How can you humiliate a person with clever words. How to insult a person without swearing, beautifully, to the point of tears

Anyone can face insults from others, and the feelings that manifest themselves at this moment are quite unpleasant.

Of course, it’s easier to answer with bad words, it’s easy and simple. However, this can lead to unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences.

Not everyone can respond to an insult with clever words without swearing, this technique is worth learning in advance.

There are many phrases with which you can besiege and humiliate a person, and sometimes bring the offender to tears. Here's how to do this, you can find out below from ways of insulting without swearing.

How to humiliate a handsome guy?

Human psychology is designed in such a way that even one impudent word can cause strong offense.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary that it be a swear word; you can humiliate, insult, besiege, put in your place with cultural words. But not everyone can do this.

Often unpleasant situations arise between a girl and a guy - a quarrel, misunderstanding, and sometimes a fight with insults.

In the latter case, it is worth using several techniques to humiliate and insult the offender with clever words, so that he would not raise his hand in the future.

Note! The worst and most unpleasant thing a man can do to a girl or woman is to raise his hand.

In these situations, it’s worth hitting him where it hurts most, and this should be done morally. Guys are greatly offended by phrases using the word “impotent.”

The table shows the qualities that are considered holy for a guy.

If you want to take revenge on the offender, then in correspondence or in words you can use phrases that mention these qualities in a bad light:

Quality Phrases
Masculine dignity, strength. Guys react painfully to phrases that mention their sexual abilities.

A girl can morally insult and humiliate a person with phrases that contain the word “impotent”

You are a moral impotent!
Only an impotent man can offend a woman!
You are impotent not in your pants, but in your soul! (Or maybe both!)
If you want to hurt a guy’s pride, then during a conversation you can hurt his status and wealth.

This will be especially unpleasant for those who have a really low income or no job.

Since ancient times, it was believed that a man is a breadwinner, therefore the inability to have wealth is considered the greatest humiliation

You are a disgrace to your parents and their ruin!
You are not able to provide yourself with even toilet paper!
You are hiding your own inadequacy behind your insolence!
If you want to brutally besiege the offender with cultural words, then you can choose phrases.

In which the emphasis will be on the stupidity and recklessness of the guy, even if he is well brought up and has a higher education.

With their help, girls can firmly put a person in his place without swearing.

You have failed neither as a person nor as a man!
Unlike mine, your dignity has sunk to the bottom!
You are an immoral, weak and wretched person!
All your words are helpless attempts to prove something!
I feel sorry for looking at you!
I would offend you, but nature has already done it for me!

How to insult a woman without swearing?

Sometimes women themselves ask for humiliation and insults. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to respond to curses; you can answer harshly and competently without swearing. Phrases will sound offensive and unpleasant, even worse than swear words.

Women are sensitive to criticism of their appearance. It is important to choose the words correctly and beautifully, you don’t need to say directly: you are scary, you are ugly, but they will help you delicately understand this.

For a girl, phrases with a hint of ugly appearance will be offensive and unpleasant:

  • When God created women, he decided to save money on you!
  • I would offend you, but I’ll just advise you to look in the mirror!
  • Your words are the helpless barking of a dirty mongrel!
  • Surprisingly, she’s not rich in intelligence and has no face!
  • It’s a pity to spit in such a face!

You can take revenge on a woman in another way.

Phrases that mention excessive popularity among men are very offensive:

  • There’s nowhere to put a sample on you!
  • You have already given all your dignity to other people's men!
  • You are the shame of the father and the tears of the mother!
  • You are a quality man's bedding!
  • Your whole life is serving your master’s sugar!
  • No normal guy will even look in your direction!
  • All your attractiveness ended 10 men ago!
  • To get involved with you is to disgrace yourself!

You can put a woman in her place and morally humiliate her with clever words that can hurt a person as an individual.

The phrases should point out the flaws of the mind, they should make her look like a fool in front of everyone.

Let's consider several suitable options:

  • If you were smart, you would have a decent man!”
  • From smart women men don't leave!
  • So, I look at you and at first glance it seems that you are a fool! And then you look and it’s true - you’re a fool!

How to send a person away culturally?

Sometimes there are times when you want to send a cultural message stranger, who bothers you with his uninteresting and empty conversations.

However, you don’t need to answer sharply right away, this can greatly offend your interlocutor; you can do this in cultural words without swearing.

Important! If you do not want to offend a person, then you can patiently continue to listen to his conversation and delve into every word in order to at least somehow support him.

But this unpleasant situation can be resolved carefully, accurately, without humiliation and insults.

Learn a few simple techniques:

  1. During a conversation try asking questions that relate to another topic, so you can take the conversation in another interesting direction.

    If the interlocutor still continues to talk about a topic that does not interest you, ask him questions in a sharper tone, but you should still not turn to aggression.

  2. Humor and laughter will be able to give a different twist to the conversation. Use jokes, sarcasm, the whole spectrum of humor, so you can quickly escape from an annoying conversation and end it.
  3. During a conversation try to say the same thing a short phrase- “Yeah”, “Really”, “Mmm”, “I see”, Well” and so on.

    Or you can just remain silent. As soon as the interlocutor understands that the conversation does not interest you, he will fall silent and go look for a “new victim.”

Clever curse words

You can easily insult a person with clever words. Phrases may hint at illness, disadvantage, weakness, appearance, status or other important qualities.

They should be used if the offender offended without reason, insulted, or even raised his hand.

Let's look at smart phrases without swearing:

  • You're doing the right thing by giggling. They don't laugh with your teeth!
  • You'll fall under hot hand- you'll fly under the hot foot
  • Teeth are not hair; if they fly out, you won’t catch them.
  • You remind me of the ocean... You make me just as sick.
  • I probably have to look like a sucker to fit in with you.
  • There is no need to feel sorry for him, he is not sick, this is his usual appearance.
  • Yes, beauty is clearly not your advantage.
  • I would send you, but, apparently, you have already been there.
  • A positive Rh factor is, apparently, the only “plus” in the list of your advantages.
  • It’s okay, I didn’t remember your name either.
  • I don’t have the strength to listen to your insanity.
  • Are you always so stupid, or today a special case?
  • As an outsider, what do you think about the human race?
  • I would like to punch you in the teeth, but why should I improve your appearance?
  • At least there is one positive thing about your body. It's not as scary as your face!
  • The brain isn't everything. But in your case it’s nothing!
  • Be careful not to let your brain get into your head!
  • I like you. They say I have disgusting taste, but I love you.
  • Have your parents ever asked you to run away from home?
  • If only I had a face like yours. I would sue my parents!
  • Don't be upset. Many people have no talent either!
  • Don't be offended, but you, what- work spread ignorance?
  • Keep talking, someday you will manage to say something smart!

To send the offender away, it is not necessary to use swear words and insults, this can be done with clever words.

Clever phrases and cultured words can cause offense worse than profanity.

They can relate to a person’s appearance, health, status, and wealth. The main thing is to present everything beautifully and correctly so that the offender is silent.

Useful video

Have you ever thought about how to morally kill a person? I think everyone thought about it. Starting from an early age, when a person faces social environment, begins to feel pressure. Peers test each other's strength, gradually transferring similar behavior into adult life. Someone is leaving these childhood pranks in the past. But there are people who like to humiliate others. How to repel them and forever discourage them from training on you?

How to morally kill a person while maintaining dignity

Let's say an insolent person publicly speaks out, is insulting, sarcastic, makes inappropriate jokes, and mocks in every possible way. The friendly laughter of his friends and those around him can throw anyone off balance. But... this situation can easily be turned against the offender. What does he expect from you? In Russian speaking, bummer. To show their superiority, such people assert themselves at the expense of others. This is a kind of duel: whose spirit is stronger? Now I will list a number of tips on how to morally kill a person in such a situation:

  • Keep your cool. A calm, ironic attitude towards attacks sobers up the offender and intrigues observers.
  • To offensive questions like “Well, how is it... so and so?” you can simply say: I don’t know, you know this better..
  • All nasty things can be turned against the attacker, calmly ironizing his words without dirt or insults. Don't stoop to your opponent's level.
  • Observers will quickly lose interest in the incident or even laugh at clumsy attempts to humiliate you.
  • Seeing your spiritual superiority, inner strength, the mocker will quickly retreat in search of a weaker victim.

There are situations when we experience treacherous betrayal. Most immediately think about revenge, mentally savoring the details, imagining what they will do in response. But it is much more possible to kill a person morally while maintaining dignity and spiritual nobility. Believe me, squabbles, plans for revenge, and various nasty things in response humiliate you, making you petty. Later it will be unpleasant for you, maybe even ashamed.

It is much wiser to act wisely and carefully. Refute the slander. Make hidden intrigues public. Turn the offender's baseness against himself. The worst thing is public condemnation. However, think a hundred times when punishing others this way: maybe people deserve a second chance?

The best way to kill a person morally is to show him his baseness so that he clearly understands it. Pangs of conscience, mental humiliation, condemnation of others will force you to seriously think about your own behavior. Maybe even get better. I wish everyone to be worthy, wise, strong people, capable of repelling any impudent person!

44 gentlemanly insults! Be creative with your statements, but don't overdo it!)

01. Any similarity between you and a person is purely coincidental!
02. Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?
03. As an outsider, what do you think about the human race?
04. I would like to punch you in the teeth, but why should I improve your appearance?
05. At least there is one positive thing about your body. It's not as scary as your face!
06. The brain isn't everything. But in your case it’s nothing!
07. Be careful not to let your brain get into your head!
08. I like you. They say I have disgusting taste, but I love you.
09. Have your parents ever asked you to run away from home?
10. If only I had a face like yours. I would sue my parents!
11. Don't be upset. Many people have no talent either!
12. Don't be offended, but is it your job to spread ignorance?
13. Keep talking, someday you will still be able to say something smart!
14. Do you still love nature despite what it has done to you?
15. I don’t think so, maybe you have a brain sprain!
16. Fellows like you do not grow on trees, they fluctuate there.
17. He has a mechanical mind. This is bad for him; he often forgets to turn his back to the wind.
18. His mind is like a steel trap that always slams shut when trying to find the answer!
19. You are a man of the earth, it’s bad that you’re not the best part of it.
20. He thought - this is something new.
21. When it finally gets dark, you will definitely look better!
22. Yes, you are just a wonderful comedian. If it's funny, it's a miracle!
23. In the book "Who's Who" you should be searched as What Is This?
24. You are living proof that a person can live without a brain!
25. He is so short that when it rains, he is always the last to know about it.
26. Yes, you are just a template for building an idiot.
27. Why are you here? I thought the zoo closed for the night!
28. How did you get here? Did someone leave the cage open?
29. Don’t try to find anything in your head, it’s empty.
30. I think you wouldn't want to feel the way you look!
31. Hello! I am human! Who are you?
32. I can’t talk to you right now, tell me where will you be in 10 years?
33. I don't want you to turn the other cheek, it's just ugly.
34. I don’t know who you are, but it would be better if you didn’t exist, I’m sure everyone will agree with me.
35. I don't know what makes you stupid, but it really works.
36. I can drive the monkey out of you, but it will cost you a lot!
37. I can’t remember your name and please don’t help me with this!
38. I don’t even like the people you’re trying to copy.
39. I know you were born stupid, but why are you relapsed?
40. I know that you are self-made. It's good that you admit your guilt!
41. I know you are not as stupid as you look. This is impossible!
42. I saw people like you, but then I had to pay for the ticket!
43. Why are you such a fool today? Although I think this is typical for you.
44. How are you doing? Not as good as I would like, but not as bad as you would like.

116 670 0 Hello, today we will talk about how to humiliate a person. “Turn the other cheek”, “you can always reach an agreement”, “it’s bad to argue with people” - all these truths will not help you in life. If you already have a conflict and you can’t resolve it peacefully, the only thing that will help you is knowing how to humiliate a person as effectively and efficiently as possible, so that he understands that getting involved with you is more expensive for himself.

How to behave

To morally humiliate a person, it is not enough to simply find a few phrases on the Internet, memorize them and use them. They need to sound confident, to fit in, and for the person to feel truly crushed after them. To do this you need to speak calmly.

Imagine that you, in response to offensive words, almost crying, shout to the person: “You’re an imbecile!” It seems that you said that he was stupid and did it without swearing - but it will look more pathetic than impressive. But if in response to attacks you answer absolutely calmly, without raising your voice: “How tired I am of your attempts to pretend smart person» - this will probably not be the reaction that your opponent expected to receive and he will be unsettled.

In this case, you cannot:

  • Laugh at your own ridicule- it spoils the whole impression. The listeners themselves must understand that you said something offensive and funny - and laugh themselves.
  • Scream. If you raise your voice, this is weakness, it shows that you are truly hurt and prevents the interlocutor from clearly understanding your words. Plus, if you're fuming, you might not remember that you wanted to sound smart and nice.
  • Cry. Tears, even more clearly than screaming, show that you are truly unpleasant. Therefore, if you feel that you are close to tears, it is better to catch your breath, count to yourself to ten and only then make your move in the quarrel.

If it seems to you that you will never be able to act calmly and contemptuously, practice in front of the mirror. Practice a mocking facial expression, an ironic smile, a sympathetic shake of the head. Find a gesture that will ideally show your opinion of the person - you can, for example:

  • tilt your head to your shoulder as if you doubt that you heard the person correctly, what he just said is so stupid;
  • raise an eyebrow in surprise - as if this is the first time you’ve heard such nonsense;
  • if you wear glasses, move them to the edge of your nose and look over it, as if you want to take a better look at your interlocutor and make sure that it is he who is sitting in front of you.

Any non-verbal expression of contempt humiliates a person. You can often humiliate beautifully without saying a single word. For example, ignore - and pay attention to the person only after a few unsuccessful attempts to reach you. At the same time, you can look surprised and say:

  • “Sorry, I didn’t hear you”;
  • “Sorry, did you say something?”;
  • “I thought there was a radio playing somewhere nearby, and it was you”.

The main thing is to look sincere and even friendly in the process, so that the person feels like an empty place, which is difficult to even notice.

What should I say?

But ignoring a person is an art that needs to be honed and trained for a long time in order for it to look truly impressive and not to break down in the process. For most of us, it is much easier to humiliate a person with words. The main thing is to choose them correctly.

Truth and sore spots

“It’s easy and pleasant to tell the truth,” said one book character, and he was right. But how rarely do we do this in Everyday life! We will never tell a fat person that he is fat, or an ugly person that he is ugly. We are taught politeness from childhood and that is why the truth can be so painful. If you hit it in a weak spot, it will definitely humiliate and confuse a person.

You should take a closer look and identify what the interlocutor is worried about the most. It could be:

  • Appearance. Many people suffer from this, and humiliating a person without swearing is the easiest way in this area. Maybe he has one ear higher than the other? Maybe he has a big nose? Maybe he has acne, although he is no longer a teenager, or has thin, sparse hair? Maybe if it's a woman, she looks older than her age? For every shortcoming you can come up with a biting phrase.
    “Have you ever tried to fly them?”- a person with big ears.
    “Yes, you can hang yourself on such a nose!”- big-nosed.
    “Madam, you are so well preserved for being forty.”- a thirty-year-old woman.
  • Low IQ. Truly stupid people rarely feel this way, but everyone else may doubt the level of their intelligence and suffer from it.
    - “Are you so stupid from birth, or did you take lessons?”
    - “When everyone was standing in line for the mind, you were probably asleep and missed everything.”
    - “What is 6 by 8? Are you sure? That's what I thought."
  • Low earnings. If a person earns little, this is most likely his weak point. But you need to look carefully - if a person earns little because of his own ideology, it will not be possible to offend him in this field. But the rest can be teased.
    - "Let's go to the cinema? Oh, you have no money again.”
    - “Poverty is not a vice, as they say, but I couldn’t live like that.”
    - “You wouldn’t even have money for matches.”
  • Low cultural level. If a person is not educated, he can be ridiculed with special taste.
    - “Who’s playing on the radio, Bach or Mozart?”
    - “You seem to have stepped out of Picasso’s paintings.”
    - “Didn’t Dostoevsky write about you?”

    Most likely, the person will not even understand the ridicule, but more educated listeners will be able to laugh.

For men, a separate point, often a weak point, is potency. In a dispute with an opponent, you can humiliate a person by saying that he is so angry because he is not able to satisfy a woman in bed. Or say something like “If you were such a lion in bed as you are here, girls would follow you in herds.”

For women, external attractiveness is often a weak point. You can hint to her that she looks old, fat or has small breasts - and if you do it softly and sympathetically, it will be doubly humiliating.

The main thing is the ability to observe, draw conclusions and hit exactly the weak spot that hurts a person.

Demonstrating your superiority

People don't like to be shown that they are worse than others. Because very effective means humiliation will show that you are doing something better.

  • You can use more expensive things, you can mention that you were on vacation or in an interesting place - but in such a way that it does not look like boasting, but something completely natural for you.
  • You can wear expensive clothes.
  • You can even offer an unpleasant person participation in an event for which he obviously does not have enough money, and enjoy his reaction.

Reminders and revelations

If you have good memory, you can do a great job of putting others in their place by reminding them of the stupid or embarrassing things they've done, the stupid things they've said, and the puddles they've gotten into.

You can even make them look like fools in front of mutual friends by divulging a secret and being sincerely surprised by the negative reaction - “Oh, well, I thought we were all our own people here, why are you embarrassed?”.

The main thing is to justify yourself with the best intentions, so that in the eyes of others you do not turn into a bore who reminds everyone to a good person about his mistakes.

How to put a person down

It’s not hard to figure out how to shut the mouth of someone you know. But what if you see your opponent for the first time and know nothing about his weaknesses?
In this case, phrases that humiliate a person will come to the rescue.

How to humiliate a man you meet on the street?

Beautiful girls often suffer from monotonous attempts to get acquainted - many men simply do not understand that they do not want to hear or see them. Therefore, you can use biting phrases:

  • To you or to me? I suggest: you go to your place, I go to mine, and everyone is happy!
  • No, I don't want to meet you. I will be bored with you, and you will not understand me.
  • You are just a wonderful comedian! If you make a funny joke, it’s already a miracle.
  • I admire you! With such a face, I would spend my whole life under a blanket, but you don’t mind, even trying to make acquaintances on the street...
  • Try dating in the dark. No fool will give you a phone number in the light.

The main thing is to have an expression of bored superiority on your face. Or you can completely ignore the attempt at acquaintance - answer “yes”, “of course” and give the phone number of the nearest morgue.

How to humiliate a mistress or homewrecker

Most women are concerned about their appearance - and how decent they look in the eyes of society. Therefore, you can use the following phrases:

  • You must have been beautiful. Men like that twenty years ago.
  • There are injustices - and there is no intelligence, and there is nothing to compensate.
  • God created all women from a rib, but you, it seems, from an ass.
  • It’s a shame to offend you - the mirror already offends you every day.

The main thing is to look better in the process - and this will be an additional humiliation for the opponent.

How to humiliate a subordinate who has forgotten about subordination

In a work team, quarrels are not uncommon, and sometimes you can encounter a situation in which a subordinate forgets about his place and starts an argument with his superiors in a raised voice. This shouldn't happen, but you shouldn't sound unprofessional either. The following phrases can be used:

  • Don't make me regret the day I hired you.
  • It seems you just lost your bonus.
  • You disgrace our company and drag the entire team back.
  • We will never succeed with workers like you.
  • Perhaps you should think about continuing your career growth somewhere else?
  • It sounds like the company is overpaying you - with this level of professionalism you don't deserve this level of salary.

Arguing with a subordinate at his level is a grave mistake. You should speak seriously and nip the dispute in the bud, under the threat of dismissal, so as not to lose your authority.

How to humiliate a partner who cheated

To hurt a person who committed treason is a natural impulse, after putting it into practice you may even feel better. You can use phrases:

  • There is no need to make excuses - do not humiliate yourself even more.
  • I don’t want to share a table or a bed with you anymore - what can you even find in you?
  • It was so stupid to believe in your honesty that now I hate to even think about it.
  • For a person for whom everything is so bad, you surprisingly easily exchanged me for a couple of pleasant nights.

Each of us always knows more about our partner than about everyone else - and in the event of betrayal, this knowledge can be applied. What is he afraid of? What doesn't he like about himself? In what situations was he a fool? All this can be remembered and thrown in his face as he says goodbye.

How to call a person

Just telling a person that he is a fool is childish. Using swear words is unattractive and embarrassing in public. Therefore, you can use other options - spoken with a due degree of confidence in your rightness and coldness, they can sound great, despite being somewhat old-fashioned:

  • stupid (very stupid) creature- a person who is not even worthy of the title of man in his stupidity;
  • animal (you can add the adjective “dirty”, “useless”, “evil”)- a person who stands on the same level as unreasonable beasts;
  • scumbag- a low and vile person, devoid of conscience;
  • shameless, shameless- a person devoid of any shame;
  • bastard- a person whose qualities are more reminiscent of a slimy reptile;
  • livestock- a person is stupid and incapable of reasonable actions;
  • carrion- a person who has nowhere to go lower;
  • imbecile- Human, mental development which is equal to the development of a mentally retarded person;
  • idle talker or idle talker- a person who chats in vain.

You should always use words appropriately, otherwise you won’t embarrass yourself for long.

How to say that a person is stupid

Calling a person stupid is boring, not original and not at all offensive. Beautiful coherent phrases are much more effective:

  • Are you always such a fool, or is it just me who is so lucky?
  • Don't be upset! Cuttlefish have no brain at all, but they live.
  • Carry on my friend. According to the theory of probability, someday you should say something meaningful.
  • Are you thinking about something? This is something new!
  • Don’t try to think, dear, otherwise you’ll get a headache out of habit.
  • I don't know what product you use to remain such a fool, but you should patent it if it works so well.
  • I know you are not such a fool as you might think by looking at your face. It would simply be impossible.

If a person is truly stupid, he simply will not understand more complex indications of this fact. So you don't have to worry and use simple, obvious phrases.

How to humiliate a person with clever words

It is always useful to remember smart and apt phrases - then, in the event of an unexpected attack, you will be able to answer the offender harshly and bitingly. The psychology of the humiliated is such that he does not want to repeat this experience. The main thing is not to be shy and not afraid to offend a person.

  • Do you still work there? And still the same? Well, at your age you can still plow and plow, I believe you will succeed.
  • And I would like to answer you, but nature has already taken revenge for me.
  • You clearly need to add fish to your diet. It is good for intelligence.
  • If you want to hurt me, you'll have to say something smart. I don't think you'll succeed, however.
  • Are you kidding me like that? Sorry, I didn't understand right away.

The main thing in all phrases is to use them in a timely manner, sound confident and not be afraid of resistance. And if you don’t want to get into an argument, you can simply answer “yes,” “of course,” and “did you say something?” and by all appearances to show the interlocutor that he is worthless - this is also humiliating enough to be used.

Useful articles:

Useful tips

No one wants to just put up with the rudeness and rudeness that can be heard V public transport, at work, online, and just on the street.

There is no need to play the role of the victim, but learn to react correctly to aggression towards you.

Obviously, for most people, being rude to them can have a negative impact. influence well-being, self-esteem and performance.

How to respond to rudeness

To be able to respond to rudeness, you first need to work on increasing your self-esteem.

It is worth noting that it is not easy to be rude to a person with a strong spirit.

And yet, if you urgently need to know how to communicate with a boor, then you can use one or more methods of struggle.

Responses to rudeness


When talking to such people, you should never show them that you are confused. Try to express your point of view frankly, firmly and openly.

Try not to get defensive and speak calmly and relaxed.

Most often, rude people are weak, envious people who have difficulty getting used to honesty and calmness, and sometimes do not know these words at all. They take energy for their negativity from precisely those people who succumb to rudeness and begin to get nervous. Don't let them "feed" on your nervousness.


This method is more suitable as a reaction to prolonged rudeness.

If the person who is rude to you cannot stop, you may well be able to help him do so.

First, try listening to him calmly until he himself is convinced that he is right. After this, sneeze loudly and demonstratively - there will be a short pause, during which you calmly say the phrase: "Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit." and politely add: "So where did you end up?"


Simply put: you give me, I give you. This method transfers your interlocutor’s negativity onto himself. You just need to agree with his attacks against you, thank him for the time and effort spent emphasizing your shortcomings.

You can even praise your interlocutor for his attentiveness and the “advice” that you heard. Do this calmly and try not to show the caustic nature of your phrases.

It is worth noting that the more witnesses to the conflict, the better for you, because a rude person is unlikely to receive the necessary approval from the outside, and will most likely cause laughter and jokes in his address.


This method can be used by administrators of forums, websites, blogs and social groups. networks.

Despite the fact that most community members are familiar with general rules, some still deliberately violate them, after which they express their dissatisfaction in private messages with administrators due to the fact that their access was denied.

After all the arguments are over, these characters move on to outright rudeness and rudeness.

The easiest way is to simply ban, but if you want to prove that you are right, try without emotions, describe in detail all the offender’s mistakes. At first, the interlocutor will resist and continue to “have fun” with rudeness, but when he realizes that they are communicating with him dryly, without emotion, he will simply leave behind.


Perhaps the most famous and simple method of dealing with rudeness. Sometimes silence is not only effective and safe, but also beautiful.

If you don’t need anything from a rude person, or you are simply not psychologically ready to enter into a debate with him, or if the “interlocutor” is simply out of his mind and can harm your health, just ignore him. Rude people want to win your attention, don't give them this joy.

It is worth noting that you also need to ignore correctly. No need to include an offensive look and sighs- these are signals that you paid attention to him. Don't show any emotions, a boor is nothing to you.

How to respond beautifully to rudeness

There are several phrases that can be used when you are confronted with a rude person:

"Sorry, is that all?"

"I thought better of you"

"Rudeness doesn't suit you very well"

"Do you want a polite answer or the truth?"

"Why are you trying to look worse than you really are?"

"Like everyone else, I also have bad days. Don't be upset, everything will work out for you"

“Yes, of course, go ahead. May luck be on your side” (in case someone jumps in line)

"This role doesn't seem to suit you. What do you really want?"

"Thank you for showing interest in me"

"Do you want to offend me? Why?"

How to respond to insult

If you are accidentally or intentionally cursed, you should not take these words literally and take everything personally.

Understand that if the person who insulted you is in a bad mood or is simply not well brought up, this does not mean that everything is your fault.

In order to be able to react correctly to insults, you need, first of all, to know that the person who insults you possible ways, he himself is a victim, namely a victim of the obstinacy of his character.

More often than not, those who "attack" and try to humiliate others are weak personalities who are simply unable to cope with negative emotions, which prompts them to throw it all out on others.

What to do in response to an insult

If you are insulted by a stranger

The best option is to ignore it. Just try not to notice the one who is trying to insult you. Of course, there are times when you need to act differently, but most often you need to act as if the stranger is not there, and his words are an empty sound.

If you were insulted by a loved one

From the very beginning, try to dot all the I's. You should calmly and directly tell him that the words spoken hurt you. The right step would be to discuss the situation.

If you were insulted by a work colleague/boss

Under such circumstances, try to carefully avoid the conflict. If a co-worker tirelessly insults you and keeps you silent doesn’t help, try responding with a neutral barb.

In the case of a boss, conflicts are not needed, which means do not respond to insults. Instead, imagine your manager as a petulant, pugnacious little child.

In your head, pat him on the head, feed him porridge and help him sit on the potty. This is exactly the method that psychologists recommend. You will not only endure insults, but also gain good mood, or at least it will make you smile and increase your productivity. In addition, the boss may also pay attention to your durability.

How to respond to an insult

The person who is trying to insult you wants to assert himself, to stand out, which means you need to give him a cold answer: “Well, have you asserted yourself at my expense?”

When listening to such a person, try to understand what the goal is, why they want to insult you.

* If you don’t know how to respond to an insult, then you need to know one important thing - no wellIt is possible to reach the point of mutual insults and rash reactions.

Besides the fact that it may look stupid, you are also susceptible to manipulation, which may end in a trap for you. You don't have to play by the rules that are imposed on you.

*Another main rule - respond to rudeness calmly without losing your self-esteem. But it is worth noting that the cultural response to the “attack” of a boor most often does not produce any effect, because the game takes place on someone else's territory and not according to your rules.

* When it comes to trolling, or other similar situations, it is best ignore the offender.

* It happens that you need to answer, but you know that all your arguments simply will not work against a stubborn rude person. In this case, the most the best option will turn around and leave.

* The person who insulted you or is trying to do so may simply be having a bad day. Therefore, from you it will be enough to ask: "Bad day?" . If a person is adequate, he will agree and may even ask for forgiveness.

But, if it comes to a troll, then such a question is not only inappropriate, but can also lead to additional insults towards you.

* Most often, responding to an insult is not a good strategy, and you can get away with it only by neutrally asking the person what he just said to you. Try to pretend that you didn't hear his words or didn't pay attention to them. In this case, only an outright boor will continue his “attacks”.

* If you find yourself in a situation where it is simply necessary to respond to the offender, or you are strangled by the desire to do so, do not rush at him. The main thing is to be calm, cold in words and expressions. It is advisable to silence insults with witty remarks and only after the interlocutor has finished his monologue.

* Sometimes an insult is more like a mockery. In this case, perhaps the best option would be to answer in the form of a joke, which not only will not offend the person, but will also maintain a normal relationship.

One of common mistakes that people make is an attempt to justify themselves, they say, "no, you're wrong, it's not my fault". Firstly, such a strategy can make you humiliated, and secondly, trying to justify yourself is simply pointless, because... As a rule, no one listens to excuses.

Inconvenient questions

“How much does it cost?”, “When are you getting married?”, “What is your salary?”- these questions are annoying, and despite the fact that asking them is bad manners, some still cannot restrain themselves.

There are several situations you can consider, but first let’s note a few universal answers.

How to answer in an original way

- “I am amazed at your ability to ask questions that can baffle you!”

- “You are an amazing woman (man). I have always been amazed by your ability to ask uncomfortable (correct, difficult, rhetorical) questions!”

- “I’ll be happy to try to answer your question, just answer first, why are you so interested in this?”

- “For what purpose are you interested in this?”

- “Do you really want to talk about this?” If the answer is yes, then simply answer: "And I'm not very good" - and end the dialogue with a smile.

If you don’t like the person very much, and you have no desire to communicate with him, especially after an incorrect question, you can answer coldly: "It's my damn business."

- Ask again: “I understand correctly that...”

Questions about money

When you are faced with an unpleasant question, you have every right not to give the other person any specific answer. For example, to the question "How much do you earn?" you can avoid answering "Like most, average salary in the industry (significantly less than Abramovich)."

You can also answer this question with a counter question. For example, to the question "How much is the jacket?" You can ask your interlocutor how much his jacket costs. Another way to answer this question is significantly overestimate or underestimate the figure and then turn the conversation into a joke.

Questions about work

“What do you do?”, “What do you do at work?”

When answering similar questions, psychologists advise naming the profession that can give you more confidence in what you do. If your work is different, you do many different things, you can sort all the work for a month into sections. This way you will know what takes the most time.

Questions about your personal life

“Why isn’t there a girl (boyfriend)?”, “When is the wedding?”, “Why haven’t you gotten married yet?”

You shouldn't take such questions seriously. In response, you can ask your interlocutor why such an unusual question came to his mind. In this case, the interlocutor will find himself in an awkward situation.

There is another option - just answer directly as it is. For example, to the question "Why one more (one)?" Proudly admit that you are patiently looking for your soul mate, who would not leave you in difficult times.

The third option would be "mirroring". For example, "Am I correct in understanding that you don't mind holding a candle over my bed?" , or "...what, today, is your main task to discuss my personal life?" , or " interest in other people's troubles normal for you?"

How to respond to rudeness

Boors can be found everywhere. These are people who often experience pressure on themselves, which leads to rudeness as a weapon of defense.

Why are they rude?

Reason 1: Despair

A person is not having a good day - so he is rude. For example, a saleswoman who is tired from the whole working day, a client, a colleague who is brought to stress.

Most often, such people, after throwing out all their anger at someone, feel guilty and may even apologize.

If you decide in such a situation to respond with the same weapon, then the feeling of guilt will go away and the person will think that being rude is normal.

Reason 2: Self-affirmation

When a boor humiliates another person, he feels superior to him, especially if this person, for one reason or another, cannot fight back the offender.

Usually such boors have, albeit not great, but still power. They believe that they can just take their anger out on those who depend on them and get away with it unpunished.

Reason 3: The desire to be noticed

If rudeness is an integral part of a person, then its roots can be hidden in childhood.

A child always wants attention and love from his parents. If he does not receive this, then he begins to be rude so that at least some attention will be paid to him. As a person ages, he uses the same strategy.

Responses to rudeness

Method 1: Don't take everything said to you personally.

Often a person who is rude does not do it specifically to you - rather, it is anger at the world in general: ill-mannered youth, men are assholes, etc. and only the brute himself is white and fluffy.

One can only sympathize with such a boor, because... the world he lives in is not easy to live in. Remember, every person sees the world differently. If a boor says that you are an uneducated person, you can try to refute his statement with your knowledge, but this is unlikely to work.

Method 2: A boor should not become the master of the situation

Try not to give the boor power over the situation so that they don't feel stronger.

If your boss is rude to you, and it is impossible to get away from it, think about the fact that you are not chained to him for the rest of your life. You are not a slave, you are only doing your job professionally, i.e. you help him carry out his work, which means you can call yourself a partner in a certain business. You can demand more respect for yourself because... you have every right to do this.

Method 3: Remember your rights

When you are rude to public place, then we need to fight not with the offenders, but with their superiors.

Find out your first name, last name, position and contacts. You can ask for a complaint book, if there is one. If this does not help, try contacting a consumer protection society or a lawyer.

Use your weapons - human rights and leverage. This method is suitable if the boor is an official, manager, waiter, security guard and other representatives of large organizations

Method 4: Use your imagination

Try to imagine the offender behind a glass wall: you see him, you notice that he is expressing something, but you simply do not hear.

You can also imagine a boor in the form big fish in the aquarium: it seems to be moving its lips, moving its fins, but it’s not clear what all this is for.

If you watched the movie "The Matrix", then you remember the moment when Neo stopped the bullets fired at him. Imagine that the rudeness thrown at you is like bullets, and you are invulnerable, and all the rudeness does not reach you, falling with a ringing sound on the floor.

Method 5: Try to contact the boor

Try to find out the reason for the aggression. For example, you can say: “Now you are being rude to me, why do you need this?” or “You have a smile on your face and yet you say mean things, so I haven’t figured out how to respond to your words yet.”

Perhaps the person who heard you will think about his actions, look at himself from the outside and rethink his behavior. You can use this method when communicating with people with whom you will have to meet and talk more than once - work colleagues, acquaintances, relatives.

There is a chance that a person will look at himself from the outside and rethink something in his behavior.

How to respond beautifully to rudeness

Rudeness can be treated well with politeness, which frightens boors, forcing them to be careful when communicating:

- “You see, dear, I do not intend to communicate with you in such a tone.”

- "Dear, you may have confused me with someone"

If the boor just can’t stop after all your attempts, then save your nerves, wish him all the best and leave the place of conversation.

Sometimes a boor needs to be put in his place, otherwise by your silence you will make them stronger. A good answer can close the mouth of a boor. But remember, being rude to someone who is rude does not make you superior.

Try using humor. If someone is rude to you, smile and say "What a fool (fool, idiot) you are!" Such an act can anger the boor even more, whose reaction will make you laugh.

Smiling back often irritates a boor, so smile sincerely.

- “You deign to be rude to me... Why? Is your goal to offend me? Why?”

Answer in such a way that your word is the last and then the rudeness will stop.

Don't pay attention to the boor. Imagine the scenario in your head: “You are a leaf on the road... Everything passes by and doesn’t touch you in any way.” .

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