How to get rid of food moths in an apartment. How can you get rid of food moths in the kitchen and apartment? Food moth, how to get rid of it using folk remedies

Surely, any housewife knows who she is, food moth. This small insect, slightly less than a centimeter long, light beige colour, with wings covered with pollen.

The adult is quite resourceful and is able to crawl into even the smallest crevices. Reaching the most secluded corners, she lays larvae. The main pest is the larvae, because they eat products of plant origin, so they are often found in cereals.

The lifespan of this insect is no more than three weeks, but during this time it is capable of laying more than two hundred larvae. The color of the caterpillar varies from milky white to beige, giving off a yellowish tint. The head is dark brown or black at the base. The main difficulty in removing these pests is that they are quite prolific.
Food moths are especially active at night, so it is in the evening hours that it is possible to encounter them. However, having an inconspicuous color, plus a rather small size, the moth can easily hide from human eyes.

Food moth photo

Is there any difference between food moths and clothes moths?
The clothes feed on woolen clothing or fabrics of plant origin, such as silk or linen. The clothes are slightly smaller in size and have a lighter color. This type of moth is easier to exterminate, since things can be treated special means, air out your closets, dry clean or wash your clothes. Bags of lavender or special cartridges will serve as deterrent measures.

What a food moth looks like can be seen in the photo.

Where do food moths come from?

It can start even if the kitchen area is clean. The insect is a good flyer and can travel long distances, so there is a possibility that it could simply fly into you through a window, door or duct. There is a danger that larvae will persist in poorly processed foods. Therefore, when buying cereals, give preference to transparent packaging so that you can view the contents of the package.

When coming from a store or market, it is possible to bring moths into the house along with food. Since in warehouses, before packaging, a couple of larvae may get into the bags.
And it is not always possible to find out where food moths come from. Since it is difficult to track in what conditions the products were stored before they were sold to you, what is the situation with moths in warehouses, and how do the authorities that inspect and control the quality of products work.
You can carefully check the products you buy and monitor the cleanliness of your kitchen cabinets.

What foods contain food moths?

An adult eats practically little, but when it arrives in the caterpillar stage, it is quite voracious and capable of causing significant harm.

Most often, larvae can be found in dry foods, cereals, pasta, peas, beans, nuts and dried fruits. In addition to feeding on your supplies, caterpillars also leave waste products behind, making the food they were found in unsuitable for food. The larvae leave behind cobwebs, scales, feces and other unpleasant things.

Food moths can spoil seeds for sowing by simply gnawing out the embryo. It can also grow in candies, seasonings, tea and crackers.
A remarkable fact. If a moth starts in a bag of grain, it can envelop a layer up to 10 centimeters deep with its web. In this case, the grains lose their nutritional value and are completely unsuitable for food.
Therefore, answering the question of which products contain food moths, it is only possible to highlight a large list, which you may consider incomplete. Since moths will start or not depends on the conditions under which you store your supplies.

Food moth, how to get rid of it

To eliminate insects, it is not enough to simply kill them. During its stay with you, the adult probably managed to lay eggs, from which voracious larvae will soon hatch. And since we are dealing with food, the use of aerosols is dangerous to health.
First, you need to inspect your food for the presence of larvae.
Where food moths have already been noticed, it will be cereal or pasta, throw it away without understanding. Since there is no other way to get rid of insects that are already in bulk products. In addition, you may not see the larvae, but the adult has already laid eggs.

If possible, heat what is beyond doubt in the microwave or oven (applies to cereals), and then store it in a container with a tight lid.

For cabinets in which contaminated products were stored, wipe the walls with a rag pre-soaked in acetic acid. Clean up and ventilate your cabinets.

Food moth, how to get rid of it using folk remedies

Food moths are quite adaptable, however, in order to say goodbye to moth larvae and eggs, you need to take the food out into the cold, this will not leave them a chance to survive.

How to get rid of this insect folk remedies Any woman who has encountered this problem can tell you. Since it is clear that when dealing with food, people try to avoid the use of aerosols due to the risk of poisoning.
Taking into account that moths do not like the smell of lavender, you can place special bags in cabinets; this will scare off adult moths, so they will not be able to lay eggs there. Mint and wormwood have similar effects.

Do not forget about measures that will help you not to miss the fact of the appearance of insects. And to prevent moths from multiplying, store cereals in tightly closed jars. Carry out a general cleaning of cabinets or areas where food is stored.

The most interesting thing is that an insect can appear in any apartment, regardless of whether it is clean or not. They can get into the house along with contaminated products from a store or from the street. warm time of the year. The most interesting thing is that there are an order of magnitude more cases of infection from store-bought products.

The adult looks like a butterfly small size(about 1.5 centimeters in length), predominantly dark gray or Brown. An adult moth practically does not eat, but its larvae are able to eat everything that interferes with their path. This is why they are harmful; spoiled foods should not be eaten.

The larvae feed on dry foods: cereals, dried fruits, nuts, cookies, cocoa. If you notice moths in the house, be prepared for new offspring. Adults are capable of laying up to 180 larvae at a time.

Folk remedies for fighting moths and larvae

The first thing to do is to audit all products. Don't miss anything, moths can even be in animal food. Carefully inspect the food for the presence of more than just larvae. A sign of infection is also the presence of their cocoons, which look like cobwebs or mold. Such products are sent to the trash bin.

We transfer untouched food into tin or glass containers. Either put it in the refrigerator or freezer for quarantine. Next, we empty all the shelves in the kitchen cabinet and prepare the solution.

For this you will need:

Wash the cabinet carefully with hot soapy water. Then wipe everything with a damp cloth and wipe again, but this time with diluted vinegar.

Do not miss hard to reach places and even loops. It is in such corners that larvae most often hide.

For prevention, you can vacuum the room, but the bag of dust should go outside immediately after cleaning. Containers that contained contaminated food should be washed in hot water. If it is glassware, then do not be lazy to sterilize it. Be sure to dry all containers.

Reviews of folk remedies

Valentina Vasilievna, 65 years old, Moscow
"I have always been against chemicals in the house. That's why I use only folk remedies. My mother also taught me that moths are afraid of vinegar and lavender. I only use these products and have long forgotten about moths.”

Ineffective and dangerous folk methods of fighting moths

The boric acid trap is very easy to prepare: just mix one part boric acid with three parts flour. But the danger is that larvae that eat poison can transfer it to other foods. And this is very dangerous for humans.

Comprehensive moth control

Despite the fact that the adult does not touch the food, it is capable of laying new larvae that will spoil the food again. Therefore, it is worth considering comprehensive methods for controlling flying insects. For this, purchased products are suitable, which can be found in abundance in household chemical stores.

The most popular are: aerosols, fumigators and anti-moth sections.

General instructions for use

  • Be sure to sort through and check all the food. Throw away spoiled food.
  • Wash and dry the food container thoroughly.
  • Treat the surface of the cabinets.
  • Be careful when cleaning. The product should not get on food.
  • Be sure to get rid of adults using any of the above methods, or manually.
  • Remember that you need to get rid of moths comprehensively.

Aerosols against moths

Aerosol Raptor “Protection against moths”

A common and inexpensive aerosol. The advantage is that it kills moths at any stage of development, that is, both butterflies and larvae. But if you believe the reviews, then its action is not always effective. Another disadvantage is its pungent odor. Be careful when using and follow the instructions. Spray the aerosol at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the object, then ventilate the room.

Ekaterina, 27 years old, Kazan.
“When my husband and I moved to new apartment, moths haunted us, a nice gift from previous neighbors. In the store I bought the first thing I came across, and the name is always on everyone’s lips. But the rush was in vain. Not only did we almost get poisoned from this pungent smell, but the moths didn’t leave us either.”


Aerosol is not so advertised, and therefore its price is lower than the others. This product is sprayed for about 1 minute until the surface is completely moistened, then ventilate the room for half an hour. The product protects against moths for about six months. Armol is considered a more effective aerosol compared to other drugs. Its downside is the pungent odor and special sensitivity to it in children.

"Clean house"

Standard aerosol, but very difficult to find in stores. Very convenient to use thanks to its spray tube. But it is very poisonous. So when spraying, it is recommended to use protective gauze and rubber gloves. The product is quite effective and has good reviews.

This remedy for food moths is similar to the drug “Armol”. "Extra Meat" is simple and standard to use, it has a fairly low price, but it is not as widespread as aerosols from other manufacturers.

Fumigators for killing moths

Such methods of struggle are for the patient, since their effect lasts three days, and not several hours, like aerosols. But their main advantage is that they are not so toxic.

The operating principle is simple. A plate or a can of liquid is inserted into the fumigator, and the device itself is plugged into an outlet. Installation in a cabinet is problematic; to do this, you need to extend the extension cord.

Fumigator DiK

An ordinary fumigator, and very cheap. But as it turned out, it breaks down quickly, so it won’t last more than a week.


This product is sold as a kit, which includes liquid and fumigator. The price is above average, but the result will meet expectations. It kills both flying moths and caterpillars. The liquid is odorless, which is very important. The advantage of this product is that it has a fairly large damage radius. Judging by the reviews of Mosquitol, the product is popular.

Alexander, 36 years old, St. Petersburg
“Mole is a rather troublesome and confusing problem, so I bought something in the store that would require a minimum of effort from me. I plugged the fumigator into the socket, fortunately everything was included, and three days later I didn’t even notice how the insect had disappeared.”


A copy of the DiK fumigator, but more expensive due to the well-known brand.

Aeroxon moth trap

A very popular trap that is a bit overpriced. It is considered absolutely harmless to humans. The set includes two strips. Just enough to tear it off protective film and stick it in the moth’s habitat. This product is odorless and lasts about 6 months. The only precaution that manufacturers report is that if the sticky layer gets on your skin, wash it off immediately.

Absolutely the same trap as the previous manufacturer, only an order of magnitude cheaper. The only noticeable drawback is that the sticky layer dries quickly. And this is not very convenient if you are gluing strips for prevention.

Moth sections

    • The range of one section is very small, so you have to buy several pieces for just one cabinet.
    • Using sections you can only get rid of butterflies. They are harmless to the larvae.
This product does not destroy moths, but only repels them!

Raptor moth sections

Inexpensive moth repellent. The advantage is that you can choose a record with or without a smell. But the validity period is very short, only 4 months.

Galina, 34 years old, Tver.
“In the summer at the dacha there is no peace from insects, especially since sorting through products for moths is very annoying. I needed a reliable option, but one that would not harm the children. The moth sections fit perfectly.”


This manufacturer offers two types of sections. Some are simple paper ones, like the previous brand, the other are in the form of small plastic containers with powder inside, which are attached to the wall of the cabinet.

Nowadays, remedies for food moths are very common, both folk and store-bought. You can choose any one, depending on your preferences.

Preventing the appearance of food moths in the kitchen

In the future, to prevent the incident with the appearance of moths from happening again, add a clove of garlic or a bay leaf to dry foods. Lavender wrapped in gauze will also work. The repellent effect can be enhanced with essential oils. For example: mint, lavender, fir oil, tansy oil. The smell of these products repels the larvae, and they are unlikely to settle in such places.

Also always remember:

  • When buying dry foods in a store, be careful. The packaging must not be damaged and there must be no insects inside.
  • Store food in airtight containers.
  • Use basic preventive measures: folk or store-bought.
  • Keep the room clean.
  • Close during warm seasons ventilation ducts and windows with gauze to prevent moths from entering from the street.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 8 minutes


Every housewife can get a gray-brown butterfly (food moth). The reason may be purchased bags of cereal, flour and other dry bulk products that are contaminated with moth larvae. Moths are attracted to cereals that have been stored for a long time, and, going to their goal, neither closed packs nor plastic bags stop them.

How to get rid of moths in food?

First you need to get rid of cereals that have already been visited by moths.

After a thorough audit, you can fight food moths with proven folk remedies:

  • Moths cannot stand the smell of lavender and citrus fruits. Laying orange and lemon peels in the corners of cabinets, as well as lavender oil applied to cotton swabs or a small bouquet of these flowers wrapped in gauze, will help get rid of food moths.

  • Treating cabinets with vinegar is also effective. First, you need to thoroughly wash all hard-to-reach places and crevices with soapy water, ventilate the room, and then wipe the entire surface of the cabinet where bulk goods are stored with vinegar.

  • Garlic will come to the rescue in the fight against moths. If you put garlic cloves in containers where cereals are stored, its smell will repel uninvited guests. The smell of cereals and their taste qualities garlic has no effect.

  • Bay leaves are also not to the liking of food moths. Needs to be spread out bay leaves along the perimeter of shelves with cereals, as well as in jars where products that attract moths are stored.

  • Moths are repelled by the smells of cloves, geraniums, wild rosemary, tansy, fir, rosemary, basil. You should apply aromatic oils with these scents to cotton pads and place them in places where moths may appear.

  • Moths do not like the smell of wormwood. Small bushes of wormwood, placed in storage areas for foods that moths love, will repel them.

  • Leaves walnut having a specific odor, help well in the fight against moths. It is enough to place a few fresh nut leaves in the corners of the cabinet so that the moth will forget the path to the products stored there for a long time.

  • A proven remedy is natural camphor and camphor essential oil . The camphor smell will prevent moths from settling in food cabinets.

  • The smell of tobacco is unpleasant. Tobacco laid out on shelves is good remedy from food moths.

  • Strong odors repel moths. You can, after thorough cleaning and disposal of contaminated products, spray perfume in the cabinet. Thus, the smell unpleasant for moths will prevent the food from spoiling.
  • After buying cereal in a store, be sure to bake it in the oven, and then pour into glass containers, cans or a plastic container with a tight lid;
  • Keep the kitchen clean: wipe the shelves with a bite, ventilate, use plant oils with an odor unpleasant for moths;
  • Review inventory periodically If necessary, fry long-lasting cereals in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 60 degrees;
  • It’s worth clearing out the littered corners of the house: things that have been lying around for a long time, grandmother’s dowry (shawls, feather beds, blouses, pillows, rolled up carpets). After all, moths can live not only in cereals, but also in things. And, if you do not eliminate her lair completely, then after a while she will visit the kitchen again.

In the kitchen - dangerous pest various food products. It multiplies very quickly, spoils various cereals, flour, and can even feed on dried fruits, nuts and bread. Once infected with it, products become unfit for consumption, and their complete deterioration occurs quite quickly. About how to get rid of food moths and some of its other species, as well as important nuances Let's talk about this pest control further.

Urgent measures to get rid of moths in the kitchen

There are many signs of moths in the kitchen: these are small brown butterflies under the ceiling and on the walls, cocoons in flour and cereals, and even crawling on the walls kitchen cabinets pinkish caterpillars. All these signs clearly indicate that food moths have appeared in the house.

To quickly and effectively get rid of this pest, it is useful to have an understanding of the biology of food moths and modern highly effective anti-moth agents. It is important to understand that occasionally running around the kitchen with a slipper and destroying moth butterflies is a very ineffective control option, which simply creates the appearance of destroying food moths.

The majority of pests (larvae) continue to actively develop in contaminated food products.

On a note

In its development, food moths go through several stages, and in order to get rid of moths in the kitchen, you need to destroy butterflies, larvae, and moth eggs. It should be remembered that there is no seasonality in the reproduction and spread of moths: they can appear at any time of the year, so you need to get rid of food moths as soon as possible after its discovery.

You need to start getting rid of kitchen moths with the larvae. They are the ones who spoil food by gluing cereals into small, characteristic-looking lumps and leaving tortuous passages under the surface of fruits and vegetables.

This is interesting

Moth larvae are fairly easy to destroy. In order to get rid of food moths, the first thing you need to do is go through all the food supplies in the kitchen, clean the pantry, checking the condition of the most stale supplies.

Small gray pellets at the bottom of bags and jars, glued grains of cereals covered with a grayish coating are evidence of moth damage to the product. You can get rid of moths in cereals by heating them in the oven or in a frying pan, or freezing them in the freezer for several days. To get rid of cereal moths, it is enough to place the infected product in a cold environment below minus 10° C for 2-3 days, or in a warm place above +60° C for 1-1.5 hours. However, if more than 20% of the product is contaminated, it is better to throw it away altogether.

The best way to get rid of food moths in an apartment is mechanically. You can simply swat flying pests, or you can hang adhesive tapes or special sticky traps in places where they spread. It is irrational to use insecticidal aerosols in these cases, but when simultaneously baiting cockroaches or house ants, they will give a good result against moths.

Thus, it is quite possible to get rid of a small amount of moths in food by checking food supplies, calcining infected cereals at high temperature, or by freezing them.

Destruction of moths in cabinets and furniture

You need to understand that complete elimination of moths in the kitchen is impossible without disinfection and disinfection of the entire pest habitat. Moth eggs can be found in the smallest cavities of furniture, and without destroying them, it will be problematic to clean the kitchen of the pest.

To get rid of food moths, you need to know the enemy by sight. Below in the photo are varieties of food moths:

  • barn moth
  • flour moth
  • potato moth
  • grain moth
  • mill moth
  • dried fruit fire.

You can get rid of kitchen moths using a wide range of special chemicals. In general, they can be divided into liquidation insecticides - insecticides containing toxic substances and destroying existing insects, and repellents - created on a plant basis and repelling new pests. The most common form of release of insecticides is aerosols.

There are many different sprays that you can use to get rid of moths in your kitchen. Among the most popular are Raptor from moths, Armol, Antimol and.

Raptor Moth Defense is used against moth butterflies and their larvae. Sprayed on furniture, including wood, clothing, carpets, effective for 12 months or until the first wash.

Armol anti-moth aerosol has an immediate effect against butterflies and a prolonged effect against moth larvae. Used to clean and protect furniture and carpets from insects. Valid for 6 months.

Anti-mol Raid is used on clothes, fur and fabrics of any type, remains effective for a year or until the first wash.

Aerosol "Combat SuperSpray" has a universal effect against most flying and crawling insect pests. Sprayed in the corners of rooms, at the junction of furniture and in places where insects spread, it is safe for animals.

“Recently I was horrified to discover moths in cereals in my kitchen. It’s unclear where it came from, but the larvae crawl in huge numbers. I decided to get rid of it radically - I washed everything, threw away the spoiled food and sprayed it with Raptor spray. It turned out that even after my cleaning, insects still remained in some places. I removed it again and sprayed it. Now I enjoy the cleanliness.”

Diana, Rostov-on-Don

When using insecticidal agents, it is important not to allow the drugs to come into contact with food!

How to protect things and products from moths and their larvae

The mechanism of action of repellents is that they repel insects and prevent them from laying eggs. Most often, repellents come in the form of tablets, plates and briquettes, some of which may contain naphthalene and camphor.

It should be remembered that naphthalene has pronounced carcinogenic properties, therefore it cannot be used in residential premises, and when choosing a repellent, you should always check its composition. Because of this, their use in the kitchen is generally limited and it is not advisable to use them near food.

To get rid of food moths, you can use lavender and fir oils. Cotton pads soaked in these oils should be placed in areas where the pest appears. And to get rid of grain moths in the kitchen in general, you should place a few tablets on top of cabinets or under furniture. The most famous repellents are “Antimol” and “Dezmol” tablets, “Prayer” plates, “Arsenal”, “Fitocid”, “Zitol”, “Gela” cassettes.

“My grandmother always laid out bunches of dried lavender in the kitchen against cereal moths. You can get rid of it, she said, but it’s better if it doesn’t exist at all. When we moved to a new apartment, after spring cleaning I put lavender tablets in different nooks and change them periodically. For a year and a half there was not a single moth in the house.”

Anna Melnik, Krasnodar

Moth sections

Moth sections are considered the most rational and effective means preventive control of moths. They may come in lavender, tangerine, or chamomile scents, or they may not have any scent at all.

Generally speaking, sections are designed to protect things in wardrobes, but they can also help get rid of food moths in the kitchen. Being, in fact, a fumigation agent, they emit active substances, preventing the reproduction of moths and, in addition, scaring off adult individuals (butterflies).

Among famous brands anti-moth sections – Raptor, Mosquitall, Globol.

The Raptor moth section is designed to protect wool and fur products. Helps get rid of both adult butterflies and moth larvae in the kitchen. Sections should be changed every 4 months.

Mosquitall sections provide comprehensive protection from moths. They have little effect against pest larvae and eggs; it is advisable to use them as preventive measures. Valid for 6 months.

“I always use Mosquitall sections to protect my clothes. Recently I decided to use them in the kitchen - there was a case of grain moths appearing. I managed to get rid of it by throwing away all the cereal, now I would like to avoid its reappearance. The Mosquitall section has a very convenient shape and a hook with which you can hang it even on a cornice. In addition, the section has a special slider to mark the beginning of the time of use. I hope the kitchen is now as secure as the wardrobe."

Natalia Korotkova, Novgorod

Globol sections have original design and protect the space from both moths and caterpillars. They contain natural lavender oil. One section is enough for 6 months.

Folk remedies for moths

In addition to chemical anti-moth preparations, folk remedies also have some effectiveness. These include tobacco leaves, pepper, fresh geranium and nettle, wormwood, mint, orange peel, fresh and dried lavender flowers, laundry soap and others.

To repel moths, a small amount of natural repellent is usually placed in the depths of the kitchen cabinets. The smell emanating from these products will repel adult moths and prevent them from laying eggs. But folk remedies have practically no effect on food moth larvae - you need to remember this.

To get rid of flour moths, folk wisdom recommends sifting the flour, then drying it in the oven, and then storing it along with a few cloves of garlic. Salt can also be used to fight moths.

A popular recipe for getting rid of fruit moths is to rinse the product in salt water. Practice shows that this method only works when the product is slightly contaminated.

Prevention methods against moths

It is much more effective to prevent the very appearance of moths in the kitchen and in the house than to later deal with the results of its vital activity.

First of all, this concerns stocks food products. There is no need to massively store cereals, flour and pasta in the kitchen - you should buy food for no more than a week. At the same time, give preference to better-known, well-established brands. Keep bulk products must be in tightly sealed containers.

If possible, it is not recommended to leave fruits and vegetables on outdoors. You can get rid of discovered fruit moths by placing the fruit in the refrigerator. If you suspect tubers, you should sort them out and get rid of the infected ones as soon as possible. And of course, the best prevention against moths is to carefully check all the products you buy.

In conclusion, we note that moths can live equally successfully in rural house, and in a fashionable apartment, so simply keeping the house clean does not guarantee that the pest will not come to visit you. Proper use of preventive measures and measures will more likely protect your home from food moth invasion.

Useful tips for getting rid of clothes moths in the closet and food moths in the kitchen

Ecology of everyday life: Kitchen moths multiply very quickly, and getting rid of them is not very easy, but with the right approach, it is quite possible.

Kitchen moths multiply very quickly, and getting rid of them is not very easy, but with the right approach, it is quite possible.

Moths lay eggs in almost any dry food (tea, nuts, cereals, dried fruits and many others) that they can penetrate. Soon the larvae of food moths appear, which spoil the food, not only by gnawing holes in it, but also with their excrement, as well as the skins left behind after degeneration into adult insects. It is clear that it is no longer possible to eat foods spoiled by moths.

Kitchen moths easily tolerate lack of air and lack of ventilation. It can live well and reproduce well in a hermetically sealed jar if the purchased dried fruits or cereals contained insect eggs or larvae.


If a moth or traces of its larvae in cereals are noticed in the kitchen, it is necessary to remove it as soon as possible. Considering that the butterflies themselves do not eat anything, and the eggs and larvae are found in food, it is quite difficult to breed this insect. But, knowing the peculiarities of his life, you can understand how to get rid of food moths at home and protect your food supplies from their appearance in the future.

The first step is to review all bulk product inventories. If there are moths in cereals, legumes, nuts or flour, these products must be thrown away immediately - no one will use them for food anyway. If there are products that are not badly damaged by the larvae, then you can try to save them - sort them out and heat them in the microwave or oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 60-70 degrees, after cooling, put them in an airtight container for storage. This method will not harm the products, but it will destroy the remaining oviposition and insect larvae. In the same way, you can process all dry bulk products in which moths can settle, both stored at home and brought from stores.

Shelves of cabinets and tables, as well as containers for storing food, must be thoroughly washed outside and inside. All grooves and crevices where insects can hide should be coated with table vinegar, then rinsed clean water. The doors of tables and cabinets should be left open until completely dry.
In case there are still insects somewhere, a trap for food moths, which should be placed directly in the cabinet between the containers, will help get rid of them. The remaining butterflies, attracted by the smell, will stick to the adhesive tape and die. In any case, this measure will not be superfluous: firstly, based on the presence of adhered insects, it can be concluded that the pest could not be completely removed and repeated treatment is required, and secondly, the adhered insects will no longer be able to produce offspring. The Aeroxon food moth trap has proven itself well, and the well-known Raptor trap is also suitable.


Kitchen moths cannot tolerate Fresh air, therefore, regular ventilation of the kitchen, as well as kitchen cabinets and tables, can be used as a remedy for food moths. To prevent larvae from appearing, it is important to keep adult butterflies out of the room.

Garlic is often used as a deterrent, a clove of which is placed in cabinets and tables, as well as in containers with flour and cereals, although there are claims that cereal moths can adapt to its smell. To get rid of harmful insects, it is better to place bags of pepper, oregano, bay leaves or cloves on the shelves. The smell of spices will not spoil the food, but it will repel butterflies. In addition to spices, peppermint, lavender and sweet clover are good repellents to this insect. Bags of dried herbs are placed in cabinets. Food moths do not tolerate the smell of citrus fruits, so orange and lemon peels will also help get rid of them.
It will be useful to place a pot of geraniums on the windowsill in the kitchen - a well-known preventative against many insects.
But how to deal with food moths if they constantly fly into the apartment from somewhere? Only people can help here mechanical methods fight: ventilation holes and the windows must be covered with a thick mosquito net, and all cracks through which insects can enter the apartment must be sealed or sealed.
For obvious reasons, it is not advisable to use strong-smelling substances and insecticides in the kitchen. But if, in order to get rid of moths, you still decide to resort to chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions for use and use personal protective equipment.

Knowing how to get rid of food moths, this will not be so difficult. Once all measures have been taken to get rid of moths and larvae, it is necessary to check products for their presence for several weeks before use. In addition, acquiring the habit of constantly taking preventive measures against kitchen moths, such as ventilation, bags of aromatic herbs in cabinets and geraniums on the windowsill, will not require much labor and time, but will help prevent the appearance of this enemy in the house. published

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