How to get rid of scale insects on lemon - affordable and effective methods. Spider mites on lemons are an invisible plant pest. How to save a lemon from mites

Growing citrus fruits at home is not an easy task. Unfortunately, the lemon tree, like other types of citrus fruits grown in pots on windowsills, is susceptible to various diseases. What diseases homemade lemon are the most common? How can you tell if a tree is sick? What measures should be taken to treat the plant?

Like any other plant from the citrus family, homemade lemon is susceptible to various diseases. These can be viral, bacterial and fungal infections, as well as diseases resulting from exposure to pests.


According to flower growers, the most common infectious diseases, characteristic of indoor citrus fruits are:


It appears as red-brown longitudinal spots on the branches and trunk of the lemon. The bark gradually dies off. A sticky substance of a golden hue is released from the cracks, which hardens upon contact with fresh air. Treatment: it is necessary to cut off all affected areas (the branches are completely removed), treat the resulting wounds with a 3% solution copper sulfate and cover with garden varnish. The causes of the disease may be high humidity, excess nitrogen, lack of phosphorus and potassium, as well as mechanical damage.

Root rot

The lemon suddenly began to shed its leaves, but there are no external signs of disease? Dig up the plant and carefully examine its root, it could be root rot. It is necessary to remove all damaged areas and place them on a sunny windowsill, temporarily limiting watering.


Indoor lemon suffers most from fungal infections, among which are:

  • sooty fungus (leaves and branches are covered with a coating in the form of ash);
  • scab (putrefactive spots on leaves, fruits and branches);
  • wartiness (indurations similar to warts);
  • anthracnose (and falling leaves, dying branches, the appearance of red spots on the fruits).


Unfortunately, a homemade lemon affected by a viral infection cannot be cured. At proper care You can only extend the life of the plant. The main viral diseases include:

  • tristeza (the disease affects the leaves, then the bark, branches and completely covers the entire tree);
  • sheet mosaic (appears in the form of stripes or streaks of dark and light color on the foliage, subsequently leading to deformation of the leaves and stopping the development of the tree);
  • citrus cancer (first signs – brown spots different shapes and size on the leaves and fruits of the tree).


The danger of insects is that they not only damage the plant, but are also active carriers of various infections.

Common aphid

Amazes root system indoor tree. Enters an apartment with already contaminated soil. The tree will need to be transplanted into a new one and subsequently treated with a contact insecticide solution.

Spider mite

Have you noticed that the leaves have begun to curl and a cobweb is forming around them? A spider mite has settled on your plant. Starts in rooms with insufficient level humidity. A 1% solution will help get rid of this pest. boric acid. It will take 1 to 5 generous sprays.


Preventive measures and treatment

Often the cause of the disease is the lack of proper care. To prevent any disease, you should familiarize yourself with the contents of indoor lemon in advance. And remember: it is easier to prevent any illness than to eliminate it later.

The treatment regimen for indoor trees directly depends on the type of lemon disease. Viral, bacterial and fungal infections manifest themselves in different ways and have varying degrees of danger.

Fitosporin-M is considered an excellent microbiological preparation belonging to the new generation of products. The product is used for preventive purposes and is also highly effective in combating pathogens of various bacterial and fungal infections. Non-addictive, has no unpleasant odor, non-toxic, can be used at home. Used for spraying and watering (the drug must be diluted according to the instructions).

To the main preventive measures care for indoor lemon include:

  1. daily inspection;
  2. organization of competent care and maintenance of the citrus tree;
  3. a new plant or tree that has recently been ill should be isolated from other indoor flowers for a while;
  4. “bathe” the lemon weekly (the soil is pre-coated plastic film, after which the tree is watered abundantly from the shower);
  5. treat the crown with soap foam monthly.

Video “Diseases and pests of lemon”

From this video you will learn about what diseases and pests are dangerous for lemon and how to treat it.

Lemon is a delicate plant that is loved by many pests. We have already discussed - it's time to talk about pests.


Perhaps the most common pest of lemon. These are insects that appear as small brownish spots on the underside of leaves. As a rule, scale insects settle on weakened plants, and you need to fight them as quickly and persistently as possible. If scale insects have moved to the top of the leaf, it means there are too many of them, and in the near future the homemade lemon may die. Sticky secretions are also the work of scale insects. As a rule, at this stage the plant dies; usually control measures in this case are ineffective.

Fighting methods:

1. You can fight scale insects with a soap mixture - for this, take transformator and green soap in a ratio of 4:1, pour 20 g of the soap mixture into 1 liter of water, and then spray the lemon with this solution. You can treat the lemon with the same mixture using a toothbrush - this method is even more effective, since you mechanically remove pests from the plant.

2. 50 g of tobacco leaves are poured into 1 liter of water. After two days, you can wash the lemon leaves with this infusion. The procedure will need to be repeated several times.

3. Based on 1 liter of water - 4 g of green soap and 2 g of anabasine sulfate. You can wash or spray the lemon with this mixture, and after a day give it a shower. clean water. The procedure is repeated after a week.

4. Blend the onion with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. Make “compresses” from the pulp on the affected parts of the plant, and then wash off.


The scale insect is an insect ranging in size from three to six millimeters. Signs of lemon insect damage are sticky discharge on the leaves, their yellowing and falling off. The control method is the same as point 1 in the list of methods for eliminating scale insects.

Small insects of green or black color.

Fighting methods:

1. Similar to point 2 in methods of combating scale insects.

2. Chop the peeled garlic cloves and add water. After a day, the infusion can be used to spray lemon.

3. Spraying with any of the infusions - hot pepper, nightshade, yarrow - will also help fight aphids on lemon.

Spider mite

Is there a spider web on the underside of the leaf? Are the leaves turning yellow, drying out, curling, or have white spots appeared on them? Most likely, your lemon is damaged by spider mites. It starts often in dry air and high temperature. For prevention, you can bathe the lemon in warm water or spray it frequently. To combat ticks, use the tips below:

Fighting methods:

1. Bathing lemon in warm water.

2. Spraying with infusion of yarrow, nightshade, dandelion; tobacco, garlic and onion peel also great for controlling spider mites.

3. Pollinate the plant with sulfur.


They grow in moist soil - most likely your lemon is over-watered. Paduras are white insects that hop around in the lemon pot.

Control methods are to let the earthen clod dry, and then sprinkle the soil with Persian chamomile powder.


Found in soil mixture lemon if you are pouring it.

Control methods are to pour water on the lemon, heated to exactly 40°C, and when the worms come out, collect them. Repeat the procedure.


For pest control indoor lemons You can use ready-made pesticides - they are presented in a wide variety in flower shops. But when using these tools, it is important to know a few rules for working with them:

1. Work only with gloves.

2. Before starting work, cover the soil with cloth or paper to prevent toxic chemicals from getting into the soil mixture.

3. Flowers and young fruits must be covered - spraying agents should not get on them under any circumstances!

4. If it's hot, postpone spraying.

And let your plant always be healthy - most importantly, lemon pests must be destroyed promptly and persistently!

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Grow beautiful plant and never meeting his enemies is an unrealistic situation. Midges and harmful microorganisms crawl into the most sealed places. The only place is a vacuum, but it is contraindicated for all living organisms. So, let's talk about harmful midges and nasty spores of all kinds of fungi, necrosis, etc.

Pests of indoor lemon

Lemons have many pests - mealybugs, aphids, mites, false scale insects, scale insects, moth and cutworm caterpillars, psyllids, locusts, beetle larvae and grasshoppers. IN room conditions Most often, lemons are damaged by scale insects, scale insects and mites. When kept outdoors, the number of insects that damage plants increases significantly, but it is easier to fight them there. More and more tools appear to help fight them every year. The main thing is to correctly identify the type of insect. And you should carry out 3-4 treatments with the drug solution, with a short interval, and not stop at the first. For example, scale insects have protective formations in the form of scutes, and they protect the insect from the effects of chemicals. But such drugs should be used as a last resort.

Pesticides should be used very carefully, both for the plant and for yourself. Cover the soil with some material, and cover yourself with a scarf on your head, gloves on your hands and a respirator. Such precautions will protect the root system from the long-term influence of poisons (after all, with each watering, a certain amount of chemicals will get into the soil), and you need to protect yourself from chemical burns.

The best protection against flying-crawling midges is prevention. The air is always humid, and the plants are not too close to each other, the leaves cannot be kept dusty, and daily spraying is the minimum measure that has a beneficial effect on the condition of lemons and not only them. A weekly shower is considered a good protective measure - the crown and leaves on both sides are washed under running water. Another way to protect yourself is to wipe the leaves with a mild soap solution. Plants cannot be left in this state; they must be rinsed in the shower. This operation can be performed once a month. Before carrying out any of these pest prevention methods, the soil must be securely covered. Showering can wash away soil, and lemon roots don't like soapy water very much.

60g of dry mustard powder is poured into 1 liter of water and left for 3 days in a tightly sealed container. Before spraying, the solution is diluted with three liters of water.

Ticks and indoor lemons

Spider mites on a lemon leaf

In indoor conditions, spider mites are the most common predators. They usually migrate to homemade lemons from vegetable and flower plants. Detection of this pest is difficult due to its very small size. An adult female is no more than 0.7 mm, and a male is 0.3 mm. They settle on the back side of leaves and shoots. Ticks are not insects, but arachnids; they have four pairs of legs with which they touch and “smell.” Their color gives them away - brownish with yellow or reddish tints. If you disturb them, they begin to move very quickly and thereby give themselves away.

80g of dry yarrow herb is brewed with boiling water. After 30 minutes, add water to 1 liter and leave for 48 hours. Helps against ticks.

First of all, mites attack young shoots and leaves, and over time, all other parts of the plant. This pest of indoor lemon damages leaves and twigs, and they become covered with a thin cobweb, under which it lives. During the warm period, up to 10-15 generations can develop.

You can fight mites on lemons by spraying with a 0.2% solution of anabasine with the addition of 0.4% soap, a lime-sulfur decoction and dusting with sulfur. Tobacco decoction and soap-tobacco emulsion also help. The lime-sulfur decoction is prepared as follows: 60g of freshly slaked lime and 120g of ground sulfur are thoroughly mixed. Then add 1 liter of water to this mixture and boil for 1 hour over low heat. The color of the decoction is dark brown-green. After the broth has cooled, it must be strained. For indoor lemons for spraying, use 14-16 parts of warm water for 1 part of the decoction. After the procedure, all parts of the plant should be wet. After 24 hours, the entire plant is sprayed with clean warm water.

Vegetables that every housewife always has on hand help with aphids and spider mites - onions and garlic. Pour 5 liters of water onto 100g of onion peel and leave for 48 hours. Strain and sprinkle lemons. And they do garlic like this: 50g of garlic is crushed (depending on your convenience), poured into a three-hundred-gram jar and poured hot water. They insist for 5 days in total darkness. Strain. Use this way: add 50g of soap to 50ml of solution and dilute it with 10 liters of water.

To prepare a tobacco decoction, take 1 liter of water and 30-35 g of shag, mix and leave for 24-48 hours. Then the infusion should be boiled for 30-40 minutes over low heat. The cooled broth is filtered. Before use, the solution is heated and 2-3 g of soap is diluted in it. Processing lemon trees carried out by spraying or wiping. After a day, the plants are washed with clean warm water.

Each of the described solutions should be used 3-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days or until the pest completely disappears.

Mixture: garlic + onion skins + tobacco

200g of each ingredient is poured with water in a large saucepan and boiled for 2-2.5 hours. The broth is cooled and liquid is added, bringing the volume to 10 liters.

Scale insects and homemade lemons

Scale insects and false scale insects cause great harm to homemade lemons. They are crawling insects covered with a shield, greenish yellow V at a young age and yellow-brown dirty color in mature age. It is recommended to use a solution of anabasine with soap, a tobacco-soap solution and an oil-soap emulsion against this pest. Rubbing plants with a kerosene-soap emulsion will give good results. For it, take 2 liters of water and dilute 40-50 g of laundry soap and 20-25 drops of kerosene in it. After a day, the plant is rinsed with warm water. If necessary, the operation is repeated until the insect completely disappears, and the interval between treatments is 10-14 days. Usually 2-3 treatments are enough.

Against scale insects, spraying (wiping) with anabasine and soap is done every 7 days. You can also fight them with fresh onion gruel - simply wipe the damaged areas with a swab dipped in juice. One more thing folk remedy, which helps fight scale insects and aphids, is an infusion of garlic. To do this, take 6-8 large heads of the plant, clean and chop them, add 10 liters of water and leave for 24 hours. Then the lemons are washed or sprayed with this infusion 1-2 times a month.

We offer you another option traditional preparation from a large number of scale insects. 20-25g 1.5% tobacco extract, 60g household. soap and 40g of denatured alcohol per 1 liter of water. First, half the water is heated and soap is dissolved in it. When the solution has cooled, add the rest.

100g of hot capsicum is boiled in 1 liter of water for 1 hour in a closed enamel container. Leave for 48 hours. The pods are ground and the mixture is filtered. For 1 dose of concentrate, add 10 doses of water and spray against insects.

Scale insects and indoor lemons

Mealybug on a leaf

Scale insects are sucking insects, larger in size than scale insects. They are very mobile. Their bodies are covered with powdery secretions or a waxy coating. These coatings protect them from exposure to toxic chemicals. The most common scale insect on lemons is the soft scale scale. The female has an oval-shaped body, yellow in color and up to 3 mm long. In addition, they are viviparous and can give birth to up to 300 larvae in a year. This little thing prefers to settle on the upper side of the leaf.

IN summer time when infested with scale insects, soap-oil emulsions are used, and their solutions are used during the rest period. In general, it is necessary to fight this pest of indoor lemons in the same way as with scale insects.

200g of one-year pine needles are poured with 3 glasses of rainwater and left for 7 days in a dark place, stirring daily. Then the infusion is filtered and before spraying, diluted with 1 part of the infusion to 10 parts of water.

Diseases of indoor lemon

In addition to leaf-eating, sap-sucking and root-damaging pests, indoor lemons have diseases. They can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and unfavorable conditions.

Gommosis (gum bleeding) appears on the bark of the stem, mainly in its lower part, near the ground in the form of red-brown spots in initial stage. Then the bark in these places cracks and dies, and a sticky yellowish-golden liquid—gum—flows out of the cracks. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, then the plant is neglected. The disease manifests itself in the following cases:

Eliminating the causes that caused it will help cure window lemons from gum disease. In addition, the wound must be cleaned of diseased tissue, disinfected with a 3% solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate and covered with garden varnish.

Sooty fungus appears first on the leaves, and then on the branches and even on the trunk in the form of a dark coating. It severely inhibits citrus plants. It is washed off the leaves with a damp cloth soaked in a soap-oil solution, and cleaned off the stem with brushes, followed by disinfection with lime. You just need to whitewash the tree. The reasons for the appearance may be the same insects and abundant watering during the daytime.

To prevent the appearance of such a disease in home lemons as sooty fungus (and other diseases), the premises are ventilated, watered in the evening or early in the morning, and sprayed once every 2-3 months with a 0.05% solution of potassium permanganate. Water the soil with the same solution once every 2 months. A good way to prevent the appearance of homemade lemon disease is to spray it with a 0.5% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Spider mites on indoor lemons are a common pest. It is very small and difficult to see with the naked eye. It is better to have a magnifying glass for such purposes. Spider mites feed on the juice of leaves of lemon, tangerine and other citrus fruits, making small holes in the leaves. Gradually, these leaves turn yellow, the tips curl up, dry out, and the leaves fall off.

As I already said, a mite on a lemon cannot be detected immediately, and most often we begin to sound the alarm when the entire plant is already covered in cobwebs. This is already a late stage of infection. It is important to learn to “see it” on early stages infection. Take a cotton wool soaked in alcohol or vodka and wipe the leaves of your citrus from the back and outside. You can see very small insects on them.

Control of spider mites on citrus plants.

To get rid of spider mites, it is important to be patient and stock up on medications against this pest. You will need to buy several different drugs, because... A tick can “get used” (develop immunity) to one product.

There are chemical and natural preparations in the fight against spider mites and they are called acaricides. When choosing a specific drug, you need to know what it is, because... if we took a chemical preparation, then 2 or more months must pass before the poisons disintegrate in the plant, and only after that we can remove the fruits and eat them. Either we must sacrifice the fruits to save the plant.

Natural remedies are safe, or relatively safe, and as a rule, the harvest can be harvested the next day or a week later.

Where to start?
— As we have already said above, the first stage of cleansing is to wipe all the leaves, stems, and branches of the lemon with a cotton pad soaked in vodka or lemon juice.
or, immediately proceed to the next stage -

— Arrange warm shower citrus. Cover the pot with a bag to keep water out and wash the lemon out of the shower. Using a foam sponge and laundry soap, wash the entire crown of the lemon: leaves, stems and branches. Let the plant dry.
— Application of acaricide. Depending on the type and instructions, the drug is diluted in water and sprayed on the plant in the morning or evening. The solution must be applied immediately.

For the best effect, you should put a plastic bag on the citrus crown. This way we provide high humidity - an environment that spider mites cannot tolerate. The package can be removed after 10-24 hours.

Treatment with acaricide should be repeated after 5-6 days, 3-5 times!

Some citrus growers claim that in order to combat mites more effectively, the dose of the drug should be increased. I will only write those about which I learned that the dose was increased. With other preparations you should be careful not to burn the citrus leaves.

* 5 ml per 1.5 liters of water,

** 8-10 ml per 1 liter of water, you can add green soap (or soap solution, shampoo) to the solution

*** TM Butter - 1 milk cap, the same amount liquid soap+ 1 liter of boiling water, shake. Spray outside.

Gardeners also practice using a solution of acaricide + potassium + calcium. That. The cell walls of the plant are strengthened and it is harder for the mite to eat it.

Don't forget about safety precautions. Wear a mask and gloves.
May your citrus fruits be healthy!

Do you have a reliable way to control spider mites?
Share with us in the comments.

Spider mites on indoor lemons are a very dangerous and common pest. This insect is very small size, almost invisible to the naked eye, so it is very difficult to identify and take timely measures to eliminate it. It feeds on the sap of the plant, its activity leads to starvation of the plant, drying out and falling of the leaves.

Spider mites feed on sap from a plant leaf

How to deal with spider mites indoors citrus plants? What are the effective methods for treating homemade lemon and tangerine against ticks, how to prevent infection - we will share our experience. Evidence of activity spider mites on lemon leaves- the appearance of yellow dots, yellowing of the tips of the leaves, curling of the leaves. In the later stages of infection, cobwebs may appear, initially single stripes, and in advanced cases, entire nests inside curled leaves.

This is what a spider mite looks like on a leaf under slight magnification.

Spider mite, description and photo

Spider mite- an arachnid insect, ranging in size from 0.3 to 0.6 mm, depending on gender and fatness. Has 6 or 8 legs. Homemade lemons are most often inhabited by red insects and their dark green larvae. They move very slowly, most often live on the back side of the leaf blade, but sometimes they can be found on the outside. To the naked eye they can be identified as small red dots.

Spider mite on the back of the leaf, barely visible to the naked eye

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