How to bleach kitchen towels. How to wash washed terry towels - effective methods How to bleach linen towels

Any housewife or kitchen hearth keeper uses a kitchen towel, but the time comes that you need to wash the towel after a long time of use, and then many face a problem due to the large amount of absorption of difficult to remove stains, for example, something was spilled, splashed accidentally, smeared etc.

In addition, many methods have been proposed for bleaching kitchen towels, which you should familiarize yourself with in more detail.

How to whiten kitchen towels - folk remedies

Nowadays, you can buy a variety of bleaching agents to remove stains from any fabric. No one has also canceled whitening with the production of folk remedies from grandma.

By and large, many people use people's councils and as a rule, such products work one hundred percent better than regular branded bleaches for kitchen towels. If you decide, you can find out the methods here.

Let's consider traditional methods at home, which our ancestors offer:

1 Method

Every apartment or house will have this product; there will be enough of it to whiten:

  • Soda ash (1 tablespoon);
  • Bleach (2 tablespoons);
  • Table salt (2 tablespoons);
  • Regular laundry detergent (1 cup);
  • Vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).

Pour water into a bucket and place on a gas stove, bring to a boil, dissolving all the above components at the same time. Carefully place the kitchen towels into the bucket of mixed ingredients and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes.

, discussed in detail here.

After this, you need to wait until the water cools down a little and you can start rinsing the towel. Or you can do the same thing, add water, ingredients and towels that you want to wash into a bucket, and not boil, but just soak for a day.

2 Method

You can also make your own bleach at home.

For 10 liters of water, preferably not very hot, add powdered bleach (500g) and soda ash, about 500g.

Pour the resulting mixture into a glass jar, and use the remaining sediment to clean the bathroom.

3 Method

Potassium permanganate is dissolved with 10 liters of boiled water, however, the water should acquire a slightly pinkish color.

Add 200g of washing powder to this and immerse the already rinsed towels.

You can cover the bucket with a plastic bag and wait for the water in it to cool completely, then take out a towel and rinse it well without adding any other products.

4 Method

Add mustard powder to boiled water and wait until the mixture is infused; this method does not require sediment, but the liquid itself.

Soak the towel in this solution for three hours, then rinse.

5 Method The stains on the towel are washed with laundry soap and left to soak for more than five hours in soapy water with the addition of 2 tablespoons of boric acid. Submerge the towel or linen completely in water. After this, you can wash the towel in washing machine

with rinsing.

If it's time to wash your kitchen curtains, you can find out here. 6 Method Efficient and effective way

for removing difficult to remove stains on towels. The stain, if it is fresh, can be sprinkled with rock salt; in the case of a dried stain, moisten it before the process. Soak the laundry with salt (3 tablespoons per 3 liters of water) for about an hour and then throw it into the washing machine with the selected

high temperature

. Before washing in the machine, be sure to rinse the laundry in the basin, as remaining salt can adversely affect the operation of the washing machine.

Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil

  • In order to wash dirty towels, you have to sweat a lot, since sometimes one wash is not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to take global measures:. Previously, we considered this method with
  • vegetable oil Here you just need to add 2 tbsp to the water. We put spoons of powdered bleach, also vegetable oil and half a glass of washing powder on high heat and throw the towels there. Bring to a boil and turn off to let cool completely. Take it out and rinse.

Add 3 tablespoons of soda, washing powder, vegetable oil, and bleach to boiling water.
Soak for a day and wash in the machine, selecting the quick wash mode.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The product allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

Special chemical bleaches for towels

Terry towels can be easily washed with regular kitchen detergent. Pour into a bowl warm water and dilute two tablespoons of Fairy detergent or another, soak the towel for about 4 hours.

Be sure to rinse in clean water so that the remaining product leaves the textile completely. Make sure that the terry towel that has already been processed is subjected to the standard method in the washing machine.

When washing, the temperature should not be set to more than 45 degrees, the rotation speed should not exceed more than 900 rps.

All kinds of gels can remove stains from different fabrics.

This is not always considered reasonable, chemicals do not guarantee 100% results. In fact, along with the stain that appeared, from household chemicals You can ruin the color and fabric of the towel.

You should not spend money on expensive household chemicals, which contain a small number of words familiar to you. Ordinary folk remedies can cope quite well, and they can remove any contaminants - it’s cheap, easy and harmless.

How to remove stains from kitchen towels?

It is impossible to avoid stains on kitchen towels, so many hearth keepers are looking for proven products for quick disposal from stains, returning the towel to its original appearance. Next, let's look at what is the secret to removing stains?

Many products in the kitchen contribute to soiling your towels and are distinguished by the fact that they remain various traces on fabric.

Measures to remove various stains on towels:

  • Any hair shampoo can get rid of the fruit. Apply shampoo to the stain and wash in boiled water.
  • Ammonia, or ammonia, is another name for removing ammonia from coffee or tea. Also rub the stain with ammonia and wash.
  • It is advisable to start washing off red wine immediately. Add water to table salt, you should get a paste, and gradually rub it on the stain. Before washing, leave the towel to soak for a couple of hours.
  • Tomato removes salt well. Salt (1 tbsp) is diluted with water (1 l), the towel is soaked in this solution for an hour and then begin washing.
  • Citric acid will get rid of berries (cherries, currants) and even beets. The stain on the towel should first be wetted and added citric acid, leave it all for five minutes and you can rinse.
  • Vinegar will help prevent mold. Soak in water and add vinegar, then rinse after a couple of minutes.
  • Traces that appear for unknown reasons and are unknown to you will be removed by hydrogen peroxide. Dampen the dirty area and put it in the wash after 30 minutes.

Removing greasy stains

There are often problems with excretion greasy stains. To prevent oily marks from becoming problematic, many resort to constant replacement of towels at least once every three days.

Then there is no need to soak them before washing.

It is enough to throw the towels into the machine and wash them with regular powder on a suitable cycle and without additional additives.

Any stains must be dealt with so that you don’t have to constantly change even the most beautiful towels. The methods that are proposed are effective and simple.

  • To remove stubborn stains, even if they are old ones, there are products that everyone can use: Vinegar
  • – dilute with water, preferably warm, put a towel in there and leave for about two hours, then wash. Laundry soap
  • – Rub the soap onto the stain and moisten it with a little water. Place the towel in a plastic bag and close it so that air does not penetrate there. Leave it like this for one day, then remove it and rinse well. Baking soda

Suitable for washing dishes and will help rid the towel of stains. For three liters of water, add three tablespoons of soda and the same amount of detergent. The towel should be soaked for an hour. Then wash it.

Features of washing terry towels

It is very important to maintain the quality of the textile towels. You should carefully select a detergent, bypassing the rows of laundry detergents and select gels that will not spoil the terry and will not contribute to the stiffness of the fabric.

When using the powder, you should take into account the rinsing process, since it should occur no more than three times; before drying, be sure to shake the terry towel.

Ammonia (ammonia) and laundry soap are best. Even if these products did not help, then the stain, except for clean areas, can be carefully rubbed with a stain remover (“Antipyatin”, “Boss”, etc.). After this, immediately begin rinsing the towel in clean water.

  • It is recommended to change towels twice a week to prevent them from getting dirty.
  • Kitchen towels must be ironed after each wash. This way they will not only look beautiful, but also be less dirty.
  • Add starch to water.
  • Wash immediately after the towel gets dirty.
  • For dishes, gas stove and use different towels for your hands.
  • Do not use terry towels; they most often absorb dirt quickly and take a long time to dry; they are even considered ideal for fungi and bacteria.
  • Wash white and colored items separately to prevent staining.
  • Do not store wet items in the washing machine for too long, otherwise they may acquire a musty smell.
  • It is recommended to dry washed towels on fresh air. sunlight- This is a good bleach.
  • Save on buying an expensive air conditioner and use a folk remedy.
  • Waffle towels are the most suitable choice for your kitchen.

By following advice from housewives, you will not be able to expose heavy pollution kitchen towels, then you won’t have to buy new ones over and over again or painstakingly wash the old ones. Use disposable wipes to keep your towels clean.

Any housewife enjoys using shiny white kitchen utensils. And you don’t even want to pick up washed napkins. Sometimes they become unsightly due to frequent boiling.

How you can bleach kitchen towels at home:

  • A saline solution of 5 liters of water and 5 tablespoons of salt, in which we soak the napkins. Effectively removes traces of tomatoes, coffee, tea and red wine.
  • Thoroughly rub the contaminated areas with laundry soap and place tightly in a bag overnight. In the morning we wash and rinse.
  • The shampoo removes fruit stains well. Rub the product in and wash it off after two hours.
  • Use dishwashing detergent to remove greasy stains on kitchen napkins. Just soak the stains in the product for a day, wash and rinse thoroughly.
  • Use ammonia to remove traces of coffee and tea. And if you add glycerin to an aqueous solution of ammonia, it will help remove old stains.
  • Citric acid perfectly removes contaminants of various origins when soaked for 10 minutes. Pre-wash the stains with laundry soap and acid for 10 minutes.
  • Hydrogen peroxide removes old stains; you need to soak napkins in it for 30 minutes.
  • A vinegar solution removes mold stains well; soak in it for 10 minutes.
  • A remedy that helps with clogged pipes can remove the most difficult contaminants. You need to apply a solution of a glass of water and 200 g of product to the stain for 30 minutes.
  • Potassium permanganate, diluted hot water before Pink colour. We put pre-washed towels in it and cover it with plastic. After cooling completely, rinse.
  • You can use a stain remover or bleach to remove the yellowness or grayness of kitchen napkins by diluting 1 tablespoon of the product in 1 liter of hot water.

Note! You should not often resort to bleaching towels; they quickly become unusable. When buying kitchen utensils, pay attention to what they are made of; it is better if they are made from easily washable fabrics.

The most convenient to use in the kitchen is a waffle towel, but a terry towel is better used as a bath towel. Wash as usual often washing machine, without waiting for the stains to penetrate deeply into the fabric.

Whiten kitchen towels using vegetable oil

Sunflower oil not only washes kitchen towels, but also bleaches them without boiling.

How to bleach kitchen towels using vegetable oil

How to whiten old waffle towels using mustard?

Bleaching with dry mustard does not harm the fabric.

To remove dirt on kitchen towels, use mustard powder.

Option 1:

  • Pour a little dry mustard into heated water.
  • Mix the solution and let it settle.
  • We drain only the cloudy liquid, do not use the sediment.
  • Place dirty laundry in the drained liquid for at least three hours.
  • We take out the laundry and rinse it.
  • We rejoice at the kitchen utensils – whitened, clean and without traces of grease.

Option 2:

  • Prepare a thick paste from hot water and dry mustard.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of dirty towels.
  • Let the laundry dry for about 7 hours.
  • We wash everything in the washing machine.

Note! With the help of mustard powder, towels not only become white, but are also disinfected.

Other methods

Bleaching dish towels by boiling is effective, but not practical. It is effective to use white, but it deteriorates the fabric, especially colored napkins.

We offer how to correctly and quickly folk remedies clean and whiten kitchen accessories:

  • When rinsing, use baking soda, add it to the water along with two drops essential oil. They give the laundry a pleasant smell of freshness.
  • Fruit stains disappear when exposed to vodka and glycerin mixed in equal parts. Keep the mixture for about 20 minutes.
  • Wash the egg white from the towel with cool water; the hot stain will remain forever. It is better to wash the stain immediately while it is fresh.
  • We remove stains from light kitchen towels with hot milk, to which we add drops of blue.
  • Traces of fat are removed with potato starch - this is effective when the stains are fresh. Just sprinkle starch on the fatty area and leave for 7 minutes. If necessary, you can repeat several times.

For safety and maintenance appearance kitchen accessories housewives recommend:

  • In addition to a set of towels for everyday use, you need to have replacement sets.
  • The kits are changed after three days of use, even if there is no external contamination. Or if you think it necessary, then once a week.
  • Don't forget about ironing your towels, it makes them tidier and allows you to stay clean longer.
  • Keep disposable wipes on hand for wiping up stains and for emergencies. It's not as bad to throw them away as towels.
  • Place towels away from the stove to avoid splashes from pans.

Note! When using bleaching agents, you must follow safety rules when working with hot and chlorine-containing liquids. Wearing gloves will protect the skin of your hands from burns and damage from bleaching agents.

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To make it easier to bleach kitchen towels at home, you should initially choose them wisely. Thanks to this, you can significantly extend the service life of products and save effort and time.

Choose the right towels - this will make their further use easier.

The best option for the kitchen is white waffle fabric. It is for such accessories that you can use all types of washes. It is better to purchase several options in order to change dirty things in a timely manner. Instead of cloth towels, you can use paper towels. Many women use both types.

A washing machine is the easiest way. But it does not always help remove stubborn stains. For whitening you can use:

  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • regular salt;
  • vinegar;
  • laundry soap;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • shampoo.

The washing machine can't always get rid of stains

These substances are found in every home, but you should not use them for bleaching too often, as they severely damage the fabric.

The question of how to bleach kitchen towels at home and without boiling worries many housewives. Exists effective method– mustard powder. It quickly removes stains and disinfects perfectly. Pour hot water over the powder and mix everything until a thick paste is obtained. Apply it to wet clothes and leave for several hours, then wash as usual.

Mustard powder

You can also use potassium permanganate. Add it to the water along with the powder and dip the towels into the solution. When the liquid has cooled, wash all items by hand and rinse. The procedure time is determined taking into account the degree of tissue contamination.

To bleach towels with salt, you should make a solution from it and dip dirty things into it, soak and wash them in the usual way. This method is suitable for any fabric. Salt quickly dissolves stains left by tea, red wine, and tomatoes.

Soap is an indispensable household item that can also be used for washing. To remove dirt, you need to thoroughly rub the problem areas with it, put the dirty things in a bag and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash everything and rinse thoroughly.

Fruit stains can be easily removed by shampoo. It is applied to the stain and lightly rubbed. After a couple of hours, wash the item. An excellent remedy for combating traces of tea and coffee is ammonia. It needs to be added to water, the products should be soaked in the prepared solution, and then washed. If you additionally use glycerin, you can wash off even old dirt.

Dishwashing detergent can deal with greasy stains - apply it to the fabric and leave for twenty-four hours, then wash and rinse thoroughly. If stains remain after the first wash, the procedure can be repeated. If there is mold on the towels, use regular vinegar. Prepare a solution from it and soak the laundry in it for about ten minutes, then wash it as usual.

Citric acid will remove stains left from tomatoes or beets, as well as other dirt. First wash the towel using laundry soap, then treat with acid and after a few minutes rinse the items in cold water. Hydrogen peroxide also helps with old stains. To do this, treat problem areas with it and wash after thirty minutes. For difficult stains, try using a clog remover - add it to water and treat the fabric, then put the laundry in the washing machine.

There may be stains on the towels of different origins. You can remove them in different ways:

  1. Traces of wine can be easily removed with lemon juice.
  2. Fruit stains will disappear under the influence of a mixture prepared from vodka and glycerin - to do this, mix all the components and apply the resulting mixture to the stain. After fifteen minutes, the towel can be washed.
  3. Traces of mold can be removed with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar - to do this, wash the laundry and then use one of the products. Ten minutes after treatment, rinse the product.
  4. Hot milk with a few drops of blue added can easily deal with stains of any origin. But this cleaning method is only suitable for light-colored items.
  5. Stains left by juice or syrup can be removed with alcohol.
  6. Potato starch can deal with greasy marks - sprinkle it on the problem area and leave for five minutes. Perform the procedure several times. This method only works on fresh stains.

Lemon juice will remove wine stains

Not all kitchen products can be boiled, so sometimes the question arises of how to bleach terry towels at home. To do this, they need to be soaked in water in which washing powder is diluted. Things are left overnight and then put into the washing machine. The main disadvantage of terry accessories is that they are not suitable for the kitchen: they are difficult to wash, take a long time to dry and create a favorable environment for the spread of bacteria.

The best choice for the kitchen - waffle towels

Waffle towels are the easiest to wash - they dry instantly and are lint-free, making them ideal for the kitchen.

Such things are easy to use and do not require special care procedures. Wafer products can be washed in any way and can easily withstand boiling.

How to keep textiles clean

In order not to ask the question of how to bleach towels, you need to follow simple rules:

  • buy several sets - one for active use and several spare ones;
  • send laundry to the wash after two to three days of use;
  • be sure to iron things - hot steam treatment gives the products a neat appearance and helps to maintain cleanliness for a long time;
  • It is better to wipe the stove or table with napkins or a cloth that does not require thorough washing.

Old stains are more difficult to get rid of than fresh ones. Therefore, it is advisable to wash kitchen textiles as often as possible. It is advisable to separate such items from other laundry, especially if there are greasy stains. If you wish, you can buy paper towels napkins. After use they are thrown away. They cannot always replace cloth, but they are convenient for wiping away grease and basic dirt.

It is not difficult to wash and bleach towels from dirt; you just need to choose the most suitable method. Natural remedies are safe and can significantly save the family budget. Thanks to them, your kitchen will reign perfect cleanliness, which will require a minimum of effort and time to create.

Towels get dirty the quickest in the kitchen, but how can you bleach old kitchen towels so they're clean and fresh again? Even the highest quality products lose their appearance after a couple of months of use after regular washing, so every housewife must know how to bleach colored or white towels. And in the bathroom, terry towels lose their well-groomed appearance from constant use, but there are many ways to bleach bath towels at home.

There are many old time-tested ideas on how to whiten dish towels and return terry towels to the same look as those you just bought. Among them:

  • whitening with special means;
  • boiling;
  • using traditional methods.

How to bleach kitchen towels without boiling

Bleaching by boiling is a thing of the past, when nowadays there are many ways to bleach washed waffle kitchen towels at home without boiling.

You can quickly and inexpensively whiten white towels at home using hot water and Vanish powder. To do this, you need to make a solution of the product in hot water and soak towels in it overnight. In the morning, if necessary, bleach the kitchen towels again in the washing machine at 90°C.

It is interesting to know how to whiten towels using mustard. To do this, you need to take mustard powder, which is sold in stores on spice shelves, and make a solution for soaking:

  • 2 heaped tablespoons of mustard powder;
  • 500 ml warm water.

Thoroughly dilute the powder and soak towels in this solution overnight. In the morning, rinse and get perfectly clean white or colored kitchen towels.


This procedure should be repeated only if you need to bleach white towels with stubborn stains, since hydrogen peroxide destroys the structure of the fabric over time.

Many people remember how to bleach kitchen towels traditional methods hydrogen peroxide. To do this, you need to make a solution of 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 500 ml of warm water and soak the towels for 4-5 hours, or overnight.

Using the same principle, you can bleach white terry towels with bleach or ammonia, in the same proportion of water and product.

How to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil

This method of bringing kitchen towels to fresh look has been known since ancient times, when stores did not have such a variety of bleaching and washing products.

You should know how to bleach kitchen towels with oil in order to simultaneously get rid of greasy stains on them. To do this, you should take, based on 10 liters of water:

  • ½ cup refined oil;
  • ½ cup powdered bleach;
  • 1 glass washing powder for machine wash.

Mix all ingredients and dissolve thoroughly in water. Place towels in the container and bring to a boil, then turn off, cover and leave overnight, and then rinse thoroughly.

How to bleach terry towels at home

It is important to know how to bleach a terry towel in order to return it to its original purity and not damage the fabric, because they are quite expensive.

There is a proven way to whiten terry towels without boiling soda. To do this, you need to soak the towels for a day in a solution of soda ash, consisting of 200 g of soda per 2 liters of water, and then rinse in warm water.

There is a known way to bleach old terry bath towels with mustard. To do this, they need to be soaked in a solution of hot water and mustard powder, 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water, overnight, and then rinsed thoroughly.

The kitchen is a magical place in the house, where work is constantly in full swing, dishes are being prepared, the hostess is fussing about, in general, there is smoke like a rocker. And, of course, it is impossible to imagine this room without dishes or textiles, which get dirty so quickly from being in continuous use. Stains of grease or coffee, an accidentally dropped strawberry - sometimes it’s very difficult to get rid of them at home, but you really want cleanliness and freshness. You start to wonder how to wash kitchen towels without buying new ones every day!

General rules that housewives should not forget

There are very, very many types of fabrics from which they sew home textiles. And involuntarily the hand itself reaches out to soft, fluffy and beautiful kitchen napkins. But terry towels are not the best the best choice for kitchen. Firstly, they take longer to dry, and secondly, microbes accumulate in them. That's why the best option to use are waffle or linen.

  • In order for kitchen towels to serve you longer, use several sets alternately, and try to change them more often.
  • You can safely boil and bleach the light ones, and if they are not too dirty, you can wash them along with other laundry that matches the color.
  • Don't wipe dirty floors with them and don't grab greasy handles on the stove, pan or lid, and then you won't have to change them every day.
  • After washing, be sure to iron your kitchen utensils, so they will become less dirty.
  • If necessary, you can use disposable napkins, which are a great help in the kitchen.

Now let's talk about how to put such an important item in order kitchen utensils. Ways effective removal Our mothers and grandmothers came up with a lot of stains or unpleasant smells, they are all different and easily accessible.

Washing towels without boiling

An effective way that does not require boiling is to soak towels before washing.

With salt

Fill a bowl with water (preferably cold) and lightly salt it. For five liters, put about five tablespoons of salt and throw dirty things there. You can leave them like this overnight, or even for an hour if they are not very dirty. After which you can safely wash it. As a result, they will be even cleaner than after boiling and steaming with bleaching.

With dishwashing detergent

Likewise, your kitchen helpers are soaked with detergent. Take some regular dish soap, such as Fairy, dilute it in water and soak the towels for about ten minutes. Then calmly proceed to regular washing with powder. This method is very helpful in removing fat. And if you are planning to soak white napkins, then add a couple of drops to the water ammonia, then you won't need bleach.

With laundry soap

Another time-tested method that helps fight yellowness, greasy stains, and unpleasant odors. Wet the towels and thoroughly soap them with laundry soap containing at least 72% fatty acids. Place the soaped accessories in a plastic bag and leave for a day. Air should not pass inside. After the time has passed, all you need to do is rinse.

If mold suddenly appears on them, then you need to wash them in the usual way, but after that rinse them with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Don't worry about the color, vinegar is harmless, unless, of course, you leave your laundry on for a long time in this solution.

Vegetable oil will help defeat stains

It happens that regular washing is not enough, the stains remain in their places, greasy and dark, they still haven’t gone away. This means it’s time to take radical measures.

  1. Place a bucket of water on the fire, and as soon as it boils, add two tablespoons of dry bleach, the same number of tablespoons of vegetable oil and one half glass of washing powder. Throw dry towels into this mixture, turn off the stove and leave the laundry until it cools completely. Then all that remains is to rinse it.
  2. IN hot water add three tablespoons each of soda, washing powder, vegetable oil and bleach. You need to soak the textiles overnight and machine wash them in the morning. It is better to choose a quick wash.

Getting rid of greasy stains and unpleasant odors

Grate half a piece of laundry soap on a coarse grater, mix it with one handful of soda ash. Place the mixture in a large enamel pan and fill half the pan with water. When the mixture is completely dissolved, place the textile there and turn on the heat on the stove. As soon as the water boils, turn the heat down and leave the laundry on the stove for another quarter of an hour. After this procedure, you need to wash them in a machine, and if there are a lot of greasy stains, you can add whiteness. Even the biggest and most persistent things can be dealt with.

Now you are not afraid of grease, smell, or any other kitchen dirt. Just remember that the more often you change the napkins, the easier they will be to wash. Therefore, do not wait for them to stand up like a stake or completely lose their color under a layer of dirt.

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