How to find water for a well: a review of effective methods for finding an aquifer. Drinking water well depth

A well is an amazing device that allows you to use water supply for any need and at any time, without depending on utilities. But in order for the water to be suitable for domestic purposes, the depth of the well must be observed. drinking water. It is not difficult to determine it, knowing some of the nuances and conditions of cultivation.

Everyone knows that a well is a type of well, so the size can vary from minimum dimensions to large sizes deep down. In addition, the depth of the well may depend on other factors. It is worth considering each of them in detail, characteristic of Russia.

There are several reasons by which it is easy to determine the required depth:

In some cases, when all attempts to clarify at what depth to make a water source have not been successful, exploratory drilling is used. It is worth noting that this service is paid and each meter will cost you about 400-600 rubles.

Attention! Remember that there are sources that do not require and do require permission from government agencies. Thus, you can use a source without tax if it is 3-5 m deep, and wells of 15 meters or more require permission from the appropriate authority. You can check with the authorities how much the annual fee will be.

Aquifers: their types and location

It is enough to simply extract moisture from the earth's thickness, but to do this you still need to know what levels of occurrence exist; you should definitely find it first aquifer and only then start drilling.

The aquifer is divided into three types. Please note that when you try to dig a well with your own hands, you may encounter several levels of natural liquid. The first is located near the surface of the earth, its approximate depth is 3-6 meters (exactly how much depends on the terrain and geological structure). Can this liquid be called drinkable? Details can be clarified only after an examination; moreover, this layer usually does not meet sanitary standards, but such water will be ideal for watering the garden.

We continue drilling, now the aquifer can be found at a depth of 10 to 17 meters. Almost always this level of occurrence is ideal for domestic use, but it is still worth checking. However, the composition of the liquid can change depending on the time of year. In spring, the water can be filled with rainwater and precipitation. Sometimes drinking water smells like hydrogen sulfide.

The third layer can be located at a depth of 25-45 meters, which may vary depending on the type of terrain. How many meters deep into the earth do artesian levels lie on your territory can be found out from the authorities state power. In this case, your well must be permitted. It is imperative to determine the suitability of a liquid for everyday use in order to eliminate the risk of poisoning by various metals and gases.

Types of water wells

Conventionally it is customary to divide autonomous sources water supply into three types:

The Abyssinian well is located at a depth of 8-13 meters. This water supply option can be used for cooking and other household purposes. The design differs in that when precipitation falls, the perched water does not enter this layer. No matter how many of them fall out, the structure will be reliably protected.

A sand well is constructed using an auger drilling method and is located 15-20 meters below the ground surface. The water from here enters the pipeline mostly clean, since sand is an excellent natural filter. Such a source can be used both year-round and periodically.

An artesian well has ideal water quality, which is drilled to great depths. If in the private sector it is hit in the range from 15 to 50 meters, then for production purposes the source can reach 200 meters. Its service life is at least 45 years, of course, if maintenance is carried out regularly. It is worth remembering the capabilities of the source.

Attention! How long it takes to drill a source to get a perfectly pure liquid, which we call suitable for drinking, depends on the area and the needs of the owner. The lower the depth of the well, the higher the likelihood of regularly using purified moisture.

We build a well for drinking water with our own hands

It is often better to cultivate a well for everyday use with the help of special companies. They will help you determine the optimal depth and will do everything without consequences. Of course, if you have the skills to do the job, you can do it yourself. So, in the process it is necessary to act strictly in stages:

  • It is worth correctly determining the type of drilling of the source and how much time and effort it will require. This stage is carried out in order to facilitate your work in certain conditions, since some methods will not be appropriate due to the geological structure of the soil;
  • we prepare the equipment and the place where your source will be located (again, we recommend consulting with the authorities local government, they will tell you where it is best to place it;
  • if it is planned to install a caisson and equipment near the source, we prepare a pit of specific dimensions, how much its height will be, decide on the basis of the installed equipment;
  • Next, we drill the first section of the future well, then install the casing. How strong it will be depends on experience and the chosen material;
  • We return to drilling the next few meters. We strengthen the hole with pipes and twist them using threads (if they are prepared) or clamps;
  • As soon as you reach the sand or clay layer, you need to reduce the drilling speed. Here it would be advisable to start pumping and cleaning the filled pit;
  • a few minutes after cleaning you should see clear water. At this stage you can complete the recess and install the bottom filter, otherwise you may need to go down another 1-4 meters to get into another layer;
  • Now we move on to the final stage. We fix the column, check its tightness and install the lid.

In the future, you just need to equip the caisson and purchase everything necessary equipment and lay pipelines to water intake points. How long this will take depends on the employee’s capabilities.

Drinking water well depth

One of the most important indicators for a summer resident is the drilling depth, because the price of drilling work is calculated based on the depth. Our practice shows that most people do not understand what the depth of the well should be. It is generally accepted that at shallow depths there is little water, at great depths there is a lot of it. Accordingly, a shallow well is sufficient for a summer cottage, but a deep one is needed to supply water to the house.

These are all myths, now we will clarify this issue and tell you how to find out how many meters to drill a well.

How to find out the depth of water for a well

On at the moment There are no 100% ways to check the depth of water before drilling. Even geophysicists will not be able to accurately determine.
So how do you know how deep to drill a well?
There are 4 working tips:

  • Ask your neighbors how many meters of well they have. But they can hide real data, don't be surprised by that. It sometimes happens that even in neighboring areas there can be significant differences in depth.
  • Ask the drillers. Companies that have been operating in your area for a long time have probably already drilled every square meter and know the approximate depths.
  • Find maps of well depths in the Moscow region on the Internet and look at the points closest to you.
  • Drill an artesian well. Everything is clear here, you order and they will drill for you until the limestone is exposed, after which you will find out the result.

Optimal well depth for drinking water

A person who has nothing to do with drilling thinks something like this: the water starts at 10 meters and the deeper, the cleaner and purer it becomes, and starting from 40 meters (relatively speaking), it is as clean as possible. This water is potable, and the well for such water is called artesian. This gives rise to the classic question: “at what depth is drinking water?”
Having learned this depth from someone, people want to drill a fixed well of 70 meters, or 30 or 100 meters.

All these are misconceptions! There is no optimal well depth.

We also often hear similar words: “I don’t need a lot of water, I just need to water the area.” Some people believe that if a well is drilled on summer cottage and the water will go mainly for irrigation, then you can drill shallowly. This is a myth and let's find out why it is not true.

At what depth does an artesian well begin?

In the generally accepted sense, an artesian well in the Moscow region is considered to be a well drilled to aquiferous limestone, hence its second name - a well for limestone. But at what depth the drillers will open these limestones, this will be the “optimal well depth.” Water may be contained in other rocks, but in the Moscow region they are drilling for limestone. Since the geology of the area is heterogeneous, such aquifers can lie at both 20 meters and 200 meters. And no one will accurately say the exact depth of their occurrence.

They don't drill to depth, they drill to water-bearing rocks!

By opening these rocks, you will get a well with a certain flow rate (productivity). It is selected according to this flow rate and your goals. submersible pump and then it doesn’t matter whether this water is used for irrigation or for the home, the pump will pump as much as it can.

For a more accurate understanding of what to expect in your area, it is worth looking at a map of the depths of the Moscow region or returning to and using the tips from there. If you are not in the Moscow region, find a similar map of your region and find out at what depth your water wells are drilled, but all these are only approximate values.

What well depth does not require a license?

Just like the depth of wells, there is no maximum depth to which a well can be drilled without a permit. According to the Law “On Subsoil”, you can drill an artesian well if it does not exploit the aquifer used for centralized water supply to your settlement.
In addition, an ordinary summer resident who drills a well for his home and only for his own needs does not need a license.
You can learn more about the license.

How to check the depth of a well after drilling so as not to be deceived

And finally, let's get to the important point, how to verify the words of the drillers and find out how many meters they actually drilled. After all, it is generally accepted that a priori they want to deceive you.
After drilling has been completed, the drilling crew hands over the well to you and measures the depth. You must be present at this process, because it is you who signs the certificate of completion of the work and if something is wrong, then there will be no one to file a claim with.
The measurements are taken by drillers with their drilling tools, namely drill rods that have the same length (pictured). The rods are lowered to the bottom one by one, a mark is made on the last rod, then they are taken out and laid out. Next, take a tape measure and measure the length of the rod and multiply it by their number + part of the latter. It's simple. You have the right to try on at least every barbell.
As you can see in the photo, the rod is rigid metal and even if you wanted to, it is impossible to lower more into their well than necessary.
This is the simplest and most accurate method for measuring well depth.
Therefore, when a well is commissioned, come and check the depth so as not to do what we will write about later.

Practice shows that many do not trust this or were not on site when the well was commissioned and are simply sure that they were deceived. Therefore, having received a working well, they begin experiments, sometimes right on the day the drillers leave.

  • Classic case number 1.
    After reading articles on measuring depth (from theorists), you decide to lower a hammer, ax or other heavy element into the well. Everything would be fine, but those who recommend this method probably forgot that, at a certain depth (indicated in the passport), the well has a transition to a smaller diameter. Your hammer will rest against this smaller diameter and will not go any further; you will decide that this is the bottom and consider that you have been deceived.
  • Classic case number 2.
    Your hammer nevertheless entered this smaller diameter, sinks deeper and deeper into the water, the rope becomes heavy, and even if your object has reached the bottom, the rope itself continues to stretch under its own weight.
    And it's good if you can pull your hammer back. What often happens is that either the rope just breaks, or the hammer gets caught on something, you will yank on it and get the rope to break, or you simply won’t be able to get your hammer back.
    As a result, you lose the warranty, lose the opportunity to install a pump and get a new well that needs repair. They will try to repair it for you, but at a cost.

Sometimes depth-measuring services are provided by third-party workers whom you hired to install the pump. Their method is about the same - a weight on a rope. The result is the same as with self-measurement.
You can learn more about deception by drilling firms.

How to check the depth of an old well

Having bought a house with an old artesian well, or received an abandoned well in some other way, in the complete absence of documents for it, most likely it will be repair is not practical. After all, this costs time and money, and it is unknown whether there will be water at the outlet.
Perhaps, during the downtime, stones and debris were thrown into it, perhaps the casing pipes in it were torn, and if it is a sand well, then its service life has long expired and it is inoperable.
This is a lottery: you have to pay for logging, you need to buy a submersible pump according to the parameters of the well and try to pump it out. There is a risk that the pump will get caught on something, but only through this experience can you understand whether the well will work.
If there is no water and the pump has already been purchased, then you will have to drill the well again and hope that your purchased borehole pump fits her parameters.

Measuring the water level in the well

After the well has been drilled, the water level in the well is measured with a device that drillers call a cracker. When it hits water, it makes a popping noise, which allows you to determine the static water level.
The dynamic water level is determined differently: when water is pumped out, it is beaten off on rods, the underwater and above-water parts become slightly different colors. Based on this, it is easy to determine the dynamics.
You cannot throw a firecracker, even if the well is large in diameter and the pump is narrow, there is a risk that everything will get stuck.

All this work is carried out by drillers; there is no need to measure the water level yourself, especially since the pump is already installed. There is a very high chance of getting stuck measuring instrument, and repairs are very expensive. And it makes no sense to re-measure, everything has already been done and calculated for you.

The depth of a water well is an indicator on which the quality of water and the cost of drilling work depend. As a rule, it is the price of drilling that forces the site owners to control this parameter. After all, for every extra meter you will have to pay real money. If the work is carried out independently, then knowing the distance from the surface to the water surface is necessary for choosing and correct installation pumping equipment. Therefore, it is advisable to understand how to measure the depth of a well after drilling.

The scale of drilling depends on the location of aquifers in a given area and on the goals set by the owner of the site. If water is needed solely for watering plants, then it is enough to use the top groundwater, which can be located already 4-6 m from the surface. However, such water is most likely not suitable for drinking, so to organize a full-fledged water supply system, you will have to drill much deeper.

Interesting to know. When the water reaches the aquifer, it must be taken for analysis. If it contains a lot of pollutants and harmful elements, then drilling continues to the next horizon.

Professional drilling companies usually know the approximate depth of the aquifers before starting work, using a geological map of the area and their experience. In the case of independent drilling, you can find out the parameters of the well only after the process is completed.

Soil section and location of natural sources

Methods for determining well depth

There are several methods for taking measurements, which differ in accuracy, complexity and accessibility. Among them: simple mechanical method, accessible to almost every person, as well as more technological tools used for professional research.

Weight and ruler

For this method you will need a construction tape measure or ruler, a cord and a metal weight. To check the depth of the well after drilling, the load is carefully lowered down. The descent is carried out until the cord tension decreases, after which the homemade depth gauge is also carefully taken to the surface. Using a ruler, measure the length of the immersed cord, which will be equal to the depth of the well. In this case, by the size of the wet part one can judge the location of the water surface and the volume of the source.

Advice. For this method, you can use a special hydrogeological tape measure, which is made in the form of a flexible ruler with a weight at the end.

Despite its simplicity, this method has significant drawbacks. Firstly, it can be used to check wells no more than 10 meters deep. Secondly, the wet part of the cord will give an idea of ​​the static water level, while the dynamic level is important for pump placement.

Tools for easily measuring borehole depth

Logging cable with magnetic tags

The principle of operation of the magnetic method is very similar to the previous version, but is made with a more technological approach. In this case, a reel of logging cable and a reading device are used. Magnetic marks are applied to the cable at a certain distance, which are processed by the receiving device and provide accurate information about the position of the load. In the intervals between marks, the depth is determined by a special roller located on the reel.

This method is one of the most common when determining the depth of a well, since it gives an accurate idea of ​​the location of deep aquifers.

Acoustic depth gauge

The operation of the acoustic depth gauge is based on the echolocation method. An acoustic signal is sent into the well, which is reflected from the bottom and recorded by the device. The time delay between the output and input signal is directly proportional to the distance traveled.

This device is often used in the mining industry, but it can also be used to measure the depth of a water well. The only drawback of an acoustic depth gauge is its high cost.

Acoustic (echolocation) depth gauge

Can you trust the well data sheet?

If drilling is carried out by a drilling company, then the well is accompanied by technical passport, which indicates its main parameters. In the same document you can check the depth of the well. But is it worth trusting these indicators 100%?

It all depends on the professionalism of the company. No self-respecting company will deliberately add extra meters in order to gain additional benefits. Therefore, in this regard, it is necessary to work with proven and experienced specialists who have a good reputation. And it’s even better to be present during drilling operations, then you can personally verify the correctness of the calculation.

Advice. When using a specialized drilling rig, the depth of the well is measured after drilling is completed. To do this, count the number of rods used. It is advisable for the customer to be present during this process to verify the accuracy of the calculation.

Well drilling rods

When constructing a well, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including the section of the soil, the nature of the aquifers, the hardness rocks and much more. Independent drilling work is possible only in the case of shallow groundwater and low water quality requirements. If you want to organize autonomous system water supply based on a clean source, then without professional help can't get by. In this situation, you should not look for the most economical options. It is better to involve an experienced company and get a guarantee of full compliance with the real indicators and the data included in the technical passport of the well.

Video: measuring well depth

Equipment on personal plot water wells are not an easy task. Therefore, it is unacceptable to begin it without the involvement of qualified specialists.

Well drilling - preparatory stage

Even on the territory of one land plot An uneven distribution of aquifers cannot be ruled out. Therefore, choosing a place to drill a well is a rather complex, multi-stage process that requires the participation of highly qualified specialists.

And before determining the final drilling depth of the well, special preparatory work, including, inter alia, the study of the specifics of the relief and soil structure, test drilling, chemical analysis of water obtained during test drilling.

Aquifer level when drilling a well

The depth level of the future well (artesian or sand) is determined both by the depth of the groundwater layers and based on the tasks that the planned hydraulic structure will perform (irrigation, technical purposes, food consumption). The fact that swamps are located next to the planned well is also important, industrial enterprises, burial sites, farmland, often treated with toxic chemicals and pesticides.

Formed on the basis of sedimentary and melt water, the aquifer closest to the surface is called perched water. Its depth is no more than 5 meters. It is traditionally classified as an unstable source because, as a result of prolonged drought or low winter temperatures, such water can “leave”.

As for the quality of perched water, it is very low, containing a significant number of undesirable impurities and microorganisms that enter the water from the soil surface. However, if necessary, this aquifer can be used to equip shallow wells for technical purposes (irrigation, cleaning, etc.).

At a depth of 10 m from the surface, on the upper waterproof layer of soil, the next aquifer is located - groundwater. This is the result of filtration of waste and melt water, as well as the penetration of moisture into the soil from nearby bodies of water. Such water can be used for household purposes, but is not always suitable for drinking and cooking. Since thawed and waste water, penetrating to this depth, are not sufficiently filtered and may contain harmful impurities. As a result, water from a well no more than 10 meters deep may be cloudy, have an unpleasant color and odor. Most often this happens if the well is located next to a swamp or industrial area.

Below, between two aquifer layers, at a depth of up to 100 m, there is the next, third aquifer level - interstratal waters. This water is completely suitable for drinking and cooking. Moreover, its quality is higher, the greater the depth of the layer. The best option Wells with a depth of no more than 50 m are considered. Such a depth guarantees excellent water quality and longevity of the well (over 40-45 years).

It is important to remember that WHEN drilling wells with a depth of 10-20 meters or more, it is customary to isolate the upper aquifers using a pipe or special designs preventing water from entering the well.

About the beneficial qualities of artesian water

Water is recognized as the highest quality. This thick layer is located at a depth of 100 m. At the same time, artesian wells with a depth of more than 300 m are known. Special equipment is used for drilling artesian wells. The water in them is distinguished not only by its exceptional purity and high taste properties, but also, often, the content of useful mineral salts.

However, regardless of the depth of the well and the aquifer used, before using water for economic needs or preparing food, it is necessary to carry out laboratory testing to exclude the presence of pathogenic bacteria and harmful impurities in it.

Many doctors say that well water is the healthiest. It undergoes natural filtration. Due to the fact that its channel flows underground, it contains no impurities of dust, dirt, or harmful elements that are found on the surface of the earth.

If you are the owner own home or dacha, you are very lucky, because you have the opportunity. It is quite difficult to do this on your own. It is better to rely on specialists in this matter. But the cost of such work depends on the depth of the well, and checking the footage is quite difficult. Most people have no choice but to take the employees' word for it. Of course, there is another option: following the advice, check the depth of the well yourself after drilling.

In addition to monitoring the cost of work, the channel parameters should be known in order to correctly install. Specialists in the field of well drilling must guarantee the provision of a passport for it. It also contains hole parameters.

In order to check the depth of a well after drilling, you must:

  1. Having a passport.
  2. Availability of a pump.
  3. Measuring tool.
  4. Weighting material for immersion of the meter.
  5. Rope.

Having a passport will help you navigate the approximate parameters of the well.

In addition, it contains certain information:

  1. Water level.
  2. Depth indicators.
  3. Casing pipe diameter.
  4. Maximum water filling limit.

If a passport is not available, this happens with independent authorities, it will be a little more difficult to measure these indicators.

Procedure for measuring depth

In order for the measurements to be as accurate as possible, such work should be carried out at a certain time of year at a certain temperature.

It is best to do this in the second half of the summer in calm, dry weather.


  • Measure the dimensions of the hole radius.
  • Attach the weight to the edge of the rope.
  • Submerge the rope until you are sure that the weight has touched the bottom.
  • By pulling out the rope, you will see the water level and actual depth.

This way you can determine statistical depth indicators. There is a concept - dynamic deep indicators.

To measure dynamic data, pumping equipment must be used. The process itself is quite simple. Its essence is that pumping equipment pumps out all the water from the well, after which the measuring rope is lowered into the hole. There will still be a certain amount of water remaining at the bottom - this will be dynamic data.

Important! Don’t forget to put hoses and a filter mesh on the edge of the pump. This is necessary to prevent dirt from getting into the equipment.

How to determine the required depth?

Determining the depth of drilling a water well is quite simple. When the first aquifer is reached, water samples are tested. If the results do not contain harmful elements, the depth is considered sufficient. If they exist, the depth continues to increase.

Location of natural sources in the section

If the work is carried out by specialists, they are already familiar with the approximate parameters based on the geological map of the area. If you do it yourself, you will only know the exact parameters when the final layer is reached.

Determining the depth of a well using a logging cable

You can check on your own how deep the well was drilled using another popular method. This method requires a logging cable with magnetic marks located at a certain interval. They provide information about the depth indicators of the dive. A screen located on the top of the cable reads this data. If the depth is at a level between the marks, its indicators are determined using special marks on the cable.

Determining the depth of the well using acoustic depth gauge

The device's operation scheme is very simple, but it is one of the most exact ways. In addition, it is the easiest to use. This device can be rented.

The essence of the work is that the device sends signal waves deep into the well. They are reflected from the bottom and come back. Using the entered formulas, deep indicators are calculated.

Acoustic depth gauge

Cost of work

When issuing a passport for a well, it is customary to believe the indicators indicated in it, but it is better to check everything yourself.

If you do not want to waste your time double-checking the parameters, it is better to contact well-known companies with extensive experience and a good reputation.

The cost depends on the parameters. It is calculated only after completion of the work. Initially, you may be given an approximate cost based on the geological map and other data. The exact price is determined by how many special rod elements were used.

It is the quantity of these elements that you should control.

The process of measuring the depth of a well using drill rods is shown in the video below.

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