How to wind a wire mesh. Step-by-step instructions - how to do a mesh hairstyle

Any woman on a holiday wants to look beautiful and elegant. One of the ceremonial styling options is a mesh hairstyle. To create a mesh you need to take several successive steps.

Unusually fashionable for school

Hair net or, as it is also called, chain mail - original, nice option hairstyles She looks very feminine and romantic. Perfect for dinner in a restaurant, festive evening, special event.

Laying features

Its main advantage is that it suits absolutely everyone. It is woven even for small children. The styling looks especially good with a braid, curls, or an elegant roller.

This type of weaving is suitable even for slightly dirty hair. The mesh adds variety to your look and will last all day. Especially if you fix it with styling varnish.

What you need to know about this hairstyle:

  1. Weaving is suitable for long or medium hair. You can, of course, try to style short hair this way. However, this process is troublesome and often doomed to failure.
  2. Wavy strands significantly complicate the weaving process. Before you start styling, you need to lightly wet and comb your curly hair.
  3. To create a hairstyle thick hair, do not take very thin strands. They will get lost on your head.
  4. A style with a large number of rings will only work on long hair.

Variety of options

Before learning this styling, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its main types. Weaving can be done as follows:

  • half of the head. In this case, the ends of the strands are gathered into a high ponytail;
  • all over your head. The ends of the strands are attached to any in a convenient way: collected in a ponytail, bun, braid;
  • on the tail. The bulk of hair enclosed in a net looks very beautiful;
  • on a certain part of the head: in front, behind, on the sides. Watch the video of various hairnet hairstyle options;
  • on the temples. Weaving is performed only on the temporal part of the head, and the remaining curls remain loose, flowing freely along the back;
  • diamonds of different sizes. The installation is complicated, but the result is excellent.

Performance technique

Now all that’s left is to figure out how to do your own hairstyle. We will consider two options: holiday and children's.
Below are instructions with a photo for a festive styling option with a hair net.

  1. Prepare the following accessories: 5-6 clips, hairpins, comb, tight elastic band, varnish and iron.
  2. Separate a strand of approximately 2-3 cm along the forehead. Try to keep the parting even.
  3. Separate the strand behind the ear. It is needed to make three rows of mesh.
  4. Gather the remaining strands into a ponytail.
  5. Start weaving the first row. Take thin strands from your forehead and twist them together. Each new strand should go on top of the previous one.
  6. Pull the twisted strands tightly and secure them with a clamp.
  7. Having completed this row, proceed to the second. Remove the left clip and separate some of the hair you originally left behind your left ear.
  8. Twist the strands and secure. Connect the strand on the left side with the previous one. Complete the entire second row using this technique.
  9. Complete the entire second row using this technique.
  10. Twist the remaining third strand behind the ear with the first strand from the second row.
  11. By analogy, complete the third and subsequent rows.
  12. Once installation is complete, remove all clips and adjust the weave.

Gather the remaining hair into a ponytail and tie it with an elastic band. It can be styled beautifully, for example, braided, or twisted into a flower from a braid or strand. Look at the photos of mesh installation of various options.

The second option is a mesh for little princesses made from rubber bands:

  1. Prepare accessories: a flat comb with a long end, about 40 small rubber bands, one large elastic band.
  2. Separate a row of hair with a horizontal parting. Gather the rest of your hair at the back of your head.
  3. Divide your hair into equal squares and tie the strands into ponytails. Subsequently, weaving will be made from the ponytails, so they must be neat and identical.
  4. Take the ponytail and divide it into two parts. Do the same with the adjacent ponytail.
  5. Connect the inner halves of the two ponytails and secure with an elastic band. The result is the tail of the second row. The process of creating a hairnet style is shown in more detail in the photo. Complete the entire first row using this technology.
  6. Complete the entire series using this technology.
  7. Carry out the second row in the same way: collect the inner halves of the ponytails and tie them with elastic bands. Each new ponytail should be located in the middle of the partings of the first row.
  8. Make two more rows like this.
  9. Unravel the remaining strands, comb them, and gather them back into a neat ponytail.
  10. Braid your ponytail.

To make your hair net look festive and solemn, decorate it with accessories (see video):

  • fresh or artificial flowers;
  • multi-colored ribbons or bows;
  • beautiful combs or hairpins;
  • stilettos with stones.

If you looked at the step-by-step braiding instructions and realized that you cannot do this hairstyle yourself, contact a beauty salon. The table shows approximate prices performing ceremonial styling:

To create original styling, weave the mesh with diamonds different sizes. You'll have to practice, but the results are worth it.

The technique is similar to the classical one. Only in this case you need to alternate large squares with small ones.

To prevent the end result from looking too chaotic, use the advice of professionals:

  • reduce or increase the squares smoothly: from the crown to the back of the head or vice versa;
  • do not alternate different-sized figures in one row. It's complicated and looks ugly;
  • a mesh with squares of different sizes is always woven with elastic bands. The weave method is not suitable for this hairstyle, as the squares will turn out uneven;
  • Decorate your hair with different accessories. Attach flowers to large squares, and beads or bobby pins with pearls to small ones.

On many types of equipment, especially armored vehicles, meshes are used, the purpose of which is to protect the air intakes and ventilation holes from the ingress of foreign objects, but do not interfere with the passage of air. On models, imitation mesh is either given in plastic or photo-etched. Both options do not suit many people, and there is only one way left - to imitate the mesh, in fact, with a mesh.

The meshes that suit us vary in the material from which they are made (copper, brass, nylon, etc.), the size of the cells, and the method of extraction. The sources are very different (all kinds of strainers, filters, etc.) and here the principle is the same - I saw, I appreciated, I got it. The main places to search are traditional - stores (household stores, auto parts, building materials).

For example, a good fine mesh costs filter coarse fuel purification for UAZ vehicles and is inexpensive, 20 rubles.

In general, depending on your luck. I accidentally found a good copper mesh, with cells slightly smaller than 1mm, at work, complete with couplings for a 6kV cable. And, of course, he “got” it. Of course, with the consent of our cable guy!

Another good option is nylon ribbons for children's bows, but they are only suitable for simulating flat mesh.

The mesh can simply be cut to size and glued onto the Super Moment. But, often, the cells should not be square, but have a diamond shape. Then the grid square, cut with a significant allowance, is given form rhombus by stretching it diagonally. Then you need to fix this form. To do this, you can pour SuperMoment onto the mesh and, before the glue hardens, carefully blow out the cells (be sure to follow safety precautions - do not inhale glue vapors and work on a sheet of paper so that the drops fly onto it, and not where they want). Or you can apply paint or varnish, but in this case the fixation will not be so strong. And then cut it out knife, By line, the desired fragment, making a tolerance of 1-2 mm on all sides for gluing and observing the direction of the lines and the grid pattern.

The mesh is glued from the inside, at the same Super Moment. It’s better not to use your fingers - the mesh, for some reason, sticks more readily to the skin than to the plastic. For fixing before the glue sets, it is better to use tweezers or a brush handle.

If the prototype mesh has a frame or frame, then you can do this. In thin plastic an internal “window” is cut out, glued onto the mesh and, after the glue has set, a frame of the required width is cut out.

The same can be done using foil, pushing through imitation rivets or bolts from the inside. The design is flexible and takes any single curvature shape. It is only advisable to “go” a little over the foil with sandpaper from the inside out, for better adhesion to the glue.

The photographs show how much better the mesh looks than its imitation, plastic or

Modern construction requires the use of many building materials, among which metal mesh is of great importance. It is equally used as an improvised material during the construction of structures, for example, when facing walls or in concrete screed, and as a means of improving the quality and strength of building materials.

DIY metal mesh

In addition, metal woven mesh is very popular in household, where with its help they build a fence around land plots, are used in the manufacture of cells and in many other cases. You can purchase such important material both in our store and make it with my own hands. Moreover, the process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. This will require a wire of appropriate length and thickness and a certain amount of effort.

To start work, you need to prepare a metal bus, for example, made of aluminum, approximately 70 - 80 cm long. The width is arbitrary - it depends on the required mesh size of the mesh being manufactured. Apply to the division bar at regular intervals. After this, wire required diameter should be trimmed, and then proceed directly to work. One end of the wire must be held at the first division with your left hand and wound, successively moving from the tire itself until the wire runs out. In a similar way, as many blanks are made as needed.

The next stage will require a flat area, for example, a floor, on which the process of weaving the mesh will take place. First, one wavy piece is placed on the floor, onto which a second one should then be braided, twisting the wire around its own axis. After one workpiece has been prepared, you should proceed to the next, continuing the process until the mesh is completely ready. The size of the prepared tire and the distances set between the marks on it affect what the dimensions of the mesh cells will be. Its height depends on the length chosen for the workpiece.

Using a handheld machine

In the event that it is planned to produce metal mesh in large quantities, it is advisable to choose mechanized method weaving, which is more productive. This method involves using manual machine, which you can also make yourself. Its components are the following elements:

  • Machine base.
  • A knife, which is a plate whose purpose is to wind turns.
  • An auger, which is a pipe with through puzzles representing a spiral.
  • A mechanism equipped with rollers to tension the wire.
  • Shaft controlled by a special handle.

The knife plate and screw are the main elements of the machine. They ensure the process during which the wire is curled by a spring.

Using the machine, the process of making mesh becomes quite simple. The machine itself should be firmly secured to the table. The prepared coil of wire is placed next to it, passing one end of the wire between the rollers, and installed in the mechanism intended for winding.

Using the handle, the mechanism is rotated, producing a wire that is already bent at the output. Rotate it until the length of the workpiece reaches the required dimensions, after which, using wire cutters, the wire is cut off. The next piece of wire is passed into the loop and the handle of the machine is rotated. Thus, the new workpiece captures the loops of the previously made one. The blade is increased with each new workpiece and so on until the required length of the blade is reached. Using pliers, bend the ends of the wire along the edges of the mesh.

The TsPVS mesh is very popular; you can purchase a ready-made mesh on the company’s website.

How to weave mesh for a rabbit cage

Anyone who is involved in keeping and breeding rabbits or animals may have to face the fact that metal mesh is required to make cages for rabbits. I suggest weaving it manually, without any machines. True, producing a significant amount of mesh requires perseverance, patience and skill. This whole process is not complicated, but quite painstaking.

To weave a mesh, you need to have aluminum or iron wire with a cross-section of 2.5–3.5 millimeters. The iron wire should be soft. It is difficult to weave steel wire, and sometimes it is completely impossible to wind it around a bar. Such wire must be annealed, that is, heated red-hot over a fire and allowed to cool little by little in the air. After such processing it will be easier to work with.

For many years I have been weaving nets of various lengths with meshes of any size, which is very convenient in the production of cages for rabbits. In the absence of iron wire, I am content with aluminum wire. Pieces of various lengths are suitable for this task.

If it is necessary to cut a thick woven wire, then I do it according to the length measured in advance plus for various technical errors of 5–10 centimeters. I straighten the unraveled and uneven wire by wrapping it around a stump or pole of significant diameter. It is allowed to make a certain number of turns by taking one end of the wire with pliers and holding the other with your hand.

I just finished weaving a mesh about 100 meters in size, almost 1.5 m high, which is intended for a fence around the house and garden. She came out light and beautiful. For the mesh that is planned for the fence, the cells can be made in a separate configuration and larger.

Before you begin, you need to make a bar of arbitrary length for winding wire (figure above), and a device for removing the spiral of wire from the bar (figure below).

Device for removing a spiral of wire from a bar: 1 - scarf (2 pcs.); 2 - groove for advancing the bar; 3 - a hole for attaching the device (4 pcs.), a template for stretching the spiral (figure below), pliers, wire cutters and, finally, hammer the nails onto wooden board or the wall of a barn.

Fixing a spiral of wire stretched according to a pattern with nails on a veneer or the wall of a barn

I attach the device for removing the spiral of wire from the bar to the workbench. I make the groove in it 1–2 millimeters larger in relation to the width of the bar. I round all the edges on the plank, making them smooth and even. The cone (B is 2–3 millimeters smaller than A, first picture) is necessary to make the spiral easier to remove. First of all I make a template. I take a pre-measured piece of wire, wind it around the bar - roughly 8 rows based on the calculation when the mesh size should be 80 centimeters with a bar width of ten centimeters. The mesh length can be any. The turns of wire on the bar should be adjacent to each other as tightly as possible. After winding the wire, I lay the bar flat and along its length I beat the entire spiral a little with a hammer, then it will be easier to remove. I remove the spiral from the bar using a special device. Into its groove I insert a strip with a wide edge wound with wire, and I hit the upper, smaller edge with a hammer, and the spiral flies off it. Subsequently, I stretch it and fix it on the board. Now the template is ready.

I make the turns of the wire in one direction, otherwise weaving the mesh will not work. I hang the first spiral stretched according to the template on nails driven into a board or barn wall. Subsequently, I begin to weave the spirals into one another to the required length of the mesh. I nail the latter with nails, and if there are none, then with staples made of iron wire.

The finished mesh (if you do not need a very long length) does not need to be rolled into large coils (rollers). The easiest way to build a fence from poles directly on site in the same way as when weaving the mesh itself is to combine it by weaving the beginning of another into the end of one link.

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