What is the name of the doctor who treats throats? Symptoms and treatment of major throat diseases

November 3, 2015

Experts themselves claim that by pathological changes in the condition of the nasopharynx one can understand which organ systems of the patient are currently involved in the inflammatory process. This is explained by the fact that in the throat area there are tonsils and lymph nodes, which are responsible for human immunity and good health. There are other signs by which an ENT specialist can identify disorders of specific organs.

The main areas of expertise covered by an otolaryngologist

All pathologies and diseases that ENT treats are divided into 7 areas of knowledge:

  1. Rhinology

This area of ​​knowledge includes all diseases that develop in the nasal cavity and accessory cavities. ENT eliminates infectious inflammation, polypous growths, and neoplasms. It also treats decreased or loss of smell and stops frequent or heavy nosebleeds.

  1. Laryngology

This includes pathologies associated with inflammatory processes in the throat. An otolaryngologist treats problems with swallowing function and vocal cord disorders. If a patient has a sore throat, a hoarse voice, or a tumor has formed, a specialist can eliminate all these diseases.

  1. Otology, neurootology

This area includes ear diseases. ENT treats infectious or neurological problems, eliminates tinnitus, dizziness, pain in the neck and face. Injuries to the hearing organs or the development of tumors can reduce the ability to maintain balance, so coordination problems can also be treated by an otolaryngologist.

  1. Pediatric otorhinolaryngology

All disorders associated with congenital or acquired defects in the neck, nasopharynx and ears are dealt with by a pediatric otolaryngologist. The specialist solves problems with infectious inflammation of the tonsils, otitis media, bronchial asthma, allergic reactions, and tumors.

  1. Allergology

Despite the fact that the treatment of allergic reactions is carried out by a specialist allergist, allergies that affect breathing disorders in the nasal cavity and larynx are most often eliminated by an ENT specialist. Since minor irritants, such as plant pollen or household dust, most often cause rhinitis, which, due to lack of treatment, can develop into sinusitis, otitis media or pharyngitis, even after consulting an allergist, the patient should see an otolaryngologist.

  1. Surgery

An otolaryngologist does not perform plastic surgeries; the clinic provides medical care in the office of an ENT surgeon. A specialist is consulted in cases of deviated nasal septum, injuries to the nose, face, neck, deformities of the ear, eyelid, etc.

The seventh area of ​​knowledge is aimed at eliminating problems that are localized in cervical spine and the patient's head. As a rule, the doctor treats cancerous or benign tumors of the larynx, esophagus, mouth, nose, sinuses, neck, etc.

Otolaryngologist surgeon: area of ​​activity

A specialist who deals with complex treatment of the ear, nose and throat, performs plastic or reconstructive operations, and also removes tumors surgically is called an otolaryngologist.

Basically, such a doctor helps eliminate problems, disorders or diseases of the upper digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, hearing organs. He also treats disorders that are localized in the structures of the neck and head associated with the above organs.

Diseases related to the field of activity of an otolaryngologist surgeon:

  • Speech pathology, hearing disorders
  • Allergic reactions, immune problems
  • Endocrinology
  • Neurology
  • Prevention and treatment of neoplasms, consequences of injuries

Their responsibilities include removing polyps, tonsils, correcting the nasal septum, piercing the maxillary sinuses, inserting implants into the inner ear, etc.

If patients require such an otolaryngologist, the clinic in each city provides the services of a surgeon who can correct defects, disorders or pathologies of the ear, nose and throat using professional surgery.

Pediatric otolaryngologist

According to statistics, almost 80% of children under the age of 3 experience diseases of the ears, neck and nose. The best otolaryngologist for the treatment of infectious or congenital pathologies is a pediatrician who specializes in the treatment of inflammation that develops in tiny respiratory organs child.

Parents whose children suffer from ear infections, decreased or loss of hearing, difficulty breathing through the nose or throat, developed sinusitis or sinusitis, enlarged tonsils, etc. come to see a specialist.

When should you make an appointment with an ENT specialist?

As soon as a person experiences discomfort in the nasal cavity, when swallowing, or hearing worsens, he should definitely see an otolaryngologist. In an ideal state, people are not bothered by the process of breathing or swallowing food. They hear well, smell normally, and are not bothered by noise or ringing in the ears. If unusual obstacles do appear, this may be a symptom of some serious pathological disorder. To prevent the development of irreversible processes, you should make an appointment with an ENT specialist as early as possible.

For example, alarming symptoms may include:

  • Nasal discharge or prolonged nasal congestion that prevents you from breathing with your mouth closed
  • Decreased sense of smell
  • Pain in the upper jaw, forehead, temples
  • Intermittent or long-term painful sensation in the nose, which may radiate to the eye and back of the head
  • Enlarged lymph nodes

The best otolaryngologist does not always use the services of a surgeon. If the patient needs a puncture of the maxillary sinus or a deviated septum, the specialist will be able to perform the operation himself. This reassures many patients who are afraid to contact different surgeons, trusting only their ENT specialist.

Otolaryngologist Day: a great opportunity to thank qualified doctors

The professional holiday of ENT specialists is celebrated on September 29. Moreover, this date is recognized not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Since ancient times, there has been such a medical direction as the treatment of ENT organs. Information about diseases of the ear, nose and throat is mentioned in the treatises of specialists from ancient Greece, Egypt and India. It contains information on how pathologies were treated.

The anatomical structure of the upper respiratory tract is closely related to the hearing organs. The nasopharynx, oral cavity and ear canals form unified system, through which an infectious pathogen can spread. If inflammation is not diagnosed and treated, it can become chronic and periodically bother a person throughout his life.

Currently, otolaryngology has advanced very far. Modern doctors are able to cure serious purulent inflammations in the paranasal sinuses, remove cysts, restore the sense of smell, and eliminate tumors. Domestic scientists and world specialists from this field of medicine made a significant contribution to the development the latest equipment, research of serious diseases and determination of methods for their treatment. It is thanks to ENT specialists that all patients have the opportunity to breathe freely, even after nasal injuries or infectious diseases.

The principles of diagnosing ENT diseases, as well as methods of their treatment, involve solving the patient’s problem in a comprehensive manner. This means that the doctor treats not only the consequences pathological changes, but also the very reason for the development of the disease. He also teaches patients how to preventive measures, promptly stop the occurrence of chronic relapses.

Otolaryngologist Day reminds people of the great contribution these specialists make to maintaining the health of the nation.

Throughout life, a person encounters many diseases, which it is not always reasonable to treat on their own. Sore throat is one of the most common among children and adults. But not everyone knows who diagnoses and treats tonsillitis, an ENT specialist, a therapist or an infectious disease specialist.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. rapid increase in body temperature up to critical;
  2. headache;
  3. difficulty swallowing associated with discomfort in the throat;
  4. weakness of the body. Reaches to complete exhaustion;
  5. in some cases, clouding of consciousness;
  6. cough.

The disease can cause complications in other vital organs. These are heart defects, sepsis, kidney and liver problems. This is especially true for the adult population, since children tolerate sore throat much easier.

Some try to treat the disease at home or run to the pharmacy themselves to buy antibiotics. However, the need for proper medical treatment plays an extremely important role in recovery. A natural question arises about which doctor should treat a sore throat - a therapist or an ENT specialist?

First, let’s look at what types of disease there are:

  • Catarrhal sore throat is the mildest. It is characterized by its rapid manifestation, the absence of plaque, and damage to the superficial layers of the tonsils. The throat is sore, dry and unwell. When swallowing, the pain radiates to the ear. It can last for several days, and then flows into the next form. It is usually diagnosed and treated by a general practitioner.
  • Follicular tonsillitis is characterized by the occurrence of redness and inflammation. Accompanied by headache and purulent plaque. Chills begin and the temperature rises significantly. Discomfort in the throat is pronounced. Weakness is accompanied by pain throughout the body.
  • Lacunar – has the most severe consequences. The tonsils are filled with pus. Unbearable pain in muscles and joints. Quite often they occur in the cardiac region. Children vomit. Lymph nodes are significantly enlarged. This form of sore throat is the most difficult to treat.

The difference between a general practitioner and an ENT doctor

What is the difference between a regular therapist and an ENT specialist? The first is characterized by a wide range of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This doctor treats various types colds, acute respiratory infections and flu. In addition, the therapist informs patients and makes a primary diagnosis. Prepares certificates and statements for other organizations, for example, the traffic police, fills out medical records.

Distribution among medical specialists is also part of the responsibilities of the therapist.

The second doctor has a narrow qualification. ENT treats diseases of the ears, nose, and oral cavity and deals with their prevention. These include rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media and other diseases. No wonder many people call it “ear-nose-throat”. An ENT performs surgical functions within the scope of his or her qualifications.

Where to contact


The therapist is the first doctor you need to visit. He will conduct an inspection. Without medical knowledge, the average person is often unable to independently identify the disease and, accordingly, correctly treat the disease. After all, there is a possibility that the ailment may not be a sore throat. In any case, a therapist will help.

The doctor will conduct a consultation and prescribe appropriate treatment. Prepare for the necessary examinations that the therapist will conduct. It is enough for him to examine the patient’s oral cavity and lymph nodes, after which he can make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment.

Tell your doctor about the medications you take for the first symptoms of a sore throat. In addition to the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional tests. Based on the information received, the therapist will prescribe treatment from a specialist, most often an ENT specialist.

If the disease is mild, the therapist will treat you directly. He will prescribe appropriate antibiotics, gargles and other medications. The therapist diagnoses a mild form of sore throat, so there is no reason for hospitalization for both the adult and the child.

As a rule, turning to specialized specialists, such as ENT, is quite problematic. But if there is a referral issued by a therapist, you will quickly get to an ENT specialist.

If a severe form of tonsillitis is diagnosed, you will be referred to an infectious disease specialist or otolaryngologist, better known as an ENT specialist. This doctor specializes in extreme forms of the disease.

The ENT examines the patient, collects the necessary information such as predisposition, genetics and frequency of the disease. Chronic sore throat is diagnosed and treated only by an otolaryngologist. Cases of tonsillitis requiring hospitalization are observed directly by an ENT specialist. This specialist writes a referral to the hospital. A ticket to an ENT specialist is issued by a therapist, but if it is obvious severe case tonsillitis, you need to go to an ENT doctor directly.

Application procedure

What is the name of an “ear, nose and throat” doctor? This question is very often asked by patients who have problems with the mentioned organs. After all, such a phrase is an unofficial name for a doctor. In this regard, in this article we will give a comprehensive answer to the question of who is an “ear, nose, throat” doctor. Among other things, from the presented article you will learn what diseases this doctor treats, when you need to contact him, etc.

general information

“Ear, nose, throat” doctor - what is this specialist called? In official medicine, such a doctor is called an otolaryngologist. As you know, patients come to him with complaints of ENT diseases. The work of such a doctor is related to the organs of smell and hearing, as well as the throat, neck and head.

Why is a doctor needed?

An otolaryngologist is a specialist who diagnoses and then treats various diseases related to ENT organs. It is not for nothing that such a doctor is available in almost every clinic. After all, the health of the ears, nose and throat is of particular importance. It is these organs that create the crossroads of the digestive and respiratory tracts, which react earlier than others to the effects of foreign agents, allergens, bacteria and pathogenic viruses.

Features of diseases of the ENT organs

“Ear, nose, throat” doctor - what is such a doctor called? If you urgently need this specialist, then in the hospital you should look for an office with a sign “otolaryngologist”. It should be especially noted that all inflammatory processes, which become the causes of diseases of the ENT organs, can occur in both young children and adults. Typically, such deviations indicate problems with the immune system. If it is lowered, then various viruses begin to freely enter the human body, which primarily affect the throat, nose and ears. If treatment of these organs is not started immediately, pathogenic microorganisms will spread throughout the body, leading to irreversible consequences.

What does an ear, nose and throat doctor do?

We found out what such a specialist is called. Now I would like to talk about what an otolaryngologist does when a patient comes to him.

  • Based on examination and tests, he makes a diagnosis and then prescribes the necessary treatment to the patient.
  • Performs operations for abnormalities such as abscess and hematoma in the ear or nose. In addition, the otolaryngologist performs punctures of the maxillary sinus, opening of tumors, washing, removal of hematomas and polyps.
  • He deals with tonsillectomy and adenotomy, that is, he performs throat operations.
  • Performs operations on the middle ear.
  • Performs also on the nose (to correct the position of the septum).
  • Performs hearing-improving procedures.

What does an otolaryngologist treat?

Not everyone knows what diseases such a specialist treats. If you are planning an appointment with this doctor, you should definitely find out whether you really need an otolaryngologist.

So, the competence of this doctor is the process of treating various diseases of the ear, nose, larynx, and pharynx. In addition, you can contact him with the following deviations:

When should you see a doctor?

In modern clinics there are two specialists in this field: an otolaryngologist for children and an otolaryngologist for adults. They both treat ENT organs, but their approach to patients is completely different. After all, infants and older children require special attention from the doctor.

So when is it necessary to contact an otolaryngologist? You should go to such a specialist if you or your child exhibit at least one of the following signs:

  • Mild tingling in one ear, noticeable hearing loss, or waxy discharge.
  • Pain: inflamed tonsils, discharge of pus, problems with the thyroid gland or larynx.
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing, frequent dizziness, severe snoring, sleep disorders, constant and disturbances in the growth of the facial skeleton.

What tests should be taken to see an otolaryngologist?

If you are planning an appointment with an ENT doctor, it is recommended to take the following tests in advance:

  • Smears and cultures. They are taken from the nasopharynx, pharynx and nose to identify meningococci, staphylococci and streptococci.
  • Taking material from the tonsils, maxillary sinuses and

If these tests are not enough to make a diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe another examination.

used by an otolaryngologist

To quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, each doctor uses his own methods. As for the otolaryngologist, he applies the following:

  • Endoscopic methods. They are considered the most accurate among all existing ones. They allow you to quickly identify the existing disease and its causative agent. To make a diagnosis, specialists take tissue for further examination.
  • Computed tomography is a unique method that makes it possible to obtain a “layered” image of organs and their tissues.
  • Magnetic resonance examination. This diagnostic method is carried out by exposing the human body to electromagnetic waves.
  • Ultrasonography. Used for tissue diagnostics using ultrasonic waves. On the positive side This method is that it does not have a harmful effect on the human body.
  • Rhinoscopy and audiometry.

Publication date: 26-11-2019

What is the correct name for a doctor who treats ears, nose and throat?

What is the name of the ear, nose and throat doctor, who is recommended to be consulted for inflammatory processes developing in the nasopharynx and oral cavity and injuries in these parts of the body? He is called a laryngootorhinologist, otorhinolaryngologist, or otolaryngologist. The science of otolaryngology studies everything related to the ears, throat and nose, which is why an ENT doctor is called that in everyday life. Young patients and elderly people most often need advice from this specialist. For children, an ENT doctor corrects congenital pathologies and treats various diseases caused by opportunistic microflora and viruses. For adults, it corrects age-related changes and provides assistance after injuries.

An otolaryngologist is a highly specialized doctor. His office is equipped with tools that require a certain skill to work with. For effective treatment, techniques using modern equipment are used.

Narrow specialization allows the otolaryngologist to study in detail all diseases of the nasopharynx and organ of hearing and possible complications, provide specialized assistance in difficult cases.

Otolaryngology involves conservative and surgical treatments, with the help of which the patient gets rid of the health problems that forced him to turn to this specialist.

When is an otolaryngologist needed?

An otolaryngologist is often required when pathological conditions associated with the ears, sinuses, septum, tonsils. An ENT doctor has extensive knowledge in such areas of medicine as:

  • audiology;
  • speech pathology;
  • allergic reactions;
  • immunology;
  • endocrinology;
  • neurology.

It is addressed if a foreign body is stuck in the narrow passages of the nasal cavity or inner ear. A bone stuck in the throat can be removed by this doctor using special tools. The organs that are examined and, if necessary, treated by an otolaryngologist include:

  • larynx;
  • pharynx;
  • tonsils;
  • maxillary sinuses;
  • nasal septum;
  • ears;
  • inner ear.

Adults come to this office when they experience temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. Apnea and snoring can only be cured by an otolaryngologist.

A visit to the office of an otolaryngologist is recommended for children who often suffer from sore throat, suffer from a chronic runny nose, or have a deviated nasal septum. An ENT doctor's office is visited when a foreign body gets into the ear, which has penetrated so deeply that it is impossible to get it out on your own.

You should visit an otolaryngologist if you experience any unpleasant sensations associated with your ears, throat or nose. Using special instruments, the doctor will examine the patient and give recommendations that can help prevent the development of the disease. This applies to people suffering from allergic reactions when interacting with various irritants affecting the nose, throat and ears.

You need to contact him if a facial injury occurs. The doctor will provide assistance and perform reconstructive treatment of abnormalities in the nose and ears. It corrects problems with voice and swallowing, motion sickness in transport.

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The principle of the specialist's work

At the first visit to the otolaryngologist, an initial examination is carried out, which, if necessary, includes the use of modern equipment. If there are complaints of hearing loss, the doctor uses a hearing analyzer to determine the causes of hearing loss.

If the patient needs urgent specialized care, therapeutic measures can be carried out in the otolaryngologist’s office aimed at clearing the ears, throat, and nose of accumulated pus and mucus. The doctor provides specialized care not only for the chronic course of the disease, but also in the acute period. It could be:

  • therapeutic lavage of the nasal cavity;
  • "cuckoo";
  • removal of sulfur plugs;
  • voice restoration activities;
  • correction of the nasal septum.

A deviated nasal septum can only be cured by surgery. With such a congenital or acquired pathology, breathing becomes more difficult and the sense of smell is impaired. Operations performed by an otolaryngologist on an outpatient basis require appropriate equipment.

In some cases, you will need an otolaryngologist who specializes in surgical intervention in the treatment of the ears, throat, nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses. An ENT surgeon conducts surgical operations associated with cancer of the head and neck. He is needed in the treatment of injuries in these parts of the body, and provides facial plastic and reconstructive surgery services.

An otolaryngologist may perform a stapedectomy. This is the name for an operation performed on the smallest bone in the human skeleton. This doctor performs surgeries used to correct hearing. He inserts a cochlear implant, which is made in the form of a small electrode. It is placed inside the inner ear and improves hearing.

If you experience ear pain that does not go away after instillation of warming drops, the help of an otolaryngologist is required. Any inflammatory processes and abscesses that appear on the auricle require examination in a doctor’s office. Timely treatment and proper treatment of one source of infection can prevent the occurrence of pathology in other ENT organs.

The appearance of mucus and pus from the ear opening is a serious reason to visit this doctor.

After examining the ears outside and inside using instruments to clarify the diagnosis, the ENT specialist prescribes treatment. For persistent diseases, he prescribes tests to determine the causative agent of the disease and adjusts the treatment.

For chronic and indolent diseases, an otolaryngologist can prescribe a study and carry out manipulations to alleviate the patient’s condition. In difficult cases, an operation is prescribed, which will be performed by an ENT doctor.

Tools and equipment used

There are a large number of instruments in the otolaryngologist's office. The headlamp is the identifying mark of this specialist. The arsenal includes an endoscope for examining internal cavities. There may be a telelaryngopharyngoscope with a telescope to help carry out complex manipulations. To examine the nasopharynx and nasal cavity, there is a rhinoscope and a nasopharyngeal speculum. There is a special hook for removing foreign bodies from openings in the cabinet.

Well-equipped patient rooms are equipped with a functional chair with a hydraulic drive. Private offices and clinics are often equipped with a specially created ENT unit, where there is a convenient place for examining and treating the patient.

It provides all the necessary systems with the help of which patient examination and medical manipulations are carried out. The kit includes a set of tools necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases.

Using this device, the ear, nose and throat doctor effectively performs the following manipulations:

  • sucks fluids from cavities;
  • washes them with disinfectant solutions;
  • massages the eardrums.

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Physiotherapy is used for treatment. The ultrasonic device “Tonsillor” produces a very good effect in treatment, which accelerates the regeneration processes of the affected tissues of the ENT organs. An otolaryngologist can carry out conservative treatment of hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil using a laser therapy device.

A doctor of this specialization, working in a well-equipped office, does not need to redirect the patient to other specialists. He does his work independently with the help of support staff.

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