How to find real help from the strongest magicians. Who makes a real love spell without prepayment?

The most Full description in all details - a love spell with payment according to the result without materials with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

A strong love spell without prepayment and without deception is exactly what many potential clients are looking for online, and exactly what strengthens the status of the magician and increases his authority. The problem of authority for modern sorcerers is as relevant as, say, for a doctor or politician. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will do a love spell completely free of charge, I will not take money from you, we can read more on the contacts page, but it is better to read the article to the end.

You need a strong love spell without prepayment - reviews from those who have done it

Every specialist who practices love spells on a guy without any advance payment, as one of the forms of changing situations, values ​​​​his reputation. By transforming some factors and circumstances in the life of an individual, a magician can influence the course of a person’s life in general. Therefore, it is necessary to perform magical actions with great caution, and especially strong love spells on a man with elements of suppression and coercion.

A strong real love spell without advance payment for the material is made according to the same canons that have long been accepted and used as love spells with the practice of advance payment. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, approve. what can they tell you about the results? reviews those people who made a very powerful love spell without paying for materials and work. Moreover, it will not be difficult to find out the details of working with a magician if you contact a specialist by recommendation.

Love spell without paying for materials – is it necessary?

Many customers are afraid of negative consequences, the so-called. rollback and reverse action. Such consequences can occur, regardless of who performed the love spell for a guy - independently, or the work was carried out by a strong, experienced magician, or whether the real love spell was carried out without advance payment and payment for materials, or with 100% advance payment. Why this happens and how to protect yourself from unwanted consequences is a topic for another discussion. And within the framework of this article, we will try to figure out how a rollback differs from a reverse strike.

A kickback for an effective love spell on a loved one is a spontaneous phenomenon, the fact of its existence is due to mistakes made in the process of witchcraft, distortion in ritual actions, or in a conspiracy, in any omissions, shortcomings, etc. Most often, a rollback occurs when magical work is performed independently without experience at home.

You should not be afraid of the opposite effect, but you need to understand what this can lead to. For example, if a loved one treated you warmly, and you aroused love in him, helped it blossom in his heart, the return will return to you as gratitude, as a reciprocal feeling. But, if a man with strong energy, great will, high resistance to any energetic influences and indoor installation rejection of the customer, then a rollback from a black love spell for a guy’s love without an advance payment cannot in any way translate into gratitude. This will be revenge.

Order a love spell. Order a love spell without prepayment and pay according to the result.


Before ordering a love spell without prepayment, all customers are interested in the price of a love spell. After all, the desire and ability to order a love spell from a real practicing magician who guarantees his work depends on how much a love spell costs. If you order a love spell via the Internet, payment will be based on the result and without any prepayment or SMS, this is a kind of guarantee for the magician that he will do his job and will perform the love spell at a distance from the person being bewitched. It’s difficult to say how much a love spell costs; the price of a love spell depends on the complexity of the ritual and starts at 500 rubles.

Order a love spell, what do you need for this?

Before you place an online order for a love spell on a loved one (a man or a woman, or maybe a guy or a girl), decide for yourself what kind of love spell you would like to apply to the person who will be bewitched.

  • In love magic, there are black love spells that are very powerful:(black wedding, love spell in a cemetery, love spell on blood, love spell on a mirror and many others). If you order a black love spell, which with its power is capable of causing irreparable harm to the person being bewitched in the form of negative consequences of the love spell, turning into black damage and turning the bewitched into a doll - a puppet incapable of independent decisions and warm feelings for you. It’s up to you to decide whether to order a strong black love spell or not; there is an alternative to a black love spell.
  • If you order white love spell without consequences for yourself and the bewitched: (love spell from photo, love spell when meeting, love spell on a thing, love spell on candles, love spell on food and drink, love spell on apple and others). Any white love spell ordered from a magician is not capable of causing any harm, because the power of a white love spell is not in imposing someone else’s will and unnecessary feelings on another person, but in revealing and awakening his own feelings.

Consequences of a love spell after ordering

Ordering a white magic love spell is such a common ritual of love magic that it does not cause negative consequences, provided that the ritual is done without errors. Any practicing magician or witch from whom you can order a love spell guesses before the ritual and knows in advance how it will affect the fate of the love spell. A good psychic magician knows how to protect from any negativity from a love spell.

How to behave after a love spell?

After ordering and performing a love spell, the symptoms of its action are noticeable almost immediately. Feelings during a love spell become more vivid and when the effect of a love spell occurs, the relationship between partners pushes the loved one to reveal feelings, express emotions, and develop relationships. After a love spell, you need to behave sincerely, showing love and mutual understanding to the bewitched person, try to communicate more often and be together, if this is not possible, call and write to each other, without breaking the connection of communication for the next few days. This is done in order to consolidate feelings after a love spell.

Order a love spell if you absolutely need it. Before ordering, decide what kind of love spell you want to order and whether you are ready to present the items necessary for the ritual (photo, hair, etc.) if they are necessary for the love spell. If you have firmly decided for yourself: “ I want to order a love spell", do not delay this decision, but feel free to contact the magician and discuss with him the fact that you need to order a love spell without prepayment but with payment based on the result.

A conspiracy to get a loan approved will help you get it right away consumer loan and take cash from the bank at the most profitable termslow percentage(profitable interest rate on loan). A spell for good luck to give a loan or borrow money so strong that even bad credit history“KI” will not hurt to get credit money from any bank that gives

You can read white magic love spells at home; the spell is strong and acts at a distance from the person being bewitched. Attracting love with the help of white magic occurs at any distance from the loved one on whom the love spell was read. The fact that you need to read a love plot at home makes it more convenient than a love spell.

White and black magic makes it possible to read strong love spells for the love of a man, woman, boy or girl that cannot be removed; they act quickly and forever. If you need to quickly bewitch your loved one so that he loves only you and never cheats, you need to read strong conspiracy for love that cannot be removed

You need to read the most powerful spell for the love and melancholy of a woman that cannot be removed in her photo and the effect of such a love spell begins in 1 day. White magic love will open a good Orthodox plot for strong love women to men, which you will have to read on your own. For a conspiracy, certain objects are needed and there must be a new moon.

White love magic will help you bewitch your beloved man, you just need to read the spell for a man’s love yourself while at home. The most powerful love spell that cannot be removed must be read in the photo and on the food as soon as the full moon passes and the new moon comes, treat the man with the charmed food such a love spell

What kind of love spell will help so that the young man with whom we are friends forgives me and makes peace in this situation, you need to read a love spell on a friend that cannot be removed and after which your friendship will become even stronger. There is no need to be afraid of magic and you can independently read a love spell on your friend without preparation, right away and right now. This love spell will help you make peace with your

You can predict your fate by date of birth and name online in several ways, for example, tell fortunes on cards for free or get a fortune prediction online here, this service very truthfully predicts the future and tells you what is the best thing to do and what is better not to do, so if you are still wondering how to predict your fate in your own way date of birth and name

You are thinking about how to get a guy back after a breakup whom you love and who already has another girl, of course, with the help of a love spell, having read a plot to return your loved one and the advice of a psychologist is unlikely to help here. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about this and the return love spell really works and the person on whom the love spell was made will very quickly return back to you and even

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Custom links

Powerful Love Spell, 100% result, Payment Only based on Result,

Powerful Love spell, 100% result, Payment Only according to the Result, No prepayment, Get your husband back, Get your wife back, ANY CITY, REMOTELY, Tel +7-911-841-51-76 Mail Maga PAYMENT FOR A LOVE SPELL ONLY BASED ON THE RESULT! NO PREPAYMENT! Remember, water does not flow under a lying stone! My profession is practical love magic. 20 years of productive work! Thousands of relationships restored. Build your love. Magician's website about love spells

  • Guest

Strong Love Spell, Fortune Telling on Tarot Cards, Remove Love Spell from Husband, Lapel, Bring Back Husband, Bring Back Wife, Love Plot, ANY CITY, REMOTE AND PERSONAL RECEPTION PETERSBURG, Tel +7-905-220-51-75 or +7-911-838-13-75 Mail Maga PETERSBURG PAYMENT FOR LOVE SPELL ONLY ACCORDING TO POSITIVE RESULTS! Remember, water does not flow under a lying stone!

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My profession is practical love magic. More than 15 years of successful work! The Magician's website about love spells

  • Guest

Bring back a loved one, I will help you bring back love, Love spell, Fortune telling on Tarot Cards, How to bewitch a man, Removing damage, Lapel, MAG DMITRY, PETERSBURG, SPB. WEBSITE OF THE MAGIC AND TAROLOGIST DMITRY +7-905-220-51-75 Website ST. PETERSBURG PAYMENT FOR A LOVE SPELL ONLY ACCORDING TO A POSITIVE RESULT! I also work remotely, ANY CITY and REGION. I will help you avoid divorce.

My profession is practical love magic. More than 15 years of successful work! The Magician's website about love spells

11 hours 18 minutes

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    Good afternoon, my wife left me for the second time, for unknown reasons. The first time I went on a spree, and the second time it was because of booze, I have two children and I love her. But she can’t hear me, help me if you can, please

    • Guest

    Alexander, write in a personal message, I will give you the mail of the winner of the battle of psychics

    • Guest

    Love spell, Fortune telling on Tarot Cards, Remove a love spell from a husband, Lapel, Get your husband back, Get your wife back, MAGIC DMITRY, ANY CITY, REMOTE AND PERSONAL RECEPTION PETERSBURG, WEBSITE OF THE MAGIC AND TAROLOGIST DMITRY Tel +7-911-838-13-75 or +7-905-220-51-75 Website ST. PETERSBURG PAYMENT FOR A LOVE SPELL ONLY ACCORDING TO A POSITIVE RESULT! Remember, water does not flow under a lying stone! Make a Challenge. My profession is practical love magic. More than 15 years of successful work! The Magician's website about love spells

    11 hours 18 minutes

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    We, 3 masters, who control the forces of Good and Evil:

    – Maxim Yartsev – Kholodnitsky: warlock, dark magic

    – Denis Kholodnitsky: blood witchcraft and cruel techniques

    – Diana Kholodnitskaya: pagan dark knowledge, witchcraft in the cemetery.

    We will help you solve any problems (+ the toughest love spells). Now we carry out all work with payment based on the result, that is, after you receive what you ordered. For magic there is no concept: distance; Now we can help more effectively remotely. Absolute guarantee: in addition, we provide all our clients with photographs and even videos of the work we carry out for them. Separately, you can even agree on conducting the rituals themselves via Skype! Only those masters who actually perform rituals and ceremonies for their clients can afford this, and are ready to prove it with deeds, and not with empty words, simply by writing letters to the crowd on the Internet from morning to night. There are no consequences or kickbacks - we provide protection and make payoffs. The time frame for fulfilling your wishes ranges from 5 to 15 days - maximum.

    We carry out all work WITHOUT PREPAYMENT:

    Denis is a participant in the Battle of Psychics; Not only do we have jobs without advance payments, but television is our confirmation of decency!

    • Guest

    Love spell, Fortune telling on Tarot Cards, Remove love spell from husband, Lapel, Return husband, Return wife, MAG DMITRY, ANY CITY, REMOTE AND PERSONAL RECEPTION PETERSBURG, Tel +7-905-220-51-75 or +7-911- 838-13-75 Maga Mail

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    • Guest

    Love spell, Quarrel from a rival, Remove love spell from husband, Lapel, Return husband, Return wife, MAG DMITRY, ANY CITY, REMOTE AND PERSONAL RECEPTION PETERSBURG, Tel +7-905-220-51-75 or +7-911-838 -13-75 Mail Magician PAYMENT FOR A LOVE SPELL ONLY BASED ON POSITIVE RESULTS! Hundreds of people have already found their happiness! Remember, water does not flow under a lying stone! My profession is practical love magic. More than 15 years of successful work! The Magician's website about love spells

    • Guest

    I want to return my beloved, please help

    • Guest

    Hello, help me get my boyfriend back, we had a child and he left. Here is my mail

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    who is tired of charlatans and who needs the help of a proven magician, write to me, I’ll give you the coordinates, my name is Natasha

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    Good day! I need to bring a man. Best regards

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    I want to return ex-wife It's been 3 years since you helped together

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    • Guest

    Hello. I want to return my beloved guy. help. my 📧

    • Guest

    Hello! A loved one has passed away. 7 months ago. Sometimes it appears. Is it possible to help in this situation? What is needed for this? Thank you.

    • Guest

    Hello, I really need your help, please help me. I married my husband twice, I have 2 children from my first husband, they are already

    adults, and the second has one daughter. I never loved my second husband, but I married him because there was nowhere to go with the children.

    But he’s a good person, he never offended me and I gave birth to his daughter, she’s still little, she’s 9 years old. Well, in general, we didn’t live badly, and we lived for 7 years until I met him. His name is Valery, he also had it before me 2 wives, he left the first, and the second left him, he and his second wife are still not divorced. When she left him, he found himself a woman and lived with her for 5 years. And then when we met, he left her, and I left too from her husband and left him children, because my husband had his own apartment, we lived with his parents, and Valera and I had nothing. But we loved each other madly. We lived in rented rooms, but I tried to rent a place not far from mine, to go to the child, and Valera was jealous and said that I live in two families, and that’s how it was, then difficulties began and it was my own fault that he stopped loving me, I wanted a lot from him and he began to drink a lot, scandals began We started calling each other names and I increasingly began to think that we couldn’t live like that.

    And I left him and returned to my husband, but I couldn’t live without him and started calling him to ask him to forgive me. Well, in general

    then he forgave and we lived for another year and I left again, I thought he would ask me to come back and I would set conditions for him to stop drinking, but he said enough was enough, and now I don’t know what to do, how to live without him? I very much

    I love him, let him drink and be close. If you can, please help me. If not, then at least answer.

    I really need a love spell with payment based on results

    dropping the photo into a glass, say a love spell:

    You are the one who will come

    You are the one who is waiting for me

    Happiness will find you and me,

    The love spell will be eternal.

    Place the glass on the table and cross it three times from right to left. Then light the extinguished match from the candle, let it all burn and throw it into the glass with the words Help me, help me, help me. Extinguish the burning candle by also placing it in a glass of water. Cover the top of the glass with a sheet of white paper and hide it in a secluded place. The image in the photograph will change and your husband's attitude towards you will also change. He will come to you from anywhere before the photo has completely dissolved.

    Magic without prepayments

    I do a love spell without prepayment. And I don’t have any fake queues. Everything is absolutely honest: I am the result - you pay AFTER the result.

    I know absolutely for sure that there will be those who do not want (cannot) pay after the result, but I hope there will be few of them.

    Write to me and I will try my best to help you!

    ATTENTION: There are a lot of people who write to me (nevertheless, I try to carry out the rituals quite quickly, without delaying until “in three months.”), so a big request - if I don’t answer, then wait a little. I will answer EVERYONE. When I can

    love spell with payment based on results without materials

    Magic help site

    Love spells without prepayment

    I am confident in my abilities -

    payment only based on results.

    Questions you may have

    I want to write right away that it is more convenient for me to answer all questions personally to each person. By laying out all my knowledge here, I would not want every “home-grown magician” to be able to use it, passing it off as his own. Therefore, feel free to write to me and ask anything that interests you. I love my job and will answer everyone with pleasure personally.

    Over the years of practice, I have identified for myself the most powerful and safe methods love spells that really work. And for each specific case I choose the most effective method which can bring maximum results. This is why I am so confident in my abilities and am ready to work without advance payment.

    Timing, reliability and cost.

    The timing, as you might guess, always depends on the specific case and, alas, I cannot say anything exact, only approximately.

    A love spell can take effect from one day to a week. Two weeks is the deadline; if the result is not as bright as desired, then it is necessary to reconsider the problem and more carefully select the necessary ritual.

    As for reliability. On my website you will not find promises of 100% results anywhere. Because this is impossible in principle, I think it’s not even worth explaining it once again. But, based on my personal experience, I can say with confidence that in approximately 70%-80% the love spell will have its obvious effect. In the remaining 30%, either people are not susceptible to magical influence due to some of their individual qualities, or the situation is very complex and “neglected.” In such cases, individual work is necessary to achieve a positive result.

    Still, very important point to be completely frank. I guarantee that 70-80% success to those whom I have already agreed to help. I have to immediately refuse a small part of the people who contact me, and to be honest, help is hardly possible. But if I nevertheless decided to work with you, it means that we will most likely achieve results!

    The cost is determined by my expenses. It happens that I complete work in the evening, and the next day I already receive a letter of gratitude. Sometimes you have to work for several weeks to achieve the desired result.

    I would like to immediately note that I live outside the city, and my “living wage” is significantly lower than that of my Moscow colleagues. That’s why my prices are an order of magnitude lower than those of most magicians. I will name a specific amount when we start work, and it will not be too large. Moreover, during the discussion, I can significantly reduce it for you, if only simply because you have difficulties with money. It is not my rule to refuse help to a person if he cannot pay.

    What happens if you use my help, but “run away” from paying?

    You know, I will never intentionally destroy the result of my work, much less cause any harm. But the fact is that when a person is deceived, a feeling of resentment involuntarily arises. And since during the ritual I am directly connected with the bewitched person, the effect of the ritual is best case scenario will gradually fade away. All this happens absolutely naturally, without any intervention on my part - tested by bitter experience. Probably only in Russia there are magicians who take money and don’t do the work, and people who accept help and refuse to thank them for it.

    A few words in conclusion.

    I didn’t set myself the task of making a bright, lush and “promoted” website. Believe me, everyone can afford it, and no matter how popular the site is, it DOES NOT TALK about the competence of the specialist! Alas, this is the true truth; behind the beautiful wrapper there may be an ordinary deception. Those who do not want to trust their money to dubious magicians, who really need real help, will find it here.

    To all other questions, as I already wrote, I will be happy to answer in writing.

    I gave up the practice of using the phone, because I had to devote most of my time to conversations and not to business. I believe that this is not correct and I also hope for your understanding. Write, we can discuss everything with you and start taking concrete actions!

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    I provide assistance regardless of a person's race or religion. Restrictions: I only work with people over 18 years of age who really need help and not just a chat. It is not necessary to write to whom you contacted before me and what the result was (or was not), do not waste time on this. I will still see the presence of and character impact, if any. Write only about what is directly related to your situation.

    I have my own rules. They always act the same for everyone. If you do not agree with at least one point, you will not receive help, in which case do not even write to me.
    Note: due to temporary technical problems with payment bank cards can receive services only(!) residents of Russia,Ukraine, Kazakhstan,Moldova,Armenia, Tajikistan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia.

    Operating rules:

    1. Rituals worth up to $1000 (love spells, etc.) are performed NO ADVANCE PAYMENT . All materials are included in the final cost, which you pay after the result of the ritual!

    2. Rituals costing over $1,000 are performed with partial prepayment (no more than 25% of the full cost). Only damage to death can reach such a cost.

    3. Under the rules column there will be criteria for independently determining the effectiveness of the ritual you are interested in (love spell, lapel, damage, etc.). You will be able to find out with 99.9% accuracy whether the ritual will help in your situation. The cost is also indicated there.

    4. If the ritual requires the presence of the customer at a personal reception (example: removing damage), after the diagnosis I will provide information about the personal reception. An in-person appointment will cost an additional $60. A personal reception is not a prerequisite for rituals.

    5. I name the full cost of each ritual before work. This price is final and unchanged. You will not need to perform rituals and/or take on additional troubles.

    6. Before each ritual, a preliminary diagnosis is carried out. This is a must. During the diagnosis it becomes clear details and reasons problems in the situation and the best way her decisions. This full diagnostics situations, not a couple of meaningless sentences.

    7. Preliminary diagnosis is traditionally paid service every magician. This service requires prepayment, other options are not considered. Diagnostics costs 18dollars(1300 rubles / 8000 tenge / 450hryvnia / 18 Euro ). Diagnosis of only the presence of damage and negativity: -50% specified cost. This measure (prepayment for diagnostics) will allow me to spend time and effort not on bored people who have no one to talk to, but really needy, who are undoubtedly satisfied with these loyal conditions. About 90% of those who write to me are people with attention deficit disorder and they are simply wasting my time. Diagnostics will be ready the next day after payment. No services will be provided until the diagnosis is paid for!

    Diagnostics with telephone consultation: 30dollars(up to 30 minutes) - this is Not obligatory service.
    7.1. If you just need a comprehensive consultation on questions to which you have not found answers here (not fortune telling), then it will cost $3 and you will receive answers to all your questions.

    8. Time frame for the effects of rituals to appear: love spell - 2-6 weeks (depending onsituations and types of love spell - there are more than 40 of them), the effect lasts at least 13 years; lapel - 2-4 weeks; rituals for success in business, business and career - 2-4 weeks; damage not to death - 1-5 weeks (depending on the type of damage, there are more than 25 of them); damage to death - 4-8 weeks. It is possible to perform rituals that are not listed here; their cost and payment procedure are considered individually.

    9. To each customer and his family guaranteed: Complete safety against kickback and absolute confidentiality. (limitation: clause 10 )
    10. Consciously (on purpose) do not deceive me, as you will be held responsible.

    Criteria and cost:

    The cost of services is indicated in a universal currency, because people from different countries contact me.
    I can name the exact cost for a specific situation after diagnosing the situation itself. When you have read the entire operating rules, write the number in the text of the letter 46 , so that I know that you have definitely read (and not just glanced at) the operating rules.

    The love spell will be successful if one of the points is met:

    Less than 15 months have passed since the date of separation and the person who needs to bewitched is not married.

    If a person is married and there is infidelity, then you can bewitch him/her.

    You regularly (on average more than 2 times a month) see a person (just see each other, work - for example).

    The person lives in another country, but maintains contact with you.

    You want to bewitch a married man.

    If you want to bewitch a married man who has a child, then the probability of a successful love spell is 90%.

    Minimum data set for a love spell: Your photo, name and year of birth + photo of the person you want to bewitch and/or date of birth with name. If there is additional information, we will discuss it.

    Love spell price depends on the specific situation: the minimum price is $230, the maximum is $320. You pay this amount only based on the results.

    Ruffles and lapel effective in 99.5% of cases, so there are no specific requirements.
    Price: from 120 to 180 dollars.You pay this amount only based on the results.

    Relatively magic help in business(including sale of property) I recommend applying for individual consultation . This type of service is the easiest to implement, but requires individual consideration.
    Price This type of service varies from 100 to 300 dollars - payment is only based on the result.

    Also, there are rituals for successful job search and on debt repayment debtor Magic will give advantage before other applicants for the position, and the debtor will be forced to repay the debt.
    Price: 20% first salary (or debt amount) + 40 dollars.

    Damage (not to death) will be successful if one of the points is met:

    The potential victim has even minor health problems (this is not difficult to determine).

    Damaging a business (including eliminating a competitor) will be effective if the influence and status of this enterprise is below the national average.

    The price of damage is considered individually depending on the situation: the minimum cost is $180, the maximum is $400. You pay this amount only based on the results.

    Damage to death will be successful if one of the points is met:
    The potential victim has even minor health problems.
    The person is not a public figure.
    The person is not initiated into the dark traditions of magic.I will immediately see this during diagnosis. There have not been such cases of ordering in my practice yet.
    Minimum data set for damage: photo and/or full name and/or the person's name and date of birth.
    The price of damage to death is considered individually depending on the situation: minimum - $700, maximum - $1100. Payment after the result.

    * * *

    [email protected]

    * * *

    Often in your letters you ask the question whether it is possible to pay for magical services after the fact, after the result. Yes, this option is possible. However, I ask you to read the material below and before contacting, decide for yourself whether you agree to certain conditions:

    1. The services of a magician or work with payment based on results are always much more expensive than the usual form of payment. Some of the reasons are outlined below.
    2. In order to definitely achieve results and not delay implementation, I will use only the most powerful means at my disposal. The most powerful (and also the most dangerous for the operator) is “black magic”. That is, methods based on the principle “the end justifies the means.” I won't take any consideration into account side effects, which may occur in the “object” after exposure. If a love spell is strictly a zombie, without any options. Put all your effort into the result, and then clear it yourself.
    3. It should be taken into account that I hire from 3 to 5 people per month. Each problem requires a huge amount of time and effort. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't take more. Maximum - one more person, with the notorious "payment upon delivery". Although those interested are a dime a dozen. And, naturally, first of all I will pay attention to those who have already paid.
    4. If I see that a client is breaking the rules and preventing me from working - with nervousness, depression, disbelief, attempts to bargain, I consider the contract terminated and will not help anymore. Neither in fact nor in advance. The services of a magician will in fact be provided only with those who listen and hear me.
    5. You will have to come to Moldova for a personal meeting (a day or two, sometimes more) without fail. Of course, you pay for your hotel accommodation and meals yourself.
    6. I will need the following data: a regular full-length photograph of the “object”, without strangers, no later than a year ago. Plus a person’s personal item (handkerchief, pen or piece of paper with notes written in his hand) or a fragment of the body (blood, nails, hair, saliva). If we're talking about about the love spell and there is a rival (wife) - the same goes for her. In this case, all these conditions are not desirable, but mandatory. This will make my work a lot easier. And this is fair if I perform services on a pay-as-you-go basis.
    7. Some situations are beyond my control (I am not omnipotent), some clients personally displease me in their behavior, and therefore I reserve the right to refuse help to anyone. When turning to the services of a magician, remember that you are asking, not him. Don't try to bargain - we're not at the market, and I'm not a sunflower seed merchant. The magician owes nothing to anyone at all - not to the man on the street, not to God in heaven, not to the devil in hell.
    8. The effect of magic is invisible to the eyes of the average person (there is no thunder and lightning, devils do not run on the walls) - the result is visible. It may well look like a coincidence. Actually, the magician’s action consists of creating directed changes on the astral plane that will be reflected in necessary events in the client’s life. Therefore, upon achieving the result of the phrase “so he came back because he missed me... and his mistress just got boring, he said so himself,” is at least a sign of disrespect for my work. Everyone loves freebies, of course. But there are certain limits on who can be deceived and who should not be deceived.

    Payment for a magician's services upon delivery means payment of the full amount agreed upon in advance - upon achieving the changes requested by the client in his life. In this case, payment for “materials” is NOT taken - I cover all expenses.
    In other cases, full payment is made immediately, or some kind of advance payment. It all depends on you and your problem. In any case, contact us! We will discuss everything with you personally.

    “If you are confident in your abilities, then you should take payment only upon actual delivery!”

    Let's start with the fact that I don't owe you anything specifically yet. I am confident in my abilities, but I am not confident in you. No, not specifically in the person who is now reading these lines - we are talking in general about the entire mass of “askers” who turn to me. People are different, believe me.

    Almost all the magicians I know charge in full in advance and that’s the only way. Why? Because you can give a bunch of examples from personal practice when a woman, say, had her husband returned, and the man then refused to pay. No, he didn’t brazenly declare this - he simply found excuses, like “it was all a coincidence, and in general I lost faith in magic..”

    Another very common option is when the magician is working on a situation, has already partially solved it, and suddenly the client declares that he unexpectedly liked another girl and “no longer needs anything.” The question is, who will pay for the efforts and time of a specialist, and where is the confidence that in this particular case (the case of the reader) the same thing will not happen? Well, it happens - it gets too bad: feelings, emotions, youth, ardor. Or elementary psychology: we see that the once “ideal” suddenly begins to call itself, and we lose interest. It turns out that it was the very inaccessibility of the “princess” that attracted her, and not some spiritual qualities of the person. This is not uncommon in life. Here I am omitting the notorious moment of “morality”, when the girl’s love spell is still in process, but she has already been divorced from her ex (or husband). And suddenly - you change your mind, you have found a new beauty. What is it like for the “victim” of your very recent love? There are a lot of “ifs” here, and prepayment is a condition for reasonable work, when I am sure that my efforts will be compensated in any case.

    Literally from a recent conversation with a practicing witch:
    “Well, you’ll work with freeloaders “after the fact.” I don’t do that anymore. When the time for results has not yet come, they all run around and call every day, and as soon as they receive them, they even change their phone numbers. This is the second time we’ve screwed up like this. "(log from icq, 01/06/15)

    I don’t want to put a death code on anyone (as others do in such cases) - to be honest, it’s a waste of time and energy (do you work for free, and then waste energy again? - it turns out to be some kind of insanity), to quarrel and extort money for my own labor - I’m also not eager. If you need me to spend myself on your problems, you pay me for it in advance. And thus, I work calmly, and you get what you want - in a week or a month, as the situation requires. If you convinced me that you should be trusted, then that’s another matter; you can actually pay. The question is not that I cannot “de facto”, but that there is no official contract between us, which means you should always expect an excuse not to pay. I agree, perhaps an unexpected approach. Usually the “petitioner” talks about the magician this way - but now just put yourself in my place, and everything will become obvious.

    What is the reason for me to take payment after the fact? Only if “without interruption from production” I earn from this client as much as from ten. Only in this case should I take him, and not a sober person who is willing to pay in advance. Some individuals want it “now and immediately,” and preferably for free. I won’t bargain with anyone, those who worked with me know. But I also earn my money honestly, sometimes I spend a lot of time until the result comes out.

    What I do is my bread, what I know well. I have no reason to believe everyone, otherwise I could end up without a penny and not be able to pay my bills, helping Vasya, Misha and a whole galaxy of unscrupulous comrades. Therefore, I demand that a client who wants “in fact” come to me for a meeting in Moldova. Not only for setup, but also just to see what kind of person he is, how solvent he really is. Some people have a long way to go, and this is already some indicator of the seriousness of their intentions. Of course, after a personal meeting, I also use the cards to check how adequate the person is. And only when I am completely confident in the person, then and only then can we talk about payment “after the fact”. I'm not going to work for free, delving into someone else's negativity and other people's problems. But I won’t trust everyone I meet and waste my personal time.

    So, again in detail, but, I think, intelligibly. Because you get tired of explaining to everyone and everyone why it is this way and not otherwise.

    Magical help without prepayment can be provided for a wide range of services: love spell, drying, lapel, removal of negativity, evil eye, damage and crown of celibacy, money, business magic, rituals for good luck and much more. This is true even in the most pessimistic cases, and it does not matter to what extent everything is neglected and terrible.

    A love spell with results and without fraud is exactly what numerous potential customers are looking for on the Internet, and exactly what strengthens the position of the magician and raises his prestige. The difficulty of authority for modern magicians is as pressing as, for example, for a doctor or statesman.

    Black magic scam

    There are a very large number of love spell services on the Internet based on the result, but usually behind such words there are, unfortunately, only words. At the moment when you agree to such offers, either immediately or after a certain period of time, the magician tells you that he either has a waiting list and you need to pay for his services so as not to wait. Or he tells a story about paying for the ingredients required for a love spell. There are other possible divorce schemes in which the only task is to defraud the client of money.

    So if you see " love spell with payment based on results“- don’t rush to “peck”: most likely, this is a hoax. After all, they take payment for the love spell in advance. Why did this happen? Yes, because this is the specificity of a magician’s work.

    How does a magician work?

    Let's say you want to do love spell without prepayment. You discover real magician. You order a love spell with payment according to the result. The magician begins to carry out love rituals. After the period has expired (a week, 2, or more), having not yet achieved a result, you decide for some reason to refuse.

    But who will pay in this case for the magician to begin the ritual of love spell, lapel, etc. (for which the necessary ingredients were also purchased), time spent, effort?

    It’s not possible for a sorcerer to return what he spent on a client with the help of magic. Because this is again a waste of time and energy.
    It is for this reason that it was decided that sorcerers accept payment for love spells in advance.

    What happens if you run away from paying for the magician’s help?

    Probably, only in Russia are there magicians who grab money and do not do their work, as well as people who accepted help but refused to reward it. How to spot a scammer, charlatan from a real magician- a separate topic. But if you do not come across a charlatan, most likely, if you do not pay for his work, you will regret it. It can damage you, destroy the result of your work, and cause harm. He will be offended, so what good can you expect from him? All this will happen quite naturally, verified by negative experience.

    But what if the sorcerer has done the work, but the result is not visible? According to statistics, a love spell works in 70-80% of cases, provided that it was carried out by a real specialist, not a fraudster (who does not carry out anything) and not a beginner. Apparently, it is best to pay for the work, since the result does not always depend on the magician. There are such difficult circumstances that even the pros fail.

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