceased grandparents. The old generation, as a rule, foreshadows difficulties that will not be difficult to overcome. Distant relatives got the role of harbingers of trips and various hassles that are associated with them. Sometimes they mean not only a physical journey, but also a mental one. Perhaps the dreamer has to think hard about something.

As you know, dreams with dead people fall into the category scary dreams, which are extremely important and useful for humans. They force him to activate his defenses, and in real life this helps him avoid many different troubles.

Dreams are an integral part of human life. Many of them are for good, others promise trouble, but one way or another they all act for good. You just need to learn to treat them correctly and wisely, and in return they can make life easier.

Dream Interpretation Deceased relative

Why do you dream about a deceased relative in a dream?

If you dream of a deceased relative, such a dream can be considered a warning, depending on its details. So, if you dream of a deceased mother and a conversation with her, then you need to think about your health.

A dead brother appearing in a dream is a signal that someone close to you is really waiting for your compassion and help. A conversation with your deceased father is a warning that the business you are starting may end in failure and lead to serious troubles and debts.

In addition, such a dream encourages you to be more attentive to your reputation; it is possible that someone is preparing a serious blow to it by spreading gossip and rumors.

Why do you dream about deceased relatives?



Dead Man A dream about the dead is usually a warning. If you see your deceased father and talk to him, you are about to do some unfortunate deed. Be careful in your contacts: you are surrounded by enemies. After such a dream, men and women should carefully monitor their reputation: they have been warned about the threat. A dream about a deceased mother warns of illness; you should restrain yourself and not show unkind feelings towards other people. A brother, other relative or friend means that very soon you will be approached for charity or help. If you see the dead alive and happy, it means that you have allowed some wrong influences into your life that will lead to material losses, unless you correct the situation with your willpower. A dream that you are talking with a deceased relative and he is trying to convince you to make some kind of promise warns of impending trouble if you do not follow the advice you hear. Catastrophic consequences can be prevented if the consciousness can grasp the activity of a higher or spiritual being. The voice of the deceased is a voice from above, the only one that can be grasped by consciousness located on the material plane. But the connection between them is so weak that one has to rely on one’s own subjective interpretation.

Vera Valerievna

in general - a living dead - to a change in weather. And if it takes a long time, just remember them. You don't have to go to the cemetery

Jettatura Lugaru

Light a candle, say a prayer, remember... completely forgot about them...


go to church and light candles for the repose, maybe they want to be remembered.


Well, as I know, it’s a change in the weather, but don’t worry, everything is fine))) and it won’t hurt to go to church one more time

olesya bederova

smotra 4to s nitsa…deistviya,slova…a pomyanut-v lubom slu4ae nujno…

Olga Vladimirovna

Something from the past, long buried, will emerge and begin to influence your destiny. Maybe they are saying or doing something else? This also matters + Your feelings for the full picture


It would be better if you complete sleep told. and it’s not clear whether it’s for good or for evil.

*PoLkiLo CLaDocTi*

Here. I recently dreamed of my deceased grandmother. We need to go to church.

Smart girl

DEAD to rain, change of weather; outside the coffin - a guest.


In general, when I dream about my deceased relatives, they warn me about something, here I need a complete picture of the dream, and then I can interpret it

Why do you dream about dead relatives?



In general, deceased relatives often become guardian angels and warn about something. But in your case there is something different. If they complain to you, it means they are just coming to talk to you. Visit their graves more often. If you have an Orthodox family, then go light a candle for them and pray. And listen carefully to what your grandmother warns you about. This might come in handy. Try to understand and interpret these dreams. And by the way, take some food to grandma’s grave - some sweets (not in wrappers, otherwise the local homeless people will take it away).

inga zajontz

These are demons in the form of grandparents

Ilona Ivanova

you know what they say - the dead dream of rain... . in general, listen carefully to WHAT they tell you... they often say things that are important to you...

Vita Tsybulskaya

firstly they warn, advise, help... go to the grave and bring a memorial... order for the repose in the church.


Order a memorial service in the church, a forty-eight for the repose, go to the grave - stay a little near the resting place, put some flowers, if your grandfather smoked, then leave a cigarette. Distribute candy to everyone you want, saying, “Remember so and so.” In general, when you dream of dead people, ask for a gift!

Lyudmila Pavlova

They remind you that you need to remember, visit the grave, light a candle for the repose.


You don’t remember often, so you dream about it, if you don’t like the clothes, buy something and give them away from the clothes... now there are a lot of people begging, he asks for alms to eat, give them food or just remember with your family at breakfast, you definitely need to pray for the peace of the church in church... well, they continue to warn about anything, more often they dream about changes in life

Ekaterina Gracheva

offended! go to the grave! what he asks bury in the grave


These dreams are dictated by the laws of nature and usually occur only at night: http://otvet.mail.ru/answer/321673392/

Why do you dream about dead relatives and grandmother?



After I dreamed about my grandmother, I fell in love. I think she led me down the path of marriage.

little light

depending on how they appeared in your dream, what did they say?

Yana Leontyeva

They dream of a change in weather.

Nata Kulikova

we miss you: either light a candle for your repose or visit your grave.

Victoria ___________

To peace of mind! This is good!


Yesterday I also dreamed of a girl I knew who passed away in August. I dreamed that she was pregnant. It's not clear at all. Friends also drive me to church to light a candle. But it seems to me that this is just such a greeting from her that they say that she did not die for us. Don't know.


Dead man According to Miller's dream book: § To see is a warning; seeing your deceased father or talking to him is a danger of making a bad deal; be careful in your dealings, because enemies surround you; see your deceased mother– excessive impressionability will serve as a source of trouble for you; it is possible that someone close to you will become ill; a deceased brother or other relative, friend - in the near future someone will ask you for advice or financial help; the deceased looks alive and happy - someone is exerting a bad influence on you, succumbing to which you risk incurring serious losses; talking to some long-dead relative and he is trying to wrest some promise from you - a dark streak will begin in your life if you do not follow the advice of your friends; for a girl - the dead, risen from their graves, surround you, and friends refuse to come to the rescue - unpleasant events. By folk dream book: § See - dangerous disease; to see that he has risen is a sign of well-being. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book: § To rain, change of weather; outside the coffin is a guest. Corpse According to Miller's dream book: § Seeing a corpse is misfortune, sad news, bad prospects in commercial affairs are possible; For young man– disappointments, lack of pleasure; to see a deceased person dressed in black - the imminent death of a friend or a desperately difficult situation in business; seeing the corpses of soldiers on the battlefield is a war, a complication of relations between countries and political groups; seeing the corpse of an animal is an unhealthy situation in business, deterioration in well-being; to see one of your family members dead - the illness of one of your close relatives or a break in family relationships; for lovers - you will not be able to keep your sacred vows to each other; cover the eyes of the deceased with coins - unscrupulous enemies will rob you, taking advantage of your temporary powerlessness; putting a coin on only one eye - you will be able to return lost property after an almost hopeless struggle; for a young woman - this dream is grief after you trust dishonest people; for a young woman - to see the owner of the store where you work in the coffin - your admirer’s cooling towards you; the head of a corpse separates from the body and falls - intrigue against you; a coffin with a corpse stands in the store hall - losses, troubles that will affect many people, evaluate your actions more soberly. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book: § Separation


Alena Filonenko It seems to me that you will have a girl...; 0)


go to church and remember them

Personal Account Removed

To the change of weather!!!

Olga Alekseeva

To a change in weather. And I heard from someone what it means to be offended by you.

You can see deceased relatives in a dream for various reasons: because of longing and bitterness of loss or because of memories of them that visited you during the day. The dream may also be caused by the fact that you have not visited the grave of the person in your dream for a long time. Superstitious people believe that the dead come in dreams to give advice or warn against something, and night visions about deceased relatives have many different and sometimes contradictory interpretations.

What does a dream about deceased relatives portend?

People who have already left us dream of a change in the weather. Dream interpreters advise listening to the words that you hear from deceased relatives in dreams, since they may well become prophetic.

Dreams about the dead are explained differently, depending on who dreamed and what situation the sleeper faced. The only one general interpretation is a popular observation that dreams of dead people strong wind or a sudden change in weather.

Who is dreaming?

Dreams about dead people can be interpreted in a positive or negative direction, depending on who dreamed.

If both deceased parents come to you in a dream, this portends happiness and wealth. The late mother warns against committing rash acts, the father - against shameful ones.

A deceased father, appearing in a dream, can warn of an illness that awaits you, especially if in the dream he himself was sick. For believers, a dream about a father can be a reason to visit church and pray for the health of loved ones and the repose of the departed. When you dreamed of a deceased father, think about what kind of father or mother you became? Perhaps it's time to talk to your children about their hobbies, joys and worries.

According to another interpretation, if you dreamed about your dead parents, you should think about your plans. About whether they go against your conscience, and most importantly, what consequences they can bring to you and others when executed. Maybe it’s time to reconsider your own intentions or completely abandon their implementation?

When you dream of a deceased grandmother, the vision foreshadows the emergence of health problems in one of your relatives. The deceased grandfather dreams of changes in life.

A brother or sister who has passed away comes in a dream to good events, and the brother always to happiness, longevity and prosperity, and the sister to a joyful or uncertain, but not at all sad future. Also, a dream about a deceased sister can be interpreted as an unclear life goal or an unclear motivation to achieve it.

Dead distant relative, appearing in a dream, may portend a scandal or discord in your family with devastating consequences.

What are you dreaming about?

There are many plots of night visions in which deceased relatives appear, because there is no person in the world who has not seen a deceased relative in a dream. Let us give interpretations of common situations that occur most often in dreams.

The gloomy plot of the dream, which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, promises problems in the family, a breakdown in relationships with loved ones. One of these stories is crying dead man. Only a heart-to-heart conversation will help save the situation between living relatives, which will smooth out all omissions and misunderstandings, and hidden anger and hidden enmity will only aggravate the situation.

Also, such stories involving deceased loved ones may indicate that you are under stress or overwhelmed with aggression that cannot find a way out. In this case, you should take up exercise or find another way to unwind before you start to cause fear to others.

When you dream of the graves of deceased relatives, take time to visit the cemetery or light a candle in church for the repose of the deceased.

If you dream of a relative’s grave, find the time and opportunity to visit it.

Kissing a deceased person in a dream means that in reality you will get rid of the fears that torment you, and life will immediately blossom with new colors. According to another interpretation, when you kiss a dead person in a dream, in reality expect the imminent birth of new ones. romantic relationships, if you kiss the deceased on the forehead, then this is a symbol of forgiveness: either you will remove the burden of guilt from someone’s soul, or you yourself will be forgiven.

A dream in which you hug a deceased relative brings changes, they can be both for the better and for the worse. But lying next to a dead person in a dream is always a harbinger great success and a series of successes. Prosperity is also foreshadowed by a dream in which the sleeper receives a gift from a deceased person or takes something from a dead person. Such a plot prophesies happiness and wealth.

Receiving gifts from a dead person in a dream means well-being in reality.

However, if a deceased relative in a dream gives you money, in reality, be as economical as possible and invest only in reliable projects; the dream prophesies financial problems or ruin. Problems with money include dreams of dead people with coins lying in front of them.

If a deceased relative lies in a coffin, the vision warns of troubles at work or of a visit from unexpected guests who will most likely appear from afar and decide to settle in for a long time.

Dreams in which you do not kiss the deceased, but the action comes from him, have a negative interpretation: when the deceased kisses you, the vision foreshadows serious troubles. Misfortunes and danger to life are prophesied by dreams in which you give food, clothing or money to the deceased. Illness or death is promised by a dream in which a dead person leads you, or you follow in his footsteps.

Dressing the deceased - a dream signals health problems; undressing is a sign of the imminent death of a loved one; the death of the dreamer himself can be predicted by a vision in which he carries the deceased in his arms, as well as any dream in which deceased relatives appear, if the sleeper at that moment is seriously ill.

A dream about the dead that comes to a sick person is a harbinger of death.

What else can dead relatives dream about?

? Talking to a dead person means meeting a person who has been looking for you for a long time.

Congratulating the deceased - in the near future you will perform a noble deed.

Running away from a dead man - the dream symbolizes the dreamer’s reluctance to repeat the fate or mistakes of the one he sees.

The dead man has risen - those around you are trying to influence you in order to benefit, and in difficult times they will not provide you with the necessary support.

A deceased relative is sick - you will be treated unfairly.

A deceased person in reality also dies in your dream - people you trust, perhaps family members, are weaving intrigues behind your back.

Many dead people dream of a mass illness of loved ones or an unpleasant incident in which there will be several victims.

A sleeping deceased person comes in a dream when his soul has found complete peace.

If the deceased was lively and cheerful in your dream, this is a sign that you have made a mistake that needs to be corrected.

We dream of dead people so that relatives do not forget about them.

Night visions in which the dead appear can make you think about life or even scare you. However, no matter what the deceased relative dreams about, if he visited you in your dreams, you need to pray for him, remember him among your family or friends. It’s even better to visit the grave of the deceased and go to the church to light a candle for the repose, so that his soul finds refuge, and you are no longer confused by thoughts of what the dream you saw could mean and what events it prophesies.

Dreams are an unrivaled source of insight into yourself. It is most useful to analyze vivid dreams: scary, disturbing, terrifying, joyful. But what can compare with the dream in which a deceased relative had a dream?

In terms of the intensity of feelings, these are some of the most exciting stories, which means they are also the most significant for a person. Dreaming about a deceased relative has many meanings. The most common answer to the question, “Why do deceased relatives dream?” is an indication that the dreamer forgets about his present, reaches for the past, has no desire to take responsibility for his actions, strives to be under the care or influence of the deceased loved one.

Why you dream of dead relatives can be found out for sure only by thoroughly clarifying all the details of the dream. Much depends on the dreamer’s experiences, on his attitude to situations in a dream. Everything has an impact: the degree of relationship, the emotional coloring of the dream, what kind of relationship the person and the deceased had.

If in a dream a person saw a deceased person alive, it is a sign of the need to conduct a full examination of the body. You should not do anything harmful to your health, and also think about quitting bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.), and start leading healthy image life ( proper nutrition, physical activity, proper rest).

If you dream of a revived father, it is worth thinking about how much circumstances allow you to start new things; perhaps the dreamer in reality is planning to do something for which his strength and knowledge are not enough. A dream about a deceased brother or sister is a sign that close friends need your help.

If you dream of a grandmother or grandfather who is already dead alive, the dreamer does not want to put up with the loss of care and certainty in life. Grandparents are symbols of established rules, customs, and a rooted, unshakable system, so dreams where they are alive, despite the fact that they have been dead for a long time, represent the dreamer’s longing for self-confidence in the future.

In addition, a grandmother or grandfather can symbolize a new stage in the dreamer’s life, when he needs to take responsibility for other people or begin to perform the functions that his grandmother or grandfather performed.

Details of actions in a dream

If in a dream a close relative rises from the dead when he has already been put in a dream, you should not rely on the help of friends in matters important to the dreamer. When in a dream a living dead person tries to stop the dreamer, in reality you should not embark on adventures.

If a revived dead person is sick in a dream, many unpredictable events occur in the dreamer’s life, from which he can emerge victorious only if he shows character and courage. A dream in which a revived relative dies serves as a symbol of loss and uncertainty. The dream book advises not to try to find certainty externally, but to stabilize the emotional state.

  • If a person dreams of being hugged by a dead person, the dreamer wants security and relief from worries, which is easy to achieve by turning to close people or friends.
  • A dream in which the dreamer hugs the deceased is a harbinger of changes; their nature will depend on the person who saw the dream. Calmness and self-confidence will help you cope with any situation, and self-control will help you maintain satisfactory relationships with others. You can't do anything in a hurry.

A dream in which a deceased relative dreamed alive and his dreamer foreshadows a quick deliverance from fears, the acquisition of courage and inner peace . If a living dead person gives, you should not try to make money in dubious enterprises.

If you often dream of a relative who has already died, but is alive in the dream, who goes somewhere, this is a sign of an incompletely formed understanding that close person gone forever. A dream in which a deceased relative appeared alive and called for him is a symbol of the dreamer’s desire to fulfill some goals that were very important to this relative.

If you dream of a long-dead relative alive and in the dream the dreamer follows him, then in reality very serious events will soon happen that can greatly change the life of the person who saw similar plot. You need to do everything possible to be ready for change.

When you dream that the dreamer is lying in a coffin with a deceased relative, you should think about your unhurried rhythm of life and, perhaps, take a risk in some business in order to refresh your existence and gain new impressions. The dream book defines such dreams as a desire for variety.

When you dream of a relative who has died in reality, but in your dream he is alive and well, you should be wary of conflicts at work and in the family. The Dream Interpretation recommends not aggravating even minor disagreements, but approaching them as correctly as possible, trying to explain any omissions and doing this very scrupulously.

When you dream about the voice of a deceased loved one, you should remember what exactly was said. If there is advice, then the dream book interprets such a dream as the dreamer’s desire to seek help, despite the fear of hearing a refusal. It is worth opening up to loved ones and getting support. And if there is a warning, then it is best to rely on yourself and boldly look forward, because the dreamer has the right direction, but listens to himself little.

If you often dream of a deceased loved one or relative who is alive in a dream, but seems to be decomposing, and the dreamer is very worried about this, this is a denial of death. A person does not want to let go of someone who is dreaming, is very afraid of something in life and wants protection from his relative. You need to understand the cause of your fears and try to ask for help from living loved ones if it is impossible to resolve this cause yourself.

If you often have visions in which deceased relatives are alive, talk to the dreamer, or live as if the fact did not happen, this is a sign of not very stable nervous system. It’s worth thinking about normalizing the rhythm of life, and not making yourself a racehorse.

Emotional reaction

When you often dream of a long-dead relative who is alive in a dream, but in reality, you need to turn special attention to the dreamer's reaction.

1. If a person experiences positive emotions, is filled with joy, then the dream book interprets the dream as a reflection of the incompleteness of life in reality. A person needs something that is gone forever with the deceased. Therefore, it is worth analyzing what the relative brought most to the dreamer’s life when he was alive.

2. If a person experiences strong negative emotions from a deceased person, the dream book defines a dream as a sign of indignation accumulated in the dreamer’s soul. He is angry at the circumstances in his life. In this case, there is a need to reconsider your outlook on life. Understand that no one owes anyone anything, and if there are any unpleasant situations, you just need to solve them.

3. If the dreamer experiences negative emotions in relation to the behavior of other people who communicate with a deceased relative or enter into some kind of relationship with him, the dream book defines this as a sign that the person who saw the dream does not know how to share with others and is very concerned about the issue of property , material problems, does not know how to help selflessly.

Having considered different stories, we can conclude that dead relatives usually dream about when a person experiences critical period, he does not feel too comfortable and anxious, he needs outside help or his own courage to overcome all the obstacles on the path to a calm, harmonious life and success.

They indicate a danger that may affect the people closest to you.


How did you dream about dead relatives?

If you saw dead relatives alive in a dream▼

According to Felomena’s dream book, if a deceased relative appears, he is trying in this way to warn you from committing the act that you are about to do. He warns that by these actions you can bring trouble on yourself.

What did you do about the dream about a deceased relative?

The meaning of a dream in which you had a chance to talk with a deceased relative▼

If in a dream you talked to a deceased relative, try to remember what he said. This is how to deal with a situation you are worried about.

If the conversation is not remembered, pay attention to the behavior and condition of the deceased relative. If he was affectionate and cheerful with you, everything will be fine, there is nothing to worry about, but if he was sad about something or scolded you, be careful. Perhaps this is about what you are doing wrong, and this can lead to tragic consequences.

How often do you dream about deceased relatives?

Why do you often dream about dead relatives▼

If you often dream about deceased relatives, it means that you are not doing what they want to convey to you. Perhaps this is a reminder of some oath that you gave to them during your lifetime and still have not fulfilled. Also, their appearance may be with the aim of protecting you from impending troubles, and in a dream they are trying to make it clear what needs to be done to avoid problems.

When one of your closest relatives constantly appears to you, this is a warning of approaching trouble. It can be circumvented if you take security measures in advance. Which ones exactly, your family is trying to tell you. The mother always warns about dangers related to health and well-being. Father - about financial and business problems.

Video: Why do you dream about a deceased Relative?


Did you dream about a deceased Relative, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what a deceased Relative dreams about in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Good afternoon, my grandfather died quite recently. I dreamed that my aunt (his daughter) and I were standing and he came up to us, and because... he's in lately didn’t walk and I dreamed that in a dream he couldn’t either. He asked for help to take him to the toilet, I took him by the elbow, but couldn’t hold him and my aunt grabbed him and led him, I walked behind him. They brought him and helped, but for some reason he I sat on the chair incorrectly, on the contrary...

    I dreamed of a recently deceased relative (the father of my cousin’s husband), he died more than two months ago from lung cancer. In my dream, I was lying on the sofa in some apartment that was unknown to me before, and he lay down next to me as if he had come from work, and I’m kind of wondering how I’m going to live with him, maybe I’ll get used to it. And there in the dream it was as if his wife had died (although in reality he himself had died) and he seemed to be living with me. Then I dreamed about my 2-year-old son, he was naked and standing next to my deceased relative, he, as if playfully, touched my son’s hand, I walked up and the relative began to offer me crumpled potatoes, he put fried potatoes on top of the plate in a dream, I was hungry, and told me to eat some potatoes, and then from somewhere A spotted white-gray-black dog with a fluffy, friendly look came up and sniffed my plate and probably started eating, here I woke up, it was five o’clock in the morning. Please interpret my dream, it’s very strange.

    My grandmother recently died, she was buried, 9 days passed and I dreamed: My father and I were carrying her in a coffin into some room, they wanted to cremate her, while everyone was getting ready, her head turned and her eyes began to open, but how they opened I don’t know I saw, as soon as I saw that the eyelids began to rise, I got scared and ran away. After a while I returned to this room and saw another body being carried in, it was the grandfather of my work colleague, although I had never seen him and did not know him, they carried him in without a coffin on some kind of rag, they laid him down after a while, he stood up on his own, stood under wall, hands in pockets and looked at me and smiled. After that they woke me up.

    Hello. I dreamed about it common law husband the deceased was holding apples in his hands. He came up with the apples, as if offering, and disappeared. Also in the same dream, I saw the deceased father of my daughter’s husband, she walked past him and there were a lot of apples lying next to him. But he didn’t offer anything. I just saw him. .

    I was walking with my boyfriend along the road with us hand in hand there was a little girl who looked like me with lightish hair, about 4 years old, we were crossing the road there was a building with 2 floors, a girl’s mother came out of the building and asked if this was my grandmother, her mother said yes, then she came up to me and said take care of her, this is yours daughter Ira took us by the hand and we all walked along the road

    Hello. I dreamed of my husband’s deceased relative, who during her lifetime had an unkind relationship with our family. In the dream, she tried to do something bad (maybe cast a spell) in her husband’s sister’s house. I saw her, threatened her that I would tell her everything, wanted to drive her away, but she attacked me with a pitchfork, but didn’t hurt me, mine got stuck between the pitchforks left hand, and then I was able to pull my hand away. The dream ended there, but that day my manager complained to me about it. In general, there are problems at work...

    I dreamed that my husband’s deceased brother came to me and asked to show me where my husband was buried and took me to the cemetery, I saw him in the back, he was walking to the cemetery in a black shirt, right at the place where my husband was actually buried. It was as if we had gone downstairs, as if in a compartment and there were 2 men lying on benches, facing the walls in black, and my husband’s brother asked, “Where is my brother?” he’s not here!” I answered that he would come and woke up. The dream occurred before 40 days had passed since the date of death and he died far from home abroad for treatment. he was cremated there and buried his ashes here in his homeland

    Hello. My dream that I had yesterday worries me very much. I dreamed about my mother-in-law's sister and aunt. I have never seen them in my life. Her sister scolded me very much in my sleep so that I would not offend my mother-in-law. As if for bread or something. Like I’m hiding bread from them. But this has never happened in real life. I don’t offend her, and I’ve never said a bad word to her, because I know and understand that she is an elderly person (she is 62 years old), and so she has a bad relationship with her son, and her father-in-law constantly offends her with his character. My husband is the only son in the family. And I feel that he is very jealous of me. We live very well with my husband and have a little daughter. Maybe she doesn’t like that everything is calm in our family. What's all this for? Often at night I see someone when I open my eyes. Then I try to fall asleep quickly. Very scary. I know that someone comes into our room at night. The silhouettes are straight. Shadows. And someone constantly stands in the same corner, and then leaves after some time!

    I dreamed about my grandmother. she didn't talk to me. but she was calm, well-groomed, her face was clean and bright... we were close, but it was as if we were part of each other, I don’t remember exactly. but something happened with us and grandma went and asked to borrow money, for several days I dreamed about my mother, everything was the same. only she didn’t need money... she was just in a dream, a couple of weeks ago I dreamed of my son’s dead father, we didn’t communicate... he stood and looked at me from afar... and I walked with another man along the road... in this dream it was at night... .it was not light...the lantern was burning

    Good afternoon Today I dreamed about my cousin (died 1.6 years ago from cardiac arrest) and his dad and my godfather (died 8 months ago from throat cancer). I dream that I came to visit them and my brother says stay, otherwise you somehow separated from us and I agree. He takes out a box of glasses and the two of us start trying on glasses and in the end I chose glasses for myself. And I also dreamed of him in a wheelchair; during his lifetime he was healthy. And then I go to my home and see my godfather sitting on the steps of my entrance. He was covered in snow, covered in snow and very cold. I asked him what you were doing here, he told me that he had forgotten the way. And I don’t remember anything anymore.

    Hello Tatyana! Recently, I dreamed of my uncle. In the dream, he looked good, was calm and smiled warmly. He said that he was allowed to see me for a while... He said that I was doing well, that I was doing everything right, that I would continue in the same spirit, etc... Then he put his hand on my back, smiled and said that it was time for him to go. With this, my dream was over.
    I would like to know what such a dream leads to, good or bad? Thanks in advance for your answer!

    Today I had a dream in which my long-dead grandmother hanged herself. How this happened and why I don’t know. But in the dream there was also my dead grandfather. Some woman discovered the grandmother, she was scared and wailing. And when I heard this news, I cried, sobbed and could not calm down. And then a little later I dreamed about my late father-in-law, he came into the room where we had dinner with our son and ex-husband, he sat down at the table with us to dine too. My son refused to eat, I persuaded him. And my father-in-law said that if you don’t want to, then go. The son got up from the table and left. And with dissatisfaction, I began to explain to my father-in-law that this cannot be done, that the requirements of parents and grandparents should be the same, so as not to spoil their son and their grandson.

    I dreamed deceased son his common-law wife, who has a son from him, and I saw yesterday that I was giving them 2 knives for ransom and my son in the dream, I didn’t feel that he was dead and I gave her 2 knives and walked away - that’s the dream

    I dreamed of my grandmother, my grandfather, my mother, my 2 younger brothers who were deceased, and they were all in some unfamiliar apartment, but they were very calm, they just looked at me, only my grandfather spoke, but I couldn’t hear him, he just opened his mouth.

    I dreamed of a dead aunt, but somehow it was not clear, I wanted to feed her, I began to clear the table and plastic box I found cockroaches, tried to pour them into the trash can, but the cockroaches did not fall out well.

    I dreamed of a huge lion, the whole city was catching him, everything happened on a vast territory, there was greenery everywhere, trees with young green foliage, he was caught, tied up, he was defeated. Then the deceased father defended the whole dream, warned that there was a lion there, but then very cheerful, joyful, go, says don’t be afraid, a feeling of calm in a dream - showed that everything is fine - what does this all mean?

    I'm going somewhere, but I want to go back. I can't find my way back. I want to crawl out as if from a ravine, but the ground is crumbling. I’m crying. there is some kind of station on the other side and I go there. and suddenly I meet my husband who died six months ago. we were very happy with each other, he brought me as if to a hospital ward where we wanted to have sex, but the people who came there prevented us. then we were sitting on a bench, a man sat down and I started talking to him; my husband sort of moved away or left, I don’t remember. Why it was.

    I dreamed about relatives who died (grandfather, aunt and uncle). My uncle did not communicate with me in my dream. He simply looked at his youngest son silently. To my question what they were doing, I was given an answer (the answer was given by my aunt, she was my godmother), and I didn’t see the aunt herself in the dream, but I knew that she was present nearby throughout the entire dream. Then I (my aunt and I) went to look at her new apartment. I was told that old apartment located in an inconvenient place and some other reasons. After examining the apartment, I went outside. The apartment had a separate entrance from the street (a la townhouse) and was located near the road. Suddenly, one of the cars moving along the road went into a ditch. It was a jeep (like an army one without a roof). And this jeep drove off, moving even further from the road, followed by my gaze, until it disappeared from sight. Suddenly I heard a strong roar and on the road I saw a Kamaz truck and road workers working near it.

    I dreamed that a friend gave me a phone number on which the picture changed from a sad person to a smiling one. then I dreamed of an uncle who died 10 years ago. He was sitting on the balcony with his legs dangling onto the street. and smoked. and I hold him so that he doesn’t fall. and then he lies on my lap. I hug him. and in a dream I know that he didn’t die, but returned from prison. and I tell him that he will find work. I’ll take him in. he replies that he won’t wash the floors. I answer: why floors? You’ll come to us as a turner. and he smiled

    I dreamed about my beloved great-grandmother. She died 11 years ago and during this time she dreamed for the first time. It's like she's dying, I'm crying. But this is somehow not so tragic. I’m distracted, I stop crying, I went and drank tea, came, saw her lying down and started crying again. I call my mom to tell her about this, but my mom doesn’t answer. But my great-grandmother seemed to be still alive, as if she was sleeping, I touched her forehead, she was warm. I'm crying again. I'm trying to call my mom, but I can't. Then the great-grandmother raises her head, sits down so cheerful and says, “why don’t I have a shadow? “…“Look! “(Then a picture appears as if there is a large puddle on the sidewalk on the street and she is jumping, with a smile on her face, all joyful, into this puddle) “And there are no splashes after me!” "...

    dreamed of the deceased son and mother. all the time in the dark. My son left the house, I ran after him all this in the dark. I saw a lot of people in the yard and ran up to my son in the distance to protect him from some man. then I went up the illuminated stairs with some people, I was barefoot, but I didn’t walk, I flew, I stopped in front of the door of my closed apartment, a key was sticking out of the lock, but I had my own, I didn’t open the door behind the door, I heard the voice of my dead son and knew that my deceased was there Mother

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