What are the street toilet tablets called? An effective remedy for cesspools: how to clean with chemicals

Biologically active substances or bioactivators are microorganisms that feed on natural waste, fats, paper, organic fibers, etc. Thus, bacteria help solve the problem of cleaning country toilets, neutralizing unpleasant odors and processing wastewater. The preparations include a concentrate of specially grown bacteria, enzymes and enzymes. Each type of microorganism settles in the area most suitable for it to live.

Bioactivator for a toilet in the country - principle of operation

Despite the wide variety of modern disinfectants, their composition and method of use do not differ significantly. All bioactivators for country toilet contain bacterial strains that have proven themselves in terms of their useful qualities. Once in a favorable environment with a certain temperature, humidity and a set of organic substances, bacteria begin to actively multiply, releasing enzymes that speed up the process of processing household waste.

Advantages of cleaning a country toilet with the BioBak bioactivator:

  • avoiding damage to structures made of various materials;
  • liquefaction of sediment accumulating at the bottom of the system;
  • absence of harmful effects on the environment and human health;
  • automatic disappearance of microorganisms after performing their functions;
  • reducing the frequency of pumping out the structure.

Before you buy bacteria for outdoor toilet to the dacha, you should decide what form of release: liquid or granular would be better suited for your situation. The poured or poured drug is effective if there is a sufficient level of water in the container. Only then will it be spent as efficiently and economically as possible. It is recommended to prevent toxic substances and medications from entering the bioactivator. In order to enhance microbial activity, the dose can be increased.

Bacteria for the toilet in the country

There are products based on either aerobic or anaerobic microorganisms. Biological products are characterized by a mixed composition of living bacteria. In fact, they function as vacuum cleaners that activate natural cleansing water.

Aerobic types engage in high degree biochemical decomposition, producing small amounts of solid sediment. During their activity, they emit heat and release carbon dioxide without causing bad smells. Anaerobic bacteria for a country toilet do not require oxygen. They provide primary waste treatment. Thanks to the combination of microorganisms organic matter decompose and rot, and the sewage system is cleaned.

The combination of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria for a toilet in a country house allows you to free 98% of wastewater from sewage. However, their functionality is conditioned by stable use of the system. Temporary conservation will provoke the death of organisms.

Buying a bioactivator

Dear customers, you can buy the BioBak bioactivator in our online store. The catalog presents several types of our drugs. If you have any questions about the use of bacteria for country toilets, our consultants will be happy to advise on the products presented.

In our online store you can also:

  • purchase the necessary ones.

Many people prefer to live outside the city, away from the polluted metropolis, close to nature, enjoying clean air, birdsong and other delights village life. But the rustic lack of amenities in the house does not attract; on the contrary, it frightens and repels a person accustomed to civilization.

In the city, you don’t have to think about arranging amenities; apartments there have a centralized sewer system, which you can use conveniently without thinking about how everything works and happens. But to the owner country house I have to think about this. There you have to install septic tanks and cesspools, and then monitor their operation, since they require regular maintenance. In general, worries and worries. But everything will be easier if you understand the issue.

Helpful information ! The pit and septic tank are filling up, and the smell is inevitable. Of course, not very pleasant. Vacuum trucks, which often have to be called, pump out the contents. It must be said that during their work and for some time after their departure the smell is still the same. The enjoyment of clean air is spoiled.

To eliminate odor and for disinfection, some use bleach or some other chemical. All these drugs are aggressive, they corrode metal and even concrete; as a result, the septic tank fails and needs to be replaced. Extra hassle and expense, and what a waste! Fortunately, there is a completely harmless method that gives the same result and even better. This is a bacterial cleaning method. Let's consider it.

How cesspool products work

This method introduces microorganisms into the drain. They are grown in special laboratories and are non-pathogenic, that is, harmless. Everything that falls into a septic tank or drainage pits that a person needs to get rid of - soap solution, fat, feces, and so on - is food for them. The bacteria eat everything, leaving only water, and it is quite clean. Part of this water goes into the ground itself, the remains are pumped out, but this is no longer the unpleasant work that is carried out by sewer cleaners in a septic tank without bacteria.

These microorganisms are called bioactivators for cesspools. Before use, they sleep in a convenient container. Once in the water or septic tank, they begin a vigorous process of vital activity, the result of which can soon be noticed by the decreased unpleasant odor.

Helpful information! In 4 hours the smell can decrease by 60%.

This method is harmless to all living things and plants, this is its huge advantage. It is also harmless for buildings - be it iron, plastic or concrete. This is also a big advantage this method. In winter, if the toilet is cold, this method is unacceptable; bacteria live only at above-zero temperatures of 4 degrees. The upper limit is 30 degrees.

Anaerobic bacteria

These are bacteria that live quietly in a septic tank or cesspool and do not require oxygen. They need either nitrates, or sulfates, or carbon.

As a result of their activity, the waste ferments and sinks to the bottom, the wastewater is clarified and made quite clean.

Aerobic bacteria for cesspools

These bacteria cannot live without oxygen and will die. For their life to function, air must be pumped into the septic tank with a compressor. Colonies of these bacteria live on fabric shields. They also clean drains well.

The simplest septic tanks use anaerobic bacteria. IN complex systems There are usually two stages of cleaning. At the last stage, aeration occurs, and aerobic microorganisms come into play. In addition, biological products contain enzymes. They serve as catalysts for the decomposition of organic matter.

Efficiency of biological products and release form

The effectiveness of the drug depends on the concentration of bacteria in it; the form of release is not important. The relationship is direct: the more bacteria, the better.

The packaging indicates how much wastewater this product can handle. This must be taken into account, because if there is not enough money, the microorganisms will simply die without bringing any benefit. IN different means different numbers of different bacteria.

Here again the connection is direct, the greater the variety, the better. Good indicator for the product is a small final sediment indicator.

The drugs are available in different forms:

  • It may be liquid;
  • Possible powder or granules;
  • Packages that will self-dissolve in water;
  • Cassettes with bacteria. But this is already for treatment plants.

Cleaning cesspools - tablets or powder?

The drug in tablet form should be chosen if the feces are intended to be subsequently used as fertilizer. Thus, the choice of drug depends on the further fate of the feces and how they are going to dispose of them later. Using a tablet of feces and toilet paper turn into a colorless and odorless liquid. The bacteria remain at the bottom of the sludge, which can be used as fertilizer. One tablet is enough for cubic meter waste.

Helpful information! If purified water is going to be used for watering plants, you need to take powder or liquid. The resulting liquid will be clean in appearance and odorless, but this, of course, is water, suitable only for technical needs, and not for humans or animals. In this case, just as in the previous one, a mass with bacteria remains at the bottom; it can be used as fertilizer for the garden and fruit trees.

The liquid preparation can be used immediately after purchase, you just need to shake it. Before use, the powder or tablets must be kept in clean water without chlorine to wake them up. One liter of liquid biological product is usually enough for a pit with a volume of 2000 liters. When choosing a bioactivator for cesspool the one that requires less water to operate should be preferred.

The best way to clean a cesspool

We need to look at how many solid components the bacteria can process. The better they do this, the less sediment remains at the bottom, the less often it will be possible to thoroughly clean the sewer.

It also takes into account whether people live in the house permanently. The septic tank works fully if it is fed by the residents. If the owners come to the dacha occasionally, it is better to buy bacteria that activate the cleaning system. In addition, it is necessary to take into account what kind of septic tank is present - a local structure or a true septic tank.

What is harmful to biobacteria?

When buying biological products, you need to learn as much as possible about bacteria. What are they afraid of, what conditions are irreconcilable for them. It would be a shame if the microorganisms died and the money wasted. You need to know the rules in advance and be sure to follow them.

Should know that the liquid level in the septic tank should be at least 2 cm higher than the solid level. Bacteria cannot coexist in an environment lacking moisture. This can be corrected by adding water to the septic tank. The sewage system must be used constantly, since bacteria need constant feeding. Without this, if the sewage system is not working, they can live no more than 2 weeks, then they will die.

Chlorine and substances containing it, for example, powders with antibacterial additives, are very dangerous for bacteria. Water after washing with such powders should not be poured into a septic tank if bacteria are working there. It is also detrimental to bacteria if antibacterial drugs get into the septic tank. This is, for example, manganese. Such products may be contained in water purification filters.

Other chemicals - paint solvents, hydrogen peroxide, car wash waste, acids - should also not enter the septic tank with bacteria. Polyethylene and plastic are not food for bacteria. If an unwanted substance somehow gets into the pit, you must immediately add water and new bacteria. They do the same if the system has not worked for a long time and needs to be restored. For these purposes, a drug labeled “Start” is well suited.

Popular drugs

The bioactivators that have gained the most popularity among users are the following:

  • The drug Sanex. It is a brown powder. Suitable for septic tanks and cesspools. Has a positive effect on pipes. The waste is converted into water suitable for irrigation. One package of the drug lasts for 14 months.
  • "Micropan cesspool." This drug is mainly for summer residents. It is produced in tablets, one tablet per cubic meter of waste. Water and sludge after this preparation are used as fertilizer. For small country toilets, a “Micropan toilet bucket” is produced; it comes in liquid form and granules. Half a liter of the drug will last for 3 months.
  • Atmosbio drug. This is a powder, there are 24 doses in a package. One dose per week. Do not allow the drug to dry out,
  • Dry preparation ROEBIC. This excellent solution for any type of septic tanks and cesspools. The package is designed for 5 cubic meters of waste.

- this is a product that has become firmly established in the everyday life of owners of country real estate, where there is no possibility of connecting to central sewer networks. Excellent cleaning tool Wastewater is a septic tank, but without special bacteria it becomes a simple tank or pit for the accumulation of feces and human waste. The work of a mixture of bacteria of different types turns the septic tank into a real biofactory for waste processing.

Thanks to the activity of these little “killers” of dirt, all biological waste is effectively processed into a safe mass, unpleasant odors are eliminated and environmental cleanliness is ensured on the site. In nature, these types of bacteria reproduce slowly; their biological cycle does not allow them to cope with large masses of waste. But man, this “crown of nature,” has developed effective technologies for the reproduction of bacteria for septic tanks in large quantities!

Method of use

  • Use once a year at the rate of 798 ml (one bottle) per 2 cubic meters. m. volume.
  • Before use, mix by shaking, pour into the toilet and flush.
  • After treatment, reduce the intensity of sewer use for a day.
  • When silting the entire system, use together with
  • In case of soap deposits, additionally use.

The product is completely environmentally friendly, harmless to humans, vegetation and animals. Manufactured by Roebic Laboratories (USA), and also under license Russian companies.

Bioactivator in tablets BioExpert (Poland)

A highly specialized product intended for cesspools and septic tanks closed type and ring sewers. Eliminates odors, quickly cleans wastewater and buildup inside pipes, and perfectly processes fecal matter in cesspools.

  • It is produced in tablet form and packaged in plastic containers from 2 to 12 capsules.
  • Cost of 1 capsule - from 215 rubles

Method of use

  • For 4 cu. m. volume of processed masses, one tablet of the drug is enough.
  • Before use, the dose is dissolved in water: 1 tablet per five liters of water.
  • The solution is poured evenly into a cesspool or septic tank.
  • To treat the sewer, you need to dissolve the tablet in the toilet and flush it.
  • A clean sewer system should not be treated with the drug.

The drug is safe for animals and plants, as well as for humans. BioExpert tablets are produced by the famous Polish biochemical company of the same name.

Bacteria for septic tank Roetech K-37 (USA)

One of the best bioactivators on the world market. Designed for complex treatment of sewer systems and septic tanks without direct air access (). Effectively decomposes biological masses, reduces the solid component of wastewater, removes blockages at the inlet and outlet of sewer systems, and decomposes harmful chemical compounds.

  • Available in the form of a suspension and packaged in plastic containers volume 950 ml (calculated volume - 2 cubes)
  • The average price of a bottle is 950 rubles.

Method of use

  • – The contents of the container are poured into the toilet or directly into the septic tank.
  • – One bottle is enough to treat 2 cubic meters. m. volume of septic tank.
  • – The container must be shaken well before use.
  • – The active period is at least six months.

The drug is completely safe for environment. Produced by the Russian company BioTechnologies of the 21st Century LLC under license from the corporation Roebic Laboratories, Inc.

Bioactivator for septic tank Biosept (France)

An effective bioactivator for all systems that use water flushing. Includes all necessary enzymes and enzymes. Operates in any environment, both oxygenated and without air access. It starts working very quickly, within two hours after treatment.

  • Available in powder form and packaged in 25 g bags.
  • one bag is designed for a container with a volume of 2 cubic meters / for 2 weeks
  • the cost of a sachet is from 55 rubles

Methods of use

  • Pour the required amount of the drug into the toilet and drain the water twice.
  • For 1 cu. m. volume, one sachet is enough for up to two weeks.
  • Cesspools are first treated with the drug and then filled with water.
  • – The product must be used regularly to improve the cleaning effect.

This safe and highly effective bioactivator is produced in France. Average price for Russian market is 650 rubles per 300 grams. drug.

Means for septic tanks Doctor Robik 109 (powder)

A potent combined bioactivator consisting of a set of soil bacteria in spores. Designed for use in any sewerage systems. It does its job well in both septic tanks and cesspools.

  • Available in powder form and packaged in 75 g bags.
  • Cost of 1 sachet - from 110 rubles

and delivery within the Russian Federation

Method of use

  • – It is recommended to use every month at the rate of 75 g. by 1.5 cu. m.
  • – For septic tanks: pour the drug into the toilet and rinse with water twice.
  • – For cesspools: dilute the drug in 10 liters of water and pour into the pit.
  • – It is recommended to carry out treatment at least once a month.

Produced by Roebic Laboratories (USA), as well as under license by Russian companies. The average price on the market is 135 rubles per bag. These bioactivators for the maintenance of sewage systems are most popular among consumers. And the quality of the bacteria’s action has been tested in practice by thousands of users in our country.

Sooner or later all owners country houses are faced with the problem of processing wastewater, waste, and feces. A properly selected antiseptic for the toilet in the country will help solve this problem, getting rid of harmful microorganisms and stench.

The article provides detailed review different types antiseptics, their application features, advantages and disadvantages are described. To make it easier to choose the right drug, we have listed the main criteria for a smart purchase, and also indicated the best manufacturers biological and chemicals.

The accumulation of wastewater and feces not only produces an unpleasant odor, but can cause soil contamination with toxic substances or become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

Various types of modern antiseptics allow you to effectively solve the problems of maintaining a cesspool or local sewer network country house

To get rid of them they are used various ways disinfection and recycling of waste that can be used in different types sewer systems.

Products for cesspools and septic tanks

For a long time, residents of small settlements used outdoor toilets equipped with drainage pits, which require periodic pumping using sewage disposal machines. Antiseptics can significantly facilitate this process by reducing the frequency of waste removal.

Nowadays, homes are often equipped with local sewer systems with septic tanks - special modules where waste is accumulated and disposed of.

  • Anaerobic bacteria, which thrive in the absence of oxygen. They are distinguished by their high productivity, which allows them to be used both for cleaning drains of dachas and country houses, and in local sewer systems of guest houses and campsites.
  • Aerobic microbes. Since they are able to exist and reproduce only in the presence of oxygen, the sewer system should be equipped with means of forced ventilation. With constant air injection, such bacteria do an excellent job of cleaning pits/septic tanks, but in the event of technical failures, their productivity drops sharply.

As a rule, modern biological products simultaneously use several types of microflora, belonging to both aerobic and anaerobic groups. This allows you to increase the efficiency of the products and promote uniform cleaning of the entire volume of the sewer system.

In this case, bacteria that require oxygen process waste located on the surface, while anaerobic microorganisms corrode the compacted bottom masses.

In addition to bacteria, biological products for toilets in the country include enzymes that accelerate the processes of fermentation and decomposition, as well as enzymes that enhance the effect of microflora on organic matter, and auxiliary substances.

Types of bioactivators for toilets and septic tanks

Biological products can be produced in different forms: in the form of liquid, powder, capsules, tablets, granules.

Not everyone can guess. At the same time, modern drugs can solve two main problems associated with the use of “yard amenities”:

  • the need for frequent cleaning of the drive,
  • unpleasant smell.

The smell is far from the only trouble with a country toilet. The mass that collects in the storage tank can be toxic in itself or become a source of spread of pathogenic microorganisms. This occurs due to the fact that putrefactive bacteria appear and actively multiply in the contents of the drive. Sometimes they are fought with the help of chemicals, but this method has its drawbacks:

  • Firstly, due to the toxicity of the compounds, the risk of getting into groundwater and harmful substances into the soil,
  • Secondly, chemical antiseptics kill all microflora, and in the “uninhabited” territory, putrefactive bacteria will settle again as soon as the effect of the chemical that is deadly to them weakens.

Bioactivator for country toilet contains colonies of specially cultivated bacteria, which displace pathogenic microflora. This method of struggle is not only more effective, but also gives a more durable result.

In turn, the “new settlers” that get into the storage tank from a bottle with a bioactivator contribute not to putrefactive processes, but to the decomposition and fermentation of organic matter. The difference between these processes from the user's point of view is fundamental - waste is converted into non-toxic and without harsh and unpleasant odor sludge or compost, instantly evaporating gases and water. The comfort and safety of using the toilet is greatly improved, even if it is not equipped with a more advanced cleaning system.

Types and composition of drugs

Bacteria for country toilets can be purchased at a specialized store. The product range usually includes several options for bioactivators.

  • Solutions popular due to ease of use. They are a ready-made composition that is poured into a cesspool through a sewer drain or inspection hatch, pumping hole, etc.
  • Dry formulations more compact and economical. Before use, they must be dissolved in water (the temperature and volume of the liquid must correspond to the parameters specified in the instructions for each specific drug. In dry form, bacteria for toilets in the country can be sold in powder or tablet form. If the shelf life of the bioactivator has not expired, the microorganisms retain their viability and, after entering a humid environment, enter the active phase. When mixing powder (tablets) with water, swelling of the particles can often be observed.

The capabilities of bioactivators for cesspools depend on their composition. Some can also “recycle” paper, fats and other substances. In order to increase the effectiveness of a bioactivator, several types of bacteria are usually introduced into its composition.

In order for the decomposition process to proceed evenly throughout the entire volume, combine aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The first ones require oxygen for life, so they are active on the surface and in a liquid environment. Anaerobic processes ensure the decomposition of a dense mass of sediment, compacted and almost solid. Such preparations can be used not only in toilets, but also in common storage tanks or treatment plants, where wastewater from the entire house is collected. In addition to bacteria, sewage and toilet products contain auxiliary substances that support the vital activity of microorganisms.

Thus, the composition of a good bioactivator for the toilet usually includes:

  • several types of cultures of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria,
  • enzymes that accelerate the processes of decomposition and fermentation and act as catalysts for biological interaction,
  • Enzymes are one type of catalyst for enhancing the effect of microorganisms on organic substances.

Read also: and its types.

Most popular drugs

When deciding how to clean a toilet in your country house with your own hands, choose an “assistant” from among the proven and most popular bioactivators.

Micropan– two types of drugs are produced under this brand. “Micropan cesspool” is a dry composition compressed into a tablet, characterized by a wide spectrum of action and high efficiency. One tablet is enough to process a cubic meter of waste, while Micropan also does an excellent job of decomposing toilet paper.

Micropan toilet bucket can be purchased in liquid or granular form. These compounds are fast-acting and can quickly eliminate unpleasant odors. Waste after treatment with Micropan of any type is environmentally friendly and can be used as a non-toxic and effective fertilizer.

Expel– a bioactivator for septic tanks and cesspools, available in the form of tablets or powder. When using it for the sewer system, just pour out the powder or throw a tablet into the hole of any drain. In the process of moving to treatment plant or a storage tank in pipes, the dry composition will itself dissolve in the liquid.

If Expel is added directly to a septic tank, it must be mixed with water first. A bioactivator of this type is capable of decomposing organic matter only in the presence of water. It cannot affect dry contents. Therefore, if the cesspool at the dacha or in the house is dry, you will need to add water to it to activate the composition.

Atmosbio– a universal drug that can clean a toilet cesspool or septic tank not only from solid sediment, but also from sludge, which distinguishes it favorably from analogues of other production. A special feature of using this type of bioactivator is the need for a large amount of water. When introducing powder into a cesspool, it is necessary to add up to a cubic meter of water per Atmosbio package. At this point, it is recommended to measure the level of wastewater in the cesspool, since after six months you will need to add a portion of the drug (the amount is less than the first time) and bring the level with water to the level obtained during measurement. This repeated introduction of the bioactivator makes it possible to maintain the bacterial population in the storage tank.

A drug Sanex It is imperative that it be dissolved in water before use, and it is desirable that the water be settled (to get rid of chlorine) and have a temperature of about +40° C. The solution can be introduced into a drain or inspection hatch.

Brand Bio Favorite presents a line of bioactivators separately for septic tanks and cesspools. The drugs are available in liquid form and have a wide spectrum of action, decomposing any organic matter. The advantage of bioactivators of this type is that there is no need for repeated infusions over a long period of time.

General rules for using bacteria

When using bioactivators for septic tanks, cesspools, bucket toilets, etc., it is important to observe certain conditions.

  • The drug is chosen in strict accordance with its intended purpose, since in addition to broad-spectrum drugs, there are also highly specialized ones that work perfectly in some systems and are completely unsuitable for others.
  • It is important to use bacteria in dry formulations and solutions in full accordance with the instructions, observing the dosage, introducing the drug into the drain or directly into the pit, ensuring the presence of liquid or other conditions necessary for the life of bacteria.
  • If the drive is not insulated, after finishing winter period The bacterial population will have to be renewed. Such microorganisms do not tolerate cold well and will most likely die in winter.
  • The death of bacteria can also cause a long interruption in the operation of the cesspool or toilet. This problem is typical for dachas with periodic visits.

“We live in a private house, we have 2 toilets: a septic tank and a cesspool. There is no smell coming from the septic tank, but there is from the cesspool. We learned from our neighbors about the Atmosbio bioactivator. We bought a pack of 24 sachets. The first time, according to the instructions, we poured 5 sachets into each hole, and then poured one sachet every week. After 4 weeks, we noticed the result: the level of sewage noticeably decreased and “cleared up”, the smell from the cesspool disappeared. I don’t think there will be a need for a sewer truck this season.”

Tamara Gennadievna, Stavropol

“I use Bio Favorite a little more than a year. The asking price is about 700 rubles for 6 months. I can’t say that there is no smell at all - but it’s not “that” birdhouse smell, and it doesn’t stink of bleach. I think that the drug is quite justified in terms of quality/price ratio.”

Maria, Podolsk

“We used Sanex for a cesspool at our dacha this summer. We chose him on the advice of a neighbor. For the first time in my life I used a bio-cleaner. I was shocked by the result. The contents of the pit have decreased significantly. The smell has completely disappeared. Previously, a characteristic “aroma” could be detected within a few meters, but after Sanex, it doesn’t smell unpleasant at all. It is very easy to use, the instructions describe everything in detail about the required dosages. We suffered for so many years and didn’t even know about such wonderful drugs. Now I tell all my friends with delight about my discovery and recommend this miracle biological product to everyone.”

Oleg Vasilievich, Kemerovo

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